Call for ProposalsTexas Association for Teacher Educators (TxATE)Virtual Summer Conference, Austin TexasJune 15, 2021The Texas Association for Teacher Educators invites professional teacher educators, teachers, teachers in special positions, and graduate students to submit a presentation at the TxATE Virtual Summer Conference.TxATE membership is a requirement for all presenters.Presentations should address issues related to one of the following topics: Best Practices and Innovations in Teacher Preparation Alternative Certification Field-Based Learning Educator Preparation Advocacy Accountability and Certification Presentations will take place in 50-minute Thematic Round-Table Discussions. Presenters should plan to share the time slot with another presentation at the same table. Proposal Submission and Deadline: Please submit your proposal electronically to Karen Dunlap at kdunlap@twu.edu by May 15, 2021. Please contact Dr. Dunlap with any questions. Here is the link for proposals: 2021 Summer TxATE Conference Proposals In addition to filling out the above, please submit the following to kdunlap@twu.edu. Document should include each of the following components and be saved with the presenter’s name. Presentation topic relevant to proposal Title of presentation Name(s) of presenter(s) Title(s) University affiliate Email address Phone number Abstract: (No longer than 100 words) Summary: Describe research/presentation topic (maximum of 750 words) Texas Association for Teacher Educators (TxATE)Summer Conference, Austin TexasJune 15, 2021St. Edward’s University -1142999525Presenter Notes Agreement Your submission indicates agreement to the following: 1. I understand that all presenters will be required to pay a registration fee. Registration form and fee must be received by June 1, 2021 in order for name and session to be listed in the conference program.2. I understand presenters must be current members of TxATE, joining or renewing by June 1, 2021. Membership in ATE does not qualify. 3.? I understand that incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.4.? I understand I may not use any conference presentation to market products or services before, during, or after presentation.5.? I understand the presentations take place in 50- minute Thematic Round-Table Discussions. Presenters should plan to share the time slot with another presentation at the same table. Note: Honoraria or travel expense reimbursement will not be provided for any presenter submitting through the "Call for Proposals." ................

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