CONNECTIONS MEETING AGENDASAgenda for parents who have experience parenting their childrenAgenda for parents who have not parented, or have not parented child recentlyIntroductionFacilitator outlines the agenda/hopes/goals for the meeting. Discuss expectations of meeting/topics that will not be discussed/distribute fidgets and protein snacks.Share any photos of the child, if applicable. Parent should be given the opportunity to share any items he/she has brought for the child.Team building activityCreate a word cloud focused on strengths of the kid. Write child’s name down on paper, then both parent and caregiver write words/phrases to describe strengths and positive attributes about the child – Discuss/share together, and everyone takes home a copyTopics that may be discussed (if parent wishes, they may share):Child’s full name/ nicknamesImportant people in child’s life child may mentionKnown allergies (medicine and food)Known medical conditions/medicationsUpcoming medical appointments (date, time, location, how would parents like to receive info about upcoming appointments)Food preferences/feeding schedulesChild’s routines (mornings, nap, bedtime)How to comfort child/any fears/comfort itemsHygiene needs/hair careChild’s preferred activities/toys/tv showsClothing preferencesSchool information (IEP)Cultural needs or accommodations/religionAny other information the parent wishes to share with the caregiverChild’s full name/ nicknamesImportant people in child’s life child may mentionKnown allergies (medicine and food)Known medical conditions/medicationsUpcoming medical appointments (date, time, location, how would parents like to receive info about upcoming appointments)Parenting style/wishesFamily values and cultural valuesAny other information the parent wishes to share with the caregiverCaregiver shares information about themselves.Suggested topics:Who is living in the homeAges of children in the homePetsPictures of the child’s bedroomA few things your family does for funUpdate on childIf the child is present, it should be determined if the child would like to participate or just be present. If the child wants to participate, facilitator should first look to the child to answer questions, then the parents as experts on their child.Caregiver gives brief update on the child. Parents and caregiver are able to ask each other questions and share additional information as desired.Plan for future communicationParents and caregivers should be encouraged to determine what will work best for their family prior to meetingMethod of contact (share phone number, email or Facebook info, as appropriate)Discuss frequency of contact and expectationsPlan for next communication between parent and caregiverFacilitator thanks both parties for attending. Facilitator will share contact information and express willingness to be a continued resource for both parent and caregiver. Facilitator makes a copy of the child poster and distributes to all participants, including a copy for the child. ................

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