Winona State University

Department of Chemistry

NCA 2001 Self Study

Special Emphases Accreditation



Prepared by: Dr. C.B. William Ng


November 24, 1999

Table of Contents

1. Basic Information 1

1.1 Mission of Department

1.2 Names of Faculty

1.3 Number of Students

1.4 Majors and Minors

1.5 Courses Offered

1.6 Extracurricular Programs

2. Summary of Significant Department Changes Since 1991 5

2.1 Staffing

2.2 Enrollment

2.3 Curriculum

2.3.1 General Changes (Majors, Classes, Requirements)

2.3.2 Changes Resulting Specifically from the Change to Semesters

2.4 Facilities

2.5 Equipment

2.6 Other Changes

3. Program Review Summary 15

3.1 Summary of Most Recent Program Review and the Consultant’s Report

3.2. Summary of Changes Made in the Department since 1989 Program Review

4. Assessment 17

4.1 Key Goals in the Department Assessment Plan

4.2 Indication of Progress made on Assessing Goals in the Assessment Plan

4.3 Process(es) that has(ve) changed as the Direct Result of Assessment

4.4 Self Assessment on the Progress that the Department has made on Assessment Plan

4.5 Identification of Perceived Strengths and Weaknesses of the Chemistry QAAP and its Progress

5. Accreditation 22

5.1 Summary of Accreditation History

6 Implementation of the Seven Principles 23

Student-Faculty Contact

Cooperative Learning

Active Learning

Prompt Feedback

Time on Task

High Expectations

Respect for Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning

Documentation Portfolio

NCA 2001 - Winona State University - Department of Chemistry

6. Basic Information

The Chemistry major was one of the original non-teaching majors introduced when Winona State Teachers College became Winona State College in 1957 (designated as Winona State University in 1975). The program (along with several other science programs) moved into third floor Pasteur Hall in 1962. The Chemistry Department presently occupies all of third floor Pasteur Hall (with some storage space in the basement) and one Polymer laboratory in Stark Hall (1992). Due to the addition of the Composite Engineering program and the increase in Nursing, Biology and Computer Science students, the Chemistry Department grew from seven faculty in 1987 to ten plus faculty in 1999. The Chemistry program consists of three majors: CHPS (Physical Science Teaching), CHA (Pre-Professionals), and CHB (approved by American Chemical Society [ACS] since 1987). In addition, the program offers four minors including specialities in Biochemistry, Polymers, and Teaching. The Chemistry program is presently one of seven academic departments in the College of Science and Engineering and is also the home department for the Southeastern Minnesota Analytical Service (SEMAS).

1.1 Mission of Department

The vision of the Chemistry Department at WSU is to be a department where students, faculty and staff work together to produce graduates in chemistry and other fields who are prepared to realize their personal goals and to make significant contributions toward a better world. By building upon previous achievements, the Chemistry Department continuously improves its educational processes, its outreach, and its methods of program evaluation, thereby making our program a benchmark for excellence in chemical education.

The Chemistry Department values:

A. an educational community where students, staff and faculty share academic goals and work together to strengthen teaching and foster learning,

B. an open community where freedom of expression is protected and where civility is affirmed,

C. a just community where each individual is respected and where diversity is encouraged,

D. a disciplined community where individuals accept their obligations to the group and where well-defined procedures guide behavior for the common good,

E. a caring community where the well-being of each member is supported and where

service to others is encouraged, and

F. a celebrative community in which the heritages of the institution, the department, and the chemical profession are remembered and both tradition and change are appreciated.

Given the above values, the Chemistry Department strives to provide students with high quality chemistry courses and endeavors to provide chemistry majors with a professional program in chemistry resulting, upon graduation, in their certification as professional chemists. As educators and professionals, we are obligated to provide the highest quality of service to the community. This mission has resulted in the development of the eighteen specific GOALS outlined in detail in the Department of Chemistry Quality Assurance and Assessment Plan (See Item 1: QAAP in Documentation Portfolio).

1.2 Names of Faculty

At present, all probationary positions are occupied by personnel with Ph.D. degrees in Chemistry. In all probationary searches, the minimum requirement for Chemistry candidates is a Ph.D. in Chemistry. The following table illustrates the qualification of the present faculty.

| | | | | |

|Name |Terminal Degree |Speciality |Status |Yr. joined WSU |

| | | | | |

|Mark Engen |Ph.D. Montana State Univ. |Environmental |Asst. Prof. - prob. |1997 |

| |1997 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Jeanne Franz |Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota |Analytical |Asst. Prof. - prob. |1996 |

| |1996 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Bob Kopitzke |Ph.D. Florida Inst. Tech. |Polymer |Asst. Prof. - prob. |1999 |

| |1999 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Myoung Lee |Ph.D. Univ. of Notre Dame |Biochemistry |Asst. Prof. - fixed term |1999 |

| |1988 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Charla Miertschin |Ph.D. Texas A & M 1992 |Inorganic |Assoc. Prof. - tenured |1993 |

| | | | | |

|Tom Nalli |Ph.D. Univ. of Rochester |Phys. Organic |Assoc. Prof. - tenured |1995 |

| |1986 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Bill Ng |Ph.D. Univ. of British |Physical |Prof. - tenured |1986 |

| |Columbia 1983 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Rill Reuter |M.S. Yale Univ. 1968 |Biochemistry |Asst. Prof. - fixed term |1998 |

| | | | | |

|David Rislove |Ph.D. NDSU 1968 |Syn. Organic |Prof. - tenured, retiring end of fall |1968 |

| | | |1999 | |

| | | | | |

|Bruce Svingen |Ph.D. Michigan S. Univ. |Biochemistry |Prof. - tenured |1987 |

| |1981 | | | |

Note that all major areas of Chemistry will be covered with the Synthetic Organic probationary replacement in Jan. 2000 and the Chemical Education/Information probationary position to be filled by fall 2000.

1.3 Number of Students

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Type |F89 |F90 |F91 |F92 |F93 |F94 |F95 |F96 |F97 |F98 |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Chemistry |42 |40 |32 |36 |49 |44 |36 |40 |46 |58 |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|CHPS |4 |5 |4 |2 |3 |4 |9 |8 |9 |15 |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Total |46 |45 |36 |38 |52 |48 |45 |48 |55 |73 |

Chemistry=chemistry majors (CHA, CHB)

CHPS=physical science teaching

1.4 Majors and Minors


CHPS: B.S. Physical Science Teaching Major

CHA: B.S. Chemistry Major - Option A (Pre-Medicine, Pre-Pharmacy)

CHB: B.S. Chemistry Major - Option B (American Chemical Society [ACS] certification)

CHEC: B.S. Environmental Chemistry Major (approved 1999)


Option A B.S. Minor Chemistry

BIOC B.S. Minor Biochemistry

Option B B.S. Minor Polymer Chemistry

Chemistry B.S. Minor Chemistry Teaching

The Chemistry program at WSU has been approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) since 1987. The ACS is the largest professional organization in the world and it sets guidelines and standards of operations for chemical education and chemical industries nation-wide. The approval means that graduates of our Option B major are certified as professional chemists by the ACS. The initial approval process involved an on-site visit of the Chemistry Department by consultant(s) approved by the Committee on Professional Training (CPT) of the ACS. The ACS criteria for program approval are rigorous but allow considerable diversity among institutions. The process looks at quality in areas of curriculum, student development and placement, resources and facilities, faculty profiles, and community involvements. Therefore the ACS approval process is very similar to other national program accreditation processes. After program approval, yearly reports are submitted to the ACS and approval is renewed in five-year intervals after intensive re-examinations. All ACS-approved programs are of high quality. The Chemistry Department at WSU attempts to distinguish our program by achieving even higher quality and rising above the other approved programs. To that end, the WSU Chemistry Department began several years ago quality initiatives in assessment projects (mentioned earlier) and instructional technology (such as the laptop initiative).

1.5 Courses Offered

The following table represents curricular offerings for 1998-99. It is anticipated that similar offerings will be continued over the next several years.

| | | |

|Course # |Title |Frequency of Offering |

| | | |

|100 |Chemistry Appreciation |Each Semester , Each Summer |

| | | |

|108 |Introductory General Chemistry |Yearly , Each Summer |

| | | |

|208 |General, Organic and Biochemistry I |Each Semester |

| | | |

|209 |General, Organic and Biochemistry II |Each Semester |

| | | |

|212,213 |Principles of Chemistry I, II |Each Semester , Each Summer |

| | | |

|320 |Environmental Chemical Analysis |Yearly |

| | | |

|340 |Organic Chemistry Survey |Yearly |

| | | |

|341* |Organic and Polymer Chemistry |Yearly |

| | | |

|350,351 |Principles of Organic Chemistry I, II |Yearly |

| | | |

|352* |Organic Chemistry |Yearly |

| | | |

|360,361 |Chemical Information I, II |Yearly |

| | | |

|399 |Chemistry Internship |Yearly |

| | | |

|400,401 |Biochemistry I, II |Yearly |

| | | |

|402 |Biochemistry Laboratory II |Yearly |

| | | |

|410 |Polymer Chemistry |Yearly |

| | | |

|411 |Synthesis and Characterization of Polymers |Yearly |

| | | |

|412 |Physical Chemistry I |Yearly |

| | | |

|413 |Physical Chemistry Laboratory I |Yearly |

| | | |

|414 |Physical Chemistry II |Yearly |

| | | |

|415 |Physical Chemistry Laboratory II |Yearly |

|417 | | |

| |Intermediate Polymer Chemistry |Yearly |

| | | |

|420 |Topics in Industrial Chemistry |Every Two or Three Years |

| | | |

|425,426 |Analytical Chemistry I & II |Yearly |

| | | |

|427 |Topics in Instrumental Chemistry |Every Two or ThreeYears |

| | | |

|430 |Individual Problems in Chemistry |Each Semester by Arrangement |

| | | |

|431 |Guided Studies in Teaching Chemistry |Each Semester by Arrangement |

| | | |

|436 |Topics in Environmental Chemistry |Every Two or Three Years |

| | | |

|439 |Biochemistry of Drug Metabolism |Every Three Years |

| | | |

|438 |Medicinal Chemistry |Every Two or ThreeYears |

| | | |

|447 |Advanced Organic Chemistry |Every Two or Three Years |

| | | |

|450 |Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I |Yearly |

| | | |

|451 |Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II |Yearly |

| | | |

|475 |Seminar in Chemistry |Yearly |

*New courses from quarters to semesters conversion.

**New course from development of Environmental Chemistry Major.

1.6 Extracurricular Programs

1. ACS Approved/Accredited

2. Laptop Department

3. Pre-Medicine Curriculum

4. Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum

5. Southeast Minnesota Analytical Service (SEMAS)

6. Four-Year Guarantee

7. Student Chemistry Club (ACS Affiliated)

7. Summary of Significant Departmental Changes Since 1991

2.1 Staffing

The following table shows the total staffing situation for the past 10 years.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Type |89-90 |90-91 |91-92 |92-93 |93-94 |94-95 |95-96 |96-97 |97-98 |98-99 |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Fac |7 |8 |7 |8 |8 |9 |10 |10 |10 |10 |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|Staff |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |2 |

Fac = Faculty

Staff = Laboratory Specialist and Office Manager

The increase in faculty number in the above table is mainly due to an increase in student credit hours from increases in biology, engineering, and nursing students.

The following table shows the trends and qualifications of the Chemistry faculty since FY95. With retirements over the past several years, the Department has been able to enhance that quality and extend the range of faculty expertise. All probationary positions in the Department are now Ph.D.’s from accredited graduate institutions. The total number of faculty FTE has been increasing steadily over the last decade and undergraduate research has been increasing over the last several years. It is clear that the overall quality of faculty has been maintained and continues to improve. All major disciplines in Chemistry are now represented with several specialities complementing research areas in Biology, Geoscience, and Composite Engineering. Furthermore, harmonious and collegial collaborations among our faculty members foster and maintain an atmosphere of close interactions with our WSU colleagues and bode well for future program developments.

The polymer faculty member collaborates closely with the Engineering Department. The biochemistry and organic faculty provide advising roles for the pre-medicine and pre-pharmacy students. Recent faculty hires in analytical and environmental areas resulted in the development of the Environmental Chemistry major, new to the Department in fall 1999.

| | | | | | | | |

|# |Specialty |94-95 |95-96 |96-97 |97-98 |98-99 |99-00 |

| | | | | | | | |

|1 |Chem Ed/Info/Gen |Foss*** |Foss* |Foss* |Foss* |Foss/Witt** |Lee**** |

| | | | | | | | |

|2 |General |Witt |Witt* |Witt* |Witt* |Reuter**** |Reuter**** |

| | | | | | | | |

|3 |Syn Org |Rislove |Rislove |Rislove |Rislove |Rislove |Rislove** |

| | | | | | | | |

|4 |Analytical |Dunbar |Dunbar |Dunbar |Franz |Franz |Franz |

| | | | | | | | |

|5 |Phys Chem |Ng |Ng*** |Ng*** |Ng*** |Ng*** |Ng*** |

| | | | | | | | |

|6 |BioChem |Svingen |Svingen |Svingen |Svingen |Svingen |Svingen |

| | | | | | | | |

|7 |Polymer |Scholsky |Scholsky |Fossum |Fossum |Fossum |Kopitzke |

| | | | | | | | |

|8 |Inorganic |Miertschin |Miertschin |Miertschin |Miertschin |Miertschin |Miertschin |

| | | | | | | | |

|9 |Physical Org | |Nalli |Nalli |Nalli |Nalli |Nalli |

| | | | | | | | |

|10 |Gen / Environ |Neth**** |Neth**** |Franz |Engen |Engen |Engen |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Adjunct | |Reuter |Reuter |Reuter |Lee | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Adjunct | |Gonnella |Tollefson | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total | |9 |9.78 |10.34 |9.74 |10.34 |∃10.15 |

|Faculty| | | | | | | |

|FTE | | | | | | | |

*Phased Retiree **Retiree after fall semester ***Chairperson

****1-year Fixed Term

In addition, the following table shows the diversity of the faculty composition.

| | | | | |

|AY |Male |Female |Minority |FTE |

| | | | | |

|89-90 |7 |0 |1 |7 |

| | | | | |

|90-91 |7 |1 |1 |8 |

| | | | | |

|91-92 |7 |0 |1 |7 |

| | | | | |

|92-93 |7 |1 |1 |8 |

| | | | | |

|93-94 |8 |1 |1 |8 |

| | | | | |

|94-95 |9 |1 |1 |9 |

| | | | | |

|95-96 |9 |1 |1 |9.78 |

| | | | | |

|96-97 |8 |2 |1 |10.34 |

| | | | | |

|97-98 |8 |2 |1 |9.74 |

| | | | | |

|98-99 |7 |3 |1 |10.34 |

| | | | | |

|99-00 |6 |4 |2 |∃10.15 |

2.2 Enrollment

The total student FTE (or total credit hours) in the Chemistry Department has been holding steady (about 15% of the College of Science and Engineering) for the last several years under the quarter system.

There has been a significant increase in the number of chemistry majors since WSU started semesters in FY99 (see table in section 1.3), coinciding with the incorporation of the pilot laptop initiative in the Chemistry program. Even though this might be a temporary surge of majors due to the laptop initiative, the Chemistry Department expects our technology implementations and assessment efforts will enhance the stability (retention) of our majors. Compared nationally to other ACS-approved institutions of our size, WSU Chemistry graduate numbers are more than satisfactory. Another factor that could increase our majors is the development of the new Environmental Science/Chemistry option. This will certainly provide additional marketability for our majors and could attract new students to WSU. The major/minor trends are illustrated in the following table and the accompanying figures.

| | | | | | | | |

|Chemistry – | | | | | | |2/19/1999 |

|Majors/Minors/PreP| | | | | | | |

|Data | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Major | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Option |Fall 92 |Fall 93 |Fall 94 |Fall 95 |Fall 96 |Fall 97 |Fall 98 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHA | |10 | |12 |12 |19 |28 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHB | |39 | |24 |28 |26 |30 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHPS |2 |3 |4 |9 |8 |9 |15 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Chem |36 | |44 | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total Chem |38 |52 |48 |45 |48 |54 |73 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total CSE |821 |1002 |1000 |1017 |1045 |971 |962 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total WSU |5823 |5915 |5749 |5778 |5740 |5442 |5389 |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Pre-Prof |Fall 92 |Fall 93 |Fall 94 |Fall 95 |Fall 96 |Fall 97 |Fall 98 |

| | | | | | | | |

|PREP | |15 | |11 |11 |10 |6 |

| | | | | | | | |

|PREM | |4 | |4 |6 |7 |34 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total CSE | |90 | |61 |48 |58 |119 |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Minor |Fall 92 |Fall 93 |Fall 94 |Fall 95 |Fall 96 |Fall 97 |Fall 98 |

| | | | | | | | |

|BIOC | |0 | |21 |21 |18 |20 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHEM |17 |2 |30 | | | |3 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHA | |2 | |1 |2 |6 |4 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CHB | |12 | |13 |7 |10 |7 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total Chem |17 |16 |30 |35 |30 |34 |34 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total CSE |199 |160 |164 |193 |221 |214 |276 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total WSU |1328 |1309 |1280 |1346 |1298 |1310 |1539 |

The Chemistry Department will strive to improve its enrollment without sacrificing the educational quality of our program. This is a key principle in our Quality Assurance and Assessment Plan. Proper mentoring and advising will improve retention and graduation rates. Item 2 in the Documentation Portfolio shows the scheduling of courses that would allow students to complete their degrees in four years.

Presently, the primary recruiting tool is individual mailings to prospective students in secondary schools. Item 3 in the Documentation Portfolio shows the Scholarships, Awards and Opportunities available to Chemistry students. These incentives also enhance and improve our recruitment and retention efforts. The new Environmental Science/Chemistry program could attract new students to WSU. Furthermore, the Chemistry Department is currently filling a probationary position in the area of Chemical Education/Information. This faculty member will act as a liaison between the Chemistry Department and the local/regional K-12 districts. Improved communications will enhance our recruiting efforts and improve curriculum development at both WSU and the K-12 school districts.

2.3 Curriculum

2.3.1 General Changes (Majors, Classes, Requirements)

In general, the Chemistry courses were converted systematically during the quarters to semester conversion. All majors, minors, and requirements in the Chemistry program were basically converted without impacting any changes to staffing needs and student graduation rates (4-year graduation guarantee).

A new Chemistry major in Environmental Chemistry was developed as one of three interdisciplinary majors among the departments of Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience. Two new courses in Environmental Chemistry were developed to meet the needs of this new major. This new major has recently obtained approval from MnSCU and began its offering this fall 1999 semester. In addition, the Chemistry Teaching major is being revised to meet new standards set by the Board of Teaching.

One Chemistry course, Biochemistry, is now offered with Interactive Television (ITV), with lectures sent simultaneously to students (typically non-traditional students) in Rochester.

In 1998, the Chemistry Department was chosen as one of four WSU departments involved in the LUNIAC initiative. Because of our continued interests in exploring different pedagogical learning/teaching strategies and because of our continued commitment to modern technological applications, our curriculum has been enhanced by incorporating computers (hardware and software) as a supplementary teaching/learning tool for both faculty and students. For example, students can perform molecular modeling (in class) to help their understanding of stereo-chemical properties or they can obtain immediate feedback with in-class data/graphical analysis with their laptops. This active teaching/learning paradigm applied to our curriculum will give our graduates a competitive advantage when they are placed in industries and in graduate/professional schools.

2.3.2 Changes Resulting Specifically from the Change to Semesters

One Chemistry minor was revised to become the Polymer Chemistry minor. This was developed in close collaboration with the Engineering Department. Two new courses were developed in discussion with the Engineering Department to accommodate the specific needs of the Engineering students.

Previously banked courses in quarters were dropped during the semester conversion. Since most courses were maintained, additional constraints were placed on the scheduling of laboratories in our already over-crowded laboratory facilities.

2.4 Facilities

Pasteur Hall is a 37-year-old building that was built as a multi-purpose science building, with the main function of educating science teachers. This building was not designed to handle modern science/Chemistry. With an underfunded operating budget and a very limited (year-to-year) capital equipment allocation, the Chemistry Department is providing the best education possible with scanty resources.

Physical Facilities

Item 4 “Chemistry Floor Space” in the Documentation Portfolio shows the amount of available square footage for Chemistry 3rd floor Pasteur Hall (including part of the Pasteur basement and the polymer lab STB5 in Stark Hall). Three faculty offices (PA 310/310A/311) were renovated two years ago from existing under-utilized rooms to accommodate the increase in Chemistry faculty members. As a result, however, there is no longer any designated space for student-faculty research, a key component of the Chemistry program, and one with steadily rising numbers of students participating.

The following table shows a comparison of square footage per faculty for several different institutions.

| | | | | | |

|School |# Faculty |# students |# majors |Sq. Ft |Sq.Ft./Fac |

| | | | | | |

|Mankato |10 (9 chem + 1 Geol) |9,334 CR (FY96) |98 majors (Chem+Geol) |20,609 (just labs, no |>>2,061 |

| | | |19 grads/yr |lecture info) | |

| | | | | | |

|St. Mary’s U. |3 |265 total |15 majors total all |10,000 |3,333 |

| | | |yrs | | |

| | | | | | |

|U. of M. |38 | |250 (Jr/Sr) |70,000 teach |4,474 |

| | | |93 grads (97) |100,000 adm/research | |

| | | |76 grads( 96) | | |

| | | | | | |

|Concordia |7 |300 / semester |75 total all yrs |27,000 |3,857 |

| | | |13 grads | | |

| | | | | | |

|Winona State |10 |9,000 CR’s |73 majors |17,065 |1,365 |

| | | |8 grads | | |

It is clear that space is a problem for the Chemistry program at WSU. When Pasteur Hall was built in 1962 there were 13 science faculty members. Now there are almost 60 faculty members in the College of Science and Engineering and 34 science faculty members reside in Pasteur Hall! Furthermore, the total number of students has grown from 1,500 in 1962 to 6,500 in 1999. Therefore, students are jammed into laboratories past the maximum design capacity.

Aside from the insufficient building capacity, another major problem with 3rd floor Pasteur is that the mechanical infrastructure has simply deteriorated to the point that fume hoods can no longer handle the chemical fumes generated from day-to-day experiments. Some fume hoods are beyond repair, so some laboratories are simply inadequate in removing any fumes. The low ceiling design acts as a funnel in which fumes are carried from room to room, and from floor to floor. On many days, the chemical fumes are so intoxicating that building occupants became physically ill from exposure. Pasteur occupants have routinely been given permission to take sick leave when they feel that the chemical fumes are intolerable! Long-term health risks are unknown!

2.5 Equipment and Operating Budget

Supplies, Equipment, and Maintenance

| | | | | | |

|Chemistry S&E | | | | | |

|Operating Budget | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|FY95 |FY96 |FY97 |FY98 |FY99 |FY00 |

| | | | | | |

|$51,575 |$48,591 |$56,189 |$56,508 |$58,686 |$60,598 |

The above dollars for FY99 and FY00 came from an operating budget model that was developed (by the VP and two other faculty in the College) without any input from the university community. The model is basically an outcome-based-model that allocates dollars from credit hours and uses “weighting factors.” The “weighting factors” are (admitted now by the original author of the model) NOT based on any valid comparisons/assumption, but are simply arbitrary assigned values based on the total amount of money available from a constant WSU pie. In fact, the model could only allocate $38,686 (FY99) and $40,598 (FY00) to Chemistry using these weighting factors. Then a “fudge” recurring base of $20,000 had to be applied to the total S&E budget for Chemistry for the last two years.

If one has to apply close to a 35% (20,000/58,686*100) constant base fudge adjustment to a model so that the model can come even close to previous annual rationed-expenditures, how good or valid can that model be!!!?

Obviously, there are some intrinsic flaws to this model. One obvious flaw was the randomly assigned weighting factors in the model. To make it worse, these weighting factors do not change over time to account for inflation costs in common supplies and equipment, a real-world phenomenon for science laboratory operations that require day-to-day purchases of consumables. The following table demonstrates that by applying a constant percentage increase results in operating budget dollars increases that are more realistic.

| | | | | | | |

|FY95 |FY96 |FY97 |FY98 |FY99 |FY00 |Increase |

| | | | | | | |

|51,575 |48,591 |56,189 |56,508 |58,686 |60,598 |Constant |

| | | | | | | |

|51,575 |53,638 |55,784 |58,015 |60,335 |62,749 |4.0% |

| | | | | | | |

|51,575 |54,154 |56,861 |59,705 |62,690 |65,824 |5.0% |

| | | | | | | |

|51,575 |55,443 |59,601 |64,071 |68,877 |74,043 |7.5% |

| | | | | | | |

|51,575 |56,733 |62,406 |68,646 |75,511 |83,062 |10.0% |

This model substantially increased the operating budgets beyond past base funding for most departments in other colleges. However, the large majority of the College of Science and Engineering departments experience dramatic shortfalls in this model. This model requires serious re-working that takes into account the “high-cost” departments, which have daily purchases of consumables and regular maintenance of laboratory equipment in addition to the typical (common for every program) expenses of any educational programs.

Capital Equipment

| | | | | | |

|Chemistry Capital | | | | | |

|Equipment | | | | | |

|Allocation | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|FY95 |FY96 |FY97 |FY98 |FY99 |FY00 |

| | | | | | |

|$8,176 |$3,924 |$24,461 |$24,175 |$43,570 |? ETS) |5.70 |4.83 | | |

The WSU-Chemistry results in the assessment items are consistently (~5%) higher than the mean of the ETS data from 67 institutions. This comparison (even without normalization) clearly shows that the Chemistry program at WSU is of very high academic quality. Complete ETS results are listed as Item 14 in the Documentation Portfolio (1"-thick-Packet-available upon request).

In our Quality Assurance and Assessment Plan (Item 1 in the Documentation Portfolio), the Chemistry Department has for one of its outcome goals: “Chemistry graduates will demonstrate skills, knowledge, attitudes, and appreciation for the understanding and the application of the principles of chemistry. They will also demonstrate professional, personal, and social growth.” To that end, the Department uses several approaches to assess student learning outcomes.

Assessment of Student Learning

To evaluate student learning from the viewpoints of skills and knowledge, the chemistry faculty generally assess students by assigning problems that require critical thinking and interpretative skills in preparing laboratory reports and research reports, and in completing examinations. These measures typically vary slightly in format from course to course and from faculty to faculty. In addition to these standard measures, most of the faculty also administer ACS standard examinations in their classes. These examinations are produced by ACS committees which are formed with experts in their respective fields. These ACS examination results are then sent into ACS for compilation and for comparisons to other institutions taking the same examinations. Some of these results are displayed as Item 15 in the Documentation Portfolio. The results are quite good and we are continuing with ACS examinations in courses on a voluntary basis.

Another means to assess student learning outcomes is student and alumni surveys. This was reported above, which listed the results from the ETS assessment.

The Chemistry Department also uses an external evaluative survey provided by the Individual Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) Center. The IDEA Center, housed at Kansas State University, provides products and services to assist academic institutions in assessing and improving teaching and learning. This past year, with the help of a challenge grant, the Chemistry Department purchased IDEA Student Short-Form Evaluations (see Item 16 in the Documentation Portfolio) to begin gathering baseline data that could be normalized within the Department and be compared to norm data from other institutions. The short-form evaluation is organized into three groups: A) Subject Matter Mastery; B) Development of General Skills; and

C) Personal Development. A total of 12 objectives are then divided among these three groups. Students are asked to fill out the survey after the faculty member has filled out his/her priorities of the objectives. The data from last year has been sent to the IDEA Center for compilation and we are waiting for the results. This could lead to replacing the individualized evaluations that Chemistry faculty used in the past, which were too different and too individualized to give a cohesive overall view of the effectiveness of student learning in the Chemistry program.

An additional future assessment strategy might involve surveying employers of our graduates. It could involve having business employers inform us of their expectations of learner outcomes and also having them inform us (confidentially and with permission of our graduates) of the performance of our graduates based on those learner outcomes. So far, our graduates have been reporting success in their careers (see placement later in the report) and we have not heard of complaints from business employers that our graduates are not well prepared and trained from our program.

One final proof of success with student learning is the large number of our graduates who are successful in their applications for graduate and professional schools. About 40% of the graduates attend graduate/professional schools.

4.3 Process(es) that has(ve) changed as the Direct Result of Assessment

See Section 4.2.

4.4 Self Assessment on the Progress that the Department has made on Assessment Plan

The Chemistry Department conducts annual Department Retreats to address the progress of our Assessment Plan. Inputs/Comments are solicited from students, staff and faculty during these Department Retreats and on WSU Assessment Day. In addition, the Chemistry Department has its own Assessment Committee that regularly meets and monitors the progress of the QAAP and assessment projects. Further, the Assessment Committee solicits Department input on various grant opportunities related to assessment.

The recently completed 5-Year Program Review Self-Study (for 1994-1999) Report (Item 13 in the Documentation Portfolio) is an indicator of the Chemistry Department’s continual progress on self-assessment and self-improvement.

4.5 Identification of Perceived Strengths and Weaknesses of the Chemistry QAAP Plan and its Progress


8. Many projects/initiatives on self-assessment and self-improvement of the Chemistry program have been pursued and several are continuing.

9. Continual self-assessment leads to direct improvements of the Chemistry program and the quality of student learning.

10. Assessments utilizing external agencies (ETS, IDEA, ACS) is an excellent means to provide benchmark comparisons within the nation.

11. The many assessment projects/initiatives are necessary tools to identify strengths and weakness in the Chemistry program.

12. The many assessment projects and quality initiative places Chemistry in visible recognition of its efforts and the quality of its program.

13. The many assessment projects and quality initiatives provide Chemistry with many more internal and external grant opportunities.

14. The Chemistry assessment projects and quality initiatives (such as laptops and electronic portfolios) are following similar curricular paths taken by WSU

15. Identifying deficiencies in the Chemistry Department’s operating budget, capital equipment and standard instrumentation (Sections 2.4 and 2.5).

16. The Chemistry QAAP units and facilitates a harmonious interactive atmosphere.


; The many assessment projects and quality initiatives are taken up more time from a Chemistry faculty that is already over-loaded in teaching assignments and student research/capstone projects.

1. There are too many goals and objectives within the Chemistry QAAP.

2. Identifying deficiencies in the Chemistry Department’s operating budget, capital equipment and standard instrumentation (Sections 2.4 and 2.5) without immediate remedies from WSU can be demoralizing!

54. Accreditation

5.1 Summary of Accreditation History

The Chemistry program at WSU has been approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) since 1987. The ACS is the largest professional organization in the world and it sets guidelines and standards of operations for chemical education and chemical industries nation-wide. The approval means that graduates of our Option B major are certified as professional chemists by the ACS. The initial approval process involved an on-site visit of the Chemistry Department by consultant(s) approved by the Committee on Professional Training (CPT) of the ACS. The ACS criteria for program approval are rigorous but allow considerable diversity among institutions. The process looks at quality in areas of curriculum, student development and placement, resources and facilities, faculty profiles, and community involvements. Therefore the ACS approval process is very similar to other national program accreditation processes. After program approval, yearly reports are submitted to the ACS and approval is renewed in five-year intervals after intensive re-examinations. All ACS-approved programs are of high quality. The Chemistry Department at WSU attempts to distinguish our program by achieving even higher quality and rising above the other approved programs. To that end, the WSU Chemistry Department began several years ago quality initiatives (detailed previously) in assessment projects and instructional technology (such as the laptop initiative).

The B.S. Physical Science major is offered for students wishing to teach chemistry (or chemistry and physics or physical science). The major meets Minnesota requirements for teaching at the secondary level. With minor modifications, the major also meets Wisconsin certification. The Board of Teaching certifies students graduating in this option.

As noted earlier, the WSU departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geoscience have developed and obtained approval (from WSU and MnSCU) to begin an Environmental Chemistry option (fall 1999). It is possible that the Chemistry Department might pursue ACS program approval (accreditation) for this new option in the future.

55. Implementation of the Seven Principles


6.1 Department Structure

Programs: The Chemistry Department sponsors the Student Chemistry Club. The club is affiliated with the American Chemical Society and has over 30 members. The students hold regular meetings (consultations with a Chemistry faculty member acting as its faculty advisor) and are involved in planning numerous activities, such as the sale of laboratory safety goggles, chemical plant and graduate school field trips, tutoring, and social events among themselves and with the Chemistry Department. Participation in the Chemistry Club promotes the social growth and stimulates intellectual development of students and enhances the interaction among students, staff and faculty. Additionally, officers in the Chemistry Club gain leadership skills that will be valuable in their future careers as professionals in the society.

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department facilitates student research (a capstone experience in ACS certified option B) with individual faculty members. Students choose a research topic that is of mutual interest between the student and the faculty. Over 20 students per year perform individual research with Chemistry faculty. Some of these students are also non-Chemistry majors. This student-faculty research provides valuable real-world research experience for students and promotes student-faculty contact.

Structure: The Chemistry Department hires students (Chemistry and non-Chemistry) to assist faculty in supervision of laboratories. Each student assistant must interact closely with his/her laboratory instructor in order to provide educational assistance to a working laboratory.

| | | | | | | | | |

|Chemistry Assistants |Fall 1999 | | | |Version 2.1 | | |27-Aug |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Sort#1 | |Sort#2 |Sort#3 | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Name |Instructor |Course |Section(s) |Day(s) |Lab Time |Assigned Time |# Hrs |Total |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Sorted by Student | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Baylor Susan |Kopitzke |341 |01 |H |12:30-2:20 |Lab Time |2 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Baylor Susan |Kopitzke |341 |02 |T |12:30-2:20 |12:30-1:50 |2 |4 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Beyer Corri |Franz |212 |01 |M |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 |3 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Casey Karen |Reuter |100 |01,02 | |Grading |To be arranged |3 |3 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Chen Yi-Chun |Lee |213 |01 |F |12:00-2:50 |Lab Time |3 |3 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Churchill Ann* |Lee |208 |01 |T |12:30-2:20 |Lab Time |2 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Churchill Ann* |Lee |212 |02 |W |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 |5 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Cornwall Jaci |Kopitzke |212 |05 |T |9:30-12:20 |Lab Time |3 |3 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Desruisseaux Michelle |Reuter |100 |01,02 | |Grading |To be arranged |3 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Desruisseaux Michelle |Lee |208 |04 |H |12:30-2:20 |12:30-1:50 |2 |5 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Diers Rebekah* |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged |6 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Haabala Rachel |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged |2 |2 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Hollnagel Kim |Rislove |100 |03 | |Grading |To be arranged |4 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Hollnagel Kim |Rislove |340 |01 |M |2:00-3:50 |Lab Time |2 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Hollnagel Kim |Rislove |340 |02 |T |9:30-11:20 |Lab Time |2 |8 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Leitner Alexie* |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged |6 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Maristany Carolyn |Miertschin |212 |04 |T |9:30-12:20 |Lab Time |3 |3 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Naaktgeboren Andrea |Reuter |212 |03 |T |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Naaktgeboren Andrea |Engen |212 |08 |M |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Oliver Ed |Reuter |209 |01 |H |3:30-5:20 |Lab Time |2 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Oliver Ed |Rislove |340 |03 |H |9:30-11:20 |Lab Time |2 |4 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Rockweiler Jed* |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged |10 |10 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Schultz Luke |Nalli |350 |02 |T |2:00-5:50 |Lab Time |4 |4 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Seidel Melissa |Franz |208 |02 |W |8:00-9:50 |Lab Time |2 |2 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Stanek Lee |Nalli |350 |01 |M |1:00-4:50 |2:00-4:50 |3 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Stanek Lee** |Department | | | |Tutoring |To be arranged |3 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Steckler Tim |Engen |212 |09 |T |6:00-8:50 |Lab Time |3 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Steckler Tim |Engen |212 |10 |H |9:30-12:20 |Lab Time |3 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Steidler Rebekka* |Nalli |350 |03 |H |2:00-5:50 |Lab Time |4 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Steidler Rebekka* |Department | | | |Tutoring |To be arranged |5 |9 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Stende Morgan* |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged |6 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Storby Jennie |Kopitzke |212 |06 |W |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Storby Jennie |Engen |212 |07 |H |2:00-4:50 |Lab Time |3 |6 |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Zinck Emily |Lee |208 |03 |T |3:30-5:20 |Lab Time |2 |2 |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Emanuel | | | |Stockroom |To be arranged | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|* Work Study | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

|** 4-Yr Mentorship | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Stockroom |30 | | | | |112 |112 |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Grading |10 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Tutoring |8 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |*Work Study |42 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Dept Funds |67 |60% | | | | | |

Staffing: Many Chemistry faculty often hold periodic (sometimes evening) tutoring sessions in addition to regular office hours. Chemistry faculty are typically available from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department, being a Laptop Department (See Item 11 in Documentation Portfolio), uses laptops as an interactive and dynamic learning tool to enhance student-faculty contacts in the classroom and laboratory.

Curriculum: Most Chemistry courses are laboratory intensive courses. The laboratory (2-4 hours per week in addition to lectures) promotes student-faculty contact.

6.2 Technology

Being a Laptop Department, the Chemistry Department uses web-interfaces,

[ ]

and network resources (e-mail, e-discussion groups, NetMeeting) to facilitate and enhance student-faculty contact. In addition, the interactive use of laptops in lectures and laboratories further promotes student-faculty contacts.

6.3 Partnership

The Engineering Department has a Chemical Option that was developed in collaboration with the Chemistry Department. Students in this option sometimes do student-faculty research to enhance their Chemistry research experience.

The Chemistry Department faculty members are members in the ACS La Crosse-Winona section. Students are encouraged to attend seminars sponsored at various venues, promoting student-faculty contacts.

6.4 General Education

Most general education Chemistry courses have a laboratory component. The small laboratory size allows frequent student-faculty contacts. The large lecture size cannot produce frequent student-faculty contact, though as mentioned earlier, many faculty gives extra tutoring sessions to generate more frequent student-faculty contacts. Web pages and e-mails also allow students immediate access to faculty.

6.5 Faculty / Staff Development

Some faculty have attended web camps to learn how to use technology to enhance student-faculty contact.

6.6 Enrollment

The large lecture sizes (average about 50) limits the achievement of frequent student-faculty contact. However, laboratories (24 per section) and smaller junior/senior classes allow the achievement of frequent student-faculty contact.

6.7 Student Learning

The many means that the Chemistry Department employs to enhance student-faculty contact can only enhance student learning and student social growth.

To illustrate active student-faculty research, the following are the student research projects starting from fall 1998 (faculty mentor in parentheses):

17. Tracy Argo (B. Svingen) Serotonin and Aggression

18. Anne Benjamin (T. Nalli) Attempted Synthesis of Tris (4-iodphenyl)phosphine Oxide, a New Monomer for Radical Polymerization

19. Corrine Beyer (J. Franz) Development of a Phosphorus Budget for the Winona County Watershed into the Mississippi River

20. Brianne Bilyear (D. Rislove) Separation and Characterization of Terpenes and Phenolic Compounds from Tropical Myrtacae Eurgenia

21. Alessandro Caffari (J. Franz) Effect of Fertilizer on Wastewater Treatment Plant Efficiency

22. Michael Campion, Yi-Chun Chen, and Richard Romanesko (B. Svingen) The Effect of Low-Strength Magnetic Fields on Iron-Catalyzed Lipid Peroxidation

23. Dan Glaseman and Deepak Venkatraman (J. Franz) The Effect of Water Quality on the Rate of Pesticide Degradation

24. Jessica Haas (T. Nalli) Determination of Activation Parameters for Iodine Atom Abstraction by Phenyl Radicals

25. Derrick Heard (B. Svingen) Membrane Ionophores in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis

26. Art Howard (M. Engen) A Study of Diurnal Variations of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Various Depths on Lake Pepin

27. Chad Leonard and Erin Olson (E. Fossum) Highly Branched Triarylphosphine-Based Polymers

28. Randy Lehr (M. Engen) Pesticide/PCB Analysis in Freshwater Springs

29. Erin Olson (T. Nalli) Synthesis of some Diiodo Precursors to Cyclic Diaryliodine Radical Intermediates

30. Jason Passow (T. Nalli) Synthesis of a Precursor to an Unsymmetrical Cyclic Diaryliodine Radical

31. Luke Schultz (M. Engen) Instrument and Methods Development for the Analysis of Permanent Gases

32. Ryan Sinning (C. Miertschin) Synthesis of Trinuclear Molybdenum and Tungsten Clusters

33. Jeremy Sperl (T. Nalli) Synthesis of 1,5-Diphenyl-1,5-diiodopentane

34. Lee Stanek (T. Nalli) GPC Analysis of Polycyclohexene Oxide Produced in Iodonium/Methoxyphosphine Co-initiated Visible Photopolymerizations

The above list illustrates the high number of student-faculty research projects and the variety and depth of the Chemistry undergraduate research program.

6.8 Student Satisfaction

In our ETS assessment results, the “Student Satisfaction” item score is clearly higher than the 67 institutions (Section 4.2). Surely this result can be attributed to students being satisfied with student-faculty contact.

6.9 Evaluation

The ETS and IDEA survey results clearly indicate the Chemistry Department’s effectiveness in employing frequent student-faculty contact to promote the students’ professional and social growth. At a recent program review consultant luncheon, several Chemistry majors and graduates mentioned their (emotional) satisfaction with the Chemistry Department’s facilitation of student-faculty contact.


7.1 Department Structure

Structure: The Chemistry Department employs Chemistry students as assistants in the laboratory to help enhance student-student interactions.

Programs: The Chemistry Department sponsors the Student Chemistry Club. The club is affiliated with the American Chemical Society and has over 30 members. The students hold regular meetings (consultations with a Chemistry faculty member acting its faculty advisor) and are involved in planning numerous activities, such as the sale of laboratory safety goggles, chemical plant and graduate school field trips, tutoring, and social events among themselves and with the Chemistry Department. Participation in the Chemistry Club promotes the social growth and stimulates intellectual development of students and enhances the interaction among students.

Curriculum: Lower division laboratories are usually carried out in pairs of students. This promotes cooperative learning among the students. Students are encouraged to study in groups to increase involvements among each other in learning. Junior and Senior level classes have students work in groups on researching topical issues.

7.2 Technology

Being a Laptop Department, the Chemistry Department uses web-interfaces and network resources (e-mail, e-discussion groups, Netmeeting) to facilitate and enhance cooperative learning. In addition, the interactive use of laptops in lectures and laboratories where students are encouraged to help/teach each other with various computer applications in solving problems augments collaborative learning. Also the building of electronic portfolios (see Item 12 in the Documentation Portfolio) will involve students working together and the sharing of ideas to make a common template for the electronic CD.

7.3 Partnership

The new Environmental Chemistry option is a multi-disciplinary option that involves the partnerships among the Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience. The students in this Environmental Science/Chemistry program will be taking a capstone course together at the end of their program sequence where they will share a common research discussion forum among the three disciplines.

7.4 General Education

Most general education Chemistry courses have a laboratory component. Laboratory experiments are usually done in pairs to help students interact cooperatively and therefore promotes frequent collaborative learning. The large lecture size cannot produce frequent student-faculty contact, though as mentioned earlier, many faculty gives extra tutoring sessions to generate more frequent student-faculty contact. Sometimes during these tutoring sessions, students are split into small groups so that they can help each other in solving problems and understanding difficult concepts.

7.5 Faculty / Staff Development

The Chemistry Department committee structure facilitates many means in which faculty members must work/learn together in a collaborative and cooperative manner. The following is the present (1999) list of Department committees:

A. Chemistry Department Representatives to A2C2

Charge: to attend A2C2 meetings (alt. Wed’s) and represent the Chemistry Department viewpoints on academic issues.

Rep: Charla Miertschin

Alt: Tom Nalli

B. Awards & Scholarships Committee

Charge: 1. to assure timely advertising of Chemistry scholarship

2. to collect application materials

3. to forward data to department.

Rep: Charla Miertschin, Bill Ng, Dave Rislove (Fall 1999)

C. Environmental Science Steering Committee

Charge: to provide advice and guidance for students who are interested in the Environmental option

Rep: Jeanne Franz, Mark Engen

D. Assessment Committee

Charge: 1. to apply for grant opportunities related to assessment projects

2. to coordinate data collection

3. to facilitate assessment project implementation

Rep: Bill Ng, Tom Nalli, Charla Miertschin

E. Social Committee

Charge: 1. to plan and to coordinate Departmental picnics

2. to explore different social functions that will enhance the celebrative aspects of the WSU Chemistry community

Rep: Myoung Lee, Rill Reuter, Doug Emanuel (ex-officio)

F. Recruiting & Retention (R&R) Committee

Charge: 1. to promote the WSU Chemistry Department program

2. to develop strategies that will enhance students’ interest to become a Chemistry major

3. to develop strategies that will improve the retention rates of Chemistry majors

4. to design and to develop appropriate advertising decor within the Chemistry Department

Rep: Bill Ng, Charla Miertschin, Jeanne Franz, Rill Reuter, Myoung Lee, Carol Rustad (ex-officio)

G. Safety Committee

Charge: 1. to promote proper handling of chemicals in laboratories

2. to alert the Department of possible hazardous working environments

3. to forward recommendations to the Department regarding remedies to unsafe working environments

Rep: Tom Nalli, Bob Kopitzke, Dave Rislove, Doug Emanuel (ex-officio)

H. External Grants Committee

Charge: to coordinate external grant writing projects

Rep: Tom Nalli, Jeanne Franz, Mark Engen, Bob Kopitzke

I. TA Orientation Committee

Charge: to develop orientation session(s) for Chemistry assistants

Rep: Bill Ng, Jeanne Franz, Charla Miertschin, Rill Reuter,

J. General Education/University Studies Task Force

Charge: 1. to provide Department understanding, advice, and guidance on applying Chemistry courses to the University Studies program

2. to coordinate Chemistry course developments/proposals for the University Studies program

Rep: Bill Ng, Mark Engen, Bruce Svingen, Rill Reuter

K. New Science Building Task Force

Charge: 1. to provide/coordinate input/info between College Steering Committee and

Chemistry Department

Rep: Jeanne Franz, Charla Miertschin, Tom Nalli, Bill Ng

L. New Science Building College Steering Committee

Charge: 1. to provide/coordinate input/info among Dept. Task Force, Chemistry

Department, College of Science & Engineering, and the WSU community.

Rep: Bill Ng, Charla Miertschin

M. Synthetic Organic Search Committee (Spring 2000)

Charge: 1. to provide/coordinate input/info between administration and the

Chemistry Department

2. to set up/complete search process and make recommendation to the


Rep: Jeanne Franz, Charla Miertschin, Tom Nalli, Bill Ng, Bruce Svingen, Mark Engen, Bob Kopitzke

M. Chem Ed/Info Search Committee (Fall 2000)

Charge: 1. to provide/coordinate input/info between administration and the

Chemistry Department

2. to set up/complete search process and make recommendation to the


Rep: Jeanne Franz, Charla Miertschin, Tom Nalli, Bill Ng, Bruce Svingen, Mark Engen, Rill Reuter

7.6 Enrollment

The large lecture sizes (average about 50) limits the amount of cooperative learning. However, laboratories (24 per section) and smaller junior/senior classes allow the frequent application of cooperative learning.

7.7 Student Learning

The means that the Chemistry Department employs to enhance cooperative learning in the lab and in junior/senior classes will likely enhance student learning and student social growth.

7.8 Student Satisfaction

In our ETS assessment results, the “Environment for Learning” item score is clearly higher than the 67 institutions (Section 4.2). Part of this result can be attributed to students being satisfied with the application of cooperative learning in the smaller size lectures and laboratories.

7.9 Evaluation

The ETS survey results clearly infers the Chemistry Department’s effectiveness in employing frequent cooperative learning to promote the students’ professional and social growth. The IDEA results will also illuminate the effectiveness of cooperative learning in individual courses.


8.1 Department Structure

Programs: The Chemistry Department sponsors the Student Chemistry Club. The club is affiliated with the American Chemical Society and has over 30 members. The students hold regular meetings (consultations with a Chemistry faculty member acting its faculty advisor) and are involved in planning such activities as the sale of laboratory safety goggles, chemical plant and graduate school field trips and tutoring. The students quite often discuss the relevance of Chemistry to real world events in informal settings.

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department facilitates student research (a capstone experience in ACS certified option B) with individual faculty members. Students choose a research topic that is of mutual interest between the student and the faculty. Over 20 students per year perform individual research with Chemistry faculty. Some of these students are also non-Chemistry majors. This student-faculty research provides valuable real-world research experience for students and promotes active learning. Most junior and senior level lectures employ active student participation in discussion. This also helps toward active learning.

Structure: The Chemistry Department hires students (Chemistry and non-Chemistry) to assist faculty in supervision of laboratories. Each student assistant must interact closely with his/her laboratory instructor in order to provide educational assistance in the laboratory. This educational assistance will help students apply concepts they have learned in previous courses to real world problems.

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department, being a Laptop Department, uses laptops as an interactive and dynamic learning tool directly in the lecture rooms and laboratories to enhance active learning. Also for most courses, students are expected to participate in discussions and calculations of Chemical concepts that can be related to daily lives.

Curriculum: Most Chemistry courses are laboratory intensive courses. The laboratory (2-4 hours per week in addition to lectures) promotes application of concepts learned in lectures to real world experimentation.

8.2 Technology

Being a Laptop Department, the Chemistry Department uses web-interfaces and network resources (e-mail, e-discussion groups, NetMeeting) to facilitate and enhance active student participation in lectures and laboratories.

8.3 Partnership

SEMAS has an internship set up with MN Valley Testing Lab (New Ulm) that would give students real world experience in the summer before the finishing of their degrees.

MathSoft Inc. has agreed to sponsor the Chemistry Department with 40 licenses of Mathcad software which will enhance the student’s active learning component in the classroom.

The Chemistry Department is accredited by the American Chemical Society. ACS expects (as one of its accreditation criteria) that the WSU Chemistry curricula incorporates active learning into its courses and its operations. The Chemistry option B (ACS-certified) is the option that requires student-faculty research as a capstone experience. This is an experience (Section 6.7) which requires active learning along with active student-faculty contact.

8.4 General Education

Most general education Chemistry courses have a laboratory component. The small laboratory size allows frequent interactions which promotes active learning. The larger general education lecture courses also employ active learning strategies by requesting students to do problems along with the instructor (though certainly not as effective as smaller classes). Chemistry Course Web pages contain many interactive sites that allow students to explore actively (at any time) problems related to real world situations.

8.5 Faculty / Staff Development

Several Chemistry faculty members have participated in faculty development workshops on how to facilitate active learning.

8.6 Enrollment

The large lecture sizes (average about 50) limits the achievement of frequent active learning. However, laboratories (24 per section) and smaller junior/senior classes allow the achievement of frequent active learning opportunities.

| | | | | | | | |

|Chemistry | | | |Fall 1999 | | |Sept. 22 |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Course # |Sec # |Title |Status |Instructor |Max |Enrolled |Lec size |

| | | | | | | | |

|100 |1 |Chem Appr |Lec |Reuter |80 |58 |58 |

| | | | | | | | |

|100 |2 |Chem Appr |Lec |Reuter |80 |54 |54 |

| | | | | | | | |

|100 |3 |Chem Appr |Lec |Rislove |80 |64 |64 |

|208 | | | | | | | |

| |1 |Gen |Lec + Lab |Lee |26 |26 |106 |

|208 | | | | | | | |

| |2 |Gen |Lec + Lab |Lee |26 |26 | |

|208 | | | | | | | |

| |3 |Gen |Lec + Lab |Lee |26 |30 | |

|208 | | | | | | | |

| |4 |Gen |Lec + Lab |Lee |26 |24 | |

|209 | | | | | | | |

| |1 |Gen Org |Lec + Lab |Reuter |26 |16 |16 |

|212 | | | | | | | |

| |1 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Ng |26 |25 |75 |

|212 | | | | | | | |

| |2 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Ng |26 |24 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|212 |3 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Ng |26 |26 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|212 |4 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Miertschin |26 |26 |79 |

| | | | | | | | |

|212 |5 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Miertschin |26 |27 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|212 |6 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Miertschin |26 |26 | |

|212 | | | | | | | |

| |7 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Engen |26 |26 |82 |

|212 | | | | | | | |

| |8 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Engen |26 |25 | |

|212 | | | | | | | |

| |9-Laptop |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Engen |20 |11 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|212 |10 |Prin I |Lec + Lab |Engen |26 |20 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|213 |1 |Prin II |Lec + Lab |Lee |26 |24 |24 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Service+Ged+Majors | | | |Average | |24 |62 |

| | | | | | | | |

|340 |1 |Org Suvy |Lec + Lab |Rislove |24 |15 |42 |

| | | | | | | | |

|340 |2 |Org Suvy |Lec + Lab |Rislove |24 |17 | |

|340 | | | | | | | |

| |3 |Org Suvy |Lec + Lab |Rislove |24 |10 | |

|341 | | | | | | | |

| |1 |Org Poly |Lec + Lab |Kopitzke |24 |15 |24 |

|341 | | | | | | | |

| |2 |Org Poly |Lec + Lab |Kopitzke |24 |9 | |

|350 | | | | | | | |

| |1 |Prin Org I |Lec + Lab |Nalli |20 |21 |63 |

| | | | | | | | |

|350 |2 |Prin Org I |Lec + Lab |Nalli |20 |20 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|350 |3-Laptop |Prin Org I |Lec + Lab |Nalli |20 |22 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|400 |1 |BioChm I |Lec + Lab |Svingen |14 |12 |42 |

| | | | | | | | |

|400 |2 |BioChm I |Lec + Lab |Svingen |14 |10 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|400 |3 |BioChm I |Lec + Lab |Svingen |14 |13 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|400 |ITV-Roch |BioChm I |Lec + Lab |Svingen |10 |7 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Service+Majors | | | |Average | |15 |43 |

| | | | | | | | |

|360 |1 |Chem Info I |Lec |Svingen |20 |13 |13 |

| | | | | | | | |

|410 |1 |Poly Chem |Lec |Kopitzke |20 |16 |16 |

| | | | | | | | |

|412 |1 |PChem I |Lec |Ng |25 |9 |9 |

| | | | | | | | |

|413 |1 |PChem I |Lab |Ng |25 |10 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|420 |1 |Indust |Lec |Rislove |20 |10 |10 |

| | | | | | | | |

|425 |1 |Analy I |Lec + Lab |Franz |25 |7 |10 |

| | | | | | | | |

|425 |2 |Analy I |Lec + Lab |Franz |25 |3 | |

| | | | | | | | |

|450 |1 |Adv Inorg I |Lec + Lab |Miertschin |25 |10 |10 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Majors-SO/JR/SR | | | |Average | |10 |11 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Overall Average | | | |Per Cl/Sec | |18 |41 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Overall Average | | | |Per Type | |19 |54 |

| | | | | | | | |

|430/431 | |Research | |Total | |15 |15 |

8.7 Student Learning

The many means that the Chemistry Department employs to enhance active learning can only enhance student learning and student social growth. See examples of student-faculty research in Section 6.7.

8.8 Student Satisfaction

In our ETS assessment results, the “Environment for Learning” item score is clearly higher than the 67 institutions (Section 4.2). Surely this result can be attributed to students being satisfied with active learning.

8.9 Evaluation

The ETS and IDEA survey results clearly indicate the Chemistry Department’s effectiveness in employing frequent active learning strategies to promote the students’ professional and social growth.


9.1 Department Structure

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department faculty has in general returned quizzes, tests and laboratory within a one-week time-line. Practically all Chemistry faculty will return the assignments at the next lecture period. Note that most of these assignments involve a great deal of grading since the nature of assignments often involve critical thinking and therefore steps and sequences of calculations must be tediously followed to give students feedback on their thought process in working through a problem. Most of these classes (especially lower division) have more than 70 students, and yet practically all Chemistry faculty follows this principle of prompt feedback even though it might mean that they will be spending a huge amount of time in grading the huge number of assignments in a meticulous manner to give students thoughtful and prompt feedback on their work. For junior and senior laboratories, reports are graded and within a week returned to students and a meeting is held with students to answer any questions they have on the grading scale and the proper writing format. Even with a huge number of grading assignments (for example, in Chem. 212, Principles of Chemistry I, the semester grading involves 5 quizzes, 12 lab reports, 3 tests, and 1 final examination), practically all Chemistry faculty are unwilling to put out strictly multiple choice exams!

Means of Communication: It is a unwritten rule that Chemistry faculty post solution keys on bulletin boards and/or web-pages (after the assignments are graded) to maximize opportunities for students to check the accuracy of their assignments. The students are encourage to check each other’s methods of working a problem to gain feedback on different routes of thoughts in problem solving. Also, periodic postings of accumulated scores give students a quantitative measure of their own progress in the course.

9.2 Technology

Being a Laptop Department, Chemistry faculty and students can easily communicate with each other via the network. Students can ask questions directly via e-mail and faculty can respond in an extremely prompt fashion. Students can even communicate their questions interactively with a faculty by using NetMeeting, where a chat board and a white board (with voice) can link several people on-line while sharing any information and even software applications in discussing and receiving instantaneous feedback on any material! Note this is not a replacement of the face-to-face meeting between students and faculty, but an additional and supplementary way of enhancing prompt feedback when traditional routes of communications are not available.

9.3 Partnership

MathSoft Inc. has agreed to sponsor the Chemistry Department with 40 licenses of Mathcad software. Mathcad will allow students to perform various calculations at least “millions” of times faster than doing the same calculations by hand. This tremendous savings in time will allow students to do many more example calculations (to enhance their understanding of difficult concepts) and to decrease their time on routine and tedious tasks.

9.4 General Education

As mentioned in 9.1, even for lower division general education classes, faculty will provide prompt feedback on assignments within a few days and usually no more than one week. This is done for classes that are large (> 70 students) dealing with assignments that requires a tremendous amount of evaluative time.

9.5 Faculty / Staff Devlopment

Prompt feedback is an innate philosophy and attitude among faculty and staff in the Chemistry Department. This is one of the strongest attributes that permeates throughout the Chemistry Department.

9.6 Enrollment

The large number of students (Chemistry, non-Chemistry, non-science) taking our lower division courses makes it more difficult for Chemistry faculty to deal with prompt feedback, but though practically all Chemistry faculty will try to meet prompt time-lines in returning assignments to students. However, in upper division classes, where the class sizes are smaller, faculty will often ask students to do problems directly in lectures; again another indicator that Chemistry faculty (and students) believes and endorses strongly the principle of prompt feedback.

9.7 Student Learning

It is clear that since the Chemistry faculty believes and practices the prompt feedback of assignments, this principle should improve prompt feedback between staff, students, and faculty.

9.8 Student Satisfaction

From the ETS survey, student and alumni feel that their experience at WSU is a satisfactory one, about 5% more satisfied than the average data from 67 institutions complied by ETS (see Section 4.2 and Item 14 in the Documentation Portfolio).

9.9 Evaluation

The ETS ad IDEA surveys are two assessment tools that have be used a meaningful way to check for the validity of prompt feedback.


10.1 Department Structure

Curriculum: The Chemistry Faculty relates information regarding the expected amount of time of study required to be successful in a Chemistry course at the beginning of each course.

Department Policy: It is an unwritten rule that Chemistry faculty addresses the concern of time of task during each and every advising/mentoring sessions. This is especially important in light of the fact that many Chemistry majors typically work other part-time job(s) along with taking a full load during the school year.

10.2 Technology

The use of laptops (see Item 11 in the Documentation Portfolio) as a speedy powerful tool in analyzing data frees up students time to do more examples to further understand any concept.

10.3 Partnership

MathSoft Inc. has agreed to sponsor the Chemistry Department with 40 licenses of Mathcad software. This software will allow students and faculty to dramatically decrease the time required for most calculations and will allow the additional savings in time to do other tasks.

10.4 General Education

At the beginning of each General Education course, the Chemistry Faculty communicates detailed information regarding the expected amount of time of study required to be successful in the Chemistry course.

10.5 Faculty / Staff Development

Chemistry faculty attends advising and retention workshops on how to use various techniques (one is Time on Task) to help promote students’ awareness of good organizational skills and study habits to improve their performance in a course.

10.6 Enrollment

The number of majors does not play a role in the Department’s support on Time on Task.

10.7 Student Learning

The Chemistry Department believes that Student Learning is greatly enhanced by appropriate Time on Task.

10.8 Student Satisfaction

The ETS (see Section 4.2 and Item 14 in the Documentation Portfolio) surveys from students and alumni clearly demonstrate student satisfaction with the Chemistry program.

10.9 Evaluation

Individual IDEA surveys (see Item 16 in the Documentation Portfolio) for each course has been used to demonstrate that the Chemistry Department is engaging in and implementing the principle of Time on Task.


11.1 Department Structure

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department program is approved/accredited by the ACS. The curriculum is rigorous and challenging. This is clearly communicated in written form on our recruiting information packets and to students who are interested in Chemistry as a career goal. This creates an atmosphere of high expectations for the well-prepared and the well-motivated. However, this atmosphere is coupled with a conscientious group of Chemistry faculty who also constantly expect the best efforts from all students. The Chemistry faculty generally communicates their high level of expectations at the beginning of each class. It is also an informal policy of the Chemistry Department to emphasize that hard work can bring success to a student’s career at WSU and beyond, and that this attitude is not just applied to the best students..

11.2 Technology

The Chemistry Department’s Level Four Challenge Grant on Electronic Portfolios (see Item 12 in the Documentation Portfolio) and the designation of laptops (see Item 11 in the Documentation Portfolio) for most of our classes detail high expectations from hard working students.

11.3 Partnership

The Chemistry Department has a student internship at MVTL(MN Valley Testing Lab in New Ulm) for a Department-selected Chemistry student. The partnership clearly carries high expectation for hard-work and self-motivation.

11.4 General Education

The Chemistry Department promotes a clear message of high expectation for our general education classes. At the beginning of each course, the rigor and study habit requirements and clearly communicated to all students from a discussion/explanation of the course syllabus.

11.5 Faculty / Staff Development

During Assessment Day and our annual Department Retreat, the Chemistry faculty and staff are given progress updates of Department projects/initiatives and are given opportunities in all projects/initiatives such as the Electronic Portfolio and Laptop projects. Discussions of these projects facilitate high expectations among all staff and faculty.

11.6 Enrollment

The number of majors (and students) in our classes do not at all inhibit the achievement of high expectations in the Chemistry Department.

11.7 Student Learning

Our ETS and IDEA survey results clearly reflect that high expectations for students lead to successful student learning.

To lend further credence to the quality (high expectations) of the capstone research experiences for Chemistry students at WSU, the following lists recent undergraduate student research presentations at local, regional, state and national conferences.

“Tris(2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl) Phosphite as a Co-Initiator For Iodonium-Induced Polymerization Of Cyclohexene Oxide”, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR99), University of Rochester, Lee Stanek* and Thomas W. Nalli, Rochester, NY, April 9, 1999.

“GPC Analysis of Polycyclohexene Oxide Produced in Iodonium/Methoxyphosphine Co-initiated Visible Photopolymerizations”, Lee Stanek* and Thomas W. Nalli, Undergraduate Research Award Address at the 1999 Minnesota Chromatography Forum Spring Symposium, Brooklyn Center, MN, May 20, 1999.

“The Effect of Low-Strength Alternating Current Magnetic Field on Iron-Dependent Lipid Peroxidation”, Sheila R. Calsyn*, Dean L. Hoffmeister*, and Bruce A. Svingen, 31st ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting UW-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, May 1998.

“Aromatic Iodination Via Diaryliodonium Iodides”, Hakim Hazaimeh* and Thomas W. Nalli, 40th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, April 26, 1997.

“Synthesis of Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Macromolecules Based on Triaryl-phosphine Oxides”, Michael J. Grapenthien* and Eric Fossum, Minnesota Undergraduate Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University, Winona, MN 1997.

“Synthesis and Characterization of Star Polymers with Degradable Cores”, Jessica Peschl* and Eric Fossum, Minnesota Undergraduate Research Symposium, St. Mary’s University, Winona, MN 1997.

“Specific Dynamic Responses in the Corn Snake”, Jason Herman* and Bruce A. Svingen, Southeast Minnesota Academy of Biology, 1997.

“A Novel System for Visible Light Cationic Polymerization”, Raguib Muneer* and Thomas W. Nalli, 40th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, April 26, 1997.

“Radical Chemistry of an Alkynyl Iodonium Salt”, Atique Ahmed* and Thomas W. Nalli, 40th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, April 26, 1997.

“A Novel System for Visible Light Cationic Polymerization”, Raguib Muneer* and Thomas W. Nalli, 39th Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, April 20, 1996.

“The Effect of Weak Magnetic Fields on Lipid Peroxidation”, Atique Ahmed* and Bruce A. Svingen, 64th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences, 1996.

“4-Hydroxyproline in Cardiac Muscle in Experimental Diabetes”, Daniel Donovan* and Bruce A. Svingen, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences, 1995.

“Identification of a Novel Fish Deterrent”, Sarah Vickman (Winona Senior High School student) and Bruce A. Svingen, 1992-1995. Project was presented and won awards at the local, regional, state and national level. This work culminated with a first place award at the International Science Fair, Toronto, Canada, 1995.

“Effects of Alternating Current Magnetic Fields on Ascorbate-Iron Dependent Lipid Peroxidation”, Patrick Carl* and Bruce A. Svingen, 62nd Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Academy of Sciences, 1994.

“Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Oscillating Reactions”, Cindy Alexander* and C.B.W. Ng, 25th ACS Great Lakes Regional Meeting, June 1-3, 1992, Marquette University, Milwaukee.

“Oligomeric Anilines and Ethers from Difluorodinitrobenzene, Diamines and Diphenols”, H. Hosseneini-Ahmaddzadeh; P. J. Kennedy; G.A. Hall and David J. Rislove, 25th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, June, 1992.

“Synthesis and Characterization of N-Substituted Dinitroanilines and Polyanilines”, P.W. Baures; L.D. Elvebak; S.M. Reutzel; H. Hosseini-Ahmadzadeh and David J. Rislove, 1991 Joint Central and Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN, May, 1991.

11.8 Student Satisfaction

Students and Alumni have responded on ETS and IDEA surveys that they are satisfied with the quality of the Chemistry program, one aspect of which is the rigor and challenge of the program that carries a high degree of high expectations for both faculty and students.

11.9 Evaluation

The Chemistry Department employs two external assessment agencies (ETS and IDEA) to confirm our implementation of this principle of high expectations.


12.1 Department Structure

Curriculum: The Chemistry Department, in its curriculum, employs many means of educational pedagogy (from traditional methods such as lectures with demos to modern use of laptops as a supplementary learning tool) to enable more ways of learning for students. Also, students of diverse talents are welcomed and respected for their infusion of different viewpoints. Junior and senior classes can involve student projects that integrates students with different talents working together to make in-class and in-lab group projects an enhanced learning experience.

Budget: The Chemistry Department tries to schedule laboratory assignments that bring together faculty and students of diverse talents.

12.2 Technology

Both our Laptop and Electronic Portfolio projects are utilizing state-of-the-art technology to facilitate Respect for Diverse Talents and Ways Learning. For example, the interactive use of laptops in the classroom and laboratories involves having students interact with each other in addressing and solving various problems. This integration of technology into our curriculum derives working relationships among students (and faculty) of diverse talents and different ways of learning.

12.3 Partnership

12.4 General Education

Having a maximum laboratory size of 26 students in our general education classes helps us to promote and facilitate our respect for diverse talents and different ways of learning. Many faculty promotes the use of study groups to enhance students’ perspectives on the many diverse ways of learning. Often experimental groups are mixed with gender and cultural diversity to enhance such experience within this principle of diverse talents and ways of learning.

12.5 Faculty / Staff Development

Our annual Department retreat and Assessment Day activities brings about discussions among students, staff and faculty on how to best facilitate respect for diverse talents and ways of learning.

12.6 Enrollment

The large number of students enrolled in Chemistry courses support the achievement of respect for diverse talents and ways of learning.

12.7 Student Learning

Our ETS and IDEA survey instruments reflect the quality of student learning. The item “Faculty Concern for Students” in the ETS survey results in 1998 is clearly ahead of national results from 67 institutions.

12.8 Student Satisfaction

The external ETS assessment agency results have several items speaking in favor of our students and alumni’s views of their high level of satisfaction with the WSU Chemistry program.

12.9 Evaluation

Both external survey instruments, IDEA and ETS, gave positive results for the Chemistry Department’s implementation of respect for diverse talents and ways of learning.

Prepared by: C.B. William Ng

Professor and Chairperson

Department of Chemistry

Winona State University

November 24, 1999

NCA 2001 - WSU - Department of Chemistry

Documentation Portfolio November 24, 1999

Item 1: Chemistry Department Quality Assurance and Assessment Plan (QAAP)

Item 2: Course Sequence - Chemistry Option B - ACS certified

Item 3: Scholarships, Awards and Opportunities

Item 4: Chemistry Floor Space

Item 5: Comprehensive (5 Year) Chemistry Equipment List

Item 6: Sugihara 1989 Program Review Consultant Report

Item 7: 1989-1994 Program Review Report by Fred Foss

Item 8: Grant Proposal: Building Bridges between the WSU Chemistry Program and K-12 and Community College Teachers and Students.

Item 9: Grant Proposal: Baseline Data Collection: Institution of the Use of Standardized Testing in Chemistry Courses as part of a Comprehensive Effort toward Initiating the Collection of Baseline Data for use in Chemistry Department Assessment.

Item 10: Grant Proposal: Technological Enhancement: An Internet Home Page for Biochemistry (and Physical Chemistry) at Winona State University.

Item 11: Grant Proposal: Pilot Laptop Initiative - Chemistry Program

Item 12: Grant Proposal: An Interactive & Dynamic Student Portfolio Mentoring System

Item 13: Chemistry Program Review: Five-Year Self-Study Report (1994-1999)

Item 14: ETS Assessment Results (1"-thick-Packet - Available upon request)

Item 15: ACS Standardized Examination Results

Item 16: IDEA Student Short-Form Evaluation Forms


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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