
A circle graph would best help a student communicate a conclusion about an investigation involvingA. the proportions by mass of three metals in one alloyB. the amounts of heat released by three chemical reactionsC. the amounts of force required to accelerate three different massesD. the electrical conductivity of three salt solutions An athlete sitting in a wheelchair at rest throws a basketball forward. Since the athlete and the wheelchair have greater mass than the basketball has, the athlete and the wheelchair will?__________.A. move backward at a lower speed than the basketball moves forwardB. travel the same distance as the basketball but in the opposite directionC. move backward at a higher speed than the basketball moves forwardD. have the same forward velocity as the basketball A group of researchers discovered the fossilized remains of a flying mammal that appears to have lived 130 million to 165 million years ago. Since the earliest flying birds are believed to have appeared about 150 million years ago, researchers concluded that birds and mammals began to fly at about the same time. This conclusion would be most weakened by evidence of which of the following?A. A 100-million-year-old fossil of a flying birdB. A 120-million-year-old fossil of a flying birdC. A 160-million-year-old fossil of a flying mammalD. A 200-million-year-old fossil of a flying mammalA student uses a hot plate, a thermometer, and a stopwatch to investigate the rate at which a metal object conducts heat. To ensure the most reliable results, which of the following should the student do?A. Perform a second investigation using different toolsB. Use several thermometers to measure temperatureC. Develop a hypothesis before starting the investigationD. Repeat the entire investigation several timesWhich of the following information would allow the most direct calculation of the average speed on the upward flight of a tennis ball thrown straight up in the air?A. force and wind speedB. maximum height and the time it takes the ball to reach that heightC. ball mass and time it takes to reach highest pointD. force and time it takes ball to fall to the ground A 2.25 kg fish swims in a pond at a constant rate of 56 meters in 96 seconds. What is the fish’s approximate speed?A. 0.02 m/sB. 0.40 m/sC. 0.58 m/sD. 1.7 m/sA child jumps on a trampoline, as shown above. Which of the following causes the child to rise in the air?A. massB. inertiaC. reaction forceD. gravitational forceANSWER: When the air is released from a balloon, the air moves in one direction, and the balloon moves in another direction. Which statement does this situation best illustrate?A. What goes up must come down.B. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.C. The shape and size of an object affect air resistance.?D. The acceleration due to Earth’s gravity is 9.8 m/s 2.ANSWER: John has a mass of 90 kg. Calculate John's weight.A. about 900 NB. about 90 NC. about 9 ND. about 9.8 NANSWER: A student investigates the effects of five brands of fertilizer on plant growth and concludes that Brand X works best. Which of the following would best communicate this conclusion?A. A list of the ingredients in each brand of fertilizer used B. A graph showing the growth rate of plants grown with the different fertilizers C. A description of the role of different nutrients in plant growthD. A diagram showing the conditions in which each plant grewANSWER: What is the net force exerted on a 90.0 kg race-car driver while the race car is accelerating from 0 to 44.7 m/s in 4.50 s?A. 9.8 NB. 20 NC. 201 ND. 894 NANSWER: Which of the following free body diagrams represents a car accelerating to the right?A. AB. BC. CANSWER: Which of the following free body diagrams represents an object in equilibrium?A. B. C. ANSWER: If an object has a net force of zero, itA. may be at rest or moving at a constant velocity.B. must be at rest.C. may be accelerating.D. must be decelerating.ANSWER: Billy hiked 5 km east of his campsite and then 5 km north of his campsite. What is his displacement?A. 7.1 km northeastB. 50.0 km southwestC. 10 km northD. 5 km northeastANSWER: Ronnie has a weight of 500 N. Calculate Ronnie's mass.A. about 30 kgB. 500 NC. 500 kgD. about 50 kgANSWER: A 2-kg bucket hangs from a rope. Calculate the tension on the rope.A. exactly 9.8 NB. 9.8 m/s2C. about 20 ND. none of the aboveANSWER: A bowling ball rolls off of the empire state building. Ignoring air resistance, the vertical velocity after the ball has been falling for three seconds is about __________.A. -98 m/sB. -30 m/sC. 9.8 m/s2D. depends on the massANSWER: A little boy pulls a wagon with his dog in it. The mass of the dog and wagon together is 45 kg. The wagon accelerates at 0.85 m/s2. What force is the boy pulling with?A. 45 NB. 85 NC. 38 ND. none of the aboveANSWER: When adding vectors, the length of the vector representsA. the direction of the vector quantityB. the magnitude of the vector quantityC. the magnitude and direction of the vector quantityANSWER: A 68 kg runner exerts a force of 59 N. What is the acceleration of the runner?A. 0.87 m/s2B. 1.2 m/s2C. 10 m/s2D. none of the aboveANSWER: Which of the following diagrams illustrates the horizontal and vertical velocities of a projectile correctly?A. AB. BC. CANSWER: BWhich of the following statements are NOT true about a projectile?A. A projectile has a vertical acceleration.B. A projectile acts under the influence of gravity.C. A projectile must be traveling downward.D. A projectile's path is called its trajectory.ANSWER: Inertia can best be described as _____.A. the force that keeps moving objects moving and stationary objects at rest.B. the willingness of an object to eventually lose its motionC. the force that causes all objects to stopD. the tendency of any object to resist change and keep doing whatever it's doingANSWER: Inertia is dependent onA. speedB. accelerationC. forceD. massANSWER: Which of the following objects have the greatest inertia?A. 2-kg ball rolling 3 m/sB. 4-kg ball rolling 1 m/sC. 1-kg ball at restD. 5-kg ball at restANSWER: Use the following graph, which shows the motion of a car, to answer the following question: Calculate the average velocity of the car between 0 s and 10 s.A. 60 m/sB. 10 m/sC. 6 m/sD. none of the aboveANSWER: Use the following graph, which shows the motion of a car, to answer the following question: During which interval does the car come to a stop?A. at 0 sB. 10-15 sC. 30-55 sD. none of the aboveANSWER: Use the following graph, which shows the motion of a car, to answer the following question: During which interval does the car experience largest velocity?A. 0-10 sB. 10-15 sC. 15-30 sD. 40-55 sANSWER: Use the following shows the motion of a car, to answer the following question: Which of the following motion diagrams represents the car in the first 10 seconds?A. aB. bC. cD. dANSWER: On a velocity-time graph, a constant velocity is shown byA. a constant positive slopeB. a constant negative slopeC. a large slopeD. no slope at allANSWER: On a __________ the slope of the line represents the average velocity.A. position-time graphB. velocity-time graphC. acceleration-time graphD. all of the aboveANSWER: A cannonball is shot off of a cliff horizontally at 20 m/s and lands at the base of the cliff 3 seconds later. How far from the base of the cliff does the cannonball land?A. 20 mB. 10 mC. 60 mD. 6.3 mANSWER: As Ed sits on a bus that is traveling east 8 m/s, John walks up the aisle toward the driver at 2 m/s. Sally walks toward the back of the bus at 3 m/s. Andy stands outside on the sidewalk, watching the bus go by. How fast does Ed perceive John moving?A. 6 m/sB. 10 m/sC. 2 m/sD. 8 m/sANSWER: As Ed sits on a bus that is traveling east 8 m/s, John walks up the aisle toward the driver at 2 m/s. Sally walks toward the back of the bus at 3 m/s. Andy stands outside on the sidewalk, watching the bus go by. How fast does Andy perceive John moving?A. 10 m/sB. 6 m/sC. 2 m/sD. 3 m/sANSWER: As Ed sits on a bus that is traveling east 8 m/s, John walks up the aisle toward the driver at 2 m/s. Sally walks toward the back of the bus at 3 m/s. Andy stands outside on the sidewalk, watching the bus go by. How fast does Ed perceive Sally moving?A. 11 m/sB. 5 m/sC. 3 m/sD. 8 m/sANSWER: As Ed sits on a bus that is traveling east 8 m/s, John walks up the aisle toward the driver at 2 m/s. Sally walks toward the back of the bus at 3 m/s. Andy stands outside on the sidewalk, watching the bus go by. How fast does Andy perceive Ed moving?A. 8 m/sB. 0 m/sC. 2 m/sD. 3 m/sANSWER: A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the lizard’s average acceleration?A. 10 m/s2B. 8 m/sC. 4 sD. 2 m/s2ANSWER: Mary drives 300 miles at an average speed of 65 miles/hour. About how many minutes did it take her to get to her destination?A. 4.6 minutesB. 277 minutesC. 19,500 minutesD. none of the above ANSWER: If a Ferrari, with an initial velocity of 10 m/s, accelerates at a rate of 50 m/s/s for 3 seconds, what will its final velocity be?A. 160 m/sB. 150 m/sC. 60 m/sD. none of the aboveANSWER: If Rock A of 1 kg, and Rock B of 2 kg, are both dropped from 20 feet high, which will land first?A. Rock AB. Rock BC. They will land at the same time.ANSWER: Garrett runs a distance of 3 miles in 25 minutes. What is his average speed?A. 8.3 miles/minB. 75 miles/minC. 0.12 miles/minD. 9.8 miles/minANSWER: If a quarter is flicked horizontally off of a desk at the same time another quarter is dropped from the same height, which quarter will land first?A. The quarter that is flicked will land first.B. The quarter that is dropped will land first.C. Both quarters will land at the same time.ANSWER: Mrs. Fanny is trying to push a very heavy basket at Wall-mart. In order to get the most out of the force she is applying, at which angle should she apply her force?A. AB. BC. CD. DANSWER: Ignoring air resistance, as a projectile moves along it path, the net horizontal acceleration isA. zero.B. equal to the force that launched it.C. 9.8 N.D. 9.8 m/s2.ANSWER: If you apply a horizontal 40-N force to a 400-kg crate and friction applies a 20-N force against you, what is the acceleration of the crate?A. 6.7 m/s2B. 20 m/s2C. 60 ND. 0.05 m/s2ANSWER: Ignoring air resistance, as a projectile moves along it path, the net vertical acceleration isA. zero.B. equal to the force that launched it.C. 9.8 N.D. 9.8 m/s2.ANSWER: As Mattie is driving down the highway at a speed of 27 m/s, a car pulls out in front of her. She slams on her brakes slowing down to 10 m/s in 1.2 seconds. Calculate her acceleration.A. 14 m/s2B. -14 m/s2 C. 14 m/sD. -14 m/sANSWER: According to Newton's second law, a bus is harder to push than a bike becauseA. it has more weight.B. it has more mass.C. it encounters more friction.D. it has an equal and opposite reaction to your force.ANSWER: If a tennis ball is thrown and caught from the same height with a flight time of 6 seconds, about how high did it rise?A. 30 mB. 45 mC. 60 mD. 90 mANSWER: A 0.5-kg ball is tied to a 0.25-m string and swing in a circle. If it takes 0.2 s for the ball to go around one time, what is the centripetal acceleration?A. 247 m/s2 B. 49 m/s2 C. 79 m/s2 D. 205 m/s2 ANSWER: In what direction is the force acting on the cart in the diagram above?A. toward the centerB. outwardC. toward the rightD. toward the leftANSWER: The moon revolves around the earth. What type of force is acting as the centripetal force that causes the moon to follow its curved path?A. tensionB. gravitationalC. thrustD. frictionANSWER: In what direction is the acceleration in the diagram above?A. toward the centerB. outwardC. toward the rightD. toward the leftANSWER: A rock is tied to a string and swung in a circle. If the string were to break, in what direction would the rock fly?A. toward the centerB. outwardC. it would still continue in the circular path D. straight line path tangent to the circleANSWER: What happens to the force of attraction between two objects if the distance between the objects increases?A. the force increasesB. the force decreasesC. the force stays the sameANSWER: Two bowling balls each have a mass of 7.2 kg. They are located next to each other with their centers 0.4 m apart. What gravitational force do they exert on each other?A. 4.1 x 10-5 NB. 2.2 x 10-8 NC. 3.4 x 10-2 ND. 7.1 x 10-12 NANSWER: What happens to the force of attraction between two objects if the mass of one of the objects decreases?A. the force increasesB. the force decreasesC. the force stays the same ................

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