
Grade 9 Physical Education HealthLearning GuideSave this learning guide and complete each module as it is assigned. When submitting your learning guide on teams, please submit only one document with the work you have completed up to that point. Each week as you are ready to submit your work, remove the previous document and replace it with your updated work.You are responsible for writing the answers out yourself. Copying and pasting answers from the reading material into this document will result in a mark of incomplete for the assignment. Failure to complete all components of the learning guide will result in a final grade of incomplete on your report card.Please leave the color codes for answers as they are. SHORT RESPONSE: responses should be 1 to 2 sentencesMEDIUM RESPONSE: responses require several sentences or a paragraphLONG RESPONSE: responses require more than one paragraph or several interacting componentsMODULE 1 – HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING Tab 1 - Healthy Active LivingWhat does wellness mean?SHORT RESPONSE:What four things does wellness require you to be?MEDIUM RESPONSE:What does healthy active living mean?SHORT RESPONSE:Explain the four components of healthy active living.MEDIUM RESPONSES:What is the difference between short term benefits to health and long term benefits to health?SHORT RESPONSE:List 10 of the benefits of healthy active living:SHORT RESPONSES:Tab 2 - Tips to Get ActiveWhat are three guidelines to follow when determining how to get active?SHORT RESPONSES:List four health benefits to becoming more active.SHORT RESPONSES:Explain “moderate aerobic activity” and list two examples.MEDIUM RESPONSE:Explain “vigorous aerobic activity” and list two examples.MEDIUM RESPONSE:Explain the difference between “muscle strengthening activities” and “bone strengthening activities” and list two examples of each.MEDIUM RESPONSE: Tab 3 – 24 Hour Movement GuidelinesExplain “Step” – SHORT RESPONSE:Explain “Sweat” – SHORT RESPONSE:Explain “Sleep” – SHORT RESPONSE:Explain “Sit” – SHORT RESPONSE:Tab 4 – SFU Wellness WheelDefine “Wellness” – SHORT RESPONSE:Identify four variables that impact everyone’s optimal level of wellness.SHORT RESPONSES:Identify and define each of the seven dimensions of wellness.SHORT RESPONSES:MODULE 2 – HEALTH VS. SKILL RELATED FITNESS Tab 5 – Health / Skill Related FitnessIdentify the 5 health related fitness components, define each, and provide examples of activities or exercises to improve each.MEDIUM RESPONSES: e)Identify the 6 skill related fitness components, define each, and provide examples of activities that would require each.MEDIUM RESPONSES: e) f)MODULE 3 – PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING Tab 6 – Principles of TrainingList the four training principles that must be applied for training to be effective and explain each.MEDIUM RESPONSES: Tab 7 – FITT PrincipleIdentify and explain the four components of FITT training programs.SHORT RESPONSES: Tab 8 – Warm Up and Cool DownWhat three adjustments happen in the body during an effective warm up?SHORT RESPONSES: Describe the risks of not doing a proper warm up.MEDIUM RESPONSE: Describe a proper warm up.MEDIUM RESPONSE: Explain the four purposes of a cool down.SHORT RESPONSES: Describe a proper cool down.MEDIUM RESPONSE: Tab 9 – FITT TemplateUsing the information from above, design a fitness program using the FITT template below.LONG RESPONSE:FITT PrincipleFrequency-5x’s a weekMon.Tues.Wed.Thur.Fri.Week 1I-intensityT- timeT-TypeWeek 2I-intensityT- timeT-TypeWeek 3I-intensityT- timeT-TypeEvery day- 2 minute cardio to warm up the muscles, then begin a 5 minute stretch before exercising. 2 minutes of light intensity exercise to cool down the muscles, then stretch for 5 to 10 minutes.MODULE 4 – HEALTHY EATING Tab 10 – Canada’s Food GuideThe main page of Canada’s Food Guide divides a plate into three sections. Identify the divisions including the percentage of the plate that each should comprise.SHORT RESPONSES: a)b) c) Why should water be the drink of choice?MEDIUM RESPONSE: Fruits and vegetables include which important nutrients?SHORT RESPONSES: a)b) c) When choosing fruits and vegetables people should opt for different:SHORT RESPONSES: a)b) c) Protein foods include which important nutrients?SHORT RESPONSES: a)b) c) When choosing protein foods, people should more often opt for:SHORT RESPONSE: Whole grain foods include which important nutrients?SHORT RESPONSES: a)b) c) Why are whole grains healthier than refined grains?SHORT RESPONSE: Tab 11 – Meal PlanningRead through the advice about meal planning, and using the what you know from Canada’s Food Guide create a meal plan below.LONG RESPONSE:DayBreakfastLunchDinnerMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMODULE 5 – SUBSTANCE USE Tab 12 – Effects and Consequences of Substance UseWhat are drugs?SHORT RESPONSE:Generally speaking, how do drugs effect people?MEDIUM RESPONSE: Specifically, how do each of the following effect people?MEDIUM RESPONSES: Alcohol - Marijuana - Smoking - Vaping - MODULE 6 – PREVENTION OF STI’S AND PREGNANCYTab 13 – Prevention of STI’s and PregnancyWhat is the most effective way to prevent against STI’s and pregnancy?SHORT RESPONSE:Define STI’s – SHORT RESPONSE:How can most STI’s be prevented?SHORT RESPONSE:List the 10 most common STI’s:SHORT RESPONSES:i) j) Complete the following chart with information about birth control methods:LONG RESPONSE:Method ofBirth ControlAccidental Pregnancies Per 100 CouplesHelp Protect Against STI?1)2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13) ................

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