
LESSON PLANSCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Petre?tiGRADE: 5th (L1)LEVEL OF PROFICIENCY: A1TEACHER: Ionescu (Andrei) Cristina - LucianaLESSON: Let’s go Shopping!LESSON FOCUS: Vocabulary lesson (Lesson of communication of new knowledge)Lesson of integrated skills: Speaking, Writing, Listening and ReadingTEXTBOOK: Limba moderna 1 – Limba Engleza – Uniscan Group EducationalUnit 11: Let’s have fun!TIME: 50 minutesCOMPETENCES 1. Understanding oral messages in common communication situations;1.1. Identifying the overall meaning of common messages and dialogues which are clearly articulated;2. Producing oral messages in common communication situations;2.4. Being willing to take part in dialogues.AIMS At the end of the lesson students will be able:1. to identify the words related to types of shops;2. to make simple sentences and short dialogues with the words related to types of shops;3. to use the words related to types of shops correctly and ask for items sold in these shops;AFFECTIVE AIMS:1. to create a relaxed atmosphere, proper for studying, in order to offer the background for easy conversation;2. to encourage students to use their English;3. to raise expectations and create involvement in the subject;SKILLS: Listening, Speaking, Reading, WritingTECHNIQUES: dialogues; group work, pair work, individual work, observation, explanation, discoveryRESOURCES: realia, cassette recorder, poster and pictures, notebooks, handouts, whiteboard and coloured markers, overhead projectorTYPE OF INTERACTION: teacher-students, students-teacher, student-studentMETHOD: Communicative approach TEACHER’S ROLE: resource, organiser, monitorSTUDENTS’ ROLE: task performersANTICIPATED PROBLEMS-Students may have problems with the pronunciation of several words so they may get some help from the teacher. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY: Students will be assessed on class participation.ACTIVITIESWARM UP AIMS-to create a pleasant atmosphere for the English class;-to help students feel relaxed.AIDS-RegisterINTERACTIONTeacher-StudentsStudents-TeacherPROCEDUREGreetings-The teacher asks students How are you today? / Who is on duty today? / Is anybody absent? / Are you ready to start the English class?-Students answer the teacher’s questions;ESTIMATED TIME-1 minuteMETHODS-ConversationCLASS ORGANIZATION-Whole classTRANSITION TO THE NEW TOPIC HOMEWORK CHECK-UPAIDS-Whiteboard, notebookAIM-to check if there were any problems with their homework;-to check the mistakes;INTERACTION-Teacher-Students-Students-TeacherPROCEDURE-The teacher asks students what their homework was: “What was your homework for today?”, ‘Was it difficult?’, ‘Who wants to read it?’The teacher checks the homework.-Students read their homework. They had to work in groups, find out their favourite free – time activities and create a poster with them. A leader of each group presents the poster. -The teacher checks the mistakes.ESTIMATED TIME-5 minutesMETHODS-ConversationCLASS ORGANIZATION-Whole classCHECKING PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGEAIM-to check previous knowledge;INTERACTION-Teacher – Students-Students-TeacherPROCEDURE-The teacher asks: ‘What did we talk about last time?” She asks questions related to the previous lesson: Free-time activities. The following questions are asked: ‘Do you have much free-time during the day?’/’Do you have much free-time in the evenings?’ ‘What do you do?’/ Who do you spend your free-time with?’/ ‘Where do you spend your free-time?’Students answer the teacher’s questions. -Possible answers: We don’t have much free time during the day because we have to do our homework for the next day. Although in the evenings we usually watch a TV show or a movie or even surf the internet. Sometimes we play games on the computer. We usually spend time with family and friends at home or in the park. We sometimes go to the cinema or to a picnic. ESTIMATED TIME-3 minutesMETHODS-ConversationCLASS ORGANIZATION-Whole classPRESENTATION: 1. LEAD IN (speaking activity)A.? AIDS-board, flashcardsAIM-to familiarize students with the new topic;INTERACTIONStudents-TeacherTeacher-StudentsPROCEDURE-The teacher shows students 3 pictures related to free-time activities. (Annex 1). She asks students which picture is their favourite. After that she tells students which picture is her favourite and explains why. She asks students: ‘Do you like shopping?’ ‘Do you go shopping in your free-time?’ ‘What do you usually buy?’-Students answer the teacher’s questions. Possible answer: We like shopping very much. We usually go shopping on Saturday or Sunday. We buy food, clothes or toys/games.’-Then the teacher tells students that the new lesson is “Let’s go shopping”. She writes the date and the title on the whiteboard and tells students the aims of the lesson. ESTIMATED TIME-4 minutesMETHODS-conversationCLASS ORGANIZATION-whole class2 . INTRODUCING THE NEW LESSONB.? AIDS-whiteboard, flashcards, worksheets, notebooksAIM-to identify the types of shops;-to make sentences with words related to types of shops;-to improve pronunciation;COMPETENCES2. Producing oral messages in common communication situations;2.3. Expressing prefferences;INTERACTION-Student – Student-Students – Teacher-Teacher-StudentsPROCEDURE-The teacher gives students some handouts. (Annex 2) They work in groups of four and solve the exercise. They have to match pictures related to types of shops with the corresponding words. -Students have 2 minutes to solve the exercise. Then, in turns, they come to the whiteboard to match each picture with one of the words given. The other students are asked to make sentences with the new words. -Example of sentences: I am going to the chemist’ s to buy an aspirin. / He buys a bottle of milk from the grocer’s every day. / When I go home from school I usually buy a newspaper from the newsagent’s. There is a bookstore opposite my house. I buy bread from the baker’s every day. The clothes shop closes at 7 p.m. every day. My father usually buys sweets from the sweet shop. -After students write all the sentences on the whiteboard and in their notebooks, the teacher reads the new words and asks students to repeat them. Then, some students are asked to read the new words again. Teacher’s role: organiser, resourceStudents’ role: task performersESTIMATED TIME-17 minutesCLASS ORGANIZATION-group work; whole classDEVELOPMENT/PRACTICE Practice 1AIDSposterAIM-to practise words related to types of shops in speaking;COMPETENCESIdentifying the global meaning of the message (selecting the suitable images)INTERACTION-Teacher - Students-Students – TeacherPROCEDURE-The teacher shows students a poster with different items found in different types of shops. (Annex 3). She asks students: ‘Where can you find meat?’ / ‘Can we buy a magazine from the grocer’s?’/ ‘Where can you buy an aspirin?’ And so on and so forth. -Students pay attention to the questions and answer them. Example: ‘We can buy an aspirin from the chemist’s.’/ We can’t buy a magazine from the grocer’s. We can buy it from the newsagent’s. ESTIMATED TIME-4 minutesMETHODS-DialogueCLASS ORGANISATION-whole classDEVELOPMENT/PRACTICE Practice 2Listening activityReading activityAIDSWorksheets, cassette recorderAIM-to practise words related to types of shops in reading and listening;-to identify words related to types of shops;-to improve listening and reading skills;COMPETENCES1. Understanding oral messages in common communication situations;2. Producing oral messages in common communication situations;2.3. Expressing preferences;2.4. Being willing to take part in dialogues. INTERACTION-Student - Student-Students – TeacherPROCEDURE-Students are given some sheets of paper on which there are written fragments of a dialogue (Annex 4). In groups of four, they must try to put the sentences in the right order. After that, they must listen to a dialogue to see if they were right. Students with a lower English level are given a different worksheet. They are given the first half of the dialogue and have to reorder the second half. (Annex 5)If it is necessary, the teacher plays the tape again.Students read the dialogue by playing roles. The whole correct dialogue can be found in Annex 6. Teacher’s role: monitorStudents’ role: task performersESTIMATED TIME-5 minutesMETHODS-Dialogue; role-playCLASS ORGANISATION-group workPRODUCTION/ FEED-BACK Practice 3 – speaking activityAIDS-realiaAIM -to ask for items sold in different shops;-to make short dialogues with words related to types of shops;COMPETENCES2.Producing oral messages in common communication situations;2.4.Being willing to take part in dialogues;INTERACTION-Student –Student (pair work)PROCEDURE-On three desks there can be found different items that go with different shops. (clothes shop, baker’s, newsagent’s, bookstore). The teacher explains: ‘6 students must be involved in this activity: 3 students are the customers and the other 3 are the shop assistants. In pairs you must choose one of the desks and try a dialogue.’ The students who perform the dialogue the best are the winners.Students follow the teacher’s instructions. In pairs, they try short dialogues.Students must work in pairs for 1 minute then act out their dialogues. Example of dialogue:‘Good morning!’‘Good morning! Can I help you?’‘Yes, please. I would like to buy this newspaper. How much is it?’‘It’s 3 pounds.’‘And... how much is this magazine?’‘’It’s 5 pounds.’‘OK. I’ll take them. Thank you!’‘You’re welcome!’Teacher’s role: monitorStudents’ role: task performersESTIMATED TIME-8 minutesMETHODS-dialogueCLASS ORGANIZATIONPair work Emotional Feedback/ Aims’ checklistAIMS-to get feed-back from the students;INTERACTION-Students - TeacherPROCEDURE-The teacher asks Students to show her a smiley or a sad face (given by the teacher) which best describes their emotional state at the end of the English class.ESTIMATED TIME-1 minuteAssigning HomeworkAIM-to practise words related to types of shops;INTERACTION-Teacher - StudentsPROCEDURE-As a homework, the teacher gives students a worksheet with some exercises. (Annex 7)- Students are supposed to solve the exercises and write a dialogue at the grocer’s. The teacher gives them an example. The teacher explains students what they have to do. The teacher gives examples. Students may choose two of the exercises.She gives the students cakes.Students, who had an active contribution during the lesson, are graded. ESTIMATED TIME-2 minutesCLASS ORGANIZATION-Whole classANNEX 1FREE-TIME ACTIVITIESLook at the pictures representing free-time activities. Which is your favourite free-time activity? Why? 32778701016000325755026670000left22860000ANNEX 2LET’S GO SHOPPING!TYPES OF SHOPSWrite the following words under the correct picture:newsagent’s butcher’s chemist’s grocer’s clothes shopsweet shop bookshop baker’scenter114935 ______________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ANNEX 3ITEMS SOLD IN DIFFERENT SHOPS-70040522479000ANNEX 4 Shopping for clothesListen to the dialogue and put the lines in the correct order:Shop assistant:??We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?Shop assistant:??Can I help you?Customer:??Yes, I’ll take it.Customer:??Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?Shop assistant:??OK, in medium we’ve got black and red.Shop assistant:??OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p change and here’s your receipt.Customer:??OK, red. Can I try it on?Customer:??Medium.Shop assistant:??Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.(pause)Shop assistant:??No, just black and red.Customer:??Cash please. Here’s twenty.Shop assistant:??Is it OK?Shop assistant:? That’s ?10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?Customer:??Thanks. Bye.Customer:??And in purple?ANNEX 5Shopping for clothesPut the second half of the dialogue in order: Shop assistant:??Can I help you?Customer:??Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?Shop assistant:??We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?Customer:??Medium.Shop assistant:??OK, in medium we’ve got black and red.Customer:??And in purple?Shop assistant:??No, just black and red.Customer:??OK, red. Can I try it on?Shop assistant:??Is it OK?Shop assistant:??Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.Shop assistant:? That’s ?10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?Shop assistant:??OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p change and here’s your receipt.Customer:??Thanks. Bye.Customer:??Yes, I’ll take it.Customer:??Cash please. Here’s twenty.ANNEX 6Shopping for clothesShop assistant:??Can I help you?Customer:??Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?Shop assistant:??We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?Customer:??Medium.Shop assistant:??OK, in medium we’ve got black and red.Customer:??And in purple?Shop assistant:??No, just black and red.Customer:??OK, red. Can I try it on?Shop assistant:??Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.(pause)Shop assistant:??Is it OK?Customer:??Yes, I’ll take it.Shop assistant:? That’s ?10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?Customer:??Cash please. Here’s twenty.Shop assistant:??OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p change and here’s your receipt.Customer:??Thanks. Bye.ANNEX 7 TYPES OF SHOPSSHOPPINGMatch the following types of shops with their definitions:Chemist’sGrocer’sButcher’sBaker’sNewsagent’sBookshopClothes shopA shop that sells clothesA shop that sells meatA shop that sells booksA shop that sells food and other goods for the home.A shop that sells medicinesA shop that sells newspapers and magazinesA shop that sells bread and cakesRead the sentences and write True (T) or False (F):You can’t buy books at the newsagent’s.The grocer’s is a shop that sells meat.You can buy medicines at the butcher’s. You buy butter at the grocer’s. You buy cakes at the chemist’s.You can’t buy bread at the baker’s. Put the following words in the right column: butter, aspirin, cake, newspaper, sugar, milk, bread, salt, egg, magazine, vitamins,Chemist’sGrocer’sBaker’sNewsagent’sHomework:Write a short dialogue at the grocer’s. ................

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