Heat Pumps for Household Temperature ControlDan Spence Refrigeration LtdSUMMARYThis report recommends heat pumps over baseboard heating and regular air conditioning. With a heat pump, the consumer gets the best of both worlds. It is still not recommended to have just a heat pump for the only source of heat especially living in Newfoundland. In the last five years, heat pumps have been enjoyed by many for temperature control.It is important to select the heat pump that is right for you with the assistance from an installation company. If your home is completely set up to handle a heat pump, then you will notice savings. If your home is not set up to handle a heat pump, additional work will need to be done based on the age of your home. Keep up with maintenance or call an installation company to check over your unit.? Keep on the lookout for safety of you and your home.? i Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc43041840 \h 12.0 HEAT PUMP DEFINED PAGEREF _Toc43041841 \h 22.1 Brands PAGEREF _Toc43041842 \h 22.2 Brochures PAGEREF _Toc43041843 \h 22.4 Types of Heat Pumps PAGEREF _Toc43041844 \h 32.5 Atlantic Canada Heat Pump PAGEREF _Toc43041845 \h 62.6 Pros, Cons & Ideal For Chart PAGEREF _Toc43041846 \h 72.7 Size of Heat Pump Chart & Other Factors PAGEREF _Toc43041847 \h 82.7. 2 Three factors affect sizing PAGEREF _Toc43041848 \h 93.0 INSTALLATION PAGEREF _Toc43041849 \h 103.1 Required tools and parts PAGEREF _Toc43041850 \h 103.2 Installation Steps PAGEREF _Toc43041851 \h 11Step 1: Install the Condenser PAGEREF _Toc43041852 \h 11Step 2: Add Air Handler Mount PAGEREF _Toc43041853 \h 11Step 3: Mount the Air Handler PAGEREF _Toc43041854 \h 12Step 4: Connect the Air Handler to the Condenser PAGEREF _Toc43041855 \h 12Step 5: Cover the Lines PAGEREF _Toc43041856 \h 13Step 6: Make Final Connections PAGEREF _Toc43041857 \h 133.3 Good VS Poor Installation PAGEREF _Toc43041858 \h 144.0 COST PAGEREF _Toc43041859 \h 14Example of an invoice (that was originally a quote to a customer) PAGEREF _Toc43041860 \h 15Example invoice from Kerr that is entered on system (previously a quote) PAGEREF _Toc43041861 \h 165.0 HEAT PUMP MAINTENANCE PAGEREF _Toc43041862 \h 175.1 Once a year servicing PAGEREF _Toc43041863 \h 176.0 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PAGEREF _Toc43041864 \h 186.1 Comprehensive Hazard Assessment PAGEREF _Toc43041865 \h 187.0 CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc43041866 \h 188.0 REFERENCES PAGEREF _Toc43041867 \h 19iiTable of Figures FigureDescriptionPage Number1Primary Heating Systems & Types of Energy1BrochuresBulletin Board Picture2Videos2 videos (click logos)32Air Source33Water Source44Ground Source45Pros, Cons, Ideal For Chart76Heat Pump Sizing Chart87Check List97-9Section 3.1 – 3.3 (Install)10-1310Good vs Poor Installation1411Example Supplier Quote (on system, screen shot)1512Example Customer Invoice (on system, screen shot)1613Cost Chart16LinkComprehensive Hazard Assessment Link18iiiINTRODUCTIONIn the last five years, heat pumps have been enjoyed by many for temperature control. Heat pumps are a viable source in contrast to traditional heating and cooling. According to an article on the CBC website, it seems that baseboards are starting to phase out, saying that "Baseboard heaters are popular because they are very cheap and easy to install. However, those and other kinds of electrical resistance heaters are very inefficient. "They are like just having a toaster running in your house all day, resulting in high electric bills," said Faught (CBC, 2020).? ? ??David Turbull, who is a former homebuilder, and current manager of Enerspec Energy Consulting, said his company built a townhome complex in Edmonton where units were relatively small and so well-insulated that "you could almost heat the house with two hairdryers." In that case, baseboard heating made financial sense (CBC, 2020).? ? ??Here is a multi-heating system and type of energy comparison, from statistics Canada in 2017 (CBC,2020).?? Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 Source: HEAT PUMP DEFINEDA heat pump is an all-in-one device used year-round to keep homes comfortable year- round. In places where there is natural gas or geothermal availability, heat pumps are available for purchase. According to Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., “Capable of both heating and cooling, heat pump systems work like a refrigerator, using electricity to pump heat from a cool space to a warm one to move warm air indoors in the winter, and vice versa in the summer. Because they move heat rather than generating it, operational costs are significantly reduced” (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).2.1 BrandsThere is more than one brand available, and some examples are Kerr, Panasonic, Lennox, LG, Samsung, and Carrier Enterprise. Each brand offers a variety of functions, power, BTU, etc.?The brochures in the next section may give a consumer a more precise idea to get a better understanding.??2.2 Brochures 3803652924810Bulletin Board Graphic - Google searchBulletin Board Graphic - Google search38036548641000 Several brochures can be accessed to help with this excellent investment. Below are links to various brochures. 3905250971550023145751035050088582513589000 2.3 Videos Here are two videos that show valuable information on heat pumps. How Heat Pumps Are MadeParts of the Heat Pump & How It Works585470228600010172702286000Source: Youtube 2.4 Types of Heat Pumps There are three main types of heat pumps, and they are air source, water source, and ground source (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Air SourceInexpensive to install and commonly used, air source heat pumps function well in moderate climates, using outside air as a medium for heat exchange (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Source: SourceWater source heat pumps dissipate heat by way of water instead of air. They require well, lake, or other water source access, and are not as common (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 SourceGround-source or geothermal heat pumps take advantage of thermal energy stored underground, transferring heat in a similar manner to air source heat pumps. Due to the constant temperature of the ground, they offer much more efficient operation, however, installation is pricier and more complicated due to the need for excavation and installation of underground piping (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Source: There are also three sub-types: hybrid heat pump, solar heat pump, and absorption/gas-fired heat pump (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Hybrid Heat PumpIn climates that run the gamut from very warm in the summer to very cold in the winter, two types of hybrid systems are available to boost efficiency (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Ground & air source heat pump combos, with air source systems leading the way when air is warm outside but switching to ground source when temperatures drop (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Heat pump and gas/oil boiler combo, where simultaneous operation can offer more consistent warmth at a higher level of efficiency. (Commonly used in homes with existing boiler systems.) (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Solar Heat PumpUsed in conjunction with air and geothermal heat pumps, solar heat pumps integrate solar panels as a power supply for the system. With a solar, geothermal setup, it is possible to heat/cool your entire home by renewable energy (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).Absorption or Gas-Fired Heat PumpDriven by another heat source other than electricity (solar/geothermal/gas), these systems are more typical to industrial applications (Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., 2019).2.5 Atlantic Canada Heat Pump In Newfoundland, it seems that, according to "Take Back the Tide, Newfound Government," Heat pumps designed for Newfoundland and Labrador's climate can deliver over 200% more heat than an equivalent baseboard heating system. In general, an air-source heat pump can be installed to meet about 80-90% of your annual heating requirements. It is not recommended to use a heat pump to meet all of your heating requirements. In Canada, our cold climate means that we require more energy to provide heating than cooling. If the heat pump is sized to meet 100% of your heating needs, it will be too large to meet your cooling needs and will only work intermittently. As a result, heat pumps are usually installed with supplementary heating, such as an oil furnace or electric-resistance heaters. However, with a heat pump, your heating or air conditioning system does not need to work nearly as hard" (Turn Back the Tide, 2020) If an individual is skeptical about purchasing a heat pump in Atlantic Canada due to unpredictable climate, according to Daikin, "this is a common misconception, and heat pumps are an excellent option for both heating and cooling in Atlantic Canada. Whether you're in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia; Edmundston, New Brunswick; Summerside, Prince Edward Island; or Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador, heat pumps are the leading solution for saving a substantial amount on your energy bill year-round" (Daikin, 2020). Furthermore, according to Daikin, heat pumps have come a long way because the misconception that heat pumps tend to underperform in extreme weather was undoubtedly correct in the past, as many models would shut down at temperatures just below freezing. This limitation made heat pumps viable only in temperate climates, not in Atlantic Canada, where temperatures frequently get into the double digits below freezing (Daikin, 2020).Heat pumps can now operate efficiently at temperatures into the negative 20-degree range, a far cry from the lowly heat pumps of the past. Although this does present some limitations, it does show that heat pumps can withstand the vast majority of frigid winters—all while saving homeowners up to 60 percent in their heating costs, compared to traditional means of home heating (Daikin, 2020).2.6 Pros, Cons & Ideal For ChartWhile deciding which type of heat pump an individual would like to purchase, it would be beneficial to understand the pros and cons of this outstanding piece of technology. The chart below discusses some "pros, cons, and ideal for" (Best Practices Guide, 2020). Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3Source: page 92.7 Size of Heat Pump Chart & Other Factors When considering purchasing a heat pump, determining size is not an easy task. Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air suggests the following three steps to get a general idea only. (Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air, 2020)2.7.1 Three steps for size (Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air, 2020)Calculate the square footage of the room by multiplying its length by its width.Multiply the area by 25. This answer is the approximate British Thermal Unit (BTU) output you need for that room, which is how ductless heat pumps are sized. Simply put, one BTU represents the amount of energy required to cool or heat one pound of water by 1° F. (Remember: heat pumps can both heat AND cool your home.)Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each room that needs a ductless unit. Here is a breakdown in the form of a chart, retrieved from Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air. Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4(Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air, 2020)It is important to note that there are more factors considered besides square footage of a household. It is recommended for a walk-through, so the technician will be able to determine the correct size using this list from Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air. SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 clipboard image google picture2.7. 2 Three factors affect sizingMinneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air states three examples of how these factors can affect the sizing. If your ceilings are over 8 feet tall, you should increase your estimated BTU output by 20%.If the room is poorly insulated, you should increase your estimated BTU by 30%.If your city’s temperatures often exceed 90° F, increase your estimated BTU by 30%. (Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air, 2020)3.0 INSTALLATIONInstalling a heat pump is not an easy task. Various installers recommend that a certified installer should perform this job. A homeowner can do it themselves, but they must know what they are doing. A basic tools and a part list is below, along with instructions and pictures retrieved from Improvenet (Improvenet, 2020).Required tools and parts Here are the required tools and parts for a heat-pump installation (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020).Heat PumpLevelCable TieCondenserHole Saw – ?’ MinimalTape DrillPliersAny other required additional materials HammerWire Stripper3.2 Installation Steps Here are instructions on how to install a mini-split (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020)Step 1: Install the CondenserInstall the condenser outside the house. The condenser is used to convert and transfer heat and air throughout the home. This unit essentially moves heat and air to your desired room. Before installation, drill a ?’ hole in the wall for the refrigerant lines. As far as placement, the condenser should be installed at least 4’ away from the house. Make sure there is at least 20’ of clear air above and in front. Oftentimes, homeowners have to remove bushes and flowers to make room for the condenser. The unit can rest on the ground on a stand, or it can be mounted like a television to the wall. (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020)Step 2: Add Air Handler MountFind a place for the air handler, or the device that releases the cold or warm air into the room. The air handler should be within 30 feet of the condenser because a few cords will be connecting the two. The air handler should be at least 2’ from the ceiling and nowhere near a TV.Screw in the mounting plate, the device that holds the air handler onto the wall. This is just like mounting a television. Once the plate is securely fastened, drill a 3’ hole right below the lower right corner. This hole is to ensure that all lines can be connected. (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020)253365028067000Step 3: Mount the Air HandlerTo make things easier when holding the heavy air handler, we want to make sure all lines are securely fastened into the air handler. With the cover off, connect the refrigerant lines, control wire, and condensate hose. Additionally, it may be a good idea to connect the three with a cable tie or tape. Some also cover all three with a protective sleeve to ensure none rip while being ran through the walls. (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020)With all cords attached, lift the handler and hold until all cords are in the wall. Then, mount the unit onto the actual plate. Once screwed in, make sure it is securely fastened. Just like a TV, you do not want it falling down five minutes after installation. (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020)Step 4: Connect the Air Handler to the CondenserThis is the step that can trip people up if they choose to install the unit themselves. If being done without a professional, call one if you need help or have any questions (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020). After you snake the wires all the way through the walls to that outside hole, connect the outdoor unit’s power cable to a breaker cable. Then, connect the control wire from the outdoor unit to the air handler. To finalize the connection, take the ends of the refrigerant lines and connect them to the condenser. Some use flare nuts to make the final connection as an extra precaution (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020).Step 5: Cover the LinesJust like those ugly television wires, the control wires and refrigerant lines are not a nice view. Therefore, a plastic covering can be installed on the sides if there are more than a few inches are showing. Make sure everything is fully fastened before attaching to the wall (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020). -609600000Step 6: Make Final ConnectionsBefore adding the cover to the outside unit, connect a gauge manifold and a vacuum pump to the refrigerant lines. Both can detect leaks, dry the lines if needed, and ensure the pressure inside the unit is safe (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020).Finally, go back inside and install the cover on the air handler (How to Install a Heat Pump, 2020).3.3 Good VS Poor Installation Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6 pg 17Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7 Pg 18 same link4.0 COSTEach unit varies in price. Included with prices is the outside unit (that can be placed on a concrete block or mounted on the home/commercial building.), indoor unit (which is the actual heat pump), various parts, and labor. Example of an invoice (that was originally a quote to a customer) The customer invoice will show the model number and serial number as well as electrical if opted permit and contract price, which includes all of the mentioned above. On the next page, there is an example of a customer invoice. Example invoice from Kerr that is entered on the system (previously a quote) Note: These two screenshots are not related. Not included with the installation unless specified in a quote are an electrical service hook-up fee and installation permit. For example, a price list below includes a breakdown of each unit.The price list does not cover more powerful units or central air. Higher BTU units are quoted to a customer once a quote is received from the supplier. The electrical service is $350, and the local permit is $60. Both charges are subject to HST.BTUCostHSTTotal12,000$2,900$435$3,33518,000$3,400$510$391024,000$4,000$600$46005.0 HEAT PUMP MAINTENANCELike all heating and cooling systems, proper maintenance is key to efficient operation. The difference between the energy consumption of a well-maintained heat pump and a severely neglected one ranges from 10% to 25% (“Operating and Maintaining Your Heat Pump,” 2020)Clean or change filters once a month or as needed and maintain the system according to manufacturer's instructions. Dirty filters, coils, and fans reduce airflow through the system. Reduced airflow decreases system performance and can damage your system's compressor. Clean outdoor coils whenever they appear dirty; occasionally, turn off power to the fan and clean it; remove vegetation and clutter from around the outdoor unit. Clean the supply and return registers in your home and straighten their fins if bent. (“Operating and Maintaining Your Heat Pump,” 2020)5.1 Once a year servicingA professional technician service your heat pump at least once a year. The technician can do the following:Inspect ducts, filters, blower, and indoor coil for dirt and other obstructionsDiagnose and seal duct leakageVerify adequate airflow by measurementVerify correct refrigerant charge by measurementCheck for refrigerant leaksInspect electric terminals, and, if necessary, clean and tighten connections, and apply nonconductive coatingLubricate motors, and inspect belts for tightness and wearVerify correct electric control, making sure that heating is locked out when the thermostat calls for cooling and vice versaVerify the correct thermostat operation. (“Operating and Maintaining Your Heat Pump,” 2020)6.0 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETYWith anything in life, whether it is at work, out in public, at someone's home, on vacation, or at home, it is vital to be cognizant of safety. Heat Pumps are no different. 6.1 Comprehensive Hazard AssessmentClick to explore the Comprehensive Hazard Assessment.7.0 CONCLUSIONIt is vital to select the heat pump right for you with the assistance from an installation company. If your home is completely set up to handle a heat pump, then you will notice savings. If your home is not set up to handle a heat pump, additional work will need to be done based on your home age. Keep up with maintenance or call an installation company to check over your unit. Keep on the lookout for the safety of you and your home. 8.0 ReferencesAir, M. (2020). What Size Ductless Heat Pump Do I Need? - Minneapolis Saint Paul Plumbing Heating Air. Retrieved 14 June 2020, from . (2016, April 4). How to Build A Heat Pump [Video]. YouTube. URL Enterprise. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from Heat Pumps Work in Atlantic Canada?. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from Brochures for Heat Pumps. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from HYPERLINK "" , gas furnaces? Why electrification is the future of home heating | CBC News. (2020). Retrieved 10 June 2020, from Performance Best Practices Guide. (2020). [Ebook] (p. 9). Retrieved from To Install A Heat Pump | Heat Pump Installation Cost. (2020). Retrieved 10 June 2020, from Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pumps - Kerr Smart Energy. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from and Maintaining Your Heat Pump. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from Document (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from . ( 2012, June 7) . How Does a Heat Pump Work? [Video]. YouTube. URL HYPERLINK "" Back the Tide | Heat Pumps at Home. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from are the Different Types of Heat Pumps?. (2020). Retrieved 14 June 2020, from ................

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