

( 2010, Harper College Adjunct Faculty Association, IEA/NEA (847) 359-0300 553 N. North Court, Suite 210, Palatine, IL 60067-8124


SURS and Social Security Administration Presentations

The Harper College Adjunct Faculty Association and the Harper College Human Resources Department invite all adjuncts to a SURS/SSA presentation geared specifically toward adjunct needs. This is your chance to learn about your retirement and ask questions about options available to you.

The Harper College Human Resources Department &

The Harper College Adjunct Faculty Association

Invite All Adjunct Faculty

to attend

SURS and Social Security Presentations

May 3, 2010, 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM, E108


• 3:10 – Doors open. Our program will start on time.

You’re invited to come a few minutes early to be prepared, have a snack, and socialize.

• 3:30 –A representative from the Social Security Administration will begin speaking.

• 4:30 – A SURS representative will begin speaking.

• Both presentations will be tailored to the unique needs of adjunct faculty.

• Time will be allowed for questions and answers.

If possible, please RSVP to:

Arlene Bublick, HCAFA at abublick@harpercollege.edu or

Angela Bowling, HR at abowling@harpercollege.edu

We hope to see you there!


For more than five months, adjuncts and administrators have been meeting monthly to talk and work out solutions to problems before they escalate to grievances. All agree that the meetings have been valuable.


Personal Paid Leave

A perfect case in point concerns adjuncts’ obligations regarding personal paid leave. HCAFA questioned the wording of some of the statements given in “Expectation Guidelines,” the college’s memo to all adjuncts on February 10, 2010.

On April 9, Mia Igyarto (Interim Vice President, HR/DOD) and Dr. M. Skold (Vice President Academic Affairs) sent the following clarification note.

This note is to clarify the expectation in the Absence from Class section of the February 10th Expectations Guidelines. In order to best serve our students and be sure that we appropriately utilize substitutes when necessary, it is critical that you notify your division office if you are going to be absent from your class. The need for communication with the Dean is even more important when your absence is for more than one class session. This memo is not and never would be intended to address what the administration and the adjunct faculty have in good faith negotiated as part of the contract.

Mia (Director of HR)

In addition, Mia Igyarto and Dr. Skold have both confirmed that the explanations given after the 2 memo statements below correspond to the contract language. Dr. Skold added, “For me, this is about encouraging people to talk kindly to one another in recognition that relationships (when all is said and done) are all that there is. After all, it’s about serving our students.” HCAFA wholeheartedly agrees!

The two main issues:

1. Memo Statement: “Should you find it necessary to miss a class session, you are reminded that you must call in and speak to a person in your division office (not the chair, coordinator or a fellow faculty member.”)

Although it is always helpful to speak to a person, our contract does not require that. It requires notification to the Dean or designee. Notification can be in written, email, or spoken form.

(Note: The actual contract language is given at the bottom of the page.)

2. Memo Statement: “Any absence of more than one class session needs to be discussed with your division Dean.”

No number of absences requires a discussion. Although it might benefit your students, the administration, and even you to discuss a prolonged absence with your Dean, there is no specific requirement for you to do so. And it is recognized that in some situations, it may not be possible to do so. (Note: The actual contract language is given at the bottom of the page.)

Adjunct Contract Personal Paid Leave (Article 4.5)

Each adjunct faculty member who teaches one or two day(s) per week shall be allowed two (2) non-cumulative work days absence each semester without loss of pay for personal sick leave or to attend to other personal leave; each adjunct faculty member who teaches three days per week shall be allowed three (3) non-cumulative work days absence each semester without loss of pay for personal sick leave or to attend to other personal leave; and each adjunct faculty member who teaches four or more days per week shall be allowed four (4) non-cumulative days absence each semester without loss of pay for personal sick leave or to attend to other personal leave. Notification of such absence must be provided to the appropriate Dean or designee at least two (2) hours prior to the first class meeting for classes which meet before four o’clock pm (4:00 pm) and at least three (3) hours prior to the first class meeting for classes which meet after four o’clock pm (4:00 pm) that day. Failure to notify according to this procedure, except in a documented emergency, will result in loss of compensation for that day. Should an adjunct faculty member’s absences exceed the available paid days of personal leave, the adjunct faculty member’s pay will be adjusted based upon the individual adjunct faculty member’s contact hour pay rate for classes missed. (HCAFA-Harper Relationship Team Meeting continues on next page.)

Class Assignment

Adjuncts should refer to the adjunct contract to understand their rights on class assignment better.

Our agreement states, “The College will make a reasonable effort to assign an adjunct faculty member who has not been provided at least a three credit hour contingent assignment, with an assignment that will most likely run before providing a contingent assignment to a non-unit adjunct faculty member.”

What does this mean?

• If you are a union member, you have the right to a 3-credit-hour class assignment before a non-unit member does.

• However, full-time faculty members have priority for initial class selection. (Therefore, they may take the section or class you want, and you may be assigned a different class or section.)

• Our contract covers fall and spring semesters, not summer sessions. Therefore, you may not be assigned a class in the summer even though you had been assigned one in the past.

Large Lecture Agreement

The large lecture class agreement is on line on the Harper website, and the actual Memo of Understanding will be placed in HR’s file for future negotiations as HR and HCAFA feel that we have worked out an equitable solution—Adjuncts will be paid extra for each large lecture section they teach.

All Employee Meeting

Although it is regrettable that there is a scheduling conflict with the recently announced All Employee Meeting and the adjunct SURS/SSA meeting on May 6, Mia Igyarto (HR) has assured us the college will do its best to video the Employee Meeting.

What Are My

Weingarten Rights?

If you are ever in a situation that you believe could lead to any kind of disciplinary action, you have the right to have a union representative with you. In a situation like that, to protect yourself, say, “If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative be present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any questions.” Under no circumstances should you lose your cool or walk out of the meeting

From the Prez

Colleagues, the 2009-2010 year is almost at an end and from my perspective it has been a success in many ways.

There is no doubt that the economy, especially in Illinois, is a mess, and that has threatened educators and their students all around. However, because we were not in a bargaining year, it touched us less than it might have. The upcoming years might tell a different story. We must remain united and gird ourselves for negotiations.

On an even brighter side, our grievances have been way down. This is in part due to monthly meetings with the College where problems are discussed and ironed out before escalating into grievance level. It is also because adjuncts are contacting their representatives with concerns. Representatives are there for adjuncts to utilize for just these reasons. Ask a rep. If a rep doesn’t know an answer, she/he will find out.

Your HCAFA executive committee meets monthly to share updated information from around the campus and from our own adjuncts who attend conferences in the state and nation. It’s a busy job and we’re happy to do it.

Have you taken a recent look at the new, but still building-in-progress, website? Or the HCAFA Facebook site? If anyone has any suggestions, they are totally welcome. The more ideas, the better. Email me at hcafapresident@.

As this year ends, I am looking forward to the fall (did I just say that). Just as we are concerned about the success of our students, the College needs to be concerned about the foundation of its success, the adjuncts. I think that with a new provost and Dr. Ender, Harper adjuncts may finally begin to have a voice in Harper Governance. I am hoping there will be stipend to go along with the extra duties. That is my dream for 2010/2011. Ilona Sala


Class Assignment Arbitration set for June 2010.

If you have a problem, don’t wait too long to tell us about it. If we don’t know about your problem, we may not be able to meet the deadlines in our contract to help you.



No ordinary tea, our spring tea! On April 7th, HCAFA indulged members with a feast for the senses. Silver platters were laden with homemade scones, finger sandwiches, and savouries prepared by our Darjeeling J.J. Pionke, HCAFA’s own Julia Child. Selecting the perfect fine tea to accompany the delicacies added to the pleasure. Stimulating conversation over steaming cups of tea gave all attending a chance to relax and enjoy the friendship of fellow adjuncts. Jovialitea, congenialitea and sociabilitea made our shared afternoon a treat.



Almost $19,000 Available

Eligible Expenses: Professional Travel, Workshops, Books, Tuition & Fees for College Credit Courses (Courses can be at other colleges), Conferences, Professional Journals, and Professional Organization Memberships.

Note: The form is available on the Harper website.

Log on to the Employee Portal.

At the top of the page, put your cursor on “Divisions.”

A drop-down window will open.

Click on “Academic Affairs” in that window.

Look at the left side of the page.

Click on “Adjunct Faculty Documents & Forms.”

Go to the right side of the page and click on

“Adjunct Professional Development Form.”

On the HCAFA website, you will find the form in addition to the following information:

• Memo of Understanding attached to our contract

• Professional Development Clarification Letter

• October 2009 Harper Adjunct Advocate.

Apply as often as you like!

Your benefit per academic year is up to $320.

Gain preapproval from your Dean before paying.

Apply for reimbursement by June 10.


Adjuncts are amazing! Let us know some of your accomplishments and activities. Email anyone on our exec committee with information. Here’s what two adjuncts have shared with us.

Krish Revuluri has been at Harper for 10 years and has been helping the Plum Grove Junior High School math club since 1990. He enjoys meeting young intelligent students, committed parents and dedicated teachers. He prepares the students for the MATHCOUNTS competition. This year, the Plum Grove teams advanced to state level after winning the chapter competition. Some students even advanced to the national level.

Last year, Krish took the Illinois team to the national level where the team placed 14th in the nation. This year, Plum Grove placed second in the state, and one student will be competing at the national level.

From 2002 to 2005, Krish coached the Harper College math team for competition with two-year colleges. Harper placed well every year he coached them. Harper placed first in 2005.

How does Krish do it? Why has he been so successful? He says he works with the students by creating fun with mathematics. He stresses the importance of vocabulary and critical-thinking skills.

Krish speaks three languages—Telugu (his mother-tongue), English and Mathematics.

His philosophy is “When you share wealth, you divide. When you share knowledge, you multiply.”


J.J. Pionke, HCAFA membership chair and Liberal Arts Division Representative, has just graduated from the National Education Association’s Emerging Leaders’ Academy. We’re counting on J.J.’s training to help HCAFA do great things in the future. Congratulations J.J.!

If you would like to be featured in the next issue of the Harper Adjunct Advocate, please contact Julie Cudden at hcafalibarts2@. We hope you’ll share your accomplishments or those of other adjuncts.


Bright and early on Tuesday, March 8 a group of Adjunct Faculty Counselors had a most enjoyable breakfast gathering. It was the perfect opportunity to discuss our interests and concerns and, at the same time, get to know each other better.

HCAFA President Ilona Sala attended our get-together and helped strengthen our understanding of our importance to HCAFA despite the fact that we are few in number. Ilona showed us HCAFA’s new website. We were happy to be among the first to view it. We all liked the changes!

Many in the group had questions about the future changes in Harper’s organization. Some expressed concern as to how those changes might affect our future role at the college

We missed our librarian counterparts and hope they will join us in the future.

We are considering trying to have a meet and greet lunch for adjunct faculty librarians and counselors. Joanne Meyerhoff would appreciate finding out what day works for everyone for the lunch. The thought is that it would run from 11:30-1:30. You can reach Joanne at hcafalibcoun1@


On Facebook? So are we! Look for us under HCAFA! We are a locked community for our own protection but any adjunct may join! Dates of meetings and other announcements are posted on the Facebook page. We hope to see you there!

Bulletin Board


Make sure to check out the HCAFA bulletin board, located near the human resources office on the third floor of building A. To keep you informed of all the latest HCAFA news, the bulletin board will be updated monthly. Currently, you can find information on our upcoming meetings, when the SURS & Social Security Meeting is, who to contact if you have any questions, and much more. Would you like to see something on the board that's not currently there? Contact Julie Cudden at hcafalibarts1@.

Update Your Contact Information if You Have Not Done So Yet

Please send Janice Cutler, HCAFA membership records chair, the following: your name, division, department, non-Harper email address, home address, and phone numbers. Address your letter to Janice Cutler, MS/Math, and put it in campus mail, or fill out the contact update option on our website.

HCAFA Welcomes Members

At All Meetings & Events

Executive Committee Meetings

Fri., May 21, 3:30 – 5:30

Fri., June 18, 1:00 – 3:00

Fri., July 16, 1:00 – 3:00

Fri., Aug. 13, 1:00 – 3:00

At the IEA Office,

553 N. North Ct., Palatine

We value your input! Give HCAFA the opportunity to learn from you & get to know you. You’ll make friends and help the union gain strength. Our meetings are motivating and fun. We know how full adjuncts’ schedules are, so we always have great food. Exec meetings are the place to learn a lot about HCAFA, Harper, and your fellow adjuncts. Come once and you may decide to become active. Call Amy or Mary Ellen at IEA (847 359-0300) for directions.


SURS/Social Security Meeting

May 3, 2010

3:30 – 5:30


Doors open at 3:10.

Our program will start on time. Come a few minutes early to be prepared, have a snack, and socialize.


Summer Family BBQ

Sat., July 10, 11:00-1:00

Plum Grove Reservoir

Across circle drive from Avante & building I

End-of-the-Semester Unemployment Filing Party

Saturday, May 15, 1 pm

IEA Chicago Office, 230 W Monroe, #2640, Chicago, IL

RSVP: filing@ by the evening of Wednesday, May 12

(It is necessary to RSVP for building security, food, and material)

Contact: 708-372-5627

Because teaching assignments are contingent on enrollment and other factors, class assignments are not sure and adjuncts do not have “reasonable assurance” of work until they walk into a classroom filled with students. Unemployment insurance benefits were designed to ease the financial uncertainty of unemployed persons and temporarily unemployed persons.

We host these end-of-semester filing gatherings to provide a supportive atmosphere and to help guide applicants through the process. Because we pay into that system, we should enjoy its benefits. For additional information on the issue, see Access to Unemployment Insurance Benefits for Contingent Faculty* available at .

This event, supported by COCAL and IEA-NEA, is an ongoing effort to help adjuncts win their rightful unemployment benefits between semesters.

We hope to see you there! (You will need an ID to present at the security desk.)

* It is highly recommended that you take a look at the book on the COCAL site. It is invaluable, and it is free to download. Anyone who can’t make it to the meeting should look at the book on-line and follow the suggestions.

Adjunct Training Modules (ATMs)

New Professional Development Opportunities at Harper for All Adjuncts!

We’ve been asked by the Harper administration to encourage adjuncts to take advantage of the College’s Adjunct Training Modules. They know adjuncts are busy people; these professional development ATMs are guaranteed to fit all schedules because they can be done at any time!

What are ATMs?

ATMs (adjunct training modules) are a set of nine completely online modules that cover the following topics:

• 1: Designing an Effective Syllabus

• 2: Legal Issues in the Classroom

• 3: Technology in the Classroom

• 4: Policies and Procedures

• 5: Student Learning Styles

• 6: Assessment & Test Construction

• 7: Effective Communication & Listening

• 8: Portfolio Preparation

• 9: Cultural Competence in the Classroom

Why were the ATMs created?

Harper College strives to provide comprehensive orientation and professional development opportunities for adjunct faculty to prepare them for classroom success. The addition of the ATMs makes training that is supported by experienced facilitators available on a 24/7 basis from any computer with an Internet connection.

How do I access the ATMs?

The ATM site will appear automatically in your Blackboard course site list. If you do not see this site (typically named Your Division Name ATM) in your Blackboard course list, please contact your Division Dean or Associate Dean and ask to be added to the site.

Where can I get help with using the ATMs?

For Blackboard assistance, contact Blackboard Faculty Technical Support at bbtechsupport@harpercollege.edu or at 847.925.6090. For assistance with content in the ATM modules, please contact your Division Dean or Associate Dean. A 10-question True/False quiz which you can take repeatedly is provided at the end of each module to help you focus on how well you understood the information.

2010 IEA RA Report to Membership

For those of you who aren’t aware of what the IEA RA (Illinois Education Association Representative Assembly) is, I’d like to explain that it is very much like our U.S. Congress, where representatives vote on various issues concerning by-laws, legislative platforms, budgets, etc. It gives an idea of the workings of our union and state structure.

Every union has its maximum number of elected representatives that may attend. HCAFA is allowed two representatives and only two people volunteered to attend this year. At an RA, you have the opportunity to see first-hand the democratic workings of the IEA, meet the elected officers, meet with other higher education representatives and caucus with them on issues of importance to higher education. You also have the opportunity to hear from elected public officials. At this RA; both Governor Quinn and Bill Brady spoke to the assembly from their perspectives on the state of education funding for our state.

I would like to thank the membership for the opportunity to represent them at this 2010 IEA-RA which was on March 18-20. This is the second year I have had the privilege to represent you. It does not require that much time, usually attendance at a budget presentation, a regional meeting and then 2 ½ days at the RA itself, with a follow-up to the HCAFA executive committee on what occurred. The RA is conducted in Rosemont at the Hyatt Regency. There are usually 1500 delegates participating from all over the state. Expenses are covered by the region, so, if anyone is interested in attending in the future, watch for our election notice for delegates, which is usually in December of each year.

We all know that the state is experiencing massive shortages in public funds and especially in the area of education and pensions. Both were very hot topics at this year’s RA. Higher Education membership dues were increased by $4.25 for the school year, 2010-2011. That amount will be split over the 2 semesters. For those in K-12 schools, the increase was four times that. Some delegates pleaded not to increase the dues, but this part of the budget passed. (I voted against the increase.) The membership defeated a proposal to hire additional full-time personnel for the IEA. There will be a massive one-year publicity campaign to try and improve the image of teachers throughout the state. Many perceive all teachers as making $140K per year with 3 months off in the summer. We all know that is the farthest thing from the truth. If you have questions please feel to contact me. Candace McCreary

“A National Survey of Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty”

The Executive Summary in the AFT Higher Education Publication American Academic, V.2 provides readers with some very interesting statistics about adjuncts.

• “Part-time/adjunct faculty members account for 47% of all faculty, not including graduate employees. The percentage is even higher in community colleges, with part-time/adjunct faculty representing nearly 70%.”

• “Most part-time/adjunct faculty members are motivated to work primarily by their desire to teach and have been at their institutions a considerable amount of time.”

• “Part time/adjunct faculty members are about evenly split between two groups, those who prefer part-time teaching (50%) and those who would like to have full-time teaching jobs (47%).”

• “Job satisfaction among part-time/adjunct faculty is fairly high, but there are distinct variations.”

• “There is widespread concern among part-time/adjunct faculty about bread-and-butter conditions. About 57% of the survey respondents say their salaries are falling short. Just 28% indicate that they receive health insurance on the job.”

• “A significant percentage of part-time/adjunct faculty members are concerned about job security.”

• “Part-time/faculty members are concerned about the availability of full-time teaching employment.”

We’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on these statistics! Join us at our next executive committee meeting on Friday, May 21, 3:30 – 5:30, at the IEA office, 553 N. North Court, Palatine.

For more complete information, check the AFT Higher Education Publication American Academic, Vol. 2, Copyright 2010 American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO (AFT)



President: Ilona Sala hcafapresident@

Vice President/Grievance Chair: Charmian Tashjian hcafagrievance@

Treasurer: Rob Alexander hcafatreasurer@

Membership Records Chair: Janice Cutler hcafamembership@

Secretary: Arlene Bublick hcafasecretary@

IEA/NEA Uniserv Director: Amy Kunz Amy.Kunz@ (847 359-0300)

Harper Adjunct Advocate Editor: Arlene Bublick hcafasecretary@



Rob Alexander hcafaels1@

Taimi Wilk hcafaels2@


Candace McCreary hcafabuss1@


Julie Cudden hcafalibarts1@

J.J. Pionke hcafalibarts2@

Larry Price hcafalibarts3@


Gary Wilson hcafamath1@


Joanne Meyerhoff hcafalibcoun1@

Bob Kaufman

Karin Lacour Rivers

Krista McAdamis

Dwain Thomas

Note: For divisions without reps, we’ll do our best to keep you informed through newsletters. If you find time, please consider becoming a rep and join us for our monthly meetings. It will be to your advantage and you will love the friendships

There are many ways to Stay connected to HCAFA!

Join us on Facebook at HCAFA. Any Harper adjunct may friend us!

Check out our bulletin board on the 3rd floor of building A at the entrance to HR.

Read The Harper Adjunct Advocate.

Contact your division reps or officers.

Visit Our Website, WWW..

If undeliverable, please return to

Janice Cutler, MS/Math






NEWSLETTER April 2010, No.3, Vol.5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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