
-914400-91440000Finance and EconomyRates and incentivesWhat is the role of interest rate in the economy??Government TermsIn your opinion, How can an unemployment rate be decreased??Talk about a specific task that you have to do that has a lot of bureaucracy in your country.?What is the function of GDP in a country’s economic health?Financial TermsEconomyName some reasons how people get debt.Forecast plays a prominent role in the success of a business. How?Business Economic TermsThink about business that you know has a big profit margin. What makes them have such a big margin??Have you ever done any investments? If so, what have you invested in? If not, what would you like to invest in? It could be anything from a restaurant, software, shares, etc. Please explain why.Do you know any businesses that have gone bankrupt? What was the reason? If you don’t know, why is your hypothesis on why they went bankrupt.?Business Financing?Business TermsExplain what are some assets and give some examples. Do you own any assets? If so, what are they? If not, what kind of assets would you like to own?Banking TermsDo you agree or disagree with these statements?Leasing high cost assets such as computers, machinery, vehicles etc is better than buying them. Why do you believe so???Banks should give more access to credits for individuals that are looking to expand their business.?Expanding fast means getting into a lot of debtA successful business shouldn't need to raise money and take out loans.?MarketingThe 4 P’sThink about a product that you bought. Why made you buy them? Which of the 4 p’s influenced your decision??Think about a brand that you know. What product range do they have??What is their market segment?What is a typical consumer profile for the brand? Please include their age, gender, job/profession, income level.?Marketing MediumsOut of these Mediums, which one is the most effective? Why do you think so?Has a free sample of a product ever made you buy it? If yes, tell us your experience and what was special about the product. If not, tell us why free samples have never made you buy anything.?Do you think Flyers are effective for people walking in the street? Do you think they are more effective than online??What is your opinion about Billboards, do you think people remember them after seeing them? What is their purpose in your opinion??StrategiesHave you ever been targeted by any of these marketing strategies? If so, what product did they try to sell you? What was the outcome??If not, which one do you think is the most effective?AdvertisementAttention GrabbersFor the following exercise, you can use a dictionary to help you with any words that you need to get your point across.?Please describe why you thought an ad was:Clever?Interesting?InspiringEye-catchingWeirdShockingControversial?Ad KeywordsDescribe one of the best Publicity Stunts that you have ever seen. What was the ad about? What company did it? Do you think it was effective?Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please describe why you do agree or disagree.?It’s ok to use children in advertisementsUsing nudity in ads really grabs people’s attentionsComparing your products with the competition is the best way to advertise a productShock tactics such as exploiting your fears and worries is really useful.?What is your favorite ad? Why do you like it? Please use at least 3 adjectives to describe the products.?Describe an example of a bad ad that you saw. Why do you think so? Who was their customer segment??International MarketingMarketing TacticsIf you were to create a marketing strategy, how would you do it? How would you create it? what would be the first thing that you would do?The MarketWhat is the difference between market adaptation and market penetration?ProductsWhat is the importance of product placement?The CustomersWhy is customer profiling? so important for a company?How can a company retain its customers? What are some good methods that have made you stay with a company?The BrandWhat are some problems companies can have when they try to internationalize a brand?What are some advantages of using the same ad in different countries? What are some drawbacks??Why do products fail in other countries? Do you know of any examples?Create an ad for a product.?What is the campaign’s key message?What special features does the product or service have?How does it differ from competition?What are its USP (Unique Selling Points)Who is your target audience?What marketing medium are you going to use??Online ads - write the title, and up to 120 characters of a descriptionTv or youtube commercial, use a storyboard to illustrate your ideaA radio commercial, write the script on what the commercial is going to say.Jobs?Job NounsDo you think that you have job security in your current job? Why or why not.?How do you feel about your job satisfaction? Are you happy?SkillsPlease describe what you do in your current or past job using at least 3 verbs from the past two topics.?How many jobs have you had since you started working?What have you done that has shown leadership?How have your responsibilities changed since your first day in the job?What have you learned from working??What part of your job do you enjoy the most??When does an employee get Retirement?Qualities and ExperienceWhat is your current job experience and qualifications??What are your strengths as a person and team player?What are your weaknesses as a person and team player?SalaryWhat is the difference between gross wage and net wage?Do all Employees have different salary expectations? If yes, give a reason.Funds and BonusesWhat kinds of bonuses do you get from your company? Are they goal driven, once a year, commision based??When does an employee get a commission?Working DayWhat are the employment trends where you live? How long is a workday?Do you think that work-life balance in your company is good? If not, how would you fix it??What is your opinion about teleworking??Leaves and FiringsWhat is the difference between medical leave and sick leave?Have you ever been on a medical leave? If so, what happened to you that you had to stay home?Which reasons can persuade an individual to resign from a job?Hiring the Right CandidatesWhich three qualities listed in the list above best describe you? Why?Which of the different types of people have you worked or studied with?Which of the different types of people do you think are easy or difficult to work with?Interview QuestionsJob ExperienceTell me about yourselfIn your last Job Position, what were your most important responsibilities??What important goals did you achieve in your last job?Why did you leave the company?Tell me about two achievements that you had in your working lifeWhat is your biggest strength and weaknessHow would you define your leadership style? Give me an exampleIn your last performance evaluation, what was highlighted? What did they recommend you to improve??What has been the most interesting job or job position that you have had? Why?What are you professional goals and expectations in your new job position/ company?What would be your ideal job position?If you could begin your career again, what would you do differently?Where do you see yourself in 5 years??Interpersonal RelationshipsHow would your coworkers and managers describe you?What are the personal characteristics that your immediate boss should have??What is something that you don’t tolerate from your coworkers and boss??How do you manage conflicts with other people in the workplace?How do you face disagreements??What is your decision making style??How do you motivate your employees?What is the worst criticism that you received from a manager?What type of organization culture accommodates you more??Personal QuestionsHow would you describe yourself??What other things do you like to do besides work?Tell me something about your family, it can be anythingWhat is the thing that you like the most about your family??Would you like to add anything else that is relevant that was not asked in this interview???Companies and OrganizationsDescribing CompaniesWhat departments does your company have??Sales and ProfitThis about a company that has the most market share in a respective industry. Why do you think they are leaders in the industry?Charging and CollectingDo you think undercutting your competitor’s prices is a good strategy? What are some drawbacks of this??Should companies offer discounts for payments in lump sums or should they offer better installment plans for their expensive products?Successful Business?In your opinion, What makes a business successful??Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please describe, Why or Why not.A lot of companies have to undercharge to outbid their competition.?Overspending on unnecessary personnel and marketing and the mismanagement of these is a quick way to fail.Successful companies outclass their competition and never misjudge their abilities.?QualitiesWhat are good qualities of successful companies??What are some positive aspects of a bureaucratic company? What are some drawbacks of having so many processes?Many multinational companies are very centralized and hierarchical and think that this is the only way to manage successful companies across cultures. What is your opinion about this??Perks and BenefitsDo you have a dress code in your company? If so, how do you have to go dressed? How would you like to go to work dressed?Tell us about the perks and benefits that you get in your company. If you are not in a company, please describe perks and benefits that you would love to have.?Describe a preferable working environment for you.?SalesProspectingTalk about your prospecting process. How do you find leads? How do you communicate with them? Do you call, email, visit?What makes them qualify as optimal leads? Do they qualify because of their age, salary, industry where they work?What is your opinion about Account Maps? have you ever created one? If so, was it useful? If you haven’t created one, what is your opinion about this strategy?PreparationHow do you prepare for the initial contact with the customer? Do you research their company, industry? Do you just contact them offering your services?Do you have a sales presentation? If so, can you please present the product that you sell? If you don't do sales, please make a sales presentation on a product that you like.ApproachHow do you approach your customers?What is your opinion about the premium approach? Do you think it is effective? Have you ever done this or have somebody do this to you?What is your opinion about the premium approach? Do you think it is effective? Have you ever done this or have somebody done this to you?Do you give free trials for your products? Which products would this be good for?What is your opinion about all of these approaches? which one is the best? Which is one is the least effective? why?PresentationHow can a product be presented in an effective way? Give your own opinion.?Handling objectionsWhich strategy you consider more appropriate for handling objections in sales and why ??ClosingOut of three closing techniques which one you would like to use in your sales process and Why?Follow UpDo you think the follow-up stage is important in the sales process? Why??Lead HandlingSales Enquiry Handling FunctionalityWhat is the role of margin control and quotation in sales? Why is it so important? What are some problems that you can have if you don’t do this correctly?Sales Pricing ControlWhat is the role of sales pricing control in sales?Sales Contract HandlingHow long are the sales contracts that your entity makes? What is the process like? Do you have to have their signatures notarized or is there a lot of internal bureaucracy??If you don't make contracts, please describe an efficient and effective way to create one in your opinion.?Sales Order HandlingPlease describe the sales order process that you have with your company. Once a customer agrees to purchase what are the steps that you take in order to make it happen.?If you don't make sales, please describe steps that you have done to purchase something.?Sales InvoicingDo you have an automated Invoice system or do you have to create them manually? Do you have a specific person that does this? If so, who is it?? ................

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