Pre-Writing Outline: Of Mice and Men EssayIntroductory ParagraphOpener/Attention Getter = goal is to create a broader context (i.e this essay is specifically about George and Lennie’s relationship in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; however, many points can be made about mutuality or symbiosisExample 1 = Global Statement—which is a broad, generalized statement about the topic…something that is universally true.“Not every relationship in our lives is mutually beneficial.”Example 2 = Facts/details—could include scientific or academic information.In Biology, symbiosis is a neutral term, meaning "the living together in close association of two dissimilar organisms." It has the implication that the relationship is beneficial to the organisms involved, but that is properly a mutualistic relationship.Example 3 = An analogy or comparison—which is more abstract and more creative.The relationship between a pet and its owner is a curious one that may or/may not be mutually beneficial.Extend/Explain the Opener = too many writers shift too quickly from the broad or abstract opener directly into the assigned topic---DON’T!!! Let your idea develop. This could go on for 2-3 (or more sentences) if it’s interesting.Example 1 = Global Statement“Not every relationship in our lives is mutually beneficial. Consider how one-sided your relationship has been with your parents for most of your lives until now: they provided food, shelter, clothing—you benefitted far more than they did.”Example 2 = Facts/detailsIn Biology, symbiosis is a neutral term, meaning "the living together in close association of two dissimilar organisms." It has the implication that the relationship is beneficial to the organisms involved, but that is properly a mutualistic relationship. Understanding this process not only improves our knowledge of the natural world and how organisms interact, but it can be an interesting lens to examine our interpersonal relationships.” Example 3 = An analogy or comparisonThe relationship between a pet and its owner is a curious one that may or/may not be mutually beneficial. While the pet may offer unconditional love and companionship, these “unquantifiable” things hardly equal the time, money, and energy we—as owners—invest in them.Connect to the assigned topicExample 1 = Global Statement—which is a broad, generalized statement about the topic…something that is universally true.“Not every relationship in our lives is mutually beneficial. Consider how one-sided your relationship has been with your parents for most of your lives until now: they provided food, shelter, clothing—you benefitted far more than they did. True, your parents love you and derive pride (usually) out of raising you, this is hardly a mutually beneficial experience. John Steinbeck explores a similarly “one-sided” relationship in his novel Of Mice and Men, where George Milton serves as parent and protector of the mentally diminished Lennie Smalls.” Example 3 = An analogy or comparison—which is more abstract and more creative.The relationship between a pet and its owner is a curious one that may or/may not be mutually beneficial. While pets provide their owners with invaluable things—companionship, love, protection—the owner has the more quantifiable burden of providing for the pet. John Steinbeck explores a similarly complex relationship in his novel Of Mice and Men. Lennie Smalls is like the pet providing companionship; George Milton, the overburdened provider and caretaker.” ESTABLISH YOUR THESISFor this essay, it’s argumentative, so you need to take a stand: is George and Lennie’s relationship mutually beneficial or is it one-sided.Body Paragraph 1Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie’s relationship at the beginning of the novel (first 3 Chapters)Develop/Support your topic with 2-3 passages/quotes from the text. Body Paragraph 2Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie’s relationship through the middle of the novel (Chapters 4-5)Develop/Support your topic with 2-3 passages/quotes from the text.Body Paragraph 3Topic sentence that examines the George and Lennie by the end of the novel (Chapter 6)Develop/Support your topic with 2-3 passages/quotes from the text.ConclusionEvaluate Steinbeck's position with regards to the "loneliness" theme in the novel. Whether you deemed it a mutually beneficial relationship or not, how does this theme help explain George and Lennie’s relationship?Do "people need people" as he seems to assert whether the relationship is mutually beneficial or not? Why or why not? ................

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