
Assignment: Evaluating Effective/Ineffective Memes and Developing Relevant MemesBackground InformationMore Than A Trend: Meme Marketing Is Here To Stay Jul 19, 2018 Forbes Agency CouncilWRITTEN BY: Aidan ColeAs news feeds swarm with cat videos, it’s hard to imagine our digital lives without memes. But believe it or not, memes aren’t a recent cultural phenomenon. In fact, the word “meme” itself is rooted in Greek, meaning “that which is imitated.” And imitated they are. Memes are so commonly shared that, according to Google Trends, “memes” are becoming a more popular search term than "Jesus."The word “meme” was coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976. He argued that virality didn’t just apply to infectious diseases, but also in anthropological settings. He defined a meme as any shareable cultural artifact that spreads through a culture like wildfire.Today, memes have a specific connotation in our digital environment. What makes memes so special is their way of communicating attitudes, feelings and situations. Because of their popularity, it comes as no surprise that brands want a piece of this pie.Marketers Making MemesDid you know that millennials spend over 200 minutes online every day? Memes are so prolific that there's a good chance millennials and Gen Zers are laughing at and sharing memes while online. This gives brands plenty of opportunities to engage with their audience.The downside to brand marketing on social media is that it often has low engagement. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to see branded content on their feed. They want to skip over lame, commercialized content and get to their normal programming. Gen Z is very ad-averse. They can smell promotion from a mile away, and they aren’t having any of it.When done correctly, meme marketing can be very successful. It goes past gag-inducing branded content and shares something of value to the audience. Memes work for brands because they’re designed specifically for social platforms and provide value through entertainment. Memes aren’t overly promotional -- they make people laugh with a casual reference to your brand.Because of their entertainment value, it’s easier for your audience to share memes. Think about it: Would you rather share a hilarious meme about McDonald’s burgers or a 500-word blog from McDonald’s about their newest menu addition? You’re probably going to go for entertainment over information, and the same is true for your audience.How To Do Meme MarketingThe value of meme marketing is clear, but how do you actually make it happen? Well, you can either use an existing meme or make your own.Existing MemesMemes can have either a long or short life cycle. To effectively use an existing meme, brands have to keep their ear to the ground to know what’s trending.You also need to ensure your content is original, actually funny and fully understand a meme before using it. Meme meanings change over time, and you can unintentionally use an offensive meme. Pepe the Frog is a perfect example of an innocuous meme gone awry.Creating Your OwnIf you don’t want to use an existing meme, make your own. This is more difficult to do, mostly because it’s not a trusted meme that your audience recognizes. It’s daunting but not impossible. In fact, the benefits of creating your own meme can outweigh existing memes, as long as you play your cards right.Heinz is a perfect example of meme creation in action. The condiment brand wanted to increase brand awareness and engagement on its social media. It worked directly with to implement a meme marketing campaign with the goal of earning 1 million impressions.“I have been telling people memes are the future of social marketing for years -- I would always get pushback," said Razvan Romanescu, the co-founder of . "Not anymore. The times have changed and every brand is now adapting ..."Heinz cleverly fed into the timeless debate on tomatoes being a fruit or a vegetable. They asked people to take sides with hashtags and posted graphics saying, “If you had to decide right now if a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, which would you choose?”"We created a custom meme for Heinz that fed into the internet’s obsession with arguing, highlighting their brand in a way that was entertaining," said Romanescu. "Getting people to debate over a subject usually brings the most attention to it."Heinz received over 4 million impressions, which was quadruple their goal. They also had over 80,000 total engagements across Facebook and Instagram.Rules For Meme MarketingHow can you start your own version of a Heinz campaign? Follow these rules:Be a native. Make sure a digital native is writing and sharing memes from your brand so the lingo is on point. If you don’t, the audience will immediately pick up that you’re trying hard to be cool, and it will hurt your brand.Be relatable. It’s guaranteed that only a sliver of the population will understand your meme. Don’t try to create a meme that appeals to everyone. Know your target audience and cater to their interests instead.Watch your timing. Some memes have been around for years, while others are fleeting, like Kenneth Bone during the presidential debate. If you use an existing meme, make sure it’s still trendy. If you create your own, make sure the cultural climate is right. Otherwise, you’ll come off as tone deaf and out of touch.The Bottom LineMemes aren’t just for college kids or bored office workers. They can be an integral part of your marketing strategy, as long as you follow a few golden rules. Use meme marketing to your advantage to endear yourself in the hearts of your followers, while increasing your brand’s reach and influence.Forbes Agency Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. - The Big Business Behind Internet Memes By Drew Hendricks PUBLISHED ON: SEP 17, 2014Cats continue to pounce, stalk, purr, and claw their way through the Web and social media. From Mean Kitty to Colonel Meow, Internet cats with their memes and videos continue to garner millions of combined likes, shares, pins, and views, proving these Internet sensations are here to stay.With the rise of feline Internet stars comes a new breed of entrepreneurship. From companies like The Cheezburger Network to micro-entrepreneurs who have set up blogs and websites to sell t-shirts of their favorite felines, Internet cats and Internet entrepreneurs are a logical connection. Cyberspace has proven once again there is always opportunity for those with genuine passion and a sense of humor.Humor and Cats Mean Big BusinessBen Huh, CEO of The Cheezburger Network, is an Internet entrepreneur whose pet led him to his passion and way of life. Huh's network, which owns over 49 Internet sites, started from a blog about his dog. In 2007, when he posted research about a dog food recall, several sites including a site called I Can Has Cheezburger, linked to his blog. A friendship and eventual business relationship developed.The site was purchased by Huh in 2007. Combined, Cheezburger's 49 sites enjoy over a million views each day. Though not all cat-based, the franchise started from a site featuring a meme of a grey cat asking "I can has cheezburger?"Huh told the Sydney Morning Herald about the importance of passion in business: "I work all the time," he says. "People look at me and say: 'You don't have work/life balance'. I get annoyed with this because why should you impose your concept of work/life balance on me? I love what I do!"Micro-entrepreneurship as an AfterthoughtFor most owners of remarkable cats, sharing their funny cat was the objective. Only after their feline friend rose to Web fame, did products and marketing begin.The popularity of cats online is a remarkable phenomenon of our Internet age. In an article from Co., Abigail Posner, Head of Strategic Planning And Agency Development at Google explains our societal fascination with sharing cat memes and videos: "In the language of the visual web, when we share a video or an image, we're not just sharing the object, we're also sharing in the emotional response it creates."Sharing cat videos, creating memes, uploading photos are all ways to connect with others on mutually agreeable terms. Cat content is usually humorous, hardly ever controversial, and almost always cute. Says Posner, "There are billions of [social] energy exchanges happening every day. Whether we're posting, commenting, liking, repinning, or +1ing, our new visual culture is one in which we're constantly offering each other little gifts, little moments of pleasure that remind us we're truly and deeply bonded to one another."This passion for sharing also makes opportunities for products. Even though Keyboard Cat or Grumpy Cat may be a trivial part of someone's day, their images shared in memes become a symbol of a common societal bond. T-shirts, mugs, and other products come as a result of connecting with others through memes or video.According to , there are products available featuring 30 of the top 50 Internet cats. The website, based on Friskies 50 Most Influential Cats, categorizes Internet cat sensations based on rank and attributes. was released earlier this week. "When we saw Friskies top 50 list, it was a lightning bolt moment," said David Mink, CEO of Avalaunch, the Salt Lake-based digital marketing firm responsible for the . "We knew we had to create an awesome graphic to celebrate these famous cats."A New Breed of JobWhile cat content is a fun way to share universally humorous feline photos and videos, sometimes parties with no association with the famous meme image see opportunity...and pounce.Enter Ben Lashes, another Internet entrepreneur whose passion led him to his niche as a full-time Meme Manager. Though a singer for nearly a decade with the power pop band, The Lashes, Ben Lashes has always had a keen interest in the business and marketing side of entertainment.Lashes told , "I'm a huge fan of pop art, and the digital memes that go around now are a social art form that's going to be studied for years to come, and it's totally a new way of communicating with people...I hate when the snakes get in there and start making products and squatting on sites. It just steals the fun out of it."The Internet, to Lashes, is an important social medium for art and culture. "Every day is like waking up in an Internet comic book. There's always a different weird thing going on," Lashes reported to .Lashes works with clients who are good natured about enjoying the random fame the Internet has provided. "Our goal is never to hijack what is already happening and change it to fit some outside need," Lashes says. "It's taking silly stuff really seriously. I have a sense of humor, that's why I'm into this stuff in the first place, because it's funny. But when you're going over contracts with lawyers, looking at all these details and making sure certain things are in there to protect certain rights, you're thinking as seriously as you do about anything."Lashes has advised owners/creators of Keyboard Cat and Nyan Cat. Other clients include Scumbag Steve and Success Kid. Lashes' most famous client is Grumpy Cat, owned by Tabatha Bundesen.Grumpy Cat received the 2013 Webby Award for Meme of the Year. While Grumpy Cat may not exude the passion typical of Internet entrepreneurs, she is ranked number one on Friskies top 50 list and featured prominently on .Task Create an electronic portfolio of memes on Google Slides. Some will be obtained on the internet and evaluated, some will be developed by you.Presentation 1: A: Meme Efficacy: Select 3 memes that you determine to be considered “effective” memes. What is the objective of the meme? Who is the target audience? How effective was the meme (virility)? How do you know?B: Meme Fails: Perform a similar analysis on 3 memes you deem ineffective. C: Personal Meme Development: Develop 3 memes using your image that “embody” your aspirations or personality or hobbies….you have much leeway here, but keep them school appropriate.Presentation 2: D: School Community Meme Development: Select 3 instructors, and using images from the internet, create 3 memes, each of which “embody” each of the teachers. Again, bare in mind this must be school appropriate. The best of this group of memes will be combined and shown in class. Students will vote on these.Presentation 3: E: School Environment Meme Development: Ponder and determine 3 things you would like to see “improved” at school, and develop 3 effective memes that could potentially be printed and hung as signs around school.NOTE: The best ones of these will be submitted to principal for actual printing and distribution.Task Duration: __________________________Task Due: _____________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project GradesTask: Write an expository essay based upon one of the following prompts:The funniest thing that ever happened to youA most embarrassing momentThe most important day of your lifeA vacation filled with unexpected resultsMake sure you tell the story sequentially – don’t bounce around in time!Use tons of imagery – What did you see/smell/hear/taste/touch/feel?Instead of: It was a cold and cloudy day. We needed our coats.Think: The brittle chill in the air made our teeth chatter, and the hovering clouds warned of sleet or snow. This day wasn’t sweater weather – we were bundled in our winter jackets, and wrapped our fleece scarves around both our necks and our heads. We would have done almost anything to have sets of gloves or warm mittens. I’m surprised my lips didn’t turn blue. Thank God we had some toasty cups of hot chocolate with little marshmallows to wrap our fingers around.Characterize the people that were around you during the event. Was someone nerdy? A crybaby? Embarrassing? Were they always that way? Why were they like that?Instead of: My Gramma was at the party too. She is older and wore an orange dress.Think: My chubby Gramma attended the party as well. She insisted on wearing her overlarge sunglasses, even though it was evening, and her dyed-hair was now jet-black. With those elements, and the fact that she was wearing a loud-striped orange dress, she sort of looked like a pumpkin that day. She knew it, too. She was always a little crazy, and she wandered around the room once she arrived, flirting with the teen boys, and asking them if she looked sweet enough to be made into a pie.Be detailed! Don’t just tell me you are from South Plainfield, make me understand the environment Instead of: My town, South Plainfield, is pretty small. It has a park and a lot of trees.Think:In my little town, South Plainfield, where our population sits around 25,000, we only have one high school. In the center of our community is a large county park that holds a large lake filled with birds, several tennis and basketball course, a fitness trail, and a shady children’s playground lined by woodchips and rubber bumpers. My home, which is a few blocks from the park, is on a tree-lined street of two-story houses. While most people have swimming pools or trampolines in their back-yards, I and my two neighbors just have a huge unfenced and shared woodsy lot, where the deer like to munch on bushes and small trees in the evening.Your story must be 750-1250 words (3-5 pages double-spaced). ***TURNITIN required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Write the entire essay out in one sitting. Then revise. If it is short, you must go back and ascertain where additional data can be included to both enhance the story, and to help you meet MINIMUM length requirement.Task Duration: _______________________ TURNITIN Due:___________________ Task Due: __________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project GradesTask: Create a portfolio of poetry. You will create a portfolio of poems that represent your noble attempt to demonstrate skill in writing in the various styles. Song lyrics qualify as well. Some of the poem’s topics will be assigned, others will be your choice.A - Required:Ode to an _______________________ (select an animal [no dog/cat] (10-15 Lines)Pay tribute to an animal and its attributes. Do not mention the animal, so we can guess what it is! (I’d like to read these in class) See example – Your black and white fur resembles the tuxedo in my Dad’s closet,Its softness rubs my face to wake me in the early morn,No one can deny loving you when that purr summons sweet attention,And we all adore when you cuddle up with us on a sleepy evening.We feel your gratitude when we return from work and school each day,And your sassy attitude when you are mad that we are gone so long,ETC.Blank Verse or Free Verse poem: THEME – onomatopoeiaEnglish has many words that sound like what they name. For example, sizzle sounds like frying food, and buzz sounds like the beating of a bee's wings or static on an amplifier. Look at the list belowsplatwhishsplooshgunkwhumppoinggushwhoopslurpoomphbonkthwackFrom the list, or from your imagination, choose your favorite sound word and list all the ways in which it could be produced in real life, and develop your poem from there. Think of as many ways as you can to apply the sound, no matter how wild the ideas may seem. Then organize your ideas into a free or blank verse poem like the example that follows:Splat is . . . a hippo doing a belly flop…an egg hitting a frying pan just before the oil sizzles…fat huge wet snowball smacking my unsuspecting face…water landing in an empty cooking pot…a cream pie in the face…swatting a fly with a newspaper…wow….I don’t know if I hurt or if I’m hungry now.This poem should be 10-15 linesWriter’s style choice – Eulogize your favorite item of clothesThink about the clothing items you own. What if your favorite piece was destroyed, or worn to the point where you could no longer wear it? How would you pay tribute to it? Here’s an example:Hoodie, hoodie of emerald green,Worn in the cold, and when in between,Your plaid lettered pattern made my mood sunny and warm,When I couldn’t find you my soul felt alarmed….ETC….This poem should be 16-20 lines.Elegy – For this poem, you will pay tribute to someone important in your life. This could be a close friend, a parent, other relative, minister, teacher, neighbor…someone who has had an impact on your life. It must rhyme and have a definite rhyme schemeIt will be 12-16 lines.Example: A nurse, a nurse, that’s my mom,At 5:15, off! goes her alarm.Into the shower for a super quick steam,To push out the events of her final sleepy dream.She throws on her clothes, button, zip!Some of those scrubs would make you flip!Already 5:45, there she goes,Stethascope in hand, Sketchers covering her toes.ETC……..Haiku – You will write 2 Haikus. You are welcome to pick the subject matter, so long as each one is school appropriate.B - Writer’s Choice: 2 required.You will write two more poems that are totally up to you to decide, so long as they are school appropriate. Lyrics are fineAny of the types of poems we discussed are acceptable, except for haikus.Each one must be at least 10 lines long.If you are up for a challenge, try finding a poem in a language that you speak, other than English. Translate the poem and put your translation into poetic form, the best that you can. Make sure to turn in both poems.*SCHOOL PLAGIARISM RULES APPLYIf these poems have merit, you may be asked if we can submit them to Yearbook.Task Duration: __________________________Task Due: _____________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project GradesTask – RadioheadWe listened to popular radio broadcast drama from the 1940’s, such as Agnes Moorhead’s “Sorry, Wrong Number” and Abbot and Costello’s “Who’s on first?”, among others. You will now develop a work of your own.Create a 3-5 minute story that you will develop into an audio file for us to listen to. Think about the elements of a story. This tale can be either a script, or a read story…this is your choice. If it is a script, and you require others to function as other characters, they WILL NOT GET CREDIT from me for this task.Consider having a bit of drama – audiences love this!Refer to your story-elements handout for reference. I can always print a blank one for you.While I would prefer that it is you reading on the recording, it can be someone else’s voice.Ponder your target audience – will your story be for children? Teens? People who struggle with vision problems? Folks aspiring to quit smoking? Adults who like horror?Grading: You will be judged on 3 elements:Your written assignmentTURNITINYour audio file (including time…this will be a major component on the rubric)Task Duration: __________________________Task Due: _____________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project GradesTASK - Create a Comic StripYou will design a comic strip/mini book/anime story, the concept being wholly yours. While you can use existing ones as a guide, yours must be unique.As it is challenging to discern length, let’s go with a 24-frame comic strip. It will be up to you to decide if this will interpret into one 2-page spread, eight 3-frame strips, four 6-frame....it is your choice. Use the one below as a guide for 3 boxes:Some pointers:- Don’t freak if you don’t draw well. Neither do I. If you are that insecure, then use the computer. That is fine too.- Not every box requires dialogue. Sometimes a character’s actions speak louder than words.- Be sure not to have too many characters; that will prevent confusion.- Your characters don’t necessarily have to be human.- You are not obligated to be funny – that is your choice how to spin your work.- Variation can sometimes make your comics “interesting”: Final Notes:PREWRITE – Before you draw, develop your plan with stick figures. This will make developing the final product MUCH EASIER.REVISE YOUR DIALOGUE before you add to your art.EDIT – Silly errors = points deductionCredit – Make sure your signature is there! Take credit!Literary Details – Be sure that setting, characters, plot are clearIt is OK to use online templates, so long as I approve them AHEAD of timeTask Duration: __________________________Task Due: _____________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project GradesTask: Create a short ScreenplayWe have analyzed a screen play, looking at elements such as staging, dramatic elements, dialogue, conflict, resolution, character types (protagonist, comic relief, supporting characters), the relevance of settings, fades, voice-overs, the impact of background music, and more.You will develop a 5-6 page script to follow-up or alter the screenplay we have just read, imitating the tools used in developing that screenplay. What happens next? What should have happened? Should someone have had a stronger role? Were there things we didn’t actually know about the antagonist or the protagonist? Be careful not to use too many characters, so your piece won’t be confusing.Bring several copies to class, so you can select a team to read the script aloudMake sure to revise/edit…that is part of your grade.It might be wise you get your team to practice ahead of time.You will be grade on:Written productOral reading of product.Task Duration: __________________________Task Due: _____________________________Task Value:__________ Classwork Grades ____________ HW Grades ___________Quiz Grades ________Test/Project Grades ................

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