Buses .edu

Power System Application Data Dictionary

Version: 2.1

Date: July 1, 1995

• Analog Data

• Application Miscellaneous Data

• Bus Data

• Company Data

• Connectivity Node Data

• Equivalent AC Series Device Data

• Equivalent Injection/Shunt Device Data

• Generator Data

- Generator Capability Curve Data

- Generator Grouping Data

- Generator Heat Rate Curve Data

- Generator Output Allocation Data

- Generator Rating Data

• Group Data

• Interchange Control Data

• Line Data

- Line D.C. Data

- Line Mutual Coupling Data

• Load Data

- Load (Voltage Dependent Model) Data

- Load (Voltage and Frequency Dependent Model) Data

- Load (Tabular Definition of Power vs Voltage) Data

- Load (Induction Motor Model) Data

- Load (Generator Dependent Model) Data

• Ownership Data

• Rating Data

• Shunt (Nonsynchronous) Device Data

• Station Data

• Status Data

• Switching Device Data

• Transaction Data

• Transformer Data

- Transformer Grouping Data

- Transformer Winding

- Transformer Manually Adjusted Tap Data

- Transformer Winding Rating Data

- Transformer TCUL Data

- Transformer Maunally Adjusted Phase Shift Data

- Transformer Automatically Adjusted Phase Shift Data

Analog Data

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Analog Number |Unique number identifying the analog | | | |Integer |

|AnalogNumber |information | | | | |

|Analog Set number |Number identifying the set of analog | | | |Integer |

|AnalogSet |values referenced by a device | | | | |

|Analog Name |Name of analog information | | | |Text |

|AnalogName | | | | | |

|Analog value source |Source of analog value | |Defaults to zero| |Integer |

|AnalogSource |where: | | | | |

| |A = application solution | | | | |

| |T = telemetry | | | | |

| |P = pseudomeasurement | | | | |

| |S = schedule | | | | |

|Type |Indicates what type this is, where: | | |Mandatory |Text |

|AnalogType |VM = Voltage Magnitude, Kv | | | | |

| |MW = Megawatts | | | | |

| |MR = Megavoltamperes- reactive | | | | |

| |MA = Megavoltamperes | | | | |

| |A = Amp | | | | |

| |TR = Transformer voltage Ratio | | | | |

| |TA = Tranformer Phase angle | | | | |

| |TT = Transformer Tap position | | | | |

| |VA = Voltage Angle, deg. | | | | |

| |FQ = Frequency | | | | |

|Analog Assigned Device |Indicates device type which is associated | | | |Text |

|AnalogAssignDevice |with values, where: | | | | |

| |BS = Bus section | | | | |

| |LN = Line | | | | |

| |TR = Transformer | | | | |

| |SW = Switching device | | | | |

| |GN = Generator | | | | |

| |LD = Load | | | | |

| |SH = Shunt | | | | |

| |IA = Interchange Area | | | | |

|Analog Location |Indicates location of a measurement on | | |Bus Number or |Integer |

|AnalogLocation |devices where multiple locations exist | | |Connectivity Node | |

| |(i.e., buses, lines, etc.), where | | |number is provided | |

| |location is the connectivity node number | | |based on setting of | |

| |(ConnectivityNodeNumber) or bus number | | |ModelConnectivityType | |

| |(BusNumber)of a measurement. | | | | |

|Analog Value |Numeric value | | |Sign convention of |Real |

|AnalogValue | | | |“flow” values is | |

| | | | |typically positve out | |

| | | | |of the bus section for | |

| | | | |series devices and into| |

| | | | |bus for shunt devices | |

Analog Data (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Analog Sign Reversal |Indicates that the sign of the value | | | |Text |

|AnalogSignRev |should be reversed before being used at| | | | |

| |the location indicated due to available| | | | |

| |value opposite normal sign convention | | | | |

| |of AnalogValue, where, | | | | |

| |blank = no reversal | | | | |

| |- = reverse sign | | | | |

|Analog Quality Code |Indicates quality of value, where: | |Defaults to G |Optional |Text |

|AnalogQuality |G = Good | |(Good) | | |

| |B = Bad | | | | |

| |UA = Unavailable | | | | |

| |DV = Default Value | | | | |

| |OV = Override value | | | | |

|Analog Use Code |Indicates utilization instructions, | | |Optional |Text |

|AnalogUse |where: | | | | |

| |U = Use if Good | | | | |

| |F = Forced Use (e.g., as external | | | | |

| |system reg. voltage or | | | | |

| |pseudomeasurement | | | | |

| |I = Inhibit Use | | | | |

|Analog Standard Deviation |Indicates one standard assuming “bell” | | |Mandatory |Real |

|AnalogStdDev |shaped curve (no bias) | | | | |

|Analog Estimated Value |Numeric value of the estimated value | | |Optional |Real |

|AnalogEstValue | | | | | |

|Analog Normalized Residual |Numeric value of estimated value | | |Optional |Real |

|AnalogNormResidual |divided by covariance | | | | |

|Analog Estimated Value Quality |Indicates quality of estimated value, | | |Optional |Integer |

|Code |where: | | | | |

|AnalogEstQuality |G = Good | | | | |

| |S = Suspect | | | | |

| |TC = Telemetry Correction | | | | |

Application Miscellaneous Data

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Base MVA |MVA base for perfor unit derivation|MVA |100. |Mandatory if non-p.u. |Real |

|BaseMVA | | | |information (Mw, Amps,| |

| | | | |etc.) provided | |

|Case title |User defined case title for data | | | |Text |

|Title |provided | | | | |

|Model Connectivity Type |Indicates what form bus model | |Defaults to |If BusSection, |Text |

|ModelConnectivityType |connectivity data is provided in: | |BusModel |switching device data | |

| |BM or BusModel | | |must exist to define | |

| |BS or BusSection | | |bus sections. | |

| |BO or Both | | | | |

|Post-Contingency Generator MW Response |Indicates method of assigning | | |Mandatory if |Text |

|ContingencyGenMWResponse |generator response to contingency, | | |contingency cases | |

| |where: | | |defined | |

| |RF = Use gen. response factors | | | | |

| |PC = Proportional to gen Mw | | | | |

| |capacity | | | | |

| |PO = Proportional to gen Mw output | | | | |

| |AI = Per area interchange control | | | | |


|Name |Definition |Units |Default |Constraints |Data Type |

|Bus Identifier, |Loadflow integer identifier,bus number | | |Mandatory; must be unique |Integer |

|BusNumber | | | |and > zero | |

|Bus Name |Loadflow character identifier,bus name| | |Mandatory; must be unique |Text |

| | | | |when used in combination | |

|BusName | | | |with base voltage - BasekV | |

| Bus base voltage, |Base voltage line-to-line RMS if a.c. |kV | |Mandatory; must be unique |Real |

|BasekV |; Line-to-ground if d.c. | | |when used in combination | |

| | | | |with bus name -BusName | |

|Final Bus Island |Electrical island in which bus is | | | |Integer |

|FinalBusIsland |loacated | | | | |

|Bus split indicator |Number of primary bus (BusNumber) from | | |Used when |Integer |

| |which this bus was split. Informational| | |ModelConnectivityType is BM| |

|SplitBusIndicator | | | |(i.e.,bus model) since no | |

| | | | |topology process to resolve| |

| | | | |bus sections is assumed | |

|Status |Indicates whether the bus is in service| |Defaults to In | |Text |

| |or not; | | | | |

|BusStatus |Out = out of service | | | | |

| |In = in service | | | | |

|Voltage Magnitude solved, |Magnitude of bus voltage. Solved value |per unit |Defaults to |Calculated by power flow or|Real |

|BusVmagSolve | | |unity |state estimation solution. | |

| | | | |This attribute may be used | |

| | | | |instead of BusAnalogSet for| |

| | | | |solution values. | |

| Phase Angle |Phase angle of bus voltage; zero for |degrees |defaults to |-360 < value < 360 |Real |

|solved, |d.c. bus. Solved value | |zero |Calculated by power flow or| |

|BusVangleSolve | | | |state estimation solution. | |

| | | | |This attribute may be used | |

| | | | |instead of BusAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

|Bus MW Mismatch |Net Mw not assigned to generator, load |MW | | |Real |

|BusMWMismatch |or shunt (or est. Mw on zero injection | | | | |

| |bus) | | | | |

|Bus Mvar Mismatch |Net Mvar not assigned to generator, |Mvar | | |Real |

|BusMvarMismatch |load or shunt (or est. Mvar on zero | | | | |

| |injection bus) | | | | |

|Bus Analog setVoltage Magnitude|Set number of analog measurement | | |Mandatory |IntegerReal |

|measured |forMagnitude of bus voltage. Measured | | | | |

|Mmag |bus voltages (AnalogSet) | | | | |

|BusAnalogSetNo | | | | | |

Buses (Continuted)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Bus Observability |Indication of bus observability from |degrees | |OptionalMandatory |Text |

|BusObservPhase Angle |State EstimationPhase angle of bus | | | | |

|measured |voltage; zero for d.c. bus. Measured | | | | |

| |value, where: | | | | |

|Mangle |U = Unobservable | | | | |

| |O = Observable | | | | |

| |OB = Observable Boundary | | | | |

|Bus Base Frequency |Bus base frequency; zero for d.c. bus |hertz |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusBaseFreq | | |system | | |

| | | |frequency | | |

| Bus actual frequency |Actual frequency at bus in per unit of |per unit |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusActualFreq |bus base frequency; zero for d.c. bus | |unity | | |

| Geographic Coordinate X |Approximate geographic location of the |not specified| | |Real |

| |bus along a given horizontal axis | | | | |

|BusCoordX | | | | | |

| Geographic Coordinate Y |Approximate geographic location of the |not specified| | |Real |

| |bus along a given vertical axis | | | | |

|BusCoordY | | | | | |

|Bus Location |Group set (GroupSet) number to which | | |Optional if |Integer |

|BusLocation |this bus belongs | | |BusStationLocation not used | |

| | | | |for defining stations | |

|Station Location |Station location (StationNumber) where | | |Optional. Should not be |Integer |

|BusStationLocation |Bus is located | | |used if BusLocation used to | |

| | | | |define stations | |

| Descriptive Text |Text describing this bus | | | |Text |

|BusDescription | | | | | |

| BusControl Objective Co Type |Type of BusType of voltage control | |Defaults to L | |Text |

|Code |objective | |or Load | | |

| |*L or Load (no control) | | | | |

|BusTypeCtrlCode | | | | | |

| |*CB or1 = control to target -Voltage| | | | |

| |target | | | | |

| |2 ControlToBand (Lower Voltage Control | | | | |

| |Limits, Upper Voltage Control Limit) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |*CT or ControlToTarget -(Voltage target| | | | |

| |- within Controlling Element limits) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |*S = Swing (Bus Fixed Voltage and | | | | |

| |Angle) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |*I = Isolated (Bus electrically | | | | |

| |isolated) | | | | |

|Voltage Target |Voltage magnitude setpoint |per unit | |Mandatory if control |Real |

|BusVoltTarget | | | |objective code (BusTypeCode)| |

| | | | |is CT1 or S | |

Buses (Continuted)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

| Lower Voltage Control Limit |Voltage control band lower limit |per unit | |Mandatory if BusTypeCode |Real |

|BusLowVoltLim | | | |is CB | |

| Upper Voltage Control Limit |Voltage control band upper limit |per unit | |Mandatory if BusTypeCode |Real |

|BusUpVoltLim | | | |is CB | |

|Bus volt limit ID (1...N) |Rating number assigned to limit | | | |Integer |

|BusLimitId |(RatingNumber) | | | | |

| Bus Voltage limit Value (1...N) |Rating Value for limit of this bus |As defined by | | |Real |

|BusLimitValue |for corresponding Rating ID |rating units | | | |

|Control priority code |Character string containing letters T| | |No leading blanks. Up to 4|Text |

| |S N and C ordered left to right in | | |characters long | |

|BusControlPriorityCode |Controlling Element priority | | | | |

| |T= transformer | | | | |

| |S= Synchronous machine | | | | |

| |N =nonsynchronous shunt reactive | | | | |

| |device | | | | |

| |C= d.c. converter | | | | |

|Commissioning Date |Date the device goes into service |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|BusCommission | | | | | |

|Decommissioning Date |Date the device goes out of service |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|BusDecommission | | | | | |

|Bus Ownnwership |Ownnwer of this bus (OwnershipSet | |Default = 0 |Active attribute if 100 % |IntegerText |

|BusOwnershipSet |number if not 100%, set = 0) | | |ownership can be assumed, | |

| | | | |otherwise ownership set | |

| | | | |number | |

|Negative Sequence Voltage |Magnitude of negative sequence |per unit |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusNegSeqVolt |voltage | |zero | | |

| Negative Sequence Angle |Phase angle of negative sequence |degrees |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusNegSeqAng |voltage at this bus | |zero | | |

| Zero Sequence Voltage |Magnitude of zero sequence voltage |per unit |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusZeroSeqVolt | | |zero | | |

| Zero Sequence Angle |Phase angle of zero sequence voltage |degrees |Defaults to | |Real |

|BusZeroSeqAng |at this bus | |zero | | |

Company Data

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Company Number |Unique number identifying | | |Mandatory, if this type |Integer |

|CompanyNumber |Company data | | |data is used by Station | |

| | | | |(StationCompanyLocation). | |

| | | | |Use of Company object is | |

| | | | |optional if Group Object is| |

| | | | |used to group Station | |

| | | | |(StationLocation) | |

|Company Name |Name of Company | | |Optional |Text |

|CompanyName | | | | | |

Connectivity Node

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Connectivity Node Number |Unique number identifying | | |Mandatory, if this type|Integer |

|ConnectivityNodeNumber |Connectivity Node where terminals | | |data is used; Numbers | |

| |of equipment connect through zero | | |used must be unique | |

| |impedance connections | | |within a given bus | |

|Connectivity Node Name |Name describing Connectivity Node | | |Optional |Text |

|ConnectivityNodeName | | | | | |

|Connectivity Node Analog SetVoltage |Set number of analog forMagnitude | | |Mandatory |IntegerReal |

|Magnitude measured |of bus voltage. Measured | | | | |

|Mmag |connectivity node voltages | | | | |

|ConnectivityNodeAnalogSetNo |(AnalogSet) | | | | |

|Bus Location of Connectivity Node |Bus Number (BusNumber) at which | | | |Integer |

|ConnectivityNodeBusNumber |Connectivity Node is located | | | | |

Equivalent AC Series Element Data

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Equivalent series element number |Unique number for the equivalent | | |Mandatory |Integer |

|EquivSeriesNumber |series element | | | | |

|Equivalent Series element Name EquivSeriesName|Name of equivalent series element| | |Mandatory |text |

| From Bus Identifier |Number of "from" bus of this line| | |Mandatory; If From|Integer |

|EquivSeriesFromBusNo |branch | | |Bus Name is | |

| | | | |ommitted | |

|From Bus Name |Name of “from” bus of this line | | |Mandatory If From |Text |

|EquivSeriesFromBusName |branch | | |Bus Indentifier is| |

| | | | |ommitted | |

|From Bus Section Number |Number of “from” connectivity | | |Required if |Text |

|EquivSeriesFromNodeNo |node connection of this line | | |ModelConnectivityT| |

| | | | |ype equal BS or BO| |

| To Bus Identifier |Number of "to" bus of this line | | |Mandatory; if |Integer |

|EquivSeriesToBusNo | | | |EquivSeriesToBusNa| |

| | | | |me is omitted | |

|To Bus Name |Name of “to” bus of this line | | |Mandatory if | |

|EquivSeriesToBusName | | | |EquivSeriesToBusNo| |

| | | | |is omitted | |

|To Bus Section Number |Number of “to” connectivity node | | |Required if |Text |

|EquivSeriesToNodeNo |connection of this line | | |ModelConnectivityT| |

| | | | |ype equal BS or BO| |

| Circuit Identifier |Alphanumeric circuit identifier | | |Mandatory |Text |

| |to distinguish among several | | | | |

|EquivSeriesCircuit |linesbranches joining the same | | | | |

| |pair of buses | | | | |

| Equivalent series element Status |Identifies line’s status | |Defaults to |Primary use if |Integer |

| |information in Status measurement| |unity |ModelConnectivityT| |

|EquivSeriesStatus |data via StatusNumber entry | | |ype = BM model is | |

| | | | |used (i.e., bus | |

| | | | |model with no | |

| | | | |topology | |

| | | | |processing) | |

| Equivalent Series element Analog Values Set |Identifies the set of the line’s | | | |Integer |

| |analog information in analog | | | | |

|EquivSeriesAnalogSetNo |measurement data via AnalogSet | | | | |

Equivalent AC Series Element Data (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Equivalent series device From MW Flow solved, |Magnitude of equivalent |MW | |Calculated by power flow |Real |

|EquivSeriesFromMWSolve |series device MW flow at | | |or state estimation | |

| |From end. Solved value | | |solution. This attribute | |

| | | | |may be used instead of | |

| | | | |EquivSeriesAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive out of bus. | |

|Equivalent series device From Mvar Flow |Magnitude of Equivalent |Mvar | |Calculated by power flow |Real |

|solved, |series device Mvar flow at | | |or state estimation | |

|EquivSeriesFromMvarSolve |From end. Solved value | | |solution. This attribute | |

| | | | |may be used instead of | |

| | | | |EquivSeriesAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive out of bus. | |

|Equivalent series device To MW Flow solved, |Magnitude of Equivalent |MW | |Calculated by power flow |Real |

|EquivSeriesToMWSolve |series device MW flow at To| | |or state estimation | |

| |end. Solved value | | |solution. This attribute | |

| | | | |may be used instead of | |

| | | | |EquivSeriesAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive out of bus. | |

|Equivalent series device To Mvar Flow solved, |Magnitude of Equivalent |Mvar | |Calculated by power flow |Real |

|EquivSeriesToMvarSolve |series device Mvar flow at | | |or state estimation | |

| |To end. Solved value | | |solution. This attribute | |

| | | | |may be used instead of | |

| | | | |EquivSeriesAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive out of bus. | |

Equivalent AC Series Element Data (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Commissioning Date |Date the device goes into |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|EquivSeriesCommission |service | | | | |

|Decommissioning Date |Date the device goes out of|MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|EquivSeriesDecommission |service | | | | |

|Equivalent Series Resistance, R |Series resistance of this |per unit on system base MVA| |Mandatory |Real |

|EquivSeriesSectionR |section |and section base voltage | | | |

|Equivalent Series Reactance, X |Series reactance of this |per unit on system base MVA| |Mandatory; for a |Real |

|EquivSeriesSectionX |section |and section base voltage | |d.c. line base | |

| | | | |frequency must be | |

| | | | |system frequency | |

| Shunt Conductance, +G |Total uniformly distributed|per unit on system base MVA|Defaults to | |Real |

| |shunt conductance of this |and section base voltage |zero | | |

|EquivSeriesLineShuntCond |series element | | | | |

| Shunt Susceptance, |Total uniformly distributed|per unit on system base MVA| |Mandatory; for a |Real |

|+B |shunt susceptance of this |and section base voltage | |d.c. line base | |

| |series element | | |frequency must be | |

|EquivSeriesLineShuntSuscept | | | |system frequency | |

Equivalent Injection/Shunt Element Data

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Equivalent inj/shunt element number |Unique number for the equivalent | | |Mandatory |Integer |

|EquivShuntNumber |inj/shunt element | | | | |

|Equivalent Inj/shunt element Name |Name of equivalent inj/shunt | | |Mandatory |text |

|EquivShuntName |element | | | | |

|Bus Identifier |Number of terminal bus (BusNumber) | | |Mandatory; If From|Integer |

|EquivShuntBusNo |of this line branch | | |Bus Name is | |

| | | | |ommitted | |

|Bus Name |Name of terminal bus of this line | | |Mandatory If From |Text |

|EquivShuntBusName |branch | | |Bus Indentifier is| |

| | | | |omitted | |

|Bus Section Number |Number of terminal bus section | | |Required if |Text |

|EquivShuntConnectivityNode |connection of this line branch | | |ModelConnectivityT| |

| | | | |ype not equal BM | |

|Commissioning Date |Date the device goes into service |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|EquivShuntCommission | | | | | |

|Decommissioning Date |Date the device goes out of service|MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|EquivShuntDecommission | | | | | |

|Equivalent inj/status element Status |Identifies shunt’s status | |Defaults to |Primary use if |Integer |

|EquivShuntStatus |information in Status measurement | |unity |ModelConnectivityT| |

| |data via StatusNumber entry | | |ype = BM model is | |

| | | | |used (i.e., bus | |

| | | | |model with no | |

| | | | |topology | |

| | | | |processing) | |

| Equivalent Inj/Shunt element Analog |Identifies the set of the shunt’s | | | |Integer |

|Values Set |analog information in analog | | | | |

| |measurement data via AnalogSet if | | | | |

|EquivShuntAnalogSetNo | | | | | |

|Equivalent Injection/Shunt Type |Type of equivalent device, where | | |Mandatory |Integer |

|EquivShuntType |PQ = PQ Injection | | | | |

| |GB = Shunt GB Admittance | | | | |

|Equivalent Shunt Conductance, +G |Total uniformly distributed shunt |per unit on system base |Defaults to zero| |Real |

| |conductance of this series element |MVA and section base | | | |

|EquivShuntConductance |if type = 1 |voltage | | | |

|Equivalent Shunt Susceptance, |Total uniformly distributed shunt |per unit on system base | | |Real |

|+B |susceptance of this shunt element |MVA and section base | | | |

|EquivShuntSusceptance |if type = 1 |voltage | | | |

Equivalent Injection/Shunt Element Data (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Equivalent Shunt MW solved, |Magnitude of Equivalent Shunt MW. |MW | |Optional; Calculated by |Real |

|EquivShuntMWSolve |Solved value | | |power flow or state | |

| | | | |estimation solution. This| |

| | | | |attribute may be used | |

| | | | |instead of | |

| | | | |EquivShuntAnalogSetNo for| |

| | | | |solution values. Positive| |

| | | | |out of Bus. | |

|Equivalent Shunt Mvar solved, |Magnitude of Equivalent Shunt Mvar.|Mvar | |Optional; Calculated by |Real |

|EquivShuntMvarSolve |Solved value | | |power flow or state | |

| | | | |estimation solution. This| |

| | | | |attribute may be used | |

| | | | |instead of | |

| | | | |EquivShuntAnalogSetNo for| |

| | | | |solution values. Positive| |

| | | | |out of Bus. | |


|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Generator Number GeneratorNumber |Unique Number representing | | | |integer |

| |generator | | | | |

|Generator Name GeneratorName |Unique Name for generator | | | |text |

|Bus Identifier GeneratorBusNo |number of bus (BusNumber) to | | |mandatory |integer |

| |which machine is connected | | | | |

|Bus Section Identifier |Indicates connectivity node | | |Mandatory when |integer |

|GeneratorConnectivitiyNode |connection point of generator | | |ModelConnectivityType equal BS | |

| |(ConnectivityNodeNumber) | | |or BO | |

|Machine Identifier |alphanumeric identifier to | | |Optional if Genertor number not |Text |

|GeneratorUnitNumber |distinguish among multiple | | |providedmandatory; must uniquely | |

| |machines at this bus | | |identify the machine when used in| |

| | | | |conjunction with bus identifier | |

|Generator |Identifies generator’s status | | |Primary use if |Integerinteger |

|Status |information in Status data via | | |ModelConnectivityType = BM model| |

|GeneratorElectricalStatus |StatusNumber entry indicates | | |is used (i.e., bus model with no | |

| |whether machine is connected; 0 | | |topology processing) | |

| |= disconnected 1 = connected | | | | |

|Machine Base MVA GeneratorBaseMVA |MVA base used in expressing |MVA | |mandatory; > 0 |real |

| |machine electrical parameters in| | | | |

| |per unit (may be system BaseMVA | | | | |

| |or machine base) | | | | |

|Machine Base Voltage GeneratorBasekV |voltage base used in expressing |kV | |mandatory; > 0 |real |

| |machine electrical parameters in| | | | |

| |per unit | | | | |

|Committment Group Identifier |Number of group GroupSet to | |defaults to | |integer |

|GeneratorCommitmentGroupSet |which this unit is assigned to | |zero | | |

| |indicate the unit changes status| | | | |

| |on or off-line together with the| | | | |

| |other machines assigned to this | | | | |

| |group | | | | |

|Generator MW output solved, |Magnitude of generator MW |MW | |Calculated by power flow or state|Real |

|GeneratorMWSolve |output. Solved value | | |estimation solution. This | |

| | | | |attribute may be used instead of | |

| | | | |GeneratorAnalogSetNo for solution| |

| | | | |values. | |

|Generator Mvar Output solved, |Magnitude of generator MW |Mvar | |Calculated by power flow or state|Real |

|GeneratorMvarSolve |output. Solved value | | |estimation solution. This | |

| | | | |attribute may be used instead of | |

| | | | |GeneratorAnalogSet for solution | |

| | | | |values. | |

Generators (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Generator Analog Values |Identifies generator’s analog information in Analog |MWMW | | |integer |

|GeneratorAnalogSetNoReal Power Output |data via AnalogSet entry real power flowing from | | | |real |

| |machine to bus identified | | | | |

|Dispatch Group Identifier |Number of group (GroupSet) to which this unit is | |defaults to | |real |

|GeneratorDispatchGroupSet |assigned to indicate that a single dispatch | |unity | | |

| |requirement is determined for the group as if all | | | | |

| |machines assigned to the group are dispatched as a | | | | |

| |single unit | | | | |

|Rated Power Factor |nameplate power factor | | | |real |

|GeneratorRatedPowerFactor | | | | | |

|Type Code or Codes |four-character code describing machine type | |as defined | |Text |

|GeneratorMachineType | | |under | | |

| |1st Character Type | |definition | | |

| | | | | | |

| |G Generator | | | | |

| |M Motor | | | | |

| |C Condenser | | | | |

| |P Pump/Generator | | | | |

| |O Other | | | | |

| |2nd Character | | | | |

| |S Synchronous | | | | |

| |I Induction | | | | |

| |O Other | | | | |

| |3rd and 4th Characters | | | | |

| |2P 2-pole machine | | | | |

| |4P 4-pole machine | | | | |

| |SD Salient pole with damping | | | | |

| |SN Salient pole - no damping | | | | |

| |HC Hydrogen cooled condenser | | | | |

| |AC Air cooled condenser | | | | |

| |CR Cylindrical rotor | | | | |

| |SR Squirrel cage rotor | | | | |

| |WR Wound rotor | | | | |

| |OT Other | | | | |

|Commissioning Date GeneratorCommission|Date the device goes into service |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|Decommissioning Date |Date the device goes out of service |MM/DD/YY | | |Date |

|GeneratorDecommission | | | | | |

|Generator Type GeneratorType |Identifier of generator type (Coal, Oil, Nuclear, | |Default = | |Text |

| |Combined Cycle, etc.) | |blank | | |

|Generator Ownership Set |Ownership set number (OwnershipSet) from Ownership | |Default = 0 | |Integer |

|GeneratorOwnershipSet |data (set = 0 implies 100% ownership by control area | | | | |

| |of terminal bus) | | | | |

|Generator Description |Text describing this unit | |Default is | |Text |

|GeneratorDescription | | |blank | | |

Generators (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Control Mode GeneratorControlMode |control model to be used | | | |integer |

| |PQ = hold Q constant at schedule real| | | | |

| |power output (PQ mode) | | | | |

| |PV = adjust Q to hold voltage Loband | | | | |

| |or voltage Hhiband at controlled bus| | | | |

| |respecting machine control parameters| | | | |

| |(PV mode) | | | | |

| |NL = adjust Q to hold voltage loband | | | | |

| |or voltage high band at controlled | | | | |

| |bus with no limits applied (PV mode) | | | | |

| |SW = case swing generator (adjust P | | | | |

| |and Q) | | | | |

| Controlled Bus Identifier |Number of bus (BusNumber) whose | |bus to which | |integer |

|GeneratorControlledBusNo |voltage is controlled by this machine| |this machine | | |

| | | |is connected | | |

|Generator Voltage Regulation |Generator Voltage control is | | | | |

|Conditions |activated: | | | | |

|GeneratorVoltageRegulationConditions |NO = not at all | | | | |

| |PR = pre-contingency only | | | | |

| |PP = Pre- and post- contingency | | | | |

| |PO = post-contingency only | | | | |

| Minimum Reactive Power Output |lower limit for reactive power |Mvar |defaults to |less than Maximum |real |

|GeneratorMinQOutput | | |zero |Reactive Power Output| |

|Maximum Reactive Power Output |upper limit for reactive power |Mvar |defaults to |greater than minimum |real |

|GeneratorMaxQOutput | | |zero |reactive power output| |

| Minimum Machine Operating Voltage |machine minimum operating voltage |per unit on machine|defaults to | |real |

|GeneratorMinOperatingVolt | |base voltage |0.5 | | |

|Maximum Machine Operating Voltage |machine maximum operating voltage |per unit on machine|defaults to | |real |

|GeneratorMaxOperatingVolt | |base voltage |1.5 | | |

|Generator MW solved, |Magnitude of generator output MW. |MW | |Optional; Calculated |Real |

|GeneratorMWSolve |Solved value | | |by power flow or | |

| | | | |state estimation | |

| | | | |solution. This | |

| | | | |attribute may be used| |

| | | | |instead of | |

| | | | |GeneratorAnalogSetNo | |

| | | | |for solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive into Bus | |

Generators (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Generator Mvar solved, |Magnitude of generator output |Mvar | |Optional; Calculated by |Real |

|GeneratorMvarSolve |Mvar. Solved value | | |power flow or state | |

| | | | |estimation solution. | |

| | | | |This attribute may be | |

| | | | |used instead of | |

| | | | |GeneratorAnalogSetNo for| |

| | | | |solution values. | |

| | | | |Positive into Bus. | |

|Real Power Participation Factor |number representing the | |defaults to | |real |

|GeneratorMWPartFactor |relative participation in this| |unity | | |

| |machine in adjustment of total| | | | |

| |real power flowing to this bus| | | | |

| |from all machines connected to| | | | |

| |it | | | | |

|Reactive Power Participation Factor |number representing the | |defaults to | |real |

|GeneratorMvarPartFactor |relative participation of this| |unity | | |

| |machine in adjustment of | | | | |

| |reactive power with respect to| | | | |

| |that of all other machines | | | | |

| |controlling voltage at the | | | | |

| |same bus | | | | |

|Generator Post-Contingency Response Factor |Percentage of generator MW | | | |real |

|GeneratorPostContRespFact |response to system | | | | |

| |post-contingency MW imbalance.| | | | |

| |Assume value will be | | | | |

| |normalized for each island, | | | | |

| |and does not need to add to | | | | |

| |100. | | | | |

|Low Control Power Limit MW |minimum real power at which |MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorLowControlMW |machine should be operated | | | | |

|Low Economic Power Limit MW |minimum real power to which |MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorLowEconMW |machine should be scheduled | | | | |

|High Economic Power Limit MW |maximum real power to which |MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorHighEconMW |machine should be scheduled | | | | |

|High Control Power Limit MW |maximum real power at which |MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorHighControlMW |machine should be operated | | | | |

|Commitment Priority Rank |commitment priority. 1 = | |defaults to | |integer |

|GeneratorCommitmentPriority |highest (i.e. must run) | |unity | | |

Generators (Continued)

|Name |Description |Units |Defaults |Constraints |Data Type |

|Startup Cost |cost per start |thousands of |defaults to zero | |real |

|GeneratorStartupCost | |dollars | | | |

|Effective Availability Factor |factor defining effective availability|dimensionless |defaults to unity | |real |

|GeneratorEffectiveAvailFactor |of the machine |probability | | | |

|Operating and Maintenance Cost |monthly O & M cost |thousands of |defaults to zero | |real |

|GeneratorOMCost | |dollars per month| | | |

|Real Power Dispatch Factor |factor representing the relative | |defaults to unity | |real |

|GeneratorMWDispatchFact |participation of the machines | | | | |

| |contribution in the total output of | | | | |

| |the dispatch group to which it is | | | | |

| |assigned | | | | |

|Fuel Cost |fuel cost |$ per million Btu| |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorFuelCost | | | | | |

|Scheduled Charging Power |scheduled real power flow from machine|MW | |mandatory; < 0 |real |

|GeneratorSchedChargingMW |to bus when charging; same sign | | | | |

| |convention as real power output for | | | | |

| |energy storage data | | | | |

|Scheduled Charging Reactive Power |scheduled reactive power flow from |Mvar | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorSchedChargingMvar |machine to bus when charging; same | | | | |

| |sign convention as reactive power | | | | |

| |output | | | | |

|Minimum Charging Power |magnitude of smallest real power |MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorMinChargingMW |output at which machine can be | | | | |

| |operated when charging | | | | |

|Maximum Charging Power |magnitude of largest real power output|MW | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorMaxChargingMW |at which machine can be operated when | | | | |

| |charging | | | | |

|Transient Reactance |machine transient reactance |per unit on | |mandatory |real |

|GeneratorTransientX | |GeneratorBaseMVA | | | |

| | |and voltage base)| | | |

|Subtransient Reactance |machine subtransient reactance |per unit on | |mandatory; |real |

|GeneratorSubtransientX | |GeneratorBaseMVA | | ................

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