DCC Elavon Integration Guide

\TitlePageDoc-To-Help Standard ManualDynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)Integration Guidev1.9Table of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Document Control PAGEREF _Toc518590201 \h 31.1Revision History PAGEREF _Toc518590202 \h 32.Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. PAGEREF _Toc518590203 \h 33.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc518590204 \h 53.1Purpose of this document PAGEREF _Toc518590205 \h 53.2Scope PAGEREF _Toc518590206 \h 53.3Out of Scope PAGEREF _Toc518590207 \h 54.DCC Product Summary PAGEREF _Toc518590208 \h 64.1What is DCC? PAGEREF _Toc518590209 \h 64.2Overview PAGEREF _Toc518590210 \h 64.3Customer Benefits PAGEREF _Toc518590211 \h 64.4Consumer/Cardholder Benefits PAGEREF _Toc518590212 \h 64.5How does DCC work for a consumer? PAGEREF _Toc518590213 \h 74.6Transaction Flows PAGEREF _Toc518590214 \h 85.Different Methods to develop DCC PAGEREF _Toc518590215 \h 125.1Online DCC (default preferred method) PAGEREF _Toc518590216 \h 125.2Device Based DCC PAGEREF _Toc518590217 \h 125.3DCC Exchange Rates PAGEREF _Toc518590218 \h 136.DCC Development – Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc518590219 \h 157.DCC - Specific Transaction Requirements PAGEREF _Toc518590220 \h 167.1Chip and PIN Transactions: PAGEREF _Toc518590221 \h 167.2Mail Order / Telephone Order: PAGEREF _Toc518590222 \h 167.3eCommerce Transactions: PAGEREF _Toc518590223 \h 167.4Recurring Transactions: PAGEREF _Toc518590224 \h 167.5Pre-authorization & Completions (Check In & Check Out) PAGEREF _Toc518590225 \h 167.6Express check-out: PAGEREF _Toc518590226 \h 167.7Refunds: PAGEREF _Toc518590227 \h 177.8Gratuity Transaction: PAGEREF _Toc518590228 \h 177.9DCC on Proximity Payments: PAGEREF _Toc518590229 \h 178.DCC Calculations PAGEREF _Toc518590230 \h 198.1Exchange Rate Calculation PAGEREF _Toc518590231 \h 198.2Transaction Amount Calculation PAGEREF _Toc518590232 \h 199. DCC – Consumer/Cardholder Choice Rules PAGEREF _Toc518590233 \h 219.1Consumer/Cardholder Choice PAGEREF _Toc518590234 \h 219.2What needs to be shown to a consumer before they make a choice? PAGEREF _Toc518590235 \h 2110.DCC Receipt Requirements PAGEREF _Toc518590236 \h 2310.1Mandated Requirements for DCC Receipts PAGEREF _Toc518590237 \h 2310.2Sample DCC receipt PAGEREF _Toc518590238 \h 2310.3Sample Pre-Auth Receipt PAGEREF _Toc518590239 \h 2410.4Disclaimer Messages PAGEREF _Toc518590240 \h 2511.Screen Display for POI Currency Conversion PAGEREF _Toc518590241 \h 2611.1Attended Screens: PAGEREF _Toc518590242 \h 2611.2Example user interface flow PAGEREF _Toc518590243 \h 2611.3Other Example Screens: PAGEREF _Toc518590244 \h 2711.4Unattended Screens: PAGEREF _Toc518590245 \h 2912.DCC Certification Process PAGEREF _Toc518590246 \h 3013.Supported DCC Currencies PAGEREF _Toc518590247 \h 31Document ControlRevision HistoryVersion DateAuthorComments1.021-09-2015Patrick DoyleInitial Version1.102-11-2015Patrick DoyleUpdated with details for Processing DCC on Proximity Payments1.213-05-2016Patrick DoyleUpdated to latest Visa Standard. New Disclaimer and change to avoid defaulting DCC on internet transactions1.326-05-2016Michelle NaughterUpdates to the examples of messaging on screens, and changes to the disclaimer on receipts1.412-10-2016Michelle NaughterUpdated flowchart for the terminal screens1.517-10-2016Michelle NaughterReview and approval from Patrick Doyle1.611-07-2017Michelle NaughterUpdates to document the 2 supported methods for DCC – Online DCC & Device Based DCC1.721-11-2017Michelle NaughterUpdates to support the new Visa Global DCC rules introduced on 26/Oct/2017, addition of the “DCC Calculation” section1.809-02-2018Michelle NaughterUpdate to the transaction requirements for preauthorization and completion,1.907-06-2018Michelle NaughterUpdates to reflect the VISA DCC Spec changes, mandated from Oct 2017Addition of the flow chart for the Online method when a non ICC card is usedDefinitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. TermDefinitionAVSAddress Verification SystemAXISElavon Merchant Services front-end Authorisation and Settlement HostBilling CurrencyThe Cardholder account currency, (currency in which the card was issued)BINBank Identification NumberBIN TableThe BIN table contains all the BINs for which DCC may be offered. For each BIN, there is a corresponding billing P Card Not PresentCVMCard Verification Method DCCDynamic Currency Conversion. The conversion of the purchase price of goods or service from the customer’s pricing currency to the cardholder’s billing currency. The cardholder’s currency becomes the transaction currency, regardless of the customer’s pricing currency.DCC RebateRebate offered to merchants who process DCC transactions. It is calculated as a percentage of the local currency equivalent of the merchant’s total foreign currency trade. The typical rebate is between 0.75% and 1.0%. FX Rate/ Exchange RateThe foreign exchange rate that is used to convert the merchant currency into the Cardholder’s billing currency.HIMMS2Highly Integrated Merchant Management System. This is the Elavon Boarding System – Primary Merchant Application entry pointMark UpThe percentage that is added to the reference exchange rate to arrive at the Exchange Rate.MOTO Mail Order/Telephone OrderNFCNear Field Communication. it is the set of protocols that enable electronic devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching the devices, or bringing them into proximity of 10cm or lessProximity PaymentA payment conducted via contactless or NFC technology PSP Payment Service Provider. A PSP offers online services for accepting electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit and Debit cards.Reference Exchange RateA wholesale or government-mandated rate to which the mark-up / commission is applied to arrive at the exchange rate that is used to convert one currency to another.Source of Reference Exchange RateThe name of the supplier of the wholesale rate (selected by Elavon) that is used to calculate the Exchange Rate. TIDTerminal Identification number TMS Terminal Management SystemTransaction AmountThe value and currency of the transaction that is cleared and settled.Online DCCThis method includes a DCC online inquiry to Elavon’s host to check the DCC eligibility of a card BIN and returns back the live Exchange Rate.Device Based DCCThis method checks the DCC eligibility of a Card BIN from a stored BIN file and requests daily Exchange Rates from Elavon’s host.POI SolutionPoint of Interaction SolutionIntroductionPurpose of this documentThis document details the functional requirements to develop Elavon’s Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Service. Elavon’s Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Service can be developed in 2 different ways (Online DCC & Device Based DCC) and this document details both methods. Both methods are explained in section 5. Scope This document covers the core elements required to process DCC transactions via various Point of Interaction (POI) Solutions. The requirements are specific to DCC processing within the European Union (EU) & Northern Europe Regions only. The document outlines an overview of the Service; when it can and should be offered to end consumers, the benefits of the service to the end consumers and customer, required elements that need to be shown to the end consumer before they make their choice, receipt requirements along with mandated and best practise processes and behaviours to adhere to.Out of Scope This document does not include:DCC requirements for locations outside of the European Union & Northern Europe.DCC requirements for ATM processing Detailed formats of Authorisation or Settlement messages. Full details can be found in the appropriate Authorisation and Settlement protocol documentation supplied separately. DCC Product SummaryWhat is DCC?DCC is a service that enables international Visa and MasterCard cardholders, the choice to pay in their home currency rather than the local currency of the country which the customer is visiting.DCC from Elavon can convert MasterCard? and Visa? credit and debit transactions in over 60 currencies.Overview DCC is defined as the conversion of the purchase price of goods or services from one currency to another, as agreed by the consumer and customer. In a typical DCC transaction, the purchase price is converted from the customer’s pricing currency into the cardholder’s billing currency, which becomes the ‘transaction currency’. The Transaction Amount is based on the price of the goods / services in the customer’s pricing currency, converted at an exchange rate (offered by the customer and agreed by the consumer), including other charges including a mark-up for currency conversion. This process is performed before the transaction is presented to Elavon for authorisation with the Card Associations. The DCC Services is primarily used by customers who cater to a high percentage of international consumers. As a result DCC is focused on target market sectors such as travel and entertainment, and at tourist destinations. DCC is supported on, DCC eligible, Visa and MasterCard branded Credit and Debit Cards. Elavon supports DCC processing on over 60 currencies. DCC can be supported on both, card present and card not present (CNP) transactions. DCC may be offered on Proximity Payments where the transaction amount is above the cardholder verification limit. DCC is currently prohibited on:Other Card Schemes (outside Visa and MasterCard) processed through Elavon,Transactions that include Cashback,Low value contactless transactions, whereby the transaction amount is less than or equal to the applicable Card Verification Method (CVM) limit or on any Contactless Transaction for which a ceiling limit applies. Customer BenefitsThe following is a list of some of the benefits to customers in using the DCC Service: Rebate: Maximise your revenue from international consumers with DCC from Elavon. You receive a percentage of the sales price back as a rebate. Customer service: Enhance the consumer’s experience with DCCLower bills: The DCC rebate offsets customer service feesAutomatic card recognition makes DCC simple for staff to offerSingle statement and single settlement for acquiring and DCC transactionsReduced disputes and chargebacks Consumer/Cardholder BenefitsThe following is a list of some of the benefits to consumers in using the DCC Service: The consumer will see the final price in their own currency so they have price certainty as they know exactly what will appear on their statement.The consumer is quoted a price in a currency they understand so they have price familiarity. The consumer can lock in the day’s exchange rate as exchange rates are updated every week day.Peace of mind for consumer as anyone can avail of the Elavon Best Rate Guarantee should they find a better rate on their statement.DCC helps consumer keep track of their spending and card balances by paying in their own currency.Business expenses are easier to track. The consumer does not need to become familiar with foreign currencyHow does DCC work for a consumer?Transaction FlowsDCC Flow – Device based methodDCC flow – Online method - non ICC cardThe application currency code tag will not be captured if the card is not present or Mag swiped, however we are still offering the DCC conversion for the CNP and Mag stripe transactions. The terminal should read Chip data for chip transaction and send the host enquiry message when the issuing country currency and the transaction currency doesn’t match. Terminal should always send the enquiry message to the host when the card is Mag stripe or keyed.DCC Flow – Online method – ICC cards onlyHigh Value Contactless DCC Flow - Device Based MethodHigh Value Contactless DCC Flow - Online MethodDifferent Methods to develop DCCElavon Europe’s Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Service can be developed in 2 different ways and the below sections explain the difference and which the preferred method is:Online DCC – Online Conversion from the Host (default preferred method) Device Based DCC – Device Conversion using the DCC BIN File Online DCC (default preferred method)This method allows for a real time online look-up inquiry message to be sent into Elavon, this will determine if the card is eligible or not for DCC, and if it is eligible the response message will include the currency and current exchange rate.With this method, the PSP does not need to store a BIN file locally on the POS device and therefore does not need to have the extra burden of collecting and updating this BIN file on a regular basis as the BIN management will be done by Elavon on the host to ensure that the correct DCC eligible currency is always sent back in the online lookup response message. Also, you don’t need to worry about a device having old or out of date exchange rates as the current rate will be sent back in the look-up inquiry message response.Device Based DCCThis method requires the device to store a BIN file in order to do BIN lookups to determine if a card is eligible or not for DCC. BIN files are updated regularly so a process to update these must be in place. This method also requires that the exchange rates are pulled down daily and loaded to each device. The DCC exchange rate inquiry is then done locally on the device before it sends the transaction up to the host for authorization.Account Range BIN File The document outlines the high-level format of the Elavon DCC BIN File. Full details can be found in the latest Account Range Definition File Format Specification.Elavon provides a card BIN range account file that can be utilised to determine the eligibility of a card BIN for Dynamic Currency Conversion. The file contains the details of BIN ranges from the various card schemes, including Visa and MasterCard. The format of the file is detailed in the “Elavon Card Account Range Definition File Format Specification”. The file outlines the various Account Ranges and includes data such as:Account Range LowAccount Range HighISO Country CodeISO Currency CodeCard TypeCard Scheme Debit / Credit Indicator Product IDDCC Eligible FlagThe account ranges supplied in the file are 12 digits in length. The card schemes can dictate the associated currency of a card based on the first 9 digits of the account range, as a result it is critical that the POI solution can complete verification of the card currency based on the first 9 digits of the account number rather than just on the traditional 6 digit BIN number. BIN File Maintenance The PSP can use the Account Range BIN file in its raw format or may just take from it those BINs that are eligible for DCC processing. The final file can be stored centrally or locally on the POI solution depending on the PSP solution design. The following list outlines some recommended practises for maintaining the BIN file: The BIN file should be updated on a weekly basis in line with the weekly updates received from the card schemes. At a minimum, the BIN file must be updated on a monthly basis If the file is stored locally on the POI solution it is advised that it can be updated remotely and that the remote update functionality is validatedValidation should take place on the BIN file to ensure that a full and valid BIN file is loaded. Standard Header, Trailer and Checksum logic should be implemented During the BIN file update process a copy of the current BIN file should remain in place until the updated BIN file is successfully downloaded / deployed It should be possible to determine the BIN file that is currently in use at the POI solution. This should be available via a function on the POI solution or by printing a debug / configuration receiptAn error message should be implemented on the POI solution if the solution is activated for DCC processing but no BIN file is present, in order to inform the merchant that DCC cannot take place until a valid BIN file is loaded The POI solution should not offer DCC on BINs issued within its local currency / country ISO code DCC Exchange RatesThe DCC exchange rates are made available from the Elavon Authorisation Host via the exchange rate request message or via the online look-up inquiry message when using the Online DCC Method.Even if you develop the Online DCC method, you will need to support the exchange rate request message as the device must have the ability to provide and print an exchange rate report showing all currencies and rates.When pulling down the full rates via exchange rate request message, the returned data contains the following:ISO Currency Codes (for the list of supported currencies) Currency Exponent The current rates with the agreed mark-up appliedThe mark up percentage A time stamp that dictates when the exchange rates are due to expireThe exchange rates are updated on the host on a daily basis and are typically valid for up to 30 hours. Elavon supports settlement in 17 currencies; exchange rates are available for each of these currencies. The list of supported settlement currencies is outlined along with the full list of DCC currencies in Section 12. The exchange rates configured on the Authorisation Host are set at a customer level and the exchange rate request message is supported at a terminal level. The exchange rates will vary based on the mark-up agreed with the individual customer so it is critical that the PSP can support different exchange rates based on the individual customer agreement. The exchange rate must be updated every day on the POI solution. For POS / IPOS and MPOS solutions it is recommended that the exchange rates download would occur after the first transaction of the day. This will ensure that the device is turned on at the time when the request is initiated. For “always on” solutions, an automated download of the exchange rates can be configured to take place daily at a predefined time. The exchange rate request should also take place automatically after any software load or configuration update to the POI solution. If the exchange rates update takes place immediately after the first transaction of the day, the first transaction of the day should use the rates from the previous day, even if they have expired. Three possible scenarios can be encountered on the first transaction of the day:The rates have not expired; the transactions can be processed with DCC as normal The rates have expired; the transactions can be processed with DCC as normal and if the exchange rate is within the configured error tolerance set on the Authorisation Host the transaction will be handled as per standard processing The rates have expired; the transactions can be processed with DCC as normal, however if the exchange rate is outside of the configured error tolerance set on the Authorisation Host the transaction will be declined and the appropriate response is sent back to the POI Solution. The POI solution should inform the Merchant that the ‘DCC Exchange Rates have Expired’. The POI solution should then automatically perform an exchange rate update request to download the new rates at which time the transaction can be resubmitted for authorisation using the updated ratesPost download of the updated exchange rates it is required that the POI Solution produce a DCC Exchange rate report that the merchant can choose to print if required. An example report is provided in the Receipt Requirements Section. Exchange Rate Sources Elavon receive the base Exchange Rates from our Sponsor Bank. U.S. Bancorp, 5.3.2 Example DCC Rates Report The report below provides a guideline of the layout of a DCC Rates Report.Exchange Rate Report PrototypeTest MerchantAddress Line 1Address Line 2Exchange Rates ReportFrom DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS To DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SSDCC Currency 1Rate 1DCC Currency 2Rate 2DCC Currency nRate nDCC Development – Getting StartedElavon will provide the following key elements required in order for you to develop and provide the DCC Service on the Point of Interaction solution:The full set of specifications outlining how DCC should be performed. This includes:Elavon DCC Integration GuideElavon Card Account Range Definition File Specification which shows the BIN File format (only provided if non-default Device Conversion using the DCC BIN File method is chosen)Authorisation Protocol Specification Settlement Protocol Specification The authorisation and settlement protocol specifications outline the exact format for DCC messages; such as, sales, refunds, voids and the details of the format of the exchange rate request messages A BIN file containing all of the Card BINs and corresponding currency codes which are eligible for DCC. The BIN file is updated on a weekly basis. It is made available via an SFTP account. (only provided if non-default Device Based DCC method is chosen)Exchange rates, updated daily, that are amended with the mark-up agreed with the individual customer. The exchange rates are available by completing an exchange rate request message via the authorisation host. The exchange rate message contains the marked-up rates for the list of supported currencies and the actual % mark-up appliedThe Payment Service Provider (PSP) must maintain the details of both the BIN file (only required if the non-default Device Based DCC method is being used) and the exchanges rates at the POI solution. The BIN File and rates can be held centrally or distributed directly to the POI solution. The PSP must ensure that the BIN files and Exchange rate files can be updated frequently. Best practise is that the BIN files are updated weekly. The exchange rates must be updated for each POI solution daily. Due to the fact that different mark–up % will be agreed with different customers, the PSP must be able to support rates with different mark-ups at a customer level.The DCC service must be supported and configurable at a TID level. The customer may have multiple TID’s associated to a MID but may only want to support DCC on specific TID’s. Prior to performing DCC in a production environment the below items must have been completed:The PSP must be certified with Elavon – See certification section for detailsDuring the certification process the PSP is assigned an “Application ID”. The Application ID must be loaded to the Production Authorisation Host and also provided in the Authorisation request messages. The Application ID is constructed from the following elements:The Authorisation Specification VersionThe Software Version The Device TypeThe Market Segment The Capture TypeThe Communications method used The customer account must be enabled for DCC on the Elavon boarding and processing systemsThe customer details must be registered with Visa for them to participate with the DCC Service The POI solution must contain the details of the most up to date DCC BIN files (only if the non-default Device Based DCC method is being used) The POI solution must contain the details of the most up to date exchange ratesThe authorisation and settlement formats must adhere to the message protocols provided by Elavon. DCC - Specific Transaction RequirementsChip and PIN Transactions: The information that is required to be provided to the customer so that customer is able to make an informed choice of either accepting or declining DCC. This must be available to the consumer before they enter their PIN (choice before PIN Principle)Mail Order / Telephone Order: Written procedures or scripts must exist for processing telephone orders that include; an explanation of the DCC service being offered, consumer choice and disclosure of information. If DCC is offered on mail orders, the order form must disclose the source of the Reference Exchange Rate, the Mark-up and any commission that may be applied.For Card not present Mail Order Visa transactions to be allowed for DCC, a mail order receipt is required and it must have a tick box for cardholder to opt-in to DCC.eCommerce Transactions: If payment is made over the internet, all information relating to the DCC service being offered must be displayed to the consumer on the customers website before the authorisation takes place. The consumer must indicate whether they accept (opt–in to) or decline (opt–out of) the DCC service by either: ? Checking one of two boxes displayed: one to accept DCC, the other to decline DCC; or ? Checking a single box displayed to accept DCC. Note: Having only one check box to decline the DCC service or having two boxes with one pre-populated to accept DCC is not acceptable. Recurring Transactions: To process DCC on recurring transactions the consumer must agree to accept DCC for subsequent transactions by opting in at the time of the first transaction. Relevant financial information must be provided to the consumer for the first transaction and be available for all subsequent transactions. A process must be available for the consumer to change their mind and choose not to accept DCC for subsequent transactions.Pre-authorization & Completions (Check In & Check Out)A cardholder must be presented with the DCC option at both preauthorization and completion stages. Best practise to optimise the DCC take up rate and revenue opportunity is to bring back the DCC decision made at preauthorization stage so that the staff member/cardholder is aware of the original DCC decision and this can guide the staff member to talk to the cardholder about the benefits of DCC in order for them to make their final decision at completion stage if they are present. Express check-out: Prior to completing DCC transactions in express check-out scenarios, where they consumer is not present to complete the transaction, the customer must go through all choice and transparency requirements and must also inform the consumer that the conversion rate to be applied to the Transaction will be determined by the customer at a later date without additional consultation with the consumer. For Card not present Express Check out Visa transactions to be allowed for DCC, a pre-auth receipt is required and it must have a ticked box to show the cardholder has opted in to DCC. See section 10.3 for a sample receipt.Refunds: Depending on relevant domestic consumer legislation, the consumer may request a refund of all or part of the purchase price. A refund transaction must be processed in the same currency used for the original purchase. If the merchant is unable to determine whether the DCC service was accepted on the original transaction, then DCC should not be selected when performing a refund.Note: A DCC refund will use the exchange rate from the current day as the DCC will be performed in the online lookup manner.If the sale and refund are performed on different days, there will be a different exchange rate used between the sale and refund and therefore the customer must be aware that the cardholder could gain or loss out here (the same would happen with a non DCC transaction as the issuer rates would change).Contactless refunds - If the original DCC authorisation was completed as contactless, then if the reader supports it, we recommend that you do a contactless refund but it is not a mandated.Gratuity Transaction: DCC is permissible on Gratuities and Tips. If the POI Solution is configured for Gratuity, the receipt for the transaction should contain the following data:Tip Amount in Merchant Pricing Currency Tip Amount in Cardholder Currency Total Transaction Amount including Tip Total Amount in Merchant Pricing Currency in including TipDCC on Proximity Payments: The Card Schemes do not permit DCC on low value Proximity Transactions, whereby the transaction amount is less than or equal to the applicable Reader CVM limit. DCC is however permissible on High Value Proximity Payments that are above the CVM limit. In order to simplify the transaction flow the Card Schemes have agreed that such transactions should take place using a single tap process. This is facilitated by the fact that the transaction cryptogram can be generated in the merchant’s base currency, as opposed to the final transaction currency. It is widely accepted that the cryptogram is only used by the issuers to authenticate the transaction, and not to determine the authorisation amount.Example Transaction: A US Consumer Paying for Goods at a Euro, DCC enabled, Terminal The Euro Amount is entered on the terminal (Transaction amount is above the CVM limit)The Cardholder taps their card and the cryptogram is generated based in Euro currencyThe DCC look-up occurs (either via the Online DCC inquiry message or checking the BIN file on the terminal) and offers the choice to the cardholder to pay in both Euro and US Dollars The Cardholder selects US Dollar AmountThe authorisation is sent online with the original Cryptogram generated in the merchant’s base currencyThe issuer will use the merchant base currency in the authorisation message to decrypt the cryptogram and there should be no impact on the approval / decline response Please note that the implementation of the POI currency conversion must not require a subsequent tap of the card on the terminal. DCC Calculations This section describes the process that should be used when calculating the dynamic currency conversion. Exchange Rate Calculation The Base Exchange Rates held on the Authorisation Host are truncated at the 6th minor decimal place. The mark up agreed with the merchant is added into the base rate and then the marked-up rate is, once again, truncated at the 6th minor decimal place. If there is a minor 7th decimal place it is truncated, no rounding takes place. Example: Base Rate GBP to EUR = 0.725800Merchant Mark-up = 3.25%Final Rate = 0.725800 + (0.725800 x 3.250000 / 100) = 0.725800 + 0.0235885= 0.7493885(Rate is truncated)=0.749388 Transaction Amount Calculation The process used for calculating the DCC transaction amount is as follows:The final amount in the merchant’s pricing currency is converted using the marked-up exchange rate. The amount is then rounded to two decimal places. The amount is rounded up if the 3rd minor unit is a value of 5 or above, it is rounded down if the 3rd minor unit is a value of 4 or below. Example 1: Rounding up,Merchant Pricing Currency:????????€150.000FX Rate:????????? ?0.749388Transaction Amount (Pre Rounding)?112.408Transaction Amount (Post Rounding) ??? ?112.410Example 2: Rounding up,Merchant Pricing Currency:€400.000FX Rate:????????? ?0.749388Transaction Amount (Pre Rounding)??????????? ?299.755Transaction Amount (Post Rounding) ?299.760Example 3: Rounding down,Merchant Pricing Currency:€140.000FX Rate: ???????? ?0.749388Transaction Amount (Pre Rounding) ?104.914Transaction Amount (Post Rounding) ?104.910Note: 1. The only exception to the above is solutions using the Elavon POS V2, Elavon POS V3 and Polish ISO 8583 protocols where the amount is rounded to zero decimal places for currencies (e.g. JPY) with a zero minor decimal place exponent. Please see appropriate authorisation specifications for additional detail.2. The amount sent in the authorisation must match the amount provided in the settlement records. If there is a discrepancy in the authorisation and clearing amounts the merchant would be subject to integrity fees. 9. DCC – Consumer/Cardholder Choice RulesThe fundamental principles of DCC regulations are that the consumer has a choice and the terms and conditions associated with DCC are fully disclosed. That is, the consumer is given the choice to either accept or decline the DCC service and all relevant information is available prior to the consumer making an informed decision.Issuers have a Chargeback right if their cardholders confirm in writing they were not given the choice to accept or decline DCC. Consumer/Cardholder ChoiceTo ensure consumer/cardholder choice, the following regulations regarding how the DCC service is offered must be followed: The default transaction currency must be the customer’s pricing currency Consumers must opt in to the DCC service. The customer must inform the consumer that the DCC service is optional The customer must not use any language or procedures that may make paying in the customer’s pricing currency difficult The customer’s must not use any language or procedures that cause the consumer to choose DCC by default. A consumer may not be required or encouraged (i.e., “steered”) in any manner to use the POI currency conversion. For example, a POS Terminal must not ask or require a consumer to choose to have the Transaction completed in a particular currency (e.g. By asking such a question as “Convert EUR to USD?”),or whether selecting “YES” or “NO” or by displaying different currency selections in red and green colours or directed cardholders to Green or Red buttons to accept/reject DCC offering The customer must not make claims for the DCC service that are incorrect or cannot be substantiatedThe customer must honour the choice of the consumerWhat needs to be shown to a consumer before they make a choice?The following information must be made available to the consumer when they are being offered DCC, prior to them making their choice and completing the Authorisation or pre-Authorisation taking place:The transaction amount in the customer’s local pricing currency with the relevant currency symbol or code e.g. € or EUR * The Transaction Amount in the cardholder’s Billing Currency with the relevant currency symbol or code e.g. $ or USD * The Exchange Rate (shown as a ratio) used to convert the Transaction Amount from the customer's Pricing Currency to the cardholder’s Billing Currency * The Mark-up applied to the Reference Exchange Rate when calculating the Exchange Rate used to convert from the customer’s Pricing Currency to the cardholder’s Billing Currency, this will be set at a customer’ level e.g. Mark-up of X% included in rates (set at a merchant level) For unattended POS Terminals the POS device must clearly disclose the following statement, verbatim to the Cardholder for MasterCard DCC Transactions:“MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE COSTS OF CURRENCY CONVERSION AS THEY MAY BE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU SELECT YOUR HOME CURRENCY OR THE TRANSACTION CURRENCY.”The above statement for Unattended POS terminals can be displayed on the Screen of the unattended POS or it may be printed on a quotation receipt. If an unattended POS Terminal cannot comply with the Cardholder disclosure requirements set forth above, the customer must satisfy the requirements by some alternative means designed to ensure that the consumer/Cardholder understands POI currency conversion before the consumer/Cardholder is asked to decide the currency the Transaction is to be completed in. *Minimum screen requirements for DCC message. If the minimum requirements are only displayed due to screen size, then a “Print Quote” option must be available so that a quote receipt can be provided to the consumer which includes all the required information in order for them to make their choice.In summary, to be complaint the cardholder must be presented with a screen that provides the below:????????? Local Amount Currency ????????? DCC Amount and Currency ????????? Exchange Rate ????????? Mark-up% ????????? A clear question – e.g. Select Currency? ????????? A clear way for the cardholder to either select or reject DCC What should the “DCC Quote” look like? Sale amount: Displays the local amount of the transaction with the currency symbol. Exchange rate: This is the exchange rate including the mark-up that is used to convert the transaction into the DCC currency. Mark Up %: Displays the mark up as a percentage e.g. 3.5%.Final amount: Displays the DCC amount of the transaction with the currency symbol. Disclaimer: This tells the consumer where the rates are sourced from DCC Receipt RequirementsThis section outlines the required data that must be present on DCC receipts. The receipt can be either; traditional paper based or in electronic form. It also provides sample layout for a DCC Quotation report and a DCC Exchange Rate report. If DCC is accepted by the consumer, all the above information, including the name of the DCC Service Provider must be printed on the transaction receipt. The transaction receipt must also include a disclaimer statement, confirming that the consumer had the choice of currency and that their choice is final. Full details are outlined in the Receipts Requirements Section of this document. Mandated Requirements for DCC ReceiptsThe value of the goods or services in the customer’s currency, together with the internationally recognised symbol or acronym for that currency e.g. € or EURThe value of the goods or services in the cardholder’s billing currency, together with the internationally recognised symbol or acronym for that currency. This information must be shown in a larger typeface, or in bold font, or must be separated from other information by a blank line above and belowThe value of the goods or services in the cardholder’s billing currency must be preceded or followed by the words “Transaction Currency” or “Transaction Amount”The exchange rate used to convert the transaction from the customer pricing currency to the cardholder’s billing currency. Mark-up % must be displayed on receipts directly under the exchange rate (and not in the disclaimer).The commission charged (generally 0)The name of the DCC Currency Provider; “Elavon Merchant Services”The disclaimer notification that outlines the following: Consumer choice has been offeredThe consumer chose to pay in their billing currencyThe consumer could have paid in the customer’s currencyThe consumer’s currency selection is finalThe mark-up applied to the reference exchange rate The source of the Reference Exchange Rate (U.S. Bancorp or Santander)The DCC receipt requirements apply to all valid transaction types including; Sales, Pre-Auths, Completions, Forced, MOTO, and Refunds, for both Customer present and Customer not present transactions. The DCC transaction receipt must not contain misleading text, layout, font sizes or use of highlighted text that may lead consumers to confusion or disputes. Sample DCC receipt Local amount and currency DCC amount and currency (including the wording “Transaction Currency)Exchange rateMark-up % Disclaimer: I have been offered a choice of currencies and have chosen to accept DCC and pay in <<DCC currency>>. More information on Elavon Best Rate at elavon.eu/bestrateProvider: DCC provided by Elavon Merchant ServicesElavon Merchant Services receive Foreign Exchange Services from US BancorpSample Pre-Auth ReceiptLocal amount and currency DCC amount and currency (including the wording “Transaction Currency)Exchange rate shown as a ratioDisclaimer: “[X] In the event that I am not present at checkout, I accept that any final amount owed will be settled in the same currency and that the currency conversion will be performed using the rate in force on that date without further consultation with myself. More information on Elavon Best Rate at elavon.eu/bestrate”X – The tick box should be automatically ticked if the cardholder opts into DCC at the pre-auth stage. This allows for the completion to be performed with DCC should the cardholder not come back to check out (e.g. express check out scenario) Disclaimer MessagesCustomer Present (Sales / Completion / Forced)The following disclaimer message should be displayed on the receipts for standard Sales, Completion and Forced transactions when the consumer is present:“I have been offered a choice of currencies and have chosen to accept DCC and pay in <Billing currency of Card>. . More information on Elavon Best Rate at elavon.eu/bestrate ”Express Check Out / PreauthorisationsThe below disclaimer message should be displayed on the receipts for Pre-authorisation Transaction along with a tick box for the cardholder to tick to opt into DCC:“In the event that I am not present at checkout, I accept that any final amount owed will be settled in the same currency and that the currency conversion will be performed using the rate in force on that date without further consultation with myself. More information on Elavon Best Rate at elavon.eu/bestrate ” XXX = the Currency Name as outlined in the list of over 60 supported currencies, e.g. “Canadian Dollar” X.X = the mark-up percentage rate for that MID, e.g. 3.5%XXXX = the Sponsor Bank, e.g. “U.S. Bancorp” or “Santander”, as applicableNote: For CNP top up’s and completions transactions using Online DCC and V3 specs,?if DCC was done on the original Pre-auth,?then the top up / Completion transactions should be processed as DCC. This is possible to do without the requirement for the merchant to manually select DCC as DCC is automatically selected on the host.Unattended POSThe following disclaimer message should be displayed on screen for Unattended POS solutions. “MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE COSTS OF CURRENCY CONVERSION AS THEY MAY BE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU SELECT YOUR HOME CURRENCY OR THE TRANSACTION CURRENCY”Screen Display for POI Currency ConversionThe following section provides examples of screen displays that should be used on the POI solution for DCC transactions. The exact display requirements depend on whether the solution is attended or unattended. The default language displayed to the consumer should be in English unless the consumers’ local language is supported. The size of the screen display will have an impact on the amount of data that can be displayed; as a result different options may be acceptable. Attended Screens:The customer must be able to provide all required information to the consumer before they make the choice so a “print quote” option may be needed if the consumer facing screen doesn’t have the space to fit it all. The print quote would allow a quote receipt to be printed that can be handed to the consumer in order for them to make a choice.At a minimum the consumer screen must display:The Base Currency amount including currency symbol or ISO CodeThe Cardholder Currency amount including currency symbol or ISO CodeThe Exchange Rate shown as a ratio Example user interface flow Other Example Screens:Example 1:Example 2:SELECT CURRENCY? 100.00 EUR401.60 CZKCZECH KORUNA1 EUR = 4.016000 CZK (including margin 3.5%)Customer to select final amount? EUR CZK126873082550Example 3 - customer must have print quote option on terminal screen if all required information doesn’t fitSELECT CURRENCY? Print Quote100.00 EUR401.60 CZK1 EUR = 4.016000 CZK -711201422400EUR CZKExample 4 (small pin-pad display, customer must have print quote option on staff / terminal screen) SELECT CURRENCY100.00 EUR401.60 CZKEUR ????????? CZK1839595635If the screen size permits it, the POI solution should contain more descriptive information, see below for more examples.Example 4Customer to confirm Currency €100.00 >>>> 401.60 CZK >>>>Exchange Rate: 1 EUR = 4.016000 CZKMark-up %: 3.5%Customer to select final amount by pressing >>>> to the right of the chosen amount. If the POI screen can support images it is recommended that the appropriate flags associated to each currency are provided as this will optimise the DCC take-up and revenue for the customer.Example 5 (staff facing screen – generally only available on integrated solutions)Currency Conversion Available Tell Customer – Press <CZK> to pay final amount in their currency or press <EUR> to leave the transaction amount in <EURO>Explain the benefits of DCC to the cardholder. Elavon Best Rate available for all currency conversion transactions elavon.eu/bestrate 100.00 EUR401.60 CZKCZECH KORUNAExchange Rate: 1 EUR = 4.016000 CZKMark-up %: 3.5%EUR CZK68770544450Unattended Screens:The example below shows the details that should be present on the screen of an unattended solution, please note figures used are for illustration purposes only.Example 1Example Screen DisplaySelect Currency?Amount €50.00Commission€0.00Total Amount€50.00Exchange RateMark-up %?1.00 = €0.7258003.5%Transaction Amount with Conversion?36.29Charge My Account €50.00 >>>>Charge My Account ?36.29 >>>>MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE COSTS OF CURRENCY CONVERSION AS THEY MAY BE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU SELECT YOUR HOME CURRENCY OR THE TRANSACTION CURRENCYExample 2Used if the Unattended Screen is of smaller size. Screen Display 1Please choose the currency to be charged to your accountAmount €50.00Commission€0.00Total Amount€50.00Exchange RateMark-up %?1.00 = €0.7258003.5%Transaction Amount with Conversion?36.29 Charge My Account €50.00 >>>> Charge My Account ?36.29 >>>>Screen Display 2MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE COSTS OF CURRENCY CONVERSION AS THEY MAY BE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU SELECT YOUR HOME CURRENCY OR THE TRANSACTION CURRENCY<<<< Return Previous Screen Proceed with Conversion >>>>DCC Certification ProcessEach new PSP solution must be fully certified and approved with Elavon prior to working in a production environment. The certification process ensures that all DCC solutions adhere to the requirements set out by both Elavon and the Card Schemes. The certification process will include the following:The PSP must confirm what method of DCC they are developing (either Host based or Device Conversion using the DCC BIN File method)The PSP must provide high-level overview of their solution which outlines its core architectureThe PSP must confirm how many of the 63 currencies offered will be supported on the POI Solution. Elavon’s expectation is that all currencies should be supported The PSP must outline how the Account Range BIN file will be implemented and maintained (only if they are using the Device based method); confirming if the file is held centrally or locally at the POI solution. The process for updating the file must be demonstrated and validated during the certification It should be possible to determine the BIN file that is currently in use at the POI. This should be available via a function on the POI solution or by printing a debug / configuration receiptAn error message should be implemented on the POI solution if the solution is activated for DCC processing but no BIN file is present, to inform the merchant that DCC cannot take place until a valid BIN file is loadedThe PSP must outline how the Exchange Rates will be implemented and maintained, confirming if the file is held centrally or locally at the POI solution. The process for updating the exchange rates must be demonstrated and validated during the certification The PSP must demonstrate that the conversion process adheres to the requirements set out for rounding and truncationPhysical copies of test transaction receipts (sale/refund/pre-auth & completion) must be supplied to Elavon for validation. These will be assessed based on the receipt requirements as outlined Details of the POI user interface must be provided, demonstrating that the solution adheres to the choice, transparency and disclosure requirements outlinedElavon will provide a test script that will contain a full list of transactions that must be completed. Once the test script is completed Elavon will validate the following items:The exchange rate request message is in the correct formatThe full list of transactions completed adhere to the correct format as outlined in the Authorisation protocol specificationThe POI solution can determine the valid currency of the card based on the 6th, 7th ,8th and 9th digit of the Card PAN The DCC transactions processed used the correct conversion rate The DCC transactions processed reflect the correct applied mark-up The rounding and truncation of the amount is correctThe currency exponents allocated for 0, 2 and 3 decimal place currency is correctThe settlement / data capture file provided for all transactions match the original transactions completed at AuthorisationFull details contained on the transaction receipts to ensure that they match the test criteria providedAbility to provide a Quotation report that adheres to the requirements outlined Ability to provide an exchange rate report that adheres to the requirements. The PSP must advise us that multiple Merchant IDs can be setup and maintained with exchange rates that have different mark-up percentages appliedThe PSP must be advise us that DCC can be configured at a terminal level, i.e. the ability to enable and disable the DCC functionality on the POI SolutionSupported DCC Currencies The table below outlines the full list of supported currencies, the associated ISO Alpha & Numeric currency code, the currency symbol and the number of minor units supported. The table also outlines the 17 settlement currencies that Elavon supports. Currency NameAlpha CodeNumeric CodeFunding CurrencyCurrency SymbolNo. Minor UnitsFlagAustralian DollarAUD036Y$2Canadian DollarCAD124Y$2Swiss FrancCHF756YCHF2Czech KorunaCZK203YK?2Danish KroneDKK208Ykr2EuroEUR978Y€2Pound SterlingGBP826Y?2Hong Kong DollarHKD344YHK$2Hungarian ForintHUF348YFt2Japanese YenJPY392Y?0Norwegian KronaNOK578Ykr2New Zealand DollarNZD554Y$2Polish New ZlotyPLN985Yz?2Swedish KronaSEK752Ykr2Singapore DollarSGD702Y$2US DollarUSD840Y$2South African RandZAR710YR2Uae DirhamAED784N?.?2Argentine PesoARS032N$2Barbados Dollar???BBD052N$2Bahraini DinarBHD048N?.?3Bermudian DollarBMD060N$2Brazilian RealBRL986NR$2Bahamian Dollar??BSD044N$2Chinese RenminbiCNY156N元2Columbian PesoCOP170N$2New Israeli SheqelILS376N?2Indian Rupee??INR356N?2Iceland KronaISK352Nkr2 Kenyan ShillingKES404NSh2South Korean WonKRW410N?0Kuwaiti DinarKWD414N?.?3Moroccan DirhamMAD504N?.?.2Mexican PesoMXN484N$2Malaysian RinggitMYR458NRM2Rial OmaniOMR512N?.?.3Panamanian BalboaPAB590NB/.2Qatari RialQAR634N257175215902Romanian New LeuRON946Nlei2Russian RoubleRUB643Nруб2Saudi RiyalSAR682N257175215902Thailand Baht?THB764N?2Turkish LiraTRY949NYTL2Trinidad & Tobago DollarTTD780NTT$2New Taiwan DollarTWD901NNT$2Ukranian HryvniaUAH980N?2Egyptian PoundEGP818N?2Nigerian NairaNGN566N?2Philippine PesoPHP608N?2West African FrancXOF952NCFA0Chilean PesoCLP152N$0Indonesian RupiahIDR360NRp2Croatian KunaHRK191NKn2Sri Lankan RupeeLKR144NRs2Jordanian DinarJOD400NJOD3Costa Rican ColonCRC188N?2Mauritian RupeeMUR480NRs2Angolan KwanzaAOA973NKz2Bulgarian LevBGN975Nлв2Vietnamese DongVND704N?0Bruneian DollarBND096N$2Ghanian CediGHS936N?2Pakistani RupeePKR586N?2 Elavon Financial Services DACRegistered in Ireland with Companies Registration Office (Reg. No. 418442).? ?Registered Office: Building 8 Cherrywood Business Park, Loughlinstown, Dublin, D18 W319, Ireland. Registered in England and Wales under the number BR009373.? The liability of the member is limited.Elavon Financial Services DAC, trading as Elavon Merchant Services, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. United Kingdom branch is authorised by Central Bank of Ireland and the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority, and regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request. ................

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