Gen 1:1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.1st dayLight1:4God saw the light, that [it was] good3rd day Land/Earth, Grass, Trees and Seas1:10 and God saw that [it was] good.4th daySun, Moon, Stars1:18 and God saw that [it was] good.5th dayFish, Birds,1:21 and God saw that [it was] good. 6th dayLand Animals, Man1:31God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good.When God created the Earth and the trees He made everything good. Man however has change things. Today we will look our health, our envoirment and how man has change God’s creation.(My Testimony)(dangers & toxins in our world) What man has done to the EnviromentKitchenLead: Pewter pitchers, lead crystal, glazed ceramicsArsenic: contaminated drinking waterCadmium: Pigments of BakewareCopper: Old pipes, Water coolers, refrigerator ice-maker, Copper cookwarePerfluoro chemicals: Non-stick cookware, Fast food containersPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): food packaging, and plastic wrap, detergentsFoodLead: Imported food and herbsMercury: FishParabens (synthetic chemical Preservative): foodsBathroomLead: Hair dyes, CosmeticsParabens (synthetic chemical Preservative): CosmeticsPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): Cosmetics, perfume, hair spray, soap, shampoo, nail polish, skin moisterizers, shower curtainsAcetone: Isopropyl alcohol changes to acetone in the bodyBedroomPerfluoro chemicals: stain resistant fabric, slippery fabric, Flame retardant fabricHomeLead: Old paint, water from old pipesArsenic: Paints, treated lumber, wood preservativesPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): new car upolstery & dashboard, wood finishes, building materials, vinyl flooringDioxins: cigarette smoking, motor vehicles, residential oil furnaces,EnviromentLead: car exhaust, soil near highways, Storage batteries, lead pencilsMercury: In the Air -- from coal-fired power plants; and municipal and medical waste incineration, mining, and smeltingArsenic: In the soil from pesticides, herbicides & fungicidesCopper: Copper sulfate is added to some drinking water supplies to kill yeast and fungi, Copper fungicides added to swimming pools and Fruits and VegesPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): insecticidesWork placeCadmium: Solderers or electroplatersMethanol: solvents, wall and spray paints, paint strippers, adhesives, inks, wood fungi treatments, industrial cleanersDioxins: dioxin emissions are incineration of waste, chlorine bleaching of pulp and paper, copper smelting, chemical manufacturing, cement kiln burning, coal-fired electricity generation, wood burning, forest fires, and backyard burning of household trash, drum and barrel reclamation facilities, scrap electric wire recovery, tire burningChilds roomLead: Vinyl plastic ToysPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): Vinyl toysMouthMercury: Dental fillingsLead, Nickel, Arsenic, Chromium: Smoking and or Second hand smokeFloride: contains mercury, arsenic and leadSuppliments & MedicationsCopper: Multi-vitaminsAluminium & Mercury: VaccinationsPhthalates (Used in making Plastics): medical tubing and fluid bags, solvents, medical devicesCommon Toxic MetalsArsenic#1 ATSDR's "Top 20 List,” -- most common cause of acute heavy metal poisoning in adults. Arsine gas is a byproduct of manufacturing of pesticides that contain arsenic. released into the environment by the process of copper, zinc, and lead, as well as the manufacturing of chemicals and glasses. found in water supplies worldwide, leading to exposure of shellfish, cod, and haddock. paints, rat poisoning, fungicides, and wood preservatives.Arsenic TargetsBloodDigestive SystemSkinCentral Nervous systemKidneysLead#2 on the ATSDR's "Top 20 List." most cases of pediatric heavy metal poisoning It was used in pipes, drains, and soldering materials for many years.FertilizerGasolinePrinting InkLead TargetsBloodBrainThyroid glandBonesKidneysMercury#3 on ATSDR's "Top 20 List"Childhood VaccinesMedicinesPaper IndustriesDental AmalgamsMining operationsInhalation is the most frequent cause of exposure to mercury.Mercury targetsBrainKidneysCadmium#7 on ATSDR's "Top 20 list," -- byproduct of the mining and smelting of lead and zinc. CigarettesFungicidesPVC plasticsCommercial FertilizersInsecticidesReservoirs (with shellfishDental AlloysMotor OilSludgeElectroplatingNickel-Cadmium BatteriesExhaustPaint pigmentsInhalation accounts for 15-50% of absorption through the respiratory system Cadmium targetsBrainKidneysLungsBonesLiverPlacentaIronIngestion accounts for most of the toxic effects of ironCookwareDrinking waterIron PipesIron targetsCardiovscular systemKidneysLiverAluminumAluminum CookwareAutomobile ExhaustFireworksAluminum FoilBuffered AsprinFood AdditivesAntacidsCansNasal spraysAntiperspirantsCeramicsTobacco SmokeAstringentsDrinking WaterAluminum targetsBrainDigestive SystemCentral Nervous SystemKidneyTop 9 Common Household ToxinsBisphenol A (BPA)What It Is: A chemical used in plastic production Found In: Water bottles, baby bottles, plastic wraps, food packaging Health Hazards: effects the brain and behavior on fetuses and young childrenOxybenzoneWhat It Is: A chemical used in cosmetics Found In: Sunscreens, lip balm, moisturizers Health Hazards: Linked to hormone disruption and low-birthweight babies FluorideWhat It Is: A form of the basic element fluorine Found In: Toothpaste, tap water Health Hazards: Neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed; the American Dental Association advises that children under 2 not use fluoride toothpaste ParabensWhat They Are: Synthetic preservatives Found in: Hair care products, moisturizers and shaving products Health Hazards: Causes hormone disruptions and cancer in animals PhthalatesWhat They Are: Chemicals that give plastic its resilience and flexibility Found In: Toys, raincoats, shower curtains, vinyl flooring, detergents, food packaging, shampoos Health Hazards: causes liver cancerButylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)What It Is: An additive that preserves fats and oils in food and cosmetics Found In: Chewing gum, snack foods, diaper creams Health hazard May promote cancer in lab animal Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA)What It Is: A component of Teflon nonstick coatings Found In: Tap water, nonstick pots and pans Health Hazards: Has been found to cause hormone disruption and reproductive abnormalities in animal and human studies PerchlorateWhat It Is: An oxidant in rocket fuel Found In: Drinking water, soil, some vegetables Health hazard: Disrupts thyroid's hormone production Decabromodiphenyl Ether (DECA)What It Is: A flame retardant Found In: Electronics, furniture, carpets Health Hazards: Permanent learning and memory deficits; hearing defects Toxic Cookwaresome seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminum cookware, soda/energy/beer aluminum cansAluminumNon stick cookwareBrightly colored, low-temperature-fired pottery and stainless steel alloys can contain toxic metal components that are capable of poisoning us when acidic foods leach toxins from the pots, pans, and flatware. Aluminum and other metal toxins are potential hazards in this regard, with possible connections to Alzheimer’s syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, and other associated problems. Pottery (also GLASSWARE) that has been properly glazed and fired (such as crock pots, stoneware and porcelain), and untreated wooden and ceramic utensils provide safer alternatives than items containing toxic metalsToxic Body ProductsToxic Body productsDeodorants with aluminumToxic MakeupWomen put on their face -- 515 ChemicalsA study published by Bionsen, a company in the United Kingdom, found that the average woman applies 515 chemicals to her face every day.Makeup, perfumes, lotions, mascara, and other beauty products all contribute to the toxic brew that is causing health problems for many women.The study revealed that the typical woman uses about 13 different beauty products a day. Most of these products contain at least 20 ingredients and additives, many of which can have a detrimental effect on the body and skin.Perfumes contain -- up to 400 different ingredients.Lipstick, body lotions and mascara – contain an average of 30 ingredients each.The great majority of products contain known carcinogens, reproductive toxins and various other harmful chemicals that cause serious diseases.Toxic Clothes industry uses an astounding 8,000 synthetic chemicals...Most synthetic fabrics are treated with chemicals during and after processing.Your skin is the largest organ of elimination and absorption. When toxins are absorbed through your skin, they are taken-up by the lymphatic system, then into the blood stream and eventually the liverThe more synthetic clothing you wear, the greater your risk of absorbing toxic chemicals...Synthetic fabric AllergiesThe allergic responses now commonly being reported as a result of these synthetic chemicals include, but are definitely not limited to:Skin rashes and lesions that can be cancerousNauseaUnexplained fatigueBurning and itchingUnexplained headachesBlurred visionDifficulty breathingReoccurring sinus infections not previously experiencedSudden inflammation and pain; especially in soft tissuesToxic FabricsEasy Care—Wrinkle-free, shrinkage-free—these garments release formaldehyde;Water Repellent—Fluoropolymers (as in Teflon) are used to repel oil and water;Flame Retardants;Bacterial and Fungicidal Chemicals—Triclosan and nano-particles are used for these purposes, dangerous neurotoxins and irritants.FormaldehydeFabrics containing Formaldehyde—linked to a 30 percent increase in lung cancer, skin/lung irritation and contact dermatitis: Anti-cling, anti-static, anti-shrinkWaterproofPerspiration-proofMoth-proof and mildew resistantChlorine resistantIt’s also used in dyes and printing to fix the design and prevent “running.” It is widely used in bedding so it’s best to use bedding that is all cotton and in light or white colors to eliminate risk from formaldehyde used to set colored fabrics.Most governments restrict formaldehyde levels in clothing… but NOT the U.S. One of the worst offenders is China. Beware of “Made in China” labels.Use of formaldehyde in clothing is extremely widespread. There have even been lawsuits alleging high levels of it in Victoria’s Secret bras. High temperatures and humidity make “poison clothes” even worse—they open your pores and increase chemical absorption.Disperse Blue Dyes may look gorgeous—even regal—but they put you at high risk for contact dermatitis. . . especially dark blue, brown, and black synthetic clothing. It’s important to note—laundering does not reverse that risk. Worse. . . Disperse Blue # 1 is classified as a human carcinogen due to high malignant tumor levels in lab animals. Incidentally, you might be interested to know that this dye also shows up in cosmetics and semi-permanent hair dyes.Flame Retardant fabricFlame retardants (PBDEs) can cause a slew of health issues—thyroid problems, brain damage, ADHD symptoms, fertility problems and even cancer.The insecticide permethrin is now in civilian outdoor wear and military uniforms even though no long-term studies have assessed its safety.TeflonPerfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which include the non-stick additive Teflon. These chemicals are increasingly being added to clothing because it makes them last longer and also can make them wrinkle-free. Most clothing labeled “no-iron” contains PFCs.The average American is exposed to 20 pesticides daily, not to mention herbicides, fertilizers, and hundreds of other chemicals found in our food, water and air. Detoxifying your body is more than just a good idea, it is a necessity!?With over 600 known functions the liver is the star player of?our detoxification system. Good nutrition is essential to healthy detoxification. In fact, the liver needs certain nutrients to function optimally. Most Americans are nutrient deficient to some degree. This can?lead to?suboptimal liver function. Therefore, following a detox regimen which does not?supply adequate nutrition misses the mark. Before we start detoxifying the body we must make sure the drainage pathways are open. By `drainage pathways' we are referring to the liver/ gallbladder (bile flow), intestines (colon), kidneys, lymphatic’s, and skin. If we free up toxins without supporting the pathways whereby?these toxins are drained from the body we wind up with a `toxic ping-pong effect'. That is, a toxin being freed from where it resides but not being able to be fully excreted (removed) from the body. So it just moves?from one tissue or area into another.?This is often why people feel so ill when they detox.Drugs in Water Supply AwayBy Jeffrey KlugerThursday, Apr. 01, 2010James Day for TIMEThe planet may still be paying for the cold you had last winter. If it was a bad one, you probably took medicine. Maybe you rinsed the little dosing cup in the sink every time you used it. Maybe you finished the bottle and threw it in the trash. What you surely did several times a day was go to the bathroom — perhaps more than usual if you were taking care to drink plenty of liquids — and some of that medicine passed straight through you. What all this means is that while you were taking your cold medicine, so was your local water supply. The planet is also paying for your dad's hypertension, your aunt's high cholesterol and your colleague's throat infection, all of which were treated with drugs whose chemical residue then leaked into sewers or was leached into landfills and water tables. All told, there are about 3,000 prescription pharmaceuticals in use in the U.S. and thousands more over-the-counter drugs, not to mention creams and ointments we smear on and then shower off. "Between cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and other sources," says John Spatz, commissioner of Chicago's department of water management, "there are 80,000 potential combinations of chemicals." It's impossible to keep our drinking supply safe from a gusher like that. Wastewater from homes gets treated at sewage plants, but it's never possible to remove every trace of drugs. What's more, sewage pipes break, septic tanks overflow, and in some parts of the U.S. "straight-piping" — which sends untreated sewage flowing directly into surface water — is still practiced. One way or another, the drugs find their way back to us.Health RiskThere are many organic-minerals that is essential for our bodies. It is the in-organic-minerals and chemicals that are making our bodies toxic.Leadlowers IQ, developmental delays, behavioral disorders, attention problems, Kidney damage, Slows body growthMercurynervous system damage, deformities in infantslearning difficulties, poor memory and shortened attention spans.ArsenicCancer of: lung, bladder, liver, kidney, prostate and skin Damages: heart, brain, nerve and blood vesselsDiesease: DiabetesCadmiumCopperanorexia, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, allergies, childhood hyperactivity and learning disordersParabenssynthetic chemical Preservativebreast cancermale hormonal and reproductive systems.Perfluoro chemicalsmakes things non-stickcarcinogenic (i.e. cancer-causing).PhthalatesUsed in making PlasticsBisphenol AMakes plastics hardAnimal studies found breast and prostate-like cancers and altered growth of reproductive organs during development.Polybrominated biphenyl ethersmakes items flame-retardantInfants and FetusesMetals are particularly toxic to the sensitive, rapidly developing systems of fetuses, infants, and young children. Some metals, such as lead and mercury, easily cross the placenta and damage the fetal brain. Childhood exposure to some metals can result in learning difficulties, memory impairment, damage to the nervous system, and behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and hyperactivity. At higher doses, heavy metals can cause irreversible brain damage.Arsenic and Mercury crosses the placenta and appears in breast milkChronic exposure to arsenic has been shown to affect child development, lowering their IQ scores.Occupational ExposureIncreased RiskMiners & Processing Plantsalloy metals containing berylliumlung and skin diseaseindustries that produce chromatelung cancerburn fossil fuelspermanent damage to the nervous system, kidneysWeldersUsing cadmium-containing alloys or with silver soldersdeaths have occurredradiator repair shops, firing ranges, mining, manufacturing and burning fossil fuels, construction work, most smelter operations,Exposed to Leadpermanent nervous system, kidney damageDentist,Automotive workersExposed to Mercurylife-threatening injuries to the lungs and neurologic systemmicroelectronics industryExposed to ArsinicPaintersexposed to petroleum solvents, toluene, xylene, ketones, alcohols, esters, glycol ethers40% increase of lung cancer20% increase of all other cancersWood workersexposure to paint thinnersHigh risk for pancreatic cancerDrinking Water ContaminantsContaminantPotential Health DamageSources of ContaminantCadmiumKidney damagegalvanized pipes; natural deposits; runoff from metal refineries, waste, batteries and paintsChromium (total)Allergic dermatitisDischarge from steel and pulp mills; erosion of natural depositsCopperShort term exposure: intestinal distressLong term exposure: Liver or kidney damagehousehold plumbing; erosion of natural depositsLeadInfants & children: Delays physical, mental development; slows attention span and learning abilities Adults: Kidney problems; high blood pressurehousehold plumbing; erosion of natural depositsMercury (inorganic)Kidney damageErosion of natural deposits; discharge from refineries and factories; runoff from landfills and croplandsChromium occurs in a relatively harmless form and a much more dangerous, oxidized hexavalent form. Several studies have shown that chromium (VI) compounds can increase the risk of lung cancer and that ingesting large amounts of chromium (VI) can cause stomach upsets and ulcers, convulsions, kidney and liver damage, and even death, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The dangers of hexa-valent chromium in drinking water were popularized in the movie Erin Brockovich. Many fish are very sensitive to heavy-metal pollution. For example, trout cannot live in waters that contain more than about five parts per billion of copper. Heavy-metal contamination is very widespread, especially lead and mercury. Do Heavy Metals Effect the Body?You would not believe how much damage heavy metals can do. In the first place, they are all neurotoxic, which means they wreck havoc with our nervous system. ?AllergyChronic throat irritationMemory LossAttention Deficit DisorderDepressionMetallic taste in the mouthAutoimmune diseasesDigestive ProblemsMigraine HeadachesAlzheimer's diseaseFatigueMultiple SclerosisAsthmaFibromyalgiaParkinson's diseaseArthritisInsomniaSkin rashesAutismInfertilitySinus PropblemsAutoimmune disordersKidney diseaseThyroid and Adrenal DisordersCandidia (Yeast Overgrowth)Liver diseaseTingling in the hands and feetChronic Fatigue SyndromeLou Gehrig's disease (ALS)Tremors or shakeCancerLyme DiseaseHeavy metals inhibit both enzyme function and protein performance.The Most Wonderful of All God’s CreationCG 366 I must become acquainted with myself. I must be a learner always as to how to take care of this building, the body God has given me, that I may preserve it in the very best condition of health. I must eat those things which will be for my very best good physically, and I must take special care to have my clothing such as will conduce to a healthful circulation of the blood. I must not deprive myself of exercise and air. I must get all the sunlight that it is possible for me to obtain. I must have wisdom to be a faithful guardian of my body.I want to share with you some of the funtions of the Organs God has created in our system.Function of:For Detox:1.ColonAbsorbs nutrients from solid foodSeparates toxins from nutrients80% of Immune systempass toxins on for elimination2LiverFirst – Filter bacteria from bloodSecond – Makes bile (1 qt a day)Bile carries toxins to the intesines Where toxins are absorbed by fiber and excretedHigh fiber diet or toxins are reabsobed.2 quarts of blood pass through the liver every minute for detox(healthly liver) Filter 99% of toxins from the blood3Kidney & BladderFilters the blood and makes urine4LymphImmune SystemTransports white blood cellsRemoves toxins and wastes from cells for elimationSkinbody's largest detox organReleases toxins through sweatLungsSupplies oxygen to the heartremoves toxins from the bloodWe just went to the zoo two days ago. And we had a wonderful time seeing all of God’s creatures. I especially enjoyed the birds. But you know amid all of God’s beautiful creation the most wonderful of all His creation is our Human body. God has made our bodies to not only sustain our system but also to detox it from polution. However that only works when we follow the laws of health and protect our body from an overload of polution and toxins.CG 103 The Creator of man has arranged the living machinery of our bodies. Every function is wonderfully and wisely made. And God has pledged Himself to keep this human machinery in healthful action if the human agent will obey His laws and co-operate with God. We may behold and admire the work of God in the natural world, but the human habitation is the most wonderful.Natural RemediesLetter 90, 1908 (PH144 27) "The Lord has not left us without the use of simple remedies which when used will not leave the system in the weakened condition in which the use of drugs so often leave it. We need well trained nurses who can understand how to use the simple remedies that nature provides for restoration to health, and who can teach those who are ignorant of the laws of health how to use these simple but effective cures."Cilantro: will pull heavy metals from storage area of the bodyChorella: bind to heavy metals and remove from the bodyCranberry juice: will kille e-coliGarlic (Allicin): Natural Anti-biotic, many ways is stronger than drugs, will kill e-coli, MRSACharcoal: snake bites, indigestion, will absorb poison and toxic metals.Used in Emergency Room for poisoning. ...LLM 366 On one occasion a physician came to me in great distress. He had been called to attend a young woman who was dangerously ill. She had contracted fever while on the campground and was taken to our school-building, near Melbourne, Australia. But she became so much worse that it was feared she could not live. The physician, Dr. Merritt Kellogg, came to me and said, 'Sister White, have you any light for me on this case? If relief cannot be given our sister, she can live but a few hours.' I replied, 'Send to a blacksmith's shop and get some pulverized charcoal; make a poultice of it, and lay it over her stomach and sides.' The doctor hastened away to follow out my instructions. Soon he returned, saying, 'Relief came in less than half an hour after the application of the poultices. She is now having the first natural sleep she has had for days.' LLM 366 “I have ordered the same treatment for others who were suffering great pain, and it has brought relief, and been the means of saving life. My mother had told me that snake bites and the sting of reptiles and poisonous insects could often be rendered harmless by the use of charcoal poultices. Burdock root: detoxs the bladder and urinary tract, and removes heavy metals.Dandelion: Helps to detox the gall bladder, kidneys, and purify the blood.Wheatgrass: Contains chlorophyll which can detox the blood and liver.Fennel seed: helps with nausea, Cleanses the Kidneys, Essential oils: Natural plant anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic Like Breathing medicine through the nose.Living with trees and flowers: 2SM 301 “Light was given that there is health in the fragrance of the pine, the cedar, and the fir. And there are several other kinds of trees that have medicinal properties that are health promoting.”RH, September 29, 1904 “We have driven slowly through the park in every direction, looking with delight at the trees and the lakes, and inhaling the health-giving fragrance of the pines. It is delightful to ride through the forest.... I enjoy looking at the many different kinds of trees... There are medicinal properties in the fragrance of these trees. "Life, life," my husband used to say when riding among the pines. "Breathe deep, Ellen; fill your lungs with the fragrant, life-giving atmosphere." Living where its Peaceful and Quiet: AH 137 Faith, hope, love, happiness, can far better be gained in retired places, where there are fields and hills and trees. Take your children away from the sights and sounds of the city, away from the rattle and din of streetcars and teams, and their minds will become more healthy. It will be found easier to bring home to their hearts the truth of the word of God. Pure Air: AH 135 The physical surroundings in the cities are often a peril to health. The constant liability to contact with disease, the prevalence of foul air, impure water, impure food, the crowded, dark, unhealthful dwellings, are some of the many evils to be met. SpM 257 Many who have died of consumption might have lived if they had breathed more pure air. Fresh out-door air is as healing as medicine...Cheerful Heart: HR, June 1, 1871 “Dear invalid friends ...train yourselves to shed fragrance like the fresh flowers. If you are burdened and weary, you need not curl up like leaves upon a withered branch. Cheerfulness and a clear conscience are better than drugs, and will be an effective agent in your restoration to health. In order for you to be cheerful, you should have exercise. You should have something useful to do.”Liviing in the Country: AH 133 (John the Baptist) The greater portion of his life was spent in the wilderness.... It was John's choice to forego the enjoyments and luxuries of city life for the stern discipline of the wilderness. Here his surroundings were favorable to habits of simplicity and self-denial. Uninterrupted by the clamor of the world, he could here study the lessons of nature, of revelation, and of providence.... From his childhood his mission had been kept before him, and he accepted the holy trust. To him the solitude of the desert was a welcome escape from the society in which suspicion, unbelief, and impurity had become well-nigh all-pervading. He distrusted his own power to withstand temptation and shrank from constant contact with sin lest he should lose the sense of its exceeding sinfulness.AH 134 So with the great majority of the best and noblest men of all ages. Read the history of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph; of Moses, David, and Elisha. Study the lives of men of later times who have most worthily filled positions of trust and responsibility. How many of these were reared in country homes. They knew little of luxury. They did not spend their youth in amusement. Many were forced to struggle with poverty and hardship. They early learned to work, and their active life in the open air gave vigor and elasticity to all their faculties. Forced to depend upon their own resources, they learned to combat difficulties and to surmount obstacles, and they gained courage and perseverance. They learned the lessons of self-reliance and self-control. Sheltered in a great degree from evil associations, they were satisfied with natural pleasures and wholesome companionships. They were simple in their tastes and temperate in their habits. They were governed by principle, and they grew up pure and strong and true. When called to their lifework, they brought to it physical and mental power, buoyancy of spirit, ability to plan and execute, and steadfastness in resisting evil that made them a positive power for good in the world.Health Reform & SanctificationChristian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, p. 10 He who cherishes the light which God has given him upon health reform has an important aid in the work of becoming sanctified through the truth and fitted for immortality. But if he disregards that light and lives in violation of natural law... his spiritual powers are benumbed, and how can he perfect holiness in the fear of God?1Cor 6:19, 20 Know ye not," says the apostle Paul, "that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.CG 367 Our bodies are Christ's purchased possession, and we are not at liberty to do with them as we please. All who understand the laws of health should realize their obligation to obey these laws, which God has established in their being.COL 348 He who remains in willing ignorance of the laws of his physical being and who violates them through ignorance is sinning against God.CG 367 When I violate the laws God has established in my being, I am to repent and reform, and place myself in the most favorable condition under the doctors God has provided--pure air, pure water, and the healing, precious sunlight.Hope for those who are sickIn Psalms chapters 42 & 43, David is depressed but look at what he does.Ps 42:6 O my God,my soul is cast down within me: therefore will I remember theeHere we have the Key to Overcoming Depression (all in one verse)Look First at who is David speaking to? -- GodWhat is he telling God?He is telling God how he feelsHe is saying to God I am troubled and depressedHe is giving God all his troublesHow does David overcome depression?Makes a decision to -- Go to GodGivew God his troublesClaim and Believe in God’s PromisesChapter 43 -- David is still strugglingPs 43:5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me?In verse 5 who is David speaking to? -- HimselfWhat is David telling After giving God your toubles -- and the temptation still comes you have to tell your mind what to think and do.EW says You have to think faith to have faithhope in God:What does David tell himself?David says I will hope in God no matter what happens to meI will hope in God no matter how I feelfor I shall yet praise him,David is sayingNot only will I hope in God -- I will praise Himwho is] the health of my countenance, and my God.How does David overcome depression?by his hope and faith in GodBy praising GodBy having a cheerful countananceWhere does this verse say that health comes from?Trust in God - Praising God -Cheerful countananceOur health has a direct connection to Trustiing and Praising God and being cheerful.Are you sick? There is HOPE. God wants you to be well but it will require research and sacrifice.3John 1:2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health,even as thy soul prospereth.Is there a Relationship between health and sanctification?Here we see that as your soul prospers so will your health prosper.Prov 3:7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.3:8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. ................

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