SAMPLE PRESS RELEASE FOR MEMBERS TO SEND TO LOCAL MEDIAleft-209550Your Logo here400000Your Logo hereFor Immediate ReleaseContact [CONTACT NAME, PHONE NUMBER][NAME OF ORGANIZATION] To Host Local Students for Aging Services Career Day[NAME OF CITY], Texas. – [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] will host [NUMBER OF STUDENTS] in participation with the Careers in Aging Week held by LeadingAge Texas. The population of adults in the United States aged 65 and older will increase from 47.8 million in 2015 to 88 million in 2050. Correspondingly, the demand for long-term care workers will need to grow exponentially to serve that population, and is projected to continue to rise in the next 30 years. To prepare for this need, [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] has partnered with [NAME(S) OF EDUCATIONAL ENTITIES PARTICITPATING] to participate in a shadow day to introduce students to the field of aging services.[TELL HOW YOUR ORGANIZATION IS PARTICIPATING] LeadingAge Texas members, not-for-profit aging services providers across Texas, will host local students from nearby high schools, tech and community colleges, and universities. Each member will create the day that best meets the needs of their culture. [QUOTE FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR HR DIRECTOR ABOUT WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR ORGANIZATION AND THE FIELD AS A WHOLE]“The Aging Services Career Week is a natural evolution of an identified need in Texas to create a competent, abundant, stable and diverse workforce to serve aging Texans.” Said George Linial, president of LeadingAge Texas. “Working in this field is extremely rewarding and can become a lifelong vocation for many. It’s important that we expose young people to our field now and show them the rewards of working with our seasoned population.”XX [INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION INLCUDING NAME, MISSION, HOW LONG YOU HAVE SERVED YOUR COMMUNITY, NUMBER OF RESIDENT SERVCED, NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND TYPES OF SERVICES YOU PROVIDE]. ................

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