
Hotline: 303-977-SHFC or 303-977-7432

P.O. Box 621489

Littleton, CO 80162-1489

July 2009


Lockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.


BOD and Members Meeting Minutes June 2009

1. BOD Meeting Minutes 6/1/2009

-Board members present: Dave Mulholland, Dave Norris, Corey Kroll, Walter Tang,

Dennis Dal Pra, Ton Christensen, and Keith Davis.

-Call to order 5:21 PM.

-Discussions on budget reporting requirements as a non-profit to be submitted to club

accountant for tax filing; meeting and catering expenditures for June members and

subsequent meetings, and need for additional access card purchases. – Earmarking

approx. $2,350.00.

-Range rules are still awaiting approval from LM legal. D. Dal Pra will follow up with

LM. D. Mulholland reported that all other approvals were received.

-Still a need to get the latest safety test on placed on the web site. W. Tang will forward

the latest test to the web site coordinator. New range rules booklets will be printed for

the general membership.

-The manual trap thrower is still awaiting new replacement springs for repairs. D.

Mulholland has placed calls to Bill Wilson on status.

-Member, Jim Cathcart presented a request to host the “RAMS” Boy Scout organization

at the range on 7/12 through 7/17. Jim will make additional presentations to employee

services and plant protection as well as having alternate schedule dates.

-Member Steve Camp offered a proposal to publish, in the club newsletter, an

advertisement for a “for profit” “close quarters survival” course to be held on 6/13 and

6/14 outside of SHFC facilities.

-Member Steve Camp made a request to use personally owned steel targets at the range.

The club will develop rules and procedures for member applications for use of

personally owned steel targets. Steve’s request will be used as a pathfinder.

-D. Norris presented a preliminary concept of a “one range” cease fire system. The board

approved the implementation of an interim flag system as a Beta test to indicate ranges

in use.

-W. Tang reported that catering for the June member meeting was set up for 65 attendees.

D. Norris will sell the new SHFC T-shirts for $15.00 apiece.

-Brief discussion of disposal requirements of potentially lead contaminated target frames

and backers. Awaiting results of analysis for hazardous contaminants.

-Brief discussion on membership definitions pertaining to “grandfathered” contractors

who are/were members. Must continue to meet requirements prior to the rules change.

Need to define process to assure non-employee members still meet membership

eligibility. Jamey Smith will be asked to sort membership list to identify these


-Keith Davis reported a firearm was improperly sent to the club’s P.O. box address when

it should have been sent to the premises address. This was not a mistake of the club, but

that of the transferor.

-Meeting adjourned – time not recorded.

2. Members Meeting Minutes 6/8/2009

-Call to order 5:20 PM

-Minutes from previous members meeting, 4/13/09 read by C. Kroll. Motion made to

accept minutes as read, seconded and carried by membership vote.

-D. Mulholland announced undertaking of a “one range” cease fire coordination system.

No further details were provided.

-Committee chairs were introduced to the membership for later discussions of their


-W. tang discussed the rescheduling of the range day for the upcoming hunter safety class

to Saturday 6/20.

-This short business meeting was followed by a members having the opportunity to speak

with the various committee chairs and activity coordinators who were available to

describe their club activities at tables set up for that purpose. A delicious catered bar-b

que was provided for the membership.

-Time of meeting adjournment was not recorded

June Members meeting

The new members meeting format appears to have helped improve attendance since we had approximately 60 members at the June members meeting. We want to thank the committee chairs for supporting the open house and all the members that participated. We received many positive comments about the meeting from members. One comment repeated by several members was “this is the way our members meeting used to be like”. It appears some of our members liked the opportunity to socialize with fellow members and friends during the members meeting. Our next members gathering is the Annual Bull Roast on Sunday August 16th. The next members meeting is currently scheduled for September. Usual second Monday (September, 14th), usual start time of 5:15 pm. The board is currently considering holding that meeting in October instead to more evenly space the meeting between the Bull Roast in August and the next members meeting in December (call for club officer nominees).

Mark your calendars and bring your family for the annual bull roast

The 2009 SHFC Annual Bull Roast is scheduled for Sunday August 16th. In addition to the traditional swap meet and yummy BBQ, Gene Adamson is coming up with special event programs for families to make it even more fun. There’re rumors of prizes even. As always we are looking for volunteers to help make this happen. Please contact our Bull Roast Organizer, Gene Adamson, gene.adamson@ , 303-971-1531. More details of the Bull Roast will be provided in the August newsletter and SHFC website.

New legislative action chair

James Cathcart has taken over the Legislative Active Chair position from Tom Moore. Please welcome James in his new role and read his inputs at the end of this newsletter.

club tee shirts for sale

If you want a club tee-shirt (pictured below), contact Dave Norris, 303-932-4622, david.w.norris.jr@ Images removed – see HTML or PDF version


Our members must really want to help get the gongs back up since we had a great response for the Gong Gang work party on May 29th. We had over 20 Gong Gang Volunteers come out to help install the gong stands. Some even brought guests to help. Everyone was there to work so the work went fast and the range was reopened for shooting by 2:30 pm. The gang did a great job and we hope you enjoy shooting at the fruits of their labor. A big THANK YOU goes to the entire Gong Gang and a special thank you goes to member Elvin Miller for welding the four T stands and drilling 180 holes in them by himself.

Gong Gang Volunteers: Elvin Miller; Gerald Moody; Ben Go; Norm Viste; Rex Lynn; Todd Girkin; Gus Hansen; Brian Sompayrac; Frank Wakabayashi; Mike Amerman; Richard (Eric) Evans; Jim Tagliareni; Steve Ramer; Ed Gunch; Jay Nightingale; Steve Camp; Jack Malin; Gene Adamson; Mike Sullivan; Corey Kroll; Sherry Woodard; Randy Lucero.


Last month’s Gong article provided the rational for the gong sizing and asked for feedback from our members. We’ve gotten some feedback and we want more. Most feedback was just appreciation for having some gongs hanging again. We have gotten a few comments about the gongs being too hard to see and wanting larger gongs like we used to have. Our goal for the gongs is to install a gong system that is easy to maintain and stay hanging as long as possible. We also want the gongs to be challenging yet fun to shoot for a wide range of shooting skill levels. No body wants gongs that are too small or can’t see to hit. Nor is there any satisfaction in hitting a gong too big to miss. When the gongs are new with the white paint, they are pretty easy to see even with irons at 300 yards. However only after a week, the paint is gone and it became hard to make out the gong from the belt and background. Probably not feasible to paint the gongs every week. We have some members thinking about ways to contrast the gong from the belt and background and you might see their experiments in the weeks to come. If you have any ideas, we’d love to hear them. We are also considering modifying the few usable old large gongs and rotate them in. Anyone know of a source for cheap laser or water jet cutting, please let me know. Any feedback on the gongs, too big, too small, just right, etcetera, please let us know. We’ll make improvements and upgrades based on what we hear back. Please contact Walter Tang, walter.w.tang@ , with feedback and comments. Thank you.

RAMS Crew Shooting at SH&FC Ranges July 12-17

The RAMS crew will be using the SHFC range during the day (normal range closed hours) on July 13th to the 17th . They will also use the 100 and 200 yard ranges in the evening of Wednesday July 15th from 8 pm on for a night shoot. RAMS (Rifle, Archery, Muzzleloader, and Shotgun) is a provisional, co-ed Boy Scout Venture Crew that was founded in 1995. It is made up of Venturers (14 to 21 years of age) from all over the Denver area as well as other areas in Colorado. There are approximately 30 youth participants and 10 NRA-certified instructors who will be spending nearly a week at the SH&FC ranges learning and refining their shooting skills in various disciplines. Areas of focus will include .22 target rifles, 12 gauge shotguns, .50 caliber muzzleloaders, and field and target archery. Participants will also get an introduction to high-power rifles, pistols, and shotshell reloading. The week will start off with a Home Firearms Safety class on Sunday, July 12th and wrap up with a family BBQ and awards ceremony on Friday, July 17th. The RAMS Crew will be camping at Chatfield State Park and travelling to the ranges each day. For more information, contact Jim Cathcart at james.a.cathcart@.


The latest list of work bond jobs is listed at the website . Click the “Workbond “ tab and then “ Job List”. Some near term work bond jobs are helpers during the Safety training renewal sessions in March and gong stand installation in April. Checking your work bond to make sure it is up to date will help speed up the renewal process. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Work Bond Chair, Michael Eubank @ 303-971-2860, michael.e.eubank@ . Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Michael. Thank you for your help and participation.

members input

If you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please send them to me walter.w.tang@ or other board member and I’ll put it on here. If it’s a question or suggestion, we’ll put the answer or board response on here also.

AR-15 Group Buy Opportunity

A member of the SHFC is looking for other club members, employees and friends who are interested in going in on a group buy of AR-15’s or accessories from Patriot Ordnance Factory (POF). POF is an American owned and operating small business headquartered in Arizona who specializes in the design and manufacture of AR Gas Piston rifles, uppers, lowers and accessories. Research on AR-15's over the last few years found that POF’s patented Gas Piston rifles are considered to be one of, if not the best AR for reliability. Different firearm magazines and websites have tested them up to 20,000 consecutive rounds (without cleaning in between) and never had a jam or misfire. The person who started and runs POF has over 28 years in the Aerospace industry and is used to machining up tight tolerance, critical design hardware. If you are not familiar with the difference between a Gas Piston AR and a Direct Gas impingement AR (normal version that has been around for 50 years), the Gas Piston design eliminates the carbon fouling and heat that directly impinge on the bolt carrier group. By purchasing items in quantities, we are able to receive better pricing and when you consider how much top quality AR’s cost, the savings can be quite large. The minimum discount will be 10% off all uppers, complete guns and parts. As the order value increases, we can get 15% off all complete guns and uppers and a 20% discount on parts. If the order meets their final tier, the discount is 20% off all complete guns and uppers and 30% off all parts! Going online, you’ll notice that POF guns, uppers and accessories usually sell for more than MSRP today due to the supply and demand for them. The waiting list is approximately 6 months but well worth it. Please send an email to David Potter at David.M.Potter@ or call him at 303-971-2647 if you are interested in going in on the group buy or have questions. The last day to get your order in is on Monday July 13th so if you are seriously interested, please don’t procrastinate any longer. You can see POF full line of complete guns, uppers, accessories and the MSRP at . Once the group buy order is assembled, it will be processed through our SHFC FFL agents.

Electronic Gate

Per the SHFC Range Rules, each club member is required to "wand" their electronic gate card at the electronic gate for accountability. This will also reset the arm’s timer so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle. If the gate is locked open, listen for the “beep” as confirmation that badge was read. Upon leaving the range, each person should push the gate open button so the arm’s timer is reset so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle on the way out.

Committee News


Regular Hunter Ed

The 2009 schedule for the rifle/regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Bill Wilson, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, Jeff Edwards, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 1-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 7-2117 and we’ll get you started.

August: 11th, 12th & 13th (Classroom) - 15th (Range)

September: 22nd, 23rd & 24th (Classroom) – 26th (Range)

October: 20th, 21st & 22nd (Classroom) – 24th (Range)

November: 17th, 18th & 19th (Classroom) – 21st (Range)

Students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-752-1430. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.

Request for ammo. I’ve received a great response from my request for 8MM ammo., Special Thanks to Club Members - Craig Bullock, Mike Bethancourt, Dwayne Hofstetter, and Corey Kroll for helping keep this segment of Hunter Ed active. So if you have any extra old ammo, please don’t forget. This has been a fun segment that many former students have commented how much they enjoyed. Call Gene Adamson at 303-971-1531, if you are willing to part with some of your old surplus ammo.

Archery Hunter Ed

Dates: Locations:

July 22nd, 23rd & 25th Skyline Archery Clubhouse

Fee: $10.00

Note: To attend the 1-Day Courses you must already have a Colorado Regular Hunter Education Card

Times: 3- Day Course: Weeknights: 6:00 – 9:00 PM; Saturdays: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Times: 1-Day Course: Saturdays: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Don Biesecker 303-344-8880 E-Mail: dskygazer@

Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 E-Mail: skydivermitchel@

Archery Committee

SHFC has received the letter from LMSSC HR and Plant protection which gives SHFC members permission to archery hunt on the LMSSC property during the 2009 seasons. The deadline to apply for the limited licenses is April 7. The regulations detailed in the letter are very similar to those established for 2008 with a few changes which are listed below. If there are any questions regarding a member’s eligibility to participate in the hunt, it is recommended that they contact the board prior to applying for a limited license for use on LMSSC property.

-         Boundaries are similar, with some changes, to those used for 2007, see attachment separate file.

-         An archery hunter education card is required by all members participating

-         The following personnel (they were permitted in past years) are not included on the list given permission to archery hunt on LMSSC property

o       Brothers & Sisters of SHFC members

o       SHFC members who work for either the government or a subcontractor.

Archery work parties will be organized in the early spring to clean up the range.

At a Board meeting in 2008, a proposal was made to the SHFC Board that all personnel wanting to participate in the archery game management hunts be required to have an archery hunter education safety card. The Board approved this proposal. The archery hunter education card will be required for all personnel prior to getting a hunt permit for 2009. Your regular hunter ed. card will not be adequate if you desire to get a permit to archery hunt on LMSSC property in 2009.

Work Party




4 HOURS NEED 9 AM to 1  PM







NRA classes continue for this year with Basic Pistol (BP) and Personal Protection in the Home (PPITH) classes. Basic Pistol is a pre-requisite for the PPITH class except with prior demonstrated knowledge and approval from course instructor. The PPITH class will certify you for qualification for a Concealed Carry Weapons permit (CCW). Class fees are $50 for club members, $75 for non-club non-refundable. Maximum of 10 people will be enrolled in PPITH and 12 in BP, first come with a check is first enrolled. We will maintain a waiting list just in case someone has to bail out (meaning if one of the students cancels, you would be on call to take their place). To reserve a seat, send your name, home address, phone number and email address you want to be contacted at to Gene Adamson, gene.adamson@. Your seat is not saved unless payment is received within one week after the reservation information is received. Minimum of 6 students are required per class or it’s subject to cancellation. Below is the schedule of classes. Dates are subject to change based on LEO availability. All weeknight class sessions are from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. For Basic Pistol classes which are only two days, the Saturday session will run from 8:00 in the morning until 4:00 pm. For Basic Pistol classes scheduled for three days the Saturday session will run from 8:00 am until about 1:00 pm. PPITH Saturday classes will be from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. Contact Steve Rower at 303-971-5558 if you have questions.

Basic Pistol  

August – Weds. 19th, Sat. 22nd, Mon. 24th

September – Thurs. 10th, Sat. 12th,  Tues. 15th


July  -  Weds. 15th,  Sat. 18th,  Mon. 20th

September  -  Weds. 16th,  Sat. 19th, Mon. 21st

October  -  Thurs. 8th,  Sat. 10th, Tues. 13th


Cowboy action has started and will continue to be held every other Thursday until October. We now have some very experienced shooters who will help mentor anyone who wants to start the sport or just do a trial stage. Firearms used are 2 single six pistols, a lever action rifle (pistol caliber only), and a pre-1900’s shotgun (pump or side by side). All ammo must be lead cast bullets and lead shot. This is the fastest growing shooting sport in the world, with over 90,000 members. We shoot both smokeless and black powder, depending on what the whim of the day is. We shoot in accordance with the governing body of SASS or Single Action Shooting Society. Call Tom Frickell at 303-971-5493.


Practical Pistol Lite go every other Monday through September. For those of you who are new to Practical Pistol, this affords less experience shooters an opportunity to come out with a group of like-minded shooters and practice defensive skills. As always we will first and foremost focus on range safety. This year we are limiting participation to semi-automatics pistols in the effort to speed up the courses and get more shooting for everyone. Make sure your equipment (Pistol, Holster, Mag pouches) is in good repair and good working order. Carbine and shotgun nights will be less frequent this year to concentrate on pistol shooting and to allow everyone to get in more shooting. We meet at the gate around 4:15, and head to the range no later than 4:30. Since April and May weather is so challenging, please dress in layers so you can stay warm just in case it gets cold. There has never been a better opportunity to tune your defensive pistol skills, and create a defensive mindset . Call Dave Norris at 303-932-4822, or email at david.w.norris.jr@ .


Our first event started on Monday, April 20, and then every other Monday thru Sept. Meet at the gate on Wadsworth by 4:40 pm and we will all caravan up to the range. No revolvers this year, they take too long to reload. Please have a holster for your pistol. Since our weather is so challenging, please dress in layers so you can stay warm just incase it gets cold. So far we are averaging 14 Ladies per event, with ages spanning young (18 years old) to retirees. This has started out to be a great year and we are looking forward to continuing the fun and learning experiences. Call Tom Frickell at 303-971-5493.


We had wonderful weather on Saturday, June 6 and very good shooters showed up. We shot 8 stages of 5 targets, 3 strings each but keeping the best two times. Some people were shooting the strings in less than 1.5 seconds. That is 5 targets hit in less than 1.5 seconds!! What you see is the best two times total. There were three different categories: Ladies, Open and Revolver. The results are below. Tom F.


Summer 3-gun

Summer 3-Gun is starting this year on Sunday July 19th and will be held once a month through October. Start time of 9:00 am with setup starting at 8:30 am. For those new to 3-gun, it is similar to our Wednesday night practical pistol except we shoot the pistol, shotgun and semi-auto carbine/rifle for a combination of accuracy and speed. Since the Summer 3-Gun runs concurrent to practical pistol, we’ll have a heavier emphasis on the rifle and shotgun. Typical ammo requirement is roughly 25 rounds of pistol, 50 rounds of rifle, 25 rounds of shotgun (mostly birdshot and occasionally 5 rounds of slug and buckshot) if you don’t miss. Contact Walter Tang at 303-977-6474 or email walter.w.tang@ to get on the mailing list. I usually send out the stage description before the shoot so you’ll know how much ammo to bring.

Brain Sompayrac and I got a head start and shot the Johnson 3-Gun at the Pueblo West Sportsman Association range the last weekend in June. Nine stages in one and a half days. Lots of fun. It’ll definitely inspire some stages for our summer 3-gun this year and maybe we’ll have an SHFC team at J3G next year. Sherry Woodard tagged along to watch but so enjoyed the action and inspired by the women shooters there, she wants to shoot the match next year. Here are some pictures. First 3 are on stage 1, a rifle and shotgun slug stage. Lower right is Brian at the start of stage 4, a long range rifle stage with pepper poppers and steel plate flash targets out to 400 yards.

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

Practical Pistol

Practical Pistol meets Wednesday nights. Setup starts at 4:45 pm and shooting starts at 5:00 pm after the safety orientation. Our Wednesday night shoots are informal USPSA/IPSC/IDPA type stages. The game is accuracy and speed and we emphasize safety and fun. On the 3rd Wednesdays of the month, we have a tactical shotgun stage along with the pistol. The 4th Wednesday nights is .22 rimfire night. Call Mike Sullivan (303-977-3478)

High Power

Here are results from recent May and June matches:

The May 29 match was a “Vintage” match, results as follows:


12 June 2009


The SHFC High Power matches are conducted every off-Friday, finishing by noon or 1 PM. We welcome all types of high power service or match rifles; some choose to shoot the Garand or M1A but the AR15 is the choice of most. The club has three AR15s, a Garand, two shooting mats, and a spotting scope with stand which are available to use during matches.

Check the club website for the regional schedule as well as articles for the aspiring High Power competitor. For further information, or to check out club equipment, please call Gene Adamson (1-1531) or Dennis Casey (1-7197) with any questions.

The next Garand/Vintage match will be held on July 24th. So spruce up your Springfields and grease up your Garands. Bring out your Mosins, Mausers or any other WWI or WWII service rifle veterans to this popular activity. We’ll be shooting a 55 round course of fire so plan your ammunition requirements accordingly. For more information or to borrow the club Garand call Corey Kroll (7-5507) or Gene Adamson (1-1531).


SHFC will once again be offering a youth shooting sports program this year. This will consist of Firearm Safety Training, Small Bore Rifle, High Power Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loading. We will also be hosting Boy Scout shooting events. The programs are COED, and open to all youths between the ages of 12 through 19 and who have a valid safety or NRA firearms safety card in their possession for admittance to the SHFC range. A parental permission form is required.


Small Bore Shoot – Saturday July 25th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the pistol house. NRA four position rifle. Bolt Action iron sight .22 rifles only. Club rifles and ammo will be available. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@


Youth Shotgun Shoot- Saturday July 4th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Loaner Shotguns are available in 12 ga as well as 20 ga youth models. Light target ammo available at $6.50/ box or you may bring your own. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@

The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We also have an opportunity to register one or more teams (5) in the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Scholastic Trap Program. These teams will participate in the Colorado State Shoot. Winners at the state level will get an expenses paid trip to the Grand American Tournament. If you have an interest in the Shotgun Program contact: Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 olbullets@ He will provide you with the details and sign up information.


Muzzle Loading News and Score Sheet

The Muzzle Loaders did not shoot in June. We will shoot in July. If interested, come on out to our next shoot on Saturday, July 11th, 2009, with a start time of 9:00 AM. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz at ext 7-7827.

Skeet shooting

Weekly Tuesday evening skeet shooting has resumed. Shooting will start at approximately 4:15 and will continue until everyone is done. Please contact Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 with any questions. Please note that there won’t be any skeet shooting on Tuesday July 21. We are scheduling an off Friday shoot on 7/10. Shooting will start at 11:00.

The low house concrete pad replacement project has been completed. Only minor odds and ends remain to be done. Thank you to all of you who helped make this a success.

Trap Season

Trap shoot occurs weekly on Thursday evenings. Meet at the shotgun range at 4:00 pm and we shoot until everyone is done. Please contact Ray Schwindt at (303) 985-8072 if you have any questions.


We have 22 RF and High Power silhouette matches running. All new shooters are always welcome. Schedule is 1st Saturday of the month is 22 RF and the 3rd Saturday of the month for CF. Start time is 9:00 am at the 200 yard range. For more info call Ron Gorski @ 303-977-8474 or 303-904-8196 or Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.

Results for the June 6th Rimfire Silhouette match:

|Date: |6/6/2009 | |Start Time: |9:00am | | | |

|  |Position |Range |Animal |Shots |Possible | | |

|1 |Standing Offhand | 40 yds |Chickens |10 |10 | | |

|2 |Standing Offhand | 60 yds |Pigs |10 |10 | | |

|3 |Standing Offhand | 75 yds |Turkeys |10 |10 | | |

|4 |Standing Offhand |100 yds |Rams |10 |10 | | |

| | | | |Total Possible Score |40 | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|  |

|  |  |Course Scores |  |

|No. |Shooter |Chickens |Pigs |Turkeys |Rams |Total |Place |

|1 |Ken Boetcher |2 |5 |1 |1 |9 |3 |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |


The .22 rimfire sporter match which was to be held on Saturday, May 2nd was cancelled due to unfavorable weather for a second month in a row. The next match is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th following the .22 rimfire silhouette match at approximately noon. This activity is similar in format to the high-power service rifle competition and will follow the guidelines described in the Civilian Marksmanship Program guide.

To encourage participation, SHFC will allow ANY rifle capable of firing .22 long rifle ammunition, either bolt action, magazine fed, or, semi-automatic. Any type of sights or scopes of no more than 6 X are allowable. (Variable power scopes which go beyond 6X, can be set to 6X max.) The match will be fired at distances of 50 and 25 yards using paper targets and will consist of unlimited sighting shots followed by 60 shots for record in position stages of prone, sitting or kneeling, and standing.

No special equipment is required but a spotting scope or binoculars may be helpful during the sighting stage and a mat or carpet runner would be helpful for the prone and sitting stages. The club can provide these if one is not handy. This event is for both beginners and experienced shooters of all ages and is a fun, low cost activity which will definitely improve your marksmanship skills. This match will continue on the 1st Saturday of every month, following the .22 rimfire silhouette match, beginning sometime around noon. For more information or any questions, call Corey Kroll @ 7-5507 or Gene Adamson @ 1-1531.

Results for the June 6th Rimfire Sporter match:



Redding Reloading

SHFC has a dealer account with Redding reloading equipment and our discount will be 50% off of the retail price in 2009.  Their web address is redding-  Email me your order to my home email or call, and I will process it.  I believe Redding makes the best reloading equipment and you won’t find a better deal anywhere. Their competition equipment is outstanding.  Thanks.  Vito 303-730-3459  medeangelis78@


We are currently working on updating the aluminum boat fishing fleet. Currently the club has a 14’ Mirrorcraft aluminum boat and trailer with a 25hp 4 stroke Yamaha and a 16’ Lund aluminum boat and trailer with a 25hp two stroke Evinrude. We also have a 16’ Coleman canoe for club member use. All boats are supplied with appropriate safety gear and life vests. These boats should be available for use sometime mid May. There is a minimal maintenance charge of $10/day or $50/week for use of the boats and $5/day or $20/week for the canoe. For additional information….contact Bob Cohan @ 7-4573

Legislative Action

From our new Legislative Action Chair, James Cathcart, 303-977-7263 or james.a.cathcart@

Legislative Action (July 2009)

Tennessee Expands Gun Rights, New York Times, June 15, 2009

Cities and counties across Tennessee are preparing this week to deal with the fallout from a raft of pro-gun bills recently signed into law in the state, where Republicans are flexing their new-found strength in the legislature. Among the new laws is one that would allow people who have gun permits to carry guns in all public parks in the state. Another would exempt from federal regulation guns and ammunition made in Tennessee and kept within its borders.

To view the entire article, go to

23 State Attorneys General To Attorney General Holder: "No Semi-Auto Ban", NRA ILA, June 12, 2009

On June 11, the top law enforcement officials of nearly half the states signed a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, expressing their opposition to reinstatement of the federal ban on semi-automatic firearms. The letter notes congressional opposition to bringing back the ban, and calls for increasing enforcement of existing laws. 

To view the entire article, go to .

NRA Appeals Seventh Circuit Ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, NRA ILA, June 03, 2009

Today, the National Rifle Association filed a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of NRA v. Chicago. The NRA strongly disagrees with yesterday's decision issued by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, holding that the Second Amendment does not apply to state and local governments.

To view the entire article, go to .

Western States Want Reins on Federal Power, Los Angeles Times, June 16, 2009

Frustrated by the expanded power of Washington, a growing number of state lawmakers are defying the federal government and passing legislation aimed at rolling back the reach of Congress and President Obama. While many measures are symbolic ones declaring the sovereignty of states, some Westerners are taking more dramatic steps. One Utah lawmaker wants to limit federal law enforcement in his state. In Montana, legislators enacted a bill that flagrantly ignores federal firearm restrictions, hoping to force a constitutional showdown. Supporters of the bill want the Supreme Court to eliminate gun controls and, eventually, curtail Washington's ability to set policy on a wide range of issues, including education, civil rights, law enforcement and land use.

To view the entire article, go to .

Update On Pending Federal Legislation, NRA ILA, June 05, 2009

There are a number of pro-gun bills pending in Congress that require your attention and action. Please review these legislative initiatives and be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121, and your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and urge them to cosponsor and support these measures.

• S. 941/H.R. 2296-- the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act." This bill would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. These bipartisan bills are a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.

• H.R. 197-- the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act." This bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state, to carry a concealed firearm in any other state if the permit holder meets certain criteria.

• H.R. 442-- The "Veterans' Heritage Firearms Act." This legislation would provide a 90-day amnesty period during which veterans and their family members could register firearms acquired overseas between June 26, 1934, and Oct. 31, 1968, without fear of prosecution

• H.R. 1074 -- "The Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act." This bill would remove several antiquated and unnecessary restrictions imposed on interstate firearms business since 1968.

For more information on any of these proposed bills, go to .

Gun Rulings Open Way to Supreme Court Review, New York Times, June 16, 2009

A year ago, the United States Supreme Court issued a landmark decision establishing the constitutional right of Americans to own guns. But the justices did not explain what the practical effect of that ruling would be on city and state gun laws. Some experts predict gun rights could be expanded. Could a city still ban handguns? The justices said the District of Columbia could not, but only because it is a special federal district. The question of the constitutionality of existing city and state gun laws was left unanswered. That left a large vacuum for the lower courts to fill. Supporters of gun rights filed a flurry of lawsuits to strike down local gun restrictions, and now federal appeals courts have begun weighing in on this divisive issue, using very different reasoning. One court this month upheld Chicago’s ban on automatic weapons and concealed handguns, while in April a California court disagreed on the constitutional issue. The differing opinions mean that the whole issue of city and state gun laws will probably head back to the Supreme Court for clarification, leading many legal experts to predict a further expansion of gun rights.

To view the entire article, go to

Report: US Not Doing Enough Against Gun Smuggling, The Associated Press, June 18, 2009

Two federal agencies are being faulted for not coordinating their efforts against border gunrunners, a failure one lawmaker says made it easier for Mexican drug cartels to smuggle illegal weapons from the United States. The Government Accountability Office criticized Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for not working together to stop the flow of guns into Mexico. In testimony prepared for a House subcommittee hearing, the GAO noted that the two agencies only recently stepped up their coordination with each other and with their Mexican counterparts to stop gunrunning along the border.

To view the entire article, go to .

Fishing News update

From our Fishing Chair Mike Pfeifer:

Well the SHFC fishing contest is off to a rousing start! Apparently the fish are not cooperating since to date we have only received a couple of inquiries regarding potential entries but, nothing to post on the website yet. Guess I will have to post our own entry to get this thing started. Wife and I took our boat up to William Fork the first part of June hoping to snag one of those 14+ pound Northern Pike a few of the locals have been mentioning. No luck with the Pike but did happen to hook a few small Lake Trout and a decent Kokanee. We put the Lakers back and kept the Kokanee. Tried Lake Granby the following day and caught a bunch of Rainbows in the 14 - 16 inch range along with a couple smaller Kokanee. Needless to say my wife out fished me as usual. We did manage to land a beautiful Brookie, the first either of us have ever seen, quite a fighter too! Maybe we'll enter it in the contest? Now where the heck are those Walleye hiding!!

For details of our fishing contest for club members and their immediate family please contact Mike Pfeifer at 303-977-6609 or michael.w.pfeifer@. The contest rules and entry form is posted on the SHFC website, , and we will periodically post catch photos received as the year progresses along with leading point scores.


(Please contact Walter at walter.w.tang@ for additions or changes.) RULES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless I hear from you. No exceptions. The new ads will be listed first in the order I receive them. Send me the ad at least one week before the end of the month to make sure it gets included in the next month’s newsletter.

For Sale: For Sale: 3 boxes, 100 bullets each, Sierra, .243 cal., 70 gr., HPBT. Midway mail order price is $21.49 per box. Local stores, $30.00 plus. I will sell for $15.00 per box. Call Bob Richardson at 303.979.5862, if no answer please leave a message. (7/09)

For Sale: M1 Garand, S/N 1,990,xxx, purchased in 1990. Springfield Armory- Late 1943 production. Has not been fired since I have owned it. Comes with 10 new clips and 1-5 round clip, 1 cleaning kit and 2 books by Jim Thompson. Have original DD-1149 & DD-1349. $1300. Ed Clas, 303-979-1528.(7/09)

For Sale: Please contact Paul Nadler at (303) 971-7168, Paul.nadler@ if interested. (7/09)


(Left) AR-15, mint, new, untouched 1968 Colt SP-1.  This weapon was bought in 1968 at Big 5 Sporting Goods by a friend of mine.  He never fired it, neither have I. I have another I’ve been shooting for years.  The cheapest similar AR-15 was a really pretty used one at a gun show for $1600.00. This one’s $1200.00

(Right) L1A1 British inch pattern 7.62 Nato/.308.  Lightly used in perfect condition.  This weapon is set up and sighted in.  It is a Century Arms import with the Imbel receiver.  I am the original owner.  It comes with 3 inch pattern magazines (the metric ones won’t work in the L1A1).   $750.00.

[pic] [pic]

(Left) The ever adaptable Thompson Center Contender.  It comes with .223 with scope, .22LR, .44MAG with scope, .40 CAL Black Powder or Pyrodex with scope rings.  All the barrels are in outstanding condition.  The action is factory tight.  It can be converted from rifle to pistol.  The weapon is very very nice, the buttstock does show some wear.  $600.00.

(Right) Would you like a magazine while you wait?  This is a MAC-10 equipped with K-VAR bullpup furniture.  I am the original owner.  It is all sorted out and sighted in.  Light long trigger pull.  The shortest legal MAC-10 you can own.  Comfortable firing position.  The original stock and lock are also supplied.  The swap is not difficult.  This weapon is equipped with 7-30 rd, 2-5 rd and an 80 round drum!.  The magazines are worth more than the weapon.  $500.00.


The Russian SKS 7.62X39 Civil Defense rifle.  I am the original American owner.  These were manufactured at the Tula Armory in the Soviet Union and refurbished for Civil Defense in the ‘60s.  About a Zillion of these were imported to the US after the fall of the Soviet Union (ever seen the Lord of War?).  Excellent example with attached bayonet.  $350.00

For Sale: Federal 209A primers, 8 boxes of 100 each, $3.00 per box.. Norm Viste 303-904-1828 normviste@ (6/09)

For Sale: S&W 686 stainless steel 357 magnum 6 shot revolver, 2.5” barrel, Hogue mono-grip, two speedloaders, trigger job –very smooth $650.00. Mike Browning 303 379-3302 or Michael.browning@ (6/09)

Wanted: Single stage press, bare-bones, no dies needed. Contact John Goggin @ 208.874.3232. alpinist@ (5/09)

For Sale: Beretta 92FS 9 MM pistol. Brand new, in cardboard and plastic boxes with all papers, cleaning brush and two 15 round Beretta magazines. $600. Contact Don Hodder, 303-278-2949, dongolden@ .(5/09)

For Sale: Dozier hunting knife, model Yukon Pro Skinner, Style K16, black micarta handle. The basic Dozier model that usually takes months to get. See basic information at or . Never used, bought this one and a different model and the other one fits my hand better. Get it for the standard $215, but no waiting and no shipping. Bryan Bachman at 1-9339 or bryan.bachman@ .(5/09)

For Sale: Once fired rifle and pistol brass: different kinds, from .25 Auto to .375 H&H, and too much to list. Let me know what you’re interested in & I’ll see what I’ve got. Thanks. Vito 303-977-9527 (5/09)



Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | | | | |July 1st

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED



Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 SASS

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED |3rd


Range is open |4th

22 RF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474


22 RF Sporter Match

12:00–3:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507


Youth Shotgun

@ Shotgun range 9 am to 1 pm Bill Wilson 3-979-4547 | |5th


SHFC Board Meeting

5:15 pm at Clubhouse.

PP Lite

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Dave 303-932-4822



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 |8th

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. (SG) Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED |9th


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 |10th


High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531


11 am Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367

Archery Range Work Party

9 am to 1 pm

Jim Gilmore

303-620-6230 |11th

Muzzleloader Shoot

@ 200 yard range 9:00 am start. Ken Ruiz 303-977-7827


| |12th


PP Ladies

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED

Makeup Safety Briefing

5:30 pm @ clubhouse. Must RSVP, Gene 303-971-1531 |14th


4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367


Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Shotgun night. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED PPITH

6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531


100/200 range, 8 pm start Cathcart 303-977-7263 |16th


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072


Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED |17th


CF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 noon @ 200 yard range

Ron 7-8474



8 am to 1 pm @ Pistol House. Gene 303-971-1531



@ Shotgun range 9 am to 1 pm Bill Wilson 3-979-4547 | |19th

Summer 3-Gun

9 am to 12 pm 100 and 200 yard range. Walter 303-977-6474 RESTRICTED |20th

PP Lite

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Dave 303-932-4822


6 pm to 10 pm @ Clubhouse Gene 303-971-1531 |21st


No shoot for this week |22nd

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Rimfire night. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED Archery Hunter Ed

SHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 |23rd


Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 Archery Hunter Ed

SHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 |24th


Vintage High Power Match

09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531

Archery Range Work Party

9 am to 1 pm

Jim Gilmore

303-620-6230 |25th

Youth Smallbore

@ Pistol House 9 am to 1 pm

Bill Wilson



Archery Hunter Ed

Archery range 8 am to 2 pm . Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983 RESTRICTED | |26th


PP Ladies

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED



4:15 pm Shotgun range. Tim Anderson 303-269-5367 Archery Hunter Briefing

SHFC Clubhouse at 5 pm. Mitch Arnold 3-972-8983 |29th

Practical Pistol

5 to 7 pm Pistol House. Mike 303-977-3478 RESTRICTED



Shotgun range, 4 pm start Ray 303-985-8072 SASS

Pistol House, 5 to 7 pm Tom 303-971-5493 RESTRICTED |31st

|August 1st

22 RF Metal Silhouette

9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474


22 RF Sporter Match

12:00–3:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507


| |

SHFC July 2009 Calendar


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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