
Alexander Ong HsuCurriculum VitaeKeough School of Global Affairs1447 Wildflower WayUniversity of Notre DameApt 2014155 Jenkins Nanovic HallsSouth Bend, IN 46617Notre Dame, IN 46556ahsu@nd.edu (312) 508 8833 (cell)EDUCATIONPhDHistory of Religions, University of Chicago, 2018Title: Scriptural Economy: Compiling and Copying a 7th Century Chinese Buddhist AnthologyMADivinity School, University of Chicago, 2008B.A. Religious Studies and Biological Sciences (double major with honors), University of Chicago, 2005PUBLICATIONS2017. Curing/Curating Illness: Selections from the Chapter on the “Sufferings of Illness” from A Grove of Pearls from the Garden of Dharma. Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources, C. Pierce Salguero, ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 20-29.In preparation Making Buddhist Canon Practicable with Medieval Chinese Anthology: How to Bathe Monastics with A Grove of Pearls from the Garden of Dharma. In preparation for History of Religions.Book reviews2016. Review of A Pure Mind in a Clean Body: Bodily Care in the Buddhist Monasteries of Ancient India and China by Ann Heirman and Mathieu Torck. Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity 11(1).2017. Review of Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China by Stuart H. Young. Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4(1). 2017. Review of The History of Chinese Buddhist Bibliography by Tanya Storch. Review of Religion and Chinese Society. 4(2). FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS2016 – 2017The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies Dissertation Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies ($30,000)2015 – 2016Dissertation Fellowship, University of Chicago Committee on Chinese Studies ($22,000)2016Wilson Teaching Lectureship, University of Chicago Divinity School2013 – 2014Fulbright, U.S. Department of State (IIE) Fellowship, Peking University, Beijing, China ($27,000)2012Fulbright, U.S. Department of Education DDRA Alternate2012Selected participant, Jerald Brauer Seminar, “Translation,” University of Chicago Divinity School2008 – 2015University Fellowship, University of Chicago Divinity School2008Selected participant, Jerald Brauer Seminar, “The Buddha in Barcelona,” University of Chicago Divinity School2005Asada Eiji Prize for Best Bachelor’s Thesis in East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago, “The Means to Meaning: Viewing The Journey to the West as Upāya.”CONFERENCE ACTIVITY2019Why Panthaka Can’t Read: Learning Disability and Liberation in A Grove of Pearls, for panel Buddhism and Disability Studies: Critical Analysis and Constructive Thought on Disability and the Disabled Body in Buddhist Traditions, Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Religion, San Diego, CA, November 23-26. (forthcoming).2019Making Vinaya Accessible: How Monastic Codes are Cited in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Anthologies, for conference Monasticism and Monastic Codes Across the Buddhist World, Woodenfish Foundation, Hong Kong, June 22-24.2019What’s so Buddhist about Medieval Chinese Buddhist Anthologies? The Persistence of Genre in the Fayuan zhulin, for panel Authors, Editors, Encyclopedists and the Reconstruction of Knowledge in Chinese and Inner Asian History (600-1600), Annual Conference for the Association of Asian Studies, Denver, CO, March 21-4.2018Extracting Scriptural Essence with Medieval Chinese Buddhist Anthologies, for Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Roundtable at the Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Religion, Denver, CO, November 18.2018Managing the Dharma with Early Medieval Chinese Buddhist Leishu, for panel Useful Categories: Encyclopedic Texts and Practical Knowledge in Middle Period East Asia, Annual Conference for the Association for Asian Studies, Washington D.C., March 22-25.2017Anthology as Commentary: Managing Dharma with Medieval Chinese Buddhist Leishu, for panel Indian and Chinese Religions Compared: The Art of Commentary, Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Religion, Boston, MA, November 18-21.2017Fellows’ Symposium, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies, University of Toronto, August 17-21.2017Pearls to Praise Pearls: Sources and Functions of Anthological Paratext in A Grove of Pearls from the Garden of Dharma (Fayuan zhulin), 7th c CE, for panel Rewriting Buddhism in Medieval China: Intertextual Practice, Religious Transmission, and Cultural Innovation, Annual Conference for the Association for Asian Studies, Toronto, ON, March 16-19. 2015How do you use A Grove of Pearls? Notes toward a History of Chinese Buddhist Anthological Use with Evidence from Dunhuang, for panel Buddhism Section: Books and Bodies, Caves and Technologies, Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA, November 21-24.2014The Compilation and Use of Medieval Chinese Buddhist Anthologies, 6th-7th c C.E., for panel Language and Epistemology in China and Tibet, “Ways of Knowing” Graduate Student Conference on Religion, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, October 23-25.CAMPUS TALKS2015Dharma Gardening, Scriptural Economy: Medieval Chinese Buddhists Imagine Anthology, Metaphor Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, May 15.2008Bugs and Buddhism: Inner Entomology and the Category of Suffering in the Fayuan zhulin, China Before Print Workshop, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, May 29.TEACHING EXPERIENCEUniversity of Notre Dame, instructorIntroduction to Buddhism: Stories, Scriptures, and Saints (fall 2019)Buddhism through its Media (spring 2019)North Dakota State University, instructorBible as Literature (spring 2018)Magic and Religion (spring 2018)College Composition II (autumn 2017)Writing in the Sciences (autumn 2017)University of Chicago, sole instructorReading Buddhist Scripture as Literature: the Lotus Sūtra (spring 2016) (Wilson Prize Lectureship, Religious Studies) University of Chicago, teaching assistantAutobiographical Writing (humanities component for Collegiate Scholars Program, intensive college prep for Chicago Public School juniors and seniors) (summer 2013) Readings in World Literature (general education requirement in the humanities) (fall 2012, winter 2013, spring 2013)Introduction to the Study of Religion (master’s level) (fall 2012)Academic/Professional Writing (Little Red Schoolhouse) (spring 2012)Core Biology writing assistant (general education requirement for non-science majors) (fall 2006, winter 2007, spring 2007)RELEVANT EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE2011 – 2013Editorial Assistant, History of Religions journal, University of ChicagoSERVICETranslator from Mandarin Chinese to English for Professor Chen Ming, Peking University, Beijing: Indian Buddhist Creation Myths and their Transmission: A study Based on Buddhist Scriptures in Chinese Translation and Manuscripts from the Western Regions, Eurasian Studies II (2014): 143-anizer, History of Religions Club, University of Chicago, 2008-2010.PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSAmerican Academy of ReligionAssociation for Asian StudiesLANGUAGESModern Standard Mandarin Chinese: highly proficient in speaking, reading, writingClassical Chinese: highly proficient in readingJapanese: highly proficient in reading, proficient in speaking and writingSanskrit: proficient in readingFrench: proficient in readingGerman: proficient in readingREFERENCESChristian K. WedemeyerAssociate Professor, History of ReligionsSwift 310B1025 East 58th StreetChicago, IL 60637wedemeyer@uchicago.eduPaul F. CoppAssociate Professor, Chinese Religion and ThoughtWieboldt 301G1050 East 59th StreetChicago, IL 60637pcopp@uchicago.eduRichard A. RosengartenAssociate Professor, Religion and LiteratureSwift 1011025 East 58th StreetChicago, IL 60637raroseng@uchicago.eduWendy DonigerMircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of ReligionsSwift 2071025 East 58th StreetChicago, IL 60637don8@uchicago.edu ................

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