Essex Elementary School Building Committee

City of Torrington

School Building Committee


Request for Qualifications



New Middle/High School and

Central Office Administration

November 18, 2020


School Building Committee

Ed Arum, Co-Chairman

Mario Longobucco, Co-Chairman



Ext. 1611

Torrington School Building Committee

November 18, 2020

Request for Qualifications for Construction Manager Services

The City of Torrington is seeking qualifications for Construction Manager Services for the Construction of a New Middle School/High School and Central Administrative Office at the existing Torrington High School location 50 Major Besse Drive Torrington, CT. Proposals will be received at the Business Office of the Torrington Public Schools, 355 Migeon Avenue, Torrington, CT 06790 until 2 P.M. Eastern Daylight Tome On December 8, 2020.

I. Overview:

The City of Torrington, CT is a municipality with a population of approximately 34,000 residents and is located in Litchfield County. The Torrington residents voted on November 3, 2020 to replace their current High School with a combined High/Middle School and Central Administrative Office on the campus of the existing High School. The Building Committee desires to engage a Construction Management firm to provide the services in support of the Project described in this Request for Qualifications.

II. Description of Project:

A. Project Location: 50 Major Besse Drive, Torrington CT

B. Site Size: Approximately 35 acres

C. Building Size and Capacity: New High/Middle School 277,020GSF and New Central Administrative Office 15,660GSF. Student Enrollment 1,571

D. Construction Budget: Approximately $131,000,000.00

E. Project Budget: $159,575,000.00

F. Design and Construction Schedule: Design Phase January 2021 – February 2022 New School Construction Phase March 2022 – August 2024, Demolition of Remaining High School/Sitework July 2024 – December 2024 (Spring Plant 2025)

III. Services Required:

The City of Torrington is seeking to engage a Construction Management firm to provide CM services for Pre-construction and Construction Phases of the project. The construction management contract will be a modified AIA 133-2019 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Contractor and a modified AIA A201-2017 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. The City of Torrington reserves the right to amend these documents.

The Construction Management firm to be engaged in this project shall become part of the project team working with the Building Committee, the School Administration and the Project Architect.

The School Building Committee intends to short-list construction management firms and issue a request for proposal (RFP) to those firms chosen.

The duties and responsibilities of the Construction Management firm will include the scope outlined in the AIA 133 and A201 and will include but not be limited to the following:

A. Pre-Construction Services

1. Provide detailed estimates and reports of cost throughout the design (including but not limited to each of the major design milestones, Schematic, Design Development and 90% Construction Documents for the project).

2. Develop, in concert with A/E firm, a detailed project schedule including design and construction milestones; monitor and advise the Committee on deviations.

3. Advise on material selection, construction means and methods and constructability issues.

4. Recommend pre-purchasing items required to maintain the schedule.

5. Establish bid packages and solicit bidders.

6. Analyze trade contractors’ bids, qualify scope and award contracts.

B. Construction Phase

1. Monitor and report status of budget, schedule and logs. Report to the Building Committee monthly.

2. Maintain full-time supervision on site.

3. Coordinate all activities on site.

4. Review shop drawings and submittals prior to architectural review.

5. Initiate all contracts, change orders and purchase orders.

6. Monitor all job-site safety and report deficiencies to trade contractors and Building Committee.

7. Coordinate all closeouts and commissioning activities.

8. Prepare paperwork required by the State Department of Administrative Services and (OSCGR) to include project close-out for final State reimbursement and audit.

IV. Schedule:

Request for Qualifications for CM’s Issued November 18, 2020

Qualifications Due December 8, 2020

Selection of Short-listed firms December 15, 2020

Interviews of Short-listed firms December 17, 2020

Qualification Requirements:

1. Firm Description – Provide a description and brief history of the firm. Name firms, location of principal and branch offices; length of time in business; and firm ownership structure.

2. Related Experience – Please provide a list of all school projects currently in progress and completed over the last five years. The description should at a minimum provide the project name, location, year of completion, type of contract, construction cost, size, owner name and reference with telephone number.

3. Department of Administrative Services and (OSCGR) – Please provide experience and knowledge working with (OSCGR) in assisting the Owner in obtaining maximum reimbursement for their school project.

4. Organization and Staffing – Provide an organization chart for staff proposed for this project which clearly identifies your proposed management staff for the project (Project Executive, Project Manager, Project Superintendent, etc.). Also include detailed resumes for each person identified.

5. Typical Project Approach – Provide description of services your firm will utilize during each phase of the project (pre-construction, construction, etc.) to ensure the project is completed on schedule and within budget.

6. Safety – Provide your current experience modification rating (EMR).

7. Litigation/Arbitration – List information on (a) any involvement in litigation or arbitration with an educational client; and (b) all clients that have terminated your services prior to completion of any project within the past ten (10) years. Explain circumstances that led to it and describe the resolution.

8. Bonding – Include the name of your bonding company and agent as well as a letter for the bonding company stating your bonding limits, available capacity and A.M. Best Rating.

9. Insurance – Identify your insurance company and agent; a sample certificate of insurance. The City of Torrington will be named additional insured. Minimum limits of insurance include:

A. Automobile and Truck Public Liability, Bodily Injury, and Property Damage Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.

B. Commercial and Contractual General Liability Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.

C. Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with the requirements and laws of the State of Connecticut.

D. Umbrella Insurance in the amount of $10,000,000.

E. Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $5,000,000.

10. Additional Information – Any other information that, in the judgment of the firm, may allow the Building Committee to make a fair assessment of the experience and abilities of the Construction Manager.

Minimum Requirements:

Firms shall provide appropriate credentials and documentation to establish their legal status in the State of Connecticut. Firms shall document compliance with the State of Connecticut Department of Administrative Services Contractor Prequalification Program. Out of State corporations, sole proprietorships and partnerships MUST have a fully staffed operation office located in the State of Connecticut and shall include their current “Certificate of Legal Existence in the State of Connecticut”, as well as a “Certificate of Good Standing” from their home state.

Criteria for Selection:

The Building Committee will review the RFQ’s received for Construction Management Services and will evaluate them using the following criteria (not listed in order of importance).

A. Company and project team members’ experience with construction management of school construction projects in the State of Connecticut of and similar size and scope. (Minimum Requirement: 3 School Projects of 120,000 SF or greater on an occupied campus in the last five years in the State of Connecticut)

B. Total years in business and financial stability of the firm.

C. Familiarity and experience with State Department of Administrative Services and (OSCGR) rules and regulations as they pertain to public school buildings.

D. Demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team for the benefit of the Owner.

E. Recommendations from school district clients listed above or similar new school.

F. Accuracy of estimating costs and timeliness in completing previous school construction projects.

G. References and reputation.

V. Selection Process: The School Building Committee shall review all Requests for Qualifications received and short list the most qualified firms to interview for the project. The Committee shall shortlist three to four Construction Management firms for interviews. Firms selected to interview shall prepare an oral presentation not to exceed thirty 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for questions and answers.

Please be advised that selection will be based on most qualified firm in the best interest of the district, not necessarily on the lowest fee.

Fee Proposal-will be required by the firms selected for an interview (separate envelop).

VI. Format and Deadline for Submission: Please submit 12 copies of the requested information indexed and tabbed in a bound form to Chairman of the School Building Committee no later than on December 8, 2020 until 2 P.M, to be received at the Business Office, Torrington Schools, 355 Migeon Avenue, Torrington, CT 06790

VII. Notes:

1) The City of Torrington is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its hiring, employment, or business practices;

2) The City reserves the right to reject any and all submissions received in response to this request for qualifications. Submissions may be rejected for any reason including but not limited to:

a. Failure to submit the RFQ response in the format specified or to supply the minimum information requested;

b. Failure to adhere to one or more of the provisions established in this Request for Qualifications;

c. Failure to meet the minimum evaluation criteria;

d. Failure to submit its proposal to the required address on or before the established deadline.

3) Any information or materials submitted as a response to this RFQ shall become the property of the City of Torrington and will not be returned.

Response to Request for Qualifications:

Respondents wishing to respond to this RFQ may only contact the person identified herein. No direct contact with selection panel members is allowed, such contact may result in rejection of respondents RFQ.

VIII. Questions and Correspondence:

All questions shall be submitted in writing through Ed Arum earum@).


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