Notes1 – 1950sAbundance of post-war USAService men returning home/ women returning home/ending of defense contracts/ all could lead to economic ’t/GI Bill/ease soldiers back into the economy/protect economy/indirect federal interference/keep economy growingSoldiers/unemployment checks for a year/preferred job placement/college loans/cheap interest rates for homesVA was created/ Veterans Affairs/hospitals1949/ 40% of college students/ ex- soldiers/ more educated/talented societyWWII/technological advances/computing/medicine/ communicationsBaby BoomRapid increase in birth rate after WWIIBabies/Families/Cars/Houses in need GI Bill loans/increase in Housing construction/Creation of Federal Housing Administration/ 4% interest loansSuburbs will be created/ Cars/ bigger homes/ more consumerism to fill bigger homesLevittown/first mass suburban housing/ Mass production/Standard size/Standard Plan/Appearance the same/ Cheaper to buildMove in for the price of $7,900Homes had all the appliances family needed/ Mass consumerism/ Workers neededHousewife/Suburban Home/Magazines/Advertisements/ TV shows/ Domestication of Wife/ Role determined/ Care taker/ Father knows bestCar sales/ eco indicator / USA big 3 Car Sales promotes other industries/ road construction/ petrol stationsIKE/ WWII/Germany autobahns/ Interstate Highway Act/ Nationally integrated systemProvide civilian evacuation route/Nuclear attack/Biggest work project everCompletely changed automobile culturePolitical importance/Republicans/accept gov’t intervention/ Protect economy/Keep Social Security/Babies create jobs/ food/ clothes/ furniture/ toys/ doctors/ school/ diapersEntrepreneurs/ bikes/ cowboys/ Halloween/ space/ science toys/ Babies/ consumers/ new marketsHow Did Consumerism change America?1956 Minnesota/ first suburban shopping mallAvoid weather and still shop/ need cars for transportationSuburban malls impact on downtown shops?TV ownership/linked all Americans together/ advertise same products to all Americans/ Homogenous experience/ same shows / same news/ same commercials / same expectations/ same roles / same lifestyles/ same schedules TV stations grow by the millions by 1950.Advertising only was only source of revenue/ advertisers influenced what type of TV programmes was shown.Mass audiences all watching at the same time/ no way to record/ had to watch it liveQuiz show/ show clip / comedies / Father knows bestTV shown a general well being in USA/ raised expectations/ determined to have what was on TV / Pride and motivationDrive to work/ shop/ children to school/ to eat / car cultureMcDonalds/ Ray Kroc/ Drive ins / hamburgers Car/ travel/ shopping/ eating/ weekend experiences/ great chance for entrepreneurs to make money/ American dreamPopulation increase/demand more goods/ more conformity/ more services/ more jobsEconomic strength led to a consumer economySuburbs provide an opportunity for prosperity and fertility Suburbs provide sense of community/ religious attendance increases/ spiritual comfort after WWII/ sense of coming togetherGodly American vs. Atheistic USSRCongress/ “ In God We Trust” “ Under God” Freedom/ to live / praise/ gather/ express/ materials/ consume what you want/ live where you want to live/ travel anywhere/ work where you wanted / get raises based on individual meritFreedom to spend money/ make money without gov’t interferenceGov’t did not interfere with personal prosperity like the USSR did.Suburbs/ private property/ space/ personal mobility/ ambition/ idea was people driven/ not state drivenAffluence and abundance sense of pride/ responsibility/ enjoy your freedom/ celebrate capitalism/ our way of lifeIf you criticized affluence and its consumerism/ you were attacking our way of life/ American systemNew Teenager will come to be / impact on America/ consumerismTeenagers/ conform like parents/ some rebel/ sexual liberation/ juvenile delinquency Conservatives blame TV Left wingers/ disliked conformity of mass culture/ excessive consumer societyCulture critics blame/ suburbia/ “ yes-man” and the housewifeSuburbia Uniform patterns/ conformist neighborhoodsMonotonous/ routines/ travel to work/ weekends off/ inhabitants feared insecurity caused by Great Dep/ Cope with Monotony for securitySuburbs centered on nuclear family/ Mom/Dad/ Children/ not extended families Excluded from suburbs were minorities/ especially black Americans“ Chocolate cities and vanilla suburbs” Whites in suburbs wanted people like themselves as neighborsWhite Flight/ Blockbusting/ Explain/ de facto segregationKeeping up with the JonesThe Yes-ManCorporate businesses/ eco/ no desire for individuals/ team workers/ agrees with management’s demands without giving their opinion. Work hard/ keep silent/ move up company ladder/ Marry the companyPost-War mindset. American personality changed by affluence/ individualism no longer required in industrial capitalist systemBeing liked/ influence teamwork more importantSet of fixed values/ inherited traditions/ Protestant ethics of work/thrift/ workers now “ other-directed”The suburban housewifeHousewife had to be available to meet the needs of husband and children/ always anticipate visitors/ Denied education/skills/ social worth of womenWomen did increase in the work force/ demands of suburban living often-needed two incomes/ clerical or service related jobs/ women were paid less.House wife/ be seen/ not heard ................

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