Selected Passages

II Timothy 3:14

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


I COR. 10:31

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Psalms 51: 1-7

Examine –

1. What does David want from God?

2. To what is this according?

3. What does he want by God’s mercy?

4. From what does he want to be washed?

5. What does he want for his sin?

6. What does he acknowledge?

7. Who had he really sinned against?

8. Was David born a sinner?

9. What was David’s desire?

10. What did David want to know?

11. With what was he to be purged?

12. When he is washed, how will he be?


Can you count the times David used personal pronouns in this passage?

He was willing to admit he was wrong. Are you willing to do this?

What are some areas where you think you are/have been wrong?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Psalms 51:8-19

Examine –

1. What did David want to hear?

2. What had been broken in David?

3. What would the bones do now?

4. What does he want God to create in him?

5. What kind of spirit does he want?

6. What does he not want taken from him?

Note: The Holy Spirit moves in different ways in the Old Testament than in the New Testament. If you have questions about this, ask Pastor Ogle.

7. What does he want restored?

8. If God does this what will he do?

9. What will his lips show?

10. What did God not want?

11. What are the sacrifices of God?

12. What will God not despise?


Are you ready to give God a broken spirit?

Are you willing for Him to break you?

What will He have to do to do this?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Psalms 32

Examine –

1. What person is blessed? (4 things all meaning the same)

2. List the physical difficulties that he mentions in this passage!

3. To whom does he acknowledge his sin?

4. How many times does he use the personal pronoun?

5. Who is his hiding place?

6. From what will God preserve him?

7. How will God instruct him?

8. With what will he guide him?

9. What are we not to be like?

10. What do they not have?

11. How are they kept in check?

12. If you trust in the LORD, what will compass you?

13. What should those who trust in God do?


There is such a contrast between doing right and doing wrong. As we prepare to go to camp what will you choose to do? (Be specific)

List some of the benefits of doing right in this passage!

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Selected passages

Examine –

Please put in the first blank one of the following options (What I’m to seek, when I’m to seek, how I’m to seek, benefits of seeking, or what not to seek) Then in the next blank put the answer to the question.

|Verse |What, how, when, benefit, not |Answer |

| |to seek | |

|Numbers 15:39 | | |

|Deut. 4:29 | | |

|I Chron 16:11 | | |

|I Chron 28:8 | | |

|II Chron 12:14 | | |

|Ezra 7:10 | | |

|Psalms 10:4 | | |

|Psalms 34:10 | | |

|Psalms 63:1 | | |

|Psalms 119:2 | | |

|Isa. 58:2 | | |

|Matt 6:33 | | |


Are you seeking God?

Will you allow Him to work in your heart this next week or will you let peer pressure, stubbornness, etc. dominate instead?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – I Chronicles 7:14


Examine –

1. Who is the writer talking about?

2. What are these people called by?

3. What four things are these people to do?

4. If they do these things what three things will God do for them?


Would you take a few minutes this morning and evaluate yourself in these four areas and ask God to help you this week as we go to camp?

Prayer Requests


Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Selected passages

Subject today is FULL SURRENDER

Examine –

Read I Sam 3:1-18

1. Why did the LORD speak to Samuel and not to Eli?

□ Eli’s sons were disobedient

□ Eli had a hearing problem

□ Samuel’s ministry was about to begin

□ Samuel could be more objective

□ It was time for Samuel to answer directly to God

2. How did Eli know the voice of the Lord?

□ He had heard it before

□ He went through a process of elimination

□ His heart was still open to God

□ It sounded like something God would say

3. What did Samuel mean when he said, “Speak Lord for your servant heareth?

□ He was saying what Eli told him to say

□ He wanted to hear what God had to say

□ He really saw himself as God’s servant

□ He was available to do whatever God asked

4. What did God want Samuel to do?

□ Give a message to Eli

□ Start a new ministry

□ Keep listening for new messages

□ Move out of the Temple

5. What Samuel did was tough but he obeyed God. What would you have done?

Continued on next page

6. Samuel was a little child yet he served the Lord. What can you do now as a teenager to serve God?

Read Jonah 1:1-17

7. Tarshish was about 2000 miles in the opposite direction of Nineveh. What do you think Jonah was thinking as he ran?

□ God is going to get me

□ God will never find me

□ No Way!

□ It can’t be me He wants

□ Anywhere but Nineveh

8. Do you think Jonah was aware of the problems his decision would cost other people?

9. How do you think he felt after talking to the sailors?

□ Responsible

□ Guilty

□ Afraid

□ Repentant

10. Why do you think Jonah chose the course of action he did?

11. Why do you resist God?

12. What today does God want you to surrender to Him?


Have you fully surrendered your life to the Lord?

If so, when? What needs to change?

If not, what are you holding back from Him?

Why not consider Who He is and what He has done for you then trust Him with your entire life?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Selected passages

Subject today is Devotions

Examine –

Read Psalms 1

1. How often does the godly man meditate?

2. How does God know the way of the godly?

3. Define Meditate –

4. Look up the benefits to the Word in these following passages:

|Scripture |Benefits |

|Joshua 1:8 | |

|Psalms 1:1-3 | |

|Psalms 119:1-2 | |

|Psalms 119:63 | |

|Psalms 119:97-105 | |

|John 14:21 | |

|John 15:3 | |

|John 15:14 | |

|Romans 10:17 | |

|I Peter 2:2 | |


Do you desire to grow spiritually? You must be in the Word!!!

Commit to it today!

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Selected passages

Subject today is Thought life

Examine –

1. According to Romans 12:1, what are we to do with our bodies?

2. According to Romans 12:2, what are we not to be?

3. What are we to be?

4. How are we transformed?

5. According to Deuteronomy 6:6-7, what are the four times we are to think of God’s Word?

6. List the things we are to think about according to Philippians 4:8?

Read Jeremiah 4:14

7. From what were they to wash their heart?

8. What kind of thoughts did they have?

9. Where were these hearts?

10. If they did these things, what would happen?

Note: This probably means to save from destruction.


Proverbs 23:7 tells us that we are what we think. What are you?

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse – II Timothy 3:14

Read – Selected passages

Subject today is Pride

Examine –

Read Daniel 4:30-37

1. What was this man’s sin?

2. What did God do to him?

3. What did he do to be restored?

4. What, in the last verse, did he learn?

Read Isaiah 14:12-17

5. What was Satan like before he fell?

6. How many times did Satan say “I”?

7. Who did he want to be like?

8. To where did God bring him down?

9. What does this passage teach you about pride?

Read Luke 18:9-14

10. How do you feel about the Pharisee in the story?

11. How do you feel about the tax collector?

12. Which one do you act the most like?

13. What did Jesus say about the two men?

14. How does this story teach you to act?


Do you struggle with pride? Most of us do.

How is it manifested in your life?

Remember it brought down Satan and it can bring you down also.


Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:

Main thought to meditate on today:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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