
Tina QuiriasMr.ManginiResearch PaperMay 1, 2018 Tuition Free College Supporters of tuition-free higher education say that an investment to the benefits to all Americans. But there's an opponent says expecting the taxpayers to the shoulder cost is not fair. Rising tuition prices in college and universities to the relentless growth in student debt in the US had fueled called for tuition-free college education student debt stood up to 1.4 trillion nationwide in the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Federal Reserve showed data more students are taking out loans is growing and repay rates have slowed. I think students should be allowed to go to college and follow their dreams because they see the confidence and a good future ahead of them. Sen Bernie Sanders was trying to fight for free tuition to make sure the US can stay out debt. The plan seems radical, but free tuition is not unheard of from some the school offers. For example, military academies are free in exchange for service in Army forces. Grants and scholarships sometimes knock down the price to $0 too. The major of the state universities for running tuition-free programs to regardless of the student or others is not completely the foreign one. All through the US public colleges that once offered it is unclear to history. Hopefully, they find the solutions to fixing the problem for free college tuition because nobody won't pay high costly financial aid in college. Plus, its already bad that students have to pay out of pocket for books so why would the students pay college too?There's always a thinkable moment of the tuition-free college has become a reality. In all states they make up their own tuition plans in the community college. In most of these states are usually given students scholarships to have when they graduated high school and going to college. But there has to be a way to get free college tuition. What the qualifies as a "community college"? In this article of The Chronicle on the vita site to a recent post. But the author says there are several types of institutions that are often together under the heading of "community college". Students should be more on the college website and make sure it is not a scam. Also, check the rating to see how the tuition runs in the college because people will try to sign up for scholarships which are good for tuition.Soaring through the tuition and student loan debt are placing higher education beyond to the point for the Americans to reach what they are ready for and seek free tuitions funds. A Community College is not so costly like a 4-year college in universities. But it is not fair how high a university is and cost of living there. Students with low income can't afford any universities because of its high out of their price range. Also, finical aid looks at the people in the household and jobs are required. This country has a long wealth community in the history. We can afford to make it to college with an option for every American family.In conclusion, I think free college tuition should be brought up on the news. Also, the US should have more freedom like the other states giving to the student which that's not fair at all. It should be all equal rights to have and gave it to the students that have low income and can't afford college. There should be a free tuition plan for any students in the US because it's not fair that they are paying for everything like books. All students see graduation in their future and a better job that they will have in the lifetime. Work Cited ................

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