Sub Code

CONTENTSSL.NOSUBJECT NAME WITH CODEPAGE NUMBERCalculus and linear algebra – 18mat1102-13Engineering physics – 18phy12/2214-24Basic electrical engineering – 18ele12/2325-33Elements of civil engineering – 18civ14/2434-43Engineering graphics and design logic – 18egdl15/2544-50Engineering physics lab – 18phyl16/2651-52Basic electrical lab – 18elel17/2753-54Technical English –I , 18egh1855-57Engineering chemistry – 18che12/2258-65C programming and data structure – 18cps13/2366-77Basic electronics – 18eln14/2478-87Elements of mechanical engineering – 18me15/2588-96Engineering chemistry lab – 18chel16/2697-98Computer programming lab – 18cpl17/2799-102Technical English – II, 18egh28103-105Advanced calculus and numerical methods – 18mat22106-118Assignment questions119-141 SYLLABUS OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Calculus and Linear Algebra(Common to all branches) [As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – ISub Code:18MAT11IA Marks:40Number of Lecture (L:T:P) Hrs/ Week:03:02:00Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:50Exam Hours:03Credits – 04Course Learning Objectives: This course Calculus and Linear Algebra (18MAT11) will enable students:To familiarize the important tools of calculus and differential equations those are essential in all branches of engineering.To develop the knowledge of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner.Module – 1Differential Calculus-1: Review of elementary differential calculus, Polar curves - angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle between two curves, pedal equation. Curvature and radius of curvature- Cartesian and polar forms; Centre and circle of curvature (All without proof-formulae only) –applications to evolutes and involutes. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Module – 2Differential Calculus-2: Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions for one variable (statements only), indeterminate forms - L’Hospital’s rule. Partial differentiation; Total derivatives-differentiation of composite functions. Maxima and minima for a function of two variables; Method of Lagrange multipliers with one subsidiary condition. Applications of maxima and minima with illustrative examples. Jacobians-simple problems. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Module – 3Integral Calculus: Review of elementary integral calculus.Multiple integrals: Evaluation of double and triple integrals. Evaluation of double integrals- change of order of integration and changing into polar co-ordinates. Applications to find area volume and centre of gravityBeta and Gamma functions: Definitions, Relation between beta and gamma functions and simple problems. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Module –4Ordinary differential equations(ODE’s)of first order:Exact and reducible to exact differential equations. Bernoulli’s equation. Applications of Ordinary differential equations - orthogonal trajectories, Newton’s law of cooling and L-R circuits. Nonlinear differential equations: Introduction to general and singular solutions; Solvable for p only; Clairaut’s and reducible to Clairaut’s equations only. (RBT Levels: L1, L2 and L3)Module –5Linear Algebra: Rank of a matrix-echelon form. Solution of system of linear equations – consistency. Gauss-elimination method, Gauss –Jordan method and approximate solution by Gauss-Seidel method. Eigen values and eigenvectors-Rayleigh’s power method. Diagonalization of a square matrix of order two. (RBT Levels: L1, L2 and L3)Question Paper Pattern:The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60.The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.Each full question carries 20 marks.There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.Text Books:B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 43rd Ed., 2015.E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed. (Reprint), 2016.Reference Books:C. Ray Wylie, Louis C. Barrett: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 6th Edition, 2. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1995.James Stewart:“Calculus –Early Transcendentals”, Cengage Learning India Private Ltd., 2017.B.V.Ramana: "Higher Engineering Mathematics" 11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.Srimanta Pal & Subobh C Bhunia: “Engineering Mathematics”, Oxford University Press, 3rd Reprint, 2016.Gupta C.B., Singh S.R. and Mukesh Kumar: “Engineering Mathematics for Semester I & II”, Mc-Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2015.Web links and Video Lectures:(MOOCs) EDUSAT PROGRAMME - 20Calculus and Linear Algebra (18MAT11) BLOW UP SYLLABUSRecommended during workshop/s organized by VTU, Belagavi during May, 2018TopicsTopics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - IDIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS – 11. Review of elementary differential calculus, Polar curves - angle between the radius vector and tangent, angle between two curves, pedal equationDiscussion restricted to derivation and problems as suggested in Article No.4.7 (1, 2) and 4.8 of Text Book 1(No Question to be set on Review of elementary Differential Calculus)3L2.Curvature and radius of curvature- Cartesian and polar forms ,Centre and circle of curvature (All without proof- formulae only)Discussion restricted to problems as suggested in Article No.4.10,4.11 (1,4) and 4.12(1) of Text Book 14L3. Applications to evolutes and involutes.( RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Applications of evolutes and involutes restricted to conic sections4.12(2) of Text Book 11LTutorialsInvolvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engineering Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2TTotal10MODULE - IIDIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS – 21. Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions for one variable (statements only), indeterminate forms - L’Hospital’s rule.Discussion restricted to problems on Article No.4.4 of Text book 1 (No question to be set on Taylor’s series)Discussion restricted to 00, ∞0, 1∞ only, Article No.4.5 of Text Book 1.3L2. Partial differentiation: Total derivatives- differentiation of composite functions. Maxima and minima for a function of two variables; Method of Lagrange multipliers with one subsidiary condition. Applications of maxima and minima with illustrative examples. 3. Jacobians- Simple problems.( RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Discussion and coverage of contents as suggested in article 5.1 (Introduction only), 5.5(1), 5.11 and 5.12 of Text Book 1.Discussion and problems restricted to article No.5.7 (1) of Text Book 1.4L1LTutorialsInvolvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engineering. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2TTotal10MODULE - IIIINTEGRAL CALCULUS1. Review of elementary integral calculus. Multiple integrals: Evaluation of double and triple integrals. Evaluation of double integrals- change of order of integration and changing into polar co-ordinates.Review of Integral Calculus Article No.6.2 &6.3 of Text Book 1.Discussion and Problems as suggestedin Article No.7.1-7.5 of Text Book 1.(No Question to be set on Review of elementary Integral Calculus)4L2. Applications to find area, volume and center of gravity(Using double integration only)Application oriented problems restricted to article No.7.6, 7.7(1), 7.8 & 7.10 of Text Book 1.2L3. Beta and Gamma functions: definitions, Relation between beta and gamma functions and simple problems.( RBT Levels: L1 & L2)Discussion and problems restricted to Article No.7.15 & 7.16 of Text Book 1.2LTutorialsInvolvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engineering. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2TTotal10MODULE - IVORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (ODE’S) OF FIRST ORDER1. Exact and reducible to exact differential equations. Bernoulli’s equation. Applications of ODE’s-orthogonal trajectories, Newton’s law of cooling and L-R circuits.In the case of reducible to exact equations, I.F. is restricted to 1M?N?x-?M?y, 1N?M?y-?N?x only, Article No.11.11,11.12(4) of Text Book 1Discussion and Problems restricted to Article No. 11.10 of Text Book 1Application oriented problems restricted to article no.12.3(1,2), 12.5 & 12.6 of Text Book 15L2. Nonlinear differential equations: Introduction to general and singular solutions; Solvable for p only; Clairaut’s and reducible to Clairaut’s equation only. (RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3)Discussion and problems restricted to Article No.11.13 (Case 1) & 11.14 of Text Book 1.3LTutorialsInvolvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engineering. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2TTotal10MODULE - VLINEAR ALGEBRA1. Rank of a matrix-echelon form. Solution of system of linear equations – consistency. Gauss-elimination method, Gauss –Jordan method and Approximate solution by Gauss-Seidel method.Discussion and problems as suggested in Article No.2.7, 2.10, 28.6(1,2) and 28.7(2) of Text Book 1.4L2. Eigen values and eigen vectors-Rayleigh’s power method. Diagonalization of a square matrix of order two. (RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3)Discussion and problems as suggested in Article No. 4.0, 20.8, 8.4 of Text Book 2.4LTutorialsInvolvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engineering. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2TTotal10Course PlanCourse : Calculus and Linear AlgebraSubject Code: 18MAT11Total no. of lecture hours : 50Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.Prerequisites:Basic knowledge of Mathematics. To learn this subject, the student must have the knowledge about geometry, trigonometry, calculus, ordinary differential equations, matrices and determinants.Over view of the course:This Course deals with the study of different concepts in Mathematics which is very useful in most of the engineering branches. Many aspects of civil engineering require calculus. Firstly, derivation of the basic fluid mechanics equations requires calculus. For example, all hydraulic analysis programs, which aid in the design of storm drain and open channel systems. Further, in hydrology, volume is calculated as area under the curve of a plot of flow versus time and is accomplished using calculus Many examples of the use of calculus are found in mechanical engineering, such as computing the surface area of complex objects to determine frictional forces, designing a pump according to flow rate and head, and calculating the power provided by a battery system. Newton's law of cooling is a governing differential equation in HVAC design that requires integration to solve.Modeling is essential and imperative for understanding dynamics of a large scale process. One can undertake a large number of virtual experiments based on the model equations of a process to optimize the operating conditions and/or design the system efficiently. In most of the practical processes, model equations involve more than one parameters leading to partial differential equations (PDE). Various solution techniques are adopted by the process engineers to solve the partial differential equations. Separation of variables is one of the most robust techniques used for analytical solution of PDEs. This technique provides first hand information of process dynamics rendering it amenable for optimization of system performance. This course aims to develop the solutions techniques and hence the skills of the students to solve PDEs for any engineering applications.?In image processing edge detection algorithm is used which uses partial derivatives to improve edge detection. Gray scale digital images can be considered as 2D sampled points of a graph of a function u(x, y) where the domain of the function is area of the image. Several applications of partial differential equations in shape processing refers to operations such as denoising, fairing, feature extraction, segmentation, simplification, classification, and editing. Such operations are the basic building blocks of many applications in computer graphics, animation, computer vision, and shape retrieval. Many shape processing operations can be achieved by means of partial differential equations. The desired operation is described as a set of partial differential equations that act on surface information, such as area, normals, curvature and similar quantities.The involute has some properties that make it extremely important to the gear industry: If two intermeshed gears have teeth with the profile-shape of involutes (rather than, for example, a "classic" triangular shape), they form an involute gear system. Their relative rates of rotation are constant while the teeth are engaged, and also, the gears always make contact along a single steady line of force. With teeth of other shapes, the relative speeds and forces rise and fall as successive teeth engage, resulting in vibration, noise, and excessive wear. For this reason, nearly all modern gear teeth bear the involute shape. The involute of a circle is also an important shape in gas compressing, as a scroll compressor can be built based on this shape. Scroll compressors make less sound than conventional compressors, and have proven to be quite efficient.Graphic software uses matrix to process linear transformations to render images. A square matrix, one with exactly as many rows as columns can represent a linear transformation of a geometric object. For example, in Cartesian plane, the matrix reflects an object in the vertical axis. In video game, this would render the upside-down mirror of a castle reflected in a lake. If the video game has curved reflecting surfaces, such as shiny silver goblet, the linear transformation matrix would be more complicated, to stretch or shrink the reflection.The Lagrange multipliers method is widely used to solve extreme value problems in science, economics, and engineering. In the cases where the objective function and the constraints have specific meanings, the Lagrange multipliers often have an identifiable significance. An important application of Lagrange multipliers method in power systems is the economic dispatch, or λ-dispatch problem, which is the cross fields of engineering and economics. In this problem, the objective function to minimize is the generating costs, and the variables are subjected to the power balance constraint. The Lagrange multipliers method is a very efficient tool for the nonlinear optimization problems, which is capable of dealing with both equality constrained and inequality constrained nonlinear optimization problems.Eigen vectors and Eigen values are important for understanding the properties of expander graphs and have several applications in computer science. They also give rise to partitioning algorithm. The applications of multiple integrals in mechanical engineering are the basic applications of them i.e. to find areas and volumes of various bodies just by taking a little part of them into consideration. And this is applicable in various fields viz; preparing a machine or the parts to fit in any machine size and volume etc.Gamma function is used in gamma distribution which is used to determine time based occurrences, such as life span of an electronic component etc. In probability theory, beta function is used in preferential attachment process. A preferential attachment process is where certain quantity is distributed among individuals on the basis of quantity individual already possesses. Further, beta function is used to determine average time completing selected tasks in time management problems.The Taylor series is used in power flow analysis of electrical power system. Also, Multivariate Taylor series is used in different optimization techniques; that is when we approximate our function as a series of linear or quadratic forms, and then successively iterate on them to find optimal value.The differential equation representing the signal helps in the calculation of different transforms like Fourier, Z-Transform, etc. This transform is done by the spectrum analyzer. Also, the differential equation used to find maxima and minima of the quantity.The reaction-diffusion systems, the filtering tasks are strongly depending on the nonlinearity. Therefore, it is necessary to learn about the concept of non-linear differential equations.Course Outcomes (CO’s)On completion of this course, students are able to:Apply the knowledge of calculus to solve problems related to polar curves and its applications in determining the bentness of a curve.Learn the notion of partial differentiation to calculate rates of change of multivariate functions and solve problems related to composite functions and Jacobians.Apply the concept of change of order of integration and variables to evaluate multiple integrals and their usage in computing the area and volumes.Solve first order linear/nonlinear differential equation analytically using standard methods.Make use of matrix theory for solving system of linear equations and compute eigen values and eigenvectors required for matrix diagonalization process.Relevance of the course to the programme:For the analysis and design of any structure or machine, the basic idea of Mathematics is very much necessary. This course will give basic concepts of mathematics required according to their needs in engineering. Application:This course has wide applications in higher semesters especially in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science engineering.Module wise PlanModule. I Differential Calculus-1No. of hours : 10Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Interpret polar curves.Find the angle between radius vector and tangent to the polar curve.Find the angle between the polar curves.Evaluate the pedal equation for polar curve.Find curvature and radius of curvature in different coordinate systems.Evaluate centre and circle of curvatureApply the concept of centre and circle of curvature for finding evolutes and involutes.Lesson Plan: Module 1Differential Calculus-1 (RBT Level L1 and L2)ics coveredTeaching MethodPSOs attainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L1Review of elementary differential calculusChalk and Board 1 1 T1/2 :article No.4.7(1, 2) , 4.8 Article No.4.10, 4.11(1,4) and 4.12(1), 4.12(2).L2Polar curves, angle between radius vector and tangent to the polar curveL3Angle between the polar curvesL4 Pedal equation for polar curveL5Curvature and radius of curvature in Cartesian coordinate system L6Curvature and radius of curvature in polar formL7Centre and circle of curvatureL8Applications to evolutes and involutesL9Tutorial on angle between polar curves, formation of pedal equation for polar curveL10Tutorial on curvature, radius of curvature, evolutes and involutesModule 2Differential Calculus-2(RBT Level L1 and L2)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Apply Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions Evaluate the limits using L’Hospital’s rule Evaluate the partial derivatives Evaluate the total derivatives Find maxima and minima for a function of two variables Apply Lagrange multiplier method with one subsidiary condition Find the ics coveredTeaching Method PSOs attainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L11Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem for function of one variable(statement only)Chalk and Board12T1/2: Article No.4.4, 4.5,5.1(only introduction), 5.5(1), 5.11 and 5.12L12Examples on Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansionsL13Indeterminate forms 00, ∞0, 1∞ and their evaluation using L’Hospital’s ruleL14Examples 00, ∞0, 1∞L15Partial derivatives-definition with examplesL16Total derivatives- differentiation of composite functionsL17Maxima and minima for a function of two variables: Method of Lagrange multipliers with one subsidiary condition. Applications of maxima and minima with illustrative examplesL18Jacobians- Simple problemsL19Tutorial on Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series expansions; Indeterminate forms 00, ∞0, 1∞ and their evaluation using L’Hospital’s ruleL20Tutorial on Partial derivatives, Finding maxima and minima using Lagrange multiplier method with one subsidiary condition and JacobiansModule 3Integral Calculus(RBT Level L1 and L2)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Evaluate double and triple integralsEvaluate double integration by change the order of integration & changing into polar co-ordinatesFind area, volume and centre of gravity using double integralsUnderstand the concept of Beta and Gamma ics coveredTeaching MethodPSOs attainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L21Review of elementary integral calculusChalk and Board 1 3 T1/2:Article No.6.2, 6.3,7.1-7.5, 7.6, 7.7(1), 7.8, 7.10, 7.15 & 7.16L22Evaluation of double integralsL23Evaluation of triple integrals L24Evaluation of double integral by the change of order of integrationL25Evaluation of double integral changing into polar co-ordinatesL26Applications to find area, volume and centre of gravityL27Beta and Gamma functions: Definitions, Relation between beta and gamma functionsL28Simple problems on Beta and Gamma functionsL29Tutorial on multiple integralsL30Tutorial on applications to find area, volume and centre of gravity. Also, on Beta and Gamma functionsModule 4Ordinary differential equations (ODE’s) of first order(RBT Level L1, L2 and L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Solve the exact differential equation and reducible to exact differential equationsFind solution for Bernoulli’s equationInterpret Orthogonal trajectoriesUnderstand concept behind Newton’s law of cooling and L-R circuitsSolve for p only (non-linear differential equations)Find the solution of Clairaut’s ics coveredTeaching Method PSOs attainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L31Exact and reducible to exact differential equationsChalk and Board 1 4 T1/2: Article No.11.10, 11.11, 11. 12(4), 12.3(1,2), 11.13(case 1), 11.14, 12.5 & 12.6L32Bernoulli’s equationL33Applications of ordinary differential equations-orthogonal trajectoriesL34Newton’s law of cooling L35L-R circuitsL36Non-linear differential equations: Introduction to general and singular solutions, Solvable for p onlyL37Clairaut’s equation L38Equations reducible to Clairaut’s formL39Tutorial on applications of ordinary differential equations- orthogonal trajectories, Newton’s law of cooling and L-R circuitsL40Tutorial on Non-linear differential equations- Solvable for p, Clairaut’s equation and equations reducible to Clairaut’s formModule 5LINEAR ALGEBRA(RBT Level L1, L2 and L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Reduce the matrix to echelon formEvaluate rank of a matrixInterpret consistencySolve the system linear equationUnderstand Gauss-elimination method, Gauss –Jordan method & Gauss-Seidel methodFind dominant Eigen value and its corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix by Rayleigh’s power methodDiagonalization of a square matrix of order ics coveredTeaching MethodPSOs attainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L41Reduction of the given matrix to echelon formChalk and Board 1 5T1/2:Article No. 2.7, 2.10, 28.6(1,2), 28.7(2), 4.0, 20.8, 8.4L42Rank of matrix using echelon formL43Solution of System of linear equations-ConsistencyL44Solution of linear equations by Gauss Elimination methodL45Solution of linear equations using Gauss-Jordan methodL46Solution of linear equations by Gauss-Seidal methodL47 Largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a square matrix by Rayleigh’s Power methodL48Diagonalization of a square matrixL49Tutorial on rank of a matrix, consistency and Solution of linear equations by Gauss Elimination method, Gauss-Jordan methodL50Tutorial on solution of linear equations by Gauss-Seidal method, Rayleigh’s Power method and Diagonalization of a square matrixPortion for IA tests: TestModulesCO’s AttainedFirst I.A Test1 & 21, 2Second I.A Test2 & 32, 3Third I.A Test4 & 54, 5SYLLABUS OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS THEORY[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – I/IISub Code:18 PHY12/15PHY22IA Marks:40Number of Lecture Hrs/ Week:04Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:50Exam Hours:03Credits - 04Course Learning Objectives: This course (18PHY12/22) will enable students toLearn the basic concepts in Physics which are very much essential in understanding and solving engineering related challenges.Gain the knowledge of newer concepts in modern physics for the better appreciation of modern technologyModule – 1Oscillationsand Waves Free Oscillations: Definition of SHM, derivation of equation for SHM, Mechanical and electrical simple harmonic oscillators (mass suspended to spring oscillator), complex notation and phasor representation of simple harmonic motion. Equation of motion for free oscillations, Natural frequency of oscillations.Damped and forced oscillations: Theory of damped oscillations: over damping, critical & under damping, quality factor. Theory of forced oscillations and resonance, Sharpness of resonance. One example for mechanical resonance.Shock waves: Mach number, Properties of Shock waves, control volume. Laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum. Construction and working of Reddy shock tube, applications of shock waves.Numerical problems (RBT Levels L1, L2, L3). 10 HoursModule – 2Elastic properties of materials:Elasticity: Concept of elasticity, plasticity, stress, strain, tensile stress, shear stress, compressive stress, strain hardening and strain softening, failure (fracture/fatigue), Hooke’s law, different elastic moduli: Poisson’s ratio, Expression for Young’s modulus (Y), Bulk modulus (K) and Rigidity modulus (n) in terms of and β. Relation between Y, n and K, Limits of Poisson’s ratio.Bending of beams:Neutral surface and neutral plane, Derivation of expression for bending moment. Bending moment of a beam with circular and rectangular cross section. Single cantilever, derivation of expression for young’s’ modulusTorsion of cylinder: Expression for couple per unit twist of a solid cylinder (Derivation), Torsional pendulum-Expression for period of oscillation. Numerical problems. (RBT Levels L1, L2, L3)10 Hours Module – 3Maxwell’s equations, EM waves and Optical fibersMaxwell’s equations: Fundamentals of vector calculus. Divergence and curl of electric field and magnetic field (static), Gauss’ divergence theorem and Stokes’ theorem. Description of laws of electrostatics, magnetism and Faraday’s laws of EMI. Current density & equation of Continuity; displacement current (with derivation) Maxwell’s equations in vacuumEM Waves: The wave equation in differential form in free space (Derivation of the equation using Maxwell’s equations), Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, their transverse nature, polarization of EM waves(Qualitative)Optical fibers: Propagation mechanism, angle of acceptance. Numerical aperture. Modes of propagation and Types of optical fibers. Attenuation: Causes of attenuation and Mention of expression for attenuation coefficient. Discussion of block diagram of point to point communication. Merits and demeritsNumerical problems (RBT Levels L1, L2) 10 Hours Module –4Quantum Mechanics and Lasers Quantum mechanics: Introduction to Quantum mechanics, Wave nature of particles, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and applications (non confinement of electron in the nucleus), Schrodinger time independent wave equation, Significance of Wave function, Normalization, Particle in a box, Energy eigen values of a particle in a box and probability densitiesLasers: Review of spontaneous and stimulated processes, Einstein’s coefficients (derivation of expression for energy density). Requisites of a Laser system. Conditions for laser action. Principle, Construction and working of CO2 and semiconductor Lasers.Application of Lasers in Defense (Laser range finder) and Engineering (Data storage)`Numerical problems (RBT Levels L1, L2, L3)10 HoursModule –5Material science Quantum Free electron theory of metals: Review of classical free electron theory, mention of failures. Assumptions of Quantum Free electron theory,Mention of expression for density of states, Fermi-Dirac statistics (qualitative), Fermi factor, Fermi level, Derivation of the expression for Fermi energy, Success of QFET.Physics of Semiconductor: Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductors, Expression for concentration of electrons in conduction band, Hole concentration in valance band (only mention the expression), Conductivity of semiconductors(derivation), Hall effect, Expression for Hall coefficient(derivation)Dielectric materials:polar and non-polar dielectrics, internal fields in a solid, Clausius-Mossotti equation(Derivation), mention of solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics with one example each. Application of dielectrics in transformers.Numerical problems (RBT Levels L1, L2, L3)5 HoursScheme of Examination: Two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) of twenty marks each to set from each module. Each question should cover all contents of the respective module.Students have to answer five full questions choosing one full question from each module.Module wise text books/Reference BooksModuleArticle NoText Book/Reference BookI1.11. Engineering Physics-Gaur and Gupta-Dhanpat Rai Publications-20171.21.31.41. Shock waves made simple- Chintoo S Kumar, K Takayama and KPJ Reddy: Willey India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi2014II2.1Engineering Physics-Gaur and Gupta-Dhanpat Rai Publications-2017Introduction to Mechanics — MK Verma: 2nd Ed, University Press(India) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad 20092.22.32.4III3.1A Text book of Engineering Physics- M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, 10th revised Ed, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New DelhiIntroduction to Electrodynamics- David Griffiths: 4th Ed, Cambridge University Press 20173.23.3IV4.11. A Text book of Engineering Physics- M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, 10th revised Ed, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi2. Concepts of Modern Physics-Arthur Beiser: 6th Ed;Tata McGraw Hill Edu Pvt Ltd- New Delhi 20064.21. Lasers and Non Linear Optics – BB laud, 3rd Ed, New Age International Publishers 2011V5.1Concepts of Modern Physics-Arthur Beiser: 6th Ed;Tata McGraw Hill Edu Pvt Ltd- New Delhi 2006Solid State Physics-S O Pillai, 8th Ed- New Age International Publishers-20185.25.31. A Text book of Engineering Physics- M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, 10th revised Ed, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New DelhiPrerequisites of the Course: The Physics is said to be basis for all branches of Engineering. Overview of the course: The study of this course basically creates an interest in understanding the principles of nature which have a wide range of engineering applications. Today’s technology is yesterday’s science and Today’s science will be tomorrow’s technology. Hence engineering & technology are directly related to Physics. The study of the subject requires student to know about the fundamentals of pure physical sciences, definitions, laws & concepts which have been studied in previous years.Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to Understand various types of oscillations and their implications, the role of Shock waves in various fields and Recognize the elastic properties of materials for engineering applicationsRealizethe interrelation between time varying electric field and magnetic field, the transverse nature of the EM waves and their role in optical fiber pute Eigen values, Eigen functions, momentum of Atomic and subatomic particles using Time independent 1-D Schrodinger’s wave equationApprehend theoretical background of laser, construction and working of different types of laser and its applications in different fields Understand various electrical and thermal properties of materials like conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics using different theoretical models.Applications:This course is basic need for all branches of engineering and has wide applications in current trends such as, Nanotechnology, Quantum computers, Optoelectronics, Smart materials and Composite materials.Module wise planSubject Title: Engineering PhysicsModule: 01No of Hours: 10 hrsLecture NoTopics covered Teaching methodCos attainedPSO’s attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL11.1Free Oscillations:Definition of SHM, Characteristics, Examples and Derivation of differential equation of motion for SHM starting from Hookes’ law d2ydt2+kmy=0 and mention its solutionChalk & Board11.1,1.2,1.3,1.4L2Mechanical simple harmonic oscillator: Mass suspended to spring (vertical vibrations) - Description, Mention of Expression for time period/frequency, Definition of force constant and its significance, Derivation of expressions for force constants for series and parallel combination of springs.(ks=k1k2k1+k2 and kp=k1+k2)Complex notation of simple harmonic motion (Aei(ωt + ε)), Phasor representation of simple harmonic motion Chalk & BoardL3Definition of free oscillations with examples, mention the equation of motion, Natural frequency of vibration – Qualitative discussion. 1.2 Damped oscillations: Definition with examples. Derivation of decaying amplitude,Chalk & BoardL4Discussion of 3 cases viz, over damping, critical damping and underdamping. Quality factor: Definition, equation and its significance,Chalk & BoardL51.3 Forced oscillations: Definition with examples. Derivation of expressions for amplitude and phase of forced vibrations. Discussion of 3 cases (i) p<<ω, (ii) p= ω and (iii) p>> ω, Resonance: Definition, Examples, Condition for resonance and expression for maximum amplitude (just mention)Chalk & BoardL6Sharpness of Resonance: Definition and significance, mention the effect of damping on sharpness of resonanceQualitative discussion of Examples of Resonance:Helmholtz Resonator- Description and mention of expression for resonant frequencyChalk & BoardL71.4 SHOCK WAVES:Definition of Mach number, classification of objects based on Mach number (subsonic, supersonic, Transonic and hypersonic)Definition and properties of shock wavesChalk & BoardL8Definition of control volume, Laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum (Statement and equations)Construction and working of Reddy shock tube Applications of shock waves: Qualitative (minimum 5 applications)Chalk & BoardL9Tutorial 1Chalk & BoardL10Tutorial 2Chalk & BoardLesson plan: Subject Title: Engineering PhysicsModule: 02No of Hours: 10hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodCos attainedPSO’s attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL112.1 Elasticity:Explain elasticity and plasticity. Give some examples for good elastic materials. Mention the importance (Engineering) of elastic materials. concept of stress and strain. Discuss two types of stresses namely tensile stress and compressive stress.Briefly discuss the effect of stress, temperature, annealing and impurities on elasticityChalk and Board12.1,2.2,2.3,2.4L12Strain hardening and softening: just explain what is strain hardening (strengthening of material by plastic deformation) and hardening co efficient and softening. No detailed discussion of processes.State and explain Hookes’ law, stress strain curve, elastic and plastic limits. Elastic modulus, define three different elastic moduli. Write equations for each moduli like Y=FLA?L& so on.Chalk and BoardL132.2 Poisson’s ratio:Define lateral strain and linear strain and hence Poisson’s ratio =/ (= linear strain coefficient) and (= lateral strain coefficient)Relation between shear strain, longitudinal and compression strain. Show that longitudinal strain + compression strain = shear strain by considering a cubical elastic bodyChalk and BoardL14Derive the relation between Y, and Derive the relation between K, Y andDiscuss the limiting values of and limitations of Poisson’s ratioChalk and BoardL152.3 Bending of beams:Definition of beams, different types of beams and mention their Engineering applications. Definition of neutral surface/plane and neutral axis.Chalk and BoardL16Define bending moment. Derive the expression for bending moment in terms of moment of inertia (BM=YRIg)Mention the expression for bending moment for circular and rectangular cross sectionsChalk and BoardL17Describe a single cantilever and hence derive the expression for Y (for rectangular beam) (only depression )2.4 Torsion of a cylinder: Twisting couple on cylindrical wire, explain torsional oscillations, derive the expression for couple per unit twist for a solid cylinderChalk and BoardL18Mention the expression for Time period of torsional oscillationsT=2πIgC. Brief explanation of applications of torsional pendulumChalk and BoardL19Tutorial 1Chalk and BoardL20Tutorial 2Chalk and BoardSubject Title: Engineering PhysicsModule: 03No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodCos attainedPSO’s attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL21Only Cartesian co ordinates must be used in both theoryand problems3.1 Maxwell’s equations:Fundamentals of vector calculus: Briefly explain scalar product, vector product, operation, concept of divergence, gradient and curl along with physical significance and examples like Div and curl of E and BChalk and Board13.1,3.2,3.3L22Discuss the three different types of integrations viz linear, surface and volume integrations. Derivation of Gauss divergence theorem, mention Stokes’ theoremChalk and BoardL23Explain briefly Gauss flux theorem in electrostatics and magnetism, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart’s law and Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic inductionDiscuss continuity equation, definition of displacement current(Id), expression for displacement current, Maxwell-Ampere’s lawList of four Maxwell’s equations in differential form and in vacuumChalk and BoardL243.2 EM Waves:Derive wave equation in terms of electric field using Maxwell’s equations. Mention of plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum along with the equations for E, B and c in terms of 0 and 0 and E and BChalk and BoardL25Explain the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, three types of polarization namely linear, elliptical and circular polarization of E. 3.3 Optical fiber:Description of propagation mechanism of light through an optical fiber.Chalk and BoardL26Angle of acceptance and numerical aperture(NA): Theory with condition for propagation? Modes of propagation and V number and types of optical fibers(qualitative)Chalk and BoardL27Attenuation: Definition of attenuation, name the three types of attenuation, Causes of attenuation: Explain absorption, scattering and radiation losses. Mention the expression for attenuation coefficientChalk and BoardL28Application of optical fiber: Point to point communication: Explain with the help of block diagram. Merits and de merits of optical fiber communication.Chalk and BoardL29Tutorial 1Chalk and BoardL30Tutorial 2Chalk and BoardSubject Title: Engineering PhysicsModule: 04/ No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodCos attainedPSO’s attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL314.1 Quantum Mechanics:Introduction to need of Quantum mechanics with a discussion of Planck’s equation for energy densityWave nature of particles–De Broglie hypothesis followed by wavelength equations, extended to accelerated electronChalk and Board14.1,4.2,5.1L32Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle-Statement and mention the three uncertainty relations. Applications of uncertainty principle- to show the non confinement of electrons in the nucleus (by considering diameter of nucleus). Energy relativistic equation shall not be considered.Chalk and BoardL33Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation –Setting up of Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation using ψ=Aei(kx-wt) .Significance of Wave function –qualitative statement regarding wave function, Probability density, Max born interpretation, Normalization, and Properties of wave functionChalk and BoardL34Application Schrodinger’s wave equation to particle in 1-D potential well of infinite height and obtain the energy Eigen values and eigen functions. Probability densitiesChalk and BoardL354.2 Laser:Brief discussion of spontaneous and stimulated processes – Explanation of the process of induced absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission.Einstein’s coefficients (expression for energy density) – derivation of energy density in terms of Einstein’s co efficientChalk and BoardL36Requisites of a Laser system – a brief explanation about active medium, resonant cavity and exciting system.Conditions for laser action-To explain population inversion and meta stable stateChalk and BoardL37Principle: mention different modes of vibrations of CO2, explain construction and working of CO2laser with energy level diagram experimental setup.Principle, Construction and working of semiconductor Lasers – Explain principle, construction and working of homo junction semiconductor laser with energy level diagram and experimental setup.Chalk and BoardL38Application of Lasers in Defense (Laser range finder) – qualitative explanation about application of laser as laser range finder.Application of Lasers in Engineering (Data storage) - qualitative explanation about application of laser in data storage (compact disc, DVD).Chalk and BoardL39Tutorial 1Chalk and BoardL40Tutorial 2Chalk and BoardSubject Title: Engineering PhysicsModule: 05 No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodCos attainedPSO’s attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL405.1 Quantum free electron theory:Review of classical free electron theory (just mention who proposed it and what for it was proposed), mention the expressions for electrical conductivity based on classical free electron theory, and explain the failures of classical free electron theory (in terms of relation between conductivity and temperature, and relation between conductivity and free electron density, with specific examples)Chalk and Board10,11,1215.1,5.2L41Assumptions of quantum free electron theory, definition of density of states and mention the expression for density of states (No derivation)Qualitative discussion of Fermi level, Fermi energy, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Fermi factor, Fermi factor at different temperatures (3 cases).Chalk and BoardL42Derivation of the expression for Fermi energy at zero Kelvin. Mention the expression Fermi velocity and Fermi temperature. Expression for electrical conductivity in terms of Fermi velocity, mean free path and effective mass (No derivation).Chalk and BoardL43Success of quantum free electron theory (in terms of relation between conductivity and temperature, and relation between conductivity and temperature, and relation between conductivity and free electron density, with specific examples)Chalk and BoardL445.2 Semiconductors:Fundamentals of semiconductor. Description of Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductor. Mention of expression for electron and hole concentration in intrinsic semiconductors. Derivation of relation between Fermi energy and energy gap for an intrinsic semiconductor.Chalk and BoardL45Derivation of the expression for electrical conductivity of semiconductors, Explanation of Hall effect with Hall voltage and Hall field, derivation of the expression for Hall coefficient.?Chalk and BoardL465.3 Dielectrics:Fundamentals of dielectrics. Polarisation, mention the relation between dielectric constant and polarization. Types of polarization. Polar and non-polar dielectricsChalk and BoardL47Definition of internal field in case of solids and mention of its expression for one dimensional case. Mention the expressions for internal field for three dimensional cases and Lorentz field. Derivation of Clausius-Mossotti equation. Description of solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics with one example each. Qualitative explanation of applications of dielectrics in transformers.?Chalk and BoardL48Tutorial 1Chalk and BoardL49Tutorial 2Chalk and BoardPortion for IA testsTestModulesCo’s AttainedFirst IA Test1 & 4Second IA Test2 & 5Third IA Test3BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGSemesterI/IICIE Marks40Course code18ELE13/23SEE Marks60Teaching Hours/week(2:2:0)Exam. Hours 03Credits : 03Lecture Hours per module: Six hours and Tutorials per module: One of two hours.Course Objectives:To explain Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws used for the analysis of of D.C circuits.To explain fundamentals of A.C circuits and the behavior of R, L,C and their combinations in A.C circuits.To discuss three phase balanced circuits.To explain principle of operation, construction and performance of electrical machines, such as single phase transformer, DC machines, synchronous generator and three phase induction motor.To introduce concepts of electrical wiring, circuit protecting devices and earthing. MODULE-1D.C. Circuits: Ohm’s Law and Kirchoff’s Laws, analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel circuits excited by independent voltage sources. Power and Energy.A.C. Fundamentals: Generation of sinusoidal voltage, frequency of generated voltage, definition of numerical values of average value, root mean square value, form factor and peak factor of sinusoidally varying voltage and current, phasor representation of alternating quantities. (RBT Levels:L1,L2,L3&L4)MODULE-2Single Phase Circuits: Analysis, with phasor diagram, of circuits with R, L,C, R-L, R-C, R-L-C for series and parallel configurations. Real power, reactive power , apparent power and power factor.Three Phase Circuits: Advantages of 3 phase power, Generation of 3 phase power, three phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta connections. Measurement of three phase power using two wattmeter method. (RBT Levels: L1,L2,L3 & L4)MODULE-3Single Phase Transformers: Necessity of transformer, Principle of operation, Types and construction of transformers, emf equation, losses, variation of losses with respect to load, efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency.Domestic Wiring: Service mains, meter board and distribution board, Brief discussion on concealed conduit wiring. Two way and three way control. Elementary discussion on circuit protective devices: Fuse and Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB), electric shock, precautions against shock. Earthing: Pipe and Plate earthing. (RBT Levels: L1,L2 & L3)MODULE-4D.C Generators: Principle of operation, Construction of DC generators, Expression for induced emf, Types of DC Generators, Relation between induced emf and terminal voltage.D.C Motors: Principle of operation, Back emf, Torque equation, Types of DC motors, characteristics of dc motors (shunt and series motors only) and applications. (RBT Levels: L1,L2 & L3) MODULE-5Three Phase Synchronous Generators: Principle of operation, constructional details, synchronous speed, Frequency of generated voltage, emf equation, concept of winding factor.Three Phase Induction Motors: Principle of operation, Generation of rotating magnetic field, Construction and working of three phase induction motor, Slip and its significance, Necessity of starter, star-delta starter. (RBT Levels: L1,L2 & L3)Scheme of examination:The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 Marks.There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum of 3 sub questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module. Text Books:T1. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.C Kulshreshta, Tata McGraw Hill, Revised First Edition T2. Principles of Electrical Engineering & Electronics, V,K,Mehta, Rohit Mehta, S Chand Publications.Reference Books:R1. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Electronics, B.L.Theraja, S.Chand & Company Ltd, Reprint Edition 2013.R2. Electrical Technology, E. Hughes, International 9th Edition, Pearson, 2005.R3. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.P.Kothari and I.J Nagrath, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017. Prerequisites of the course:This course requires the students to know about basic physics related to electrical technology, basic principles of mathematics.Overview of the course:The electrical energy is very much needed in all fields of engineering . The development of a modern society depends on quantity and quality of electricity. The development of measuring instruments, transformers and generators begins with Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. High Voltage A.C transmission and distribution becomes popular due to invention of transformer. Synchronous generators are commonly used for generation of electrical power in the generating stations.Basic Electrical Engineering course primarily deals with Electricity and Magnetism. It includes the study of D.C Circuits, Electromagnetism, A.C fundamentals, 3 phase A.C circuits, measuring instruments, construction and working principle of transformer, D C machines, induction motors and synchronous generators. Course Outcomes: After completing this course, student will be able to :Analyse D.C and A.C electric circuits.Explain the principle of operation and construction of single phase transformer.Explain the principle of operation and construction of D.C machines and Synchronous Machines.Explain the principle of operation and construction of 3 phase induction motor.Discuss the concept of electric wiring, circuit protective devices and earthing.Relevance of the Course: This course is very much relevant for all disciplines of engineering. Basic electric circuit laws and mathematical analysis can be used for network theory, design of A.C and D.C machines, transformer and induction machines. Invention of transformer makes change of voltage level more efficient. Reduced voltage level is utilised in many electronic circuits. High voltage is utilized in transmission of electrical power and testing of electric power and testing of high voltage insulation.Applications:Electrical energy is used for domestic and industrial lighting and heating systems.Electric motors are used in industrial drives and electric traction.Transformers find very wide application starting from low voltage electronic circuitsHigh voltage transmission circuits.Transformers are used in electronic circuits for conductive isolation of different parts of system.D.C motors are used in centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, cranes, hoists, milling and drilling machines, elevators etc.Alternators are the main source of generation of electricity and hence used universally for power generation in the generating stations.Induction motors are commonly used motors for the most of the domestic and industrial applications.All electrical appliances are earthed to protect from abnormal conditions.Module wise plan: Module 1 : D.C.Circuits & A.C FundamentalsPlanned Hours : 08Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Explain Ohm.s law, Kirchoff’s laws and its limitations.Calculate the unknown current, resistance, voltage and power dissipated in a D.C series circuits by applying Ohm.s law.Calculate the branch current, voltage and power across the branch.Describe the electrical power and electrical energy with commercial measuring units.Explain the generation of A.C voltage.Calculate the average value, RMS value, form factor and peak factor of sinusoidal alternating current and voltages. Lesson plan:Lecture No.Module coveredTeaching Method*PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference Text Book Chapter No.L1Scope of the subject, introduction, overview of D.C circuits.Chalk and Talk1,2,3,11,9,121T1&T2L2Statement and explanation of Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s laws.Chalk and TalkL3Related problems on Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s laws.Chalk and Talk/PPTL4Explanation of electrical power and energy, related problemsChalk and TalkL5Solutions to VTU Question Paper problems.Chalk and TalkL6Generation of AC voltage with suitable diagrams.Chalk and Talk/PPT/VedioL7Explanation of i)RMS value ii) Average value. Expression for RMS value and average value. Chalk and TalkL8Explanation of iii) Form factor iv) Peak factor. Phasor representation of alternating quantities. (Simple problems)Chalk and Talk*PO’s refer to Sl No. 6Module 2 : Single phase circuits & Three Phase circuits Planned Hours : 08Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Analyse the voltage, current and power relations for pure inductance ‘ L’, pure capacitance ‘C’ and pure resistance ‘R’ A.C circuits.Derive the voltage, current and power relations for R-L,R-C, R-L-C A.C series circuits with phasor diagrams.List the power factor effects in A.C system.Explain the generation of 3 phase A.C voltage system with suitable waveforms.Distinguish between 3 phase star and delta connected systemsDerive the voltage and current relations for balanced 3 phase star and delta connected systems.Derive an expression to show that 2 wattmeters measures three phase AC power.Lesson plan:Lecture No.Module coveredTeaching Method*PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference Text Book Chapter No.L9Study of A.C series circuit with pure ’R’, pure ‘L’ and pure ‘C’ . (V,I,P relations and waveforms)Chalk and Talk1,2,3,6,121T1&T2L10Explanation of real power ,reactive power, apparent power, power factor and power factor effect in A.C circuits and related problems.Chalk and TalkL11Study of A.C series circuit with R-L, R-C combination(V,I,P relations and waveforms) Chalk and TalkL12Study of A.C series circuit with R-L-C combination (V,I,P relations and waveforms), related problems.Chalk and TalkL13Brief explanation about generation of 3 phase A.C voltage system and important definitions.Chalk and Talk/VedioL14Explanation of i) Balanced system ii) Star system iii) Delta system, Voltage and current relations for balanced star connected system.Chalk and Talk/PPTL15Voltage and current relations for balanced delta connected system. Related problems.Chalk and TalkL16Expression to show that 2 wattmeters are sufficient to measure 3 phase power. Chalk and Talk*PO’s refer to Sl No. 6Module 3 : Single phase transformer & Domestic wiringPlanned Hours : 08Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Identify the role of transformer in A.C transmission system.Distinguish between High Voltage A.C and Low Voltage A.C systems.Calculate the E.M.F of single phase transformer.Estimate the iron loss and copper loss of a transformer at different load conditions.Calculate the efficiency of transformer at different load conditions.Estimation of load at maximum efficiency condition. Describe the service main, meter board and distribution board for domestic wiring.Distinguish between the two way control and three way control of lamp and identify the applications of these in industrial lighting.Identify the benefits of earthing system and list the precautions against electric shock.Explain the different types of earting systems i)plate earthing ii) pipe earthing Lesson plan:Lecture No.Module coveredTeaching Method*PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference Text Book Chapter No.L17Introduction, necessity of transformer, explanation of basic working with a neat diagram.Chalk and Talk/Model/vedio1,2,3,6,9,122,5T2&R1L18Explanation of different types of transformer, constructional features.Chalk and Talk/PPTL19Derivation of EMF equation and its related problems. Chalk and TalkL20Explanation of losses in transformer, variation of losses with different load conditions. Chalk and TalkL21Explanation of efficiency, estimation of efficiency at different load conditions, related problems and condition for maximum efficiency.Chalk and TalkL22Explanation of service main, meter board and distribution board for domestic wiring, conduit wiring scheme with neat diagramChalk and Talk/PPTL23Explanation of i) 2 way control and ii) 3 way control of lamp, Elementary discussion on fuse and MCB.Chalk and Talk/DemoL24Explanation about electric shock and precautions against electric shock, equipment earthing, plate earthing and pipe earthing with suitable diagrams.Chalk and Talk/PPT*PO’s refer to Sl No. 6Module 4 : D.C. Generator & D.C MotorPlanned Hours : 08Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Describe basic working principle of D.C machine as a motor and generator.Describe constructional features of DC Motor and D.C generator.Calculate the E.M.F of D.C generator.Describe the back E.M.F of D.C motor and its significance.Calculate the torque of D.C motor..Distinguish the characteristics between series and shunt motors. List the applications of series, shunt and compound motors. Lesson plan:Lecture No.Module coveredTeaching Method*PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference Text Book Chapter No.L25Introduction, Brief explanation of dynamically induced EMF, Flemings Right hand ruleChalk and Talk/PPT/ Vedio1,2,3,6,93T2&R1L26Explanation of construction of D.C machine with their different parts.Chalk and Talk/ModelL27Concept of D.C machine works as a D.C generator, Derivation of EMF equation with usual notations and related problems.Chalk and Talk/VedioL28Types of D.C generators, relations between induced EMF and terminal voltage.Chalk and TalkL29Explanation of DC machine works as a motor, Back EMF equation and its importance, Torque equation.Chalk and TalkL30Related problems on back EMF and Torque expressions. Chalk and TalkL31Explanation of types of DC motors, characteristics of DC series and DC shunt motors.Chalk and Talk/PPTL32Discussion about the applications of DC motors and solutions to VTU Question Paper problems.Chalk and Talk*PO’s refer to Sl No. 6Module 5 : 3 phase Synchronous Generator & 3 phase Induction Motor.Planned Hours : 08Learning Objectives: At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Describe basic working principle of 3 phase induction motor..Explain the concept of rotating magnetic field for 3 phase induction motor.Explain of constructional features with their parts.Out line the slip of induction motor at rest condition and load conditions.Describe the need of starter for 3 phase induction motor.Explain the working principle of star-delta starter with a neat diagram.Describe the service main, meter board and distribution board for domestic wiring.Distinguish between the two way control and three way control of lamp and identify the applications of these in industrial lighting.Identify the benefits of earthing system and list the precautions against electric shock.Explain the different types of earting systems i)plate earthing ii) pipe earthing Lesson plan:Lecture No.Module coveredTeaching Method*PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference Text Book Chapter No.L33Introduction, explanation of basic working principle of 3 phase synchronous generator..Chalk and Talk/vedio/Model1,2,3,9,123,4T2&R1L34Brief explanation of constructional details ( stator, rotor, prime mover, excitation system),synchronous speed (Ns).Chalk and Talk/PPTL35Expression for generated EMF, related problems.Chalk and TalkL36Expression for frequency of generated EMF, solutions to V.T.U Question Paper problems.Chalk and TalkExplanation for basic working principle of 3 phase Induction Motor.Chalk and Talk/ Video/Actual viewL37 Concept of rotating magnetic field with suitable vector diagrams.Chalk and Talk/VideoL38Explanation of constructional features with their parts i)stator ii) rotor. Definition of slip and its significance on motor performance. Chalk and Talk/ Video/L39 Related problems on slip calculation. Solutions to V.T.U Question Paper problems.Chalk and Talk/ Images/ChartsL40Explanation of need of starter for 3 phase induction motor and star-delta starter with a neat diagram.Chalk and Talk/ actual viewNote: Assignments submitted by students should be returned to them after checking by concerned staff 3 days before commencement of each I.A Test.Portion for I.A. Test:I I.A. TestModule I & Module II *II I.A. TestModule II*, Module III, Module IV*III I.A. Test Module IV*, Module V Programme Outcomes:PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural science, and engineering sciencesPO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use of research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusionsPO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitationsPO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and to give and receive clear instructions.PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change********SYLLABUS OFENGINEERINGELEMENTS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – I/IISub Code:18CIV14/CIV24IA Marks:40Number of Lecture (L:T:P) Hrs/ Week:02:02:00Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:50Exam Hours:03Credits - 03Course Learning Objectives: This course (18CIV14/24) will enable students toTo make students to learn Scope of various fields of Civil Engineering, basics of civil engineering concepts and importance of infrastructure development.To develop a student’s ability to analyze the problems involving Forces and Moments with their applications, Centroid and Moment of inertia and Kinetics of bodies.Module – 1Introduction to Civil Engineering:Scope of different fields of Civil Engineering; Surveying, Building Materials, Construction Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydraulics, Water Resources & Irrigation Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Role of Civil Engineers in the Infrastructural development, effect of infrastructural facilities on social- economic development of a country.(RBT Levels L1)Introduction to Engineering Mechanics:Basic concepts of idealization- Particle, Continuum and Rigid Body; Force; Systems of Forces; Basic Principles – Physical Independence of forces, Superposition,Transmissibility,Newton’sLawsofMotion,ResolutionandCompositionofforces,Law ofparallelogram offorces,Polygonallaw,ResultantofConcurrent coplanarforcesystems,Coplanar Non Concurrent Force System: Moment of a Forces, couple, Varignon’stheorem, Resultant of Coplanarnon-concurrentforcesystem.(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Module – 2Equilibrium of Forces: Free body diagrams, Lami’s theorem, Equations of Equilibrium, equilibrium of concurrent and non concurrent coplanar force systems.(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Friction:Types of friction, Laws of dry Friction, Limiting friction, Concept of Static and Dynamic Friction; Numerical problems on motion of single and connected bodies on planes, wedge friction, ladder friction, rope and Pulley systems.(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Module – 3Support Reactions:Types ofLoads andSupports, staticallydeterminate andindeterminate beams,SupportReactioninbeams,Numericalproblemsonsupportreactionsforstaticallydeterminatebeams( Pointload,uniformlydistributed&uniformlyvaryingloadsandMoments)(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Analysis of Simple trusses:Typesof trusses,Analysisof staticallydeterminatetrussesusingmethodof jointsandmethodofsections.(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Module –4Centroid: Centroidofsimple figures from first principle, Centroid ofcomposite/built-up sections;Moment of Inertia:Introduction,secondmomentof areaofplanesectionsfromfirstprinciples,Parallel axesandperpendicular axesTheorems,Radiusofgyration,Momentofinertiaofcompositeareaand built-upsections.ConceptofProductofInertia(NoProblems)(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Module –5Kinematics:Definitions, Displacement, Average velocity, Instantaneous velocity, Speed, Acceleration,Average acceleration, Variable acceleration, Acceleration due to gravity, Newton’s Laws of Motion. Rectilinear Motion–Numerical problems. Curvilinear Motion-Super elevation, Projectile Motion, Relative motion, Numerical problems. Motion under gravity, Numerical problems,(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Kinetics:D’Alembert’s principle and its applications in plane motion and connected bodies including pulleys.(RBT Levels L1, L2& L3)Scheme of Examination: Two full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions) of twenty marks each to set from each module. Each question should cover all contents of the respective module.Students have to answer five full questions choosing one full question from each module.Text Books:1. R. C. Hibbler, Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics, Pearson Press.2. Bansal R.K., A Text Book of Engineering Mechanics, Laxmi PublicationsReference Books:1. Andy Ruina and RudraPratap , Introduction to Statics and Dynamics, Oxford University Press2. Reddy Vijaykumar K. and K. Suresh Kumar, Singer’s Engineering Mechanics3. F. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Mechanics for Engineers, Statics and Dynamics, McGraw Hill4. Irving H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics, Prentice Hall.5. Sawant&Nitsure, “Elements of Civil Engineering &Engg Mechanics”, Technical Publications, Pune, 1st edition 2010.Course PlanCourse : Elements of Civil Engineering and MechanicsSubject Code: 18CIV 14/24Total no. of lecture hours : 50Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.Prerequisites:Mathematics and PhysicsOver view of the course:This Course deals with the study and scope of different fields in Civil Engineering, infrastructure development, types of roads and bridges. It also deals with Engineering Mechanics in which, basic idealizations, forces, types of forces, resolution and composition of forces, truss, centre of gravity, moment of inertia, equilibrium of forces, support reactions, friction ,kinematics and Kinetics are studied.Course Outcomes (CO’s)After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1) Mention the application of various fields of Civil Engineering.2) Compute the relevant action of Forces, Moments and other loads on systems of rigid bodies and compute the reactive forces, resultants and the effects that develop as a result of the external loads. 3) Determine centroid and Moment of Inertia for Engineering composite sections.4) Express the relationship between the motion of bodies and analyze the bodies in motion.Relevance of the course to the programme:For the analysis and design of any structure or machine, the basic idea of forces, types of forces, support reactions, centre of gravity and moment of inertia are very much necessary. This course will give basics of analytical part required in the design. Application:This course has wide applications in higher semesters especially in manufacturing sectors like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.Module wise PlanModule. I Introduction to Civil Engineering & MechanicsNo. of hours : 10Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Explain Scope of different fields in Civil Engineering.Describe Role of Civil Engineer in the in the infrastructure development.Explain Types of roads, its’s components and their fuctionsExplain Types of Bridges and DamsExplain Mechanics, classification, basic idealizations made in mechanics, define force, its characteristics and force system.Explain Principle of physical independence, Principle of superposition, Principle of transmissibility of forces, Moment of a force and couple.Solve problems on Equivalent force couple system, resolution of forces and composition of forces.Lesson Plan: Module 1Introduction to Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics(RBT Level L1,L2,L3)ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s * Attained CO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L1Introduction to Civil Engineering. Scope of different fields of Civil Engineering.PPT1,2 1,2 R5 L2Types of infrastructure and role of Civil Engineer the development of infrastructure. .PPTL3Types of roads, Components of roads and their functions. Comparison of Flexible and Rigid Pavements (Advantages and Limitations). Different types of Bridges and DamsPPTL4 Basic concepts of idealizations , Continuum and Rigid body. force, system of forces. Basic Principles Principle of physical independence, superposition, transmissibility of forces.PPT T1/R5L5.Newton laws of motion,resolution and composition of forces and its laws.Chalk and Board/PPTL6Composition of coplanar concurrent force system and non-concurrent force system. Moment of a Force, couple system.Chalk and Board/PPTL7Tutorial Composition of coplanar concurrent force systemL8Tutorial Problems on Moment and couple.L9Tutorial Composition of coplanar non-concurrent force systemL10Tutorial Composition of coplanar non-concurrent force systemModule 2Equillibrium of Forces and Friction(RBT Level L1,L2,L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Explain Equilibrium; draw FBD, solve problems on equilibrium of concurrent force system using equilibrium conditions andLami’s Theorem.Explain Friction, laws of friction, its theory and solve problems on single ,two blocks on inclined plane. Wedge friction, Ladder friction and rope and Pulley friction.ics coveredTeaching Method PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L11FBD,Equilibrium of forces - Definition of Equilibrant; Conditions of static equilibrium for different force systems Chalk and Board/PPT1,22T1L12Lami's theorem, Concept of solving problem.Chalk and Board/PPTL13Types of friction, Laws of static friction, Limiting friction. Concepts of Static and dynamic friction.Chalk and Board/PPTL14Concepts of Static and dynamic friction.Chalk and Board/PPTL15Concepts on Wedge friction, Ladder friction. Rope and Pulley friction.Chalk and Board/PPTL16Tutorial 5 Numerical problems on equilibrium of coplanar – concurrent force systems.L17Tutorial 6 Numerical problems on equilibrium of coplanar – concurrent force systems.L18Tutorial 7 Problems on frictionL19Tutorial 8 Problems on frictionL20Tutorial 9 Problems on frictionModule 3Support Reactions and Analyses of Simple trusses.(RBT Level L1,L2,L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Explain Types of supports in a beam and reaction at the supports Solve problems on Support reactions of statically determinate beams subjected to point loads, UDL, UVL & moments.Analyses of trusses by method of joints and method of sections.ics coveredTeaching Method PO’s AttainedCO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L21Application-Support Reaction in beamsChalk and Board/PPT1,22T1L22Types of Loads and Supports, statically determinate beamsChalk and Board/PPTL23Introduction to truss, Method of jointsChalk and Board/PPTL24Truss: Method of sectionsChalk and Board/PPTL25Tutorials - Analyses of beamsL26Tutorials - Analyses of beamsL27Tutorials - Analyses of beamsL28Tutorials - Analyses of trussL29Tutorials - Analyses of trussL30Tutorials - Analyses of trussModule 4Centroid.(RBT Level L1,L2,L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to Define centroid and center of gravityDetermine the centroid for the plane figures like triangle, semi circle, quadrant of a circle and sector of a circle using method of integration.Locate the centroid of simple built up sections.Define moment of inertia of an area, polar moment of inertia and radius of gyrationDerive perpendicular axis theorem and parallel axis theoremDetermine moment of inertia of rectangular , triangular and circular areas using method of integration. Solve problems on moment of inertia of built up sections.ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s Attained CO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No..L31Derivation of location of centroid for the plane figures like triangle, semi circle.Chalk and Board/PPT1,23T1L32Derivation of location of centroid for the plane figures like quadrant of a circle and sector of a circleChalk and Board/PPTL33Introduction to moment of inertia of an area, polar moment of inertia , radius of gyration. Determining expression for moment of inertia of rectangular area.Chalk and Board/PPTL34Concepts of product of Inertia.Chalk and Board/PPTL35Tutorials CentroidL36Tutorials CentroidL37Tutorials CentroidL38Tutorials Moment of InertiaL39Tutorials Moment of InertiaL40Tutorials Moment of InertiaModule 5Kinematics and Kinetics(RBT Level L1,L2,L3)Learning Objectives: At the end of this Module, student will be able to ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s Attained CO’s AttainedReference or Text Book/ Chapter No.L41Introduction to kinematics, Definitions of Displacement, Average velocity, Instantaneous velocity, Speed. accerarationetcChalk and Board/PPT1,24T1/T2L42Concept of Rectilinear Motion and differential equation for rectilinear motion and curvilinear motion. Concepts on Projectile Motion, Relative motionChalk and Board/PPTL43Concepts on Projectile Motion, Relative motion and super elevation. Motion under gravity.Chalk and Board/PPTL44D?lemberts principle and its application in plane motion and connected bodies including pulleys.Chalk and Board/PPTL45Tutorials problems on KinematicsL46Tutorials problems on KinematicsL47Tutorials problems on KinematicsL48Tutorials problems on KinematicsL49Tutorials problems on KineticsL50Tutorials problems on Kinetics5. Portion for IA tests: TestModulesCO’s AttainedFirst I.A Test1 & 21, 2Second I.A Test2 & 32Third I.A Test4 & 53,4 SYLLABUS OF ENGINEERING ENGINEERING GRAPHICS[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – I/IISub Code:18 EGDL15/25IA Marks:40Number of Lecture (L:T:P) Hrs/ Week:02:00:02Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:50Exam Hours:03Credits - 03Course Learning Objectives: This course (18 EGDL15/25) will enable students toCLO1 To expose the students and convertionsfallowed in preparation of engineering drawings.CLO2 To make them understand the concepts of orthographic and isometric projections.CLO3 Develop the ability of conveying the engineeering information through drawings.CLO4 To make them understand the relevence of engineering drawing to different engineering domains.CLO5 To develop the ability of producing engineering drawings using drawing instruments.CLO6 To enable them to use computer aided drafting packages for the generation of drawings.Module-1 Introduction to Computer Aided Sketching:Introduction, Drawing Instruments and their uses, BIS conventions, Lettering, Dimensioning and free hand practicing. Dimensioning, line conventions, material conventions and lettering. Computer screen, layout of the software, standard tool bar/menus and description of most commonly used tool bars, navigational tools. Co-ordinate system and reference planes. Definitions of HP, VP, RPP & LPP. Creation of 2D/3D environment. Selection of drawing size and scale. Commands and creation of Lines, Co-ordinate points, axes, poly-lines, square, rectangle, polygons, splines, circles, ellipse, text, move, copy, off-set, mirror, rotate,trim, extend, break, chamfer, fillet, curves, constraints viz. tangency, parallelism,inclination and perpendicularity. Module-2Orthographic projections of points, straight lines and planes:Introduction, Definitions - Planes of projection, reference line and conventions employed, Projections of points in all the four quadrants, Projections of straight lines (located in First quadrant/first angle only), True and apparent lengths, True and apparent inclinations to reference planes (No application problems).Orthographic Projections of Plane Surfaces (First Angle Projection Only) Introduction, Definitions–projections of plane surfaces–triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and circle, planes in different positions by change of position method only (No problems on punched plates and composite plates). Module-3Projections of Solids Introduction, Definitions – Projections of right regular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones with axis inclined to both the planes. (Solids resting on HP only No problems on Octahedrons and freely suspended problems).Module-4Development of Lateral Surfaces of SolidsIntroduction, Section planes, Sections, Section views, Sectional views, Apparent shapes and True shapes of Sections of right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones resting with base on HP. (No problems on sections of solids) Development of lateral surfaces of above solids, their frustums and truncations. (No problems on lateral surfaces of trays, tetrahedrons, spheres and transition pieces).Module-5Isometric Projection (Using Isometric Scale Only)Introduction, Isometric scale, Isometric projection of simple plane figures, Isometric projection of tetrahedron, hexahedron(cube), right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, Isometric projections of combination of two simple solids. Conversion of given isometric/pictorial views to orthographic views of simple objects.Scheme of ExaminationModule- 1 is only for practice and CIE and not for examination.Question paper for each batch of students will be sent online by VTU and has to be downloaded before the commencement of Examination of each batch. The answer sheets will have to be jointly evaluated by the Internal & External examiners.A maximum of THREE questions will be set as per the following pattern (No mixing of questions from different modules).Studenta have to submit the computer printouts and the sketches at the end of the examination. Both Internal and External examiners have to jointly evaluate the solutions (sketches) and computer display and printouts of each student for 100 marks (60marks for solutions and sketches + 40 marks for computer display and printouts) and submit the marks list along with the solution (sketches) on graph sheets &computer printouts in separate covers.Each batch must consist of a maximum of 12 students.Examination can be conducted in parallel batches,if necessary.From ChaptersMarks AllottedModule 2 (Choice between Lines or Planes)25Module 345Module 4 or Module 530Total100Q. No.Solution and sketching in the sketch bookComputer dislay and printoutTotal Marks115102522520453201030Total Marks6040100Text Books: T1. Engineering Drawing - N.D. Bhatt & V.M. Panchal, 48th edition, 2005- Charotar Publishing House and Gujarat.T2. Engineering Graphics - K.R. Gopalakrishna, 32nd edition, 2005- Subash Publishers Bangalore. T3. Computer Aided Engineering drawing- Prof. M. H. Annaiah, Dr. C.N. Chandrappa and Dr. B. Usher Premkumar, Fifth edition, New Age International Publishers. Referance Books: R1. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing - S. Trymbaka Murthy, - I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 3rd revised edition- 2006. R2. A primer on computer Aided Engineering Drawing-2006, published by VTU, Belgaum. Course PlanCourse : ENGINEERING GRAPHICSSubject Code: 18EGDL15/25Total no. of lecture hours : 50Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.Prerequisites: Knowledge of geometry.Overview of the course:The contents of the course “Computer Aided Engineering Drawing” is designed by the members of the Boards of Studies (BOS) constituted by Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU) Belgaum.In this course, students are exposed to CAD tools for creating engineering drawings. The course is fully revised to take into account developments in computer aided drawing. The students are introduced to BIS conventions of drawing, orthographic projections of points, lines, planes and solids. The course also deals with development of lateral surfaces of solids, sections of solids and principles of isometric projections. This course is a prerequisite for Computer Aided Machine Drawing. Course Outcomes (CO’s)After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: CO1 Prepare. Engineering drawings as per BIS conventions mentioned the relevant codes.CO2 Produce computer generated drawing using CAD software.CO3 Use the knowledge of orthographic projections to represent engineering information/ Concepts and present same in the form of drawings.CO4 Develop isometric drawings of simple objects reading the orthographic projections of those objectsCO5 Convert pictorial and isometric views of simple objects to orthographic views.Relevance of the Course:Any Engineer, irrespective of his/her branch of specialization, has to have certain knowledge in order to design and manufacture any product for usage of society. One of the most important knowledge lies in Engineering Graphics. Technological Universities have reckoned the importance of this subject and have made this as an important core subject for those entering into the field of Engineering. Engineering ideas are recorded by preparing drawings and execution of work is also carried out on the basis of drawings. Engineers are a special class of professionals who employ the art and science of dreaming image as a means of communication.The course gives the manual and computer methods to solve the problems step by step with graphical instructions so that the students can easily acquire the knowledge of CAED.Application areas:The basic principles of the course, CAED are used for preparing working drawing, assembly drawings in design and production departments of all organizations. Unit wise lesson plan:Module 1: Introduction to Computer Aided SketchingPlanned hours: 02Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s* attainedCO’s attainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L1Introduction, Drawing Instruments and their uses, BIS conventions, Lettering, Dimensioning and free hand practicing. Computer screen, layout of the software, standard tool bar/menus and description of most commonly used tool bars, navigational tools. Co-ordinate system and reference planes. Definitions of HP, VP, RPP & LPP. Creation of 2D/3D environment. Selection of drawing size and scale. Commands and creation of Lines, Co-ordinate points, axes, poly-lines, square, rectangle, polygons, splines, circles, ellipseChalk and Boardc,i,k1T1/1&3R1/1&2L2Commands and creation of text, move, copy, off-set, mirror, rotate, trim, extend, break, chamfer, fillet, curves, constraints viz. tangency, parallelism, inclination and perpendicularity. Dimensioning, line conventions, material conventions and lettering.Chalk and Board1R2/1R1/1Module 2: Orthographic Projections of points, straight lines and planes:Planned hours: 09Unit wise lesson plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s * attainedCO’s attainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L3Introduction, Definitions - Planes of projection, reference line and conventions employed.Chalk and Boarda,c,e,i,k2T1/9R2/2L4Projections of points in all the four quadrants.Chalk and Board2,5T1/9R2/2L5Projections of straight lines (located in First quadrant/first angle only), True and apparent lengths.Chalk and Board2,5R2/3R1/7L6True and apparent inclinations to reference planes (No application problems).Chalk and Board2,5R1/3R2/7L7Introduction, Definitions–projections of plane surfaces–triangle.Chalk and Board2,5R1/4R2/9L8Projections of Surfaces - square, rectangle, rhombus.Chalk and Board2,5R1/4R2/9L9Projections of Surfaces - pentagon, hexagon.Chalk and Board2,5R1/4R2/9L10Projections of Surfaces – Circle.Chalk and Board2,5T2/4R2/9L11Planes in different positions by change of position method only (No problems on punched plates and composite plates). Chalk and Board2,5R1/4R2/9Unit wise lesson plan:Module 3: Projections of Solids Planned hours:09Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s* attainedCO’s attainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L12Introduction of solids. Chalk and Boarda,c,e,i,k2,5R2/5R1/10L13Definitions – Projections of right regular tetrahedron and in different positions(No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R1/5R2/10L14Definitions – Projections of right regular hexahedron (cube) and in different positions(No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R1/5R2/10L15Definitions – Projections of right regular prisms and in different positions(No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R1/5R2/10L16Definitions – Projections of right regular prisms and in different positions(No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R1/5R2/10L17Definitions – Projections of right regular pyramids and in different positions(No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R1/5R2/10L18Definitions – Projections of right regular pyramids and in different positions (No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R2/5R1/10L19Definitions – Projections of right regular cylinders and in different positions (No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R2/5R1/10L20Definitions – Projections of right regular cones and in different positions (No problems on octahedrons and combination solid).Chalk and Board2,5R2/5R1/10Unit wise lesson plan:Module 4: Sections And Development of Lateral Surfaces of SolidsPlanned hours: 04Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s* attainedCO’s attainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L21Introduction, Section planes, Sections, Section views, Sectional views. Apparent shapes and True shapes of Sections of right regular prismsChalk and Boarda,c,e,i3,5T1/15R2/6R1/11L22Development of lateral surfaces of right regular prisms, their frustums and truncations.Chalk and Board3,5T1/15R2/6R1/11L23Development of lateral surfaces of right regular pyramids, their frustums and truncations. (No problems on sections of solids)Chalk and Board3,5T1/15R2/6R1/11L24Development of lateral surfaces of right regular cylinders, cones their frustums and truncations. (No problems on lateral surfaces of trays, tetrahedrons, spheres and transition pieces).Chalk and Board3,5T1/15R2/6R1/11Unit wise lesson plan:Module 5: Isometric Projection (Using Isometric Scale Only)Planned hours: 04Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPO’s*AttainedCO’s attainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L25Introduction of Isometric scale, Isometric projection of simple plane figures,Chalk and Boarda,c,e4,5T1/17R2/7R2/12L26Isometric projection of tetrahedron, hexahedron(cube), right regular prisms, pyramidsChalk and Board4,5T1/17R2/7R1/12L27Isometric projection of right regular cylinders, cones, cut spheres, spheresChalk and Board4,5T1/17R2/7R1/12L28Isometric projection of Combination of solids (Maximum of three solids). Chalk and Board4,5T1/17R2/7R1/12Portion for IA tests: TestModulesCO’s AttainedFirst I.A Test1 & 21, 2Second I.A Test2 & 33Third I.A Test4 & 54,5Engineering. Physics Lab:(Common to all Branches)(Effective from the academic year 2018-19)Course Code : 18PHY16/26IA Marks : 40 Contact Hours/Week : 03Exam. Marks: 100Exams. Hours: 03 Credits:1.5Course Learning Objectives: This course (18PHY16/26) will enable students To realize experimentally, the mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of materials, concept of waves and oscillations Design simple circuits and hence study the characteristics of semiconductor devicesSl. NoFirst cycle ExperimentsTo which Module it belongs1n & I by Torsional pendulum (radius of the wire, mass and dimensions of the regular bodies to be given). (In the examination either n or I to be asked)II2Radius of curvature of plano convex lens using Newton’s rings(wavelength of light to be given)III3Determination of Magnetic field intensity at the centre of a circular coil carrying current(by deflection method) III4Estimation of Fermi Energy of Copper V5Determine Wavelength of semiconductor laser using Laser diffraction by calculating grating constant.IV6Study Series and parallel LCR resonance and hence Calculate inductance, band width and quality factor using series LCR ResonanceI/IIISecond cycle experiment7Young’s modulus of a beam by Single Cantilever experiment (breadth and thickness of the beam to be given)II8Study of input and output Transistor characteristics and hence calculate input resistance, and V9Draw photodiode characteristics and calculate power responsivityV10Calculation of Dielectric constant by RC charging and DischargingV11Determination of spring constants in Series and Parallel combinationI12Determine Acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber IIINote:In addition to above experiments, Reddy shock tube must be introduced as compulsorydemo experimentAll 12 experiments are mandatory. Student has to perform 2 experiments in the semester end examinationCourse Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to Apprehend the concepts of interference of light, diffraction of light, Fermi energy and magnetic effect of currentUnderstand the principles of operations of optical fibers and semiconductor devices such as Photodiode, and NPN transistor using simple circuitsDetermine elastic moduli and moment of inertia of given materials with the help of suggested proceduresRecognize the resonance concept and its practical applicationsUnderstand the importance of measurement procedure, honest recording and representing the data, reproduction of final resultsScheme of Evaluation (with effect from 2018-19 Scheme)Subject: Engineering Physics Lab Code: 18PHYL16/26The student has to perform TWO experiments during the practical examination of THREE hours duration. The scheme of valuation shall be as follows.Sl.No.Description Max.Marks100Part:AMarks forFirst experimentPart:BMarks forSecond experiment01Write up: Formula, Tabular column and Circuit diagram/Ray Diagram 164+2+2=084+2+2=0802Experimental set up/Circuit connection10050503Conduction and reading40202004Graph, Calculations, Results and accuracy 202+4+2+2=102+4+2+2=1006Viva-Voce14070707 Total1005050Note: The student is required to obtain a minimum of 40 % Marks in the practical examination to pass.Basic Electrical Engineering Lab:(Common to all Branches)(Effective from the academic year 2018-19)Course Code : 18ELE17/27IA Marks : 40 Contact Hours/Week : 03Exam. Marks: 100Exams. Hours: 03 Credits:1.5Course Objectives:To provide exposure to common electrical components such as Resistors, capacitors and inductors, types of wires and measuring instruments. To measure power and power factor measurement of different types of lamps and three phase circuits. To explain measurement of impedance for R-L and R-C circuits. ? To determine power consumed in a 3 phase load.To explain methods of controlling a lamp from different places.Sl. NoFirst cycle ExperimentsTo which Module it belongs1Verification of KCL and KVL for DC circuits.I2Measurement of current, power and power factor of incandescent lamp, fluorescent and LED lamp.II3Measurement of resistance and inductance of choke coil using 3-voltmeter method.I4Determination of phase and line quantities in three phase star and delta connected loads.II5Measurements of three phase power using two wattmeter method.II6Two way and three way control of lamp and formation of truth table.III7Measurement of earth resistance.III8Study of effect of open and short circuit in simple circuits.IIIDemonstration experiments (for CIE only)Demonstration of fuse and MCB separately by creating faults.Demonstration of cut-out sections of electrical machines.(DC machines, Induction machines and Synchronous machines)Understanding ac and dc supply. Use of tester and test lamp to ascertain the healthy status of mains.Understanding of UPS.Course Outcomes:At the end of the course the student will be able to:Identify the common electrical components and measuring instruments used for conducting experiments in the electrical laboratory. Compare powerfactor of lamps. Determine impedance of an electrical circuit and power consumed in a 3 phase load. Understand two way and three way control of lamps.Scheme of Evaluation (with effect from 2018-19 Scheme)Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering Lab Code: 18ELE17/27Sl.No.Description Max.Marks10001Write up: Formula, Tabular column and Circuit diagram.1502Experimental set up/Circuit connection1003Conduction and reading4004Graph, Calculations, Results and accuracy 2006Viva-Voce1507 Total100Students can pick one experiment from the questions lot prepared by the examiners.Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.Note: The student is required to obtain a minimum of 40 % Marks in the practical examination to pass. 807326346841618140567559600501914400SYLLABUS OF ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY THEORY[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – I/IISub Code:18 CHE12/18CHE22IA Marks:40Number of Lecture Hrs/ Week:04Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:50Exam Hours:03Credits - 04Course Learning Objectives: This course (18CHE12/22) will enable students toMaster the basic knowledge of engineering chemistry for building technical competence in industries, research and development.To develop knowledge in the fields of use of free energy in chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry and energy storage systems, Corrosion and metal finishing.To understand the importance of energy systems, environmental pollution,waste management, water chemistry, Instrumental methods of analysis and Nanomaterials.Module – 1Electrochemistry and Energy storage systemsUse of free energy in chemical equilibria: Thermodynamic functions: Definitions of free energy and entropy. Cell potential, derivation of Nernst equation for single electrode potential, numerical problems on E, E0, and Ecell.Electrochemical Systems: Reference electrodes: Introduction, construction, working and applications of Calomel electrode. Ion-selective electrode – Definition, construction and principle of Glass electrode, and determination of pH using glass electrode. Electrolyte concentration cells, numerical problems. Energy storage systems: Introduction, classification - primary, secondary and reserve batteries. Construction, working and applications of Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries. (RBT Levels: L3). 10 HoursModule – 2Corrosion and metal finishing Corrosion: Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Factors affecting the rate of corrosion: ratio of anodic to cathodic areas, nature of metal, nature of corrosion product, nature of medium – pH, conductivity and temperature. Types of corrosion - Differential metal and Differential aeration - pitting and water line). Corrosion control: Anodizing – Anodizing of aluminium, Cathodic protection - sacrificial anode and impressed current methods, Metal coatings - Galvanization.Metal finishing: Introduction, Technological importance. Electroplating: Introduction, principles governing electroplating-Polarization, decomposition potential and overvoltage. Electroplating of chromium (hard and decorative). Electroless plating: Introduction, electroless plating of nickel & copper, distinction between electroplating and electroless plating processes. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2) 10 HoursModule – 3Energy Systems Chemical Fuels: Introduction, classification, definitions of CV, LCV, and HCV, determination of calorific value of solid/liquid fuel using bomb calorimeter, numerical problems. Knocking of petrol engine – Definition, mechanism, ill effects and prevention. Power alcohol, unleaded petrol and biodiesel.Fuel Cells: Introduction, differences between conventional cell and fuel cell, limitations & advantages. Construction, working & applications of methanol-oxygen fuel cell with H2SO4 electrolyte, and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFCs).Solar Energy: Photovoltaic cells- introduction, construction and working of a typical PV cell. Preparation of solar grade silicon by Union Carbide Process/Method. Advantages & disadvantages of PV cells. (RBT Levels: L3) 10 Hours Module –4Environmental Pollution and Water ChemistryEnvironmental Pollution: Air pollutants: Sources, effects and control of primary air pollutants: Carbon monoxide, Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, hydrocarbons, Particulate matter, Carbon monoxide, Mercury and Lead. Secondary air pollutant: Ozone, Ozone depletion.Waste Management: Solid waste, e-waste & biomedical waste: Sources, characteristics & disposal methods (Scientific land filling, composting, recycling and reuse).Water Chemistry: Introduction, sources and impurities of water; boiler feed water, boiler troubles with disadvantages -scale and sludge formation, boiler corrosion (due to dissolved O2, CO2 and MgCl2). Sources of water pollution, Sewage, Definitions of Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), determination of COD, numerical problems on COD. Chemical analysis of water: Sulphates (gravimetry) and Fluorides (colorimetry). Sewage treatment: Primary, secondary (activated sludge) and tertiary methods. Softening of water by ion exchange process. Desalination of sea water by reverse osmosis. (RBT Levels: L3) 10 HoursModule –5Instrumental methods of analysis and Nanomaterials Instrumental methods of analysis: Theory, Instrumentation and applications of Colorimetry, Flame Photometry, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Potentiometry, Conductometry (Strong acid with a strong base, weak acid with a strong base, mixture of strong acid and a weak acid with a strong base).Nanomaterials: Introduction, size dependent properties (Surface area, Electrical, Optical, Catalytic andThermal properties). Synthesis of nanomaterials: Top down and bottom up approaches, Synthesis by Sol-gel, precipitation and chemical vapour deposition, Nanoscale materials: Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes and graphenes – properties and applications. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2) 10 HoursScheme of Examination: The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.Each full question carries 20 marks.There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three sub questions) from each module.Each full question will have sub question covering all the topics under a module.The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from eachModule.Module wise text books/Reference BooksModuleText Book/Reference BookIP.C.Jain & Monica Jain., “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi.R.V.Gadag & A. Nityananda Shetty., “Engineering Chemistry”, I K International Publishing House Private Ltd. New Delhi.IIP.C.Jain & Monica Jain., “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai, Publications, New DelhiM.G.Fontana., “Corrosion Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.IIIO.G.Palanna,“Engineering Chemistry”,Tata McGraw Hill Education, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth ReprintR.V.Gadag & A. Nityananda Shetty., “Engineering Chemistry”, I K International Publishing House Private Ltd. New Delhi.IVB.S.Jai Prakash, R.Venugopal, Sivakumaraiah & Pushpa Iyengar., “Chemistry for Engineering Students”, Subhash Publications, Bangalore.O.G.Palanna,“Engineering Chemistry”,Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth Reprint.VP.C.Jain & Monica Jain., “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi. (2015 Edition)G. A. Chatwal and S. K. Anand, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” Himalaya Publishing House.G.A.Ozin & A.C. Arsenault, “Nanochemistry A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials”, RSC publishing, 2005. Prerequisites for the course:The foundation of technology is based on Science. Without strong platform of scientific acumen, pillars of the technology will not sustain for a long time. Science of today is technology of tomorrow. Engineering Chemistry is one of the pillars of Basic Science curriculum of engineering course.Overview of the course: This course will enable the students to have basic ideas about corrosion and its prevention, electroplating, electrochemical reactions, working of batteries, importance of various energy resources including renewable, nonrenewable and alternate sources of energy, management of wastes. As Engineers are required to live in a healthy society hence a concise knowledge on purification processes of drinking water will be imparted to them, along with enlightening them with the importance of nano materials.Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students will have knowledge in:Use of free energy in equilibria, rationalize bulk properties and processes using thermodynamic considerations, electrochemical energy systems.Causes & effects of corrosion of metals and control of corrosion. Modification of surface properties of metals to develop resistance to corrosion, wear, tear impact etc. by electroplating and electroless plating.Production & consumption of energy for industrialization of country and living standards of people. Electrochemical and concentration cells. Classical, modern batteries and fuel cells. Utilization of solar energy for different useful forms of energy.Environmental pollution, waste management and water chemistry.Different techniques of instrumental methods of analysis. Fundamental principles of nanomaterials.Applications:Engineers with knowledge of chemistry develop economic ways of using materials and energy. Engineers use chemistry and engineering to turn the raw materials into valuable products such as petrochemicals which finds a lot of application in everyday life.Module wise planSubject Title: Engineering ChemistryModule: 01No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lecture NoTopics coveredTeaching methodPos AttainedCos attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Concept of free energy, entropy with definitions. Electrochemical cell-types (Electrolytic, Galvanic), Electrode potential, cell potential, Galvanic cell-working, electrode reactions.Chalk & Board11L2Derivation of Nernst Equation for single electrode, Nernst equation for a cell. Chalk & BoardL3Definition of reference electrode, constructin and working of calomel electrode.Chalk & BoardL4 Application of calomel electrode, Definition of ion selective electrode, Construction of glass electrode.Chalk & BoardT1Application of glass electrode, pH determination. Numerical problems on E, E0, Checking the level of understanding in students.Chalk & BoardL5Electrolyte concentration cell-construction and working, EMF of concentration cell. One numerical problem on concentration cell.Chalk & BoardL6Definition of battery, classification-Primary, Secondary and Reserve batteries with examples, Characteristics (voltage, capacity, cycle life, efficiency)-oral discussion.Chalk & BoardL7 Construction, working and applications of NI-MH battery.Chalk & BoardL8Construction, working and applications of Li-Ion battery. Numerical problems on Ecell. Formula revision for next tutorialChalk & BoardT2Numerical problems on the module. Checking level of understanding and performance of students by oral discussions.Chalk & BoardSubject Title: Engineering ChemistryModule: 02No of Hours: 10hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodPos AttainedCos attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Definition of corrosion, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Chalk and Board12L2Types of corrosion-Differential metal corrosion, Differential aeration corrosion- waterline and pitting corrosion, Chalk and Board/PPTL3Factors- Ratio of anodic/ cathodic areas, nature of metal, corrosion product, pH, conductivity and temperature. Revision.Chalk and BoardL4Anodizing. Metal coating- galvanization.Chalk and BoardT1Level of understanding- corrosion in day to day life- examples. New concepts on prevention of corrosion. Chalk and BoardL5Sacrificial anode method, impressed current method.Chalk and BoardL6Metal Finishing- Technological importance, Electroplating- definition, polarization, Decomposition potential.Chalk and BoardL7Over voltage. Electroplating of chromium ( Hard and decorative)Chalk and BoardL8Electroless plating- introduction. Electroless plating of nickel and copper. Distinction between Electroplating and Electroless platingChalk and Board/PPTT2Applications of metal finishing. Test.Chalk and BoardSubject Title: Engineering ChemistryModule: 03No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodPos AttainedCos attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Chemical Fuels: Definition of fuels, Classification of fuels with examples, Definitions of CV, GCV and NCVChalk and Board1 3L2Bomb’s Calorimeter-Determination of Calorific value, formulae for GCV and NCVChalk and BoardL3Knocking of petrol - Definition, Mechanism, ill effects and prevention Chalk and BoardL4Prevention of knocking, Power alcohol, leaded and unleaded petrol, biodiesel.Chalk and BoardT1Numerical problems on Bomb’s calorimeterChalk and BoardL5Fuel cells - Introduction, Differences between conventional cell and fuel cell, limitations and advantages.Chalk and BoardL6Construction and working of methanol-oxygen fuel cell, SOFCChalk and BoardL7Construction and working of PV cell. Chalk and BoardL8Preparation of solar grade silicon by Union Carbide MethodChalk and BoardT2Fuel cell and Solar energy.Chalk and Board/PPTSubject Title: Engineering ChemistryModule: 04 No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodPos AttainedCos attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Air pollution-sources of CO, NOx, SOx, HC, Particulate matter, CO2 and Lead, Mercury, their effects.Chalk and Board1 4L2Control of primary air pollutants. Secondary air pollutants- Ozone. Ozone depletion.Chalk and BoardL3Types of solid wastes, sources of solid wastes, e-waste, biomedical waste. Characteristics of solid wastes.Chalk and BoardL4Introduction to water pollution, boiler feed water, scale and sludge formation, boiler corrosion.Chalk and BoardT1Disposal methods of solid wastesChalk and Board/PPTL5Sources of water pollution, Sewage water, treatment of sewage water- primary and secondary.Chalk and Board/PPTL6Tertiary treatment of sewage water. Definitions of BOD and COD. Determination of COD. Chalk and BoardL7Analysis of water- Sulphate (gravimetric) and fluorides (colorimetry)Chalk and BoardL8Softening of water by ion exchange process. Desalination of water by reverse osmosis. Chalk and Board/PPTT2Numerical problems on COD.Chalk and BoardSubject Title: Engineering ChemistryModule: 05No of Hours: 10 hrsLesson plan: Lesson NoTopic coveredTeaching methodPos attainedCos attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Theory, instrumentation and applications of colorimetry and potentiometry.Chalk and Board1 5L2Theory, instrumentation and applications of flame-photometry and conductometry.Chalk and BoardL3Theory, instrumentation and applications of Atomic absorption spectroscopy.Chalk and BoardL4Nanomaterials- introduction, size dependent properties ( Surface area, electrical, optical, catalytic and thermal properties)Chalk and BoardT1Colorimetry/ conductometry / potentiometry –discussions.Chalk and BoardL5Synthesis of nanomaterials- Top down and bottom up approaches, sol-gel method.Chalk and BoardL6Precipitation and chemical vapour deposition methods. Chalk and BoardL7Fullerenes- properties and applications. CNT- Properties and applications.Chalk and BoardL8Graphene- properties and applications.Chalk and BoardT2Sol-gel/ precipitation/ CVD methods. Chalk and BoardPortion for IA testsTestModulesCo’s AttainedFirst IA Test 1 & 2Second IA Test 3 & 4Third IA Test 51) Prerequisites:The students should have the basic knowledge of computers including creating and editing text files and working with application software like word, excel and powerpoint. 2) Overview of the course:Now a day, computers have brought a revolution across all over the world in almost all the fields including technical, medical, agricultural, education and other sciences. They have changed the face of society. Computers are the best means for storage and management of data. As computers are a daily utility, they have gained immense importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing utility has made computer fundamental knowledge and the computer programming as basic need of today’s life.The different computer programming languages are used to write both system and application software. C is the most widely used high level programming language. Everything from microcontrollers to operating systems is written in C. The features of C language are as follows.It is robust language, whose rich setup of built in functions and operator can be used to write any complex programs.Programs written in c are efficient due to several variety of data types and powerful operators.The c complier combines the capabilities of an assembly language with the feature of high level language. Therefore it is well suited for writing both system software and business package.C is portable language. This means that c programs written for one computer system can be run on another system, with little or no modification.C language is well suited for structured programming. This requires user to think of a problems in terms of function or modules or block. A collection of these modules make a program debugging and testing easier.C language has its ability to extend itself. A c program is basically a collection of functions that are supported by the c library. C supports derived data types such as functions and pointers and user defined data types such as structures, unions and enumerations.3) Application:The c programming languages is used by programmers to develop the software’s like operating systems, language compilers , assemblers, text editors, print spoolers, network drivers, modern programs, databases, language interpreters and other utilities.Course Outcomes (COs): On completion of this course the student will be able to :C113.1 Explain the basics of computer system and C programming language.C113.2 Apply the knowledge of control statements to write C programs to solve a given problem.C113.3 Write C programs using arrays and strings.C113.4 Modularize the given problem using functions and structures.C113.5 Define and use pointers to write efficient C programsC113.6 Design and develop solutions to real world problems by using computer programming skills.TEXT BOOKS:T1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-HillT2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India.REFERENCE BOOKS:R 1. Sumitabha Das, Computer Fundamentals & C Programming, Mc Graw Hill Education.R 2. Gary J Bronson, ANSI C Programming, 4th Edition, Ceneage Learning.R 3. Vikas Gupta: Computer Concepts and C Programming, Dreamtech Press 2013.R 4. R S Bichkar, Programming with C, University Press, 2012.R 5. V Rajaraman: Computer Programming in C, PHI, 2013.R 6. Basavaraj S. Anami, Shanmukhappa A Angadi, Sunilkumar S. Manvi, Computer Concepts and C Programming: A Holistic Approach to Learning C, Seond edition, PHI India, 2010.4) Module wise plan:MODULE IIntroduction to computer fundamentals and C programmingPlanned Hours: 8Lesson Plan:Lecture ics CoveredTeaching Method*POs attainedCOs attained*PSOsattainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L1Computer generations, computertypes, bits, bytes and words, CPU, Primary memory, Secondary memory Chalk and Board,PPT11-T1/1R1/1,L2Ports and connections, input devices, output devicesChalk and Board,PPT11-T1/2,3,R1/2,2.2L3Computers in a network, Network hardware, Software basics, software types.Chalk and Board,PPT11-T1/2,3,R1/2,2.2,2.3L4Introduction to C, Basic structure of C program, executing a C program. Chalk and Board,PPT1,212T1/1,2,3,R1/1,2,2.2,2.3L5Constant and variablesChalk and Board& TPS (Think Pair & Share)1,212T1/1,2,R1/1,2,2.2,2.3L6Data types: Definition, types, examples.Chalk and Board,TPS1,212T1/2,3,R1/1,2,2.2,2.3L7Operators and expressions: Definition, TypesChalk and Board,TPS1,212T1/3,R1/1,2,2.2,2.3L8Precedence and associativity of operatorsChalk and Board,TPS1,212T1/3,R1/2.2,2.3* For POs & PSOs refer Sl.No.6 & 7 respectively.MODULE IIManaging I/O Operations in C with control statementsPlanned Hours: 08Lecture ics CoveredTeaching Method*POs attainedCOs attained*PSOsattainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L9Managing Input and output operations: I/O functions: Formatted I/O functions like scanf, printf. Definitions, Syntax, Examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,21,22T1/4R2,R6L10Unformatted I/O functions like getch,putch,gets,puts,etc. with definition, syntax and examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,21,22T1/4,R2,R6L11Conditional Statements: Introduction, definition, types: simple if, if else with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,31,22T1/5R2,R6L12Nested if, else if ladders with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,31,22T1/5R2,R6L13Else if ladder and switch statement with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,31,22T1/5,6R2,R6L14Loop Statements: Introduction, types, while loop with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.Chalk and Board, PPT1,2,31,22T1/6R2,R6L15do-while and for loop with syntax, flowchart and programming examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,31,22T1/6R2,R6L16Programming examples on above topics like finding roots of a quadratic equation, computation of binomial coefficients, plotting ofPascals triangle and many more.Chalk and Board1,2,31,2,62T1/6R2,R6* For POs & PSOs refer Sl.No.6 & 7 respectively. MODULE III Arrays and StringsPlanned Hours: 08Lecture ics CoveredTeaching Method*POs attainedCOs attained*PSOsattainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L171-D array: Introduction, definition, syntax, examplesPPT1,2,332T1/5,6,7/7.1T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L18Simple programs on 1D arrayChalk and Board1,2,332T1/7.2T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L192-D array: Introduction, definition, declaration / initialization syntax, examplesChalk and Board & TPS1,2,332T1/7.3T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L20Programming examples on 2D array (addition, multiplications of matrices, etc.)PPT1,2,32,3,62T1/7.4T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L21Strings: Introduction, definition, declaration and initialization, examples.Chalk and Board1,2,332T1/7.5T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L22Strings handling function with programming examples.PPT1,2,332T1/7.6T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L23Searching Techniques like linear and binaryChalk and Board1,2,32,3,62T1/7.7T2/5,6R2,R4,R5L24Sorting techniques like bubble and selection sort.Chalk and Board1,2,32,3,62T1/7.8T2/5,6R2,R4,R5* For POs & PSOs refer Sl.No.6 & 7 respectively. MODULE IV FunctionsPlanned Hours: 08Lecture ics CoveredTeaching Method*POs attainedCOs attained*PSOsattainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L25User Defined Functions and Recursion: Introduction, Advantages, types of functions.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,342T1/9.1,9.2T2R5,R6L26Elements of user defined functions with syntax and examples.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,342T1/9.3,9.4T2R5,R6L27Actual and formal parameters, categories of functions.Chalk and Board,PPT1,2,342T1/9.5,9.7T2R5,R6L28Parameter passing mechanisms: call by value and call by referenceChalk and Board,PPT1,2,342T1/9.8T2R5,R6L29Recursive functionsChalk and Board1,2,342T1/9.9.,9.10T2R5,R6L30Storage classes used in C : auto, global, static and registerChalk and Board1,2,342T1/9.10,9/11T2R5,R6L331Programming examples: User defined functions to find addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two integers, area of geometrical figures, etc.Chalk and Board,TPS1,2,34,62T1/9.12,9.15T2R5,R6L32Programming examples: to find factorial of a positive number and to check for prime number, to generate Fibonacci series, etc.Chalk and Board,TPS1,2,34,62T1/9.16-9.18T2R5,R6* For POs & PSOs refer Sl.No.6 & 7 respectively. MODULE VStructures, Pointers and PreprocessorsPlanned Hours: 08Lecture ics CoveredTeaching Method*POs attainedCOs attained*PSOsattainedReference Book/ Chapter No.L33Structure: Introduction, Definition, declaration, initialization, programming examples.PPT1,2,34,52T1/10.1,10.2T2R4,R5,R6L34Arrays of structure, arrays in structure with programming examples.Chalk and Board1,2,34,52T1/10.3,10.4T2R4,R5,R6L35Nested structures, typedef statement.Chalk and Board1,2,34,52T1/10.5,10.6T2R4,R5,R6L36Programming examples on structure.Chalk and Board1,2,34,52T1/10.7,10.8,10.9T2R4,R5,R6L37Pointers: Introduction, definition, advantages, declaration and initialization.Chalk and Board1,2,3,44,52T1/11.1,11.2T2R4,R5,R6L38Dereference and address operator, pointers with arrays, strings and functions.PPT1,2,3,44,52T1/11.3,11.4T2R4,R5,R6L39Dynamic memory allocation functions with examples.Chalk and Board1,2,3,44,52T1/11.5,11.6T2R4,R5,R6L40Preprocessors: Introduction, types, simple macros, file inclusion and compiler control with examples.TPS1,2,3,44,52T1/11.16T2R4,R5,R6* For POs & PSOs refer Sl.No.6 & 7 respectively. 5) Portion for I. A. Test:TestModulesCOs attainedI I.A. TestI and II1,2,3II I.A. TestII and III2,3,4III I.A. TestIV and V4,5,66) Programme Outcomes (POs)A graduate of the Computer Science and Engineering Programme will demonstrate:PO1:Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.PO2:Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.PO3:Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.PO4:Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.PO5:Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.PO6:The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.PO7:Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.PO8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.PO9:Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.PO11:Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.PO12:Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.7) Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)Graduates will be able to1. Computational skills: Apply the knowledge of Mathematics and Computational Science to solve societal problems in various domains.2. Programming Skills: Design, Analyze and Implement various algorithms using broad range of programming languages.3. Product Development Skills: Utilize Hardware and Software tools to develop solutions to IT problems.BASIC ELECTRONICS Semester: I/II Year: 2018-19Subject code: 18ELN14/24CIE Marks : 40Number of Lecture Hours/Week: 03 (02 + 01 Tutorial)SEE Marks: 60Total Number of Lecture Hours: 40 (08 Hours per Module)Exam : 3 HoursCREDITS- 031. SyllabusModule-1Semiconductor Diodes and Applications: p-n junction diode, Equivalent circuit of diode, Zener Diode, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, Rectification-Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Bridge rectifier, Capacitor filter circuit (2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of Text 1). Photo diode, LED, Photocoupler. (2.7.4, 2.7.5, 2.7.6 of Text 1). 78XX series and 7805 Fixed IC voltage regulator (8.4.4 and 8.4.5 of Text 1). 08 HrsModule -2FET and SCR: Introduction, JFET: Construction and operation, JFET Drain Characteristics and Parameters, JFET Transfer Characteristic, Square law expression for ID, Input resistance, MOSFET: Depletion and Enhancement type MOSFET- Construction, Operation, Characteristics and Symbols,(refer 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5 of Text 2), CMOS (4.5 of Text 1).Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) – Two-transistor model, Switching action, Characteristics, Phase control application (refer 3.4 up to 3.4.5 of Text 1). 08 HrsModule-3Operational Amplifiers and Applications: Introduction to Op-Amp, Op-Amp Input Modes, Op-Amp Parameters-CMRR, Input Offset Voltage and Current, Input Bias Current, Input and Output Impedance, Slew Rate (12.1, 12.2 of Text 2). Applications of Op-Amp -Inverting amplifier,Non-Inverting amplifier, Summer, Voltage follower, Integrator, Differentiator, Comparator (6.2 of Text 1). 08 HrsModule-4BJT Applications, Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators: BJT as an amplifier, BJT as a switch, Transistor switch circuit to switch ON/OFF an LED and a lamp in a power circuit using a relay (refer 4.4 and4.5 of Text 2). Feedback Amplifiers – Principle, Properties and advantages of Negative Feedback, Types of feedback, Voltage series feedback, Gain stability with feedback (7.1-7.3 of Text 1).Oscillators–Barkhaunsen's criteria for oscillation,RC Phase Shift oscillator,Wien Bridge oscillator (7.7-7.9 of Text 1).IC 555 Timer and Astable Oscillator using IC 555 (17.2 and 17.3 of Text 1). 08 HrsModule-5Digital Electronics Fundamentals: Difference between analog and digital signals, Number SystemBinary, Hexadecimal, Conversion- Decimal to binary, Hexadecimal to decimal and vice-versa, Boolean algebra, Basic and Universal Gates, Half and Full adder, Multiplexer, Decoder, SR and JK flipflops, Shift register, 3 bit Ripple Counter (refer 10.1-10.7 of Text 1). Basic Communication system, Principle of operations of Mobile phone (refer 18.2 and 18.18 of Text 1). 08 HrsText Books:T1. D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagarath, “Basic Electronics”, 2nd edn, McGraw Hill, 2018. T2. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, Pearson Education, 9th edition, 2012. Reference Books: R1. D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagarath, “Basic Electronics”, 1st edn, McGraw Hill, 2014. R2. Boylestad, Nashelskey, “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson Education, 9th Edition, 2007/11th edition, 2013. R3. David A. Bell, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 5th Edition, 2008. R4. Muhammad H. Rashid, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, Cengage Learning, 2014.Subject: Basic Electronics.Subject code: 18ELN14/242. Prerequisites for the courseThis subject requires the students to know the following:Atomic properties of matter, Semiconductor physics, Basic concepts of differentiation and integration, Passive elements such as resistor, inductor and capacitor, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws.Basics concepts of communication3. Overview of the course.Electronics is the branch ofscienceand technology, which makes use of the controlled motion of electrons through different media and vacuum.The ability to control electron flow is usually applied to information handling or device control. Most electronic devices use semiconductor material to perform electron control. The study of semiconductor devices is considered as a branch ofphysics, whereas the design and construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems come under electronics engineering. 4. Relevance to this programThis course focuses on engineering and physics aspects of electronics. An electronic component (device) is a physical entity in an electronic circuit used to affect the electrons or their associated fields in a desired manner consistent with the intended function of the electronic system. The electronic components are generally intended to be connected together, usually by being soldered to a printed circuit board (PCB), to create an electronic circuit with a particular function, for example an amplifier, radio receiver, or oscillator. The electronic components may be packaged singly or in more complex groups as integrated circuits(IC),for example an OP-AMP and Digital gates. Some common electronic components are Resistor, Capacitor, Diodes, Transistors, flip flops, transducers, etc. Some controllers like microcontrollers and processors. 5. Course OutcomesAfter completion of the course, student will be able1. Describe the operation of diodes, BJT, FET and Operational Amplifiers.2. Design and explain the construction of rectifiers, regulators, amplifiers and oscillators.3. Describe general operating principles of SCRs and its application. 4. Explain the working and design of Fixed voltage IC regulator using 7805 and Astable oscillator using Timer IC 555. 5. Explain the different number system and their conversions and construct simple combinational and sequential logic circuits using Flip-Flops.6. Describe the basic principle of operation of communication system and mobile phones.6. Applications:This subject signifies the importance of Electronic principles in the applications such as ADC, DAC, Amplifiers, Oscillators, Radio receivers, Television, Filters etc, Usage of Transducers, Memory design, Communication using Optical Fiber and controlling of peripheral devices with microcontroller and microprocessor. 7. UNITWISE PLANModule-1: Semiconductor Diodes and ApplicationsNumber of Hours : 08 HrsLearning Objectives:At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Understand the characteristics of semiconductor Diode.Understand the working of semiconductor Diode and Zener diode.Understand the working of voltage regulators.Understand the application of diodes.Understand the types of diodes.Lesson Plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPOs attainedCOs attainedReferred Book/ Chapter no.L1p-n junction diode, Equivalent circuit of diode, Chalk and Boarda,c,e1T1/Ch.2L2Zener Diode, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, Chalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.2L3Rectification-Half wave rectifier, Chalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.2L4Full wave rectifier,Chalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.2L5Bridge rectifier, Capacitor filter circuitChalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.2L6Photo diode,Chalk and Board1T1/Ch.2L7LED, Photocoupler.Chalk and Board1T1/Ch.2L878XX series and 7805 Fixed IC voltage regulator ,Chalk and Board4T1/Ch.8Module-2: FET and SCRNumber of Hours : 08 HrsLearning Objectives:At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Know the constructional features of Transistors and its current components.Understand the characteristics and operation of bipolar junction transistors.Understand the characteristics and operation of field effect transistors.Understand the characteristics and operation of SCR.Lesson Plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPOs attainedCOs attainedReferred Book/ Chapter no.L11Introduction, JFET: Construction and operation, Chalk and Boarda,c,e1T2/Ch.7L12JFET Drain Characteristics and Parameters,Chalk and Board1T2/Ch.7L13JFET Transfer Characteristic, Chalk and Board1T2/Ch.7L14Square law expression for ID, Input resistance, Chalk and Board1T2/Ch.7L15MOSFET: Depletion and Enhancement typeChalk and Board2T2/Ch.7L16MOSFET- Construction, Operation, Characteristics and Symbols, CMOSChalk and Board2T2/Ch.7T1/Ch.4L17Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) – Two-transistor model,Chalk and Board1,3T1/Ch.3L18Switching action, Characteristics, Phase control applicationChalk and Board1,3T1/Ch.3Module-3: Operational Amplifiers and ApplicationsNumber of Hours : 10Learning Objectives:At the end of this chapter student will be able to:1. Understand different Number base systems.2. Understand Boolean algebra, can minimize the logical operations.3. Explain concepts of adders.4. Applying De Morgan’s theorem5. Implementation of gatesLesson Plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPOs attainedCOs attainedReferred Book/ Chapter no.L21Introduction to Op-Amp, Op-Amp Input Modes,Chalk and Boarda,c,e,h,j1T2/Ch.12L22Op-Amp Parameters-CMRR, Input Offset Voltage and Current,Chalk and Board1T2/Ch.12L23Input Bias Current, Input and Output Impedance, Slew RateChalk and Board1T2/Ch.12L24Applications of Op-Amp -Inverting amplifier,Chalk and Board1T1/Ch.6L25Non-Inverting amplifierChalk and Board1T1/Ch.6L26Summer, Voltage followerChalk and Board1T1/Ch.6L27 Integrator, Differentiator, Chalk and Board1T1/Ch.6L28ComparatorChalk and Board1T1/Ch.6Module-4 BJT Applications, Feedback Amplifiers and OscillatorsNumber of Hours : 08 HrsLearning Objectives:At the end of this chapter student will be able to:Understand the applications of BJT’s.Know the operation of negative feedback amplifiers.Understand the operation of oscillators.Lesson Plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPOs attainedCOs attainedReferred Book/ Chapter no.L31BJT as an amplifier, BJT as a switch,Chalk and Boarda,c,e,h,j1T2/Ch.4L32Transistor switch circuit to switch ON/OFF an LED and a lamp in a power circuit using a relay , Chalk and Board1T2/Ch.4L33Feedback Amplifiers – Principle, Properties and advantages of Negative Feedback, Type of feedbackChalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.7L34Voltage series feedback, Gain stability with feedbackChalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.7L35Oscillators–Barkhaunsen's criteria for oscillationChalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.7L36RC Phase Shift oscillatorChalk and Board1,2T1/Ch.7L37Wien Bridge oscillatorChalk and Board1,2R.1/Ch.7L38IC 555 Timer and Astable Oscillator using IC 555Chalk and Board1,2,4T1/Ch.17Module-5 Digital Electronics FundamentalsNumber of Hours : 8 HrsLearning Objectives:At the end of this chapter student will be able to: 1. Understand different number base systems. 2. Understand Boolean algebra. 3. Explain concepts of adders. 4.Understand operation of flip flops 5.Understand basic communication system.Lesson Plan:Lecture ics coveredTeaching MethodPOs attainedCOs attainedReferred Book/ Chapter no.L41Difference between analog and digital signals, Chalk and Boarda,c,e,h,j5T1/Ch.10L42Number System Binary, Hexadecimal, Conversion- Decimal to binary, Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L43Hexadecimal to decimal and vice-versa, Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L44Boolean algebra, Basic and Universal Gates, Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L45Half and Full adder, Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L46Multiplexer, Decoder, SR flip flops and JK flip flops.Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L47, Shift register, 3 bit Ripple Counter Chalk and Board5T1/Ch.10L48Communication system, Principle of operations of Mobile phone Chalk and Board6T1/Ch.188. Portion for IA TestsTestModulesFirst IA TestISecond IA TestII, IIIThird IA TestIV, V9. List of Program Outcomes a.An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.b.An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.c.An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.d.An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.e.An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.f.An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilityg.An ability to communicate effectively (Oral)g.An ability to communicate effectively (Written)h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.i.A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.j.A knowledge of contemporary issues.k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.SYLLABUS OF ELEMENTS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-2019)Semester – I/IISub Code:18 ME15/18ME25IA Marks:40Number of Lecture Hrs/ Week:04Exam Marks:60Total number of lecture Hours:40Exam Hours:03Credits - 04Course Learning Objectives: This course (18ME15/25) will enable students toLearn the fundamental concepts of energy, its sources and prehend the basic concepts of thermodynamics.Understand the concepts of boilers, turbines, pumps, internal combustion engines and refrigeration.Distinguish different metal joining techniques.Enumerate the knowledge of working with conventional machine tools, their specifications.Module – ISources of Energy : Introduction and application of energy sources like fossil fuels, hydel, solar, wind, nuclear fuels and bio-fuels; environmental issues like global warming and ozone depletion.Basic concepts of Thermodynamics: Introduction, states, concept of work, heat, temperature; Zeroth, 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics. Concept of internal energy, enthalpy and entropy (simple numericals).Steam: Formation of steam and thermodynamic properties of steam (simple numericals). 8 Hours (RBT: L1, L2, L3)Module – IIBoilers: Introduction to boilers, classification, Lancashire boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler. Introduction to boiler mountings and accessories (no sketches).Turbines: Hydraulic Turbines – Classification and specification, Principles and operation of Pelton wheel turbine, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine (elementary treatment only).Hydraulic Pumps: Introduction, classification and specification of pumps, reciprocating pump and centrifugal pump, concept of cavitation and priming. 8 Hours (RBT: L1, L2, L3)Module – IIIInternal Combustion Engines: Classification, I.C. Engines parts, 2 and 4 stroke petrol and 4-stroke diesel engines. P-V diagrams of Otto and Diesel cycles. Simple problems on indicated power, brake power, indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency and specific fuel consumption.Refrigeration and Air conditioning: Refrigeration - Definitions - Refrigerating effect, Ton of Refrigeration, Ice making capacity, COP, relative COP, Unit of Refrigeration. Refrigerants, Properties of refrigerants, List of commonly used refrigerants. Principle and working of vapor compression refrigeration and vapor absorption refrigeration. Domestic refrigerator. Principles and applications of air conditioners, window and split air conditioners. 8 Hours (RBT: L1, L2, L3)Module-IVProperties, Composition and Industrial Applications of engineering materialsMetals – Ferrous: cast iron, tool steels and stainless steels and nonferrous: aluminum, brass, bronze. Polymers - Thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers. Ceramics - Glass, optical fiber glass, cermets. Composites - Fiber reinforced composites, Metal Matrix Composites Smart materials – Piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, semiconductors and insulators.Joining Processes: Soldering, Brazing and WeldingDefinitions. Classification and methods of soldering, brazing and welding. Brief description of arc welding, oxy-acetylene welding, TIG welding, and MIG welding.Belt drivesOpen & crossed belt drives, Definitions -slip, creep, velocity ratio, derivations for length of belt in open and crossed belt drive, ratio of tension in flat belt drives, advantages and disadvantages of V belts and timing belts, simple numerical problems.Gear drivesTypes–spur, helical, bevel, worm and rack and pinion. Velocity ratio, advantages and disadvantages over belt drives, simple numerical problems on velocity ratio. 8 Hours (RBT: L1, L2, L3)Module-VLathe - Principle of working of a center lathe. Parts of a lathe. Operations on lathe -Turning, Facing, Knurling, Thread Cutting, Drilling, Taper turning by Tailstock offset method and Compound slide swiveling method, Specification of Lathe.Milling Machine - Principle of milling, types of milling machines. Working of horizontal and vertical milling machines. Milling processes - plane milling, end milling, slot milling, angular milling, form milling, straddle milling, and gang milling. (Layout sketches of the above machines need not be dealt. Sketches need to be used only for explaining the operations performed on the machines)Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing SystemsComputer Numerical Control (CNC): Introduction, components of CNC, open loop and closed loop systems, advantages of CNC, CNC Machining centers and Turning centers. Robots: Robot anatomy, joints and links, common robot configurations. Applications of Robots in material handling, processing and assembly and inspection. 8 Hours (RBT: L1, L2, L3)Scheme of Examination: Two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) of twenty marks each to set from each module. Each question should cover all contents of the respective module.Students have to answer five full questions choosing one full question from each module.TEXT BOOKST1.Elements of Mechanical Engineering, K. R. Gopalakrishna, Subhas Publications, Bangalore, 2008.T2.Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.-1 & 2, Hajra Choudhury, Media Promoters, New Delhi, 2001.T3.A Text Book of Elements of Mechanical Engineering”, S. Trymbaka Murthy, 3rd revisededition 2006, I .K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.REFERENCE BOOKSR1.Elements of Mechanical Engineering, R.K. Rajput, Firewall Media, 2005.R2.Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. A. S. Ravindra, Best Publications, 7th edition, 2009.R3.CAD/CAM/CIM, Dr. P Radhakrishnan, 3rd edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.R4.Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics And Control, Craig, J. J., 2nd Ed.Addison-WesleyPublishing Company, Readong, MA, 1989.R5.Introduction to Engineering Materials”, B.K. Agrawal ,Tata McGraHill Publication, New Delhi.R6.Thermal Science and Engineering”, Dr. D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria & sons Publication, New DelhiCOURSE DESCRIPTION:1. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering drawing.2. Overview of course: The course exposes the students to all the fundamental fields of mechanical engineering, as the application of mechanical engineering is essential in day to day life. By studying this course students will understand the basics properties of fuels, Steam formation, working principle of turbines and IC engine, machine tools, machining, Robotics and automation, Composite materials, fabrication, refrigeration, air conditioning etc.Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to CO 1Identify different sources of energy and their conversion process.CO 2Explain the working principle of hydraulic turbines, pumps, IC engines and refrigeration.CO 3Recognize various metal joining processes and power transmission elements.CO 4Understand the properties of common engineering materials and their applications in engineering industry.CO 5Discuss the working of conventional machine tools, machining processes, tools andaccessories.CO 6Describe the advanced manufacturing systems.3. Relevance of the Course: The basic principles of mechanical engineering such as energy, fabrication, robotics and automation etc the details of which are to be taught in higher semesters of the programme. This is the prerequisite for many courses in the programme.Application areas: The principles of the course are applicable to all disciplines of engineering.Module wise planSubject Title: Elements Of Mechanical EngineeringModule: 01No of Hours: 08 hrsLesson plan: Lect. NoTopics covered Teaching methodCOs attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL1Introduction and application of energy sources like fossil fuels, hydel, solar, windChalk & Board,PPTCO1T1/1, T2/2,R1/1, R2/1L2Nuclear fuels and bio-fuels; environmental issues like global warming and ozone depletion.Chalk & BoardT2/39,R1/1, R2/1L3Introduction, states, concept of work, heat, temperatureChalk & BoardT2/1, R2/2L4Zeroth, 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics. Chalk & BoardT2/1,L5Concept of internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, Simple Numericals, Chalk & BoardT2/1,L6Formation of steam, Thermodynamic properties of steam, Chalk & BoardT1/3, T2/4R1/2, R2/1L7Simple NumericalsChalk & BoardT1/3, T2/4R1/2, R2/1L8Tutorial 1Chalk & BoardT1/3, T2/4R1/2, R2/1Subject Title: Elements Of Mechanical EngineeringModule: 02No of Hours: 8hrsLesson plan: Lect. NoTopics covered Teaching methodCOs attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL9Introduction to boilers, classification, Lancashire boiler,Chalk & Board,CO2T1/4, T2/7,R1/2, R2/3L10Babcock and Wilcox boiler.Chalk & Board,PPTT1/4, T2/7,R1/2, R2/3L11Introduction to boiler mountings and accessoriesChalk & Board,PPTT1/4, T2/8,R1/2, R2/3L12Hydraulic Turbines – Classification and specification, Principles and operation of Pelton wheel turbine,Chalk & BoardT1/23, T2/17,R1/3, R2/6L13 Principles and operation of Francis turbine and Kaplan turbineChalk & Board,PPTT1/23, T2/17,R1/3, R2/6L14Introduction, classification and specification of pumps,Chalk & Board,PPTT1/23, T2/18L15Principle & working of reciprocating pumpChalk & Board,PPTT1/23, T2/18L16Centrifugal pump, concept of cavitation and priming.Chalk & BoardT1/23, T2/18Subject Title: Elements Of Mechanical EngineeringModule: 03 No of Hours: 8 hrsLesson plan: Lect. NoTopics covered Teaching methodCOs attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL17Classification, I.C. Engines partsChalk & BoardCO3T1/8, T2/11,R1/3, R2/7L18Working of 4 stroke petrol & diesel engines with P-V diagrams Chalk & BoardT1/8, T2/11,R1/3, R2/7L19Working of 2-stroke petrol engines. Chalk & BoardT1/8, T2/11,R1/3, R2/7L20Simple Numericals on indicated power, brake power, indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency and specific fuel consumptionChalk & BoardT1/8, T2/11,R1/3, R2/7L21Definitions - Refrigerating effect, Ton of Refrigeration, Ice making capacity, COP, relative COP, Unit of Refrigeration. Refrigerants, Principle and working of vapor compression refrigerationChalk & Board,PPTT1/10, T2/21,R1/4, R2/8L22Principle and working of vapor absorption refrigeration. Domestic refrigerator. Principles and applications of air conditioners,Chalk & Board,PPTT1/10, T2/21,R1/4, R2/8L23Principle and working of window and split air conditioners. Properties of refrigerants, List of commonly used refrigerants.Chalk & BoardT1/10, T2/21,R1/4, R2/8L24Tutorial 2Chalk & BoardT1/10, T2/21,R1/4, R2/8Subject Title: Elements Of Mechanical EngineeringModule: 04 No of Hours: 8 hrsLesson plan: Lect. NoTopics covered Teaching methodCOs attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL25Ferrous: cast iron, tool steels and stainless steels and nonferrous: aluminum, brass, bronze. Polymers - Thermoplastics and thermosetting polymers.Chalk & BoardCO4T2/22-23,L26Ceramics - Glass, optical fiber glass, cermets. Composites - Fiber reinforced composites, Metal Matrix Composites Smart materials – Piezoelectric materials, shape memory alloys, semiconductors and insulators.Chalk & BoardT2/23-24,L27Definitions. Classification and methods of soldering, brazing and welding. Brief description of arc welding, oxy-acetylene welding, TIG welding, and MIG welding.Chalk & BoardT1/24, T2/28, R1/6, R2/13L28Open & crossed belt drives, Definitions -slip, creep, velocity ratio, derivations for length of belt in open belt driveChalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/16L29Derivation for length of crossed belt drive, ratio of tension in flat belt drives, advantages and disadvantages of V belts and timing belts, simple numerical problemsChalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/16L30Spur, helical, bevel, worm and rack and pinion gears. Velocity ratio,Chalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/16L31Advantages and disadvantages over belt drives, simple numerical problems on velocity ratio.Chalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/16L32Tutorial 3Chalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/16Subject Title: Elements Of Mechanical EngineeringModule: 05 No of Hours: 8 hrsLesson plan: Lect. NoTopics covered Teaching methodCOs attainedReference or Text Book/Chapter NoL33Lathe - Principle of working of a center lathe. Parts of a lathe. Operations on lathe -Turning, Facing, Knurling,Chalk & BoardCO5T1/26,T2/35,R1/5,R2/9L34Thread Cutting, Drilling, Taper turning by Tailstock offset method and Compound slide swiveling method, Specification of Lathe.Chalk & BoardT1/26,T2/35,R1/5,R2/9L35Milling Machine - Principle of milling, types of milling machines. Working of horizontal and vertical milling machines.Chalk & BoardT1/26,T2/35,R1/5,R2/11L36Milling processes - plane milling, end milling, slot milling, angular milling, form milling, straddle milling, and gang milling.Chalk & BoardT1/18, T2/34,R1/8, R2/11L37Computer Numerical Control (CNC): Introduction, components of CNC, open loop and closed loop systemsChalk & Board,PPTR3/12-13L38advantages of CNC, CNC Machining centers and Turning centers.Chalk & BoardR3/12-13L39Robot anatomy, joints and links, common robot configurationsChalk & Board,PPTR3/12-13L40Applications of Robots in material handling, processing and assembly and inspection.Chalk & BoardR3/12-13Portion for IA testsTestModulesCO’s AttainedFirst IA Test1 & 21,2Second IA Test3 & 43,4Third IA Test4& 54,5Engineering Chemistry Lab(Common to all the branches)[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-19)Course Code: 18CHEL16/26 CIE Marks: 40No. of Hours/Week: 02 SEE Marks: 60Total Hours: 42 Exams. Hours: 03Semester: I/II Credits: 01(0:0:2)Course objectives: To provide students with practical knowledge ofQuantitative analysis of materials by classical methods of analysis.Instrumental methods for developing experimental skills in building technical competence.Instrumental ExperimentsPotentiometric estimation of FAS using standard K2Cr2O7 solution.Conductometric estimation of acid mixture.Determination of Viscosity co-efficient of the given liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer.Colorimetric estimation of Copper.Determination of pKa of the given weak acid using pH meter.Flame photometric estimation of sodium and potassium.Volumetric ExperimentsEstimation of Total hardness of water by EDTA complexometric method.Estimation of CaO in cement solution by rapid EDTA method.Determination of percentage of Copper in brass using standard sodium thiosulphate solution.Determination of COD of waste water.Estimation of Iron in haematite ore solution using standard K2Cr2O7 solution by external indicator method.Estimation of percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder (Iodometric method)Course outcomes: On completion of this course, students will have the knowledge in,CO1: Handling different types of instruments for analysis of materials using small quantities of materials involved for quick and accurate results.CO2: Carrying out different types of titrations for estimation of concerned in materials using comparatively more quantities of materials involved for good results.Conduction of Practical Examination:Examination shall be conducted for 100 marks, later reduced to 60 marks.All experiments are to be included for practical examination.One instrumental and another volumetric experiment shall be set.Different experiments shall be set under instrumental and a common experiment under volumetric.Reference Books:G.H. Jeffery, J. Bassett, J. Mendham and R.C. Denney, “Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis”O.P. Vermani & Narula, “Theory and Practice in Applied Chemistry”, New AgeInternational Publishers.Gary D. Christian, “Analytical chemistry”, 6th Edition, Wiley India.LESSON PLANFirst cycle: Volumetric analysisExpt. No.Title of the experimentE1Estimation of Total hardness of water by EDTA complexometric methodE2Estimation of CaO in cement by rapid EDTA methodE3 Determination of percentage of Copper in brass solution using standard sodium thio sulphate solution.E4Estimation of Iron in haematite ore solution using K2Cr2O7 solution by external indicator method.E5Estimation of percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder (Iodometric method)E6Determination of COD of waste waterRepetition and Viva VoceSecond cycle: Instrumental analysisExpt. No.Title of the experimentE7Potentiometric estimation of FAS using standard K2Cr2O7 solution.E8Conductometric estimation of acid mixture.E9Determination of Viscosity co-efficient of the given liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer.E10Colorimetric estimation of Copper.E11Determination of pKa of the given weak acid using pH meter.E12Flame photometric estimation of sodium and potassium.Repetition and Viva Voce1) Prerequisites:The students should have the basic knowledge of computers including creating and editing text files and working with application software, along with the usage of application. 2) Overview of the course:Now a day, computers have brought a revolution across all over the world in almost all the fields including technical, medical, agricultural, education and other sciences. They have changed the face of society. Computers are the best means for storage and management of data. As computers are a daily utility, they have gained immense importance in day-to-day life. Their increasing utility has made computer fundamental knowledge and the computer programming as basic need of today’s life.The different computer programming languages are used to write both system and application software. C is the most widely used high level programming language. Everything from microcontrollers to operating systems is written in C. The features of C language are as follows.It is robust language, whose rich setup of built in functions and operator can be used to write any complex programs.Programs written in c are efficient due to several variety of data types and powerful operators.The c complier combines the capabilities of an assembly language with the feature of high level language. Therefore it is well suited for writing both system software and business package.C is portable language. This means that c programs written for one computer system can be run on another system, with little or no modification.C language is well suited for structured programming. This requires user to think of a problems in terms of function or modules or block. A collection of these modules make a program debugging and testing easier.C language has its ability to extend itself. A c program is basically a collection of functions that are supported by the c library. C supports derived data types such as functions and pointers and user defined data types such as structures, unions and enumerations.3) Application:The c programming languages is used by programmers to develop the software’s like operating systems, language compilers , assemblers, text editors, print spoolers, network drivers, modern programs, databases, language interpreters and other utilities.Course Outcomes (COs): On completion of this course the student will be able to :C113.1 Explain the basics of computer system and C programming language.C113.2 Apply the knowledge of control statements to write C programs to solve a given problem.C113.3 Write C programs using arrays and strings.C113.4 Modularize the given problem using functions and structures.C113.5 Define and use pointers to write efficient C programsC113.6 Design and develop solutions to real world problems by using computer programming skills.10297037218954584377243951270334721895Sylliabus of engineering mathematicsSYLLABUS OF ADVANCED CALCULUS AND NUMERICAL METHODSCourse Code: 18MAT21 CIE Marks: 40 Contact Hours/ Week: 05(3L+2T) SEE Marks: 60 Total Hours: 50 (8L+2T per module) Exam Hours: 03 Semester: II Credits: 04 (Common to all branches)[As per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) scheme](Effective from the academic year 2018-19)Course Learning Objectives: This course viz., Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods (18MAT21) aims to prepare the students:To familiarize the important tools of vector calculus, ordinary/partial differential equations and power series required to analyze the engineering problems.To apply the knowledge of interpolation/extrapolation and numerical integration techniques whenever analytical methods fail or very complicated to offer solutions.Module – 1Vector Calculus Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector fields. Gradient, directional derivative; curl and divergence-physical interpretation; solenoidal and irrotational vector fields- Illustrative problems. Vector Integration: Line integrals, Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes (without proof). Applications to work done by a force and flux. ( RBT Levels: L1 & L2)10 HoursModule – 2Differential EquationsDifferential Equations of higher order:-Second order linear ODE’s with constant coefficients-Inverse differential operators, method of variation of parameters; Cauchy’s and Legendre homogeneous equations. Applications to oscillations of a spring and L-C-R circuits. (RBT Levels: L1 ,L2 and L3). 10 HoursModule – 3Partial Differential Equations(PDE’s)Formation of PDE’s by elimination of arbitrary constants and functions. Solution of non-homogeneous PDE by direct integration. Homogeneous PDEs involving derivative with respect to one independent variable only. Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE. Derivation of one dimensional heat and wave equations and solutions by the method of separation of variables. (RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) 10 Hours Module –4Infinite Series: Series of positive terms- convergence and divergence. Cauchy’s root test and D’Alembert’s ratio test (without proof) - Illustrative examples. Power Series solutions-Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation leading to Jn(x)- Bessel’s function of first kind-orthogonality. Series solution of Legendre’s differential equation leading to Pn(x)-Legendre polynomials. Rodrigue’s formula (without proof), problems. (RBT Levels: L1 & L2)10 HoursModule –5Numerical Methods: Finite differences. Interpolation/extrapolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae, Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae (All formulae without proof). Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Newton-Raphson and Regula-Falsi methods (only formulae) - Illustrative examples. Numerical integration: Simpson’s (1/3)th and (3/8)th rules, Weddle’s rule (without proof ) –Problems. ( RBT Levels: L1, L2 & L3) 10 HoursQuestion Paper Pattern: ? The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 60. ? The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks. ? Each full question carries 20 marks. ? There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module. ? Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module. ? The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module. Text Books: 1.B.S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 43rd Ed., 2015. 2. E. Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed.(Reprint), 2016. Reference books: 1. C.Ray Wylie, Louis C.Barrett : “Advanced Engineering Mathematics", 6th Edition, 2. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1995. 2. James Stewart : “Calculus –Early Transcendentals”, Cengage Learning India Private Ltd., 2017. 3. B.V.Ramana: "Higher Engineering Mathematics" 11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010. 4. Srimanta Pal & Subodh C. Bhunia: “Engineering Mathematics”,Oxford University Press,3rd Reprint,2016. 5. Gupta C.B., Singh S.R. and Mukesh Kumar: “Engineering Mathematics for Semester I & II”, Mc-Graw Hill Education (India) Pvt.Ltd., 2015. Web links and Video Lectures: 1. 2. (MOOCs) 3. 4. VTU EDUSAT PROGRAMME – 20 BLOW UP SYLLABUSRecommended during the workshop/s organized by VTU, Belgavi during May, 2018Topics Topics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - IVECTOR CALCULUS1. Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector fields. Gradient, directional derivative; curl and divergence Discussion restricted to problems (Article No.8.4,Article No.8.5, Article No.8.6, of Text book 1) 2L 2. Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields Discussion of problems (Article.No.8.7 of Text book 1) 2L 3.Vector Integration: Line integrals, Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes, Applications to work done by a force and flux. ( RBT Levels: L1 & L2) Discussion of Problems (Article No.8.11, 8.13, 8.14 and 8.16 of Text book 1) (Problems related to the evaluation of integrals using the three theorems. No problems on verification of theorems). 4L Tutorials Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engg. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module.2T Total10Topics Topics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - IIDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF HIGHER ORDER 1. Second order linear ODE’s with constant coefficients-Inverse differential operator (i)Discussion of problems(Article No.13.4 and13.5 (Cases I,II,III only) of Text book 1) (P.I Restricted to R(x)=ex ,CosaxSinax axe, xn,for f(D)y = R(x)) 3L 2. Method of variation of parameters; Cauchy’s and Legendre’s differential equations. (i) Discussion of problems(Article No.13.8 (1) of Text book 1)) (ii) Discussion of problems(Article No.13.9of Text book 1)) (P.I Restricted to R(x)=ex,CosaxSinax axe, xn, for Cauchy’s and Legendre’s equations) 3L 3.Applications to oscillations of a spring and L-C-R circuits (RBT Levels:L1,L2 and L3) (i)Discussion of problems (Article No.14.4 of Text book 1)) (ii)Discussion of problems (Article No.14.5 of Text book 1) 2L Tutorials Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engg. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module. 2T Total10Topics Topics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - IIIPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1.Formation of PDEs by elimination of arbitrary constants / functions. Solution of non-homogeneous PDE by direct integration (i)Discussion of problems (Article No17.2 of Text book 1). (ii)Discussion of problems (Article No17.4 of Text book 1). 3L 2.Homogeneous PDEs involving derivative with respect to one independent variable only. Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE (i)Discussion of problems (Article No. 17.4 of Text book 1). (ii) Discussion of problems (Article No17.5 of Text book 1). 2L 3.Derivation of one dimensional heat and wave equations and solutions by the method of separation of variables functions.(RBT Levels:L1,L2 and L3) (i)Derivation and solutions (Article No.18.4 (1 & 2), Article No.18.5 (1 &2)). 3L Tutorials Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engg. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module. 2T Total10Topics Topics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - IVINFINTE SERIES and POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS 1. Series of positive terms- convergence and divergence. Cauchy’s root test and D’Alembert’s ratio test(without proof)- Illustrative examples. (i)Discussion of problems (Article No. 9.3 (1 & 2), 9.9, 9.11 of Text book 1). 2L 2.Solutions-Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation leading to Jn(x)- Bessel’s function of first kind-orthogonality. (i)Series solution of Bessel's differential equation (Article No.16.5 (Case I), 16.11(1) of Text book 1). 3L 3. Series solution of Legendre’s differential equation leading to Pn(x)-Legendre polynomials. Rodrigue’s formula (without proof), problems (RBT Levels:L1 and L2) (i) Series solution of Legendre’s differential equation (Article No.16.13 and 16.14 (1,2) of Text book 1) 3L Tutorials Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engg. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module. 2T Total10Topics Topics To be CoveredHoursMODULE - VNUMERICAL METHODS 1.Finite differences - Interpolation/ extrapolation using Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae, Newton’s divided difference and Lagrange’s formulae. (i)Discussion of problems (Article No.29.6,Article.No.29.10, Article No. 29.12 of Text book 1). 2L 2.Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations – Newton-Raphson and Regula-Falsi methods (ii)Discussion of problems (Article No.28.2 (2 & 3) of Text book 1) 2L 3.Numerical integration: Simpson’s (1/3)rd and (3/8)th rules, Weddle’s rule (without proof ) –Problems. (RBT Levels:L1,L2 and L3) (iii)Discussion of problems (Article 30.7,30.8,30.10 of Text book 1) 4L Tutorials Involvement of faculty and students in identifying the Engg. Applications, Problems and Solutions about the module. 2T Total10Course Plan Course : Advanced Calculus And Numerical MethodsSubject Code: 18MAT21 Total Number of lecturer hours : 50Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs1) Prerequisites This subject requires the students to know about techniques of differentiation, integration, partial differentiation, differential equations.2) Overview of the Course: The primary goal of this course is to high light the essential concepts of (i) Vector Differentiation (ii) Differential Equations of higher order (iii) Partial Differential Equations(PDE’s) (iv) Infinite Series and Power Series solutions v) Numerical MethodsThe gradient defines the normal to the tangent plane; the directional derivative gives the rate of change in any given direction. Divergence is the gain or loss of fluid and curl is the velocity of greatest circulation in flows.Integral calculus is the study of finding a function from information about its rate of change. The line integrals are necessary to express the work done along a path by a force. Line integrals are needed to describe circulation of fluids they are also important in describing the relations between electric and magnetic fields.The differential equations arises from many problems in oscillations of mechanical and electrical systems, conduction of heat , velocity of chemical reactions etc and which play a very important role in all modern scientific and engineering studies . An engineer or applied mathematician will be interested in obtaining a solution for the associated equation.Differential equations are used in the application of mathematics to problems in science, examples- velocity and acceleration in the study of motion. The different methods of solving ordinary differential equations are used in orthogonal trajectories. The partial differential equations widely used in aeronautical engineering acoustics, study of ground water flows in civil engineering , in investigating flame and combustion processes in chemical engineering , the development of most fluid handling devices used in mechanical engineering , quantum mechanics etc. In physical problems, we always seek a solution of the differential equation which satisfies some specified conditions known as the boundary conditions. The differential equation together with these boundary condition, constitute boundary value problem.Infinite series occur so frequently in all types of problems that the necessity of studying their convergence or divergence is very important. Hence it is essential that the students of engineering begin by acquiring an intelligent grasp of this subject. Infinete series in the field of mathematics are used to solve differential equations and to approximate functions.An important application of power series in the field of engineering is spectrum analysis. In radio, audio and light applications,it is very useful to be able to recive a wide range of frequencies and be able to pinpoint which frequencies are the loudest/brightest.Numerical analysis provides various techniques to find approximate solution to difficult problems using simplest operations. Numerical methods are easily adoptable to solve problems using computers. Numerical integration is very useful in civil engineering. It is used to find area of irregular shapes. 3. Course Outcomes: ( CO’s): 1) Illustrate the applications of multivariate calculus to understand the solenoidal and irrotational vectors and also exhibit the inter dependence of line, surface and volume integrals. 2) Demonstrate various physical models through higher order differential equations and solve such linear ordinary differential equations. 3) Construct a variety of partial differential equations and solution by exact methods/method of separation of variables. 4) Explain the applications of infinite series and obtain series solution of ordinary differential equations. 5) Apply the knowledge of numerical methods in the modeling of various physical and engineering phenomena. 4. Relevance of the course to the programme: For the analysis and design of any structure or machine, the basic idia of Mathematics is very much necessary. This course will give basic concepts of mathematics required according to their needs in engineering. 5. Application Communication engineering, Control engineering, Signal processing, Fluid dynamics, Thermal engineering, Mechanical vibration etc.6. Module wise planModule-ITitle : Vector Calculus Planned hours: 10 hrs.Lecture ics coveredTeaching methodPSOs attainedCO’s attainedText or Reference Books/Article No.1Vector Definition, scalar and vector fields, Simple examplesChalk & Board11T1/8.42 Directional derivatives and examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.53Gradient, Divergence and Curl and examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.64Solinodal and irrotational vector fields and examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.75Introduction of Vector Integration, Line Integrals and examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.116Green and Gauss thermos (without proof) and examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.137Stokes Theorem(without proof) examplesChalk & Board1T1/8.148Examples on work done by force and flux.Chalk & Board1T1/8.169Tutorial 1. Examples based on above conceptsChalk & Board110Tutorial 2.Examples based on above conceptsChalk & Board1Module 2Differential Equation 2Planned hours : 10Lecture ics coveredTeaching methodPSO’s AttainedCO’s attainedText or Reference Books/Article No.11 Linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Finding Complimentary function.Chalk & Board12T1/13.4 and 13.5 12 Inverse differential operator for X=Keax, X=Ksinax+b and Kcosax+b and examples.Chalk & Board2T1/13.4 and 13.5 13 Inverse differential operator for X=fx, where fx is any polynomial and examples. Chalk & Board2T1/13.4 and 13.5 14 Examples. Chalk & Board2T1/13.4 and 13.515 Method of variation of parameters.Chalk & Board2T1/13.8 and 13.916 Solutions of Cauchy’s and Legendre’s linear equations.Chalk & Board2T1/13.8 and 13.917Examples.Chalk & Board2T1/13.8 and 13.918Applications to oscillations of a string and L-C-R circuits Chalk & Board2T1/13.8 and 13.919Tutorial 1. Examples based on above conceptsChalk & Board2T1/13.8 and 13.920Tutorial 2.Examples based on above conceptsChalk & Board2Module 3Partial differential equationsPlanned hours : 10LectureNoTopics coveredTeachingMethodPSOsattainedCosattainedReferenceBook /Article No.21Formation of partial differential equation by elimination of arbitrary constants.Chalk andBoard13T1/17.222Formation of partial differential equation by elimination of implicit function.Chalk andBoard3T1/17.223Solution of non- homogeneous partial differential equation by direct integration, Chalk andBoard3T1/17.224Solution of homogenous partial differential equation involving derivative with respect to one independent variable only. Chalk andBoard3T1/17.425 Solution of Lagrange’s linear PDE Chalk andBoard3T1/17.4-17.526Derivation of one dimensional heat equation, Derivation of one dimensional wave equationChalk andBoard3T1/18.4-18.527Various possible solutions of one dimensional heat equationChalk andBoard3T1/18.428 Various possible solutions of one dimensional wave equation.Chalk andBoard3T1/18.429Tutorial 1.Examples based on above conceptsChalk andBoard330Tutorial 2.Examples based on applicationsChalk andBoard3Module-IVTitle : Infinite SeriesPlanned hours: 10 hrs.Lecture ics coveredTeaching methodPSOs attainedCO’s attainedText or Reference Books/Chapter No.31Infinite Series: Series of positive terms-convergence and divergence. examples Chalk& Board14T1/9.3(1&2)32Cauchy’s root test(without proof) Illustrative examplesChalk & Board4T1/9.1133D,Alembert,s ratio test( without proof) Illustrative examplesChalk & Board4T1/9.934Power Series solutions-series solution of Bessel’s differential equation leading to Jn(x) -Bessel,s function of first kindChalk & Board4T1/16.535Orthogonality of Bessel’s function Chalk & Board4T1/16.1136Series solution of Legendre’s differential equation leading to pnx- Legendre’s polynomials.Chalk & Board4T1/16.1337Rodrigue,s formula (without proof). problemsChalk & Board4T1/16.14(1&2)38ExamplesChalk & Board4T1/16.1439Tutorial -1 Based on the above conceptsChalk & Board 40Tutorial -2 Based on the above conceptsChalk & BoardModule-VTitle : Numerical MethodsPlanned hours: 10 hrs.Lecture ics coveredTeaching methodPSOs attainedCO’s attainedText or Reference Books/Chapter No.51Definitions: Finite differences, Interpolation/ Extrapolation using Newton-Gregory forward interpolation formulae & examples.Chalk & Board15T1/29.652 Newton-Gregory backward interpolation formulae & examples.Chalk & Board5T1/29.653Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula and examples.Chalk & Board5T1/29.1254Lagrange’s interpolation formula & examples.Chalk & Board5T1/29.1055Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations-Newton-Raphson method and examples.Chalk & Board5T1/28.2(3)56Regula-Falsi method and examples.Chalk & Board5T1/28.2(2)57Simpson’s one third rule and examplesChalk & Board5T1/30.758Simpson’s three eighth rule and problems, Weddle’s rule and examplesChalk & Board5T1/30.8,30.1059Tutorial -1 Based on the above conceptsChalk & Board5 60Tutorial -2 Based on the above conceptsChalk & Board58. Portion for I A TestTestModuleCo’s Attained I1 & 21,2II2 & 32,3III4 & 54,5Assignment Questions: Department of Engineering Mathematics 18MAT11Assignment questionsCOs AttainedRBT levelsModule -IFind the angle of intersection between the following: a) r=aθ1+θ & r=a1+θ2 b) r=alogθ & r=alogθ c) r= sinθ+cosθ and r=2sinθ.Show that the following pair of curves cut orthogonally:a) r=a1+sinθ & r=a1-sinθ b) r=aeθ & r=eθb . Find the pedal equation of the curves: a) lr=1+ecosθ b) r2 =a2sin2θ c) rmcosmθ= am. For the curve r=a1-cosθ, show that ρ2r is a constant.For the curve y=axa+x show that 2ρa 2/3=xy2+yx2 is a constant.Find the coordinates of the centre of curvature at any point on the parabola y2 =4ax, hence show that the evolute is27ay2=4(x-2a)3.Find the coordinates of the centre of curvature at any point on the ellipse x2a2+y2b2=1 hence show that the evolute is (ax)2/3+(by)2/3=(a2-b2)2/3.Find the circle of curvature at the point (a4,a4) of the curve x+y=a.Module IIExpand log?[1+ex] up to the term containing x4 using Maclaurin’s series.Using Maclaurin’s series prove that 1+sin2x=1+x-x22-x36+x424+…Expand log?[secx] up to a term containing x6 using Maclaurin’s series. Evaluate: a) limx→0(cosx)1x b) limx→π2(tanx)tan2x c) limx→π2(cosx)π2-x d) limx→0xsinx If u=f(x-y, y-z, z-x) show that ?u?x+?u?y+?u?z=0.Discuss the maxima and minima of fx,y=x3y2(1-x-y).The temperature T at any point x,y,z in space is T=400xyz2. Find the highest temperature on the surface of the unit sphere x2+y2+z2=1. If u=x+3y2-z3, v=4x2yz, w=2z2-xy, evaluate Jacobian of u,v,w w. r. t. x,y,z at 1, -1, 0.Module III Evaluate the following : (i) 01xxx2+y2dydx (ii) 0101+x2dydx1+x2+y2 (iii) 0a0x0x+yex+y+zdzdydx . Evaluate 0ayaxdxdyx2+y2 by changing the order of integration. Evaluate 0∞0∞e-(x2+y2) by changing to polar coordinates.Show that the area between the parabolas y2=4ax and x2=4ay is 163a2.By triple integration, find the volume of the sphere x2+y2+z2=a2.By using double integration, find the centre of gravity of the area of the cardioid r=a1+cosθ . Show that 0π2sinθ dθ × 0π21sinθ dθ=π. Evaluate 01x1-x310dx by using gamma function.Module IV Solve 1+2xycosx2-2xydx+sinx2-x2dy=0. Solve xy2-e1x3dx-x2ydy=0. Solve xy1+xy2dydx=1. Show that the family of parabolas x2=4a(y+a) is self orthogonal. Find orthogonal trajectory of the cardioids r=a1-cosθ .A body originally at 800C cools down to 600C in 20 minutes; the temperature of the air being 400C.What will be the temperature of the body after 40 minutes from the original. When a resistance R ohms is connected in series with an inductance L henries with an e. m. f. of E volts, the current i amperes at time t is given by Ldidt+Ri=E . If E=10sint volts and i=0 when t=0, find i as function of time t. Solve for p only dydx-dxdy=xy-yx. Solve p=siny-xp. Also, find its singular solutions.Solve px-ypy+x=a2p by using substitutions x2=X, y2=Y.Module VDetermine the rank of the following matrices by reducing into echelon form a) b) .Find the value of μ for which the system x+y+z=1, x+2y+4z=μ, x+4y+10z=μ2 has a solution.Using Gauss elimination and Gauss-Jordan method solve the system of equations: a) x+y+z=6; x-y=2z=5; 3x+y+z=8. b) 5x+2y+z=12;x+4y+2z=15;x+2y+5z=20. Using Gauss -Seidal method solve the system of equations: 5x+2y+z=12;x+4y+2z=15;x+2y+5z=20 Carry out 4 iterations, taking the initial approximation to the solution as (1,0,3).Determine the largest eigen value and the corresponding eigen vector of the matrices using power method: (i) 5412 with initial eigen vector 10 (ii) 2-1 0-1 2-1 0-1 2 with initial eigen vector 100 .Reduce the following matrices to the diagonal form: (i) -19 7-4216 (ii) 1 13-1. 1 1 2 3 4 5L1 and L2L1 and L2L1 and L2L1 and L2L1, L2 and L3L1, L2 and L3Assignment Questions: Department of Engineering Mathematics 18MAT21ModuleIFind the directional derivative of φ=x2yz+4xz2 at the point (1, -2, 1) in the direction of the vector zi – j -2k. ANS: 1213Find ??F and ? X F if F=gradx3y+y3z+z3x-x2y2z2. ANS: -32 and 0Find the constant 'a' so that F=yax2y+yzi+xy2-z2j+2xyz-xyk is solenoidal. ANS: a = -2What is the directional derivative of φ=xy2+yz3 at the point (2, -1, 1) in the direction of the normal to the surface xlogz- y2= -4 at ( -1 , 2 , 1 ). ANS: 15175. Find ? X ? X F at 1, 0, 2 if F=x2yi-2xzj+2yzk. ANS: 4j +2k6. Evaluate the line integral c[ x2+ xydx+ x2+ y2dy] where C is the square formed by the lines y = ± and x = ±1. ANS: Zero7. Verify Greens theorem for C (x2y dx+ x2dy) where C is the boundary described counter clockwise of triangle with vertices ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 1 )8. Evaluate by Stoke’s theorem C( yz dx+zx dy+zxdz ) where C is the curve x2+ y2=1 , z = y2. ANS: Zero9. Verify Stoke’s theorem for a vector filed defined by F = -y3i+ x3j , in the region x2+ y2≤1 , z = 010. Evaluate S( yzi+zxj+xyk )ds where S is the surface of the sphere x2+ y2+ z2=a2 in the first octant. ANS: 3a48 .ModuleIIcurcuit at a time t is given by ET2L sinpt. Solve d2xdt2 – 6dxdt– 9x = 0 .Solve? D3+2D2+D= e-x+sin2xSolve d2ydx2 – 4y = cos h(2x –1) +3x.Solve y + 3y + 2y = 1 + 3x + x2.Solve? y +3y +2y =4cos2xSolve by the method of variation of parameters: i) y – y – 2y = 10tan x ii) d2ydx2– 2 dydx = ex sinx Solve x2 d2ydx2 +xdydx EQ \F(dy,dx) .+y = sin( logx).Solve (1 + x) 2 d2ydx2 + x + 1dydx + y = 2 sin log 1 + x .A body weighing 10 kg is hung from a spring. A pull of 20 kg. Wt. will stretch the spring to 10 cm. The body is pulled down to 20 cm below the static equilibrium position and then released. Find the displacement of the body from its equilibrium position at time t sec., the maximum velocity and the period of oscillation. In an L-C-R circuit, the charge q on a plate of a condenser is given by Ld2qdt2+Rdqdt+qC=Esinpt The circuit is tuned to résonance so that p2=1LC . If initially the current i and the charge q be zero, show that, for small values of RL, the current in theModule IIIForm the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary functions in the relation: i z=y fx+x y ii) z = y2+ 2f Find the differential equation of all planes which are at a constant distance ‘a’ from the origin.Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant in the relation: i z= xy + y +bSolve ?2z?x?y+18xy2+sin2x-y=0Solve ?2z?x?y=sinxsiny, for which ?z?y=-2 siny when x=0 an z=0 when y is an odd multiple of π2 Solve 2zx2= a2z given that when x = 0 , z/x = a siny & zy= 0.Solve ?2z?x2= z, when y = 0 , z = e-x and zy= ex.Solve ?2zxy= xy subject to the conditions that zx= logx when y=1 and z=0 when x=1 Solve Lagrange’s equation mz-ny?z?x+nx-lz?z?y=ly-mxSolve Lagrange’s equation x2-yzp+y2-zxq=z2-xy.Module IV Examine for convergence the series: (i) 1-13+132-133+134- ……∞ (ii) 11.2+12.3+13.4+ ……∞Test for convergence the series: x+x22+x33+ ……∞ 3. Test for convergence the series: 1+2p2!+3p3!+4p4!+…∞ 4. Discuss the convergence of the series: 1+2!22+3!33+4!44+…∞5. Discuss the convergence of the series: 1lognn6. Discuss the convergence of the series: 1+x2+x232+x343+…+(x>0)7. Discuss the convergence of the series : 34x+452x2+563x3+…∞8. Express fx=x4+3x3-x2+5x-2 in terms of Legendre’s polynomials.9. Express the following in terms of Legendre’s polynomials (i) 5x3+x (ii) x3+2x2-x-3, (iii) x4+3x3-x2+5x-2, Module V1.The table gives the distances in nautical miles of the visible horizon for the given heights in feet above the earth’s surface.X=height:100150200250300350400Y=distance:10.6313.0315.0416.8118.4219.9021.27 Find the values of Y when X=218 ft and 410 ft.2. In the table below the values of Y are consecutive terms of a series of which 23.6 is the 6th term. Find the first and tenth terms of the series.X3456789Y4.88.414.523.636.252.873.9Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find f(5.0) givenX:13469 Y:-3930132156Using Newton’s divided difference formula evaluate f(8) and f(15) given,X:457101113Y:4810029490012102028The area A of a circle corresponding to the diameter D is given below.D80859095100A50265674636270887854 Find the area corresponding to the diameter 105 by using appropriate interpolation formula. From the following table, estimate the number of students who obtain marks between 40 and 45.Marks :30-4040-5050-6060-7070-80No of Students 3142513531The following table given. The viscosity of an oil as a function of temperature use Lagrange’s formula to find viscosity of oil at a temperature of 140.Temp110130160190Viscosity10. Simpson’s (1/3)rd rule to evaluate a) 00.6e-x2dx b) 0π2cosθ dx by taking seven equidistant Ordinates. Using Simpson’s (3/8)th rule, evaluate a) 00.31-8x3 dx b) 01e-x2dx taking 7 ordinates.Evaluate a) 45.2logx dx b) 0211+x3dx by applying Weddle’s rule, taking six equal parts. Compare the result with the actual value.Assignment Questions: Department of Engineering PhysicsModule – IDerive differential equation of motion for SHM.Derive an expression for force constants for series and parallel combination of springs.Derive decaying amplitude and discuss the special cases.Derive mach number and mention the classification of objects based on mach number.Give the statement and equations of the law of conservation of mass, energy and momentum.Describe the construction and working of Reddy shock tube.Module – IIExplain elasticity and plasticity and mention the importance of engineering elastic materials.State Hook’s law, and hence explain stress-strain curve.Derive relation between K, ? and Y.Define bending moment, derive an expression for bending moment in terms of moment of inertia.Describe single cantilever and hence derive expression for Young’s modulus in case of rectangular beam.Define Torisional oscillation, derive an expression for couple per unit twist for solid cylinder.Module – IIIExplain in brief scalar product, vector product operation concept of divergence, gradient and curl.Derive Gauss – divergence theorem.Explain Biot –Savert law and Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.Derive wave equation in terms of electric field using Maxwell’s equations.Derive an expression for angle of acceptance and numerical aperture of an optical fiber in terms of RI’s of core and cladding.Explain different types of optical fibers.Module – IVState and explain uncertainty principle.Show that non confinement of electron in the nucleus using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.Set up Schrodinger’s time independent one dimensional wave equation.Obtain energy Eigen values and Eigen functions of a particle in one dimensional potential well of infinite height.Using Einstein’s co-efficient derive expression for energy density.Explain construction and working of semiconductor laser.Explain construction and working of CO2 laser.Module – VDefine Fermi energy and explain Fermi factor at three different temperatures.Derive an expression for Fermi energy at 0K.Discuss the merits of QFET.Derive relation between Fermi energy and energy gap for an intrinsic semiconductor.Derive an expression for conductivity of semiconductor and also derive expression for Hall coefficient.Explain different types of polarization mechanisms.Define internal field, and derive expression for Claussious Mosatti equation.Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering Subject Code: 18ELE13/23Module-1State and explain Ohm’s law and mention its limitations.State and explain Kirchoff’s Current Law and Kirchoff’s Voltage Law.A resistance R ohms is connected in series with a parallel circuit comprising of two resistances 12 ohms and 8 ohms respectively. The total power dissipation in the circuit is 70W. When the applied voltage is 20V. Calaculate R.Two 12V batteries with internal resistance 0.2 ohms and 0.25 ohms respectively are joined in parallel and a resistance of 1 ohm is placed across the terminals. Find the current supplied by each battery. Show that RMS value and Average value of sinusoidal alternating current is proportional to its maximum value.Derive an expression for instantaneous induced EMF.An alternating EMF is e = 200 Sin314 t. Find i) amplitude ii) frequency iii) instantaneous value, when t = 1/200 sec.An alternating current is given by i = 141.4 Sin 314 t. Find i) ma ximum value ii) frequency iii) time period iv) instantaneous value, when t = 3 milliseconds.Module-2Show that current ‘i’ lags by 900 the applied voltage ‘v’ for a pure inductance A.C circuit and also power consumed by zero.A 318 ?F capacitor is connected across a 230 volts, 50 Hz system. Determine i) capacitive reactance ii) RMS value of current iii) voltage and current expressions. A pure inductive coil allows a current of 10A to flow from a 230V,50Hz, AC supply . Find i) inductive reactance ii) inductance of the coil and also write voltage and current expressionsDerive an voltage, current and power relations in R-L-C series A.C circuit, when it behaves like a i) pure resistance circuit ii) R-L series circuit iii) R-L-C series circuit.A series RLC circuit with 100Ω, 25?F and 0.15H is connected across 415V,50Hz AC supply. Calculate i) impedance ii) current iii) power factor iv) voltage drop across inductor and capacitor. Obtain the relation between line values and phase values of voltage and currents for a 3 phase balanced star connected system.Show that two wattmeters measure three phase power with suitable circuit diagram and vector diagrams.Three arms of a 3 phase, delta connected load, each comprises of a coil having 25Ω resistance and 0.15 inductance in series with a capacitor of 120?F across 415V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate i) line current ii) power factor iii) power consumed. Calculate power, power factor and line current in a balanced 3 phase star connected system drawing power from 440V supply in which two wattmeters connected indicate W1= 5KW and W2= 1.2KW. Module-3Explain the working principle of transformer and list the applications of transformer. Derive the EMF equation with usual notations.List the different types of losses in transformer, explain each one in brief.Define the term efficiency and derive the condition for maximum efficiency.The number required on the H.T side of a 415/240 V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer, if the area of cross section of the core is 25 cm2 and the maximum flux density is 1.3 Wb/cm2 .A single phase transformer has 1000 turns on its primary and 400 turns on the secondary side. An a.c voltage of 1250V, 50 Hz is applied to primary side with secondary open circuited. Calculate i) The secondary EMF ii) Maximum value of flux density, if the cross sectional area of core is 60 cm2 . A 40KVA, single phase transformer has core loss of 450 Watts and full load copper loss 850 Watts. If the power factor of the load is 0.8. Calculate i) Full load efficiency ii) Maximum efficiency at UPF iii) Load for maximum efficiency. A transformer working at unity power factor has an efficiency of 90% at both full load and half full load of 500 Watts. Determine the efficiency at 75% of full load. Explain 2 way control and 3 way control of lamp with suitable circuit diagrams and working table.Explain the term equipment earthing and explain any one type earthing with a neat diagramModule-4Explain the working principle of D.C motor and D.C generator.. Derive an EMF equation for D.C generator with usual notations.Explain the term back EMF and its significance in D.C motor.Give the classification of D.C motor and discuss each one in brief.Derive an torque equation for D.C motor.Discuss the characteristics for i) series motor ii) shunt motor with relevant plots.An 8 pole, lap connected armature has 960 conductors, a flux of 40 mWb per pole and a speed of 400 RPM. Calculate the EMF generated, if the armature were wave connected, at what speed must it be driven to generate 400 V? A 4 pole, lap wound DC shunt generator delivers 200 A at terminal voltage of 250 Volts. It has a field and armature resistance of 50 Ohms and 0.05 Ohms respectively. Neglecting brush drop determine i) Armature current ii) Current per parallel path iii) EMF generated iv) Power developed.A 250 Volts DC shunt motor takes a total current of 20A. Resistance of the shunt field is 200 Ohms and of the armature 0.3 Ohms. Find the current in the armature and back EMF. A 4 pole, DC shunt motor takes 22.5 A from a 250 V supply . The armature resistance is 0.5 Ohms and field resistance is 125 Ohms. The armature is wave wound with 300 conductors. If the flux pet pole is 0.02 Wb. Calculate i) Speed ii) Torque developed iii) Power developed. Module-5Derive the EMF equation of 3 phase synchronous generator. A 6 pole, 3 phase, 50 Hz, alternator has 12 slots per pole and 4 conductors per slot. A flux of 25mWb is sinusoidally distributed along the air gap. Determine the i) phase EMF ii) Line EMF . Assume coils are full pitched and winding factor as 0.96. A three phase, star connected synchronous generator driven at 900 RPM is required to generate a line voltage of 460V at 60 Hz, on open circuit. The stator has 2 slots/pole/phase and 4 conductors per slot. Calculate i) Number of poles ii) Useful flux per pole.Explain the concept of rotating magnetic field and show that resultant EMF remains same at different instants of time. Describe the constructional features of 3 phase induction motor with suitable diagrams.Define slip of an induction motor and discuss its effects on performance on motor. Derive an expression for frequency of rotor induced EMF for 3 phase induction motor.An 8 pole 3 phase alternator runs at 750RPM and supplies power to 6 pole 3 phase induction motor which runs at 970 RPM. What is the slip of the induction motor? The frequency of the EMF in the stator of a 4 pole induction motor is 50 Hz and in the rotor is 1.5 Hz. What is the slip at what speed is the motor is running? Assignment questions: Department of Civil Engineering.(18CIV-14)The four coplanar forces are acting at a point as shown in below Fig. One of the forces is unknown and its magnitude is shown by?P.?The resultant is having a magnitude 500 N and is acting along x-axis. Determine the unknown force?P?and its inclination with x-axis.1847850255905Calculate the tensile force in the cables AB and BC as shown in below figure. Assume the pulleys to be frictionless.19335751054103.Find the resultant and its point of application on y axis for the force system acting on a triangular plate as shown in below FigYBA 3M4M50 NC30 N20 N4. Find the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant with respect to the point ‘A’ for the force system shown in the below fig.A1905038105.Find the support reaction R1 & R2923925177165600P400N700N300What is the value of P in the system shown in below fig to cause the motion to impend? Assume the pulley is smooth and the coefficient of friction between the all contact surfaces is 0.3.7 Determine centroid of the circular Arc whose included angle is 2α and subtending radius R with respect to Centre.h20mm25mm100mmAB8. Determine depth of web of T section, such that centroid of section coincides with axis AB9.. Determine the polar moment of inertia for a shaded lamina passing through the centroid for the fig shown below.102870021526510. Two cars are moving in the same direction with the same speed 30 km/hr. They are separated by a distance of 5 km. What is the speed of a car moving in the opposite direction if it meets these two cars at an interval of 4 minutes?11. A ball is thrown at a speed of 50 m/s at an angle of 600 with the horizontal. Find(a) The maximum height reached.(b) The range of ball. (c) Time taken by the ball to reach back to the ground12 .A stone ‘A’ is dropped from the top of a tower 20 m high simultaneously another stone ‘B’ is thrown up from the bottom of the tower so that it can reach just on the top of the tower. What is the distance of the stones from the ground while they pass one another.Assignment questions: Department Mechanical Engineering (18EGDL-15)1. Draw the projections of the following points on the same XY line, keeping convenient distance between each projectors. Name the Quadrants in which ;hey lie. A - 30 mm above HP and 35 mm in front of VP.B - 35 mm above HP1 and 40 mm behind VP. C - 40 mm above HP and on VP. D - 35 mm below HP and 30 mm in front of VP.2. A line AB 80 mm long has its end A 20 mm above the HP and 30 mm infront of VP. It is inclined at 30° to HP and 45° to VP, Draw the projections of the line and find apparent lengths and apparent inclinations.3. A hexagonal lamina of 30mm sides rests on $P with one of its corners touching VP and surface inclined at 45° to it. One of its edges is inclined to HP at 30°. Draw the front and top views of the lamina in its final position.4. A hexagonal pyramid 25 mm sides of base and 50 mm axis length rests on HP on one of its slant edges. Draw the projections of the pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45°.5. A pentagonal prism 25 mm sides of base and 60 mm axis length rests on HP on one of its edges of the base which is inclined to VP at 30°. Draw the projections of the prism when the axis is inclined to HP at 40°.6. A pentagonal pyramid 25 mm sides of base and 50 mm axis length rests on HP on one of its slant edges. Draw the projections of the pyramid when the axis appears to be inclined to VP at 45°.7. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 50mm and axis length 60mm is cut by a two planes which are perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45° to HP and passing through either side of the centre point of the top face. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the cylinder.8. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 45mm and axis length 60mm is cut by a (30 Marks) plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 50° to HP, is passing through the centre point of the top face. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the cylinder.9. Two rectangular slabs are placed one above the other co-axially with dimensions (Ixbxh) 100mm x 60mm x 20mm and 100mm x 40mm x 20mm such '-hat longer edges are parallel to VP, Draw the isometric projection of the combination of solids.10. A rectangular pyramid of base 40mmx25mm and height 50mm is placed centrally on rectangular slab sides 100mmx60mm and thickness 20mm. Draw the isometric projection of the combination of solids.Assignment Questions: Department of Engineering Chemistry(18CHE-12)Module-IDefine Entropy and enthalpy.Define single electrode potential? Derive Nernst equation for single electrode potential.Define reference electrode? What are limitations of primary reference electrode? Write a construction, working and applications of calomel electrode.Write a construction, working and applications of glass electrode.What is an ion selective electrode? Explain how glass electrode can be used in the determination of a pH of a solution.What are concentrations cells? Deduce the expression for concentration cell.Define Battery? Write classification of battery with examples.Write a construction, working and applications of Ni-MH battery.Write a construction, working and applications of Li-Ion battery.Module-IIExplain the electrochemical theory of corrosion by taking iron as an example.Explain the differential metal corrosion with an example.Explain pitting and waterline corrosion or explain differential aeration corrosion.What is anodizing? Discuss the anodizing of aluminum.Give the principle of cathodic protection and explain sacrificial anode method and impressed current method.Write a note on Galvanizing.Explain the effect of following factors on the rate of corrosion. A) ration of anodic to cathodic areas B) Nature of metal C) Nature of corrosion product D) pH E) Conductivity F) TemperatureWhat is metal finishing? Give technological importance of metal finishing.What is electroplating? Explain the terms polarization, decomposition potential, over voltage.Discuss the electroplating of chromium?What is electroless plating? Discuss the electroless plating of Nickel.What is electroless plating and discuss electroless plating of copper.Distinguish between electroplating and electroless plating.Module-IIIDefine fuel? Give complete classification of fuels.Define fuel? Distinguish between GCV and NCV.Describe the determination of the calorific value of solid or liquid fuel using Bombs calorimeter.Define Knocking? What are its ill effects? Write mechanism of knocking.Write a note on followings a) Power alcohol b) Unleaded petrol c) BiodieselDefine fuel cell? How fuel cell is differ from convention cell.Explain construction working and applications of Methanol Oxygen fuel cell.Explain construction working and applications of solid oxide fuel cell.Define PV cells? Write construction and working of PV cells.Explain solar grade silicon by union carbide process.Write advantages and disadvantages of PV cells.Module-IVExplain the management of Solid waste, e-waste, and biomedical waste by various methods.Write a note on secondary air pollutant Ozone.Explain the formation of scales and sludge in boiler.Write a note on boiler corrosion.What is COD? Explain the determination of COD.Write the chemical analysis of Sulphates and Fluorides.Explain the secondary sewage treatment by activated sludge process.Explain the tertiary method of sewage treatment.Explain the softening of water by ion exchange process.What is desalination? Explain desalination of water by reverse osmosis.Module-VExplain theory and instrumentation and applications of Colorimetry.Explain theory and instrumentation and applications of Flame photometry.Explain theory and instrumentation and applications of Potentiometry or conductometry.Explain theory and instrumentation and applications of Atomic absorption spectroscopy.Define nanomaterials? Explain size dependent properties of nanomaterials.Explain the synthesis of nano material by chemical vapour depositon and precipitateMethods.Explain the synthesis of nano material by sol gel method.Write a note on followings a) Fullerens b) CNTs c) Graphenes.Assignment Questions Computer Science-18CPS-13Module-1Assignment QuestionsCOs attainedWhat is computer? List its features and applications.1Draw the block diagram of a computer and explain its different parts.1What is computer network? List its advantages.1List and explain the components of a computer network.1Define algorithm, flowchart and pseudocode with examples.1Write short note on “Structure of C program”1What are c tokens? List and explain1What is a variable? Explain its declaration and initialization with syntax. 1List and explain different data types used in C.1What is operator? List and explain the operators supported by C language.1Module-2Assignment QuestionsCOs attainedWhat are decision making statement? List and explain all with syntax and examples.3What are loop statement? List and explain all with syntax and examples.3What are jump statements? List and explain all with syntax and examples.3Q9) Write C programs for followingTo find largest of two numbersTo find largest of three numbersTo check for EVEN or ODD numberTo check, whether the year is leap year or notTo find GCD and LCM of two numbersTo check, whether the number is PALINDROME or not.To display first N Fibonacci numbersTo display binary equivalent of entered decimal valueTo display decimal equivalent of entered binary number.2,3,6Module-3Assignment QuestionsCOs attainedWhat is an array? Write its advantages and disadvantages.4What is 1D array? Explain its declaration and initialization with syntax.4What is 2D array? Explain its declaration and initialization with syntax4What is a string? Explain its declaration and initialization with syntax4Explain ‘string handling functions’ used in C4What is user defined function? List its advantages4Explain the three elements of user defined function.4What is recursive function? Give programming example.2,3,4Write the differences between call by value & call by reference methods4Write C programs for the followingTo find largest of N numbersTo find sum and average of N numbers.To sort N numbers in ascending order using Bubble Sort technique.To implement linear searchTo implement binary search 2,3,4,6Module-4Assignment QuestionsCOs attainedDefine structures. Explain the differences between arrays and structures.5Explain the operators used to access the structure variables with example.5Write a c program to define a structure student with members roll no (int) and name (string). Write the main function to read and print two students information.2,3,4,5,6Give programming example for structures and functions. 4, 5,6Module-5Assignment QuestionsCOs attainedDefine pointers. Explain how pointers can be manipulated with a c program.5,6Write a c program to swap two integer variables using pointers.5,6Write a c program to reverse a string (character array) using pointers.5,6Write short note on dynamic memory allocation.5,6Write a function to read and display N numbers by using memory allocation.5,6Explain pre processor directives with examples.5,6Assignments Questions Department Basic Electronics (18ELN-14)Module-1Explain the operation of the P-N junction Diode. In a half-wave rectifier circuit which is fed from 230 V, 50 Hz mains, it is desired to have a ripple factor, r 0.005. Estimate the value of the capacitance required for Il=0.5A.Derive an expression for the average load voltage, ripple factor and efficiency of the half wave rectifier.Derive an expression for the average load voltage, ripple factor and efficiency of the full wave rectifier. Explain the need for filter and operation of capacitor filter with a neat waveform. 7.Draw the circuit of a bridge rectifier and show that ripple factor of a bridge rectifier is 0.48.Explain how Zener diode can be used as voltage regulator 9.Explain the operation of a half –wave rectifier with capacitor filter with the help of a circuit diagram and relevant waveforms Module-2Explain the construction and operation of JFET.Explain drain and transfer characteristics of JFET.Derive the expression for ID.Write the difference between enhancement and depletion type transistor.Explain the construction and operation MOSFET.Explain the construction and operation of SCR.Module-3Explain parameters of an operational amplifierDescribe an Op-Amp and Its important characteristicsDerive the equations with relevant diagrams forIntegratorAdder 4. Explain the need for Op-Amp 5.With a neat diagram, explain the working of an op-amp as summing amplifier 6. Explain inverting and non inverting OP-AMP. Module-4Explain how BJT acts as amplifier and switch.Describe the properties of feedback amplifiers.List out the feedback types.Explain the Barkhaunsen's criteria for oscillation.Explain the operation of RC Phase shift oscillator with neat diagram.6.Explain the operation of wein bridge oscillator with neat diagramModule-5 1. Convert the following binary number to decimal numbers. i) 1101 ii) 10001 iii)10101 2. Convert the following hexadecimal number into decimal i) A3BHii) 2F3H 3. Write the truth table and symbol for the following gates i) AND, ii) OR, iii) XNOR, iv) NOT, v) XOR 4.Design a half adder and full adder circuit. 5. Design a full adder and explain how it is used in parallel adder. 6. Realize Full Adder using two half adders and OR gate. 7. With a neat block diagram explain the basic communication systemAssignment Questions: Department of Mechanical Engineering (18ME-15)Module – IExplain principle of operation of solar flat plate collector, photo voltaic cell, solar pond, hydro-electric power plant & wind mill. Also differentiate between conventional & non conventional energy sources..Define these terms i)state ii) work iii)heat iv)temperature v)internal energy vi)enthalpy vii) entropyState Zeroth, 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics. Explain the formation of steam with T-H diagram.Write short note on environmental issues like global warming and ozone depletion.Define the following terms with reference to steam a) Sensible heat b) Latent heat c) Wet steam d) Dry saturated steam e) Superheated steam f) Dryness fraction g) Degree of superheat h)Specific volume i) Enthalpy j) Internal energy.Module – IIExplain with neat sketch the construction & working of i) Lancashire boiler ii) Babcock and Wilcox boiler.List & explain the Boiler mountings and accessories.With neat sketches explain the followings i) Pelton turbine ii) Francis turbine iii) Kaplan turbine.With neat sketches explain the construction & working of i)Centrifugal pump ii)Reciprocating pumpExplain the concept of cavitation & priming. Module – IIIWith neat sketches explain the construction and working of 4- stroke SI and 4- stroke CI engines. With neat sketches explain the construction and working of 2- stroke SI engine.With neat sketches explain the working of vapor compression refrigeration cycle & vapor absorption refrigeration cycle. Indicate the states of the refrigerant and its direction of flow.What is a refrigerant? Name & describe the properties of different refrigerants commonly used. Explain desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant.With neat sketch explain the working of window and split air conditioners.Define the following i) Refrigeration ii)COP iii)Refrigeration Effect iv)TOR v)Ice making capacity vi)Relative COP v)Refrigerator vi)Air-conditionerModule – IVWrite the composition, characteristics & applications of ferrous metals, nonferrous metals. Write the composition, characteristics & applications of Polymers, Ceramics, Composite & Smart materials.Discuss in brief the methods of welding, brazing & soldering joining processes. With neat sketches explain in brief principle & working of arc welding, oxy-acetylene welding, TIG welding, and MIG welding.Derive an expression to determine the length of belt in an i)Open belt drive ii)Cross belt drive. Derive an expression for ratio of tension in flat belt drives.List the advantages and disadvantages of gear drives over belt drives.Module – V Explain the following operations with neat sketches: a) Plain turning b) Facing c)Taper turning by swiveling of compound rest method. d)Knurling e)Thread cutting f) Drilling, Boring, Reaming, Counter sinking and Counter boring, Tapping g) end milling, slot milling, plane milling h) angular milling, form milling, straddle milling, and gang milling.Explain the principle & working of i) Center lathe ii) Horizontal and Vertical milling machines.Define Robot. Explain classification of robots based on their configuration.List the components of CNC & explain with neat sketches open loop and closed loop systems.Explain CNC Machining centers and Turning centers. ................

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