Metropolitan Community Church

 Growing in Generosity44862750We are called to generosity as a way to, and a sign of, spiritual growth, personally and as a community.Some give freely, yet grow all the richer;others withhold what is due, and only suffer want.A generous person will be enriched… Proverbs 11:24-25aGenerosity is a paradox: the more we give, the more it enriches our lives. This seems so counter-intuitive to us. We need to hold onto what we have, build it up, keep tabs on it, so we can have it and use it when we need it, right?That turns out not to be exactly true. According to research, in reality, when we share our resources generously, it is more likely that we will experience more happiness and purpose, more personal and spiritual growth.In the church, stewardship has come to be synonymous with fundraising and pledge campaigns. In reality, stewardship means “taking care of” or “managing.” What we are called to take care of, to manage, is the mission and purpose that God has given us as a community and as individuals - that means more than fundraising and pledge campaigns!Stewardship is more than about money; and it's more than about managing the money that the church already has. Stewardship is about learning together how to be generous like God is generous. It is about growing in the love of God and neighbor and in so doing, growing our own spirits.Here are links to some resources, some ideas and materials, that will help a Stewardship Team, together with the Pastor and Board, plan and implement Pledge Campaign (including worship ideas and links to sample letters)understand Stewardship Best Practices, have a Bibliography of additional stewardship resources, and identify some possible Online Giving Platforms to help congregations grow in generosity together. (These will all have to be adapted for context )314325323850 ................

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