District Office Board Room

10365 Keller Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505

Thursday, March 4, 2010 – Closed Session will begin following Hearing Session at 5:00 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER – 5:00 p.m.

Establishment of Quorum: A quorum is expected with Mr. Ben Johnson II, Mrs. Carolyn M. Wilson, Mr. José Luis Pérez, Mr. Art Kaspereen, Jr. and Mr. Greg Kraft in attendance.


This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak to any item on the Closed Session agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to three minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.


1. Student Disciplinary Actions

a. Expulsion Cases #2009-10-79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87 and 92

2. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment

a. Certificated

b. Classified

c. Management/Administration

3. Public Employee Evaluations

a. Superintendent

b. High School Principals

4. Conference with Labor Negotiator

Agency Negotiator: Craig Wells

Employee Organizations:

a. Alvord Educators Association

b. California School Employees Association, Chapter 339



1. Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. – President Ben Johnson II

2. Pledge of Allegiance: Board, staff and audience.

3. Approve Minutes: Board approval is requested for the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 18, 2010, and the Open Discussion Meeting of February 22, 2010.

4. Special Recognitions:

a. Student of the Month:

Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School is delighted to honor Paola Aguirre as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for March 2010.

Paola Aguirre has been a student in Alvord since her education began in 2005. She has been a student at Rosemary Kennedy since 2006. She began her education as an English Learner who has not just made progress but true significant growth. Paola has truly flourished as a student. She is not just educated to her studies but she always strives to do her best. One key quality about Paola is her modesty, whether it’s placing in the Spelling Bee, Science Fair, Reflections sponsored by PTA, Benchmarks or CST, she always remains leveled and true to her love for learning. This year Paola earned the Reflections Award for Beauty. She took a picture of a Rosemary Kennedy rose in different settings until she found just the right lighting. Paola is a rose herself that continues to find the right lighting in order to succeed.

It is a great pleasure to honor Paola Aguirre as the Alvord Unified School District Student of the Month for March 2010.

b. Certificated Employee of the Month:

Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School is proud to recognize Oralia Tenorio-Dubon as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for March 2010.

Oralia began her teaching career at Rosemary Kennedy in 1999. Oralia is a great asset to Rosemary Kennedy’s team. She is dedicated to the students and more importantly to the success of all children. You will never hear her complain, she is always positive and looks for better ways to help her students. Oralia also started the RMK Photography Club two years ago. Not knowing much about photography she stepped in and has truly changed the lives of many students who now look at school through a different lens. Because of her great vision and way of looking at students, she has helped them make significant gains.

It is a great pleasure to honor Oralia Tenorio-Dubon as the Alvord Unified School District Certificated Employee of the Month for March 2010.

c. Classified Employee of the Month:

Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School is proud to recognize Dianne Najera as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for March 2010.

Dianne Najera has been at Rosemary Kennedy for almost 5 years. Since her arrival she has brought a new level of customer service to all. Anytime you call or come to Rosemary Kennedy Dianne greats you with a smile, with a good morning and how can I help you. Dianne always looks to provide individuals with answers. She always strives to give everyone she comes in contact with the best customer service.

It is a great pleasure to honor Dianne Najera as the Alvord Unified School District Classified Employee of the Month for March 2010.

d. Volunteer of the Month:

Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School is proud to recognize Sandra Antonio as the Alvord Unified School District Volunteer of the Month for March 2010.

Sandra Antonio is a truly outstanding Volunteer. She has been volunteering her time for over 2 years at Rosemary Kennedy as she makes progress at Cal State San Bernardino to complete her Bachelors Degree. She comes in every week and helps students that are struggling. Her passion for student learning is evident in her dedication. When Sandra says she will be here she will adhere to her schedule regardless of the fact that she does it for free. Students always look forward to working with Mrs. Antonio. Sandra knows the kids need her and believes they have made a difference in her life as well. Sandra has definitely changed students’ attitude toward learning.

It is a great pleasure to honor Sandra Antonio as the Alvord Unified School District Volunteer of the Month for March 2010.


|Paola Aguirre |( | |Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School |

|Raquel Olivares |( | |Alvord High School |

|Celina Rives |( | |La Sierra High School |

|Elizabeth Arreola |( | |Norte Vista High School |


5. Alvord Educators Association – Alvord Blue Cross Self-Funded Health Plan: Paul McHenry of the Alvord Educators Association will present data relative to the current financial status and utilization of the self-funded Alvord Blue Cross health plan.


6. Superintendent’s Report: Wendel W. Tucker, Ph.D., Superintendent, will present a Superintendent’s Report to the Board of Education and audience.


This item is placed on the Agenda so that members of the audience have an opportunity to speak to any item on the agenda or regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the Agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit speaking time to three minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35145.5 prohibit the Board of Education from discussing or acting upon matters not on the Agenda.


7. Action Taken In Closed Session: José Luis Pérez, Board Clerk, will report on any actions taken by the Board following consideration in Closed Session.

1. Student Disciplinary Actions:

a. Expulsion Cases #2009-10-2009-10-79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87 and 92

8. 2010 CSBA Delegate Assembly Election – Subregion 18-A: The Board may vote for up to six candidates for CSBA’s Delegate Assembly. The following candidates are offered:

▪ Jerry Bowman (Menifee Union SD)

▪ Dawn Brewer (Jurupa USD)

▪ Deborah A. Dukes (Banning USD)

▪ Jesus M. Holguin (Moreno Valley USD)*

▪ Marla Kirkland (Val Verde USD)*

▪ William James Sanborn (Hemet USD)

*denotes incumbent

Please Note: On November 19, 2009, the Board did not nominate any individuals for this election.

Human Resources Development

9. Adopt Resolution No. 29 – Certificated Non-Reelections: Board approval is requested for adoption of Resolution No. 29 – Certificated Non-Reelections. Education Code Section 44929.21 requires that the Governing Board approve the decision not to reelect identified certificated probationary employees for the succeeding school year.


Instructional Support Services

10. Update – Interquest Detection Canine: Staff will provide a brief update on the effectiveness of the Interquest Detection Canine Services.

11. Summary of Conferences and Trainings: The attached list of conferences and trainings was approved by staff.


12. Consent Agenda:

Your Superintendent recommends approval of Consent Agenda items 12.a. – 12.h.

Business Services

a. Ratify Purchase Order List 13-2009-2010: Board ratification is requested for Purchase Order List Number 13, Purchase Order Numbers 27430 - through 27513 (Total 84); Short Form Contract Numbers 122-09 – 125-09 (Total 4); Child Nutrition Purchase Order Numbers 7289 through 7291 (Total 3); in the amount of $498,689.83.

Fiscal Impact: $498,689.83 (Various Funds)

b. Approve Additional Cost for School Crossing Guards – County of Riverside: Board approval is requested for the additional cost of School Crossing Guards.

Fiscal Impact: $14,000.00 (General Fund/Unrestricted)

c. Approve Change Order No. 22-15-1 Robert V. Hoppe – Group 4 – Arizona and Loma Vista Middle Schools and Norte Vista High School: Board approval is requested for Change Order No. 22-15-1 for Robert V. Hoppe.

Fiscal Impact: $1,353.34 (County Schools Facilities Fund)

Human Resources Development

d. Approve Personnel Order No. 13-2009-2010: Board approval of Personnel Order No. 13 is requested.

Instructional Support Services

e. Approve Overnight Trip to the Hispana’s Organized Political Equity (HOPE) Latina History Day – Norte Vista High School: Board approval is requested for four students and one chaperone to attend the HOPE Latina History Day on March 11-13, 2010, in Los Angeles, California.

Fiscal Impact: $240.00 (General Fund/Unrestricted)

f. Approve Overnight Trip to the Hispana’s Organized Political Equity (HOPE) Latina Action Day – Norte Vista High School: Board approval is requested for four students and one chaperone to attend the HOPE Latina Action Day on April 21-22, 2010, in Sacramento, California.

Fiscal Impact: $240.00 (General Fund/Unrestricted)

g. Ratify Overnight Trip – Student Television National Network Convention – Norte Vista High School: Board ratification is requested for four students and two chaperones from Norte Vista High School to attend the Student Television National Network Convention on March 3-6, 2010, in Anaheim, California.

Fiscal Impact: $2,100.00 (Student Fundraisers)

h. Approve Local Educational Agency Equitable Distribution Plan: Board approval is requested for the Local Education Agency Equitable Distribution Plan.

Fiscal Impact: None


13. Request to Establish Date for Open Discussion Meeting: This item was requested by Carolyn M. Wilson, Board Vice President.



Next Board of Education Meeting

March 18, 2010 7:00 p.m.



With at least 48 hours notice, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in a Board meeting, may request assistance by contacting the Superintendent’s Office at the address listed above or by calling: (951) 509-5070; fax: (951) 509-6070.


Open Session agenda materials are available for public inspection at the address listed above. For assistance please contact the Superintendent’s Office by calling: (951) 509-5070; fax: (951) 509-6070.


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