Aeldos – The Encircled Path - CNAME

Aeldos – The Encircled Path - CNAMEPlayer Name: Click or tap here to enter your name.Character Name: Click or tap here to enter your character name.Concept: Click or tap here to enter a brief character concept.Age: Click or tap here to enter the character age.Species: Choose a species.Culture: Choose an culture.Occupation: Click or tap here to enter an occupation. (Occupation is distinct from Calling)DescriptionAspects (x6)Power:0Grace:0Intellect:0Intuition:0Personality:0Appearance:0Will:0Derived TraitsInitiative: Grace + IntuitionPerception: Intuition + ObservationHealth: Power + Will + 5 (+ Traits/Species Mods) Stress: Intellect + Will + 10 (+ Traits/Species Mods)Stress Bracket: Will + 2 [X [X/X/X/X]]Stress Soak: Trait or SpeciesAttack: Power/Grace + Combat + Focus (eg Dagger)Defense: Power/Grace + Combat + Focus (eg Dodge)Regeneration: Power/Week (Minimum 1) + TraitsStress Recovery: Will + 2 /at Rest, Will in TransitBroad Skills (x4)Animal Handling:0Athletics:0Combat:0Craft:0Concentration:0Investigation:0Larceny:0Languages:0 Lore:0Medicine:0Mercantile:0Observation:0Performance:0Socialize:0Stealth*:0Survival:0Technology:0Travel:0Other: 0Other: 0Focus Skills (x2)Focus Skill 1:Enter value.Focus Skill 2:Enter value.Focus Skill 3:Enter value.Focus Skill 4:Enter value.Focus Skill 5:Enter value.Focus Skill 6:Enter value.Focus Skill 7:Enter value.Focus Skill 8:Enter value.Focus Skill 9:Enter value.Focus Skill 10:Enter value.Focus Skill 11:Enter value.Focus Skill 12:Enter value.Focus Skill 13:Enter value.Focus Skill 14:Enter value.Focus Skill 15:Enter value.Focus Skill 16:Enter value.Focus Skill 17:Enter value.Focus Skill 18:Enter value.Traits (x5)TRAIT NAME – Description (COST)Species Traits – SPECIES NAMETRAIT NAME – DescriptionCalling (10 Trait CC xp / New Level x5 In Game)Choose a calling (Option).Level 1:Level 2:Level 3:Level 4:Level 5:Level 6:Level 7:FlawsFLAW – DescriptionEquipmentAt Character Creation players get the following funds to spend on Gear: Species: Humans: 4d10 x 10g / Quasi-Human 3d10 x 10g Calling: If the Character has a Calling explode 10’s (roll another d10 and add the result)Click Here For The Equipment ListDreams (Provided by ST)The First DreamPrompts (+ 1 general XP for every 5 Answered)What does your character want? This month? This year? In general?What does your character fear? What does your character hate? What makes their blood boil?What makes your character happy? What is your character's worst memory? What is your character's best memory?What does your character consider the most important event of their life thus far?Who has had the most influence on your character?What does your character consider their greatest achievement?What is your character’s greatest regret?What is the most evil thing your character has ever done?If your character could change one thing from their past, what would it be, and why?What does your character believe is the most evil thing any human being could do?Does your character believe in the Ayr? Do they actively worship? What does your character believe makes a successful life?Does your character have any biases or prejudices?Who or what, if anything, would your character die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?Who is the most important person in your character’s life, and why?Who is the person your character respects the most, and why?Who are your character’s friends? Do they have a best friend? Describe these people.Does or has your character ever had a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.Has your character ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.How close is your character to their family?Who would your character turn to if you were in desperate need of help?Does your character trust anyone to protect them? Who, and why?If your character died or went missing, who would miss them?Who is the person your character despises the most, and why?Does your character tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?Does your character like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?What is your character’s most treasured possession?What is your character’s favorite food? Drink?What is your character’s idea of good entertainment (bawdy music, high drama, low art, etc.)?Does your character smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why?Given the choice how would your character like to spend a typical Saturday night?What makes your character laugh? (Slapstick? Puns? Sarcasm?)What, if anything, shocks or offends your character?Is your character impulsive or cautious; do they make plans? What are your character's pet peeves?What is your character's greatest strength?What is your character's greatest weakness?If your character could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?Does your character care what others think of you?What are your character's favorite hobbies and pastimes?Is your character organized, messy, or somewhere in between?Does your character like himself?What goal does your character most want to accomplish in their lifetime?If your character could choose, how would they want to die?If your character knew they were going to die in 24 hours, name three things they would do in the time left.What is the one thing for which your character would most like to be remembered after death?What three words best describe your character's personality?What three words would others probably use to describe your character's personality?HOOKSPlot hooks derived from Prompts ................

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