
Real Exam English Episode Ten - TVUse Of English Exercises (answers at the end):1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:A. You may _____ around the TV channels and there's always something on that'll make you watch more TV.(a) change (b) move (c) flick (d) jumpB. The best TV program I've seen recently is a documentary called Once Upon a Time inIraq. It's a _______ documentary series.(a) five-part (b) fives-part (c) five-parts (d) five-parterC. You can _____ the channels and find something that works for you. (a) search (b) look (c) seek (d) browseD. I generally pick and _____ the programs I want to watch either by streaming them or watching them on DVD.(a) opt (b) select (c) elect (d) chooseE. I've been watching a _______ about the art of Persia and the art of the Low Countries.(a) chapter (b) serie (c) series (d) episode2. What is the missing word?(a) I can't be consistent with one show all the time so I just usually binge ____ something on Netflix.(b) At the moment I probably watch TV every day, but that's because ___ the situation of being in lockdown at the moment.3. Word Formation – Form a word to fit the gap, using the word in brackets. At the moment I probably watch TV every day, but that's because of the situation of being in _____ at the moment.(LOCK)4. Sentence Transformation (Use of English Part 4)If it doesn't win lots of awards this year, it will surprise me.(AMAZED)I_______ if it doesn't win lots of awards this year.Transcript:Hello and welcome to Real Exam English, my name is Trevor. Today?s episode is about TV. Now, of course the way we consume television is changing and the majority of young people tend to watch very little traditional TV so when we speak about TV here that also includes streaming platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO or whatever.Today we have 3 different accents from the USA, West Coast, East Coast and Midwest, from the UK we have one from London and one from the north of England and we also have one from Ireland, a super mix of accents for you to practice listening to. As usual you can request the transcripts on the Real Exam English pages on Facebook or Instagram.Ok then, let’s go with the questions.Trevor: What kind of TV programs do you enjoy most?Karen(USA): Well lately, because of what’s been going on, I?ve been watching a lot of TV. Especially Netflix. I really like documentaries, so I?ve been watching a lot of documentaries on Netflix. What else have I been watching…..and I?ll watch Dateline, I like a lot of true crime, I don?t know if you?re familiar with that, but uhm….a lot of true crime shows. But I really don?t have the time to….I can?t be like consistent with one show all the time so I just usually just like binge watch something on Netflix. Oh, I just watched….I just binged Mad Men again, so I?m really into that right now.Trevor: Binge watch is to watch a lot of episodes consecutively, usually on some streaming service, like Netflix in this case.Binge is usually used with negative activities, so other common collocations are a drinking binge, a shopping binge or binge eating.Trevor: What kind of TV programs do you like best?Ofordi(UK): Oh it depends on the mood I?m in really. I don?t really subscribe to one genre of TV so it really does depend on my mood. But generally things that are science fiction fantasy related or quite sort of educational. So things like…..I?ve been watching a series about the art of Persia and the art of the Low Countries, so that?s the Netherlands and Belgium. But I also really like science and crime, so it?s a mixed bag really.Trevor: How often do you watch TV? Lesley(UK): At the moment I probably watch TV every day, which is quite unusual, but that?s because of the situation of being in lockdown at the moment. So, watching it each evening. Never watch TV during the day, I?ve always got, I always feel like I?ve got something more interesting to do during the day. But I?ll watch a bit in the evening. Generally, not watching live TV though, sort of picking and choosing the programs I want to watch by either streaming them in or even having them on old-fashioned DVDs.Trevor: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of television channels to choose from?Emma(Ireland): Well, the advantage is obviously variety and that there?s nearly always something on that you would watch. The disadvantage is that you?re more prone to watch more TV and you?re more likely to be tempted all the time. For instance, you may decide to watch a television program at nine o?clock until ten o?clock and then at ten o?clock you may flick around the channels and there?s always something on that?ll make you watch more TV. Whereas if you didn?t have all the channels that wouldn?t be the case. You?d be limited. It isn?t a problem for me but I can see how it would be a problem for people.Trevor: Why do you think watching TV is such a popular pastime?Emma: It takes us away from our reality. It’s a release from the everyday stresses of life. you can get involved in a program or a series and just not have to think about the day-to-day things you would normally be thinking about. That?s one aspect of it, or one reason why it is a popular pastime. Another reason is probably just because it is so easy and open to a variety of different levels of intelligence and educationTrevor: Do you prefer to watch a performance live or on TV?Mike: I actually prefer live, I like to be in the arena or in the stadium with the fans, feeling the same emotions that a person in the audience is feeling when they?re watching their favourite team or their favourite player play. For me, it?s one of the best things, is going to a live sporting event. Trevor: Do you think that television can even be educational?Mike: Yea of course, television can always be educational. It depends what the topic is about. There?s many programs on television that can be…that covers different genres. For example, comedy, romance, soap operas, but there?s also television programs that are more educational, about nature, or science, or even at times mathematics or language. So, it just depends on what the program is that could be considered educational, but y?know sometimes sports can be educational.Trevor: Tell us about a TV program you?ve seen recently.Ade(UK): The best TV program I?ve seen recently is a documentary called Once Upon a Time in Iraq. It?s a five-part documentary series interviewing the journalists, the people on the ground, the soldiers, basically everybody apart from the politicians about what happened in Iraq and it was a fantastic documentary. I?ll be amazed if it doesn?t win lots of awards this year.Trevor: Why do you think watching TV is such a popular pastime?(Ade): I guess because it?s easy, it?s in your front room. Hopefully, you can browse the channels and find something that works for you. Y?know, everyone?s got diverse tastes so the talk shows and sort of find talent shows, from the country show talent and that sort of thing is just something I?d never watch, whereas for me I like watching quite interesting documentaries, nature programs, films, so I guess it?s just a nice easy way of relaxing and finding something that works for you. It?s easy, innit. Trevor: A couple of very British expressions here. The first one is the front room. The Front room is really the sitting room, this is traditionally the room in the front of the house beside the front door, thus the name and it’s the room where the family TV is usually located.The second expression is innit I.N.NIT, if anyone has been to the UK or watches British TV then I?m sure you?ve heard this. INNIT is another way of saying isn?t it, which is a question tag. So the example was it?s easy, innit. As with any question tag if the beginning of the sentence is affirmative then the question tag is negative, and vice versa. A word of warning however, this is very informal so definitely not something you should use in an exam situation.Ok folks, that’s it with the questions for today. Remember the next time you are in your front room flicking around try to pick and choose a good series from your favourite genre and try not to binge watch it all in one go!Ok, hope you enjoyed todays episode, would love to hear from you on the Real Exam English pages on Facebook and Instagram and would really appreciate it if you could subscribe to the podcast on apple podcase, Spotify or wherever.This is actually the last episode in series one on the Real Exam English podcast. I?d like to give a huge thanks to all of the speakers who gave their valuable time to answer questions and thank you all so much for listening and for giving feedback. For series 2 we?re going to have a bunch of new accents for you as well as a completely new range of topics. We will continue to be active on social media so keep an eye out for vocabulary and grammar exercises as well as news on when season 2 of the podcast will be out. Ok then, All the best, TrevorFancy LanguageTV vocabulary: series, five-part, documentary, binge watch, flick around, science fiction fantasy, crime, science, streaming, programs, DVDs, channels, true crime, comedy, romance, soap operas, talk shows, talents shows, nature programsUse of English Answers:1 A. (c) B. (a) C. (d) D. (d) E. (c) 2. (a) watch (b) of3. lockdown4. will be amazed ................

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