Deep Learning for Web Search and Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning for Web Search and Natural Language Processing

Jianfeng Gao Deep Learning Technology Center (DLTC)

Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA WSDM 2015, Shanghai, China

*Thank Li Deng and Xiaodong He, with whom we participated in the previous ICASSP2014 and CIKM2014 versions of this tutorial

Mission of Machine (Deep) Learning

Data (collected/labeled) Model (architecture) Training (algorithm)



? The basics

? Background of deep learning ? A query classification problem ? A single neuron model ? A deep neural network (DNN) model ? Potentials and problems of DNN ? The breakthrough after 2006

? Deep Semantic Similarity Models (DSSM) for text processing ? Recurrent Neural Networks



Geoff Hinton

Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs

John Markoff November 23, 2012

Rick Rashid in Tianjin, China, October, 25, 2012

The universal translator on

A voice recognition program translated a speech given by Richard F.

"Star Trek" comes true...

Rashid, Microsoft's top scientist, into Chinese.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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