Translation Sources - VUW

Appendix A: Translation Sources

This page lists the sources of translations found of the poetry written by the Tang dynasty poet Du Fu.

Alexander, Mark (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

Alley, Rewi Peace Through the Ages: Translations from the Poets of China (Peking: R. Alley, 1954)

Alley, Rewi The People Sing: More Translations of Poems and Songs of the People of China (Peking: R. Alley, 1958)

Alley, Rewi Tu Fu: Selected Poems (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1964)

Ayscough, Florence & Amy Lowell Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated from the Chinese (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921). Digital Library Projects at the University of Pennsylvania. 18 May 2007

Ayscough, Florence Tu Fu: The Autobiography of a Chinese Poet, A.D. 712-770 (2 Volumes) (London: Cape, 1929, 1934)

“bafooz” (bafooz.365443.html)

Baird, Nathan (ensie.2006_04_01_archive.html)

Barnstone, Tony & Chou Ping (

Barnstone, Tony & Chou Ping (2006_12_01_7beats_archive.html)

Birch, Cyril (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

Bonta, Dave (

Bradbury, Steven (

Bromberg, Sam (participants/highlights.asp?HTID=30&AID=3037)

Brownrigg, Ray (

Bynner, Witter The Jade Mountain: A Chinese Anthology (New York: Knopf, 1931)

Chang, Edward C. “What is Jintishi?” 24 Dec. 2006. Washington Chinese Poetry Society. 18 Aug. 2007

Chou, Eva Shan Reconsidering Tu Fu: Literary Greatness and Cultural Context (Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Chung Yoon Ngan (forums/read.php?f=2&i=6138&t=6138)

Cooper, Arthur R. V. Li Po and Tu Fu (Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin Books, 1973)

Cranmer-Byng, L. A Lute of Jade

Davis, A. R., ed. The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1962)

Davis, A. R. Tu Fu (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1971)

“dedalus” (

Ditmanson, Peter (

“Dongbo” (translator_.php?id=5)

Fletcher, W. J. B. Gems of Chinese Verse (Shanghai: Commercial Press Ltd., 1919). Internet Archive. 23 Nov. 2007

Fletcher, W. J. B. More Gems of Chinese Poetry (Shanghai: Commercial Press Ltd., 1919). Hong Kong University Libraries Electronic Resources. 23 Nov. 2007

Fryer, John “Chinese Poetry” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, 33 (1902): xcii-xciv. JSTOR 24 Apr. 2007

Gu Zhengkun (wxm.htm)

Guo Xiaoping & Song Enrong (www2.elib/publications/sourcebook_teachers/02CHINA.pdf)

Hamill, Sam (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

Hart, Henry H. The Charcoal Burner, and Other Poems; Original Translations from the Poetry of the Chinese (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974)

Hawkes, David A Little Primer of Tu Fu (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967)

Herdan, Innes (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

He Yefei (

“himalaya42” (icOther.asp?t=5&BoardID=12&id=1366)

Hinton, David The Selected Poems of Tu Fu (London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1990)

Holcombe, C. John “Du Fu's Beautiful Ladies” 22 Aug. 2007. 22 Aug. 2007

Holman, Jake (lofiversion/index.php/t14104.html)

Holyoak, Keith (Keith Holyoak Poet Poetry Picture Bio.htm)

Hsieh, Daniel “Du Fu's "Gazing at the Mountain"” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), 16, (1994): 1-18. JSTOR 28 Aug. 2007

Hung, William Tu Fu: China’s Greatest Poet (New York: Harvard University Press, 1952)

Hyong G. Rhew (

Jenyns, Soame A Further Selection from the Three Hundred Poems of the T’ang Dynasty (London: J. Murray, 1944)

Jones, Jill (itudes.2006/08/prospect-of-spring-du-fu.html)

Kline, A. S. (

Kotewall, Robert & Normal L. Smith in Davis, A. R., ed. The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1962)

Liu, James J. Y. Essentials of Chinese Literary Art (North Scituate, Mass.: Duxbury Press, 1979)

Liu, Shih Shun One Hundred and One Chinese Poems (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1967)

Liu, Wu-chi & Irving Yucheng Lo, eds. Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975)

Lowell, Amy & Florence Ayscough (

Lunde, David (poet-e/dufu2e.html)

Lunde, David “Du Fu: Two Poems” Literary Imagination 4 (2002): 90

Mair, Victor H., ed. The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994)

Mair, Victor (

Minford, John & Joseph S. M. Lau, eds. Classical Chinese Literature: An Anthology of Translations. Vol. 1, From Antiquity to the Tang Dynasty (New York, Chichester: Columbia University Press, 2000)

McCraw, David R. Du Fu's Laments from the South (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992)

Mosley, Ivo (ivo.EARTH_POEMS.html)

Murphy, James R. ()

“nooriginalthought” (home.~nooriginalthought/Chinese_Poetry.html)

“orchid_dreams” (lofiversion/index.php/t14104.html)

Owen, Stephen The Great Age of Chinese Poetry: The High T’ang (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981)

Owen, Stephen, ed. An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginnings to 1911 (New York: W.W. Norton, 1996)

Porter, Bill (translator_.php?id=14)

Purves, David (poetry/purves/GBDOM.pdf)

Purves, David (poetry/purves/Ancient_Chinese_Poems.pdf)

Rexroth, Kenneth One Hundred Poems from the Chinese (New York: New Directions, 1965)

Rouzer, Paul (

Seaton, Jerome P. (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

Seth, Vikram Three Chinese Poets (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1993)

Seth, Vikram (gateway/passages/tu-fu.htm)

Scott, Sedulia (sedulia.sedulias_translations/war_conflict_problems)

Stimson, Hugh M. T'ang Poetic Vocabulary (New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, 1976)

Sun, Cecile Chu-chin (

Sze, Arthur (tufusze.htm)

Tao, Tommy W. K. (tao/yq00712.htm)

Wang Yushu Selected Poems and Pictures of the Tang Dynasty (China Intercontinental Press, 2005)

Watson, Burton The Selected Poems of Du Fu (New York: Columbia University Press, 2002)

Weinberger, Eliot, ed. The New Directions Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry (New York: New Directions Pub. Corp., 2003)

Whincup, Greg. The Heart of Chinese Poetry (Garden City: Anchor Press, Doubleday, 1987)

Xu Yuanchong 许渊冲 (www2.njnu.tangshi/group3.htm)

Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang Poetry and Prose of the Tang and Song (Beijing, China: Chinese Literature, 1984)

Yip, Wai-lim, ed. Chinese Poetry: Major Modes and Genres (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976)

Young, David Five T'ang Poets (Ohio: Oberlin College Press, 1990)

Yu, Pauline (

Zhang Bingxing, trans. 100 Best Chinese Classical Poems (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Co., 2001)

Zhang, Shirley Yiping (new/languages/lan.php?chi=0&sno=1111)

anonymous (chinese-)

unknown (

unknown (dictionary.lesson/detail/387.html)

unknown (sl.viewthread,40,241168,1.shtml)

unknown (titohost.chinese-poet/chinese%20poem-1/1-8l5w.htm)

unknown (poem105.html)

unknown (detail/authors/tu_fu_page_no_4.html)

unknown (viewthread.php?action=printable&tid=23484)

various (

various (go.asp?id=21983&ttt=)


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