
Backpack 6



Area of Foreign Languages



I. Objectives

← Revise notions from previous years.

← Describe people and deeds they have done.

← Practise the use of reading strategies such as analysis, comparison, ranking, deduction and getting the gist.

← Know more about History.

← Order sequences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas for making a word map about heroes.

­ Predict words of the song from the title. Describe the illustrations and match them to the lyrics of the song. Sing it all together or in groups.

­ Use the dialogue in pairs to talk about the people named and their deeds.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the recording or key vocabulary.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate about the lives of the characters in the activity following a model dialogue given.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds from the recording of the key vocabulary.

­ Ask questions using questions words and following a progression of verb tenses using a table as a guide in order to help.

­ Find out the information their classmate has read by asking questions related to it.

­ Exchange questions in pairs to obtain information about their classmate and present it to the rest of the class.

­ Illustrate an unusual fact or a personal memory and present it to the class. Answer the questions with questions words their classmates ask them about it.

­ In turns, describe what is happening in the photos and order the sequence. Listen to the recording in order to match each number to the letter of the corresponding photo.

­ Make a poster about a person they admire and present it to the class.

­ Visit other classes to present their posters in them.

­ Guess which of the three competitors is the famous person by listening to a series of questions we ask them about their life and achievements,.

­ Create stamps with surprising people of their choice. Present them to the class following the model and exhibit them in the classroom.

2. Reading and writing

­ Exhibit on the board photos of people who are surprising to them and write about them.

­ Read a biography about someone and exhibit a time line with the most relevant things that have happened in their life.

­ Deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Compare their deductions with a classmate and confirm them with us.

­ Read sentences quickly in order to memorise information and answer questions. Listen to the recording whilst they listen and deduce from the context the meaning of new words. Answer the questions.

­ Work in pairs to extract from each text the words related to the profession of each character. Write at home about other characters from the show and present the sentences to the class.

­ Find in the text, in pairs and as quickly as possible, all the verbs they can. Be the quickest in writing the present form of those verbs.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the titles and illustrations. Decide which section they will read first and do the activity proposed.

­ Check their answers in Internet.

­ Read the texts and deduce the meaning of new words from the context, the illustrations and classmates. Answer in groups the questions we give them about the texts.

­ Summarise the texts individually or in groups.

­ Write on different papers about things that have happened in their life in order to exchange them with a classmate and ask questions which help to sequence them.

­ Imagine they are old and make a diary with the dates of the most important things that have happened in their lives.

­ Write in a few sentences the most important things that have happened in the life of a surprising person of their choice.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Amazing people awards; timelines of amazing people; hero; my amazing family; tours; I don’t know the word (tours), but the sentence says (he went on tours); I know (went on a trip), and I know (actors often travel and do shows); maybe (tours) means (travelling); what did (he) want to be when (he) was young?; play the part of; what famous person did (Antonio Banderas) play in (Evita)?; (he) played (Che Guevara); what part did (Banderas) play in the (Spy Kids) film?; what did (Vanessa-Mae) become when (she) grew up?; (she) became a (musician); what did (Vanessa-Mae) release in (1995)?; (she) released a (pop album); which words in each questions and answer shows the tense?; weird word; paralysed; wheelchair; disabled; what is (she) daydreaming about?; VIP (Very Important Person); success; related terms and biography; related verbs

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about these amazing people.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Complete the sentences. Write in your notebook.

- Write a questions for each statement in Activity (7).

- Work with a partner.

- Interview a classmate. Take notes.

- Complete the story with verbs in the past tense.

- Write five questions about the paragraph above.

- Write about an amazing person you know.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

- Show interest in knowing more about surprising characters from History.

- Participate in the dialogues and class activities with initiative.

- Show interest in expressing the admiration they feel for others.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We encourage the children to collaborate in the activities carried out in groups or in pairs, helping their classmates with difficulties as far as possible, in order to create a good social atmosphere in class.

- We teach them to show admiration for other people who are worthy of it and to recognise what they have achieved.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: questions made with question words; past forms of verbs.

← Data processing and digital competence: checking certain information on Internet.

← Social and civic competence: knowing more about History. .

← Cultural and artistic competence: biographies of famous people.

← Learning-to-learn competence: reading strategies.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 1, page 27 and the assessment activities from the Workbook.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Know different time expressions and their uses.

← Differentiate between the use of the past simple and present perfect.

← Practise the use of reading strategies such as skimming, defining and matching.

← Talk and write about own ideas and experiences.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas about “experiences” in order to make a word map.

­ Predict words of the song from the title. Describe the illustrations and listen to the song in order to match the lyrics to the drawings. Sing the song.

­ Listen to the recording following it in their books and repeat it. Answer the questions we ask them.

­ Listen to and repeat the recording of a text in order to practise the pronunciation of specific sounds.

­ Use the sentences of the text as a model to tell each other things about themselves in pairs.

­ Hold dialogues with their classmate about the text, based on the model given.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the recording of the key vocabulary.

­ Ask and answer questions in pairs, acting out the roles of the characters in the dialogue.

­ Ask and answer questions in order to get information from their classmates and complete the table.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the title and the illustrations. Choose which section they will read first.

­ Summarise the magazine articles in pairs or groups.

­ Describe the photos in pairs. Predict words they will hear in the recording. Listen to and match each number to the corresponding photo.

­ Name the themes of the photos from the previous activity. Ask each other questions related to those themes.

­ Make an identity cube with important things that have happened in their lives with photos or drawings. Ask and answer classmates about their cubes.

­ Play the board game in order to make appropriate sentences with for, since or ago.

­ Choose a strip of paper and talk for a minute about the corresponding topic. Ask the classmate who is speaking questions.

2. Reading and writing

­ Write a diary with key dates similar to the one in the model in order to make an exhibition.

­ Read the text deducing the meaning of new words from the context and illustrations. Answer the questions we ask them about it.

­ Look in the book for sentences and expressions made with for and since and make a list of them.

­ Write two answers about the same time for each question, one with for and the other with since.

­ Write two facts in the present perfect. Interview their classmates in order to complete the table made with the facts written previously.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Work in groups in order to write a time line with things that have happened in their classmates’ lives.

­ Write about an activity they like to do.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

­ Our stories; places we’ve been; how long has (she) lived in (Madrid)?; how long has (he) played the drums?; (Ann) lived in (Warsaw) when (she) was (four); (she) has lived in (Krakow) for (three years); when did (she) live in (Warsaw)? In (1994); how long has (he) been at this school?; how long have we studied English?; kid life; identity cube; things I love doing; important experiences I have had; important people and pets; important facts about me.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about (Isabel) and (Rosa).

- Enrichment.

- Read (Carlos)’s scrapbook.

- Ask and answer.

- Look at the pictures and words.

- Write questions in your notebook with ‘how long’.

- Answer the question in the exercise 7.

- Use for and since and your own ideas.

- Work with a partner: role play (Ana) and (Ken).

- Interview your classmates.

- Find out who, how long and when.

- Listen and match.

- Use the present perfect tense.

- Answer the questions with your own information.

- Write about how long you’ve done a favourite activity..

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in participating in class activities.

­ Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

­ Participate in the group activities with respect and collaboration.

­ Show a positive attitude when correcting the activities with their classmate.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We show the pupils the importance of helping their classmates with their learning difficulties as well as being ready to learn from them and their own mistakes, in order to create a relaxed atmosphere of confidence and sociability.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: question with when and how long; sentences with for, since and ago; frequency expressions.

← Social and civic competence: participating in group activities with respect and collaboration.

← Cultural and artistic competence: writing about own ideas and experiences.

← Learning-to-learn competence: reading strategies, pronunciation of contractions.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: participating in class dialogues with initiative.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 2, page 28 and the assessment activities from the Workbook.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different jobs, activities, skills and abilities.

← Familiarise oneself with the guidelines for the pronunciation of sounds.

← Learn the use of expressions for tastes and entertainment.

← Practise reading strategies such as searching for details, brainstorming, matching and comparing.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Work in groups in order to classify a series of professions we give them.

­ Talk about their family’s professions and predict words they will hear in the song. Check them by listening to the song. Describe the illustrations and match them to the lyrics. Sing the song all together or in groups.

­ Listen to the recording and follow it in their books.

­ Describe the image in pairs, building sentences using the model.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds from the recording and the repetition of key vocabulary.

­ Think about possible jobs related to the images.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate using the model dialogue and the text from the previous activity.

­ Interview their classmates following the dialogue in order to find out which of the illustrated activities they like.

­ Talk about the jobs they think are cool using the titles and illustrations from the magazine. Choose the section they will read first.

­ Summarise the texts in their group and share it with different groups. Talk about some of the jobs that appear, following a series of guidelines and sharing ideas in groups.

­ Play the board game building sentences with if and using the illustrations and expressions provided.

­ Describe what the little girl in the illustration is doing and choose a skill or ability in order to share it with the class.

­ Say whatever comes to mind about the images of activities we show them. Pass each other the cards with the images, stopping when we tell them to in order to tell their classmate things about the ability used in the activity.

2. Reading and writing

• Write a paragraph about an unusual job. Exhibit all the essays on the board.

• Write sentences in order to match them with if and create a story. Exhibit them on the board.

• Find out the meaning of new words from the context, illustrations and classmates.

• Read the text and deduce from the context the meaning of new words. Answer the questions about the text.

• Look in the text for words that rhyme with those on the list we provide.

• Work in pairs to write questions with question words about one of the paragraphs in the text.

• Mark/point to the verbs in a series of sentences made with the gerund.

• Make a list of activities related to a specific skill. Read them in front of the class.

• Choose the words from the square that describe them and build sentences with them. Share them with a classmate and present them to the rest of the class.

• List the skills of a relative and write a paragraph comparing oneself with them following the model of the example.

• Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

• Write in pairs a new dialogue for one of the images of the previous activity and act it out for the rest of the class.

• Research about a profession in order to create two pages about it which contribute to the production of a class book. Present the information gathered in class.

• Make a test about the profession they have researched in order to pass it round the class after the presentation.

• Write about an ability or skill they have.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Skills and abilities; unusual jobs; chain stories; a working family; clients; what is their report on?; I love; I like; I enjoy; (he) wants to be a (reporter) because (he) enjoys (writing stories and articles); actors; puppeteers; writer; lighting technician; construction workers; when animals walk in snow, I can see the shape of their feet; (she) says (she) followed the tracks of the deer; tracks means the feet of the animal in the snow; what is (she) good at doing?; what does (she) want to be?; what will (she) do if (she) becomes a wildlife biologist?; excited about; interesting in; worried about; mathematical; artistic; observant; cool jobs; why would you be good at or not good at this occupation?; give two reasons; everyone works; what will you have to do if you land on those spaces?.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about what these children want to be.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Interview your classmates. Find a different student for each activity.

- Which words describe you? In your notebook make a list with some words from the box and other words.

- Compare your list with a partner’s. Which qualities do you share?

- Complete the sentences. Write in your notebook.

- Write about a skill or ability you have.

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Enjoy the activities carried out in class.

- Show interest and curiosity in knowing different types of work and skills.

- Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

- Participate in team games with a competitive attitude but showing good sportsmanship.

- Show interest in expressing their tastes and interests in front of others.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We will try to encourage the children to look for activities and work which fit in better with their skills and abilities. We will teach them to respect the jobs of their families, their classmates and the tastes of others.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: jobs and activities, skills and abilities, sentences with the particle if; sentences with the structure I love/like/enjoy + name/gerund.

← Social and civic competence: different types of jobs and skills.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creative writing.

← Learning-to-learn competence: becoming familiar with the guidelines for pronunciation of sounds.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: participating in class dialogues with initiative.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 3, page 29 and the revision test for units 1-3 on pages 36 and 37.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different modern inventions.

← Make advertisements.

← Imagine the way people will live in the future.

← Make predictions.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas about things that will be different in the future in order to create a word map organised in categories.

­ Predict words they will hear in the song from the title and check their predictions. Describe the illustrations and listen to the song in order to match the lyrics to the images. Sing and mime the song all together or in groups.

­ Do a brainstorming about life in 2050. Listen to the recording.

­ Answer the questions we ask them about the recording.

­ Talk about images in pairs using the information from the previous activity.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds by listening to and repeating the key vocabulary.

­ Find out in pairs the themes of each section using the titles and images.

­ Hold dialogues in pairs using the model given and the information provided in the unit.

­ Listen to and repeat the sentences of the recording in order to notice the stress in them.

­ Predict who will win or would win in a series of simple competitions carried out in class.

­ Predict the content of the articles using sentences from them. Predict how life will be different in the future. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Divide each group into two teams so that one defends the ideas in the article and the other opposes them.

­ Describe the images in pairs and predict the words they will hear. Listen to the conversations to match them to the images.

­ Work in groups to choose a product and make an advertisement about it following the model in the example.

­ Visit other classes to try and “sell” their products in them.

­ Analyse and talk about what specific advertisements sell.

­ Play the board game to make predictions about the images of the boxes they land on.

­ Make a time capsule with real articles and illustrations and present it to the class.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition in groups about what we do today and what we will do in the future in relation to a series of themes.

­ Make another exhibition, writing about people who made predictions in the past.

­ Read whilst repeating the recording.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context and images. Answer questions about the text.

­ Create in pairs a note book for scientific vocabulary. Define and illustrate the words in the note book.

­ Complete sentences about predictions about their own lives, with the word that indicates the degree of certainty which is most appropriate in each case.

­ Work in pairs to look for and write the possible consequences that a series of predictions would have if they were to come true. Share ideas with classmates.

­ Complete the table with own predictions about their lives and classmates’ predictions that they will get by interviewing them. Talk about similar answers.

­ Write the things in favour and against a matter related to the school.

­ Form groups to choose an invention and write two things in favour and two against each one.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Design a time line with the inventions from the last hundred years. Write an advantage and a disadvantage of each one.

­ Write how they imagine a day in their life would be if they lived in the year 2050. Read their work in front of the class.

­ Write about how they imagine their perfect day would be. Read the essay in front of the class.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• Into the future; now and in the future; now we (play video games on a TV screen). In the future, we will (play holographic video games); past predictions: where they right?; in the year 2050 what will (books look like)?; what will happen to (books)?; what will we use to (travel)?; will we have to (take a car to work)?; how else could we (travel)?; we will still have (money)?; how will the future be different?; why will we have a lot more free time?; what will find us if we are lost?; where will we have important information about us?; if books disappear, people won’t have to cut down so many trees to make paper. There will be more trees. Bookshops will disappear; will happen; may happen; won’t happen; pros and cons; there might be too many people in the air and they might have many accidents; the car helped people because they could travel more quickly, but it created more air pollution; time capsule; one day I will wake up and it will be a perfect day.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about life in the future.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write the correct answer in your notebook.

- Write a prediction about the future for each picture.

- Make predictions. Copy the chart in your notebook.

- Read the predictions and give your opinions.

- Products of the future.

- Complete the paragraph.

- Write about one interesting thing that will happen in the future.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in knowing how advertisements work.

­ Show interest in the way people lived in other periods of time.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in activities carried out in class.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We teach them to collaborate with classmates in the group and pair work activities in order to achieve their pursued objectives more efficiently and create a good social atmosphere in class.

- We help the children to reflect on their consumer habits and to be critical with the advertisements for products.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: different modern inventions, scientific vocabulary, use of the future simple, sentences with may, might and could.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: modern inventions.

← Social and civic competence: modern inventions.

← Cultural and artistic competence: making advertisements.

← Learning-to-learn competence: identifying the stressed words in sentences.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: reflecting on consumer habits.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 4, page 34.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify the planets in the solar system.

← Talk about travel and holidays.

← Match the quality of the unreal to the conditional.

← Practise creative writing.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas related to space to create a word map.

­ Predict what they will hear from the title and the theme of the song we present them with. Describe the images, listen to the song and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Sing and mime the song.

­ Talk in pairs about the different planets using the information from the previous activity.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds using the recording and repetition of key vocabulary.

­ Hold dialogues with a classmate following the dialogue in the example.

­ Work in pairs so that each one reads the information about a planet and take it in turns in order to ask the questions in the activity.

­ Comment on the theme of the article and give their opinion about sentences taken from the sections. Describe the illustrations and decide which one they will read first.

­ Summarise orally the texts in groups. Come up with questions about space so that their classmates can find the answers.

­ Design an alien, write about it, draw it and present it in class.

­ Research about the latest discoveries in space and present the information obtained to the rest of the class.

­ Describe in groups the alien or favourite scene from a film.

­ Talk about their holidays. Make a brochure for about holidays in space. Exhibit it in class.

­ Play the card game in order to ask and answer questions in pairs.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition with the information about the planets which the children will provide in groups.

­ Invent riddles about the planets and illustrate their answers in order to make another exhibition.

­ Write questions about the images in pairs.

­ Read the text in order to look for the answers to their questions. Deduct from the context and the images the meaning of new words. Answer questions about the text.

­ Make a table with words from the texts they consider important, in order to structure the information in categories. Add new words throughout the unit.

­ Make adjectives from the noun and write sentences with each word.

­ Write in groups five questions about the text on a piece of paper and the five answers on another. Redistribute the questions so that different groups answer and correct them afterwards using the papers with the answers.

­ Write two questions about suppositions in pairs and redistribute them amongst other pairs so that they take turns asking and answering.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Write and illustrate in groups a story about holidays on an imaginary planet inhabited by aliens.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

­ Space; planets; space riddles; Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune; Pluto; if I were on this planet, I would be (very cold and it would be very dark); house for sale!; does the alien want to live on (Mercury)?; where should the alien live?; which planet has got the most rings?; how large is (Jupiter)?; what would happen if you went to the (Great Red Spot)?; hurricane; comets has got dust. They are dusty; real; unreal; if you look at a solar eclipse with your eyes, they will feel hot; out there; a space travel brochure; what if an alien child came to visit your neighbourhood?; black hole; supernova.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about the different planets.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Work with a partner. Ask and answer ‘real’ or ‘unreal’ for each situation.

- Complete the sentences in your notebook.

- Take turns to ask and answer questions. Use information from the chart.

- Complete the questions or write the answers in your notebook.

- If you travelled in outer space, where would you go and why?

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in knowing things about outer space.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in activities carried out in class.

­ Show interest in correcting own mistakes.

­ Show interest in being as creative as possible when carrying out activities.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We teach the pupils to be respectful towards their classmates when carrying out pair work and group activities. We help them to realise how enriching it is to work in collaboration with others.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: entities related to outer space, sentences in past simple with if.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: space.

← Social and civic competence: working in collaboration with classmates.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creative writing.

← Learning-to-learn competence: changing nouns into adjectives.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: designing various projects and presenting them.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 5, page 31.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify different adventure sports.

← Encourage creative writing.

← Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds and words.

← Revise the use of pronouns.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas to create a lexical map about adventures.

­ Listen to the song in order to try and find out the meaning of the title. Describe the images and listen to the song again. Sing it all together or in groups.

­ Talk to a classmate about the adventures the character has had and those they plan to have.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds using the recording and repetition of key vocabulary.

­ Describe two of the images in pairs. Predict the achievements of the people portrayed using the title and the images. Answer the questions and talk about the disabled athletes.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate based on the model dialogue and the text.

­ Answer questions about things they have done. Memorise their classmates’ answers and answer the questions we ask them about them.

­ Take out questions at random about whether they have done certain activities and answer them.

­ Identify in pairs the activities in the images and interview their classmates about them using the model dialogue.

­ Talk and make a list of interesting experiences they have had or would like to have and make a graph with the information gathered.

­ Predict what adventures they will read about from the images. Predict what they will learn from the title or illustrations. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Say what the point of view is from which one of the stories is told and discuss two other possible points of view.

­ Describe in pairs the adventures and equipment in the images. Listen to the recording in order to note each number with its corresponding letter. Listen to the recording again in order to correct their work.

­ Choose two adventures to describe their similarities and differences.

­ Summarise the texts in groups. Compare the style of writing of two selections.

­ Make an adventure park with drawings or cut out images. Hold conversations with their classmates about their parks using the model.

­ Do a brainstorming in groups about the adventure activities. Write them on separate sheets and organise them in categories.

­ Play the board game in pairs, asking and answering questions on the squares and using the model dialogue.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition of adventures, with photos or drawings of sports, placed in their corresponding categories.

­ Make and exhibit a table with the sports that all of the class, some of the class or none of the class would like to try. Write under each sport the reasons why they would or would not like to try it.

­ Decide if the tone of the letter is formal or informal.

­ Listen to the recording, follow the text in their books and repeat the sentences. Read the text and find out from the context the meaning of new words. Answer questions about the text.

­ Extract from the text the most relevant words and make lexical maps for the sections, including an image representing each adventure.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we give them.

­ Re-write an adventure in the style of the other.

­ Write a story about an adventure sport from their point of view.

­ Write a series of advice for someone who wants to try an activity they know. Share them with the class.

­ Summarise their favourite adventure story and tell it to a small group.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

- Adventures: in the air, in the water, on land; adventurous dreams: all of us, some of us, none of us; top this!; what adventures would (she) like to try?; (she) has been (driving); (she) is planning to go (on a raft down a river); adventure sport; have you seen (the new Disney film) yet; has (Anna) seen the (new science fiction film) yet?; is (she) planning to see it?; would you ever (eat insects)?; which selection has more?; advice; take enough water; don’t wear shorts; adventure park; you should try the roller coaster; have you ridden that yet?; scary.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about what Diana has done and what she plans to do.

- Ask and answer.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Short answers.

- Write the question in your notebook. Then write your answer.

- Interview your classmates. Find a different student for each activity.

- Tell the truth.

- Story sequence/elements chart.

- Complete the conversation.

- Write about an adventure you would like to have and why.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in knowing different types of adventure.

­ Show a respectful attitude and enthusiasm for learning in group discussions.

­ Enjoy and participate with initiative in the activities carried out in class.

­ Show interest in being as creative as possible when carrying out activities.

­ Show respect towards disabled people.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We show the children the importance of getting on well with others and knowing how to take advantage of each of the resources they have. We help them to realise that having adventures with friends is more gratifying than having them on their own.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: adventure and sports activities, sentences in the present perfect, sentences with would you ever and wouldn’t.

← Social and civic competence: respectful attitude towards disabled people.

← Cultural and artistic competence: creative writing.

← Learning-to-learn competence: descriptive writing style.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: knowing how to take advantage of all the resources available.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 6, page 32 and the revision test for units 4-6 on pages 38 and 39.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify ways of breaking records.

← Revise reading figures.

← Build comparative and superlative sentences.

← Identify guidelines for intonation in questions.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas for making a lexical map about the word “contest”.

­ Comment on the title of the song and listen to it in order to match each material with its expert. Describe the images and listen again to the song. Sing and mime the song all together or in groups.

­ Describe the images. Listen to and read the text whilst pointing to the images. Answer the questions about the text.

­ Ask and answer questions about the images, following the model dialogue.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds using the recording and repetition of key vocabulary.

­ Guess how the record has been broken in each case.

­ Practise saying figures. Find in pairs in the texts all the figures and what they refer to.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate about the information affirmed, following a model dialogue and building comparative or superlative sentences.

­ Identify the guidelines for intonation in questions with which. Listen to and repeat the recording in order to check answers.

­ Guess the quantity of objects in a container using the clues of more or fewer which we give them to help.

­ Complete the table with the names of the pupils that believe they will hold the record in each category. Interview their classmates to correct or confirm their predictions. Build superlative sentences to express which pupils have made more correct or incorrect predictions.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the titles and illustrations. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Summarise the articles in their groups. Re-group with classmates that have read different articles. Listen to the summary of their classmates and fill in the information sheet correctly.

­ Describe the images in pairs and predict what they are going to hear. Listen to the recording to match each number to the letter of the appropriate image.

­ Think of records they would like to reach and share their aspirations with their classmates.

­ Choose a category to interview their classmates about it. Write the information on a graph and present it to the class using the model dialogue.

­ Cut out and read the cards. Play in pairs, matching each record to its holder.

­ Make an advertisement about their favourite place and reflect their ideas on a poster. Present their work to the class with comparative and superlative sentences.

­ Compare in groups three stories from the same genre. Tell their ideas to the rest of the class.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition with drawings of trophies, medals and commemorative tapes for small class achievements. Add the names of the winners as we advance in the unit.

­ Read the instructions and the text and answer questions about it.

­ Organise the information of the previous activity using graphic organisers.

­ Research in groups the statistics of the members of a sports team. Express these statistics with superlative sentences.

­ Read the text and extract the meaning of new words using the context, illustrations and their classmates to help. Fill in the information sheet with the appropriate information. Read the articles we ask them for and answer the questions.

­ Research records of cities and regions of their country. Make a poster with the information obtained.

­ Give them questions about the graph of the previous activity on separate sheets. Exhibit the graphs so that they look for the answers as quickly as possible.

­ Read sentences to fill in spaces in groups, about the records seen in class. Distribute the sentences to complete them as quickly as possible.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• A world of records; classroom records; record man/woman; records around the world; contest; ask the expert; animal records; what’s the name of the world’s largest mall?; which alphabet has got the most letters?; more/fewer; most/fewest; (Tina) has got more (comic books) than (Ken); who scored the most goals in the season?; remarkable records; fact sheet; riddle of the week; enter our contest; Guinness Book of World Records; I want to have the best (report card in my family); how long have you played basketball?; who has the fewest/most absences?; who has fewer/more absences, (Sam) or (Olga)?; record cards; record holder cards.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about animal records.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use more or fewer.

- How well do you know your classmates? Make predictions. Then copy the chart and write a name in each box.

- Check your predictions.

- Who got the most/fewest correct predictions in the class?

- Class record bar graph.

- Write questions for the answers.

- Write about some of your own personal records.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show interest in knowing different holders of records and ways of breaking them.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Show interest in learning to express oneself correctly in English.

­ Show interest in learning from classmates and helping them with their difficulties.

­ Show respect when comparing oneself with their classmates or comparing them amongst themselves.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We show the pupils the importance of good sportsmanship in team activities and we teach them not to feel frustrated when they don’t manage to be the best.

­ We teach them to look for activities in which they stand out or which allow them to develop their maximum capacity.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about records and ways of breaking them, comparative sentences with more and fewer; superlative sentences with the most and the fewest.

← Mathematical competence: revising the reading of figures.

← Social and civic competence: showing respect when comparing oneself with classmates or comparing them amongst themselves.

← Learning-to-learn competence: identifying guidelines for intonation in questions.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: showing interest in learning to express oneself correctly in English.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 7, page 33.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Reflect on mysteries and know stories about them.

← Investigate mysterious stories and Phenomena.

← Differentiate between the intonation in sentences with could and must.

← Sequence images.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Look at the image and say what it looks like. Talk about inexplicable mysteries. Predict the theme of the unit.

­ Predict words of the song from the title. Describe the images and match the words of the song to them. Extract the meaning of the new words from the illustrations. Sing the song.

­ Explain the meaning of specific mathematical symbols, including must and could in their answers. Listen to, read and repeat the recording. Answer the questions.

­ Debate in pairs which meaning goes best with each symbol following the model dialogue.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sentences to point out the differences in intonation between them.

­ Hold conversations about the places with a classmate, using the model dialogue provided.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the recording and repetition of key vocabulary.

­ Listen to a series of familiar sounds and guess what each one is.

­ Ask and answer questions about each mystery using question words.

­ Use question words to talk about the plot of their favourite mystery films or book. Describe how the mystery was solved.

­ Describe in pairs what the pictograms mean and compare their stories with other pairs.

­ Predict the theme of the magazine from the titles and illustrations. Decide which section they will read first.

­ Hold conversations about mystery stories.

­ Describe the images in pairs and predict the sequence. Listen to the recording and match each number to the corresponding letter of the image.

­ Think of questions for the images of Activity 11 and list all of them. Find out the answers to the questions about the ones they are interested in.

­ Predict the content of the chant using the image and the title. Listen to the chant and follow it in their book.

­ Research about a mysterious place and make a report about it with their discoveries in order to exhibit it in class.

­ Play the board game using the verbs could and must in the building of sentences to express the object they fall on.

­ Talk about the favourite scenes of their three favourite mystery stories. Talk about the difference between mystery, horror and adventure stories.

2. Reading and writing

­ On cards write questions about what they are curious about and exhibit them. Investigate the answers and write them on the cards.

­ Exhibit images, stickers and texts related to mysteries which the pupils know.

­ Write in pairs questions about the images. Read the texts and deduce the meaning of new words from the context and from classmates. Think of questions for each mystery and find an answer for them. Answer our questions and organise the information on a time line.

­ Write an encrypted message and the corresponding story. Exchange the encrypted messages and write stories from them. Show the class the messages and read the two stories written for each one.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them.

­ Summarise the texts in their group and regroup in pairs in order to summarise their classmate’s section.

­ Write the second part of “Crystal Cave”. Illustrate and exhibit their stories.

­ Compare two famous characters related to the mystery by using a T table.

­ Research about the pyramids and share the information with the rest of the class.

­ Find out from the context the meaning of the new words. Recite the chant.

­ Create a map of the world of mysteries providing information about them and placing them correctly. Present their maps to the class.

­ Write about a mysterious place they choose.

­ Write on individual pieces of paper true or false sentences. Get into teams and take out sentences and decide whether they are true or false.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

­ Mysteries past and present; mysterious facts; why do bats hang upside down?; why are some people left-handed?; a world of mystery; what are the examples of?; who made them?; (the book) was picked up by (Maria); what could it be?; what must it be?; pyramid; saw (a tool); drag; building site; ramp; level.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about these picture symbols. What do they mean?

- Ask and answer.

- Enrichment.

- Get ready.

- Rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Use the passive voice.

- Use the pictures to complete the sentences with could or must.

- Work with a partner. Discuss the mysteries.

- Can you guess what the picture writing means?

- Write about a mysterious place.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­ Show curiosity in knowing and investigating mysterious phenomena.

­ Participate with initiative and creativity in the activities carried out in class.

­ Enjoy the rhythm of English through the chants and songs.

­ Participate in class dialogues with initiative.

­ Participate in group activities with an attitude of respect and collaboration.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

­ We show the children the advantages of working in collaboration with their classmates in order to achieve common goals more efficiently. We teach them to show good sportsmanship in activities of competition between teams.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: reflecting on mysterious phenomena, could / must; passive form of verbs for building sentences, changing active sentences to passive.

← Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: pyramids and other mysteries.

← Social and civic competence: participating in group activities with an attitude of respect and collaboration.

← Cultural and artistic competence: differentiating between mystery, horror and adventure.

← Learning-to-learn competence: differentiating between the intonation in sentences with could and must.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: participating in class dialogues with initiative.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 8, page 34.


I. Objectives

← Revise previous notions.

← Identify cinema genres and different films.

← Express tastes and preferences about cinema.

← Express oneself in indirect speech.

← Identify categories for classifying films and review them.

II. Contents

1. Listening, speaking and conversation

­ Suggest ideas about the cinema to make a word map.

­ Predict words of the song from the title. Describe the images and match the lyrics of the song to their elements. Deduce the meaning of new words from the images. Sing the song.

­ Classify the films they have seen by genres.

­ Listen to the recording in order to follow it in their books and repeat it. Find out the meaning of unknown words from the context and classmates. Answer the questions we ask them.

­ Discuss in pairs the different films and genres using the information in Activity 2. Suggest films they would like to see following the model sentences.

­ Practise the intonation of certain sentences using the recording of them.

­ Compare a chat show to a television magazine.

­ Hold conversations with a classmate using a model dialogue given to talk about a test or what they like about the cinema.

­ Practise the pronunciation of specific sounds based on the recording and repetition of the key vocabulary.

­ Answer questions in the present simple. Listen to how we repeat each pupil’s answer in indirect speech, using the past simple.

­ Think in pairs of five questions about the cinema using the present simple and perfect. Change partner and interview each other. Go back to original partner and inform them of the results using indirect speech.

­ Work in pairs to read the corresponding information and ask questions about what they are missing. Use indirect speech.

­ Make suggestions in pairs about films to see based on the model dialogue we provide them with.

­ Hold dialogues in pairs to meet one day at a certain time to see the film they agreed on in the previous activity. Use the model dialogue given.

­ Talk about their favourite films. Decide which section of the text they will read first.

­ Summarise their selection to the rest of their group.

­ Make tests about the cinema in pairs, exchanging them and doing them.

­ Identify in pairs the genre of each film and what happens in each scene. Listen to the recording and match each number to the letter of the appropriate image.

­ Represent in groups a scene and their indirect dialogue in front of the rest of the class.

­ Name words to classify films and organise them on a scale from the best to the worst.

­ Play the board game in pairs in order to read what the person says and explain it to their classmate in indirect speech.

­ Classify a film using the system of the activity. Create a sign that shows the name of the film and its classification. Present a short review.

­ Hold conversations with each reviewer from the previous activity using indirect speech.

2. Reading and writing

­ Make an exhibition with reviews written by the children about films or books.

­ Read the text deducing the meaning of new words from the context and classmates. Answer questions about it.

­ Read out loud the sentences in the dialogue of Activity 6 so that their classmates can reproduce what has been said in third person.

­ Read the text and deduce the meaning of new words from the context. Answer in groups the questions we ask them. Read the other selections.

3. Knowledge of language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­ Lexis and structures.

• The cinema; film and book reviews; film character we love; how about a film; science fiction films; how do they make special effects?; (Rob): ‘I’m very lucky’. (Newspaper): (Rob) said (he) was very lucky; reported speech; what did (Ana) say (she) liked about the cinema? (Ana) said (she) liked (the music) and (the photography); how about seeing an action film?; how about seeing the film tomorrow night at 7:00?; I’m busy then. How about Saturday night?; where did (Harry Potter) films take place?; which woman said this?; you said you liked the acting, but did you like the special effects; I thought they were silly. You said the action scenes were great, but I thought the acting was bad.

­ Receptive language.

- Workbook.

- Student’s Book.

- Talk about the films you’d like to see.

- Enrichment.

- Ask and answer.

- Get ready.

- Write sentences in reported speech in your notebook.

- Work with a partner: Student A use this information. Student B turns to page 110.

- Make a list of five films you want to see.

- Complete the paragraph. Write in your notebook.

- What did they say? Write sentences of each person. Use reported speech.

- What are some interesting things your friends said today?

3.2. Reflection on learning

- Show interest in knowing different cinema genres.

- Show interest in expressing tastes and respect for those of classmates.

- Enjoy and participate with initiative in the activities carried out in class.

- Participate in class dialogues and activities with initiative.

- Show interest in expressing admiration they feel towards others.

4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

- We show them the importance of respecting different tastes and opinions in a society which is as diverse as ours, in order to feel freer when expressing their own.

- We help them to be more critical with the cinema and television products.

III. Basic competences

← Linguistic competence: talking about cinema genres, writing sentences in indirect speech, revising the structure How about+gerund.

← Data processing and digital competence: work with CD-ROM.

← Social and civic competence: being more critical about cinema and television products.

← Cultural and artistic competence: identifying cinema genres and different films.

← Learning-to-learn competence: antonyms.

← Autonomy and personal initiative: writing a letter to their favourite actor.

IV. Assessment

← We will do continuous assessment based on the activities in the unit.

← We will do other types of activities which inform us directly about the knowledge the pupils have gained in the unit.

← We will help and guide pupils in self assessment.

← The pupils have to complete the test from unit 9, page 35 and the revision test for units 7-9 on pages 40 and 41.


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