The Green Scene

[pic] The Green Scene

Issue 40 The newsletter of the Seacroft Green Residents Association Winter 2017

|Inside This Issue |

|1 |Police Contact Point: Oyez, Oyez - Christmas Gala: |

|2 |ELOR Progress Report: Bags of Help: Recycle glass: |

|3 |Committee: Art in The Barn: Services: Sponsor a tree: |

|4 |The Arium: Gogglebooks: Leeds Dogs Trust: |

|5 |Campanologists WANTED: Second Saturday Café: |

|6 |Fact: Chapel FM: SSFN: Cash Conscious? |

|7 |Quarterly ‘Christmas’ Quiz: The Art Room: |

|8 |Books: Police & Firefighters Co-locate: Quiz answers: |


Seasons Greetings to all our readers

Police Contact Point


As previously reported in the last issue of The Green Scene, the new police Contact Point is now up and running at the Seacroft Community Hub in Deacon House. (Situated opposite Seacroft bus station)

The aim of the Contact Point is to offer local people the chance to speak ‘face to face’ with an officer from the police service.

The Contact Point runs on a

Monday from 10.00am. to 10.30am.

This could be increased - subject to demand.

The residents association has been ‘lobbying’ for some kind of police contact point ever since the local PACT meetings were removed several years ago and we certainly welcome this new service, which offers local people the opportunity to discuss issues directly with a PC / PCSO - and all in the strictest confidence.

So if you have concerns or there are issues that affect you - be it ongoing anti-social behaviour or other suspected criminal behaviour - don’t just tell us - drop in to Deacon House and make the police aware.

Make a point of using the Contact Point!

ELOR Progress Report

Following several open public consultation sessions held across the East Leeds area back in the summer, the following information re the East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR) has been made available.

The ELOR will run from the Outer Ring Road at Red Hall crossing the A58 Wetherby Road and on to what is called the Northern Quadrant. This quadrant includes Whinmoor, Grimes Dyke and the A64 York Road.

From here the ELOR skirts Swarcliffe which is in the Middle Quadrant, crossing Barwick Road which borders the Southern Quadrant and then crosses Manston Lane on the edge of Cross Gates. The ELOR then takes a country route towards Thorpe Park beside the M1 at Colton.

Currently, work is expected to start during 2018, for completion by the end of 2021, subject to planning approvals and any possible public enquiry.

Outer Ring Road improvements:

In advance of the ELOR, improvement works will be carried out at key junctions on the Outer Ring Road to the west, including Roundhay Park Lane, Harrogate Road (A61) and King Lane/Stonegate Road. The works are expected to take an estimated 12 months.

Red Hall:

Following the relocation of LCC Parks & Countryside Dept. to Whinmoor Grange, improvement road work could start at Red Hall as early as the winter of 2017/18

Middle and Southern Quadrants:

The draft East Leeds Extension (ELE) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will help shape the future development for these areas. The public and local residents will have the opportunity to comment on this document via consultation in the near future.

Northern Quadrant:

The planning application for 2,000 new homes in the Northern Quadrant is also incorporated into the draft SPD. The developer has submitted an application for the A58 which will form part of the ELOR scheme.

Manston Lane Link Road and Thorpe Park:

Thorpe Park is an important part of the overall growth of the East Leeds Extension (ELE). Groundworks have already started for the Manston Lane Link Road (MLLR) which will connect the ELE through Thorpe Park to the M1, over the Leeds to York rail line and with the potential for a new rail station forming the first phase of the ELOR. The MLLR is likely to be completed by late 2018.

You can find out more about the

ELOR; the SPD; the ELE and the MLLR at:



YES that’s right - our super, Seacroft Christmas Gala will be held once again across four venues - St James Church; Seacroft Village Hall; Seacroft Methodist Hall and Chapel FM - on Saturday 9th December 2017.

The festivities will start at 2.30pm in St James Church with some Carols. This will be closely followed by your very own local ‘Open Voices’ choir - so why not come and join in the singing?

A fabulous community band will follow the choir and it will be music all the way until 4.00pm when we will ‘parade’ to the village green Christmas tree for a good old sing song of more Carols to close the event.

Santa and his elves will be in residence in the church grotto along with the great Parish ‘pop up’ café selling light refreshments and scrummy cakes.

The Village Hall will have Christmas craft stalls upstairs and some brilliant buskers in the bar downstairs.

The Methodist Hall will have a few more stalls and some creative craft activities for all the family. Come and make your own origami Christmas tree or a Christmas decoration to take home.

As is now the well-established local tradition, Chapel FM will launch their annual 24 hour Musicathon at 3.00pm - thus bringing us performances and music all through the night until 3.00pm on the Sunday.

You can also have your face painted in Chapel FM and make a ‘photo’ key ring whilst listening or watching the brilliant performers. Free mulled wine and mince pies will be available and there’s hot chocolate for the kids!

As always, this will be a great community event.

Oyez - Oyez

Listen up everyone

it’s Seacroft Christmas Gala on Saturday

9th December 2017

2.30pm to 4.30pm

More details below.

Tesco Bags of Help

We are delighted that our Seacroft Gala bid has been chosen for the Tesco Bags of Help scheme for voting in store during November and December.

When visiting Tesco, please make sure you use your blue counters to vote for us. If we receive the most votes over the two month period we will receive a support grant of £5,000 for next year’s gala.

So please put your counter in the ‘middle box’ and be sure to ask for one at checkout if one isn’t offered as operators often forget! We’re counting on you!

Collect together your used bottles and jars and help LCC save money at the same time.



We are all being asked to ensure our unwanted glass is recycled at the nearest bottle bank, rather than throwing it into the household waste bins, in a drive to increase the city’s recycling rates.

The average Leeds household throws away 500 glass bottles or jars each year which contributes to over 15,000 tonnes of glass and which costs the council £1.5 million a year to dispose of.

(Just think how that money could be used towards essential services!)

As part of a Recycle your Glass campaign LCC is focussing on two pilot areas across the city - one of which is Cross Gates / Whinmoor. If the approach is successful, then it may be rolled out to other areas.

Residents have been provided with a box or a bag to use when collecting and transporting their glass and issued with clear information about recycling with maps showing their nearest bottle banks.

To support the recycling push, a glass wall installation will travel to the pilot areas and across the city to raise awareness of the benefits of recycling your glass. Look out for the ‘glass wall’ which will arrive in Cross Gates sometime in the coming weeks!

To find out more about the glass recycling initiative you can go to: .uk/glass



Who’s who on the committee?

Lily Woods Chair 26 The Green

Vacant Vice Chair

Rev. Dominic Mughal Treasurer St James Church Diane Marsden Secretary 49 The Green

Keith Nichols 69 The Green

Janet Cordwell 1053 York Road

Mick Firth 5 Courtenays

Roger Berry 51 The Green

Sean Hennigan 87 The Green

John Wheatley 34 Hansby Place

Lewis Pratt 24 The Green

Thelma Sierwald 28 The Green

If you wish to contact the committee you can either ring the Chair on: 0795 1785 845

or alternatively contact the secretary by email at: marsden858@

You can find out more about us at:


The last few months have been business as usual as we have dealt with a number of general ‘maintenance’ issues.

✓ A number of lighting faults have been resolved.

✓ The damaged piece of trip rail alongside the main flower bed has now been replaced.

✓ We asked for a final ‘grass cut’ before the winter as due to the milder weather, the grass continued to grow and was overlong.

✓ The marker stone on the Seacroft Grange corner has had to be repaired following the removal of the top piece and the attempted theft of the ‘Seacroft Village Green’ name plate.

(If you have any information or saw anyone tampering with the stone over the bonfire weekend, please contact the police on either the 101 number or report it at the Police Contact Point. See page 1 for details.)


We continue to work closely with LCC Parks and Countryside Department and it’s only thanks to the co-operation and swift actions by Graham, John and all the team that we manage to get these issues resolved.

So thanks guys - the mince pies are on their way!

Following the death of his dear wife Valerie on 15th October Bill Askin says:

“I would like to thank all the people of Seacroft who sent me their condolences and best wishes. They were much appreciated.”

Art in The Barn

Thanks to everyone who generously supported Art in The Barn which took place in October last. From all those who produced the 22 brilliant works of art, to those who bid for the artwork, your efforts and enthusiasm were very much appreciated.

With your contributions we managed to raise over £100 which will go to the Ls14 Trust - a local community based charity.

Because this fund raiser was so much fun we plan to run it again next year - so this is fair warning which gives you plenty of time - so get painting!

Keith and Anna Nichols

Christmas Services

At St James Church, Seacroft Green


Community Carol Service

Sunday 17th December @ 6.00pm

Christingle Service

Saturday 23rd December @ 3.00pm

Sponsor a tree

Would you or your organisation like to sponsor and decorate one of the ten Christmas trees which will be used to enhance St. James Church over the festive period?

For the small cost of £10 this is an ideal way to promote your organisation whilst helping to fund the Christmas Gala at the same time.

If you would like to sponsor a tree please email Diane at: marsden858@ with your details - but hurry, you need to book your tree asap as this is always popular.

Tree decorating will take place in the church on Thursday 30th November between 11.00am and 1.00pm. Lights will be provided and you can decorate your tree any way you wish.

A dog is for life, not just for Christmas…

It’s almost 40 years since the Dogs Trust developed this famous slogan, but sadly it’s as relevant today as ever, particularly now that puppies can be bought on line at the click of a button!


Since opening on its current site in 2006 on the A64 York Road, the Dogs Trust has managed to find loving homes for more than 11,600 dogs.

However, as Christmas approaches the team fear that once again, dogs bought as presents will be discarded even before the decorations come down!

Last year the Centre received a staggering 728 calls in the weeks after Christmas from owners wanting to give up their dog. Unfortunately, once the thrill of a new puppy has worn off and the reality of dog ownership kicks in, they often become just another unwanted gift!

Since 2014 the dogs trust has run three in-depth investigations into the illegal importation of puppies into the UK. It was found that many puppies bred in Central and Eastern Europe are illegally transported thousands of miles to meet the growing demand from UK customers, which always spikes at Christmas!

Thousands of these puppies are sold on line to families who may then face the expense of a puppy that hasn’t been vaccinated and which can then end up fighting for its life.

The Dogs Trust urge people to think carefully before buying a puppy online, as doing so means you are possibly fuelling the illegal puppy trade. These corrupt breeders and dealers don’t care about the animals - they just want to make a profit from them.

If anyone finds themselves in a situation where they think they may be about to buy a smuggled pup, the advice is to walk away and report it immediately to Trading Standards.

The Dogs Trust also advises that people think very carefully before introducing a dog into their family at Christmas. It’s such a busy time and can often be a stressful time too - not only for the puppy but their new owners as well!

So remember a dog is for life, not just for Christmas.

The Arium

Have you paid a visit yet?

The new LCC ‘state of the art’ horticultural nursery is now officially open. The Arium replaces the former Red Hall Nursery and visitors now have the chance to browse and choose from an extensive range of indoor and outdoor plants, for sale in the stunning 19,000 square meter glasshouse setting.

With the latest cutting-edge technology providing enhanced efficiency on site, there is sufficient growing space to produce over 500 different plant species annually as well as 3.5m bedding and 250,000 edible plants for use in public and community parks and the in bloom initiative.

Also available in the new facility on Thorner Lane is an onsite shop and small café, an outdoor picnic area and a children’s play area, offering a welcoming and fun environment that all the family can enjoy.

The Parks team have worked tirelessly on the Arium project and its well worth a visit.

The Arium is located on Thorner Lane LS14 3FB

To visit the site, turn off the A64 onto Thorner Lane and take the second turning on the right.


Our take on teenage slang!

Getting high: Time to take blood pressure pills.

Wasted: I fell asleep and my tea has gone cold.

Completely hammered: Sick of putting together flat pack furniture.

Cold turkey: When will we finish the Christmas leftovers?



Seacroft Ladies Book Group

Why not come and join us?

We meet on the last Thursday of each month

7.30pm at

The Barn, Mayfield Farm, 69 The Green, Seacroft

We all get together informally, to discuss the latest borrowed book.

New lady members are always welcome.

For more information contact Anna

on 07855 322 565

A senior moment:

I had a bit of confusion in the supermarket recently. When I was ready to pay for my bottles of wine the check-out lady said to me, “Strip down facing me”. Making a mental note to write to my MP about excessive security running amok, I began to undress! When the screaming subsided, I found out she was referring to my debit card and now I’ve have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future!

RecoveryHub@East Leeds

On 30th October 2017 and following the complete renovation of the care home building formerly known as ‘The Green’ - Leeds City Council launched the opening of the new RecoveryHub@East Leeds.

Local Ward Councillors Graham Hyde and Brian Selby said:


“We are delighted that the Council has been successful in securing the future of The Green - creating the new community based recovery service in the RecoveryHub@EastLeeds.” 


“People’s wishes in terms of the type of care they expect to receive, has changed and it is important that we provide services which can support people to re-gain their independence and stay in their communities for longer. This new integrated service seeks to do exactly that - helping those who need the support to return home after requiring hospital care.”


“We are pleased that this new service in East Leeds will form part of the Council’s wider Leeds Recovery Service - crucially giving people the opportunity to recover either in their own home or in a residential bed-based service.”




The Barn, Mayfield Farm, 69 The Green, Seacroft

Open from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

As the name suggests, the café is held every second Saturday in the month and YOU are invited to come along and join us for a cuppa & cake. This is an opportunity to meet up with old friends and maybe make some new ones!

There’s no charge - just make a donation to the chosen monthly charity. Everyone is very welcome.




That’s bell-ringers

to you and me!

Over the last two and a half years the bells in the tower of St James Church, Seacroft Green, have regularly peeled a joyous welcome to churchgoers on Sunday mornings.

The bell-ringers act as an ‘outside voice’ for the area to remind everyone that it is Sunday and that the congregation of the church are worshipping on everyone’s behalf.

However, nowadays not all of the five bells in the tower can be rung and it is usually two, three and very occasionally four bells as there are insufficient people willing and available to ring them. (See if you can tell the difference and how many bells are being rung the next time you hear them!)

Therefore we are putting out an appeal (get it) for a few more people to come and learn how to ring our wonderful bells.

We would like at least three more people to join the regular ringers as we currently rely heavily on the Thorner bell-ringers to come along and make the team up to a full five bell team for weddings and other celebrations.

You do not have to be a member of the congregation in order to become one of our bell-ringers. We are looking for local people who want to take up this exciting opportunity to learn a new ‘skill’.

If you want to ‘have a go’ we will give you expert guidance and who knows - you may even enjoy it enough to come again.

If YOU are able to climb the 15 steps to the ringing room - are aged from 12 years or older and willing to at least ‘have a try’ - please come along on any Sunday morning from 9.30am to 10.00am to see how it’s done.

❖ So do YOU fancy the idea?

❖ Are YOU up for the challenge?

❖ Do YOU want to become part of the revitalised Seacroft bell-ringing team?

Then we will see you on Sunday - maybe the Sunday after you have read this article? We hope so!

See you soon - Seacroft bell-ringing team.


Fascinating Fact

Have you ever wondered - why we actually began to ‘celebrate’ the 5th November each year with what is commonly known as bonfire night?

The answer - King James I of England was so relieved that Guy Fawkes was apprehended before he manage to blow up the Houses of Parliament, that he decreed we celebrate the failure of the ‘gunpowder plot’ annually and had it written into law - and we’ve been doing it ever since!

Chapel FM – What’s on?

➢ The 2017 Chapel FM 24 Musicathon 

We launch our brilliant annual Musicathon at 3.00pm on Saturday the 9th December and will continue with music and performances right up until 3.00pm on Sunday the 10th December. That’s 24 hours of music; all live, all local, all non-stop!

Please get in touch if you would like to be part of this year’s Musicathon. Come and play, sing, help out on tech, front-of-house - or just come along to watch and listen - anytime within the 24hours.

It’s going to be emotional!

➢ Kathryn Sturman & Friends - Classical Christmas

On Friday 15th December at 7.30pm - singer and performer Kathryn Sturman gathers together an esteemed group of musical friends to give a special Classical Christmas performance in our very special and festive venue.

➢ Festive Open Mic


Do you get tired of watching Christmas movies?

Do you get fed up of eating turkey?

Well why not get up off that sofa and shake it all off?

Come and join us in the limelight at Chapel FM on Friday 29th December at 7.30pm.

Whatever hidden talents you have - just do your own thing! Or come down to watch and be part of our beautiful audience.

Cash Conscious?

If you think you’re going to be a bit short of cash this Christmas - or at any other time of the year for that matter - don’t fall into the trap and take out a doorstep loan which will keep you in debt forever!

Just call in to the Leeds Credit Union now based in Seacroft and find out more about their low-cost loans and all the other services they offer, including savings accounts.

Leeds Credit Union

South Seacroft One Stop Centre

90 - 95 Moresdale Lane, Leeds LS14 6GG

Find out more at:

Or by calling: 0113 242 3343

South Seacroft

Friends and Neighbours

We have previously run some community first aid courses where we were shown a defibrillator. It is such a great device for helping to save lives and so we are trying to raise funds to get two defibs which will be sited in Seacroft.  


Seacroft Village Hall already has one which is housed in their building and we are hoping to raise sufficient funds to get the external housing so we can site one for use by the Methodist Hall and Chapel FM if and when necessary.

Discussions are currently underway as to where in North Seacroft, the second one will be sited. 

We have received help from Leeds Lions and West Yorkshire Ambulance Service - so we just have to raise an additional £400 - which we hope we can do via a bag pack up at Tesco on Saturday the 18th November.

ALSO don’t forget - we always welcome new members to our main activities such as our lunch clubs, exercise class, craft group, singing group, technology sessions and hearing aid clinics.

Kate Taverner

Scheme Co-ordinator 

South Seacroft Friends & Neighbours

(We are based in the Seacroft Methodist Hall, off York Road very close to St James Church.) 

Your Quarterly ‘Christmas’ Quiz

Some are easy, some are harder - how many of these Christmas questions can you answer correctly?

1. The first ever SMS text message was sent on December 3rd 1992 - what did it read?

2. From which country is Eggnog said to have originated?

3. Which famous scientist born on Christmas Day was the first to be buried in Westminster Abbey?

4. Which three dimensional puzzle was the most popular Christmas gift in 1980?

5. In the Christmas song ‘Jingle Bells’, how many horses pulled the sleigh?

6. The line “He’s making a list, and checking it twice” is taken from which Christmas song?

7. The Christmas film ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ is set in which US city?

8. If a year contains 365 days, on which number day does Christmas Day fall?

9. What is the most common gift received in a Christmas cracker?

10. Which American female artist sang “All I want for Christmas is you” in 1994?

11. Who had a Christmas No.1 hit in 1963 with “I want to hold your hand”?

12. Which Christmas carol includes the lyrics “In heaven the bells are ringing”?

13. Which fictional land never has a Christmas, even though it is always winter?

14. Santa’s reindeer share how many hooves?

15. Which country exports the largest number of Christmas trees each year?

16. Who had a Christmas No.1 hit in 1973 with “Merry Christmas Everybody”?

17. Advocaat is a festive drink of what colour?

18. Who first introduced the decorated Christmas tree to England?

19. When Santa got stuck up the chimney what did he shout?

20. Who wrote the book ‘A Christmas Carol’?

You can turn to page 8 to check your answers.


Providing - FREE adult art therapy groups and

1:1 sessions in your local community.

The ART ROOM at the Digital Lounge is a newly established, locally rooted, art psychotherapeutic service, providing support for people facing mental health issues.

This exciting programme operates 3 days a week for 36 weeks and offers a range of creative art psychotherapy groups for adults. There is also the opportunity to attend 1:1 client sessions, which are available for adults and/or sessions for parent and child therapy - the duration being a 12 week programme of support.

The approach is always person centred and tailor-made to suit individual requirements which are agreed through initial assessment. The subsequent sessions will develop a therapeutic alliance between client and therapist, thus ensuring a client’s individual needs, strengths, interests and networks etc. are taken into account. Ongoing reflective practice is undertaken throughout the client’s course of therapy.

• “Living with bereavement is difficult. Sharing my feelings in a group with the art making has helped me.”

What is art therapy?

Art therapy can help people to express their inner feelings when words alone are either too difficult or hard to find. It can help people to understand why they are feeling the way they do by creating an image to express and explore their emotions.

Do I have to be good at art?

A person’s willingness to join in and try something new is more important than how good they think they are at art making.

About the therapists:

Art therapists are trained psychotherapists and have studied and completed a degree in art psychotherapy. They are registered and regulated by the Health and Care professions Council (HCPC).

• “I like coming here, I feel I can just be myself, have some me time, create something and not feel pressured.”


We take self-referrals from adults over the age of 18 and who live within the LS14 postcode. For more information and/or to make a referral you can contact us at:

Digital Lounge, 45 Ramshead Hill, LS14 1BT

Tel: 0113 318 0522

Email: viv@

Police and Firefighters Co-Locate

as Killingbeck Police Station closes

Officers from Killingbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team have moved into Killingbeck Fire Station and will be working alongside firefighters from now on.

The move to ‘co-locate’ police with firefighters in the York Road Station is mooted as ‘a significant step to future proofing local emergency service provision in communities, which provides better value for money’.

Chief Superintendent Paul Money, Leeds District Commander said - “We are absolutely committed to keeping our neighbourhood teams locally based where they can work alongside our partner agencies to tackle the issues that matter the most to people.”

He went on to say - “Having the neighbourhood officers that were based at Killingbeck, move literally next door, means they will continue to be in the heart of the communities they serve.”

West Yorks. Police and Crime Commissioner, Mark Burns-Williamson added - “The public want to see front line policing in their areas and this partnership working is keeping officers at the heart of the communities they work in.”

We’d love to know what you think. Let us know your views. Write to us using the details on page 3. Editor.

Interested in local history?


Stuck for a last minute Christmas gift?


Books always go down well and here’s the ‘word’ on a couple of the latest offerings.

Tales from the Big House - Temple Newsam

Author: Steve Ward

Once called the Hampton Court of the North, this book covers 1,000 years of Temple Newsam’s history, taking us right back to the time of the Knights Templar, from where the name is derived.

The book delves into the lives of some of the occupants of the estate, including Sir Thomas Darcy - beheaded for his part in the pilgrimage of Grace; Lord Darnley - the husband of Mary Queen of Scots; Sir Arthur Ingram - one time political ‘Mr Fix-it’ - as well as several others.

But the book isn’t just about the lives of the famous it also explores the lives of the estate workers and servants as well as the ‘ghostly’ goings on in the house.

The book costs £12.99 and can be purchased from all good book shops or on line from the usual places.

Leeds: Changing Places

Author: Peter Tuffrey

Leeds: Changing Places documents the developing streetscape at the heart of the city over the last 100 years, by comparing old postcard views with modern colour digital photographs.

This quality hardback book has outstanding images throughout and costs £14.99 from all good book shops.

Quarterly ‘Christmas’ Quiz answers

1. Merry Christmas

2. England (East Anglia)

3. Sir Isaac Newton

4. The Rubik’s Cube

5. One horse

6. Santa Claus is coming to town

7. New York City

8. 359th day

9. A paper hat (in every Christmas cracker)

10. Mariah Carey

11. The Beatles

12. Ding Dong Merrily on High

13. Narnia

14. 36 (Santa had 9 reindeer)

15. Canada

16. Slade

17. Yellow

18. Prince Albert (husband of Queen Victoria)

19. “You girls and boys won’t get any toys, unless you pull me out!”

20. Charles Dickens

How well did you do?

If you have a fun quiz, why not send it in to the Editor and we will share it with our readers in the next issue.

Looks unfamiliar

A young boy was looking through the family photo album and asked his mother “Who’s that man on the beach with you, the one with the muscles and the long curly hair?”

His mother replied “That’s your father.”

The response “Then who’s that old fat bald man that lives with us now?”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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