Oct 3 to Nov 6 Drama Class Fri. Oct. 2, 2020 Target: Participate in team-building warm up; demonstrate knowledge of and reflect on group progress Check In: Taking Care of You. Warm Up: “Film Friday” – when you know the film, type it in the Chat Box. “Beetlejuice,” 1988. Director Tim Burton. Warm Up: Pantomime (review term): As many chores as we can think of. We need a counter. Theatre History Group Project Progress Quiz Let’s gauge where we are: If you need more time If you’re ready to present and move ahead, The Romans. On the basis of #4 “quiz,” I’ve added another day for preparation: A. Next class/Tues. Oct. 6 = establish order to present and mostly work day to develop your presentation. B. Due Wed. Oct. 6 = Outline of your presentation and MLA Works Cited. C. Th. Oct. 7: Presentations begin. Group Work Time. Tues. Oct. 6, 2020 Target: Participate in team-building warm up, contribute to and finish group presentation. Warm Up: Tuesday/Twos-day: Famous Duos. When you know this famous duo, type it into the Chat Box. Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers. History of Theatre Project Adjustments Due Wed. Oct. 6 = Outline of your presentation and MLA Works Cited. Th. Oct. 7: Presentations begin. Advise: Do NOT ditch class. Your classmates. Your learning. Establish order to present Projects. Work Time in Break Out Groups. Keep track of research sources and resources (to utilize for Works Cited)Thurs. Oct. 8 History of Theatre Project Presentations Take Notes – test on key ideas after all groups have presented Mon. Oct. 12, 2020 Warm Up: Musical Monday! Play a song from a musical. When you know the song or the show, type it into the Chat Box as I play the tune. “SOS” from Mamma Mia! History of Theatre Project Presentations. Take Notes – test on key ideas after all groups have presented. Ask Questions. Class Review of Key ideas from Presentations: Groups Break Out to decide the top 3 things not to forget about their presentation. Use Online White Board for Groups to offer the top 3 ideas. Questions? Additions? History of Theatre: The Romans, The Middle Ages after the Fall of Roman Empire. Passion Plays. Read over “The Romans” in your History of Theatre Packet for … next class (?) … depends on progress with presentations. Wed. Oct. 14, 2020 Target: Continue learning the development of theatre.A last History of Theatre Group Presentation. Take Notes. History of Theatre: Commedia Del Arte – with LCD examples and picturesHave an awesome MEA Break! Tues. Oct. 20Target: Finish group history of theatre presentations; Understand origins and foundations of theatre.Warm Up: Tuesday / Twos-day Duos – Laverne & Shirley Check in: with Jim Varney Faces and gForm. A.N. #5: “Control & Energy.” First let’s think. Let’s step back a moment to breathe, reflect, and process. Think: What is happening for you right now that you have control over and don’t have control over? Then, write about what is happening that you DO have control over – with online school/classes? -- with home or family – with relationships – with self … and think about where and how you are investing your energies. (no blame, no shame, just honest looking) A.N. Prompts – so far – are posted on our class page. But this is not yet complete! One more group presentation for history of theatre project. Each Group offers 3 Key points to know from group presentation by writing Topic and 3 ideas on Whiteboard to share out. Class ReviewField questions. If time: Stock Characters Assignment (actually fun, b/c you watch shows for class) due Wed. Oct. 28Th. Oct. 22History of Theatre Quiz from group Presentations. gForm A.N. #6 AND 7 (8 points) – posted under “Class Activity Materials”The “So What? Factor. We have learned about many different types of theatre from a variety of cultures and time periods. We’ve read about them, heard about them, seen samples/examples from them, taken notes about them, and even created live performance based on them! Meaningful questions from having done all of this are “So what? Who cares? What difference does it make?” In a short, well-written short response essay, please explain what an understanding of the scope theatrical history provides to an overall understanding of performance art. Instead of thinking specifically about one or two areas, think inclusively, comprehensively about the majority of areas that span time and cultures; then you can use specifics as examples to support your thesis. How does a comprehensive exposure to different types of theatre over a span of history and cultures contribute to your overall understanding of performance art? Stock Characters Chart – due Wed. Oct. 28Mon. Oct. 26Target: Continue learning the development and progression of theatre through history“Godot Beckett Cartoon” IMPORTANT! Turn in all Q1 work this Wed. Oct. 28 = last dayWarm Up: “Musical Monday!”We’ve got 2 today: Seussical “Alone in the Universe” Annie “It’s a Hard Knock Life” and “Tomorrow” Last class review: History of Theatre Quiz from presentations A. N. #6 AND 7 – posted under “class activity materials” Time to work on Stock Characters Viewing and Chart – due Wed. Oct. 28 – activity next class to discuss your findings. Questions?History of Theatre: Reformation to Puritans (includes The Renaissance) – in your packet Work Time: Stock Characters Chart – for viewing and chart. Due next class. Keep coming to class! I miss you when you’re not here. Stay engaged when you are here. More creative activities ahead. Reminder: IMPORTANT! Turn in all Q1 work this Wed. Oct. 28 = last dayHeads UP: Next class our warm-up will include an at-home costume challenge for a well-known celebrity or characters. Wed. Oct. 28Target: Practice creativity; Turn in stock characters chart & be able to discuss your findings; Continue learning the development and progression of theatre through historyWarm Up: Costume Challenge – you have 10 minutes to find items in your room/house to try to present a well-known character or celebrity. Stock Character Chart Due. Activity. Small Groups share their discoveries/findings for Stock Characters – in Break Out GroupsWhole Class: Stock Characters Chart Discussion. Turn in. History of Theatre Packet: Neoclassical Theatre & The Enlightenment – in your packetFri. Oct. 30, 2020Target: Practice group creativity, Continue to learn the progression of theatre through historyWarm Up, Part A: “Film Friday!” We’ve got 3 today: The Shining Close Encounters of the Third Kind Rain Main Warm Up, Part B: Famous Place Tableau Define the word tableau. Individually, write down 5-6 famous places that we will all know In groups of 3: Share your ideas and select 3 famous places, discuss themDecide how all 3 of you can create a tableau of this place, each creating an image that, together, can help us to know what this place it. Plan:Physical positioning Facial expressionsGesturing Present your Famous Place in a Tableau to the class, and we guess the place. Before you leave, share something you’re looking forward to this weekend. For me, my daughter is coming home! Tues. Nov. 3 – No Classes. End Q1 and Grading Day. Wed. Nov. 4Actors Notebook #8: The best films or stage shows and what made them the “best.” Group Activity and Discussion – History of Theatre Packet, review the first 4,000 of theatrical developments. Small Groups review, decide, report on a gDoc: For each era, 3 main/important contributions what’s relevant today. For Friday, Read History of Theatre Packet: The Romantic Age, Realism, and Special Interest Theatre. Out of Class Work – what should/could you be doing?Study History of Theatre Packet for Quiz or Test – Nov. 16 – class review before testTurn in Honors Option work, if not completed yet.Fri. Nov. 6 Film Friday Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder) What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp) Braveheart (Mel Gibson) Warm Up: Charades Charades as warm up. Categories: animals, TV Shows, outdoor activities. History of Theatre Packet: The Romantic Age, Realism, and Special Interest Theatre.Assignment: Theatre Terminology: Learning the Lingo. Read through theatre terms and note or mark any terms you are not familiar with. Make sure to ask your instructor for clarification ................

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