CODE OF CONDUCT FOR BOXERS ATCLEETHORPES TRINITY BOXING ACADEMYBoxers are the most important people in the sport. Boxing well and representing your club is the most fundamental part of the sport. But boxers should not adopt a “win at all costs” attitude. Fair play and respect for all others in the game is crucially important.This Code focuses on boxers involved in top-class boxing. Nevertheless, the key concepts in the Code are valid for boxers at all levels and Cleethorpes Trinity Boxing Academy are happy to set these high standards within the club.Obligations towards the sportA boxer/club member should:Make every effort to develop their own sporting/boxing abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics, stamina and understanding the rules and disciplines of the sport.Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a bout and in training, even if the boxer is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved. Set a positive example for others, particularly young members/boxers and supporters.Avoid all forms of poor gamesmanship and time-wasting.Always have regard for the best interests of the sport, including where publicly expressing an opinion on the sport and any particular aspects of it, including others involved in boxing.Not use inappropriate language.Obligations towards the Boxing ClubA boxer/club member should:Make every effort consistent with fair play and the laws of the sport to help improve his/her own club and for it to do well.Resist any influence which might, or might be seen to, bring into question his/her commitment to the club.Ensure attendance at training sessions held by the club to develop oneself and other members/club mates to enhance performance in bouts by listening and being prepared to learn.Training subs must be paid promptly for each training session attended.Respect the gym at all times and tidy up after yourself.Each member/participant is responsible for their own equipment and it is their responsibility to come prepared.Respect for the Laws and Rules of BoxingA boxer/club member should:Know and abide by the Laws, rules and spirit of boxing, and the competition rules.Accept successes and failure, victory and defeat equally.Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques.Respect towards OpponentsA boxer should:Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the bout, inside and outside of the gym and in the ring.Respect towards the Match OfficialsA boxer should:Accept the decision of the bout Official without protest.Avoid words or actions with may mislead an Official.Show due respect towards Officials.Avoid using any foul, abusive or offensive language towards Officials.Respect towards Team OfficialsA boxer should:Abide by the instructions of their Coach and Coaching Team, provided they do not contradict the spirit of this Code.Show due respect towards the other club coaches/officials of the opposition.Obligations towards the SupportersA boxer should:Show due respect to the interests of spectators, from both your own and the opposition supporters/spectators, particularly young spectators. ................

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