
Conclusion NotesSpecifically, your conclusion should accomplish three major goals:Restate the main idea of your essay, or your thesis statement. (example underlined)Summarize the three subpoints of your essay.(example bolded)Leave the reader with an interesting final impression: What is the one thing you want me to remember from your paper? Imagine I missed the whole thing while I was reading. What would you want me to read at the VERY end in order to convince me one final time? (example in italics)My sample: Although marijuana is legal in some states, not every state has moved forward by legalizing this drug. The United States should decriminalize marijuana because of its many benefits, which includes providing a natural cure for many medical issues like seizure disorders, anxiety, pain, multiple sclerosis and more. It is also non habit-forming and therefore safer to consume than alcohol. Lastly, on the street, marijuana could be laced with other drugs and is being sold through unsafe means. Should the drug be legalized, the country would see the revenue from taxing it, and it would be able to maintain that the drug was safe and pure, without traces of other drugs. Imagine a country in which people could not only consume substances safely while the government benefited, but also people could be saved by cures from a natural substance. Your directions:Today is all about finishing that rough draft! Make sure you’ve got all 5 paragraphs written by Monday before we type final drafts. YES YOUR DRAFTS ARE STILL DUE MONDAY. If you finish early, exchange with a friend and check that they have each component of each paragraph. Have a wonderful Friday! Sorry I am missing you today. Conclusion NotesSpecifically, your conclusion should accomplish three major goals:Restate the main idea of your essay, or your thesis statement. (example underlined)Summarize the three subpoints of your essay.(example bolded)Leave the reader with an interesting final impression: What is the one thing you want me to remember from your paper? Imagine I missed the whole thing while I was reading. What would you want me to read at the VERY end in order to convince me one final time? (example in italics)My sample: Although marijuana is legal in some states, not every state has moved forward by legalizing this drug. The United States should decriminalize marijuana because of its many benefits, which includes providing a natural cure for many medical issues like seizure disorders, anxiety, pain, multiple sclerosis and more. It is also non habit-forming and therefore safer to consume than alcohol. Lastly, on the street, marijuana could be laced with other drugs and is being sold through unsafe means. Should the drug be legalized, the country would see the revenue from taxing it, and it would be able to maintain that the drug was safe and pure, without traces of other drugs. Imagine a country in which people could not only consume substances safely while the government benefited, but also people could be saved by cures from a natural substance. Your directions:Today is all about finishing that rough draft! Make sure you’ve got all 5 paragraphs written by Monday before we type final drafts. YES YOUR DRAFTS ARE STILL DUE MONDAY. If you finish early, exchange with a friend and check that they have each component of each paragraph. Have a wonderful Friday! Sorry I am missing you today.


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