District Assurance - Wedgewood Elementary School

East Baton Rouge Parish School Systemcenter80010Title I Schoolwide Program Plan FORMTEXT Wedgewood Elementary School FORMTEXT Pre-Kindergarten - Fifth Grade FORMTEXT 2330 Aspenwood Avenue FORMTEXT Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 FORMTEXT Mrs. Toni Wilson, Principal FORMTEXT 225.753.7301 FORMTEXT twilson@SY: 2014 – 2015Table of Contents TOC \* MERGEFORMAT District Assurance PAGEREF _Toc387664601 \h 3Data Portfolio PAGEREF _Toc387664602 \h 4Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary Report for SY 2014-15 Title I Schoolwide Planning PAGEREF _Toc387664603 \h 6Goals PAGEREF _Toc387664604 \h 10School Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc387664605 \h 10Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc387664606 \h 11Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers – Highly Qualified Teacher Recruitment PAGEREF _Toc387664607 \h 24Additional Parental Involvement and Community Activities PAGEREF _Toc387664608 \h 25Transition to Next Level School Programs PAGEREF _Toc387664609 \h 27District AssuranceI hereby certify that this plan is designed to improve student achievement with input from all stakeholders.I assure that the school-level personnel, including subgroup representatives responsible for implementation of this plan, have collaborated in the writing of this plan.I herby certify that this plan contains the ten required components as mandated by No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I, Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged, Public Law 107-110, Section 1114, Schoolwide Programs, (b)(1):(Component 1): Evidence of the use of a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards as described in Section 1111(b)(1),(Component 2): Schoolwide reform strategies that (a) provide opportunities for all children to meet the State's proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement as described in Section 1111(b)(1)(D), and (b) use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that strengthen the core academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations,(Component 3): Evidence of instruction highly qualified teachers,(Component 4): Evidence of high quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals (and, if appropriate, other stakeholders) which is aligned with assessed needs.(Component 5): Strategies to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers to high-needs schools,(Component 6): Strategies to increase parental involvement,(Component 7): Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to elementary school programs,(Component 8): Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program,(Component 9): Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure those students' difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance, and(Component 10): Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs.I further certify that the information in this assurance is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.PrincipalDateExecutive DirectorDateSuperintendent or DesigneeDateData Portfolio(Title I Schoolwide Programs Component 1)The following items should make up the Data Portfolio (housed at school):Cognitive Student DataiLEAP Test DataLEAP Test DataEnd-of-Course (EOC) Test DataACT Test DataGraduation RatesAttendance RatesDIBELS Student DataStudent Discipline DataStudent Benchmark Assessment DataInstructional Staff MappingClassroom Observation/Walkthrough DataAttitudinal DataParental DataStudent DataTeacher DataData Comprehensive Needs Assessment & SummaryData TypeCognitiveAttitudinalBehavioralArchivalStakeholderAdministratorsAdministrator Questionnaire and/or InterviewAttendance DataDemographic DataTeachersFaculty SurveyTeacher Questionnaire and/or InterviewFaculty Focus GroupClassroom ObservationsAttendance DataDemographic DataStudentsDIBELS/DRA DataLEAP DataiLEAP DataACT DataBenchmark Assessment DataEnd-of-Course DataIEP Progress DataGraduation RatesStudent SurveyStudent Focus GroupDiscipline DataAttendance DataSchool Performance Score DataDemographic DataSubgroup Component DataParentsParent SurveyParent Focus GroupAttendance Data (function participation)Demographic DataComprehensive Needs Assessment Summary Report for SY 2014-15 Title I Schoolwide PlanningStrengths and Weaknesses are derived from cognitive student data: the "what." Strengths and Weaknesses determine areas of focus - lead to goals objectives.Contributing Factors are derived from specific cognitive student data, and all attitudinal, behavioral, and archival data: the "why." Contributing Factors determine selected strategies - lead to specific implementation activities (the Action Plan).A schoolwide program shall include a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards described in Public Law 107-110 - Section 1111(b)(1). The comprehensive needs assessment should present data from sources that include administrators, teachers, students, and parents.STRENGTHSPart Ia:Strengths - Rank-order the identified areas of strength (3-5) from the cognitive data (student performance):STRENGTHSDATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT1.ELA and Math are relative strengths in 5th grade with 71% proficient in ELA and 82% proficient in Math.ILEAP 2013 CRT Data2.Writing is a relative strength with 62% of 4th graders scoring proficient in ELA.LEAP 2013 CRT Data3.Third grade Math in the area of Measurement, Data, and Geometry is a relative strength with 74% of the students scoring proficient.ILEAP 2013 CRT DataPart IIa: Contributing Factors to Strengths based on Data Triangulation (must list at least three findings to justify a contributing factor) - List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal, behavioral, and archival data of the previously identified strengths:Contributing Factor: Data analysis and on-going professional development in the area of ELA and Math led to effective instruction and implementation of best practices.Domain: 500Sub domain: 510Instrument(s): iLEAP CRT Data 2012-2013: Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-2014; Student Survey Evaluation Results 2013-14Data Type: 1. Cognitive2. Behavioral3. AttitudinalFindings Fifth grade students scored the highest in the core content areas of ELA and Math on Spring 2013 ILEAP. On ELA, 4% performed at the Advanced level, 11% performed at the Mastery level, and 56% performed at the Basic level. In Math, 4% performed at the Advanced level, 13% performed at the Mastery level, and 65% performed at the Basic level. Administrative Walkthroughs indicated that 64% of teachers scored proficient in the area of aligning instructional outcomes to actively engage students in learning.Results from the 2014 Student Survey under Section 2, (Expectations) indicated that 77% of students agreed that they "believe they’re receiving the best education.”Contributing Factor: Daily Writing activities are integrated in the four core content areas.Domain: 500Sub domain: 520Instrument(s): LEAP 2013 Data, Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-14; Student Survey Results 2013-14Data Type: CognitiveBehavioralAttitudinal Findings The 2013 LEAP data indicated 62% of fourth grade students scored proficient on the Writing content standard in ELA.During Administrative Walkthroughs, the observer noted that 52% of teachers are ensuring students are engaged in self- or peer-assessment using established criteria, e.g., rubrics.According to the Student Survey 2014, 77% of students agree that "their teacher does a good job teaching them to write well."Contributing Factor: Effective implementation of third grade Math Common Core Standard State Standards through district-sponsored professional development increased student achievement in the area of Measurement, Data, and Geometry as compared to results from 2011-2012 school year.Domain: 500Sub domain: 530Instrument(s): LEAP 2013 Data, Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-14; Student Survey Results 2013-14Data Type: CognitiveBehavioralAttitudinalFindings58% of third grade students scored proficient on the 2013 Math ILEAP. The third grade students scored an average percent correct of 74% in the category of Measurement, Data, and Geometry as compared to the 2011 -2012 school year which was 65 % .Administrative Walkthroughs indicated that 50% of the the third grade teachers are proficient and 50% are highly effective in the area of ensuring students demonstrate complex thinking through debate or peer discussions. Student Survey results from 2013-14 indicated that 90% of students agree that "their teacher does a good job teaching Mathematics."*Must list at least three findings to justify a Contributing Factor.WEAKNESSESPart Ib:Weaknesses - Rank-order the identified areas of weakness (3-5) from the cognitive data (student performance):WEAKNESSESDATA SOURCE/INSTRUMENT1.Students in third grade scored only 55% proficient in ELA/Reading. Using Informational Resources was the lowest strand in ELA in third and fourth grades. (57% in 3rd grade; 52% in 4th grade).iLEAP/LEAP 20132.Third and fourth grade students scored lower on Constructed Response items (39% in 3rd grade; 46% in 4th grade) as compared to Multiple Choice items (56% in 3rd grade; 57% in 4th grade) in Math.iLEAP/LEAP 20133.Students in third grade scored 46% average percent correct on the Writing Content Standard in ELA. During the previous school year , third grade students scored 57% Average Percent Correct, indicating a decrease of 11%. iLEAP 2013Part IIb: Contributing Factors to Weaknesses based on Data Triangulation (must list at least three findings to justify a contributing factor) - List the contributing factors from the cognitive, attitudinal, behavioral, and archival data of the previously identified weaknesses:Contributing Factor: The lack of implemented effective strategies using data to inform instruction has caused Informational Resources to be a low strand in the Core Content Area of ELA.Domain: 600Sub domain: 610Instrument(s): iLEAP/LEAP Data 2013; iLEAP Trend Data from 2009-2013; Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-14Data Type: CognitiveArchivalBehavioralFindingsThird and fourth grade students scored the lowest (57% in 3rd grade; 52% in 4th grade) on the Using Informational Resources strand/Locate, Select ,and Synthesize Information.Based on 2012-2013 iLEAP/ LEAP CRT data, only 57% of students in 3rd grade scored proficient on Using Informational Resources in ELA. Previous CRT data shows a trend that the ELA Using Informational Resources Content Standard is the weakest area. Only 56% of third grade students scored proficient on 2010 iLEAP test; 53% of third graders scored proficient on 2011 iLEAP test; 61% scored proficient on 2012 iLEAP test. Administrative Walkthroughs indicated only 43% of teachers effectively used data derived from common formative assessments to guide future instruction.Contributing Factor: Teachers lacked skills in creating both short answer and extended response assessment items; therefore, students did not perform well. Domain: 500Sub domain: 530Instrument(s): Benchmark Assessment Data 2013-2014 ; Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-14; Teacher Evaluation Survey 2014Data Type: CognitiveBehavioralAttitudinalFindingsItem Analysis Data from the 2013-2014 Mid-Year Benchmark Assessment revealed only 41% of third grade students scored proficient on the Long Answer Writing Session of the test. Administrative Walkthroughs indicated only 30% of teachers scored Emerging in the area of "Creating Objectives that Permit Various Forms of Assessment."40% of teachers agreed that failure to redeliver Benchmark Assessment professional development in a timely manner negatively impacted their ability to create short answer and extended response assessment items.Contributing Factor: Domain: 600Sub domain: 610Instrument(s): iLEAP/LEAP Data 2013-14; Administrative Walkthrough Data 2013-2014; Student Evaluation Survey Results 2014Data Type: CognitiveBehavioralAttitudinalFindingsWhole School Subgroup data indicated that 40% of students failed to score proficient in Science and 36% of students failed to score proficient in Social Studies.Administrative Walkthroughs revealed that 36% of the teachers scored Emerging or Ineffective in the area of “Questioning and Discussion.”The female subgroup scored the lowest in the areas of Science and Social Studies in third through fifth grades. (48% in Science; 50% in Social Studies in 3rd grade; 34% in Science; 30% in Social Studies in 4th grade; 44% in Science; 39% in Social Studies in 5th grade)*Must list at least three findings to justify a Contributing Factor.GoalsState of Louisiana Critical Goals - Louisiana student will:CG1.Enter kindergarten ready to learn.CG2.Be literate by 3rd grade.CG3.Arrive in 4th grade on time.CG4.Perform adequately in the area of English Language Arts by 8th grade.CG5.Have necessary numeracy skills by 8th grade.CG6.Graduate on time.CG7.Enroll in a post-secondary institution or workforce ready.CG8.Achieve these goals regardless of race or class.School Mission StatementThe mission of Wedgewood Elementary School is to provide an authentic learning experience that will enable and empower students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens.Action Plan(Title I Schoolwide Programs Components 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10)Content Area(s): Reading/English Language ArtsState Goal(s): FORMCHECKBOX GC1 FORMCHECKBOX CG2 FORMCHECKBOX GC3 FORMCHECKBOX CG4 FORMCHECKBOX GC5 FORMCHECKBOX CG6 FORMCHECKBOX GC7 FORMCHECKBOX CG8Research-Based Strategy: FORMCHECKBOX Data-Driven Decision Making FORMCHECKBOX Meaningful Engaged Learning FORMCHECKBOX Response to Intervention FORMCHECKBOX Curriculum Alignment FORMCHECKBOX Universal Design for Learning FORMCHECKBOX Strategic Instruction ModelActivity 1Weakness:Students in third grade scored only 55% proficienct in ELA/Reading. Using Informational Resources was the lowest strand in ELA in third and fourth grades (57% in 3rd grade; 52% in 4th grade).Objective(s):Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 55% to 65%; in the area of ELA-Using Informational Resources from 57% to 70% by Spring 2015.Increase the percentage of 4th grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 71% to 75%; in the area of ELA-Using Informational Resources from 52% to 65% by Spring 2015.Increase the percentage of 5th grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 71% to 75%; in the area of ELA-Using Information Resources from 65% to 70% by Spring 2015.Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Curriculum: The school will effectively implement the CCSS for Reading/ELA as outlined by the LADOE and EBR Schools' Department of Curriculum by looking at textual resources and text complexity, focusing on building student ability to read, select, and synthesize grade level complex text/information and express that understanding clearly through writing and speaking. Principal, AP, and Administrative Dean, Classroom Teachers, ESS Teachers, Instructional Specialist, and Administrative DeanAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015NAPrincipal, Assistant Principal (AP), and Executive Director (ED) will conduct routine observations to review the implementation of the CCSS for ELA/Reading. Assessments: Teachers will utilize common formative assessments in ELA/Reading for grades 3-5 that are aligned to CCSS. Assessments will be developed by individual teachers and grade level teams. Benchmark Assessments provided by the District Accountability Department will be used to monitor on-going student progress. Teacher-made common assessments will be developed to drive daily instruction and to address students' weaknesses. Data from teacher-made common assessments will determine intervention groups and level of instruction to ensure student achievement. Principal, AP, and Administrative Dean, Teachers, Grade Level Teams, Instructional Specialist, District Accountability DeptAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015(weekly)T1 SW$2,000.00IS Salary$623.00BenefitsDuring weekly collaborative planning meetings, the Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, and ELA/Reading teachers will review common formative assessment results and make adjustments for teaching. These meetings will be documented with sign-in sheets, collaborative planning binders, and notes.Teachers will keep copies of Common Formative Assessments and Data binders on file in their classrooms. Charts and graphs will be utilized as evidence of effectiveness. Instruction: Teachers will differentiate instruction by modifying instructional activities to meet the needs of all students as identified by common formative assessments. Classroom teachers will provide small group and individualized instruction in ELA for Tier II students. Additional support for Tier III students in third through fifth grades will be provided utilizing instructional paraprofessionals at each grade level during scheduled pull-out intervention times. After-school tutoring will be provided for fourth grade students who are non-proficient in ELA and/or Math, beginning in October 2014. Teachers and the Computer Lab Tech will utilize technology based programs such as: Achieve 3000, Kidbiz, Accelerated Reader, Brain Pop/Brain Pop Jr. to increase differentiation, provide practice for PARCC-like assessments, improve Reading and Responding as well as comprehension in core content areas.Paraprofessionals will use leveled instructional materials to address the individual weaknesses of Tier III students during scheduled intervention time.Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers, ESS Teachers, and ParaprofessionalsAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015(daily)Title 1 Schoolwide$4,500.00(after-school tutoring)$1,401.75Benefits$945.00Bus Drivers$341.62 Benefits$18,614.00Inst. Para Salary$11,798.26Benefits$17,000.00 Tech Para Salary$11,295.50Benefits$15,000.00Instructional Technology software and/or school wide licenses$22,844.85Classroom Technology and SuppliesPrincipal, AP, and ED will conduct routine observations to ensure differentiation is taking place using the COMPASS Rubric for Teachers. Principal, AP and Administrative Dean will review weekly Lesson Plans and provide written feedback to teachers to ensure use of data from formative assessments. Charts and graphs will be utilized as evidence of effectiveness. Paraprofessionals will maintain intervention logs which include student sign-in sheets, targeted standards, and assessment data. Charts and graphs showing this data will be kept in classrooms and in the Data Room.Professional/Staff Development: All teachers will attend district- and school- sponsored professional development to improve instructional delivery and learn additional effective instructional strategies. The school will develop teacher leaders to redeliver training content to grade levels/peers.Teachers will attend school and district sponsored professional development activities to learn how to effectively use technology-based programs, including generating reports to identify and address student deficiencies to inform instruction.Paraprofessionals will be trained on how to use effective teaching strategies/best practices, analyzing data, engaging students, questioning and discussion, and effective student feedback to ensure student achievement. Principal, AP, ESS Teachers, Classroom Teachers and the Instructional Specialist will be responsible for the quarterly training sessions. Lesson Plans will be developed in collaboration with assigned classroom teachers during scheduled times.Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Instructional Specialist, Teacher Leaders, ESS Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Computer Lab Technician, Paraprofessionals, and District PD DirectorAugust 7-8, 2014November 4, 2014January 5, 2015March 13, 2015April 2, 2015 and monthly Faculty MeetingsT1 SW$50,710.96IS Salary$21,793.66Benefits$7,200.00Substitutes for PD$320.40BenefitsSelected Teacher Leaders will attend district-sponsored PD activities to utilize the TOT model. Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Grade Level Chairpersons, and Teacher Leaders will attend monthly Leadership Team meetings to review strategies for redelivery and plan up-coming school sponsored PD activities. Sign-in sheets, agendas, and handouts obtained from PD activities will be kept on file at school. The Leadership Team will plan future PD activities based on feedback from teachers. Sign-in sheets, agendas, and evaluations will be maintained for each PD activity by the Principal, AP, and Administrative Dean. The Principal will collect and review Student Data Binders periodically to assess student progress, monitor effective implementation of learned strategies, and plan next steps. Additional assistance will be provided to paraprofessionals who require extra support.Parental Involvement/Instruction (Identify each activity according to the Esptein Model: (P) Parenting, (C) Communicating, (V) Volunteering, (L@H) Learning @ Home, (DM) Decision Making, (CC) Collaborating with the Community.Teachers will send home results of assessments and meet with parents every nine weeks to discuss strengths and weaknesses of students. Student planners and/or homework folders will be purchased and distributed to K-5th graders in the school in an effort to promote daily communication between home and school learning at home. (C, L @ H)The school will host an annual Family Literacy Night, in which students and families are encouraged to dress as their favorite book character. Books for pleasure reading will be distributed to all participants in an effort to promote a print-rich environment at home. Third through fifth grade teachers will provide additional literature and strategies for how to help students succeed in ELA, specifically as it relates to Using Informational Resources. For example, the focus will be on how to select research topics, and using articles, the encyclopedia, glossary, and index to obtain information to write a paper. Parents will be asked to visit the Computer Lab for a brief presentation on what is expected of students when taking the PARCC assessment. (L@H, C)Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Classroom and ESS Teachers, Computer Lab Technician,Parental Involvement DesigneeAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015T1 PI$1,200.00(homework folders/student planners)Parent-Teacher conference forms, student planners, and homework folders, and parent-teacher communication logs located inside student planners will be maintained as evidence of effectiveness.Parent sigin-in sheets for the Parent Resource Center, Parent Feedback surveys and Reflection forms from parent meetings/workshops will be used to measure effectiveness and plan future Family Literacy Nights. Student work samples, student Reading logs, and various forms of assessments will measure growth among students in ELA. Activity 2Weakness:Students in third grade scored an Average Percent Correct of 46% on the Writing Content Standard in ELA on the iLEAP in 2013. Third grade students scored 57% correct in the 2012 school year, indicating a decrease in scores of 11%.Objective(s):Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 55% to 65%; in the area of ELA-Writing from 57% to 70% by Spring 2015.Increase the percentage of 4th grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 71% to 75%; in the area of ELA-Using Informational Resources from 52% to 65% by Spring 2015. Increase the percentage of 5th grade students scoring proficient in ELA from 71% to 75%; in the area of ELA-Using Information Resources from 65% to 70% by Spring 2015.Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Curriculum: The school will effectively implement the CCSS for Reading/ELA as outlined by the LADOE and EBR Schools' Department of Curriculum by looking at textual resources and text complexity, focusing on building student ability to read, select and synthesize grade level complex text/information, and express that understanding clearly through writing and speaking.Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional Paraprofessionals, and Instructional SpecialistAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015NAPrincipal, AP, and/or ED will conduct weekly observations to review the implementation of the CCSS for ELA/Reading. Paraprofessionals will work with students in third through fifth grades individually or in small groups in classrooms or other available space. Paraprofessionals will be observed by the Principal and will be supervised by the Clasroom Teacher. The Classroom Teacher will maintain student data binders and folders. Paras will maintain Lesson Plans, an Intervention Schedule, Intervention Calendar, and student sign-in sheets as evidence that interventions are being provided. The master schedule and intervention schedule created by the Leadership Team will also serve as documentation of interventions.Assessments: Monitoring of students' progress and effective teaching will be conducted by the Principal and Instructional Specialist. Students will take pre- and post-tests to drive instruction and determine individual student’s needs. Grade level pre-test will be administered during the first month of school and a post-test will be administered at the end of the school year. Common formative assessments will be created by classroom teachers and other various forms of assessments will be utilized weekly or bi-weekly to drive instruction and monitor student progress. Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional Paraprofessionals, and Instructional SpecialistAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015T1 SW$2,000.00IS Salary$623.00BenefitsThe Principal and Instructional Specialist will conduct Walkthroughs on a consistent basis. Weekly Lesson Plans will be reviewed and kept on file. Student and paraprofessional attendance will be monitored. Evidence of implementation will be student data binders, folders, sign-in sheets, Lesson Plans, and written feedback from Walkthroughs.Instruction: Under the supervision of the classroom teacher and Instructional Specialist, paraprofessionals will provide individual and small group instruction outisde the regular ELA block to Tier II and III stuents. Pull-out interventions will take place in groups of four to five students, focusing on targeted skills. The Principal will provide grade level specific paraprofessionals in third through fifth grades for ELA interventions. Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional Paraprofessionals, Instructional SpecialistAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015Title 1 Schoolwide$4,500.00(after-school tutoring)$1,401.75Benefits$945.00Bus Drivers$341.62 Benefits$18,614.00Inst. Para Salary$11,798.26Benefits$17,000.00 Tech Para Salary$11,295.50Benefits$15,000.00Instructional Technology software and/or school wide licenses$22,844.85Classroom Technology and SuppliesThe Classroom Teacher and Instructional Specialist will provide feedback to teachers and paraprofessionals. Lesson Plan collaboration sheets reflecting interventions which correlate with classroom instruction will be kept on file. Professional/Staff Development: Paraprofessionals will attend professional development activities on how to use effective teaching strategies incorporating best practices, analyze data, engage students, effective questioning and discussion, and supportive student feedback to ensure student achievement. The Principal, ESS Teachers, Classroom Teachers, and the Instructional Specialist will be responsible for the training. Paras will develop Lesson Plans in collaboration with their partner classroom teacher(s).Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional Paraprofessionals, Instructional SpecialistSeptember 16, 2014T1 SW$50,710.96IS Salary$21,793.66Benefits$7,200.00Substitutes for PD$320.40BenefitsTraining documents, agendas, and sign-in sheets will be maintained on file for all professional development activities. Paras will be given an opportunity to observe peers or classroom teachers if they need additional support. Reflection sheets will be utilized on a regular basis to obtain information on strategy implementation. Administrative observations will take place monthly to ensure effectiveness of interventions, with specific feedback provided to paras. In addition, student assessments will be analyzed to indicate student growth.Parental Involvement/Instruction (Identify each activity according to the Esptein Model: (P) Parenting, (C) Communicating, (V) Volunteering, (L@H) Learning @ Home, (DM) Decision Making, (CC) Collaborating with the Community.The school's Action Team for Partnerships (ATP) will meet at least three times per semester as a whole team to ensure continuous progress in plans and activities and to evaluate activities that were implemented over the course of the last two months. (DM, CC, P, C, V, L@H)Principal, AP, Instrucitonal Specialist, Computer Lab tech, Classroom Teachers, Instructional Specialist, and Parental Involvement DesigneeSeptember 10, 2014T1 PI$1,200.00(homework folders/student planners)The ATP will create a monthly calendar to ensure implementation of Schoolwide Plan activities and serve as an effective way to communicate with parents. Reflection forms and surveys from each ATP meeting will be used to gain feedback from parents, students & teachers. The automated call-out system will be used to contact ATP members. A record of these calls will be maintained. Agendas & sign-in sheets from all ATP meetings will be maintained in the appropriate binder. Content Area(s): MathState Goal(s): FORMCHECKBOX GC1 FORMCHECKBOX CG2 FORMCHECKBOX GC3 FORMCHECKBOX CG4 FORMCHECKBOX GC5 FORMCHECKBOX CG6 FORMCHECKBOX GC7 FORMCHECKBOX CG8Research-Based Strategy: FORMCHECKBOX Data-Driven Decision Making FORMCHECKBOX Meaningful Engaged Learning FORMCHECKBOX Response to Intervention FORMCHECKBOX Curriculum Alignment FORMCHECKBOX Universal Design for Learning FORMCHECKBOX Strategic Instruction ModelActivity 1Weakness:On high stakes testing, third and fourth grade students scored lower on Constructed Response items (39% in 3rd grade; 46% in 4th grade) as compared to Multiple Choice items (56% in 3rd grade; 57% in 4th grade) in Math.Objective(s):Increase the percentage of 3rd grade students scoring proficient in Math on iLEAP from 58% to 65% by Spring 2015.Increase the percentage of 4th grade students scoring proficient in Math on LEAP from 65% to 70% by Spring 2015.Increase the percentage of 5th grade students scoring proficient in Math on iLEAP from 82% to 85% by Spring 2015.Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Curriculum: The school will effectively implement the CCSS for Math as outlined by the LADOE and EBR Schools' Department of Curriculum by looking at problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connection. The focus areas will be Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement, and Data and Geometry.The school will also utilize EAGLE and IXL, targeting items which focus on Constructed Response items and Multiple Choice items to enhance percent proficient on state assessment in Spring, 2015.Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional ParaprofessionalsAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015.Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, and Instructional Specialist will conduct weekly observations and walkthroughs to review implementation of the CCSS for Math.Evidence of Effectiveness for EAGLE and IXL will include Comprehensive Reports and Summary Reports of student goals and mastered standards. The amount of time skills are practiced, problems solved, and Whole Class Reports with achievement levels will be displayed on school bulletin boards. Additional support will be provided to teachers on a one-on-one basis. The Instructional Specialist and Principal will provide on site professional development after school and monitor teachers’ progress through data. Teachers will complete a needs assessment form to monitor teachers’ progress.Assessments: Teachers at each grade level, with assistance from school leaders, will design and implement common formative assessments in Math for grades K-5 which are aligned to CCSS.The items selected will be based on identified areas of weakness for individual students. The Pacing Guide will utilize the standards in preparation for state assessment.Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Instructional Specialist, Computer Tech, and Classroom TeachersAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015WeeklyT1 SW$2,000.00IS Salary$623.00BenefitsDuring weekly collaborative planning meetings, the Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Classroom Teachers, and Instuctional Specialist will review common assessments results and make adjustments for teaching. These meetings will be documented with sign-in sheets and notes. The Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Administrative Dean, and Computer Lab Tech will review data reports in correlation with the Pacing Guide. This documentation, in addition to literature from professional development activities, will be kept on file in the Computer Lab.Effectiveness of the district’s Pacing Guide will be based on teacher-made common formative assessments and benchmark tests. The Principal, AP, and Instructional Specialist will collect, analyze, and review re-teaching forms/data with each classroom teacher. (skills mastered and those not mastered) Determinations will be made whether the Pacing Guide is moving too fast or not fast enough, what skills must be re-taught, and target skills for intervention purposes. Agendas and PLC forms will be maintained in the grade level binders. Teachers who needs additional assistance will be provided one-on-one training by the Principal or Instructional Specialist using Oncourse documents, LDOE examples, and DOK for rigor.Instruction: Teachers will conduct small group instruction and differentiate Math activities to meet the needs of all students as identified by common formative assessments. Additional support for Tier III students in third through fifth grades will be provided utilzing instructional paraprofessionals at each grade level during scheduled pull-out intervention time. After-school tutoring will be provided for students in fourth grade who were non-proficient in Math on previous assessments, beginning in October 2014.Additional support for students in third through fifth grades will be provided utilizing instructional paraprofessionals at each grade level. The teacher will implement IXL as a “bell ringer” for practice on basic skills to prepare for PARCC. In collaboration with the Classroom Teacher, the Computer Lab Tech will develop Lesson Plans based on the needs of students at each grade level utilzing EAGLE and IXL data. The Classroom Teacher and Paraprofessional will assist students during a thirty minute scheduled time.Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers in grades 3-5, Instructional Paraprofessionals, and Computer Lab Tech August 11, 2014-May 21, 2015Title 1 Schoolwide$4,500.00(after-school tutoring)$1,401.75Benefits$945.00Bus Drivers$341.62 Benefits$18,614.00Inst. Para Salary$11,798.26Benefits$17,000.00 Tech Para Salary$11,295.50Benefits$15,000.00Instructional Technology software and/or school wide licenses$22,844.85Classroom Technology and Supplies Principal, AP, and Administrative Dean will conduct weekly observations to ensure differentiation is taking place using the Compass Rubric for Teachers. The Principal and AP will review Lesson Plams and provide written feedback to teachers to ensure use of data from formative assessments. Teachers who require additional support in differentiation will have the Instructional Specialist model a lesson for Teachers. Peer observations with reflections, one-on-one assistance with creating Lesson Plans, specific and timely feedback from Walkthroughs and district/outside source train will be provided to teachers who need extra assistance.The effectiveness of bell ringer activities will be determined by reassessing the skill practiced. The Teacher will collect and analyze data to determine if the skill was mastered by grading the activity. Mastery of the skill will be documented and non-mastered skills will be re-taught using an alternate method of delivery. Lesson Plans will indicate small group instruction activities on a weekly basis. Student data folders will be maintained in the classrooms with student work samples as evidence of mastery. The Teacher and Paraprofessional will monitor student time lapsed, completion of assigned tasks, and computer skills or functions. The Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, and Classroom Teachers will review constructed response/data folders on a weekly basis to determine if re-teaching and utilization of research-based strategies are working. Student data folders and teacher feedback forms will be kept on file in the classrooms or in the teacher’s data binder.Professional/Staff Development: All Math teachers and paraprofessionals will attend district/school-sponsored professional development to improve instructional delivery and learn additional effective instructional strategies.Teacher leaders will conduct professional development on PARCC (Assessment Guide), technology training, methodology for writing short answer and constructed response items, ActivBoard training during regularly scheduled faculty meetings. Instructional faculty will complete a needs assessment quarterly to inform future PD activities. Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers, Computer Lab Tech, and District Professional Development DirectorAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015T1 SW$50,710.96IS Salary$21,793.66Benefits$7,200.00Substitutes for PD$320.40BenefitsDuring Leadership Team meetings held at least once per month, the Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist and Math teachers will review PD attended. The team will review hand-outs, professional literature provided, and notes taken from the training sessions to determine the method of redelivery. Teacher feedback will be used to plan future PD activities and inform instruction. The Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, and Computer Tech Lab will maintain on file a copy of the needs assessment, agendas, sign-in sheets, and Walkthroughs as evidence of effectiveness.Parental Involvement/Instruction (Identify each activity according to the Esptein Model: (P) Parenting, (C) Communicating, (V) Volunteering, (L@H) Learning @ Home, (DM) Decision Making, (CC) Collaborating with the Community.The school will host an interactive “Family Math Night.” Students and their parents will rotate betweenn learning stations. Parents will be provided with strategies and supplies to assist their child/children at home with Math test preparation and homework activities. (L@H, P) The school will host a Math Fair, The “Write” Path to Math, in March, 2015. Beginning in December, Classroom Teachers will give assigned students their choice of constructed response items to complete for the fair. Students will select constructed response items and collaborate with their parents to determine how the project will be set up, answered, and mastered. The teacher will approve each student’s selection and the project based activity will be completed during a specified time frame. Parents will receive a rubric, a list of standards, sample project sheets, and expectations for completion of this project. (L@H, P)Parental Involvement Designee, Principal, AP, Instructional Dean, Instructional Specialist, and Classroom Teachers January 20, 2015March 03, 2015T1 PI$1,200.00(homework folders/student planners)Agendas, sign-in sheets, handouts, and Parent Reflection/feedback forms will be kept on file. Results from these evaluations will be conisdered in planning for future Math Nights involving parents. The Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, and Classroom Teachers will keep a copy of the hand-outs, Lesson Plans, students’ choices of constructed response items, rubrics, and parent letters as evidence of effectiveness on file.Parent Surveys will be conducted to obtain suggestions for future PI activities. Recommendations to increase the level of parental participation at parental involvement activities will be solicited from parents in attendance. Agendas, sign-in sheets, and surveys will be kept on file. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers – Highly Qualified Teacher Recruitment(Title I Schoolwide Component 3, 5)District Goal(s):To recruit and maintain 100% highly qualified teachers at Wedgewood Elementary School.School Objective(s):To recruit and maintain 100% highly qualified teachers in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System.Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Teacher leaders at Wedgewood ES will attend the transfer, internal, external, and New Teacher Job Fairs in order to recruit new and highly-qualified teachers to our school. In addition, Wedgewood teachers will be provided regularly scheduled, job-embedded, and meaningful professional development activities. A buddy system and BEST (EBRPSS New Teacher Program) will be implemented to mentor new teachers. Continued support and encouragement for teachers seeking to become a LEAD Teacher and those seeking higher degrees or National Board Certification will be provided. Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, select Teacher LeadersAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015(as scheduled by Office of Human Resources)NAThe Wedgewood Handbook and master calendar will reflect all events pertaining to teacher recruitment events and support, including persons responsible. Effectiveness will be determined by the number of highly qualified teachers recruited and maintained at Wedgewood for the 2014-15 schoool year. Additional Parental Involvement and Community Activities(other than those included in Academic Goals)(Title I Schoolwide Component 6)District Goal(s):The district will work to:Ensure that parents have the necessary knowledge and skills to be proactive advocates for their children.Provide parents with continuous feedback on the progress of their child so that they may fully participate as educational partners and ensure that their child will attain the district goal of achieving a high school diploma and the skills and dispositions to be college and career ready.Provide parents with multiple opportunities to be engaged educational partners, provide feedback to their school and the district, and create and improve district practices and protocols that address the needs of parents and families.Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Weakness(es): Parent participation at parent/teacher conferences and SBLC meetings is low based on SBLC Log Books and teacher-documentation Parent/Teacher Conference Logs. Participation in schoolwide events is increasing slowly; therefore, an increase in the number of involved parents is desired. Teachers have difficulty getting responses from parents about important issues such as behavior and grades.Objective(s): To increase parent knowledge and participation of instruction and activities at our school. Our goal is to assist parents so that they can provide additional support and encouragement in order to help their child/children be successful in school.Parental Involvement/Instruction (Identify each activity according to the Esptein Model: (P) Parenting, (C) Communicating, (V) Volunteering, (L@H) Learning @ Home, (DM) Decision Making, (CC) Collaborating with the Community.Materials, supplies, and technology components such as a desktop computer, dedicated printer, and tabletop racks displaying parent literature will be procured for the establishment/maintenance of a School-Based Parent Resource Center. In addition, a subscription to Home/School Connection will be provided to parents. The Home/School Connection is a monthly newsletter (in addition to the Principal’s monthly communication) which gives parents extra strategies on how to support their child at home and at school. The Home/School Communication newsletter gives parents strategies on such to issues as anti-bullying, how to assist with homework, test-taking stategies, outside activities, technology, and other school-related topics. (V, L@H, C, CC, DM, High-Stakes Test Prep training sessions for parents will be conducted and test-prep materials will be distributed. “A Picnic in the PARCC” (which is geared toward the new PARCC assessment) will help parents and the community become familiar with the new statewide assessment and the latest shifts in education. (L@H)Various means of communication such as letters, newsletters, and parent notification letters will be mailed when appropriate. In addition, the school message board, school website, and automated calling system will be utilized for communication purposes. (C, V, P, L@H, CC, DM)A "Back to School Bash" or Family Orientation meeting will be held the week prior to the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year. School rules/expectations and school year calendars/timelines will be reviewed at this time. (CC, V, L@H)During monthly team meetings, the Leadership Team (comprised of grade level chairpersons, Teacher leaders, the Principal, AP, Administrative Dean, Instructional Specialist, ESS Lead Teacher, Ancillary Teachers, Cafeteria Manager, Secretary, two students, and the administrators & teachers) will collaboratively discuss and develop onsite Parental Involvement activities such as “Lunch and Learn,” “Muffins with Mom,” and ”Donuts for Dad,” etc. (CC)Principal, AP, Instructional Specialist, Classroom Teachers, and Parental Involvement DesigneeAugust 11, 2014 May 21, 2015Home/School Connection newsletters will go home monthly (Aug.-May 2015)October 07, 2014August 11, 2014 May 21, 2015August 2, 2014 (4:00-6:00p.m.)August 11, 2014 May 21, 2015MonthlyT1 PI Involvement $2,000.00The funds are allocated for purchasing parent resource center (desk, printer, tabletop racks-parent literature and a computer)T1 PI$2,100.00Printing and PostageAll copies of flyers, schedules, agendas, activity sheets, sign-in sheets, purchase orders, and handouts distributed during activities sponsored by the school for parents will be maintained at the school. Written parent feedback in the form of a needs assessment will be used to plan upcoming Parental Involvement activities. Transition to Next Level School Programs(Title I Schoolwide Component 7)Choose Appropriate Level FORMCHECKBOX Preschool to Elementary School FORMCHECKBOX Elementary School to Middle School FORMCHECKBOX Middle School to High School FORMCHECKBOX Other: Objective(s)Action StepsPersons ResponsibleTarget Date(s)/TimelineFunding Source(s) and CostEvidence of Effectiveness(indicate data instrument to be used, what will be measured or assessed, by whom, and frequency)Weakness(es): Students enter Kindergarten with minimal life experiences and literacy foundational skills; therefore, Pre-Kindergarten teachers must close the gap between home and school, and provide school readines. Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers along with key instructional leaders at the school will analyze data to determine the strengths in Pre-Kindergarten and the weaknesses in Kindergarten in order to improve instruction to bridge the gap.The Principal, AP, Instructional Dean, Instructional Specialist, Pre-Kindergarten Teachers, and Kindergarten Teachers will meet during each nine week period to collaborate and review data. Data will be used to create appropriate, effective strategies to prepare Pre-K students for Kindergarten. Principal, AP, Instrucitonal Dean, Instructional Specialist, Pre-K, and Kindergarten TeachersAugust 11, 2014-May 21, 2015NAAll scheduled meetings between Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers will be documented by minutes, agendas, sign-in sheets, and Reflection Sheets, all of which will be maintained on file. Ultimately, an increase in student achievement in Kindergarten as indicated by benchmark assessment data will serve as evidence of effectiveness. ................

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