
The information below is for the following two World Vision International member groups:

|Member Group |Group Description |

|WVI “International Travelers” |This includes the following individuals travelling on WVI related business (These individuals have been referred to in the |

| |past as “traveling nationals”): |

| |local staff (i.e. based in their home country) working for WVI GC departments, including regional offices |

| |local staff working in national “field” offices (whether registered as WVI or not) |

| |certain non-employees (Please contact Global Centre People & Culture to confirm coverage) |

|WVI “International Assignees” |WVI employees on a WVI International Assignee contract and registered dependants |


|Before you travel from your country of residence: |

|Do |Where |What |

|Read |wvcentral |Read the Travel Safety page in the wvcentral Office of Corporate Security site |

| |(login required) | |

| | |Review World Vision’s Travel Advisories for any advisories that impact your travel destination/s |

|Review security |wvcentral |For current security information, see the WVI Country Risk Ratings to determine the security level and any |

|information |(login required) |requirements for your travel destination/s.  |

| | |World Vision’s risk ratings take precedence over International SOS Global Risk Ratings pertaining to security risk. |

| | |(WV does, however, refer to International SOS for medical information. See below.) |

| | |Please note any training required for travel to HIGH or Critical areas. |

|Review medical |World Vision’s |Review current medical information using the drop-down feature to select the country/ies to which you are traveling |

|information |International SOS |and review important medical information, including routine medical care, vaccinations, particular diseases and |

| |portal |prevention. |

|Obtain your |World Vision’s |Prepare to have your International SOS card with you as you travel. You may print it from the International SOS |

|International SOS card|International SOS |portal. See card image on portal. World Vision is now using one member number, 1MMS1107, and one membership card. |

| |portal | |

|Download Phone App |App store |Download the International SOS Assistance App on your smart phone (if you have one) |

|Register for MyTrips |Intl SOS site |If you booked your business travel via an online internet booking tool provider other than WV's approved, |

|(for some - see |MyTrips |live/registered data feeds/travel agencies registered with WV Security, please register in the International SOS |

|instructions) | |MyTrips system. Once a one-time registration is completed, you can forward your itinerary confirmation emails as |

| | |needed to MyTrips@. Your travel information (air, rail, rental car, and hotel) will then be |

| | |available for WV Security to quickly locate you anywhere in the world if an emergency, epidemic, or a local crisis |

| | |occurs. For more information, see the User Guide. |

|During your travel |

|In the event of a SECURITY or MEDICAL EMERGENCY, please contact International SOS Emergency contacts |

Continued next page

Additional information

• Find answers to FAQs for frequently asked questions and answers regarding International SOS assistance

• Learn more about the MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS for a list of Medical Services provided by International SOS

• For non-emergency inquiries about security benefits, you may contact:

Corporate Security +1 626 241 6302 corporate_security@ or see Corporate Security contacts

• For non-emergency inquiries about medical benefits, you may contact the following, in the order they appear:

|Linda Daffue | |+27 798720590/mobile |linda_daffue@ |

|Ginny Condon |+1 626 301 7740/office |+1 626 487 4933/mobile |ginny_condon@ |

|Nancy Young |+1 626 301 7738/office |+1 626 643 9259/mobile |nancy_young@ |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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