Words of the Week Julius Caesar Act 3Names _____________________________________________________________________________Step One: from the following sentences, determine which words share a meaning by underlining them, and marking which part of speech it is (noun, adjective, verb, adverb, etc.)Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar,Metellus Cimber throws before thy seatA humble heart----Our arms in strength of malice, and our heartsOf brothers’ temper, do receive you inWith all kind love, good thoughts, and reverenceOnly be patient till we have appeasedThe multitude, beside themselves with tear,And then we will deliver you the causeWhy I, that did love Caesar when I struck himHave thus proceeded.Domestic fury and fierce civil strifeShall cumber all the parts of Italy.There shall I try,In my oration, how people takeThe cruel issue of these bloody men,According to the which, thou shalt discourseTo young Octavius of the state of things.Who is here so base that would be a bondman?He hath brought many captives to Rome,Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.You all do know this mantle. I rememberThe first time ever Caesar put it on.I am not Cinna the conspirator.Step Two: you will now be working in your groups to determine a definition for your assigned word. Make sure this definition is clear, and in language you would use. DO NOT merely copy the dictionary definition.Word__________________________________ Part of Speech ___________________________Definition:Step Three: Create an image depicting this word. The image can be created by collage, drawing or it might be found. Brainstorm here some ideas you might consider using in your image:Step Four: Present your word to the class. This is an informal presentation, but everyone is expected to know the definition of your word for quizzes, so be sure to be clear. Use the following rubric as a guide for the presentation.Using the Correct Word43210Demonstrate knowledge of selected vocabularyDefinition is clearly defined and high quality image supports definitionDefinition is clearly defined, but high quality image might leave some questions as to how it relates to definitionDefinition is clear, but might not fully reflect true meaning; high quality image supports inaccurate definitionWord and definition are clearly not written in “plain” language and/or image is of poor qualityWork is incomplete Definition or image is of such poor quality, it may have been done last minuteStep Five: Turn in this form with your definition and image. The image will be displayed and your grade will be recorded on this form.Step Six: Match the vocabulary words to their dictionary definitions.puissant_______A. struggle, fight or quarrelmalice_______B. formal speechappeased_______C. cloakstrife_______D. one who plans with others to commit an illegal actoration_______E. powerful; mightybase_______F. public treasurycoffers_______G. soothed; pacifiedmantle_______H. ill-will or spiteconspirator_______I. devoid of high values or ethics ................

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