
KaleidoSoul Resources



Top Ten Lists



Sevenfold Journey, by Selene Vega and Anodea Judith.  Lots of easy-to-follow information on each of the chakras. Also includes yoga postures, dance moves, journaling exercises, and other ideas to help you open, heal, balance, and get in touch with all of your chakras.

The Sunday List of Dreams, by Kris Radish. Oh, yes! One of my favorite authors (Annie Freedman's Traveling Funeral, The Elegant Gathering of White Snows...) has a new book out! Read this and your own imagination will take flight. Find out what happens when a retired nurse sets out to really live the "list of dreams" she's been keeping in her pocket for over twenty years. You'll be inspired to create your own list of dreams, I guarantee.

.A Deep Breath of Life, by Alan Cohen.  Daily inspiration for heart-centered living.  I've seen a lot of books of "daily readings" in my time, but this one is the best.  I keep it right beside my computer and read the short message for the day while it's booting up.  I love Alan Cohen's work because he uses real-life stories to get his messages across, and I find myself responding to his stories on many levels.  Each daily reading fits on one page and also includes a short prayer and an affirmation to carry with you into your day.

The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield. Ever read a book where you want to underline and highlight practically every sentence? This was one of those for me. It's really about resistance... so if you're familiar with one of those inner parts that seems to resist/block you whenever you try to do something good for yourself, you really need to read this book. I've read it once, but I'll be reading it again and again. Pressfield gave me incredible insight into this inner voice called Resistance, and I'm now looking for images to create a card to honor it. Before I read The War of Art, I had no idea how much of my life this part of me was controlling.

Garden Spells, by Sarah Addison Allen. Absolutely enchanting novel about love, life's journeys, and inner voices.  This is one of my favorites of 2007, and one I will enjoy reading again and again. No matter who you are, you'll be able to relate to at least one of these very human, very believable characters.  And there's some magic/enchantment thrown in for good measure.

Making a Change For Good: A Guide to Compassionate Self-Discipline, by Cheri Huber.  When you think of self-discipline, do you think of bald monks sleeping on beds of nails?  Chaste nuns rising at 4 a.m. to pray the rosary?  Well, this book allows you to throw out all of these preconceptions and start over.  According to Huber, a Zen teacher and retreat leader, self-discipline is simply about the practice of being in the present moment and listening to all of the voices in our minds that try to distract us from who we really are and what we're really trying to accomplish.  This amazing little book belongs on every SoulCollager's bookshelf, because Huber explains in vivid, descriptive ways (and with lots of good examples) our Inner Committee members, and how we can relate to them in healthy, clearer ways in order to change our lives for the better.

Ten Poems to Open Your Heart, by Roger Housden, who says Great poetry can alter the way we see ourselves.  It can change the way we see the world.  I never understood this exactly until I read his books!  In this slim but powerful volume, Housden writes about ten beautiful poems by well-loved authors such as: Mary Oliver, Robert Bly, Rumi, Sharon Olds, and more.  He lovingly discusses each poem and how it relates to our lives here and now.  All of Housden's "Ten Poems to..."  books are special and full of current wisdom.

The Life Organizer: A Woman's Guide to a Mindful Year. This is an ALL-NEW book by Jennifer Louden. Subtitle says exactly what it is: Tips, Stories and Prompts to Focus on Your Needs and Navigate Your Dreams. You can get this in a bookstore or on Amazon, but if you purchase it from her site, you'll receive 20% off plus a whole basket of other goodies including a CD, an audio recording you can download, a set of Companion Questions and more. I have every book written by this wise, mindful woman, and I'm eagerly waiting for this next one to arrive in the mail (as well as looking forward to organizing my life in a more soul-full way).

Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith, by Anne Lamott.  Reverent and irreverent (and in the same sentence sometimes!), these essays make me feel even more that I am not alone, that others think and feel and mess up exactly like I do. From a detailed account of an eating binge (titled The Muddling Glory of God) to a story of losing track of a beloved dog on a mountain hike (titled The Last Story of Spring), to tales of raising a teenage boy alone but not alone ... Lamott's stories and ideas about life and the living of it will have you chuckling with merriment and sighing in recognition

Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert.  This is a book that I will read again and again.  Not just a travel book, although it does tell of the author's year of adventures inItaly,India andBali.  It is a story of her personal journey, and a beautiful story of spiritual discoveries.  Full of beautiful descriptions and practical wisdom, it made me see my own journey in a whole new light.


Awake, by Josh Groban. This is Groban's newest and what can I say except.. I love it! His voice is as rich and expressive as Andrea Bocelli's. This is beautiful background music for driving and/or creating. My favorite song on this one is called You Are Loved (Don't Give Up). Play it when you're feeling down and I swear you'll believe that angels are surrounding you.

Grace and Gratitude, by Olivia Newton-John. I can't wait for you to hear this one! There are so many tracks on this that are just brimming over with spirituality and messages for your soul. My favorites are Pearls on a Chain, and Love is Letting Go of Fear.

The Prayer Cycle, A Choral Symphony in Nine Movements, by by Jonathan Elias.  I play this CD over and over as I work (play!) at my art table.  Listen to what this reviewer had to say (because I can't say it any better than this): It is with primitive urgency and lustrous clarity rising like flickering embers from a fire that Jonathan Elias's ambitious Prayer Cycle is given voice. Woven together like knotty wool, silk, and fine strands of silvery water, the disparate yet complementary voices of James Taylor, Alanis Morissette, Yungchen Lhamo, Ofra Haza, the American Boychoir, Linda Ronstadt, and others intertwine in multiple languages with the superb English Chamber Orchestra and Chorus. Prayers of supplication, gratitude, and longing build in layers, one on top of and 'twixt and 'tween the other, as movements titled "Mercy," "Grace," "Innocence," "Compassion," and the like. Remarkably, Elias's Prayer Cycle eloquently captures the ecstasy, pain, grief, and sublime beauty of humanity--as he simply and poignantly writes in his liner notes, "The world we live in is both joyous and cruel." --Paige La Grone

Chant, by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos. Here's some soothing, soul-full music for background music for your SoulCollage card making.

Atlantis Angelis, by Patrick Bernard.  I heard this recently during a massage and felt like I was surrounded by divine love and grace. All of Bernard's unique music embraces the healing qualities of sounds, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.  It is deeply calming and also holy, as he is singing in Sanskrit and other holy languages. I have been playing it (and others of his) almost non-stop while I'm cooking, meditating, journaling, and playing at my art table. I'm even listening to it right now while I'm writing this!

Let the Change Begin, by Jana Stanfield.  I came across this site in a lovely synchronistic moment and have been thanking my lucky stars ever since!  She calls herself the "Queen of Heavy Mental" because her music is about self-love and emotions and forgiveness. And other things too.  I always feel better when I listen to one of these cd's, and I truly believe that if radio stations played more of this kind of music, the world would be a much happier place.   You can listen to lots of song samples on her site. Here are a few of my favorites: Amazing Things, Between the No Longer and the Not Yet, All the Good, and Nothin' I Can Do About It Now.

Songs of the Spirit I, by Karen Drucker. If you've never heard this songwriter/artist, hop right on over to this link and listen to clips of some of her spirit-filled and soul-full songs. I love her music, and think you will too. Some of the tracks on this album include: Are You Ready to Receive, The Healing Song, I Give Myself Permission, Woman's Spirit

All the Way to Heaven, by Jan Phillips.  My dear friend, Karen Mann, told me about this CD and I know that you will love it too.  It's full of songs about the creative process, and is soothing and uplifting at the same time.  I've been playing it in the background while doing tedious computer work and it's amazing how just staying in touch with the creative side of myself helps me get through those chores more quickly.  I don't think there's another CD like this on the whole planet, and I highly recommend it to you.  It doesn't seem to be available at Amazon, so I am sending you to CDBaby for this one.

Waking Up Laughing, by Martina McBride.  This is a remarkable album, even if you don't like "country!"  My favorite song on this CD is called "Anyway" and here are some of the lyrics:

You can spend your whole life building something from nothing

One storm can come and blow it all away

Build it anyway

You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way

Dream it anyway


God is great, but sometimes life ain't good

And when I pray it doesn't always turn out like I think it should

But I do it anyway, I do it anyway

Sacred, by the Taliesin Orchestra.  I like to put this on very loud sometimes, while I'm cooking or cleaning.  When I'm making SoulCollage cards, I like it a little softer.  Contains some beautiful, unique renditions of classic favorites like Amazing Grace, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, and others.  Also some new pieces that will speak directly to the part of you who is in touch with the Divine.


Waitress, featuring Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Andy Griffith, Adrienne Shelley, and Jeremy Sisto.  If you're a fan of quirky, off-beat, lovely little independent films, then don't miss this one.  The thing I loved best about this film (besides the fact that it has inspired my own pie baking frenzy, and besides the fact that it made me laugh in the most unexpected places) is that it shows a woman embracing and relishing her own enormous creativity (yes, she is a pie maker!) against all odds. 

Dragonfly, featuring Kevin Costner and Kathy Bates.  This is a simple story of a man who deeply loved his wife, and then followed his heart after her death.  All of the press for this movie made it out to be a psychological horror sort of film, but I've seen it twice now and for me, it's more of a love story.  AND... a story of the mystical way in which all of us are connected through dreams, thoughts, premonitions, and more importantly...Love.   The Kevin Costner character is very open to these signs and premonitions, and he follows them against everyone else's more practical view of things. 

Chocolat- featuring Juliette Binoche, Johnny Depp, and Judi Dench. Vianne is a clear, strong example of a joyful woman living from the roots of her own self-acceptance. The more she acts from that center of her Self, the more joy she invites into her life (and watch the Johnny Depp and Judi Dench characters do the same!)

Oh, God!- featuring John Denver, George Burns, Teri Garr. Superb story for anyone on a spiritual journey. I love the subtle humor of this movie, but also the vulnerability of John Denver's character, who attempts to carry God's message to a world of skeptics.  There are some very deep one-liners from "God" (in the form of George Burns) in this movie that will have you sitting up and taking notice. When I first saw this movie many years ago, I related to the whole movie in terms of a male God (those were my "born again" days)... but now that my faith and spirituality have expanded and grown, I am happy to say that I responded to the movie on a much deeper, broader level.  In other words, this film meets you exactly where you are on your own spiritual journey. There's lots to be said here about environment, love, creation, community, and faith.  Plus, it will make you chuckle! Here's one of my favorite conversations between "Jerry" and "God" when Jerry realizes that God is asking him to take his message to the world:

     Jerry: But I'm not religious.

     God: Religion is easy... I'm talking about faith.

     Jerry: And I don't belong to any church.

     God: Neither do I

Stranger Than Fiction,starring Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson.  I saw this last fall when it was in the theatres, and found it totally charming, imaginative, and genuinely funny. Last week I rented it (it's finally out on dvd) and loved it even more the second time. Will Ferrell will grow on you as the main character in an author's new novel (excellently portrayed by Emma Thompson). Dustin Hoffman joins in as an English Literature professor who helps him discern what kind of a novel he is "in" and who the author is. The bottom line of this movie is to take your life into your own hands, to make your life exactly what you want it to be no matter what is happening around you, and no matter who seems to be writing your story for you. Funny, touching, a little silly, but always real.

Little Miss Sunshine, with Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carell, Alan Arkin. This little Indie movie made a lot of waves this summer in the "big" theatres. I saw it then and am excited now because it's on dvd and I can watch it whenever I want. I love it because it's laugh-out-loud-funny AND it's touching, very real, and carries a deep message about the real meaning of success, failure, family, and winning. 

Freedom Writers, featuring Hilary Swank and Patrick Dempsey. Because of my teaching background, I have a soft spot in my heart for films that focus on teachers who make a difference.  However, Freedom Writers goes to the top of that list because this teacher (beautifully portrayed by Hilary Swank) is using WRITING to reach the troubled teens in her English classroom.  If you've ever doubted the affect that writing can have on your emotional and personal life, you'll have faith once you've watched this movie.  I urge you to rent it, and as you're watching it, consider how you can use the simple power of words to change your own life as well (hint: it has something to do with interpreting your SoulCollage cards!).

Spiritual Cinema Circle- Movies that will warm your heart, expand your mind, and stir your soul. 

August Rush, featuring Keri Russell, Freddie Highmore, Robin Williams and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.  This is a rich film, full of beauty and Story.  The characters' story lines are woven together beautifully and lovingly into a believable ending that you won't soon forget.  Watch it with the eye of a person on a journey, as are the three lead characters in this movie.  I loved how even when one of them took what seemed like a "wrong turn," it only served to bring them closer to their desired end... a good reminder for us all not to second-guess the twists and turns of our own journeys.  In American theatres now.

Miss Potter, starring Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor.  This is the biographical story of the life of Beatrix Potter, but it's so much more than that.  Beatrix Potter was a woman ahead of her time- unmarried and living with her parents, she ignored convention and focused on her art, her imagination, and her childrens' books.  It's also a beautiful love story, and the tale of a woman coming into her own.


(Okay, so we couldn't help ourselves! This list is the of Top 14 Websites of 2007.

It was just too hard to settle on 10.)

Spirit Card Center- hundreds of gorgeous, colorful art images for your cards. You can also send these as e-cards. Click on any image on home page, then select one of the artist's cards. Scroll down and you'll see a larger version of the piece.

Creativity Portal- Absolutely everything creative is on this site.  You name it, it's here: art, writing, music, any possible way you can express your creativity. This is a must-have resource  for anyone interested in creativity.

Kobe Dolls- (Art Dolls, Healing Dolls, Feeling Dolls) All kinds of dolls here, what fun.  Most are handmade, and used for healing and personal growth.

Center for Self Leadership- An excellent resource for anyone wanting to know more about our inner voices (the Committee Suit).

The Great Cosmic Happy-Ass Card Company-  I found one of this company's greeting cards in a store last weekend and loved it so much I didn't want to send it off in the mail (but I did).  So I went online to this fun site and found many more cards. Some are funny, some are profound and wise, some will simply touch your soul, but you must at least look at them.

The Gratitude Dance- Oh, you'll love this one! Takes just a few minutes to watch, and will definitely brighten your day. What do you have to be grateful for?

Femail Creations- Great selection of beautiful, useful, fun, personal growth gifts. I've used them often and have always been more than happy with their service and creative products. Shopping, anyone?

Dreaming in Color- This is one of the most beautiful (non-SoulCollage) decks I've ever seen. And the site is beautiful too.  The deck is called a Luman Deck, taken from the Latin words for "Light" (Lumen) and "Angel" (Angelus).

Isabella- This site is a great source for creative gift giving. I buy from them all the time and am always happy with the service and products, but most of all with their selection.

Comfort Queen- A virtual wellness oasis for women seeking more balance and intentional comfort in their daily lives. Hosted by author Jennifer Louden. Highly recommended!

All Books For Less- Amazing website for any book lover. They have zillions of books (I'm not kidding!) on any topic you can think of, all at greatly reduced prices.  It's not like Amazon or where you are buying from individual sellers.  This is a reputable dealer and most of the books are available in quantity, which is great for book clubs as well as gift giving.  Search for your  favorite author or topic and see how much savings you can gather.

Elder Wisdom Circle- a nationwide network of Seniors aged 60-103 who offer advice and wisdom confidentially via the internet. Their mission is to promote and share elder know-how and accumulated wisdom, along with the goal of elevating the perceived value and worth of the senior community. Go ahead and try it. Is there something you're struggling with, or have a very big question about? Send an email on this site and you'll hear back from one or two wise senior women. I tried it and was amazed with the clarity and depth of the two answers I received. This site truly is a blessing for all of us.

Walking Toward Wisdom- Exciting blog that celebrates women's aging, by SoulCollage Facilitator Kindred Spirit Sharry Teague inOregon. If you have a card that fits this theme, please send it to her

Spirituality and Practice- Abundant resources for anyone on a spiritual journey.


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