IMPORTANT - Velg Training

RPL Assessor Kit


Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations)

Editable version

Skills First RPL Assessor Kits are developed by the State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) and are based on the Skills First philosophy of providing client focussed, streamlined, and flexible RPL.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) is the copyright owner of material contained within the original RPL Assessor Kit.

Permission is given to Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt this RPL Assessor Kit for their organisation’s RPL assessment purposes, provided such use, reproduction or adaptation is for non-commercial purposes.

The State of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts) disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the use of the material (in either original or modified format) and will not be responsible for any loss, howsoever arising, from use of, or reliance on this material.

The original version of this RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at

If you would like any further information, please email


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation and Record of Conversation Sheets

You use this section to determine and record candidate competence via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.


Assessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.


This RPL Assessor Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations) by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the qualification is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:


Some individual competency standards may be subject to licensing arrangements before training is commenced or before undertaking related work in the industry. Other standards may require licenses for those responsible for delivery and assessment.

Employability Skills

Assessment of a candidate’s employability skills should be integrated into the assessment of their technical skills and knowledge. Where possible, employability skills have been embedded within the bank of questions and practical assessment tasks in this RPL Assessor Kit. Therefore, assessors should make and document holistic judgements about a candidate’s attainment of employability skills as part of the RPL assessment. For more information about the employability skills requirements for particular qualifications, refer to the training package.

To access further general information on employability skills, refer to Employability Skills: From framework to practice, at:


Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations)


|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|BCCCM1001C |Follow OH&S policies and procedures |( |( |

|BCCCM1002B |Conduct workplace communication |( |( |

|BCCCM1003B |Plan and organise work |( |( |

|BCCCM1004B |Carry out measurements and calculations |( |( |

|BCCCM1005B |Handle construction materials and safely dispose of non-toxic materials|( |( |

|BCCCM2001B |Use civil construction hand and power tools |( |( |

|BCCCM2002C |Use small plant and equipment |( |( |

|BCCCM2003B |Read and interpret plans and specifications |( |( |

|BCCCM2004B |Drain and dewater site |( |( |

|BCCCM2005B |Carry out manual excavation |( |( |

|BCCCM2006B |Support plant operations |( |( |

|BCCCM2007B |Spread and compact materials manually |( |( |

|BCCCM2008B |Carry out basic levelling |( |( |

|BCCCM2014B |Identify, locate and protect underground services |( |( |


|Unit Code |Unit Name |Questions |Practical |

|BCCPO3001C |Conduct backhoe/loader operations |( |( |

|BCCPO3003B |Conduct excavator operations |( |( |

|BCCPO3008B |Conduct skid steer loader operations |( |( |


|Unit Code |Unit Name |Questions |Practical |

|BCCPO3012B |Conduct tip truck operations |( |( |

|BCCPO3013B |Conduct roller operations |( |( |


|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|BCCCM2012B |Carry out concrete work |( |( |

|BCCCM2013C |Control traffic with a stop-slow bat |( |( |

|BCCCM3005B |Carry out site based risk control processes |( |( |

|BCCRC2001B |Repair potholes |( |( |

|BCCRC2008B |Lay pipes |( |( |

|BCGCM2007B |Use explosive power tools (EPT) |( |( |

|BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms |( |( |

|BCGSF2003B |Cut and bend materials using Oxy/LPG equipment |( |( |


This RPL Assessor Kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.



1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the Construction industry as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

← any licences (vehicle, MR, HR or HC, etc)

← Detailed CV or work history

← Certificates/Results of any prior Training/Assessment relevant to this Qualification

← Indentures/Trade Papers

← Certificates/Results of Assessment – universities

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – vendor training courses

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – in house courses

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc

← Results/Statements of Attendance/ Certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, Surf Life Saving, etc

← tickets held – eg. Backhoe/loader, grader, roller, excavator, compactor, skid steer, chainsaw, scraper, confined spaces, traffic controller, WHSO, WHSO reps

← signed logbook for operation of backhoe

← signed logbook for operation of a roller

← Photographs of work undertaken eg during construction, completed jobs etc and to be verified by an Employer Representative in charge of the respective work

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← site training records

← site induction records

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← industry awards

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualification:

BCC30607 Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations)

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.


Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process.

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |Documents |3rd Party |Other |

| | | | | |Report |evidence |

|BCCCM1001C |Follow OH&S policies and procedures | | | | | |

|BCCCM1002B |Conduct workplace communication | | | | | |

|BCCCM1003B |Plan and organise work | | | | | |

|BCCCM1004B |Carry out measurements and calculations | | | | | |

|BCCCM1005B |Handle construction materials and safely dispose of non-toxic | | | | | |

| |materials | | | | | |

|BCCCM2001B |Use civil construction hand and power tools | | | | | |

|BCCCM2002C |Use small plant and equipment | | | | | |

|BCCCM2003B |Read and interpret plans and specifications | | | | | |

|BCCCM2004B |Drain and dewater site | | | | | |

|BCCCM2005B |Carry out manual excavation | | | | | |

|BCCCM2006B |Support plant operations | | | | | |

|BCCCM2007B |Spread and compact materials manually | | | | | |

|BCCCM2008B |Carry out basic levelling | | | | | |

|BCCCM2014B |Identify, locate and protect underground services | | | | | |

|GROUP A UNIT (choose only 1) |

|BCCPO3001C |Conduct backhoe/loader operations | | | | | |

|BCCPO3003B |Conduct excavator operations | | | | | |

|BCCPO3008B |Conduct skid steer loader operations | | | | | |

|GROUP B UNIT (choose 2) |

|BCCPO3012B |Conduct tip truck operations | | | | | |

|BCCPO3013B |Conduct roller operations | | | | | |

|ELECTIVE UNITS (choose 4) |

|BCCCM2012B |Carry out concrete work | | | | | |

|BCCCM2013C |Control traffic with a stop-slow bat | | | | | |

|BCCCM3005B |Carry out site based risk control processes | | | | | |

|BCCRC2001B |Repair potholes | | | | | |

|BCCRC2008B |Lay pipes | | | | | |

|BCGCM2007B |Use explosive power tools (EPT) | | | | | |

|BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms | | | | | |

|BCGSF2003B |Cut and bend materials using Oxy/LPG equipment | | | | | |

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:



Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.


A plant operator in the civil construction industry will work in basic civil construction site activities, operating a range of plant equipment. Plant operators drive backhoes, bulldozers, excavators, front-end loaders, graders, scrapers, skid steer loaders, rollers and forklift trucks to level, excavate, move and load earth, rock and other material.

A plant operator may perform the following tasks:

• prepare machines for operation

• load and unload equipment from low loaders and move it around work sites

• select, change and operate special attachments such as winches, scrub clearers, rippers, pile drivers and rock-breaking hammers

• work from drawings and markers under the direction of supervisors and engineers

• back-fill trenches

• break up paving, rock and similar material by operating hydraulic or pneumatic breakers

• excavate or scrape earth, rock or rubble to the correct level and alignment

• load trucks with excavated fill

• drive machines to and from work sites

• service equipment by cleaning, lubricating and re-fuelling it and make minor adjustments and repairs when necessary

• maintain duty of care for other users and work to occupational health and safety requirements.

The work conditions for mobile plant operators can be hot, muddy, dusty and noisy, but most earthmoving machines have soundproofed and air-conditioned cabs for the operator.

Personal Requirements:

• enjoy practical and manual work

• able to follow precise instructions

• able to work as part of a team

• physically fit

• good eyesight

• good hand-eye coordination

• able to work without supervision.


To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any construction industry shops or facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skills level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with your training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in the construction industry. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.


Step 1 – Provide information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in the construction industry as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

← Any licences (vehicle, MR, HR or HC, etc)

← Detailed CV or Work History

← Certificates/Results of any prior Training/Assessment relevant to this Qualification

← Indentures/Trade Papers

← Certificates/Results of Assessment – universities

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – vendor training courses

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – in house courses

← Results/Statement of Attendance/ Certificates – workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc

← Results/Statements of Attendance/ Certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, Surf Life Saving, etc

← tickets held – eg. Backhoe/loader, grader, roller, excavator, compactor, skid steer, chainsaw, scraper, confined spaces, traffic controller, WHSO, WHSO reps

← signed logbook for operation of backhoe

← signed logbook for operation of a roller

← Photographs of work undertaken eg during construction, completed jobs etc and to be verified by an Employer Representative in charge of the respective work

← Diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← Site training records

← Site induction records

← Membership of relevant professional associations

← Hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← References/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← Industry awards

← Any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer construction industry related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical demonstration of your skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

Further steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

|APPLICATION – Self Assessment Questionnaire |

|BCC30607 Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations) |

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |I have performed these tasks |

| | |Frequently |Sometimes |Never |


|BCCCM1001C |Follow OH&S policies and procedures | | | |

|BCCCM1002B |Conduct workplace communication | | | |

|BCCCM1003B |Plan and organise work | | | |

|BCCCM1004B |Carry out measurements and calculations | | | |

|BCCCM1005B |Handle construction materials and safely dispose of non-toxic | | | |

| |materials | | | |

|BCCCM2001B |Use civil construction hand and power tools | | | |

|BCCCM2002C |Use small plant and equipment | | | |

|BCCCM2003B |Read and interpret plans and specifications | | | |

|BCCCM2004B |Drain and dewater site | | | |

|BCCCM2005B |Carry out manual excavation | | | |

|BCCCM2006B |Support plant operations | | | |

|BCCCM2007B |Spread and compact materials manually | | | |

|BCCCM2008B |Carry out basic levelling | | | |

|BCCCM2014B |Identify, locate and protect underground services | | | |


|BCCPO3001C |Conduct backhoe/loader operations | | | |

|BCCPO3003B |Conduct excavator operations | | | |

|BCCPO3008B |Conduct skid steer loader operations | | | |


|BCCPO3012B |Conduct tip truck operations | | | |

|BCCPO3013B |Conduct roller operations | | | |


|BCCCM2012B |Carry out concrete work | | | |

|BCCCM2013C |Control traffic with a stop-slow bat | | | |

|BCCCM3005B |Carry out site based risk control processes | | | |

|BCCRC2001B |Repair potholes | | | |

|BCCRC2008B |Lay pipes | | | |

|BCGCM2007B |Use explosive power tools (EPT) | | | |

|BCGCM3001B |Operate elevated work platforms | | | |

|BCGSF2003B |Cut and bend materials using Oxy/LPG equipment | | | |

Candidate Signature: Date:


Applicant Details:

|1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in | |

|2 Personal Details |

|Surname | |

|Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) | |

|First Name/s | |

|Any other name used | |

|Home Address | |

| | |

|Postal address if different from above | |

| | |

|Telephone Numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Date of Birth | / / |

|Gender |MALE ( / FEMALE ( |

|Age | |

|Are you a permanent Resident of Australia |YES ( / NO ( |

|3 Current Employment |

| |YES ( / NO ( |

|Are you currently employed? | |

| |……………………………………………………… |

|If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed? | |

| | |

|Who is your current employer? |………………………………………………………. |

|4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable) |

|Branch of Service | |

|Trade classification on discharge | |

|5. Further Training |

|Have you undertaken any training courses related to the |YES ( / NO ( |

|occupation applied for? | |

|If Yes | |

|What occupation were you trained in? | |

|Training completion Date (month, year) | |

|Country where you trained | |

|Name of course and institution (if applicable) | |

|6. Is there any further information you wish to give in| |

|support of your application | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation) |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |


|Name, Address and Phone |Period of Employment |Position Held |Full Time |Description of Major Duties |

|number of Employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |Part-time | |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

|Document Description |Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific |

|(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc) |units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date


Competency Conversation and Record of Conversation Sheets

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.


Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

|Unit of Competency |Question |

|Generic Questions |Name some of the general safety hazards in the civil construction industry that you have encountered on the job. What |

|BCCCM1001C |general actions have you taken to minimise hazards and risk as you work? |

|Follow OH&S policies and |Outline the site safety rules on your current (most recent) job site. |

|procedures |Outline your workplace/site emergency procedures. Who is the site safety officer on your current job? Where is the |

| |emergency congregation point? |

| |How have you kept up to date with first aid techniques and CPR? Outline what you would do to attend to someone |

| |suffering a workplace injury. |

| |How have you kept up-to-date regarding fire fighting techniques? What basic steps should you take to control a fire |

| |onsite? |

|Generic Questions |What are some of the sources of information you routinely access to complete your work? |

|BCCCM1002B |Outline work situations in which you were required to receive and act upon instructions and/or messages. How did you |

|Conduct workplace |ensure you clearly received instructions/messages and responded appropriately? |

|communication |What visual signals and communication equipment do you use? |

| |What is your role in workplace meetings? What type of meetings have you attended in the last six months? How were the |

| |action items noted or recorded? |

|Generic Questions |Give an example of the methods you have used to sequence your work effectively within your work role. |

|BCCCM1003B |Discuss priorities in your work and what variations might you make – for example, in bad weather. |

|Plan and organise work |Discuss how you have cleaned up a site at the end of the day. How were different wastes disposed of? |

|BCCCM1004B |What sort of calculations have you been required to make in your workplace? |

|Carry out measurements |How do you check and record your calculations? |

|and calculations | |

|BCCCM1005B |What considerations do you take account of when handling construction materials? |

|Handle construction |Outline some of the manual handling techniques you routinely apply when shifting small loads? |

|materials and safely |How are different materials stored and disposed of in your work environment? |

|dispose of non-toxic | |

|materials | |

|BCCCM2001B |Describe some of the hand and power tools that you have used in your work and their application. Explain how you |

|Use civil construction |identified and selected the correct tools to prepare for a job? |

|hand and power tools |When using tools, what are some of the safety actions you observe? |

| |How do you care for, and maintain, the tools you use? |

|BCCCM2002B |Describe some of the small plant and equipment used in your workplace. Discuss the operating procedures for this |

|Use small plant and |equipment. |

|equipment |When using small plant and equipment on site, discuss how you operate the machines to ensure own safety and that of |

| |others. |

| |Outline the procedures you generally follow for start up and shut down of plant and equipment. |

| |Outline what maintenance you have performed (or should perform) on small plant. |

|BCCCM2003B |Discuss some of the plans and specifications you have used? |

|Read and interpret plans |What information do you get off these plans? |

|and specifications |Why are specifications important? |

|BCCCM2004B |Using an example from your experience, discuss how you drained and dewatered a work site. |

|Drain and dewater site |Discuss a different example of draining a site where you faced particular challenges and difficulties. How did you |

| |resolve them? |

|BCCCM2005B |Discuss a manual excavation you have performed – eg. digging trenches. What preparations and precautions were |

|Carry out manual |required? |

|excavations |What range of soil types have you encountered when manually excavating. How did you alter your excavation method for |

| |different soil types? |

|BCCCM2006B |Describe how you have supported plant operators on your work site eg as a spotter. What did you routinely do to assist|

|Support plant operations |the plant operators? |

|BCCCM2007B |Discuss a range of hand operated mechanical compaction machine you have used. What were the different types, |

|Spread and compact |characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations of those machines? |

|materials manually |Discuss examples of where you have spread and compacted materials manually using two different compaction techniques. |

|BCCCM2008B |Explain how you have used dumpy levels in a variety of basic levelling works. How did you establish datum points and |

|Carry out basic levelling|take required readings? |

|BCCCM2014B |Explain how you identify and locate underground services prior to a job? |

|Identify locate and |How do you protect underground services during the job? What do you do if you damage an underground service? |

|protect underground | |

|services | |

|BCCPO3001C |What preparations do you make before commencing a job involving operation of a backhoe,/ excavator / skid steer |

|Conduct backhoe/loader |loader? |

|operations |Describe some of the jobs you have done with a backhoe / excavator / skid steer loader. Outline how you operated the |

|BCCPO3003B |machine to complete the job. |

|Conduct excavator |What post operational checks did you perform on the machine? |

|operations |Discuss how you have transported machines between worksites. |

|BCCPO3008B | |

|Conduct skid steer loader| |

|operations | |

|BCCPO3012B |Describe your experience in operating a tip truck. |

|Conduct tip truck |What factors do you routinely consider during tipping operations? Discuss how you apply some of these. |

|operations |How do you clean and maintain the vehicle after use? |

|BCCPO3013B |Describe some the different rollers you have worked on, their particular application and maintenance requirements. |

|Conduct roller operations|What is your experience in fitting attachments to the roller? Outline the removal and fitting process for two of these|

| |attachments. |

|BCCCM2012B |What type of concreting work have you done? Outline the critical aspects that you considered when planning and setting|

|Carry out concrete work |out a concreting job. |

| |What procedures have you followed to place concrete and how did you finish the work? |

| |When finishing concrete what methods have you applied and what equipment have you used? |

| |What work did you carry out after the concrete had set? |

|BCCCM2013B |Describe your experience in controlling traffic with a Stop-Slow bat. (Prompts: What were your responsibilities? What |

|Control traffic with a |were the traffic control procedures you applied? How did you select a suitable location for setting up the traffic |

|stop –slow bat |flow? What communications systems have you used? How did you ensure your own safety?) |

| |What action have you taken (should you take) when a minor incident occurs? |

|BCCCM3005B |Describe the types of risk assessment processes you have performed on a work site. Use two of examples to illustrate |

|Carry out site based risk|how you evaluated and controlled on-site risks. |

|control processes | |

|BCCRC2001B |Describe the process you would follow to repair a pothole? |

|Repair potholes | |

|BCCRC2008B |Provide 3 examples of where you have laid pipes in different situations. What were the key aspects of laying pipes in |

|Lay Pipes |those particular circumstances? |

|BCGCM2007B |What regulations do you apply to the use, storage, security and maintenance of explosive power tools? |

|Use explosive power tools|What steps do you follow to set out fasteners when fixing a timber plate to a concrete substrate? |

|(EPT) |Explain how you select the correct charge for a fixing a standard timber plate to a concrete substrate and the |

| |procedures you use for operation of the explosive power tool. |

| |What regulated safety procedure do you follow in the event of a misfire? |

| | |

|BCCCM3001B |What are the important points about operating an elevated work platform safely? |

|Operate elevated work | |

|platforms | |

|BCCSF2003B |Explain the range of precautions that you have routinely followed to minimise dangers associated with oxy-LPG cutting |

|Cut and bend materials |procedures? |

|using Oxy-LPG equipment |What are a range tools and PPE equipment have you used to aid the cutting process? |

| |Outline the process you have followed when cutting and bending materials? |


|BCCCM1001C Follow OH&S policies and procedures |


Question 1: Name some of the general safety hazards in the civil construction industry that you have encountered on the job. What general actions have you taken to minimise hazards and risk as you work?

Question 2: Outline the site safety rules on your current (most recent) job site.

Question 3: Outline your workplace/site emergency procedures. Who is the site safety officer on your current job? Where is the emergency congregation point?

Question 4: How have you kept up to date with first aid techniques and CPR? Outline what you would do to attend to someone suffering a workplace injury.

Question 5: How have you kept up-to-date regarding fire fighting techniques? What basic steps should you take to control a fire onsite?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 1 | | | |

| |OHS legislation / safe work practices | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Hazards - other workers and persons; other structures and equipment; machinery; | | | |

|hot materials; hazardous materials; noise; dust; heat; fumes; gases; dangerous | | | |

|goods; chemicals; waste; rubbish; traffic; lifting and carrying; heavy loads; | | | |

|moving vehicles; tools and equipment; sun exposure; inclement weather; | | | |

|overhead/high voltage powerlines; compressed air; underground services; falling | | | |

|objects; uneven/unstable terrain, trees, recently filled trenches; other machines,| | | |

|traffic control, working at heights , worksite visitors and the public | | | |

|Undertakes site induction | | | |

|Routinely identifies and avoids obstacles | | | |

|Erects barricades and follows signage and symbols | | | |

|Follows good housekeeping practices | | | |

|Uses correct manual handling / use of machines for heavy loads / load carrying | | | |

|capacity | | | |

|Uses and maintains personal protective equipment (including sun protection | | | |

|measures for outdoors work) | | | |

|Keeps work area tidy and free of obstruction | | | |

|Uses high visibility clothing/reflective vests | | | |

|Uses noise control measures where appropriate | | | |

|Inspects equipment for damage or worn parts; retires defective equipment | | | |

|Uses guards on equipment | | | |

|Takes emergency/defensive action and techniques for controlling loads; emergency | | | |

|shutdown of equipment | | | |

|Follows work method statement for high risk activities | | | |

|Understands safety hazards (risks to self, others, materials and equipment) | | | |

|Appreciates the value of using PPE to minimise risks | | | |

|Understands the need to report incidents and injuries | | | |

|Question 2 | | | |

|Mandatory PPE such as safety boots, helmets and protective eye ware | | | |

|Site safety plan | | | |

|Access and egress points throughout the site | | | |

|Location for materials storage | | | |

|Location of marshalling areas | | | |

|Location for vehicle parking | | | |

|Positions for standby plant | | | |

|Site speed limits | | | |

|Procedures for reversing (controlled by a banksman) | | | |

|Locations of buried and overhead utilities and other hazards clearly signed | | | |

|Accident and emergency procedures | | | |

|Traffic management schemes and responsibilities | | | |

|Use of amber beacons and relevant signs on vehicles | | | |

|Training requirements for the site | | | |

|Site safety officer | | | |

|Responsibilities of gang members | | | |

|Reports and documents incidents | | | |

|Question 3 | | | |

|Outlines site emergency procedures | | | |

|Identifies evacuation route | | | |

|Identifies exits | | | |

|Names site emergency congregation point | | | |

|Identifies key personnel | | | |

|Knows the direction to the site office or site amenities | | | |

|Knows where first aid and fire extinguishers are kept | | | |

|Follows directions of site warden in case of emergency | | | |

|Question 4 | | | |

|Call ambulance before taking any action | | | |

|CPR to be conducted by a trained person | | | |

|Loss of consciousness or concussion – place patient in recovery position but not | | | |

|in the case of neck or spinal injury – treat for shock and consult a doctor | | | |

|Minor cuts and abrasions – wash clean then swab with antiseptic liquid – dry | | | |

|wound, apply sterile dressing, or cover with small adhesive dressing | | | |

|Burns/scalds – immediate put under running cold water then cover with sterile | | | |

|dressing. Arrange for medical attention. | | | |

|Fractures – preferable to make patient comfortable and wait for ambulance | | | |

|Poisoning – call poison information line and consult a doctor | | | |

|Is up-to-date in first aid training | | | |

|Knows how to recognise different accidents | | | |

|Applies first aid in various situations | | | |

|Knows who to contact in an emergency | | | |

|Updates First Aid annually | | | |

|Explains CPR techniques | | | |

|Follows accident reporting procedures | | | |

|Question 5 | | | |

|Only use extinguishers in controlled circumstances – fire is small and controlled | | | |

|Participates in professional development and fire drills | | | |

|Use of extinguisher: | | | |

|remove safety pin or lock | | | |

|operate squeeze grip release handle | | | |

|attack the fire from up wind | | | |

|direct the spray at leading or near edge of the fire | | | |

|direct spray above the fuel | | | |

|stand back from fire to prevent spreading | | | |

|Large fires: | | | |

|set off fire alarm | | | |

|evacuate worksite | | | |

|call fire department | | | |

|report to allocated area and designated fire safety personnel | | | |


|BCCCM1002B Conduct workplace communication |


Question 6: What are some of the sources of information you routinely access to complete your work?

Question 7: Outline work situations in which you were required to receive and act upon instructions and/or messages. How did you ensure you clearly received instructions/messages and responded appropriately?

Question 8: What visual signals and communication equipment do you use?

Question 9: What is your role in workplace meetings? What type of meetings have you attended in the last six months? How were the action items noted or recorded?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 6 | | | |

| |OHS legislation / safe work practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Respect for persons | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Standard operating procedures | | | |

|Work instructions or job sheets | | | |

|Manufacturers operating instructions | | | |

|Product labels | | | |

|Safety instructions | | | |

|Verbal instructions from supervisor and/or peers | | | |

|Team/workplace meetings | | | |

|Conditions of employment | | | |

|Environmental management plans | | | |

|Question 7 | | | |

|Experience receiving instructions: (from supervisor; written and verbal | | | |

|instructions, work orders, job sheets) | | | |

|Listens to instructions | | | |

|Clarifies purpose and objectives of activity | | | |

|Uses questioning to clarify instructions | | | |

|Uses paraphrasing to ensure understanding / repeats instruction back | | | |

|Responds in a timely manner/as per instructions | | | |

|Behaves courteously to other person | | | |

|Basic reporting responsibilities | | | |

|Question 8 | | | |

|Clarifies hand signals prior to commencement of job | | | |

|Utilises visual signals effectively and routinely | | | |

|Ensures line of sight between signal sender and receiver and clarifies signal when| | | |

|not sure | | | |

|Able to use work site communication devices | | | |

|Uses and follows workplace signage | | | |

|Question 9 | | | |

|Observes meeting procedures | | | |

|Listens to instructions, take notes and provide feedback/ reporting | | | |

|Attends a range of meetings, eg: | | | |

|toolbox meetings – to distribute information regarding a certain job | | | |

|safety meetings – safety issues or updates | | | |

|orientation / induction meetings | | | |

|EBA, union meetings, etc | | | |

|Recognises that different meeting have different agendas and outcomes | | | |

|Understands minuting and recording procedures | | | |


|BCCCM1003B Plan and organise work |


Question 10: Give an example of the methods you have used to sequence your work effectively within your work role.

Question 11: Discuss priorities in your work and what variations might you make – for example, in bad weather.

Question 12: Discuss how you have cleaned up a site at the end of the day. How were different wastes disposed of?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 10 | | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Respect for persons | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Teamwork | | |

| |Task prioritisation | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Assesses job requirements | | | |

|Reads work instructions or job order, plans, drawings or designs, specifications | | | |

|Identifies task outcomes | | | |

|Identifies timeframes | | | |

|Identifies quality requirements | | | |

|Breaks job into smaller tasks | | | |

|Sequences tasks | | | |

|Identifies and orders/collects materials, components, parts | | | |

|Identifies and selects tools and equipment | | | |

|Selects appropriate PPE and safety measures | | | |

|Sets-up work area, including tools and equipment | | | |

|Uses planning techniques: | | | |

|scheduling | | | |

|prioritising | | | |

|setting goals | | | |

|managing time | | | |

|Question 11 | | | |

|Recognises job priorities | | | |

|Able to provide alternate solutions in the event of time delays | | | |

|Considers OH&S and environmental protection practices | | | |

|Question 12 | | | |

|Clears the work area of all waste | | | |

|Secures signage | | | |

|Removes or stacks all loose materials | | | |

|Cleans, maintains, stores and secures equipment | | | |

|Checks tools and equipment for faults and report them to supervisor | | | |

|Secures the site; barricades site if there is a danger to public eg open pits | | | |

|Disposes of waste in an environmentally friendly manner: | | | |

|as per Company Environmental Policy eg spoil material not dumped into drains or | | | |

|water courses | | | |

|takes broken concrete and other rubble to the local tip or as directed | | | |

|recycles materials if possible: eg scrap steel in bin for recyclers | | | |


|BCCCM1004B Carry out measurements and calculations |


Question 13: What sort of calculations have you been required to make in your workplace?

Question 14: How do you check and record your calculations?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 13 | | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Interpretation of concepts and symbols | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Tape to measure lengths of formwork, offsets, kerb and channel etc | | | |

|Dumpy or laser level to checks heights of roads, drainage and record in a level | | | |

|book | | | |

|Perimeters in lineal metres | | | |

|Areas in square metres | | | |

|Volumes in cubic metres | | | |

|Formulas used to calculate materials eg: | | | |

|perimeter of square: Length + Breadth x 2 | | | |

|perimeter of a circle: ( d | | | |

|area of a square: Length x Breadth | | | |

|area of a circle: (r2 | | | |

|volume of cube: Length x Length x Length | | | |

|volume of cylinder: (r 2 x Height/length | | | |

|Question 14 | | | |

|Estimates are taken to make quick calculations | | | |

|Records calculations in notepad or level book to double check for QA purposes | | | |


|BCCCM1005B Handle construction materials and safely dispose of non-toxic materials |


Question 15: What considerations do you take account of when handling construction materials?

Question 16: Outline some of the manual handling techniques you routinely apply when shifting small loads?

Question 17: How are different materials stored and disposed of in your work environment?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 15 | | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Identifies materials to be moved – type, quantity | | | |

|Identifies risks (damage to materials, self) and uses appropriate methods to | | | |

|minimise the risks | | | |

|Determines weight, shape, dimensions, points of balance, power supply (for | | | |

|mechanical lifting) | | | |

|Considers manual handling issues – is assistance of others is required? | | | |

|Considers manual handling risks eg: | | | |

|load to heavy | | | |

|load to awkward | | | |

|reaching, stretching, not using correct posture etc | | | |

|Determines if lifting equipment if required; calculates safety loads | | | |

|Calculates required clearances and plans route | | | |

|Selects tools and equipment | | | |

|Identifies storage locations (source and destination) | | | |

|Uses dogger/rigger practices if using a crane | | | |

|Handling hazardous chemicals as per MSDS | | | |

|Question 16 | | | |

|Response demonstrates regard to: | | | |

|own load bearing capacity | | | |

|distance load has to be lifted | | | |

|twisting | | | |

|frequency of lifting | | | |

|load placement clearance | | | |

|load shape and composition | | | |

|off-centre loads | | | |

|how easy the load is to grip | | | |

|how far the load has to be carried | | | |

|terrain, slopes | | | |

|load balance – centre of gravity, weight distribution | | | |

|capacity of other person in two-handed symmetrical lifting tasks | | | |

|Question 17 | | | |

|Recognises different materials are stored/stacked in different ways eg: | | | |

|pipes are stacked two or more high, chocked and barricaded | | | |

|mesh is stacked and barricaded | | | |

|gravels are stockpiled on a stockpile pad | | | |

|hazardous chemicals are stored as per MSDS’s | | | |

|all other materials stacked as per Company policy | | | |


|BCCCM2001B Use civil construction hand and power tools |


Question 18: Describe some of the hand and power tools that you have used in your work and their application. Explain how you identified and selected the correct tools to prepare for a job?

Question 19: When using tools, what are some of the safety actions you observe?

Question 20: How do you care for, and maintain, the tools you use?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 18 | | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Candidate’s response should illustrate use of a range of: hand tools, power tools | | | |

|and power sources | | | |

|Selects the most ergonomic and efficient tool for job at hand | | | |

|Inspects tools for usability and identifies and reports faulty equipment | | | |

|Understands limitation of the tool | | | |

|Sharpens and shapes tools | | | |

|Uses support or tool positioning brackets as required | | | |

|Selects appropriate power supply (mains, battery pack, compressed air) | | | |

|Question 19 | | | |

|Selects appropriate PPE (eg gloves, safety glasses, footwear) | | | |

|Checks switches and guards are operational/safe | | | |

|Chooses correct settings before use | | | |

|Disconnects power tools before making adjustments | | | |

|Makes sure cords and hoses are connected properly | | | |

|Checks for trailing power cords; unravels cords before use | | | |

|Ensures materials are secure/clamped when cutting, grinding, filing etc with tools| | | |

|Uses tools safely | | | |

|RCD is used where necessary | | | |

|Placement of leads to avoid water, being run over or creating a trip hazard | | | |

|Air hoses are in good condition | | | |

|Tools are connected to leads/hoses prior to switching on power supply | | | |

|Keeps tool in a safe place when not in use | | | |

|Switches power tools off when not in use | | | |

|Use tools for proper use | | | |

|Question 20 | | | |

|Clean and store tools after use | | | |

|Regularly test tools and equipment; tags for faults | | | |

|Roll up leads and cords neatly | | | |

|Maintain equipment log book if appropriate | | | |

|Repair damaged hand tools immediately | | | |

|Arrange repair/service of power tools | | | |

|Keep tool storage area clean, safe, dry and tidy | | | |


|BCCCM2002B Use small plant and equipment |


Question 21: Describe some of the small plant and equipment used in your workplace. Discuss the operating procedures for this equipment.

Question 22: When using small plant and equipment on site, discuss how you operate the machines to ensure own safety and that of others.

Question 23: Outline the procedures you generally follow for start up and shut down of plant and equipment.

Question 24: Outline what maintenance you have performed (or should perform) on small plant.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 21 | | | |

| |Safe work practices | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Identifies a range of plant and equipment | | | |

|Is familiar with operator’s manual, and can identify: | | | |

|equipment capabilities | | | |

|pre-start service requirements | | | |

|pre-start checks for wear/damage | | | |

|guarding on equipment | | | |

|operational procedures | | | |

|post operating maintenance | | | |

|scheduled maintenance | | | |

|Is trained in the equipment’s use prior to operating | | | |

|Question 22 | | | |

|Uses equipment safely and in accordance with manuals | | | |

|Selects right plant and equipment for the job | | | |

|Follows general safety | | | |

|checks for underground cables, pipes and gas lines | | | |

|checks for overhead power lines | | | |

|inspects work area for hidden holes, drop offs or obstacles | | | |

|adopts consistent, safe ground speed for the terrain | | | |

|avoids slopes or unstable surfaces | | | |

|ensures line of sight / visibility | | | |

|ensures safe working load / bucket not overfull | | | |

|watches for dangers – overhanding trees, falling rocks | | | |

|minimises dust and debris | | | |

|Question 23 | | | |

|Start-up | | | |

|fastens seatbelt / adjust seat | | | |

|puts in neutral/park position, sets brake before starting | | | |

|starts equipment | | | |

|checks operation of controls and levers | | | |

|checks lighting systems, safety devices | | | |

|operates at safe speed | | | |

|Shutdown | | | |

|parks on level ground | | | |

|set park brake | | | |

|follow shutdown procedures, idle for cooling if necessary | | | |

|remove key and secure equipment | | | |

|block/chock wheels | | | |

|Question 24 | | | |

|Cleaning of plant before next job | | | |

|Inspection and fault finding as per manufacturer’s specs | | | |

|Routine operational servicing and lubrication tasks | | | |

|Minor maintenance | | | |

|Completing equipment condition reports | | | |


|BCCCM2003B Read and interpret plans and specifications |


Question 25: Discuss some of the plans and specifications you have used?

Question 26: What information do you get off these plans?

Question 27: Why are specifications important?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 25 | | | |

| |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |General housekeeping | | |

|Standard drawings for routine work such as headwalls, guideposts etc | | | |

|Engineering drawings for site specific details | | | |

|Supervisors sketches for smaller detailed jobs | | | |

|Question 26 | | | |

|Title, job number, plan number and version number of plan | | | |

|North point | | | |

|Symbols and abbreviations of details located in legend | | | |

|Key features such as intersections, fences, power poles, services, contours | | | |

|Road construction levels and dimensions | | | |

|Drainage details | | | |

|Cross sections to identify batters and cut/fill details | | | |

|Pavement details including gravel type and depth and bitumen/asphalt surfacing | | | |

|specifications | | | |

|Environmental controls and locations | | | |

|Any other details for ancillary works | | | |

|Question 27 | | | |

|Quality requirements are identified eg: | | | |

|compaction standards | | | |

|vertical and horizontal tolerances | | | |

|gravel types | | | |

|bitumen/asphalt specifications | | | |

|tolerances and finishes | | | |

|Job specifics eg: | | | |

|drainage pipe sizes and class | | | |

|bedding materials | | | |

|backfill materials | | | |

|WH&S Legislation to be followed eg: | | | |

|dust control | | | |

|noise control | | | |

|traffic control | | | |

|protection of public | | | |

|Documentation and site records maintained as per regulations | | | |

|Hours of work as per legislation | | | |


|BCCCM2004B – Drain and Dewater Site |


Question 28: Using an example from your experience, discuss how you drained and dewatered a work site.

Question 29: Discuss a different example of draining a site where you faced particular challenges and difficulties. How did you resolve them?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 28 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Permanent/temporary diversion drains: | | | |

|diverts surface water away from job site through open drains or pipes | | | |

|applies sediment control through the erection of viscreen barriers or hay | | | |

|bales | | | |

|Sumps: | | | |

|locates at the lowest point of job | | | |

|pumps water pumped into a silt trap as per environmental policies | | | |

|uses pumps as per manufacturers recommendations and environmental policies and| | | |

|positions them close to sump or well | | | |

|Fill to low areas: | | | |

|fills depressions with similar material to existing and compacted accordingly | | | |

|Uses geo-fabric or gabions/mattresses as per plans and manufacturers | | | |

|recommendations | | | |

|Disperses water | | | |

|Question 29 | | | |

|Example demonstrates ability to anticipate problems and blockages, and | | | |

|systematically work around these to avoid or minimise reworking and avoid | | | |

|wastage/damage | | | |


|BCCCM2005B – Carry out Manual Excavation |


Question 30: Discuss a manual excavation you have performed – e.g. digging trenches. What preparations and precautions were required?

Question 31: What range of soil types have you encountered when manually excavating. How did you alter you excavation method for different soil types?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 30 |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Site preparation | | | |

|marks out job according to plans | | | |

|identifies underground services and service markers | | | |

|erects barricades | | | |

|Considers - | | | |

|Ensures work carried out to plans and specifications | | | |

|condition of the ground or working environment | | | |

|collapse precautions | | | |

|possibility of flooding or water inrush from any source | | | |

|proximity of utility services, previous or planned excavations, mobile plant, | | | |

|buildings or structures and vehicular and pedestrian traffic | | | |

|whether the excavation is, or will become during works, a confined space | | | |

|placement of excavated materials and their effect on stability, access, egress| | | |

|and depth | | | |

|possibility of the fall or dislodgement of earth, rock | | | |

|surrounding vehicular traffic and ground vibration | | | |

|Uses protection measures such as sloping, benching, shoring, trench shield, | | | |

|battering and backfilling | | | |

|Question 31 | | | |

|Identifies at least two excavations carried out across a range of soil types | | | |

|and conditions. | | | |

|Adjusts slope angle depending on soil type | | | |

|Uses a combination of slopes where soil type varies within the excavation | | | |


|BCCCM2006B – Support Plant Operations |


Question 32: Describe how you have supported plant operators on your work site, e.g. as a spotter. What did you routinely do to assist the plant operators?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 32 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Shows operator where services and service markers are | | | |

|Erects barricades | | | |

|Identifies and controls hazards | | | |

|Uncovers and marks services prior to machine excavations | | | |

|Checks line, level and spread of excavation | | | |

|Controls traffic flows and plant parking | | | |

|Guides trucks to load/unload points | | | |

|Hand excavates where required | | | |

|Relays compaction specifications to operator | | | |

|Understands their role in emergency procedures | | | |


|BCCCM2007B – Spread and Compact Materials Manually |


Question 33: Discuss a range of hand operated mechanical compaction machine you have used. What were the different types, characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations of those machines?

Question 34: Discuss examples of where you have spread and compacted materials manually using two different compaction techniques.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 33 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Discusses a variety of equipment used (rammers, drum rollers, vibrating | | | |

|plates, walk behind, ride-on, etc) | | | |

|Selects most suitable machine for job site conditions – granular soils, sand | | | |

|and clay; cohesive clay; asphalt | | | |

|Understands limitations of various machines – lifting height etc | | | |

|Ensures correct compaction produced by adjusting settings – frequency, | | | |

|amplitude | | | |

|Question 34 | | | |

|Examples demonstrate a variety of compaction techniques: vibration; impact; | | | |

|kneading; pressure | | | |

|Directs placement of materials for use/storage | | | |

|Performs soil test | | | |

|Knowing the type of material you are spreading and how it is best compacted | | | |

|i.e. layer thickness | | | |

|Ensures material does not segregate | | | |

|Ensures correct moisture content using squeeze test | | | |

|Ensures specified finished levels are achieved | | | |


|BCCCM2008B – Carry out Basic Levelling |


Question 35: Explain how you have used dumpy levels in a variety of basic levelling works. How do you establish datum points and take required readings?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 35 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| | | | |

|Checks equipment | | | |

|Finds/establishes datum points | | | |

|Sets up dumpy/laser are to be set up level to record heights for: | | | |

|Drainage: | | | |

|identifies invert levels from plans | | | |

|establishes grades for laying long sets of pipes | | | |

|identifies inverts levels and grades are identified from offsets to construct | | | |

|open drains | | | |

|Roadworks: | | | |

|identifies TBM | | | |

|takes levels corresponding to offsets | | | |

|identifies earthworks and pavement levels from plans | | | |

|Concrete work: | | | |

|transfers heights to pegs from plans | | | |

|Explains correct dumpy level operation in different situations | | | |

|Takes a number of reading to reduce errors | | | |

|Performs calculations | | | |

|Records readings in level book and completes site documentation | | | |


|BCCCM2014B – Identify, Locate and Protect Underground Services |


Question 36: Explain how you identify and locate underground services prior to a job.

Question 37: How do you protect underground services during the job? What do you do if you damage an underground service?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 36 |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| | | | |

|Services can be identified by: | | | |

|Calling service providers | | | |

|Identifying service markers | | | |

|Plans | | | |

|Local knowledge | | | |

|Cable locators are used to identify where services are and the ground marked | | | |

|accordingly | | | |

|Cables and mains can be located by excavating with machine to within a safe | | | |

|distance so as not to damage them | | | |

|Question 37 | | | |

|Services are protected by: | | | |

|Installing pegs to mark location | | | |

|Leaving excavation open and barricading area to prevent unauthorised access | | | |

|Marking levels and alignment of service on a plan, backfill first 200mm with | | | |

|sand then backfill with existing material | | | |

|Establishing procedures for types of services and owners of services including| | | |

|emergency and contact details | | | |

|Potholing by hand using a shovel is done when a service is not very deep or | | | |

|when you are getting close | | | |

|Reports any damage to supervisor or service authority | | | |


|BCCPO3001C Conduct backhoe/loader operations |

|BCCPO3003B Conduct excavator operations |

|BCCPO3008B Conduct skid steer loader operations |


Question 38: What preparations do you make before commencing a job involving operation of a backhoe,/ excavator / skid steer loader?

Question 39: Describe some of the jobs you have done with a backhoe / excavator / skid steer loader. Outline how you operated the machine to complete the job.

Question 40: What post operational checks did you perform on the machine?

Question 41: Discuss how you have transported machines between worksites.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 38 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

|Conducts pre-start checks - broken or damaged parts, hydraulic hoses, excessive | | | |

|wear and leaks, control levers | | | |

|Identifies and controls hazards are identified | | | |

|Selects correct attachment according to job specifications | | | |

|Stakes out area to be excavated and marks with flags | | | |

|Identifies underground services | | | |

|Checks overhead clearances | | | |

|Ensures sufficient work space for safe operation of machine | | | |

|Question 39 | | | |

|Discusses a range of jobs performed, eg: laying pipes, cutting trenches, digging | | | |

|footpaths, demolition work, loading trucks | | | |

|Coordinates the action of the boom, dipper and bucket | | | |

|Toggles between backhoe and excavator modes | | | |

|Effectively uses gears, brakes and throttle | | | |

|Ensures SWL is not exceeded during operation | | | |

|Positions machine to ensure stability when working with buckets or other | | | |

|attachments | | | |

|Shakes excess material from bucket to avoid spillage | | | |

|Question 40 | | | |

|Parks machine parked on firm, level surface and shuts down as per manufacturers | | | |

|recommendations | | | |

|Inspects for leaks, damage and wear - repairs or reports | | | |

|Identifies any scheduled services | | | |

|Removes keys and locks machine | | | |

|Erects barricades, signs and lights if machine protrudes onto access way during | | | |

|periods of non-operation | | | |

|Question 41 | | | |

|For rubber tyred plant: | | | |

|Drives machine on work site and between work sites in accordance with traffic | | | |

|regulations (NOTE: Must have Transport Licence for appropriate vehicle class) | | | |

|For track mounted plant: | | | |

|Loads/unloads machine onto low loader as per regulations | | | |


|BCCPO3012B Conduct tip truck operations |


Question 42: Describe your experience in operating a tip truck.

Question 43: What factors do you routinely consider during tipping operations? Discuss how you apply some of these.

Question 44: How do you clean and maintain the vehicle after use?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 42 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

|Experience demonstrates ability to operate truck safely to manufacturers’ | | | |

|recommendations, company policy and Transport Dept. regulations including: | | | |

|appropriate license for the size of truck | | | |

|correct truck registration | | | |

|correct engine speed and gear selection | | | |

|Question 43 | | | |

|Weather and road conditions, size of load and travel speed | | | |

|Braking distance allowing for weight of load and road conditions | | | |

|Load and unload position of truck | | | |

|Safe use of hoist and corresponding load size | | | |

|Nature of the load (impact on lateral stability during tipping) | | | |

|Distribution of load | | | |

|Covering for load | | | |

|Use of chains | | | |

|Suitability of the ground (sloping, uneven, soft) | | | |

|Alignment of the prime mover and trailer | | | |

|Clearances - distance to other vehicles or personnel | | | |

|Correct use of brake locks | | | |

|Question 44 | | | |

|Carries out routine inspection of vehicle | | | |

|Cleans body before leaving site for another load to prevent contamination | | | |

|Repairs and maintains vehicle | | | |

|Reports defects | | | |

|Maintains log books and workplace documentation | | | |


|BCCPO3013B Conduct roller operations |


Question 45: Describe some the different rollers you have worked on, their particular application and maintenance requirements.

Question 46: What is your experience in fitting attachments to the roller? Outline the removal and fitting process for two of these attachments.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 45 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

|Smooth Drum – for compacting earthworks, pavements and drainage structures | | | |

|Pad/sheep foot – for compacting bulk fill and breaking up bigger lumps of material| | | |

|Multi tyre - compacting earthworks and pavements; unsealed road regrading; bitumen| | | |

|surfacing work; asphalt works | | | |

|Parks machine parked on firm, level surface and shuts down as per manufacturers | | | |

|recommendations | | | |

|Carries out routine inspection of vehicle and repairs or reports defects | | | |

|Maintains log books and workplace documentation | | | |

|Question 46 | | | |

|Describes experience in using a number of attachments :- scraper bars, | | | |

|interchangeable drums, spray bars, wheel/drum brooms, drag brooms, padded drum | | | |

|attachments, blades | | | |

|Discusses correct removal and fitting process | | | |


|BCCCM2012B – Carry out Concrete Work |


Question 47: What type of concreting work have you done? Outline the critical aspects that you considered when planning and setting out a concreting job.

Question 48: What procedures have you followed to place concrete and how did you finish the work?

Question 49: When finishing concrete what methods have you applied and what equipment have you used?

Question 50: What work did you carry out after the concrete had set?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 47 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

|Checks plans for location and placement of concrete, that it is free of debris| | | |

|and waste | | | |

|Sets up safe work area with OH&S compliant barriers and signage and placement | | | |

|of tools, plant and equipment to suit project requirements | | | |

|Sets out work string lines, pegs and correct levels | | | |

|Identified underground services | | | |

|Constructs formwork | | | |

|Position reinforcement mesh, ties, chairs and rio bars | | | |

|Constructs expansion joints | | | |

|Checks delivery advice, directs delivery vehicle to location of discharge and | | | |

|discharges concrete via a chute to a wheelbarrow, kibble, pump or hopper | | | |

|Question 48 | | | |

|Places concrete in horizontal layers to marker levels, level pegs and lines | | | |

|Minimises height of concrete vertical drop to avoid segregation of concrete | | | |

|materials and consolidates pour during the process using approved compaction | | | |

|and vibration methods | | | |

|Checks finished levels against datum using a levelling device | | | |

|Screeds concrete to correct levels/grades using a straight edge of formwork | | | |

|mounted screed | | | |

|Question 49 | | | |

|Applies float and trowel after screeding to maintain a level surface and | | | |

|remove screeding inaccuracies | | | |

|Applies mechanical trowelling to consolidate and densify the setting concrete | | | |

|surface | | | |

|Installs control joints, finishes edges and applies finish or finish trowels | | | |

|the concrete surface to specifications | | | |

|Covers work to protect from elements | | | |

|Question 50 | | | |

|Strips formwork after concrete has cured | | | |

|Denails formwork and cleans and stacks | | | |

|Repairs of discards damaged formwork | | | |


|BCCCM2013B – Control Traffic with a Stop-Slow Bat |


Question 51: Describe your experience in controlling traffic with a Stop-Slow bat. (Prompts: What were your responsibilities? What were the traffic control procedures you applied? How did you select a suitable location for setting up the traffic flow? What communications systems have you used? How did you ensure your own safety?)

Question 52: What action have you taken (should you take) when a minor incident occurs?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 51 | | | |

| |Traffic management plan | | |

| |AS1742.3 | | |

| |Codes of Practice (traffic) | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Wears PPE and high-visibility clothing with reflective strips | | | |

|Sources signage requirements as per MUTCD and traffic management plan | | | |

|Considers weather conditions and other factors (eg peak hour traffic) | | | |

|Sets up advance warning signs and barricades prior to work commencing | | | |

|advanced warning area | | | |

|transition area | | | |

|activity area | | | |

|termination area | | | |

|Separates pedestrian and vehicular traffic, ensuring safe cross walks and | | | |

|sidewalks | | | |

|Uses approved hand signals where line of sight is established | | | |

|Uses communications systems (eg. two-way radios) | | | |

|Monitors flow of traffic and makes adjustments if required | | | |

|Covers signs during periods of inactivity | | | |

|Removes signs after completion of job and reopens roadway | | | |

|Understands principles of traffic control | | | |

|Ensures own safety by remaining alert; facing the traffic and planning | | | |

|emergency escape route | | | |

|Question 52 | | | |

|Call for assistance if needed | | | |

|Notify site supervision | | | |

|Maintain effective traffic control | | | |

|Move the traffic control to a suitable location | | | |

|Takes notes and complete incident report | | | |


|BCCCM3005B – Carry out Site Based Risk Control Processes |


Question 53: Describe the types of risk assessment processes you have performed on a work site. Use two of these examples to illustrate how you evaluated and controlled on-site risks.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response addresses|Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |KP and IR |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

|Question 53 |Hazard identification and control | | |

| |principles | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |workplace injury | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |damage to the environment | | |

| |Knowledge of civil construction | | |

| |terminology | | |

| |Avoiding material wastage | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

|Carries out site inspection to identify potential risks | | | |

|Sources previous records and assessments | | | |

|Evaluates risk / hazards and complete a risk assessment | | | |

|Likelihood of injury/damage from risk | | | |

|The consequences of the risk | | | |

|Level of risk determined | | | |

|Develops control measures | | | |

|avoidance /elimination | | | |

|substitution | | | |

|engineering | | | |

|safe work systems | | | |

|PPE | | | |

|Communicates risks and their control procedures to others | | | |

|Monitors risks and risk control measures and any rectifications warranted | | | |

|Document the risk assessment and give to supervisor or place in file for later| | | |

|use | | | |


|BCCRC2001B – Repair Potholes |


Question 54: Describe the process you would use to repair a pothole?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 54 | | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Removes water and loose material from pothole | | | |

|Trims edges to a depth of 25mm to allow new material to interlock | | | |

|Correct application of emulsion around edges to ensure material sticks | | | |

|Compacts materials | | | |

|Sweeps repaired surface | | | |

|Covers emulsion with sand around edges to prevent water entering patch | | | |


|BCCRC2008B – Lay Pipes |


Question 55: Provide 3 examples of where you have laid pipes in different situations. What were the key aspects of laying pipes in those particular circumstances?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 55 | | | |

| |Information is accessed to complete | | |

| |daily tasks | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |workplace injury | | |

| |OH&S procedures are observed to avoid | | |

| |damage to the environment | | |

| |Knowledge of civil construction | | |

| |terminology | | |

| |Avoiding material wastage | | |

| |Avoiding workplace injury | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

|Identifies 3 different examples | | | |

|Job location identified from plan | | | |

|Excavation is clearly marked out | | | |

|Plant operator knows what widths, depths to work to and where to place spoil | | | |

|Levels are continually checked until they are achieved | | | |

|Base is compacted to relevant standards | | | |

|Bedding material is placed, levelled and compacted as per plan and | | | |

|specifications and tested if required | | | |

|Correct lifting procedures for laying pipes are adopted as per Company Policy | | | |

|and Legislation | | | |

|Class of pipe laid is in accordance with plans | | | |

|Pipes are laid checking: | | | |

|Levels | | | |

|Alignment | | | |

|Ends are correctly joined and sealed | | | |

|Backfill is completed: | | | |

|Material as per plans | | | |

|Compaction as per specifications | | | |

|End/head walls are placed/constructed as per plans and specifications | | | |

|Plant operator is given instructions to backfill | | | |

|Finishes off inlet and outlets to plan | | | |


|BCGCM2007B Use explosive power tools (EPT) |


Question 56: What regulations do you apply to the use, storage, security and maintenance of explosive power tools?

Question 57: What steps do you follow to set out fasteners when fixing a timber plate to a concrete substrate?

Question 58: Explain how you select the correct charge for a fixing a standard timber plate to a concrete substrate and the procedures you use for operation of the explosive power tool.

Question 59: What regulated safety procedure do you follow in the event of a misfire?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 56 | | | |

| |Regulations pertaining to the safe use,| | |

| |storage and security of explosive power| | |

| |tools | | |

| |Misfire procedure | | |

| |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

| |Operator manuals | | |

|States the regulations and procedures for use, storage, security and maintenance | | | |

|Details selection of charge and test shot procedure | | | |

|Applies temporary bracing or fixing before use | | | |

|Question 57 | | | |

|Calculates minimum distances from edges | | | |

|Assesses type and size of material being fixed is assessed | | | |

|Assesses substrate or material being fixed to | | | |

|Question 58 | | | |

|Selects charge based on materials and substrate plus required penetration | | | |

|States materials that should not be fired into | | | |

|Installs attachments and accessories correctly | | | |

|Adjusts fastening penetration and power regulation | | | |

|Fires EPT ensuring the environment surrounding is safe to other workers | | | |

|Question 59 | | | |

|Releases trigger, counts to 15, opens EPT and removes charge | | | |

|Disposes of charge in accordance with regulations | | | |


BCGCM3001B – Operate Elevated Work Platforms

CANDIDATE’S NAME: …………………………………………. ASSESSOR’S NAME: ………………………………………. DATE: …………………

Question 60: What are the important points about operating an elevated work platform safely?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 60 |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Prestart checks on EWP are carried out as per manufacturer’s recommendations | | | |

|to ensure: | | | |

|Leaks, damage and/wear is identified and reported | | | |

|Power source is connected and switched on as per manufacturers recommendations| | | |

|Emergency safety devices are checked for serviceability | | | |

|Existing services in the vicinity are isolated and tagged to ensure safe work | | | |

|conditions | | | |

|EWP is placed on a firm level surface free from obstructions and stabilisers | | | |

|set as per manufacturers recommendations | | | |

|Tools and equipment are placed in platform securely in a toolbox or crate | | | |

|Harness is checked and fitted | | | |

|EWP controls are operated to manufacturers recommendations to raise and lower | | | |

|platform | | | |

|EWP controls are locked when not in use while performing work | | | |

|Work is carried out to specifications and safety requirements of operators | | | |

|manual and Company Policy | | | |

|Shut down procedures are as per operators manual | | | |

|Existing services that were isolated are to have tags removed and put back | | | |

|into service and relevant persons notified that work is complete | | | |


BCGSF2003B – Cut and Bend Materials Using Oxy-LPG Equipment

CANDIDATE’S NAME: …………………………………………. ASSESSOR’S NAME: ………………………………………. DATE: …………………

Question 61: Explain the range of precautions that you have routinely followed to minimise dangers associated with oxy-LPG cutting procedures?

Question 62: What are the range of tools and PPE equipment you have used to aid the cutting process?

Question 63: Outline the process you have followed when cutting and bending materials?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 61 |Job plans / specifications | | |

| |Workplace/site policies and procedures | | |

| |Work safety practices | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Waste minimisation | | |

| |Environmental protection | | |

| |Good housekeeping | | |

| |Civil construction terminology | | |

|Acetylene pressure never to exceed 100kpa | | | |

|Cylinders secured in an upright position | | | |

|Never attempt to transfer gas between cylinders | | | |

|Store and use fuel gas in a well ventilated area | | | |

|2% acetylene mixture in air is an explosive mixture | | | |

|Never mix oxygen with oil or grease | | | |

|Do not use lubricants on gas connections | | | |

|Be aware of combustible materials and remove or cover during cutting | | | |

|Gain knowledge of the material to be cut | | | |

|Never cut sealed containers or vessels without comprehensive checks and | | | |

|procedures | | | |

|Ensures the correct fire extinguisher is accessible | | | |

|Question 62 | | | |

|PPE equipment includes: long sleeve overalls, safety boots with steel caps, | | | |

|leather apron, leather gloves, leather spats, gas welding goggles, hat or cap,| | | |

|respirator if required | | | |

|Other tools could include: range of cutting tips, tip cleaners, roller guide, | | | |

|circle guide, cutting attachments, angle grinder and bench grinder jigs and | | | |

|fixtures, cutting station, protective barriers and signs, non flammable covers| | | |

|Question 63 | | | |

|Connects regulators to bottles, connects lines to regulators and checks hand | | | |

|piece for any in-line obstruction | | | |

|Checks equipment for leaks and sets regulators to correct pressures as per | | | |

|cutting requirements | | | |

|Cutting material: | | | |

|clamps material securely | | | |

|marks as per plans | | | |

|lights torch using flint only and sets to correct cutting flame | | | |

|adopts comfortable relaxed stance for cutting ensuring leads are out of the | | | |

|way | | | |

|marks material HOT | | | |

|Bending material: | | | |

|clamps materials securely | | | |

|attaches correct tip | | | |

|lights torch using flint only and sets to correct heating flame | | | |

|applies heat to the required area | | | |

|bends material to specifications | | | |

|cools material correctly to avoid weakening | | | |

|Shuts off LPG and switches off torch | | | |

|Shuts off gas supply | | | |


Practical Tasks and

Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.


Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The Assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to the context and needs of each candidate.

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |

|Generic Component |Follow OH&S policies and procedures is a prerequisite for most units, therefore the candidate will need to |

|BCCCM1001C |apply safe work practices and adhere to OH&S regulation and State/Territory legislation as well as workplace |

|BCCCM1002B |policy and procedure when completing each task. This includes identifying and complying with site safety |

| |plans, environmental management plans and effective use of signage and other forms of work place |

| |communication, including effective team work to achieve team goals. |

|BCCCM1001C |Task 1: |

|Follow OH&S policies and |Undertake a complete pipe-laying task at your worksite. Candidate are to complete the following activities: |

|procedures |plan to ensure the necessary plant, labour and materials are available and organisational skills to sequence |

|BCCCM1002B |the work effectively |

|Conduct workplace communication |calculate bedding and backfill materials required from plans in loose cubic metres |

|BCCCM1003B |stack materials on site as per company policy and use correct manual handling techniques |

|Plan and organise work |set out the work according to plans and specification and select the appropriate tools |

|BCCCM1004B |identify, locate and protect underground services |

|Carry out measurements and |set up dumpy/laser level and take levels to control depth of excavation, ensuring invert levels are correct |

|calculations |and grade of pipe is consistent |

|BCCCM1005B |ensure temporary drainage in place to divert/drain existing water. (if this is not required for this task, |

|Handle construction materials and |candidate to explain how they would divert/drain water) |

|safely dispose of non-toxic |support the plant operator by giving instructions of excavation width and depth, location of services and |

|materials |levels when requested |

|BCCCM2001B |carry out manual excavation to clean out trench to specifications |

|Use civil construction hand and |compact base to specifications |

|power tools |spread bedding material and compact to level |

|BCCCM2002C |lay pipes in accordance with company policy and procedures |

|Use small plant and equipment |backfill to pipes following relevant compaction standards adhered to |

|BCCCM2003B |clean work site of any spoil material, surplus job material |

|Read and interpret plans and |clean, check and store tools and equipment |

|specifications |report to supervisor at completion of job, either verbally or written, regarding how work went and if any |

|BCCCM2004B |changes to procedures are needed. complete paperwork and give to respective people |

|Drain and dewater site | |

|BCCCM2005B | |

|Carry out manual excavation | |

|BCCCM2014B | |

|Identify, locate and protect | |

|underground services | |

|BCCRC2008B | |

|Lay pipes | |

|BCCCM2008B | |

|Carry out basic levelling | |

|BCCCM2007B | |

|Spread and compact materials | |

|manually | |

|BCCCM2006B | |

|Support plant operations | |

|BCCPO3001C |Task 2: |

|Conduct backhoe/loader operations |You are required to operate a backhoe loader as follows: |

| |carry out prestart checks |

| |fit and remove at least one attachment |

| |load a truck with front bucket |

| |excavate a trench to line and level demonstrating ability to position and load a truck as well as placing |

| |spoil beside trench |

| |use the backhoe/loader in crane mode |

| |use backhoe/loader to: |

| |mix materials |

| |strip/spread topsoils and materials |

| |lift and carry materials |

| |load dump trucks, wagons, hoppers, chutes |

| |uncover an existing service |

| |place materials in a trench working to hand signals |

| |backfill a trench and wheel roll |

| |cut and shape a batter to plans |

| |park machine and carry out post operational checks |

|BCCPO3003B |Task 3: |

|Conduct excavator operations |Your Assessor will observe you carrying out work on-site using an excavator. Ensure you: |

| |carry out prestart checks |

| |inspect site, plan work, and select and fit an appropriate attachment |

| |cut a trench |

| |excavate around a pipe |

| |spread soil and level a surface |

| |park machine and carry out post operational checks |

|BCCPO3008B |Task 4: |

|Conduct skid steer loader |Your Assessor will observe you carrying out work on-site using an excavator. Ensure you: |

|operations |carry out prestart checks |

| |inspect site, plan work, and select and fit an appropriate attachment |

| |conduct work using the skid steer loader (eg. backfilling a trench, loading a truck) |

| |spread soil and level a surface |

| |park machine and carry out post operational checks |

|BCCPO3012B |Task 5: |

|Conduct tip truck operations |Part A: Transport a load to a worksite and place in stockpile. |

| |Part B: Transport a load to a worksite and run out evenly on a roadway. |

| |Part C: Transport a load to a worksite and discharge over an edge. |

| |Part D: Transport a load to a worksite and discharge on a slope. |

|BCCPO3013B |Task 6: |

|Conduct roller operations |Part A |

| |Demonstrate how to |

| |spread and compact earth using an appropriate machine |

| |roll ground using the correct roller |

| |Part B |

| |Obtain a copy of the service records for a roller you have maintained (or, for the roller you use in this |

| |task). Discuss the records with your Assessor and some of the maintenance tasks you have carried out on |

| |rollers. |

|BCCCM2012B |Task 7: |

|Carry out concrete work |Complete a concrete slab (large enough to incorporate the use of reinforcement materials) as per the |

|BCCCM1004B |following tasks: |

|Carry out measurements and |calculate how much reinforcing mesh is required and how much concrete is needed. |

|calculations |set up formwork up as per plans |

| |place reinforcing materials to specifications |

| |pour concrete |

| |finish to level and specifications |

| |clean up after job |

|BCCCM2013C |Task 8: |

|Control traffic with a stop-slow |Using a live worksite, implement a traffic management plan at an intersection and control traffic to divert |

|bat |traffic using a stop-slow bat. Demonstrate the following: |

|BCCCM2003B |identify signage requirements (sourced from the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)) |

|Read and interpret plans and |consider Site conditions, traffic volumes and work activities |

|specifications |erect barriers to guide traffic |

|BCCCM1002B |direct vehicular traffic (and pedestrian traffic if applicable) |

|Conduct workplace communication |use hand signals (or radio) to coordinate flow of traffic |

| |monitor flow and traffic and adjust as required to ensure smooth flow |

| |remove signs and devices and clean site area |

|BCCCM3005B |Task 9: |

|Carry out site based risk control |Individually or as a member of a team, participate in two different circumstances requiring: |

|processes |the conduct of a worksite risk assessment to identify the acceptability/unacceptability of risk |

| |the likelihood of a hazardous event occurring |

| |the development and implementation of a site based risk control activity and action for controlling hazards |

| |d) the recording an reporting of the risk control process and outcomes |

|BCCRC2001B |Task 10: |

|Repair potholes |You are required to repair three (3) potholes on a road, two (2) to subgrade level as follows: |

| |plan to ensure the necessary plant, labour and materials are available and organisational skills to sequence |

| |the work effectively |

| |set up roadwork signage to ensure traffic is controlled |

| |clean, shape fill and compact pothole to company procedures |

|BCGCM2007B |Task 11: |

|Use explosive power tools (EPT) |Set up for, plan, prepare and use an Explosive Power Tool, including selection of charge, test fire and |

| |misfire procedures to fix a timber plate to a concrete substrate, in accordance with job specifications. |

|BCGCM3001B |Task 12: |

|Operate elevated work platforms |Complete the set up and operation of an elevated work platform to perform predetermined work. Include |

| |operation of EWP’s, extension leads, log books, service manuals, operation manual, safety harness and |

| |lanyards. |

|BCGSF2003B |Task 13: |

|Cut and bend materials using |Candidate to cut and bend materials using Oxy-LPG equipment, identifying the following components of work: |

|Oxy/LPG equipment |OH&S issues necessary to complete the task as per legislation, Company Policies and standard operating |

| |procedures |

| |Identify site hazards, implement controls and use correct PPE |

| |cut a piece of steel plate (up to 36mm) |

| |heat and bend three (3) steel rod/bars with one being 36mm. |

| |turn-off and store oxy equipment |

| |tools and equipment cleaned and stored as per Company Policy |


|Practical Tasks |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element covered |Task No. |Observable behaviours in task |

|in task | | |

| | |Applies company policies e.g. environmental, confined space, |Safe work practices | | | |

| | |emergency procedures, handling hazardous material. |OH&S policy and procedures | | | |

| | |Follows standard work safety practices |Workplace procedures / SOP / site | | | |

| | |Follows SWMS & environmental management plan |procedures | | | |

| | |Uses correct PPE for all activities |Job plans / specifications | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate mechanical manual handling aids |Operator manuals | | | |

| | |Demonstrates awareness of worksite hazards & risk management |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Demonstrates effective fire incident and evacuation procedures & |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |reporting |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Uses correct signage and barricades as required |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Stores and stacks materials appropriately |General housekeeping | | | |

| | |Uses dust suppression procedures to reduce health risk | | | | |

| | |Cleans tools and equipment and checks for wear/damage and stored as | | | | |

| | |per Company Policy | | | | |

| | |Recycles and disposes waste appropriately, including correct toxic | | | | |

| | |and non-toxic material handling | | | | |

| | |Understands own role within the team / road crew | | | | |

| | |Works to delegated level of responsibility | | | | |

| | |Takes responsibility for own actions and works to instructions, | | | | |

| | |recognizing amendments to plans | | | | |

| | |Seeks and interprets all types of information to perform the job | | | | |

| | |Works cooperatively with others | | | | |

| | |Communicates with others were tasks are interdependent or to provide| | | | |

| | |progress | | | | |

| | |Uses effective visual communication techniques | | | | |

| | |Works with team to resolve issues and problems | | | | |

| | |Contributes own view to discussions and decisions | | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate interpersonal skills in communicating with work | | | | |

| | |colleagues | | | | |

| | |Demonstrates appropriate behaviour towards work colleagues | | | | |

| | |Participates effectively in workplace meetings | | | | |

| | |Uses problem solving strategies | | | | |

| | |Negotiates difficult situations to achieve an effective resolution | | | | |

| | |Completes workplace reporting and documentation | | | | |

|All units |1A |Locates job specifications/site safety and environmental plans |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM1003B | |Reads and interprets plans to ensure amendments have been checked |procedures | | | |

|1, 2 | |and job requirements confirmed from symbols and abbreviations, |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM1002B | |legends and other key features |Task prioritisation | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Identifies and sources materials, plant and labour and clarifies |Teamwork | | | |

|BCCCM2003B | |employment conditions |Civil construction terminology | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Installs signage as required including road signs, barriers and | | | | |

|BCCCM2004B | |warning signs | | | | |

|1 | |Ensures all personnel involved are aware of their duties and | | | | |

| | |responsibilities (work site conditions of employment) | | | | |

| | |Selects and tests tools and equipment | | | | |

| | |Plans and sequences work activities | | | | |

| | |Acquires verbal/written instructions from Supervisor | | | | |

| | |Gives instructions to co-workers in simple English | | | | |

|BCCCM1004B |1B |Takes estimates to make quick calculations using appropriate |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|3, 4 | |calculating equipment and method |procedures | | | |

| | |Records calculations in notepad or level book to double check for QA|Work safety practices | | | |

| | |purposes |Mathematical concepts | | | |

| | |Applies correct formula to calculate material quantities |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Checks calculations for accuracy and records | | | | |

|BCCCM1005B |1C |Accesses work instructions and selects appropriate tools |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5 | |Applies proper manual handling techniques to suit identified |procedures | | | |

| | |materials |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Stacks, bands and/or chocks pipes and other material to prevent |Effective communication | | | |

| | |rolling |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Barricades off area to prevent unauthorised access |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Places appropriate signage |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Places bedding/backfill materials on a firm clean surface to ensure |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |no contamination | | | | |

| | |Displays good team work | | | | |

| | |Handles hazardous substances appropriately | | | | |

| | |Applies dust suppression procedures | | | | |

|BCCCM2003B |1D |Refers to plans and specifications for the job |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Sets out work according to plans |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Puts in place offset pegs for reference during construction |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Marks ground so operator knows the extent of the excavation |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM1002B | |Identifies appropriate tools for the job and checks to make sure |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2 | |they are in good working order |Civil construction terminology | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Hand and power tools are used and handled appropriately | | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Ensures all leads, cords and air pipes are connected appropriately | | | | |

| | |and handled in compliance with work safe practices | | | | |

| | |Identifies PSM/TBM | | | | |

| | |Identifies invert levels and grades | | | | |

| | |Reports damaged access roads to supervisor | | | | |

|BCCCM2014B |1E |Identifies services from plans, service markers, services authority |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|1, 2 | |plans or utility outlets |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Identifies line of service by cable locator and checks with site |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |owner |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Confirms contact details |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Potholes by hand to locate service |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Identifies service as being the correct one |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Gives reduced level to service to identify if service is clear of |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |work |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Protects service by covering with sand, backfilling and marking with| | | | |

| | |a peg, or leaves open and barricades the hole | | | | |

| | |Reports damage if required | | | | |

|BCCCM2008B |1F |Checks and sets up leveling equipment correctly |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3 | |Identifies PSM/TBM RL and notes in level book |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Re-establishes earthwork and pavement control lines from offsets |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |and/or recovery pegs |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Identifies inlet/outlet levels |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Identifies natural ground RLs |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Determines depth of excavation |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Calculates grade of pipes and notes in level book for use during |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |construction |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Gives instructions to person holding a staff | | | | |

| | |Transfers height from the known to the required | | | | |

| | |Records staff readings accurately in level book | | | | |

| | |Checks work | | | | |

|BCCCM2004B |1G |Positions sedimentation controls and control barriers according to |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5 | |environmental management plan |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Constructs temporary open drain to divert water to temporary |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |drainage system using adequate fall |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Excavates sump at lowest point |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Places rock/filter material accurately |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Sets-up pump up and operates as per manufacturers recommendations |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Constructs settling pond as per environmental policy |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Ensures run off water into existing drainage systems is clean and |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |free from foreign particles | | | | |

|BCCCM2006B |1H |Meets with plant operator to be informed of task and how it is to be|Job plans / specifications | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |completed according to plan |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM1002B | |Clarifies hand signals prior to commencement of work |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Gives hand signals and ensures they are correctly received by |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |operator |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Identifies unclear hand signals and clarifies |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Ensures plant operator understands the following: |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |width and depth of excavation |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |location of any underground services |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |whether spoil is to be placed in truck or alongside excavation | | | | |

| | |is given levels during construction as required | | | | |

| | |different materials are identified and what they are for | | | | |

| | |Provides guidance (hand signals) to the plant operator during the | | | | |

| | |laying of pipes | | | | |

| | |Provides assistance with changing attachments | | | | |

|BCCCM2005B |1I |Wears correct PPE e.g. helmet if working under a backhoe bucket |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4 | |Identifies area to be excavated |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Identifies services markers and confirms location |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Cleans trench out by hand to level using appropriate tools |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Undertakes trench collapse prevention practices |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Places appropriate barricades |Waste minimisation | | | |

|BCCRC2008B | |Clears edges and places spoil where directed so as not to create a |Environmental protection | | | |

|2 | |hazard |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Adopts correct manual handling techniques |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Checks work against plan | | | | |

|BCCCM2007B |1J, K |Selects suitable compaction equipment and checks operating condition|Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3 | |Checks equipment for fluid levels, damage or wear prior to starting |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Ensures guards etc are in place |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Uses equipment as per manufacturers recommendations |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Identifies and corrects unsuitable base |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Checks equipment after use for leaks, damage and wear |Waste minimisation | | | |

|BCCCM2008B | |Repair/replaces parts as required |Environmental protection | | | |

|3 | |Stores equipment appropriately when not in use |Good housekeeping | | | |

|BCCRC2008B | |Directs trucks for loading/dumping to the right location |Civil construction terminology | | | |

|2, 3 | |Ensures bedding layer thickness is uniform | | | | |

| | |Checks for material segregation | | | | |

| | |Tests for correct moisture in material | | | | |

| | |Takes levels to control height | | | | |

| | |Finishes by hand | | | | |

| | |Tests to ensure compaction is achieved | | | | |

|BCCRC2008B |1L, M |Checks lifting gear for currency of tag and inspects for wear and |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |damage |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Identifies lifting gear and SWL for the size of pipes |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Attaches lifting gear to machine on authorised lifting point |Work safety practices | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Attaches lifting gear to pipe and ensures this is checked by the |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |plant operator |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Attaches lanyard to pipe to prevent swinging |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Lowers pipes into position ensuring they are facing the correct way |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |and the alignment and levels are correct |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Ensures workers in the trench guiding the pipe are clear of pipe | | | | |

| | |until it can be handled safely | | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate jointing methods e.g. tape, rubber band or ring | | | | |

| | |Identifies backfill material | | | | |

| | |Ensures layer thickness is uniform and appropriate for the | | | | |

| | |compaction equipment | | | | |

| | |Finishes off inlets and outlets to specifications | | | | |

|All units |1N, O |Removes spoil from worksite and dumps/stores as directed |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|BCCCM2002C | |Stores/stacks excess materials safely on site until removal |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Clears the work area of all waste |procedures | | | |

|BCCCM2001B | |Secures signage |Work safety practices | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Removes or stacks all loose materials |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Cleans, maintains, stores and secures equipment |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Checks tools and equipment for faults |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Secures the site; barricades site if there is a danger to public eg |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |open pits |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Disposes of waste in an environmentally friendly manner | | | | |

|All units |1P |Provides written/verbal report to Supervisor to clarify: |Workplace policies and procedures | | | |

|BCCCM1001C | |completion of work |Effective communication | | | |

|BCCCM1002B | |suggestion for improvement in work methods |Respect for persons | | | |

| | |report incidents/accidents |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |provide feedback and complete monitor review section of risk | | | | |

| | |assessment | | | | |

| | |Completes timesheets | | | | |

| | |Completes other required workplace documentation | | | | |

|BCCPO3001C |2 |a) and b) Carry out prestart checks and fit attachment |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 | |Conducts checks as per operators manual |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Checks fluid levels including: engine oil, fuel, coolant, |procedures | | | |

| | |hydraulics, transmission and battery |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Checks machine for wear and damage |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Checks tyre pressure, wear and splits/cracks |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Fits and checks attachment security |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Checks operation of brakes, steering and controls |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Checks gauges are in working order |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Checks lights, blinkers and warning devices are working |Operator’s manuals | | | |

| | |Identified machine capabilities |Teamwork | | | |

| | |c) Load a truck with front bucket | | | | |

| | |Positions truck to ensure loading on a firm level surface | | | | |

| | |Checks size of load with truck driver | | | | |

| | |Informs truck driver of any oversize material | | | | |

| | |Ensures area clear of personnel and obstacles | | | | |

| | |Places load evenly on truck | | | | |

| | |Keeps load in the confines of the truck body ensuring no spillage | | | | |

| | |occurs | | | | |

| | |Keeps stockpile area floor clean and wings of stockpile tucked in | | | | |

| | |d) Excavate a trench to line and level | | | | |

| | |Marks out line and level of excavation prior to digging | | | | |

| | |Identifies and attaches bucket | | | | |

| | |Identifies underground services | | | | |

| | |Sets machine at level | | | | |

| | |Ensures smooth and safe operations | | | | |

| | |Places spoil away from trench at correct distance (ratio of 1:1 to | | | | |

| | |depth) | | | | |

| | |When loading: | | | | |

| | |positions truck close enough to backhoe to minimise reach | | | | |

| | |keeps far enough away from trench to avoid collapse | | | | |

| | |loads over the rear end | | | | |

| | |knows whereabouts of driver at all time | | | | |

| | |places load on truck so as not to overload or spill during transport| | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Constantly checks width measurements and levels of trench to ensure | | | | |

| | |work is as per plans | | | | |

| | |Keeps trench edges clean | | | | |

| | |e) Use backhoe/loader in crane mode | | | | |

| | |Checks lifting gear for currency of tag | | | | |

| | |Inspects lifting gear for wear and damage | | | | |

| | |Identifies machine and lifting gear SWL (appropriate for the size of| | | | |

| | |load) | | | | |

| | |Correctly attaches lifting gear to machine on authorised lifting | | | | |

| | |point | | | | |

| | |Attaches lifting gear load | | | | |

| | |Attaches lanyard to load to prevent swinging | | | | |

| | |Moves load in a smooth and safe manner | | | | |

| | |f) Use backhole | | | | |

| | |Uses backhoe/loader to: | | | | |

| | |mix materials | | | | |

| | |strip/spread topsoils and materials | | | | |

| | |lift and carry materials | | | | |

| | |load dump trucks, wagons, hoppers, chutes | | | | |

| | |g) Uncover an existing service | | | | |

| | |Identifies approximate location of service | | | | |

| | |Identifies type of service | | | | |

| | |Asks co-worker to pothole prior to excavation | | | | |

| | |Operates plant to hand signals | | | | |

| | |h) Place materials in a trench working to hand signals | | | | |

| | |Identifies and clarifies hand signals prior to commencement of work | | | | |

| | |Identifies type of material required | | | | |

| | |Places load evenly in bucket | | | | |

| | |Shakes excess to prevent spillage | | | | |

| | |Follows hand signals | | | | |

| | |Identifies and resolves unclear hand signals prior to work | | | | |

| | |continuing | | | | |

| | |i) Backfill a trench and wheel roll | | | | |

| | |Identifies material required for backfill | | | | |

| | |Approaches trench at correct angle (90 () | | | | |

| | |Avoids collapse of trench wall - no excess ground pressure of bucket| | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Places extra material over trench to allow for compaction | | | | |

| | |Finishes level of trench to join existing surface levels | | | | |

| | |j) Cut and shape a batter to plans | | | | |

| | |Identifies and marks shape of batter | | | | |

| | |Pulls batter from the top if possible. If not, keeps existing drains| | | | |

| | |clean | | | | |

| | |Disposes spoil as requested | | | | |

| | |Checks alignment | | | | |

| | |k) Park machine and carry out post operational checks | | | | |

| | |Parks machine on firm level surface | | | | |

| | |Lowers attachments to ground (cutting edge of bucket on ground) | | | | |

| | |Neutralises controls | | | | |

| | |Applies parking brake | | | | |

| | |Idles down, shuts down | | | | |

| | |Carries out post operational checks | | | | |

| | |Locks ignition, removes keys and locks cab locked to prevent | | | | |

| | |unauthorised entry and use of machine | | | | |

| | |Erects barriers, lights and signs if parked in an access way or | | | | |

| | |machine protrudes onto roadway | | | | |

|BCCPO3003B |3 |Conducts routing checks (liquids, tyres, attachments, slings and |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | |chains, lifting gear, etc) |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Inspects site and identifies hazards |procedures | | | |

| | |Plans work – path of load movement |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Conducts pre-operational checks |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Selects and fits appropriate attachments |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Positions machinery in a stable for job |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Operates excavator |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Operates equipment at a safe speed |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Ensures direction of slew is clear |Operator’s manuals | | | |

| | |Cuts trench to specifications |Teamwork | | | |

| | |Demonstrates excavation around a pipe | | | | |

| | |Deposits material required distance from excavation | | | | |

| | |Minimises spillage and ground damage | | | | |

| | |Smoothly raises and dumps load | | | | |

| | |Repositions bucket ready for reload | | | | |

| | |Works to hand signals | | | | |

| | |Parks machine on suitable area | | | | |

| | |Lowers attachments to ground | | | | |

| | |Ensures cutting edge of bucket on ground | | | | |

| | |Shuts down machine | | | | |

| | |Conducts checks and maintenance | | | | |

| | |Locks and removes keys | | | | |

|BCCPO3008B |4 |Conducts routine checks (liquids, structure, attachments) |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 | |Inspects site and identifies hazards |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Conducts pre-operations and post start up checks |procedures | | | |

| | |Selects and fits appropriate attachments |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Practices effective worksite communication |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Backfills trench / loads truck |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Uses sufficient revs and speed |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Crowds bucket to fill |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Travels with bucket low |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Minimise spillage and ground damage |Operator’s manuals | | | |

| | |Uses appropriate path of travel |Teamwork | | | |

| | |Smoothly raises and dumps load | | | | |

| | |Repositions bucket ready for reload | | | | |

| | |Spreads soil with bucket blade | | | | |

| | |Levels surface with bucket blade | | | | |

| | |Leaves soil for natural compaction | | | | |

| | |Works with others and correctly follows and interprets signals | | | | |

| | |Parks machine on suitable area | | | | |

| | |Lowers attachments to ground | | | | |

| | |Ensures cutting edge of bucket on ground | | | | |

| | |Shuts down machine | | | | |

| | |Conducts checks and maintenance | | | | |

| | |Locks and removes keys | | | | |

|BCCPO3012B |5 |Conducts pre-operational checks |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Checks tip truck controls and functions, including tray, steering, |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |brakes and manoeuvrability |procedures | | | |

| | |Identifies site hazards associated with tip truck operations |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Manages engine power to ensure efficiency of truck movements and to |Effective communication | | | |

| | |minimise damage to the engine and gears |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Coordinates engine power with gear selection ensuring smooth |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |transition and operation within torque range |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Monitors road/traffic conditions taking into account of road |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |standards, traffic flow, distance and load, ensuring no injury to |Operator manuals | | | |

| | |people or damage to property, equipment, loads and facilities | | | | |

| | |Stops vehicle smoothly, minimising the wear and tear on vehicle | | | | |

| | |using the engine retarder, gears and brakes | | | | |

| | |Positions vehicle at load and discharge points with a minimum of | | | | |

| | |manoeuvre | | | | |

| | |Ensures tip truck movements including the raising and lowering of | | | | |

| | |the tray are smooth and controlled | | | | |

| | |Assesses weight and distribution of load for type of material and | | | | |

| | |size of vehicle to ensure it is within vehicle capacity | | | | |

| | |Maintains safety and security of load, including load cover | | | | |

| | |requirements, from loading site to discharge site | | | | |

| | |Discharges load on slope/over edge at fill site in accordance with | | | | |

| | |safe operating techniques | | | | |

| | |Clears, lowers and secures tray before resuming | | | | |

| | |travel | | | | |

| | |Parks tip truck safely | | | | |

| | |Shuts down in accordance with manufacturers' manual | | | | |

| | |Conducts inspection, maintenance and fault finding if required | | | | |

| | |Clears work area and disposes of waste materials | | | | |

|BCCPO3013B |6 |Identifies site hazards |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2, 3, 4, 6, 7 | |Selects suitable roller for task |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Identifies rolling pattern |procedures | | | |

| | |Selects, fits and checks any required attachments |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Conducts pre-operational checks |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Performs correct number of passes to ensure compaction standards are|Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |met |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Controls rolling speed |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Rolls from kerb to crown ensuring not to roll crown |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Seeks guidance when rolling close to a structure e.g. bridge |Operator manuals | | | |

| | |abutment, K & C, culvert etc | | | | |

| | |Monitors surface for defects | | | | |

| | |Ensures gravel windrow is not compacted | | | | |

| | |Parks and shuts down roller | | | | |

| | |Conducts post-operational checks | | | | |

| | |Discusses any inspection, fault finding and maintenance carried out | | | | |

| | |on rollers | | | | |

|BCCCM1004B |7 |Formwork: |Job plan/specifications | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Calculates perimeter of slab from work instructions to ensure enough|Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|BCCCM2012B | |formwork is on hand |procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | |Cuts formwork to length ensuring overlap of ends is allowed for |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Reinforcing materials: |Mathematical concepts | | | |

| | |Calculates area of slab to ensure enough mesh is on hand |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Makes allowances for overlap of mesh and distance in from edge of | | | | |

| | |formwork | | | | |

| | |Identifies and orders correct lengths of rio-bar from plan | | | | |

| | |Calculates and orders other reinforcing materials from plan | | | | |

| | |Concrete: | | | | |

| | |Calculates volume of concrete after the formwork is set up | | | | |

| | |Allows for extra concrete and places order to the next increment of | | | | |

| | |.2 cubic meter | | | | |

| | |Concrete slab | | | | |

| | |Sets up formwork according to plans | | | | |

| | |Ensures pins and braces are in place as per specifications | | | | |

| | |Checks levels and alignment prior to placement of mesh | | | | |

| | |Oils formwork to prevent concrete sticking to it | | | | |

| | |Identifies size of reinforcing materials e.g. mesh sizes and rio bar| | | | |

| | |diameters | | | | |

| | |Places mesh in correct position as per plans i.e. enough concrete | | | | |

| | |cover over mesh | | | | |

| | |Overlaps and ties mesh as per plans | | | | |

| | |Ensures distance from formwork is per plan | | | | |

| | |Sets-up chairs/plates correctly | | | | |

| | |Checks concrete slump and grade on arrival of concrete truck | | | | |

| | |Wears correct PPE e.g. gumboots, safety glasses, gloves etc | | | | |

| | |Places concrete so as not to move formwork | | | | |

| | |Ensures chute is low enough not to cause segregation of materials | | | | |

| | |Shovels and rakes concrete into place | | | | |

| | |Uses screed to level concrete | | | | |

| | |Uses vibrating needle to compact concrete | | | | |

| | |Finishes edges | | | | |

| | |Bulls floats and trowels surface to ensure smooth finish | | | | |

| | |Brooms surface if required | | | | |

| | |Sprays curing oil on surface as per manufacturer’s specifications | | | | |

| | |Covers concrete and allows to set | | | | |

| | |After concrete is set: | | | | |

| | |Strips formwork in sequence so as not to damage new work | | | | |

| | |Cleans and oils formwork | | | | |

| | |Denails formwork (and correctly disposes of nails) | | | | |

| | |Stacks and stores formwork | | | | |

| | |Clears the work area of all waste | | | | |

| | |Cleans, maintains, stores and secures equipment | | | | |

| | |Checks tools and equipment for faults | | | | |

| | |Secures the site | | | | |

| | |Disposes of waste in an environmentally friendly manner | | | | |

| | |Reports damaged formwork or disposes of it | | | | |

|BCCCM2013B |8 |Accesses and reads traffic management plan |Traffic management plan | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Holds discussion with Supervisor to |AS1742.3 | | | |

| | |determine path for traffic through worksite |Job plans / specifications | | | |

| | |determine intervals that traffic are to be let through |Codes of Practice (traffic) | | | |

| | |Identifies Traffic Controllers station |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Checks traffic controllers qualifications and currency |procedures | | | |

| | |Plans ensuring escape route |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Ensures visibility to traffic |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Determines stopping distances to suit the road conditions |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Sets up 60 kph sign 180m – 240m from Traffic Controller |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Sets up Traffic Controller Ahead/Prepare to Stop sign 120m – 160m |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |from Traffic Controller | | | | |

| | |Sets up barriers, directional signs (if required) and witches hats | | | | |

| | |Holds discussion with other Traffic Controller to determine | | | | |

| | |communication and work procedure | | | | |

| | |Stops, holds, releases and controls traffic using 2-way radios | | | | |

| | |according to TCAS procedures, or hand signals if line of sight is | | | | |

| | |established | | | | |

| | |Reports and records any incidents and refers to Supervisor or person| | | | |

| | |of authority | | | | |

| | |Takes signs down at completion of work and cleans stores as per | | | | |

| | |Company policy | | | | |

|BCCCM3005B |9 |Knowledge of OHS legislation as applicable to workplace operations |Hazard identification and control | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Knowledge of site safety plan and safe workplace procedures |principles | | | |

| | |Knowledge of civil construction risks / hazards |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Knowledge of concepts of risk frequency and probability |procedures | | | |

| | |Knowledge of risk assessment processes and the ability to carry out |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |risk assessment |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Consultation with WHS representatives |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Understanding of the concept of Duty of Care | | | | |

| | |Knowledge of industry risk control procedures | | | | |

| | |Effective report writing and communication skills | | | | |

|BCCRC2001B |10 |Cleans pothole of water and loose materials |Job plans / specifications | | | |

|2 | |Trims edges to a minimum depth of 25mm to enable interlocking of new|Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |to existing materials |procedures | | | |

| | |Places binder around edge of pothole to ensure adhesion of material |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Places and compacts mix |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Sweeps patch |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Pours binder around edge and covers with sand/crusher dust to |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |prevent water penetration |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | | |Civil construction terminology | | | |

|BCGCM2007B |11 |Check the equipment for operational maintenance |Regulations pertaining to the safe | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Selects appropriate charge to fix material to substrate |use, storage and security of | | | |

| | |Selects attachments/accessories |explosive power tools | | | |

| | |Checks fastener and charge |Misfire procedure | | | |

| | |Checks fastener penetration to right depth |Job plans / specifications | | | |

| | |Adjusts power regulating device |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Test fires the equipment |procedures | | | |

| | |Practices a misfire procedure |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |Fires equipment ensuring safety of self and others |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Removes temporary holdings/fixings |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Secures and stores charges |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Carries out equipment clean and maintenance and keeps appropriate |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |records |Operator manuals | | | |

|BCGCM3001B |12 |Conducts prestart checks on EWP |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Identifies and reports leaks, damage and/or wear |procedures | | | |

| | |Connects and switches on power source as per manufacturers |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |recommendations |Mathematical concepts | | | |

| | |Checks emergency safety devices for serviceability |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Isolates and tags existing services in the vicinity to ensure safe |Job plans / specifications | | | |

| | |work conditions |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Places EWP on a firm level surface free from obstructions and |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |stabilisers set as per manufacturers recommendations |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Places tools and equipment in platform securely |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |Checks and fits harness |Operator manuals | | | |

| | |Operates EWP controls to manufacturers recommendations to raise and | | | | |

| | |lower platform | | | | |

| | |Locks EWP controls when not in use while performing work | | | | |

| | |Carries out work safely and according to Company Policy | | | | |

| | |Shuts down equipment as per operators manual | | | | |

| | |Re-instates services that were isolated – removes tags and notifies | | | | |

| | |relevant persons that work is complete | | | | |

|BCGSF2003B |13 |Selects and fits PPE – long clothing, gloves, goggles |Australian standard (AS1674) | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Controls site hazards including: removal of flammable waste |Job plans / specifications | | | |

| | |material, petrol containers and other persons in the vicinity |Workplace/site policies and | | | |

| | |Identifies, calculates, obtains and prepares materials ready for use|procedures | | | |

| | |Ensures fire extinguisher or water supply on hand in case of |Work safety practices | | | |

| | |emergency |Effective communication | | | |

| | |Wears long clothing and PPE |Waste minimisation | | | |

| | |Attaches regulators, hoses and hand piece |Environmental protection | | | |

| | |Tests for leaks using back of the hand or soapy water sprayed onto |Good housekeeping | | | |

| | |joins |Civil construction terminology | | | |

| | |Clamps plate securely |Operator manuals | | | |

| | |Marks plate for accurate cut | | | | |

| | |Attaches correct tip to hand piece according to plate thickness | | | | |

| | |Sets correct pressures | | | | |

| | |Lights torch and set flame set for cutting | | | | |

| | |Maintains comfortable position for cutting | | | | |

| | |Cuts plate in a safe and proper manner | | | | |

| | |Marks plate HOT and warns co-workers | | | | |

| | |Securely clamps bar | | | | |

| | |Marks bend for accuracy | | | | |

| | |Attaches correct tip hand piece | | | | |

| | |Lights torch and sets flame set for heating | | | | |

| | |Heats bar until red hot | | | | |

| | |Bends bar to predetermined measurements | | | | |

| | |Cools bar off | | | | |

| | |Shuts down equipment | | | | |

| | |Shuts off gas supply | | | | |

| | |Rolls up hoses; stores gauges and hand piece | | | | |


Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.

As these tasks will be completed at the worksite all resources required for the completion of these tasks should be available at the worksite. It is anticipated that no additional resources will be required.


Third Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate.

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.



To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

( Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

← follows OH&S policies and procedures

← communicates effectively with others

← has sound planning and organisational skills with respect to own work

← performs worksite measurements and calculations

← safety and correctly uses hand and power tools

← reads and interprets different plans and specifications

← performs manual excavations, and drains and dewaters sites

← spreads and compacts materials

← performs basic levelling

← supports plant operators

← controls traffic using stop-slow bat

← identifies, locates and protects existing services during work operations

← safely and competently operates a backhoe/loader, tip truck and roller

← safely and competently operates an excavator

← safely and competently operates a skid steer loader

← undertakes concreting work including preparation and formwork

← identifies and controls risks

← repairs potholes

← lays pipes

← uses explosive power tools

← operates an elevated work platform

← cuts and bends materials using oxy/LPG equipment

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Assessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

|Elements |Performance Criteria |Questions |Practical Tasks |

|BCCCM1001C Follow OH&S policies and procedures |

|Follow safe work practices |Tasks are performed in a safe manner and in accordance with legislative requirements, enterprise policies and procedures |1, 2 |GC |

| |Organisation of duties, tools, equipment and materials are performed in accordance with enterprise procedures |2 |GC |

| |Personal protective equipment and clothing is worn, used and stored according to enterprise procedures |2 |GC |

| |Plant and equipment guards are used in accordance with manufacturers specifications and regulations |2, 3 |GC |

| |Safety signs and symbols are identified and followed |4 |GC |

|Assess risks |Hazards in the work area are identified, assessed and reported to designated personnel |3 |GC |

| |OH&S issues and risks in the work area are identified, assessed and reported to designated personnel |2, 3 |GC |

| |Safe workplace procedures and safe work instructions are followed for controlling risks |2, 3 |GC |

| |OH&S, hazard, accident or incident reports are completed according to workplace procedures and State/Territory legislation |2, 3 |GC |

|Follow emergency procedures |Appropriate personnel are identified in the event of an emergency |3 |GC |

| |Safe workplace procedures for dealing with accidents, fires and emergencies are followed within scope of responsibilities |1, 4, 5 |GC |

| |Emergency and evacuation procedures are practiced and carried out when required |3, 4, 5 |GC |

|BCCCM1002B Conduct Workplace Communication | | |

|Gather, convey and receive |Verbal and written instructions are gathered, received and responded to with correct actions |6, 7, 8 |1 |

|information |Instructions are conveyed accurately |9 |1 |

| |Work signage is responded to with correct action |3, 8, 9 |1 |

| |Information is conveyed in simple English and message is confirmed |7, 8, 9 |1 |

| |Questions are used to gain additional information and to clarify understanding |7, 8, 9 |1 |

|Carry out face-to-face routine |Routine instructions and messages are received and followed |7, 8, 9 |1 |

|communication |Workplace procedures are carried out to company requirements |9 |1 |

| |Information from a range of sources is accessed and interpreted |7, 8, 9 |1 |

| |Information is selected and sequenced correctly |9 |1 |

| |Verbal and written reporting is completed where required |8, 9 |1 |

|Apply visual communications |Visual communications are used following accepted industry practices or social conventions |8 |1 |

| |The attention of the communicating parties is obtained, confirmed and/or acknowledged |8 |1 |

| |The intention of the visual communication is clarified and confirmed at each step |8 |1 |

| |Visual communications which are unclear or ambiguous are questioned or visually cancelled |8 |1 |

| |Instances of unclear visual communications are followed up to avoid repeated problems |8 |1 |

|Participate in simple on site |Correct process for on site meetings are identified and followed to pre-determined or agreed procedures |9 |1 |

|meeting processes |Responses are sought and provided to others in the group |9 |1 |

| |Constructive contributions are made |9 |1 |

| |Goals or outcomes are identified and/or recorded |9 |1 |

|BCCCM1003B Plan and organise work |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A |

| |confirmed and applied | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan, other regulatory specifications or legal obligations and applied |1, 2 |GC, 1A |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 3 |1A |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Material appropriate to the work application are identified, safely handled and located ready for use |18 |1A |

| |Civil construction employment conditions, responsibilities and obligations are identified and clarified |1, 10 |1A |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan or appropriate regulatory |1 |1A |

| |specifications and applied | | |

|Sequence work safely |Work plan is determined, modified and performed in a logical and efficient sequence |10, 11 |1A |

| |Tasks are completed to meet design specifications or supervisors instructions |10 |1A |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with state or territory legislation |12 |1N |

| |Machinery, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard |12, 24 |1O |

| |work practices | | |

|BCCCM1004B Carry out measurements and calculations | |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions are confirmed and applied |10, 12 |7 |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan, other regulatory specifications or legal obligations and applied |1, 2 |GC, 7 |

| |Measuring and calculating equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability|16 |7 |

| |and any faults are rectified or reported | | |

|Obtain measurements |Method of obtaining the measurement is selected and applied |16 |7 |

| |Measurements are obtained using a rule or tape, accurate to 1mm |16 |7 |

| |Measurements are confirmed and recorded |16 |7 |

|Perform calculations |Appropriate calculation method is selected for achieving the required result |16 |1B, 7 |

| |Material quantities for the project are correctly calculated using the appropriate factors |16 |1B, 7 |

| |Results are confirmed and recorded |16 |1B, 7 |

|Estimate approximate quantities |Calculations for determining material requirements are taken |16 |1B, 7 |

| |Appropriate formulas for calculating quantities are selected |17 |1B, 7 |

| |Quantities are estimated from the calculations taken |16 |1B, 7 |

| |Material quantities for the project are calculated, confirmed and recorded within enterprise tolerances |16 |1B, 7 |

|BCCCM1005B Handle construction materials and safely dispose of non-toxic materials | | |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 10 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 3 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks that are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Manually handle, sort and stack |Common construction materials are identified and selected for sorting and stacking/stockpiling |15, 16 |1C |

|construction material |Handling characteristics of materials are identified and appropriate handling techniques applied to complete tasks |15, 16 |1C |

| |Specific handling requirements are applied for hazardous materials |15, 16 |1C |

| |Materials are stored, stacked/stockpiled and protected so they are easily identifiable, retrievable and not damaged |15, 16 |1C |

| |Appropriate signage and barricades are erected to isolate stored materials from workplace traffic or access |15, 16 |GC, 1C |

|Mechanically handle materials |Materials are stacked/banded for mechanical handling in accordance with type of material and plant/equipment |15, 17 |1C |

| |Dogman/rigger is assisted with loading, unloading, moving and locating materials |15, 17 |1C |

| |Materials are shifted safely with assistance of mechanical-manual handling aids |15, 17 |1C |

|Handle and remove waste |Material safety data sheets and requirements of regulatory authorities are complied with |10 |1C |

| |Hazardous materials are identified for separate handling |15 |1C |

| |Correct procedures are used to remove non-toxic materials |15 |1C |

| |Dust suppression procedures are used to minimise health risks to work personnel and others |15 |1C |

|Clean up |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12 |1O |

| |practices | | |

| |Unused materials are safely stored/stacked for future use |12 |1C |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12 |1N |

|BCCCM2001B Use civil construction hand and power tools |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A, 1D-M |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC, 1D-M |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A, 1D-M |

| |are rectified or reported | |GC, 1D-M |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 | |

| |task | | |

|Select and use hand tools |Hand tools are selected consistent with needs of the job |18 |1D-M |

| |Tools are checked for serviceability and safety, and faults reported |19 |1D-M |

| |Materials are clamped or fixed in position |19 |1D-M |

| |Hand tools are used safely and effectively according to their intended use |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Hand tools are safely located when not in immediate use |19 |1D-M |

|Select and use power tools |Power tools, leads and hoses are selected consistent with needs of job in accordance with standard work practice, and any faults reported |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Power leads/hoses are visually checked for serviceability/safety in accordance with the site safety plan | | |

| |Route for safe placement of leads/hoses is cleared of identified hazards |19 |1D-M |

| |Electrical power leads are run to power supply so they are clear of traffic or covered where possible |19 |1D-M |

| |Electric power leads are connected to the power board or direct to power tool |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Air hoses are run out to the compressed air supply and covered where potential trip hazards exist |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Hose is connected to power tool and air supply |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Material is clamped or fixed in position for power tool application where applicable |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Power tools are safely and effectively used in application processes |18 |1D-M |

| |Power tools are safely located when not in use |18, 19 |1D-M |

| | |19 |1D-M |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |1, 12 |1N |

| |Machinery, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard |12, 19, 20 |1O |

| |work practices | | |

|BCCCM2002C Use small plant and equipment |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A, 1D-M |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC, 1D-M |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job |18, 19 |1D-M |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC, 1D-M |

| |task | | |

|Conduct pre-operational checks |2.1 Fuel and lubricants are selected according to manufacturers' specifications |23 |1D-M |

| |2.2 Fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid and water levels are checked and adjusted according to manufacturers' manual |23, 24 |1D-M |

| |2.3 Bolts, nuts, guards and attachment couplings are secured/tightened and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' instructions |23, 24 |1D-M |

| |2.4 Function of controls and gauges are checked and adjusted where necessary to comply with manufacturers' manual | | |

| |2.5 Standard start-up and shut down procedures are conducted according to requirements of operators' manual |22, 23 |1D-M |

| | |23 |1D-M |

|Use small plant and equipment |Site hazards associated with small plant and equipment operations are identified and appropriate controls established in accordance with |1, 3, 22 |1D-M |

| |the requirements of the site safety plan | | |

| |Operating techniques for small plant and equipment are identified and applied to achieve optimum output in accordance with manufactures' |21, 22 |1D-M |

| |design specifications while maintaining specified tolerances | | |

| |Machine is operated to produce results within design specifications to meet specified tolerances |21, 22 |1D-M |

| |Plant and equipment are safely located when not in immediate use |22 |1D-M |

| |Responsibility of self direction to achieve finished product to job/design specifications is assumed |21, 22 |1D-M |

|Carry out operator maintenance |Plant/equipment is shut down and prepared for maintenance as per manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements |21, 23 |1D-M |

| |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufactures' specifications and/or organisational requirements |24 |1D-M |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements | | |

| |Regular programmed maintenances tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or organisational requirements |24 |1D-M |

| | | | |

| | |12, 24 |1D-M |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12 |1N |

| |Plant, equipment and tools are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 19, 20, 24 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2003B Read and interpret plans and specifications |

|Identify types of drawings and |Main types of plans and drawings used in the civil construction sector of the industry are identified |25 |1A, 1D |

|their function |Key functions of each type of drawing are identified |25, 26 |1A, 1D |

| |Quality requirements of company operations are recognised and adhered to |25, 27 |1A, 1D |

| |Environmental controls are identified from the job plans, specifications and environmental plan |25 |GC, 1A, 1D |

|Recognise amendments |2.1 Title panel is checked to verify latest amendments to drawing |26 |1A, 1D |

| |2.2 Amendments to specifications are checked to ensure currency of information |26 |1A, 1D |

|Recognise commonly used symbols |Civil construction symbols and abbreviations are recognised |26 |1A, 1D |

|and abbreviations |Legend is located on project drawings, symbols and abbreviations are correctly interpreted |26 |1A, 1D |

|Locate and identify key features |Orientation of the plan with the site is achieved |26 |1A, 1D |

|on a site plan |Key features of the site are identified and located |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Access to site is gained and services, main features, contours and datum are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

|Identify project requirements |Existing surface level and finished surface level are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Dimensions for earthworks for nominated locations are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Invert level and depth to invert offsets percent fall are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Batter slopes and gradients for nominated locations are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Drainage type and location is identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Pavement types and dimensions for nominated locations are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

| |Environmental controls and locations are identified |1 |1A, 1D |

| |Location, dimensions and tolerances for ancillary works are identified |26 |1A, 1D |

|Read and interpret job |Job specifications are identified from drawings, notes and descriptions |27 |1A, 1D |

|specifications |Standards of work, finishes and tolerances are identified from the project specifications |27 |1A, 1D |

| |Material attributes are identified from specifications |27 |1A, 1D |

|BCCCM2004B Drain and dewater site |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 3 |GC, 1A |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 10 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Position sedimentation control |Sedimentation controls are positioned according to project environmental management plan |28, 29 |1G |

| |Sedimentation control barriers are constructed in accordance with the environmental management plan |28, 29 |1G |

| |Geo-fabrics and/or woven wire is positioned according to specification and to the environmental management plan |28, 29 |1G |

|Remove surface water |Temporary drainage systems are established to drain or divert surface and sub-surface water to the storm water drainage system |28, 29 |1G |

| |Slab and site surface water are removed and/or directed to the temporary drainage system |28, 29 |1G |

| |Surface holes and depressions are filled |28, 29 |1G |

| |Surface water is drained to drainage system using adequate fall |28, 29 |1G |

|Construct sump/wells |Sump and/or well is located at the lowest point to be drained to maximise pump efficiency |28, 29 |1G |

| |Sumps and/or wells are constructed to work instructions |28, 29 |1G |

|Remove water from sumps/well, |Surface or submersible pumps are installed |28, 29 |1G |

|trenches and pits |Surface pump is located as close as practicable to the sump or well |28, 29 |1G |

| |Water is pumped to temporary drainage system according to the project environmental management plan |28, 29 |1G |

| |Discharged water is dispersed using approved procedures |28, 29 |1G |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12 |1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 19, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2005B Carry out manual excavation |

|Prepare for work |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and observed |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |19, 20 |1A |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Dig small excavations by hand |The location and specifications of the intended excavation are confirmed on the ground before commencing work |30 |1A, 1I |

| |Service markers or taped areas are identified |30 |1I |

| |Location of underground services is determined or confirmed to avoid damage or interference |30 |1A |

| |Hand tools are correctly used to safely dig post holes, small pits and trenches to the required dimensions |30 |1I |

| |Trench collapse prevention procedures are undertaken in accordance with legislative and site requirements, where excavation is in unstable |30, 31 |1I |

| |ground | | |

| |Barricades are placed around the excavation |30 |1I |

|Complete and isolate the |Loose material is cleaned out of excavation using hand tools |30, 31 |1I |

|excavation |The excavation is checked for confirmation with the specification or work instruction |30 |1I |

|Clean up |Loose material is cleared away from edge of excavation |30 |1I |

| |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2006B Support plant operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |1H |

| |task | | |

|Identify and protect services |Services are located from plan |32 |1H |

| |Service markers are located during machine operations and operators advised of location to prevent damage |32 |1H |

| |Services are exposed, marked and barriers erected to prevent damage |32 |1A |

|Support the operators |Unsafe conditions or potential damage to property are notified to operator |32 |1H |

| |Pegs and levels are checked and advice given to machine operator for compliance with job requirements |32 |1H |

| |Delivered/relocated materials are delivered to correct location and checked for quality and quantity |32 |1H |

| |Delivery plant/trucks are directed to required location for loading/unloading |32 |1H |

| |Guidance is provided to assist machine operator with spreading of materials to specified levels |32 |1H |

| |Guidance is provided to assist machine operator with compaction of materials in layers |32 |1H |

| |Excavation jobs are finished by hand to specifications |32 |1I |

| |Damage to access roads is reported to supervisor |32 |1H |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2007B Spread and compact materials manually |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the | | |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented | | |

| |Plant and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults | | |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted | | |

| |task | | |

| | |1, 2 |GC |

| | |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| | |18, 19 |1A |

| | |1, 11 |GC |

|Conduct compaction machine |Pre-start, start up and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or site specific requirements |22, 23 |1K |

|operational checks |Machine controls and functions are checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified or reported |22, 23 |1K |

|Spread and compact materials |Material type is identified |33 |1K |

| |Trucks are directed to required location for loading/dumping |34 |1H |

| |Delivered/relocated materials are directed to correct location |34 |1H, 1M |

| |Manufactured material is checked for segregation |34 |1K |

| |Field test is conducted to ensure material moisture is suitable |34 |1K |

| |Machine operator is directed to spread materials to specified levels |34 |1K |

| |Materials are finished by hand to specified levels |34 |1K |

| |Materials are consolidated into layers by hand held mechanical compaction equipment |33, 34 |1K |

| |Field test is conducted to ensure compaction has been achieved in restricted locations |34 |1K |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Plant and equipment is cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2008B Carry out basic levelling |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and observed |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Levelling equipment is checked for serviceability, within specified tolerances and any faults are reported |35 |1F |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Establish offsets for civil works |Offset and recovery pegs are established from survey controls to plans and drawings to meet project requirements |35 |1F |

| |Earthwork and pavement control lines are re-established from offsets and/or recovery pegs in accordance with plans, drawings and |35 |1F |

| |specifications | | |

| |Drainage offsets are established from survey control in accordance with plans, drawings and specifications |35 |1F |

|3 Set up and use levelling |Heights to be transferred/established are identified from project plans or instructions |35 |1F, 1K |

|device |Levelling instruments are set-up and correctly used in accordance with standard operating procedures and manufacturers' guidelines |35 |1F, 1K |

| |Heights are transferred from the known to the required | | |

| |Results of levelling procedure are documented and closed out to organisational requirements |35 |1F, 1K |

| | |35 |1F, 1K |

|4 Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2014B Identify, locate and protect underground services |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A, 1E |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task |36 |1E |

| |Information for search requirements is obtained and prepared prior to making contact with the service provider (dial before you dig) | | |

| |Location, alignment direction, level and grade of services and/or utilities are determined from the plans and location details |25, 36 |1E |

|Locate underground services |Services and utilities location details are obtained from the site owners |36 |1E |

| |Emergency numbers, contact details and procedures for types and owners of the services and/or utilities are determined |37 |1E |

| |Owners of the services and/or utilities are contacted to obtain plans and location details |36 |1E |

| |Plant/equipment appropriate to the task is selected to excavate safely in search of the services and/or utilities where they may be |18 |1A |

| |impacted upon by the construction | | |

| |Visual or physical determination (pothole) of the services and/or utilities is undertaken prior to construction commencing |36 |1E |

| |Services and/or utilities are moved, protected and supported from the construction process in conjunction with the service and/or utility |36, 37 |1E |

| |owner | | |

| |Damage to services/utilities during physical determination (potholing) is reported to asset owner in accordance with asset owners' |37 | |

| |requirements | | |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCPO3001C Conduct backhoe/loader operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |3 |GC, 1A |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Conduct machine pre-operational |Pre-start, start up, park and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or site specific requirements |38, 40 |2 |

|checks |Machine controls and functions, including implements or other attachments, brakes and manoeuvrability are checked for serviceability and | | |

| |any faults are rectified or reported |38, 40 |2 |

|Operate backhoe/loader |Site hazards associated with backhoe/loader operations are identified and safe operating techniques are used to minimise risk |38, 39 |2 |

| |Operating techniques for backhoe/loader are identified and applied to achieve optimum output in accordance with manufacturers' design |39 |2 |

| |specifications while achieving specified tolerances | | |

| |Machine is operated to work instructions in accordance with company operating procedures |39 |2 |

|Lift, carry and place materials |Communication practices associated with transportation and lifting of materials are conducted in accordance with work site specific |39 |2 |

| |practices, procedures and confirmed between parties | | |

| |Slings and lifting gear are selected and attached in accordance with safe working load requirements identified in State or Territory OH&S |39 |2 |

| |legislation | | |

| |Weight of load is established |39 |2 |

| |Machinery is positioned ensuring stability and located to effectively shift materials according to job specifications |39 |2 |

| |Load is shifted safely and effectively in accordance with industry safety standards and manufacturers' specifications |39 |2 |

| |Load is moved in accordance with conventional hand and audible signals that meet State or Territory OH&S legislation or work site specific |39 |2 |

| |practices and procedures | | |

|Select, remove and fit attachments|Attachment is selected for the task |39 |2 |

| |Attachment is removed and fitted according to manufacturers' manual and site requirements |39 |2 |

| |Attachment is tested to ensure correct fitting and operation as specified in manufacturers' manual |39 |2 |

| |Attachment is used in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and design limits |39 |2 |

| |Removed attachments are cleaned and stored in designated location |39 |2 |

|Relocate the backhoe/loader |Backhoe/loader is moved safely between work sites, observing relevant codes and traffic management requirements |41 | |

| |Backhoe/loader is prepared for relocation in accordance with the manufacturers' specification |41 | |

|Carry out machine operator |Machine is safely parked, prepared for maintenance and shut down in accordance with manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements |41 |2 |

|maintenance |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and/or organisational requirements | | |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements |41 |2 |

| |Regular programmed maintenance tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or organisational requirements | | |

| | |40 |2 |

| | | | |

| | |40 |2 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |2, 1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |2, 1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCPO3003B Conduct excavator operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |3 |GC, 1A |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Conduct machine preoperational |Pre-start, start up, park and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers’ and/or site specific requirements |38, 39 |3 |

|checks |Excavator controls and functions, including implements or other attachments, brakes and manoeuvrability are checked for serviceability and | | |

| |any faults are rectified or reported |38, 39 |3 |

|Operate excavator |Site hazards associated with excavator operations are identified and safe operating techniques are used to minimise risk |38, 39 |3 |

| |Operating techniques for excavator are identified and applied to achieve optimum output in accordance with manufacturers’ design |39 |3 |

| |specifications while achieving specified tolerances | | |

| |Excavator is operated to work instructions in accordance with company operating procedures |39 |3 |

|Lift, carry and place materials |Communication practices associated with transportation and lifting of materials are conducted in accordance with work site specific |39 |3 |

| |practices, procedures and confirmed between parties | | |

| |Weight of load is established |39 |3 |

| |Slings and lifting gear are selected, attached and used in accordance with safe working load requirements as identified in State or |39 |3 |

| |Territory OH&S legislation | | |

| |Machinery is positioned ensuring stability and located to effectively shift materials according to job specifications |39 |3 |

| |Load is shifted safely and effectively in accordance with industry safety standards and manufacturers’ specifications |39 |3 |

| |Load is moved in accordance with conventional hand and audible signals that meet State or Territory OH&S legislation on work site specific |39 |3 |

| |practices and procedures | | |

|Select, remove and fit attachments|Attachment is selected for the task |39 |3 |

| |Attachment is removed and fitted according to manufacturers’ manual and site requirements |39 |3 |

| |Attachment is tested to ensure correct fitting and operation as specified in manufacturers’ manual |39 |3 |

| |Attachment is used in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and design limits |39 |3 |

| |Removed attachments are cleaned and stored in designated location |39 |3 |

|Relocate the excavator |Excavator is moved safely between work sites, observing relevant codes and traffic management requirements |41 |3 |

| |Excavator is prepared for relocation in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications |41 |3 |

|Carry out machine operator |Machine is safely parked, prepared for maintenance and shut down in accordance with manufacturers’ manual and organisational requirements |40 |3 |

|maintenance |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or organisational requirements | | |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers’ manual and organisational requirements |40 |3 |

| |Regular programmed maintenance tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers’ and/or organisational requirements |40 |3 |

| | | | |

| | |40 |3 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |3, 1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |3, 1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCPO3008B Conduct skid steer loader operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |3 |GC, 1A |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Conduct machine preoperational |Pre-start, start up, park and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers’ and/or site specific requirements |38, 40 |4 |

|checks |Loader controls and functions, including implements or other attachments, brakes and manoeuvrability are checked for serviceability and any| | |

| |faults are rectified or reported |38, 40 |4 |

|Operate skid steer loader |Site hazards associated with skid steer loader operations are identified and safe operating techniques are used to minimise risk |38, 39 |4 |

| |Operating techniques for skid steer loader are identified and applied to achieve optimum output in accordance with manufacturers’ design |39 |4 |

| |specifications while achieving specified tolerances | | |

| |Loader is operated to work instructions in accordance with company operating procedures |39 |4 |

|Lift, carry and place materials |Communication practices associated with transportation and lifting of materials are conducted in accordance with site specific practices, |39 |4 |

| |procedures and confirmed between parties | | |

| |Slings and lifting gear are selected, attached and applied in accordance with safe working load requirements identified in State or |39 |4 |

| |Territory OH&S legislation | | |

| |Weight of load is established |39 |4 |

| |Machinery is positioned ensuring stability and located to effectively shift materials according to job specifications |39 |4 |

| |Load is shifted safely and effectively in accordance with industry safety standards and manufacturers’ specifications |39 |4 |

| |Load is moved in accordance with conventional hand and available signals that meet State or Territory OH&S legislation or work site |39 |4 |

| |specific practices and procedures | | |

|Select, remove and fit attachments|Attachment is selected for the task |39 |4 |

| |Attachment is removed and fitted according to manufacturers’ manual and site requirements |39 |4 |

| |Attachment is tested to ensure correct fitting and operation as specified in manufacturers’ manual |39 |4 |

| |Attachment is used in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and design limits |39 |4 |

| |Removed attachments are cleaned and stored in designated location |39 |4 |

|Relocate the skid steer loader |Skid steer loader is moved safely between work sites, observing relevant codes and traffic management requirements |41 | |

| |Skid steer loader is prepared for relocation in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications |41 | |

|Carry out machine operator |Machine is safely parked, prepared for maintenance and shut down as per manufacturers’ manual and organisational requirements |40 |4 |

|maintenance |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and/or organisational requirements | | |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers’ manual and organisational requirements |40 |4 |

| |Regular programmed maintenance tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers’ and/or organisational requirements | | |

| | |40 |4 |

| | | | |

| | |40 |4 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |4, 1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |4, 1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCPO3012B Conduct tip truck operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |3 |GC, 1A |

| |Vehicle, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and |18, 19 |1A |

| |any faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Conduct machine pre-operational |Pre-start, start up, park and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or site specific requirements |43, 44 |5 |

|checks |Tip truck controls and functions, including tray, steering, brakes and manoeuvrability are checked for serviceability and any faults are | | |

| |rectified or reported |43 |5 |

|Operate truck |Site hazards associated with tip truck operations are identified and safe operating techniques are used to minimise risk |42, 43 |5 |

| |Engine power is managed to ensure efficiency of truck movements and to minimise damage to the engine and gears |42, 43 |5 |

| |Engine power is coordinated with gear selection ensuring smooth transition and operation within torque range |42, 43 |5 |

| |Tip truck is operated to work instructions in accordance with company operating procedures |42, 43 |5 |

| |Road/traffic conditions are constantly monitored taking into account of road standards, traffic flow, distance and load, ensuring no injury|42, 43 |5 |

| |to people or damage to property, equipment, loads and facilities | | |

| |Vehicle is brought to a halt smoothly, minimising the wear and tear on vehicle using the engine retarder, gears and brakes |42, 43 |5 |

|Select, remove and fit attachments|Vehicle is positioned at load and discharge points with a minimum of manoeuvre |42, 43 |5 |

| |Tip truck movements including the raising and lowering of the tray are smooth and controlled |42, 43 |5 |

| |Weight and distribution of load is assessed for type of material and size of vehicle to ensure it is within vehicle capacity |42, 43 |5 |

| |Safety and security of load, including load cover requirements, are maintained from loading site to discharge site |42, 43 |5 |

| |Load is discharged on slope and/or over face at fill site in accordance with safe operating techniques and company operating procedures |42, 43 |5 |

| |Material is dumped/spread evenly to work instructions in accordance with safe operating techniques and company operating procedures | | |

| |Tray is cleared, lowered and secured before resuming travel in accordance with manufacturers' instructions |42, 43 |5 |

| | | | |

| | |42, 43 |5 |

|Carry out driver maintenance |Tip truck is safely parked, prepared for maintenance and shut down in accordance with manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements|44 |5 |

| | | | |

| |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and/or organisational requirements |44 |5 |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements | | |

| |Regular programmed maintenance tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or organisational requirements |44 |5 |

| | | | |

| | |44 |5 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12 |5, 1N |

| |Vehicle, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard |12, 20, 45 |5, 1O |

| |work practices | | |

|BCCP03013B Conduct roller operations |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the|10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |3 |1A, GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Conduct machine pre-operational |Pre-start, start up, park and shut down procedures are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or site specific requirements |45 |6 |

|checks |Roller controls and functions, including implements or other attachments, brakes and manoeuvrability are checked for serviceability and any| | |

| |faults are rectified or reported |45 |6 |

|Operate roller |Site hazards associated with roller operations are identified and safe operating techniques are used to minimise risk |1, 2, 3 |6 |

| |Operating techniques for roller are identified and applied to achieve optimum output in accordance with manufactures' design specifications|45 |6 |

| |while achieving specified tolerances | | |

| |Roller is operated to work instructions in accordance with company operating procedures |45 |6 |

|Select, remove and fit attachments|Attachment is selected for the task |46 |6 |

| |Attachment is removed and fitted according to manufacturers' manual and site requirements |46 |6 |

| |Attachment is tested to ensure correct fitting and operation as specified in manufacturers' manual |46 |6 |

| |Attachment is used in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and design limits |46 |6 |

| |Removed attachments are cleaned and stored in designated location |46 |6 |

|Relocate the roller |Roller is moved safely between work sites, observing relevant codes and traffic management requirements |41 | |

| |Roller is prepared for relocation in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications |41 | |

|Carry out machine operator |Roller is safely parked, prepared for maintenance and shut down in accordance with manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements |45 |6 |

|maintenance |Inspection and fault finding are conducted in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and/or organisational requirements | | |

| |Defective parts are removed and replaced safely and effectively according to manufacturers' manual and organisational requirements |45 |6 |

| |Regular programmed maintenance tasks are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' and/or organisational requirements | | |

| | |45 |6 |

| | | | |

| | |45 |6 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |6, 1N |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |6, 1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2012B Carry out concrete work |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC, 7 |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC, 1A, 7 |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A, 7 |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Select materials |Location of steel reinforcement and formwork is determined from drawings and reinforcement schedule |25, 47 |7 |

| |Reinforcement is checked against reinforcement drawings and specifications |25, 47 |7 |

| |Formwork components/materials are selected consistent with job |47 |7 |

| |Fixing/fasteners are selected and used consistent with requirements of the job |47 |7 |

|Set out concrete work |String lines are set accurately from existing pegs |47 |7 |

| |Grades are checked to ensure correct fall |13, 47 |7 |

| |Services are identified and protected to prevent damage |36, 37, 47 |7 |

|Construct and fit reinforcement |Reinforcing fabric and bars are cut and bent as required to project drawings and specifications |47 |7 |

| |Fabric and bars are tied/fixed to configuration from project drawings and specifications |47 |7 |

| |Stiffening rods are attached to panels as required to facilitate handling |47 |7 |

| |Reinforcement material is located in formwork and placed on bar chairs/spacers as determined from drawings, noting clearance from formwork |47 |7 |

| |Cast-ins are located and secured | | |

| | |47 |7 |

|Erect formwork |Work area is cleared and surface prepared for safe erection of formwork |47 |7 |

| |Formwork is set out to requirements of drawings and specifications |47 |7 |

| |Formwork is assembled/erected and braced to specifications |47 |7 |

| |Expansion joints are positioned to specification and to relevant Australian Standard |47 |7 |

| |Dowel joints are positioned to specification |47 |7 |

| |Debris, sawdust and other waste material are removed from formwork |47 |7 |

| |Release agent is applied to manufacturers' specifications |47 |7 |

|Carry out concrete work |Concrete is placed correctly to specified levels and grades |48, 49 |7 |

| |Concrete is compacted to specification using immersion vibrator or other specified method |48 |7 |

| |Concrete surface is adequately covered and protected |48, 49 |7 |

|Strip formwork |Edge boxing and braces are removed sequentially |50 |7 |

| |Timber components are denailed, cleaned and stored or stacked |50 |7 |

| |Steel components are cleaned, oiled and stored or stacked |50 |7 |

| |Damaged formwork components are discarded after stripping |50 |7 |

| |Screens are safely cleaned before movement where applicable |50 |7 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20, 50 |1N, 7 |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O, 7 |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM2013C Control traffic with a stop-slow bat |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the |1, 2 |GC, 8 |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC, 1A, 8 |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks that are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |18, 19 |1A, 8 |

| |faults are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Co-ordinate traffic |Temporary traffic signs and barriers are positioned or confirmed in accordance with State or Territory regulations |51 |8 |

| |Traffic is directed in accordance with site traffic plan and away from services or areas of potential damage or danger |51 |8 |

| |Vehicles and pedestrian traffic within the work site are controlled to ensure safety of workers through traffic |51 |8 |

| |Traffic is monitored, adjustments made for changing conditions, and waiting vehicles positioned to allow for smooth traffic flow |51, 52 |8 |

| |Hand held stop/slow bats are used in accordance with State or Territory regulatory authority approved procedures | | |

| |Hand signals are used in accordance with State or Territory regulatory authority approved procedures |51, 52 |8 |

| |Traffic offenders are reported in accordance with State or Territory regulatory authority approved procedures |51, 52 |8 |

| | |51, 52 |8 |

|Operate radio |Radio controls are adjusted for optimum reception/transmission results |8, 51 |8 |

| |Messages are transmitted concisely and in accordance with operating procedures or best practice |8, 51 |8 |

| |Radio power supply is maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendation |8, 51 |8 |

| |Radio contact is checked after nominated period of non contact and in accordance with operating procedures |8, 51 |8 |

|Clean up |Signs and devices are removed or covered sequentially to provide warning to motorists during shutdown |12, 20 |1N, 8 |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCCCM3005B Carry out site based risk control services |

|Identify hazards |Site conditions and functions are analysed to identify/recognise potential hazards |53 |9 |

| |Relevant safety systems information is accessed and analysed to eliminate situations covered by existing and adequate procedures |53 |9 |

| |The type and scope of unresolved hazards and their likely impact are recognised |53 |9 |

|Assess risk |Likelihood of the event happening is considered and determined |53 |9 |

| |Consequence if the event should occur is evaluated and determined |53 |9 |

| |Risk level (likelihood and consequence combined) is considered and determined |53 |9 |

|Identify unacceptable risk |Criteria for determining the acceptability/ unacceptability of the risk is identified or sought from the appropriate authority |53 |9 |

| |Risk is evaluated against criteria to identify if it warrants 'unacceptable risk' status and is either actioned or referred to the |53 |9 |

| |appropriate person | | |

|Identify and decide on a course of|Range of actions/controls which may eliminate or minimise the risk are identified |53 |9 |

|action |Options for resolution of the problem/ dealing with the risk are identified and considered |53 |9 |

| |Feasible options are subject to detailed analysis including the identification of resource requirements |53 |9 |

| |Most appropriate action for dealing with the situation is selected |53 |9 |

|Take action |The course of action is planned and prepared in detail |53 |9 |

| |Resources required for the course of action are acquired or obtained |53 |9 |

| |Safety information and procedures are accessed and applied throughout the operation |53 |9 |

| |The course of action is implemented |53 |9 |

|Complete records and reports |Information on the course of action and implementation is communicated to the relevant people |53 |9 |

| |All hazards and actions from personal risk assessment are recorded as specified by legislative and site requirements |53 |9 |

|BCCRC2001B Repair potholes |

|Plan and prepare for work |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied to the |10, 25 |1A |

| |allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the allotted|1, 2 |GC |

| |task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Repair potholes |Water and loose material are removed from pothole or defective area |54 |10 |

| |Pothole/defect is trimmed to ensure mechanical interlock of repair material |54 |10 |

| |Binder is applied to provide adequate adhesion of repair material and waterproofing of repaired area to specifications |54 |10 |

| |Materials are placed and compacted to specification |54 |10 |

| |Repaired area is cleaned, excess loose materials are removed and sand or blinding material applied where specified |54 |10 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and workplace procedures |12, 20 |1O |

|BCCRC2008B Lay pipes |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details relevant to the tasks are obtained, |10, 25 |1A |

| |confirmed and applied to the allotted task | | |

| |Safety requirements are obtained from the site safety plan and organisational policies and procedures, confirmed and applied to the allotted|1, 2 |GC |

| |task | | |

| |Signage requirements are identified and obtained from the project traffic management plan and implemented |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |Tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any faults |18, 19 |1A, 1L |

| |are rectified or reported | | |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified from the project environmental management plan, confirmed and applied to the allotted |1, 11 |GC |

| |task | | |

|Set out excavation |Location and depths of excavation are determined from job drawings |55 |1I |

| |Excavation location is set out and clearly marked |55 |1I |

| |Plant operator is advised of excavation requirements |55 |1L |

| |Excavation depths and grades are checked for conformity to job requirements in accordance with plans and specifications |55 |1J, K, L |

| |Foundation base is compacted and prepared for testing |55 |1J, K, L |

|Install bedding materials |Bedding material type and specification is determined from plans and drawings |55 |1J, K, L |

| |Bedding materials are laid and compacted to specified depths and grades in accordance with job specifications |55 |1J, K, L |

|Lay pipe |Lifting apparatus is selected, checked and attached to the pipe in preparation for lifting |55 |1L |

| |Pipe ends are prepared as specified |55 |1L |

| |Pipe ends are aligned and pushed home |55 |1L |

| |Pipe is checked for line and level |55 |1L |

| |Plant operator is advised of backfilling requirements and pipe is backfilled and compacted in accordance with specifications and to required|55 |1L |

| |finish level | | |

| |Inlets and outlets are finished in accordance with pipe/culvert design specifications |55 |1L |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with project environmental management plan |12, 20 |1N |

| |Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCGCM2007B Use explosive power tools (EPT) |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |10, 25 |1A |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2 |GC |

| |Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and any |3 |1A, 11 |

| |faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement |18, 19 |1A, 11 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications | | |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |16 |11 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and |18 |11 |

| |applied |1 |GC |

|Set out fasteners |Minimum distances from edge of substrate material are adhered to in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice |56 |11 |

| |Material is located and temporarily held or fixed into designed position according to detailed drawings |56 |11 |

|Use explosive power tools |Explosive power tool is checked for operation to manufacturers’ specifications and safety requirements |56, 59 |11 |

| |Fastener is selected to requirements of job |57 |11 |

| |Charge is selected to assessed requirements for material, base and penetration |58 |11 |

| |Attachments and/or accessories are installed to explosive power tool in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and safety |56, 57, 58 |11 |

| |requirements |56, 57, 58 |11 |

| |Fastener and charge in explosive power tool are located to manufacturers’ specification |56, 57, 58 |11 |

| |Explosive power tool operation is carried out and fastener fixed into place in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations, | | |

| |legislation/regulations/codes of practice |57, 58 |11 |

| |Fastening penetration is checked and appropriate depth into material applied |57, 58 |11 |

| |Power regulating device is adjusted for conditions |59 |11 |

| |Misfire procedures is carried out to manufacturers’ recommendations and legislation/regulations/codes of practice |58 |11 |

| |Temporary holding/fixings are removed without damage to material | | |

|Secure and store equipment and |Charges are stored in designated container in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and used charges recorded |56 |11 |

|charges |Unused fasteners, the EPT and attachments are stored in a carry case to manufacturers recommendations | | |

| |Log book is checked and maintenance recorded to manufacturers recommendations |56 |11 |

| | |56 |11 |

|Maintain EPT and kit |Safety features of the tool are checked for serviceability in accordance with manufacturers operating manual |56 |11 |

| |Tool is cleaned and lubricated to manufacturers recommendations |56 |11 |

| |Periodic maintenance service is carried out to manufacturers specifications |56 |11 |

| |Diminished stocks of charges and fasteners are replenished to designed effectiveness of power tool kit |56 |11 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |13, 20 |11, 1N |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |13, 20 |11, 1O |

| |practices | | |

|BCGCM3001B Operate elevated work platforms |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |10, 25 |12 |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2 |GC, 12 |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are selected to carry out tasks that are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability |1, 11 |GC, 1A |

| |and any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement |18, 19 |12 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications | | |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |13 |12 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and |15 |12 |

| |applied |1, 11 |GC |

|Conduct routine checks of platform|Power source is determined and connected to platform equipment to manufacturers’ specifications |60 |12 |

| |Routine pre-operational equipment checks are carried out in accordance with checklist from operator’s manual or manufacturers specifications|60 |12 |

| |Equipment is switched on in accordance with start up procedures and controls checked for correct operation and ease of movement | | |

| |Emergency safety devices are checked to comply with instructions from operator’s manual and checked for manual operation |60 |12 |

| |Work location is checked for level ground or floor surface to determine stabilising and safe working area requirements | | |

| | |60 |12 |

| | |60 |12 |

|Locate equipment in place for work|Platform is positioned for work application and stabilisers engaged to set equipment base level into place |60 |12 |

|application |Tools, equipment and materials are placed into bucket/platform to job application requirements |60 |12 |

|Elevate platform to work location |Harness is fitted securely and lanyard connected to attachment point |60 |12 |

| |Controls are operated to manufacturers’ recommendations and platform elevated to work position |60 |12 |

| |Power is switched off where specified and locking devices engaged to operator’s manual |60 |12 |

| |Work is carried out to job specification and safety requirements of operator’s manual |60 |GC, 12 |

|Lower platform and shut down |Controls are operated to manufacturers’ recommendations and platform lowered to down position |60 |12 |

| |Shut down procedures are carried out to operator’s manual and equipment switched off |60 |12 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |12, 20 |1N, 12 |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O, 12 |

| |practices | | |

| |Work completion procedures are applied and relevant personnel notified that work is finished |12 |12 |

|BCGSF2003B Cut and bend materials using Oxy/LPG equipment |

|Plan and prepare |Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are obtained, confirmed and applied |10, 25 |1A, 13 |

| |Safety requirements are followed in accordance with safety plans and policies | | |

| |Signage/barricade requirements are identified and implemented |1, 2, 62 |GC, 13 |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are selected to carry out tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, checked for serviceability and |1, 11 |GC, 1A, 13 |

| |any faults are rectified or reported prior to commencement |18, 19, 62 |1A, 13 |

| |Material quantity requirements are calculated in accordance with plans and/or specifications | | |

| |Materials appropriate to the work application are identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and located ready for use |13 |13 |

| |Environmental protection requirements are identified for the project in accordance with environmental plans and regulatory obligations and |15 |13 |

| |applied |1, 11 |GC, 13 |

|Set up and test equipment |Correct fire extinguisher is selected and located to be readily accessible prior to and during operations |61 |13 |

| |Regulators are attached to Oxy and Acetylene bottles in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OH&S regulations |63 |13 |

| |Lines are purges to manufacturers’ recommendations prior to lighting up |63 |13 |

| |Equipment is tested for leaks and corrective action undertaken or faults reported |63 |13 |

| |Correct pressures and cutting tips are selected in accordance with material to be cut and manufacturers’ specifications |63 |13 |

|Cut material |Material is accurately marked and secured or clamped ready for cutting |63 |13 |

| |Torch is lit correctly and safely according to manufacturers’ specifications |63 |13 |

| |Setting of flame is adjusted for cutting to manufacturers’ recommendations |63 |13 |

| |Correct cutting position is adopted during cutting to set out mark |63 |13 |

|Heat and bend material |Material is accurately marked and secured to clamped ready for cutting |63 |13 |

| |Torch is lit correctly and safely according to manufacturers’ specifications |63 |13 |

| |Heat is applied to specified material and weakening effects of the heating process are minimised |63 |13 |

| |Material is bent to specification and correctly cooled |63 |13 |

|Shut down |Torch is switched off according to manufacturers’ specifications |63 |13 |

| |Gas supply is shut off according to manufacturers’ specifications |63 |13 |

|Clean up |Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job |12, 20 |1N, 13 |

| |specification | | |

| |Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and standard work |12, 20 |1O, 13 |

| |practices | | |





Practical Assessment


gap training (only IF REQUIRED)

Step 1:

Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides and competency units.

Identify any key questions for competency conversation.

Step 5:

Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:

Identify areas where 3rd party verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:

Conduct competency conversation

Step 2:

Record results of analysis in table at end of application

Step 4:

Complete the Record of Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:

Complete Practical Assessment Tasks Observation Sheets

Step 8:

Receive completed Third party reports

* Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence.

Complete assessment sign off & file documentation.

Issue qualification / advise of gap training as appropriate

Assessment Activity

Record keeping Activity


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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