Peer Editing Worksheet: Exemplification

Engl 117B Peer Editing Worksheet: Rhetorical Analysis of a Company Web Site


for the writer:

1. Sum up your main point about this Web site. Remember, it should be about this company’s rhetorical strategies, not about its product or service. (thesis) Please mark it with a star on your draft.

2. What in particular do you want the reviewer to check?


For the reviewer: Write answers on the back of this sheet if necessary.

1. Does the introduction/title contain a hook that would draw in readers? ______ Does the opening section contain an overview of the topic that orients the reader to the topic of the paper—the website and the company or organization it represents--in its current context? _______ Does it look like the writer has focused the topic narrowly enough to deal with it adequately in 4 pages or so?

2. Is the thesis clear, adequate, and supported by the data and arguments provided?

3. Content

a. Crucial content: Everyone should discuss the visual element of the site and include one visual (pasted in). Also, everyone should discuss the audience, the company’s “virtues” beyond the benefits of the product/service they offer, and the 3 appeals. The other bulleted items are optional, depending on the site’s rhetorical choices.

b. Enough content? What else, besides what the writer has already addressed, might be covered to make the analysis a solid meal for the reader?

4. Comment on the organization and coherence of each paragraph and of the draft as a whole. Are the transitions adequate? Mark on the draft where you see any problems with coherence or organization.

5. Is there a good balance between describing the site and analyzing it? That is, does the essay just report what is on the Web site, or does it do that AND discuss how the Web site makes an argument for its audience? (Note: it would also be a problem if there are only analytical statements without supporting details from the site.) Does the writer also evaluate the site, maybe in the last paragraph? How might the balance be improved?

6. Is the essay properly formatted using MLA style? Is there too much (or too little) quoting or paraphrasing from the Web site? Mark on the draft any problems you see here, particularly missing citations. It is especially important if the paper includes sources not on the site.

7. As a reader, are you left with any questions about the issue that should be further clarified or supported? Be as specific as you can.

8. What do you like best about the essay?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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