
Scoil Naisiúnta Chaisleáin Uí Liatháin e-mail – castlelyons.ias@ / Blog – Issue 03/2019 Nuachtlitir na Cásca Márta /Aibreán 2019An Chéad Fhaoistin / An Chéad Chomaoineach: Comhghairdeas to Rang 2 who received the Sacrament of First Penance recently. A sincere, “Thank You” to Miss Forde and Miss Corcoran, class teachers, Fr Coleman, Fr Marek and the parents of the children for the work they put into preparing the children for the occasion. Maith sibh! We wish Rang 2, their parents and families, Miss Forde and Miss Corcoran, the best of luck with the preparations for First Communion which will take place on Saturday 11th May at 11.00 am in St Nicholas’ church. Gach ádh!Child Safeguarding: Following guidelines from the Department of Education, we have reviewed our Child Safeguarding Statement / Risk Assessment recently. This policy is now available on our school Blog at under the “School Policies” tab. These documents are available to view in the office or you may receive a hard copy on request.Polasaithe Athbhreithnithe (Reviewed Policies): Our school’s Code of Behaviour and Discipline was also reviewed recently and is also available to view on our blog. As with all other policies, this is available to view in the school office, on request.Tráth na gCeist / Bird Watch Ireland – Know Your Nature Quiz: Comhghairdeas to Jack Burke, Ewan Long, Aaron Murphy agus Cathal Sheehan who got 1st place in the “Bird Watch Ireland - Know your Nature Quiz” held in the Corrin Event Centre recently. Maith sibh, a bhuachaillí! The boys won a visit from “Animal Magic” to the school for all classes which will be arranged during the final term.Eason’s Spelling Bee Competition: Comhghairdeas to Cathal Sheehan who represented the school in the Eason’s Spelling Competition recently. Maith thú, a Chathail!Seachtain na Gaeilge: Comhghairdeas to the children in Rang 4, 5 agus 6 who took part in the annual school quiz, as Gaeilge, for Seachtain na Gaeilge recently. Winners include: 1ú áit – Saoirse Hallahan, Grace Shimmin (Rang 6), Abbie Higgins (Rang 5), Ciarán Murphy agus Alex Quirke (Rang 4). 1ú áit – Seán O’Callaghan (Rang 6), Sally Ann O’Sullivan, Dona Bruton, Mia Callanan (Rang 5) agus Ameilia O’Neill (Rang 4).2ú áit- Cathal O’Riordan (Rang 6), Eavan Cotter (Rang 5), Eoin Corrigan agus Ryan Stack (Rang 4).3ú háit – Shauna Walsh (Rang 6), Siobhán Crowley, Jack Reals (Rang 5), Shane Hallihan agus Niamh O’Sullivan (Rang 4). Comhghairdeas libh, a pháistí.Ficheall / Chess: Well done to the children in Rang 5 and Rang 6 who represented the school at the Inter-Schools Chess Tournament in Ovens recently. Many thanks to the parents who drove the children to the event and to Ms Murphy who coordinated. Maith sibh!Lá Domhanda na Leabhar / World Book Day: We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 7th March in great style with many children dressing up as characters from their favourite book. Pupils in Rang 3 and Rang 1 as well as Junior Infants and Rang 2 became “book buddies” on the day and read stories for each other. Well done to all for promoting such an important initiative. (See our blog for photos of World Book Day)World Down Syndrome Day 2019 (Rock your Funky Socks!): The school celebrated World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday 21st March by wearing “funky socks”! We supported Scoil Bhríde, Rathcormac on their Junior Entrepreneur project by purchasing the “Tie and Dye” socks that Mr Forde’s class had made. Scoil Bhríde will donate a percentage of the money they collected to the Cork Down Syndrome Centre. Pupils in our school donated a total of €165.00, which was forwarded to the Cork Down Syndrome Centre. Thank you to everyone who supported this event (See our blog for photos of World Down Syndrome Day)Primary Game: Comhghairdeas to Robyn Hickey, Olan Lenehan and Richard Barry (all Rang 6) who represented the school at the Cumann na mBunscol Primary Game Camogie, Hurling and Football trials held in Cork recently. Maith sibh, a pháistí!Lá Cultúrtha / Culture Day: We had a hugely successful “Culture Day” in the school on Friday 15th February last, as part of our Green Schools 6th Green Flag application on Global Citizenship. Each class studied about the culture of a different country associated with our school, (where some child in the class had a parent connected to that country). Each class completed a project on their chosen country and gave a presentation in the Halla on the culture of that country. We had songs, dances, poems and even food from the various countries also. The day was a fantastic success and it gave everyone in the school a clearer understanding of global citizenship. (See our blog for photos of our Culture Day). We congratulate all the pupils and teachers involved in the projects / presentations and especially Ms ? Tuama, the co-ordinating teacher. We will hold a “Green School Action Day” next Friday (12th) as part of our effort to obtain the 6th Green Flag. Children may wear green on that day. Congratulations to Luke Morrison, (Rang 6) who won our school’s Green School Code Competition. Luke’s composition goes as follows: Pick up litter, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, Pick up litter! Help the globe doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, Help the globe! Buy fair trade doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, Buy fair trade! Save our planet doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, Save it now!Bóthar na nGabhar / Fly a Goat to Africa: We are now reaching the end of this long-standing practice in the school where tickets are sold each day in each class during Lent (50c each) for the Bóthar na nGabhar Project. Tickets will be sold up to and including next Friday (12th) when we will hold a raffle (Easter Egg) for each class and an overall winner who will have the privilege of naming the goat. This initiative fits perfectly with our 6th Green Flag application on Global Citizenship, So, please support and get your last few tickets now because if you’re not in, you can’t win!Garda Vetting: As we seek parental support regularly for such things as station teaching / swimming pool supervision / travelling to matches etc. etc. in the school, it is now compulsory to have any adults involved in any school related activities, Garda vetted for child safeguarding reasons. Therefore, we would encourage and appreciate if as many parents as possible, who would be willing to be Garda vetted for the purposes of assisting in school-related activities, would apply for Garda Vetting through the school. Unfortunately, vetting for another organisation (e.g. GAA etc.) is not acceptable for the school, as per the Department’s regulations. We would encourage parents to apply for vetting now in order to have it in place for the next school year as it takes a number of weeks to complete. Application forms are available from the school on request. Thank you in advance for your co-operation and support. School Attendance and Punctuality: We remind all parents and pupils of the importance of punctuality and regular school attendance, (unless there is a genuine reason for absence). All pupils should have assembled in the school yard by the 9.20 a.m. bell. We are currently monitoring pupils who arrive late for school regularly and we will contact parents of individual pupils where a pattern of late arrival develops.Also, underneath is an extract from our School Attendance Strategy which parents need to be aware of regarding taking children out of school during term time for family holidays. We ask that the procedures outlined in such circumstances, be followed. Extract from: “School Attendance Strategy” re. children’s absences (Reviewed 2018)Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child is at school on every day that the school is open unless there is a genuine reason for absence, (The Education (Welfare) Act, 2000 – Section 17). Consequently, we strongly disapprove of parents taking children on holidays during term time.Parents are encouraged to: i) Set high standards for their child in relation to attendance and punctuality;ii) Engage with the school if there is a problem about their child’s attendance and support plans to address the problem; iii) Ensure that their child regularly attends and arrives at school on time; iv) Avoid taking their child out of class unless there is a serious / genuine reason; v) Avoid taking their child on holidays during term time.In the case of a child being absent from school, parents are required to explain the absence by way of, (i) a phone call or text message for brief absences, giving the reason for absence or (ii) a written note for prolonged absences again, giving the reason for absence. The school may request confirmation in writing of a phone/text message.If a parent decides to take their child out of school for holidays during term time, a letter must be forwarded to the principal in advance of the absence, stating that the child will be absent and specifying the dates and reason for absence and that the parents are aware of the educational implications for their child. Parents need to be aware of the educational and potential legal impact of removing children from school for regular holiday absences.Parents’ Association NewsFirst Communion In keeping with tradition, we will be providing tea / coffee and refreshments after the First Holy Communion ceremony on Saturday 11th May. It will take place in the church grounds, weather permitting, or if the weather is not suitable, we will move to the Pipe Band Hall. We are seeking volunteers to help us on the day and also, we would be grateful for any home baking (i.e. cupcakes, buns etc., etc.) from anybody. As there is a large group of children receiving First Communion this year, all help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact a member of Parents’ Association if you can bake / assist. Thank you.- Bake Sale: A total of €481.75 was received from the Bake Sale recently. We’d like to thank everybody who dropped baking and anyone else who helped in any way.- As we are on Facebook, we invite all parents to check regularly and share this link - Next meeting: Monday 29th April @7.30 pm in the school hall. All are welcome.***************************************************************************Dúnadh Scoile: The school will close at 12.00 noon for the Easter Holidays this Friday (12th April). Usual staggered finishing times apply, as follows: - 11.50 a.m. Jnr / Snr / older siblings - 12.00 noon Rang 1 / 2 / 3 / Bus / older siblings - 12.10 p.m. Rang 4 / 5 / 6 We ask if parents would please move off from the car-park without delay when you have collected your child so as to make space for the next group of parents. Go raibh maith agaibh. (School re-opens on Monday 29th April) School closes on Monday 6th May and Monday 3rd June (Public Holiday) Saoire an tSamhraidh – school closes on Wednesday 26th June (12 noon). (School re-opens on Thursday 29th August 2019 for the new school year) Cáisc shona daoibh go léir! Nelius de Róiste (Príomhoide) ................

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