The Career-Switching Handbook for 30-Somethings


1. Introduction

The days when you could stumble into a job

after college and stay there until retirement

are over. If you¡¯re a typical millennial,

you know this ¨C 21% of millennials have

changed jobs within the past year, according

to Gallup. That¡¯s more than three times

the number of non-millennials who have

switched jobs.

Millennials have movement on their minds.

More than 40% envision leaving their jobs

in the next two years, while only 28% want

to stay beyond five years. Workers ages 25

to 38 stay at their jobs only 2.8 years, on

average. That¡¯s a stark difference with their

elders; workers 55 to 64 have been at their

jobs an average of 10.1 years.

Read on and find out why you would want to

change jobs, and the steps you should take to

make the best outcome for your career and

your satisfaction.

2. The Benefits of Job-Hopping

2. The Benefits of Job-Hopping

There are definite benefits to job-hopping, and millennials are reaping the rewards of the new employer-employee

relationship. They have changed the expectations in the workplace, and that change affects everyone in the

working world.

For example, about 75% of millennial workers say job-hopping is a good thing and the numbers back them up.

On average, those who change jobs see their salaries increase 10% to 20%. Staying at your current job brings an

average raise of only 3%.

The non-monetary benefits of job-hopping

Aside from salary increases, changing jobs can bring positive growth in other ways.



Finding the right fit:

You can get more

experience and a fresh look

at your field. Learning a

different company or field¡¯s

best practices and rules of

conduct can broaden your

knowledge and experience.

You can grow a stronger

network.The more places you

work, the larger your network

will be. Having a large

network gives you experts

you can tap into and contacts

for future employment.

One benefit of job-hopping is

experiencing the good, the bad,

and the ugly when it comes to

company cultures. If you work

with several employers, you can

figure out the job and culture

that suits you best.

Why are millennials switching jobs?

Millennials have a

different outlook on their

job life. They¡¯re more

inclined to leave if they

feel underappreciated,

and they measure loyalty

differently from other

workers. New research

indicates millennials see

a personal and financial

benefit to job-hopping.

Workers who stay with a company longer than two years are

said to get paid 50% less, and job hoppers are believed to have a

higher learning curve, be higher performers, and even to be more

loyal, because they care about making a good impression in the

short amount of time they know they¡¯ll stay with each employer.

Millennials who are managers resign

two-thirds less often than non-management

millennials (11.9% versus 36.2%)

-Visier Insights Report

25% of millennials believe that staying at

a job for seven months indicates they¡¯re loyal.

To baby boomers, that number is five years

- Is There Really A Generational Divide at

Work? (Ultimate Software)


When should you look for a new job?

2. The Benefits of Job-Hopping


Is it time to find another job? Millennials bring more education to their workplaces than their predecessors, and they want

more from their jobs. But many end up feeling unfulfilled at work. That¡¯s when it¡¯s time to give a new job a consideration.

Our finest moments are most

likely to occur when we are

feeling deeply uncomfortable,

unhappy, or unfulfilled. For

it is only in such moments,

propelled by our discomfort,

that we are likely to step

out of our ruts and start

searching for different ways

or truer answers.

¨C M. Scott Peck

Millennials are better educated than prior generations

Education attainment by generation

90% of millennials want to grow

their careers with their current

companies (Bridge)

43 percent of Millennials envision

leaving their jobs within two years

while only 28 percent seek to

stay beyond five years. (Deloitte

Global Millennial Survey)

When millennials jump ship, it¡¯s

most often because they feel

underutilized and stagnant at

work(O.C. Tanner)

2. The Benefits of Job-Hopping

Tips for employed job-seekers:

If you begin your search while you still have a job,

you must learn to tread lightly, be patient, and

stay discreet. Here are some tips for that search:


Network through social channels

Recruiters and potential employers will check out

your LinkedIn first thing, so make sure it¡¯s ready

before you start. Also, be careful what you say in

your profile ¨C your current boss might be watching.


Discretion is key

There¡¯s no need for your current co-workers to

know you¡¯re looking. After all, if one person

knows, everybody knows. Also, keep silent on

social media. Employers monitor their employees.


Schedule interviews outside your current work hours

Most companies will accommodate your requests, if

you¡¯re upfront. If that interview must take place during

regular hours, don¡¯t fake doctor appointments, and don¡¯t

take sick days. Consider a vacation or a personal day.


Don¡¯t give up on your current job

Stay focused on your current job and avoid conflict. Don¡¯t

make it seem like you¡¯re one foot out the door, even if you

are. Also, don¡¯t use company resources in your search.

You don¡¯t want to get let go in the middle of your search.


Don¡¯t use past coworkers and bosses as references

You run the risk of alerting the whole company before

you¡¯re ready ¨C and you may not even get that offer anyway.


Be efficient and organized

Don¡¯t double-book appointments. Write

a good cover letter template that you can

update and personalize to different employers.


Hold out for the official offer and paperwork

Great interviews are promising, but don¡¯t do or

say anything until you have that offer received

and accepted and you¡¯ve signed the paperwork.



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