Dear (Supervisor, GM, etc.),

I am writing today for permission to attend the 2014 PBS Technology Conference, April 2-4, just prior to the NAB Show.

Topics I expect to learn more on include: (add/subtract/customize as needed or applicable):

• The latest about the next version of Interconnection, also known as v6.

• Both an overview and in-depth exploration of new Cloud computing as it applies to broadcasting.

• Technical considerations of the upcoming Spectrum Repack, as well as the latest updates on FCC policy and the auction.

• Best practices for NRT and Traffic implementation.

• Production sessions on topics that could help save money, such as: DSLR productions, Wireless Microphones and Next Generation Editing Platforms.

• Progress and what we need to know about our industry’s movement towards 4K Ultra HDTV. While we may not be there yet, it’s where television is heading. Netflix has announced they will begin delivering it for February 2014.

• IEEE will be presenting their course, Bridging the Gap: Video and IT Technology for Engineers, as a pre-conference workshop.

• My TechCon badge will enable me to attend an extra day of sessions: the Ennes workshops presented by SBE as part of NAB.

• Updates on: the WARN Project, standards such as ATSC 3.0, File Delivery to PBS, IP Video, Mobile Emergency Alerting, American Archive Project, PBCore, ETAC, and many more.

Attending TechCon in April will be beneficial to our station in a number of ways: the most important is the opportunity to make face to face connections to share solutions and strategies. The technology leaders across the system who both face and solve problems will be there. TechCon hosts built-in networking sessions where I will reach out to those colleagues from other stations dealing with the same concerns we are. Kiosks with staff from PBS projects such as v6, MyPBS, WARN, NRT, and Digital will also be available for questions and consultation.

For example, our current challenges regarding (insert specific topic here if applicable – or delete this sentence) – this is an issue that someone at a fellow member station has likely already faced and solved.

If allowed to attend, I pledge to use my time at the conference wisely so our station will benefit to the maximum level from my attendance. If we register before February 21, we can take advantage of the Early Bird Discount and save $100. Many thanks for your consideration.


(your name here)


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