Asset Allocation Only Letter

Return Address


July 1, 2011

Name of Prospect

Address of Prospect


County Postcode

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Prospect,

How should your investment portfolio be structured?

What types of investments should be in your investment portfolio? How much of each type? Is this the best mix based on objectives and time frames?

How much investment risk are you willing to take to accomplish your goals? An acceptable risk is relative to many factors – your objectives, the time frame of your objectives, the possible returns, and your attitude, as well as experience, with investing. All of these factors combine to form your unique risk tolerance.

By providing answers to a few questions, your investment portfolio can be compared to the portfolios of others with similar risk tolerances – portfolios that were designed to accomplish similar objectives. These portfolios do not guarantee success, but they provide a model for you.

Analysis of your investments starts by determining three things about your assets: what you have, how your assets work, and what you should expect. Investment style is based on cash flow qualities, while volatility is based on risk and returns.

In the sample to the right, style and volatility are compared to the profile of people with similar risk tolerances. You can see that there are too many assets in the growth category, and not enough in the income category. Also, there are too many aggressive assets, and not enough conservative assets. In this case, the solution would be to replace some of the aggressive/growth assets with conservative/income assets.

At last, you can receive asset allocation that you can understand, and investment planning that makes sense.

I will be calling you in a few days so that we can arrange to prepare an Investment Analysis and Asset Allocation just for you.


Adviser’s Name

P.S. You want the best technology available for your analysis—but in a form that is easy to understand. You want to feel comfortable with your investment portfolio.


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