U1 #14 English II and Individuals & Society-Interdisciplinary Summative Assessment

Due: October 12, 2018

Overview: What is “American Identity”? Who is “American”? This is a tricky question. After all, unlike many other countries, the U.S. includes people from every country in the world. People come here with different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. People come practicing different religions, eating different foods, speaking different languages. What makes this disparate group of people “American”? Is there a core characteristic, quality, or value that we can call distinctly “American”? Your task in this assessment is to use the sources provided in class to help answer the essential question, “What are key/central aspects of American Identity? Who is American? How does one’s experiences shape their identity as Americans?”

Preparation: As you prepare to complete the written component, consider which of the following is the most/least important to understanding American Identity? Culture? Beliefs? Values? Religion? Ethnicity? Race? Immigration status?

Written Component:

• Intro Thesis-

o Thesis Ex.) Although some argue that American identity is _________, a more accurate view of American identity is _________.

• Body Paragraph 1 (Counterclaim)- Using evidence from two Unit 1 sources, which ideas about American Identity do you find problematic, troubling, or false? Must use in-text citations for evidence.

o Please use the following format when using evidence/analysis:

▪ Transition Phrase, Context, “Quote.” (in-text citation) Analysis.

▪ Ex.) For instance, according to a Democracy Fund study evaluating aspects of American identity that are most important to the average U.S. citizen, “Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of [Trump’s] primary supporters thought being a Christian was important to being an American.” (Vavreck) This demonstrates that in spite of the fact that the first amendment provides for freedom of religion, and enlightenment thinkers had argued against religious intolerance, many Americans still falsely assume Christian faith is central to be a “true” American.

• Body Paragraph 2-(Claim)- Using evidence from two Unit 1 sources, which ideas about American Identity do you find most accurate or appropriate? Must use in-text citations for evidence.

o Please use the following format when using evidence/analysis:

▪ Transition Phrase, Context, “Quote.” (in-text citations) Analysis.

• Conclusion- Restates the Thesis and reflects

Personal Reflection- (English)

Write a one paragraph reflection answering the following questions:

• What were the benefits and limitations of studying “American Identity” from both a Historical and from a Language perspective? Explain your answer with evidence.

• How well do you think you did as you worked to incorporate ideas from both History and Language? Do you think that you took full opportunity to incorporate ideas and skills from both classes to complete this assessment? Explain your answer with evidence.

Visual Component- (English)

• Create an art piece that represents what “American Identity” means to you? What is America? Who is American?

• It must use symbolism to communicate ideas (Ex. What object could you use if you wanted to express that Americans were “hard working”)

• It must be colorful and visually appealing

Your product must meet the following standard (quality), see rubric below:

|MYP Rubric |Language and Literature |Individuals and Society |

| |A: Analyzing |Knowing and Understanding |

|1-2 |i. Provides limited analysis of the content, context, language, structure, technique and |i. uses limited relevant terminology 

| |style of text(s) and the relationship among texts |ii. demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content and|

| |iii. Rarely justifies opinions and ideas with examples or explanations; uses little or no |concepts with minimal descriptions and/or examples. 

| |terminology | |

|3-4 |i. Provides adequate analysis of the content, context, language, structure, technique and |i. uses some terminology accurately and appropriately |

| |style of text(s) and the relationship among texts |ii. demonstrates adequate knowledge and understanding of content |

| |iii. Justifies opinions and ideas with some examples and explanations, though this may not|and concepts through satisfactory descriptions, explanations and |

| |be consistent; uses some terminology |examples. |

|5-6 |i. Competently analyses the content, context, language, structure, technique, style of |i. uses a range of terminology accurately and appropriately 

| |text(s) and the relationship among texts |ii. demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of |

| |iii. Sufficiently justifies opinions and ideas with examples and explanations; uses |content and concepts through accurate descriptions, explanations |

| |accurate terminology |and examples. 

|7-8 |i. Provides perceptive analysis of the content, context, language, structure, technique |i. consistently uses relevant vocabulary accurately 

| |and style of text(s) and the relationship among texts |ii. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content|

| |iii. Gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range of examples, and |and concepts through detailed descriptions, explanations and |

| |thorough explanations; uses accurate terminology |examples. 

|Interdisciplinary Criteria |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |7-8 |

|Disciplinary Grounding- demonstrate relevant disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge-using two texts from | | | | |

|each class | | | | |

|Synthesizing- synthesize disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding by-using symbolism in your | | | | |

|visual component | | | | |

|Communicating- | | | | |

|use appropriate strategies to communicate
interdisciplinary understanding effectively- written component is in clear CEA | | | | |

|format; art is creative and colorful | | | | |

|document sources using recognized conventions- in-text citations
 | | | | |

|Reflecting | | | | |

|reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary understanding 
 | | | | |

|evaluate the benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and ways 
of knowing in specific | | | | |

 | | | | |

32 |100 |28 |92 |24 |86 |20 |80 |16 |72 |12 |66 |8 |60 |4 |50 | |31 |98 |27 |91 |23 |85 |19 |78 |15 |71 |11 |64 |7 |58 |3 |0

Redo | |30 |96 |26 |89 |22 |83 |18 |76 |14 |70 |10 |62 |6 |55 |2 | | |29 |94 |25 |88 |21 |82 |17 |74 |13 |68 |9 |61 |5 |53 |1 | | |


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