Berg BOOTCAMP ‘Get your berg booty blasting with fitness trainingFITNESS BOOTCAMP & TRAINING PROGRAM:The Berg Lake trail sits on the boarder of the Mount Robson Provincial Park and Jasper National Park. It lies in the shadows of spectacular glaciers, glacial-fed lakes and some of the highest peaks in the Rocky Mountains. It is isolated, strenuous, physically challenging and potentially hazardous. It is also one of the most rewarding due to the spectacular scenery and unique setting.Hiking the BLT demands stamina and expertise in hiking and backcountry camping skills. Only competent backpackers should attempt the entire route. You are required to navigate challenging weather, negotiate very steep slopes and follow an irregular, slippery trail. This is a wilderness area and it may be many hours before help can be obtained should an accident occur. All hikers should carefully evaluate their individual and group abilities, including their fitness, prior to attempting the route. PHYSICAL PREPARATION:Over the next six weeks, it is VERY important that each of you work to develop the STRENGTH (think of carrying that 40lb backpack up a mountain back, core, legs, arms), ENDURANCE (57km of hiking over 5 days), COORDINATION (negotiating trails, rocks, roots, snows) and CONFIDENCE (the more you work your fitness and challenge yourself, the more you will feel capable of taking on the challenge) needed to successfully participate in and enjoy the magic of the Berg Lake Trail.Fitness cannot be developed over days or only a few weeks…it takes many weeks to see true ‘gains’ and participating in a structured program can help you to achieve your fitness goals. In addition to strength training, workouts should include core exercises and a cardio-vascular component.Some tips to help you stay motivated…Keep track of your workouts. Use a workout log or notepad to write everything down.Keep a routine, and then shake it up. Come up with a plan and mix it up after 3 weeks. Your body is smart and will adjust, so to prevent plateau, switch it up.Make it fun Do exercises you enjoy. Workout with a friend - at school, at home, the park, etc.Plan Prioritize your workouts and make them important. Life gets busy, and it’s easy to put exercise on the backburner. Make it a priority and it will help to energize and motivate you through the day! You’ll enjoy the Berg Lake experience so much more if you do!NUTRITION:What you fuel your body with is just as important as how you train your body. Nutrition and performance are linked. It’s important for you to reflect on your food choices and analyze the nutritional value of the foods you consume, thinking of CALORIES, PROTEINS, CARBS, FATS. Ultimately, this will ensure you are making quality food choices and getting enough of the right types of foods. This is especially true when we are on-trail and good nutrition while hiking is KEY!WEIGHT TRAINING:Using weights can help to build strength (muscle hypertrophy). Utilizing the Templeton Weight Room (open Tuesdays & Thursdays after school), incorporate the following weight training programs to target improved strength and fitness. DAY - UPPER BODY #1: FOCUS = BICEPS / BACK / CORE_____ Standing Bicep Curls (machine # 12)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Seated Row(#3)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Lat Pulldowns (#9)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Reverse Crunches (Hyperextension)=2-3 sets / 10-15 reps_____ Bent Over Dumbbell Row (Free)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Core workDAY – UPPER BODY #2: FOCUS = TRICEPS / CHEST / CORE_____ Tricep Extensions(#10) =2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Chest Press(#2)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Pec Deck Flye (#11)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Incline Chest (w/bench – Free)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Seated Dumbbell Press*(Free)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Core Work* Option = Dumbbell Side Lateral (Free)DAY – LOWER BODY:FOCUS = LEGS_____ Leg Press (1)= 2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Leg/Quad Extensions (6/7)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Hamstring Curls (6/7)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Squats* (opt. w/ weight)=2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Power Lunges* (opt. w/ weight) =2-3 sets / 12-15 reps_____ Core work-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Core Work Options:Cardio Options:CrunchesBikeCore HangSkippingKnee Lifts / Leg LiftsStep-UpsPlankStar Jumps/Jumping JacksSee posters on weight room wallShuttle runs w/Lateral jumps ENDURANCE/STAMINA/CARDIO TRAINING:In addition to building strength, you need to challenge your cardiovascular system to develop endurance and improved oxygen carrying capacity and consumption efficiency. There are a variety of activities that achieve these goals including Running, Swimming, Cycling, Fast-paced Walking, Hiking, Bootcamp style classes, Repeated Runs/Sprints during sports like Soccer/Basketball/Hockey. These sessions need to be a minimum of 20-30 minutes in length and at a moderate-high effort/intensity (i.e you can feel your breathing get heavier, you begin to sweat, your HR increases, you feel tired but satisfied after). Ideally, you could combine this cardio training with some form of strength training – i.e: jog to the park for 10min, mix in ‘bootcamp-style’ exercises at the park for 10min, jog home; hike with a heavier backpack; incorporate sprint intervals into your run/walk; etc.HOW MUCH DID I NEED TO EXERCISE?It’s important to mix in a variety of exercises that target all aspects of your fitness. Incorporate the specific resources around strength training with weights and cardio/endurance training to find a program that’s right for you. Strength-based training should be completed a minimum of 3 times per week. It can include the weight room or even just body-weight type of activities (*see additional resources below). A minimum of 8-12 reps of each exercise is needed to truly ‘stress’ the muscles for improved strength. Endurance/Cardio sessions should be prioritized 3-5 times a week. Remember these need to ‘stress’ your aerobic energy system, so need to be a minimum of 20 minutes in length at a moderate intensity.*Pressed for time? Work smarter! In as little as 20-30 minutes you can get a sufficient workout in that blends cardio with strength. Just push yourself to exercise harder during the ‘work phase’ and give yourself less rest between sets. Set-up a bootcamp style exercise station with friends and do as many reps of each station as you can in 1min. Rotate through a couple of times, push yourself and you’ll see improvements. *Don’t forget a dynamic warm-up and then light cool down & stretch.Don’t have access to equipment or a gym? …No problemo!The following is a sample of some of the many exercises you can do with minimal/no equipment. Set up a circuit of 5-8 exercises and aim to complete each exercise continuously for 45sec-1min. Or alternatively, complete 10-30 repetitions of each exercise in a circuit. Work to complete the circuit 2 or 3 X for improved aerobic fitness, endurance, strength and flexibility.*NOTE: You should be working at 65-80% of your maximum heart rate (120-160 bpm / approx.8.5 out of 10 exertion level) and you should feel tired at the end of each circuit.Upper BodyPush ups (change hand position to challenge yourself)Tricep dipsMountain climbersFloor crawlsRotating lateral single-arm plankMed-ball slamsMed-ball propped push upsStar pass w/med-ball or free wt.Flexed arm hang/monkey barsLower BodySquat jumpsSquats (partners, pulse)Med-ball slamsLateral two-foot jumps (up & over band/rope)Toe taps (high knees)Lunges (stationary, walking)Jump lungesDonkey kicks (table top & kick behind)Wall sitsStep-upsControlled front kickSide to side bent touchesMixedSkipping (air jump rope)Jumping JacksRunning on spot ( add-ons = drop and burpee, squat jump, mtn climbers)Burpees (w/step up)High knees/Butt kicks continuousMountain climbersKnee repeatersFloor crawlsStationary punches and with boxing dance/jogCorePlankPartner high-fivesOblique plank (knees side to side)Lateral plank (raise hips)Leg raise variations (angles -15, 45, 90, pyramids)Toe touches (pulses)Bicycle sit-upsGlute bridgeMed-ball twistsSuperman posePartner - hold ankles & push/throw down legsBosu/exercise ball sit-ups / leg extensionsThe Many Benefits of YogaYoga increases flexibility and reduces stress, but the practice of Yoga can do much more than help you twist your body into pretzel shapes and find inner peace. Yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years and the following are just some of the many benefits to Yoga: improves flexibility, builds strength, promotes effective breathing, improves posture, increases blood flow, supports mindfulness/relaxation, helps you focus, boosts immunity, increases heart rate, supports bone/joint health, improves balance, boosts sleep quality, detoxifies the body, reduces stress, increases energy, and encourages living with greater awareness. *Try incorporating some yoga into your weekly fitness.*HIKING-SPECIFIC ADVICE – Get used to YOUR PACK and the WEIGHT of carrying it! Load your pack with dumbells, large rocks or textbooks and 1) walk to/from school with it, 2) do 15min gym bleacher walks up & down the steps and benches practicing coordination and step placement, 3) complete squat/lunges/ sit down & standups with your pack on to build strength. ................

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