
Figurative Language1.? A literary device that gives human attributes to non-human things:a. alliterationhyperbolepersonificationmetaphor2.?Giving human qualities to an animal, object, or idea is:tonesimileonomatopoeiapersonification3.?"The sheets hanging on the clothesline danced in the wind."This is an example of personification. a. True b. False4.? Which is an example of hyperbole?My feet are very sore.I have more homework than you.I have a ton of homework.This sweet tea tastes fantastic.5.?Get it? Got it. Good!?This is an example of:hyperbolesimilealliterationassonance6.? I am a tiny ant in this big old world! What is this an example of… a. simile b. metaphor c. onomatopoeia d. alliteration7.?"The sun flung itself in golden streams through the trees to splash warmly at their feet."This is an example of?hyperbolepersonificationsimileidiom8."Lord, Mrs. Myers was liable to crack her face if she kept up smiling like that."This is an example of?similemetaphorpersonificationhyperbole9.?"R-r-r-oof," wailed Prince Terrien, rolling his eyes skyward.This is an example of?onomatopoeiahyperbolepersonificationmetaphor10.?If you are feeling under the weather you are:happynot feeling wellsillynot excited11.?Read the sentences below.Today has been a great day. I met all of my goals. I married the love of my life. I feel like I'm on top of the world.What does the idiom ON TOP OF THE WORLD mean?Someone is very happy.Someone is not feeling good about something.Someone is worried about tomorrow.Someone is not sure what they should do next.12.?The sky is falling!This is an example of:AlliterationAssonanceHyperboleMetaphor13. Bob bakes dark brown brownies. This is an example of:OnomatopoeiaSimileHyperboleAlliteration14.?The crickets chirped quietly as darkness fell upon the pond, casting a soft glow of the moon's reflection upon the still water. This is an example of:imageryhyperbolemetaphorsenses15. I'm so thirsty, I could drink the entire ocean! What is this an example of?similehyperboleimageryassonance 16.? What is a set of mental images of pictures within poetry?hyperbolerepetitionimagerysimile17.? Sam lives in a mint colored house in Kentucky.?This is an example of:similemetaphorassonanceonomatopoeia18.? What do you personify?friendsfamilyobjectsteachersPlotWhat is an internal conflict?a problem within yourselfa problem with someone elseThe moment in the story that all the action builds up to:expositioncomplicationsclimaxresolutionWhen and where a story takes place is?StylePlotMoodSetting4.? The plot of a story can best described as:The main people or animals in a storyThe events that occur in a storyWhere the story takes placeWho wrote the story5.?????????????????is where conflict and tension reach a peak.ResolutionExpositionClimaxRising Action6.?The protagonist is the main character of the story.TrueFalse7.?The antagonist is the person or thing working against the protagonist or hero of a story.TrueFalse8. A long-forgotten memory came back to Peter as he drove through his old neighborhood. Mr. Smith's dog was chasing him down the street. He fell, and pain shot through his arm. This is an example of:foreshadowingflashbackIdentifying Narrative Perspective?Directions:?Read the following passages and determine the narrative perspective. Then, explain how you were able to identify the point of view- if the passage is third person, explain which character's thoughts are revealed. ???Narrative Perspective (point of view):?first-person, second-person, third-person objective, third-person limited, third-person omniscient.?1. ?Sideways Stories from?Wayside?School?by Louis Sachar?Leslie sat in front of Paul. ?She had two long, brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her waist. ?Paul saw those pigtails, and a terrible urge came over him. ?He wanted to pull a pigtail. ?He wanted to wrap his fist around it, feel the hair between his fingers, and just yank. ?He thought it would be fun to tie the pigtails together, or better yet, tie them to her chair. ?But most of all, he just wanted to pull one.?Narrative Perspective: ?___________________?If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________?2. ?Invitation to the Game?by Monica Hughes?And we scrounged. ?Next to?survival, scrounge?was probably the most important word in our new vocabulary. ?We found a store that was throwing out water-damaged mattresses. ?Getting them home was a problem, since we had to make two trips, leaving Brad and Katie, armed with sticks to guard over the remained. ?I truly expected them to be challenged by some gang boss, but they said that the only person who came by was a scrawny little rat of a girl living alone. ?We let her have one of the mattresses. ??Narrative Perspective: ?____________________??If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________3. ?Curious George and the Pizza?by Margret Rey?At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking. ?He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air. ?He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese, and shoved it in the over. ?Then the telephone rang. ?"A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry," Tony's wife called. ?"OK, I'll get my coat," said Tony.Narrative Perspective: ?______________If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________?4. ?The Ninja Housewife?by Deborah Hamlin?After dropping her son off at school, Sara sat at a traffic light and waited. ?She was on her way to her office job as a secretary in a law office. ?It was mainly paperwork with very little time to interact with other people, but Sara had gotten used to that. ?It also gave her plenty of time to daydream, something she had also gotten quite used to. ?She was a woman in her mid-30s, married 13 years, with one child. ??Narrative Perspective: ?_________________If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________5. ?How to Grill?by Steven Raichlen?Once you have your grill assembled, the next thing to decide is where to put it. ?A grill puts out a lot of heat, so you should position it several feet away from the side of the house or any plants or shrubbery. ?You'll have an easier time with a spot that is sheltered from the wind. ?When positioning a grill on a wooden deck, remember that sparks and live embers can fall from a charcoal grill. ??Narrative Perspective: ?_________________If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________6. ?Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?by Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel?Alice?was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought?Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" ?So she was considering, in her own mind whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. ??Narrative Perspective: ?__________________If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________7. ?Shiloh?by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor?The day?Shiloh?come, we're having us a big Sunday dinner. ?Dara Lynn's dipping bread in her glass of cold tea, the way she likes, and Becky pushes her beans over the edge of?her plate in her rush to get 'em down. ?Ma gives us her scolding look. ?We live high up in the hills above Friendly, but hardly anybody knows where that is. ?Friendly's near Sistersville, which is halfway between?Wheeling?and?Parkersburg. ?Used to be, my daddy told me, Sistersville was once of the best places you could live in the whole state.?Narrative Perspective: ?________________If it is third-person, which character's thoughts are revealed? ??_____________________________________________________________________Types of Conflict WorksheetDirections: Read the description of the story. Determine the protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then, describe the type of conflict (example: person vs. nature). After breaking his mother's favorite vase, Casey struggles to decide whether he should tell his mother the truth and face the consequences, or whether he should attempt to hide his mistake and blame the family dog. Protagonist: _________________________ Antagonist: _______________________ Type of Conflict _______________________Kiko is a Ninja warrior trained by Mountain Master Yoho Mahrati. When Master Mahrati is slain by Shan Bhutan of the Lotus Clan in the most cowardly of fashions, Kiko lays it all on the line to avenge the death of his master. Will Kiko overcome Shan Bhutan and the powerful Lotus Clan? Protagonist: __________________________ Antagonist: ____________________________ Type of Conflict _________________________It's the year 3030 and society is completely dependent on computers and robots. A young boy named Domino is flying his hover board to school when all of the machines start acting up and attacking people due to a powerful computer virus. What will Domino do now that the machines that are supposed to help him have turned against him? Protagonist: __________________________ Antagonist: __________________________ Type of Conflict ________________________Brian has the best dog in the world. In fact, he has one of the only dogs in the world. That's because dogs are not allowed in Brian's world, where people believe that dogs spread diseases. Brian's dog will be executed if he is caught. Soon Brian learns of a mysterious underground dog owners club and joins the fight to legalize dogs. Can Brian and his new friends prove to the world that dogs are safe and friendly? Protagonist: _________________________ Antagonist: ____________________________ Type of Conflict ________________________Janie is on a whitewater-rafting trip along a choppy river when their guide suddenly has a heart attack. Now she and the other passengers must learn to work together to survive the treacherous rapids. As if things weren't bad enough, some of the passengers spotted a bear following the confused rafters along the shore. Will Janie make it home safely? Protagonist: ___________________________ Antagonist: __________________________Type of Conflict _________________________Greg is just a regular boy who tries to do his best in school and just so happens to have a magical unicorn. When he's not studying and playing baseball, Greg is riding his unicorn through the enchanted land of Harmonia. When Greg brings something to Harmonia that he shouldn't, a secret gate is unlocked and the muck-muck monsters are unleashed, causing terrible pollution in Harmonia. Can Greg and his unicorn stop the muck-muck monsters before they find a way to Greg's world?Protagonist: __________________________ Antagonist: __________________________ Type of Conflict __________________________Jack Juniper is the best fighter pilot in the Air Force. He can take down an enemy jet while doing a barrel roll. One day while Jack is escorting some friendly pilots to a military base, something that Jack has never seen before attacks the convoy… aliens! Can Jack outmaneuver the highly skilled alien pilots or is the mission doomed to failure? Protagonist: _________________________ Antagonist: _________________________ Type of Conflict __________________________Ronny has won second place in the science fair for the last two years, and Newton Robinson has taken first. Ronny hated how Newton gloated and held these victories high over Ronny's head. This year, Ronny will stop at nothing to beat Newton. He has even enlisted the help of a Nobel Prize nominated scientist who was banished from the scientific community for his rouge experiments. Can Ronny and his mad scientist partner win against the undefeated Newton at this year's science fair? Protagonist: _________________________ Antagonist: __________________________Type of Conflict _____________________Character types1.?A well developed character:dynamic characterflat characterstatic characterround character2.? A character who experiences a significant change or development over the course of the narrative:dynamic characterround characterflat characterstatic character3.?Main person or persons in a story.Minor CharactersMajor CharactersCinderellaAndrea4.? A???????????????????is one who changes or grows during the course of the work.static characterround characterflat characterdynamic character5.? A???????????????????is one who does not change.round characterflat characterdynamic characterstatic character6.? A???????????????????is one-sided and often stereotypical.round characterflat characterdynamic characterstatic character7.?A???????????????????is fully developed and exhibits many traits-often both faults and virtues.dynamic characterstatic characterflat characterround character8.?Which type of character interacts with other characters in the story, but often the reader does not know very much about them?major characterminor characterGenreRead the descriptions of the texts. Look for details that reveal the genre. Write the genre on the line and write a sentence explaining your answer.The Hard Way Out by Terry Vaughn In this novel, Brian struggles with living at his Aunt’s house and sharing a room with his cousin while dealing with the grief of having lost both of his parents in a tragic car accident. Basketball is his only escape, but after getting benched for low progress report grades, Brian’ world shatters. Does he have it in him to turn around his grades? Will Brian come to peace with his emotions? Can anyone help him? Genre: ________________________ Explain your Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Newton’s Law by Morton MallonAfter a mostly unsuccessful life of studying and practicing the nano-transportation sciences, Professor Melton stumbles upon a major breakthrough on April 20th, 2042: he discovers a way to transport particles at light-speed across fixed distances, thereby allowing him to teleport from one location to another. But Professor Melton soon discovers that there is no such thing as a free lunch. He learns that the body ages relative to the distance travelled, not just the time, in effect causing a teleporting body to age very rapidly. Can Melton solve this problem before his time is up? Genre: ________________________ Explain your Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Bronze Star by Irwin KeeneWorld War II has been hard for Mama Conner. Her husband and three sons have been away at war and Mama Conner was left to keep the house together, raise money, and provide for Baby Maple. The mood in the town darkens suddenly when her neighbor Betsy loses one of her loved ones in battle. At Mama Conner’s ladies club, several upstanding ladies of the town are on edge after hearing a garbled news report announcing that a man from their town was lost in battle, but as the man’s name went unheard, the women are left to speculate as to whom will be the most affected. This novel ends in a surprising twist. Genre: ________________________ Explain your Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Rapunzel” adapted by Craig HooperOnce upon a time a young girl named Rapunzel was running an errand for her mother when an evil witch caught her and imprisoned her in the tower of a castle. After years in the tower, Rapunzel grew long, beautiful hair. Having seen nobody but the evil witch her whole life, Rapunzel is very lonely until one day a prince wanders by and climbs up her hair. The witch doesn’t like this and action ensues, but eventually the prince and Rapunzel live happily ever after. Genre: ________________________ Explain your Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________1733550741045398208580645000165103175000398540474980300Flashbacks and ForeshadowingIDENTIFYING TONE & MOODHow would you characterize the tone of the following sentence: "I won the game fair and square — and I'll fight anyone who says differently!"HappySadAngryPeacefulFor each example identify the tone, what context clues are used to convey the tone, and the overall mood of the sentence. Bouncing into the room, she lit up the area with a joyous glow on her face as she told about her fiancé and their wedding plans. Tone _________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Clues__________________________________________________________________________________Mood_________________________________________________________________________________________She huddled in the corner, clutching her raggedy blanket and shaking violently, as she frantically searched the room for the unknown dangers that awaited her. Tone _________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Clues__________________________________________________________________________________Mood_________________________________________________________________________________________Drawing the attention of his classmates as well as his teacher, the student dared to experiment with his professor’s intelligence by interrogating him about the Bible. Tone _________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Clues__________________________________________________________________________________Mood_________________________________________________________________________________________He quickly glanced behind him, trying to hear his imagined pursuers, then hurriedly walked on, jumping at the slightest sound even of a leaf crackling under his own foot. Tone _________________________________________________________________________________________ Context Clues__________________________________________________________________________________Mood_________________________________________________________________________________________Text features1.?Fiction has all of the following characteristics except which?characters may or may not be humanhas a table of contents, index, and list of resourcescontains character developmenthas made up content2.?This text feature displays data in a picture rather than with numberssubheadingcaptionillustrationgraph3.?This text feature describes what's happening in a picture.subheadingcaptionillustrationgraph4.?A diagram in a science book illustrating the inner rings of a tree and how this determines the tree's age would be an example of what type of information?visualheadingprintglossaryTHEMETheme is the central message that stretches through an entire story, drama, or poem. You can think of the theme of a story as being like the lesson or the real world application of the story. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas. Themes can be stated outright, or they can be just implied. Read the following fables and see if you can identify which of the themes above belong to each story. The Donkey, the Fox and the Lion A donkey and a fox decided to team up to find food together. They were travelling in the forest when they crossed paths with a lion. They were both scared. But the fox hoped to save himself. He approached the lion and offered to help him get the donkey, if the lion would let him escape unharmed. The lion agreed. So the fox and the donkey walked on, with the lion trailing behind them. The fox led the donkey to a hidden pit, left by some long‐ago hunter as a trap for wild animals, and the donkey fell in. As soon as the donkey was in the pit, the lion came out of hiding and ate the fox. Then he ate the donkey.What is the theme of this story? ______________________________________________The Bald Man and the Fly A fly bit a bald man on the head. The man tried to shoo the fly away. But the fly landed on the man’s head and bit him again. This made the man furious. He slapped his head to squash the fly, but the fly few away just before the man delivered a stinging slap to his own head. The fly landed on the man’s head a third time and laughed at him. “You would hurt yourself just to get back at me?” he taunted. The man was so enraged that he tried to hit the fly with a rock. Instead he knocked himself, senseless, to the ground.What is the theme of this story? _______________________________________Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog were hanging out at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr. Pig was eating a huge feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch and Mr. Dog was watching him eat. “Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give me a slice of your pizza, I’ll let you have the next bone I find.” Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to eat the last three slices of pizza. “I’m sorry, Mr. Dog,” Mr. Pig said, “but I paid for this pizza and it’s all mine.” Mr. Dog sighed and waited for Mr. Pig to finish, and then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter but since he was weighed down by such a large meal, Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter killed him. Mr. Dog easily escaped. Later that night while returning to the scene, Mr. Dog caught the scent of something delicious and began digging around a trash can. He found a large ham bone with lots of meat and marrow still stuck to the bone. Mr. Dog happily ate. What is the theme of the story?__________________ __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________What happens in the story that leads you to believe this?________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ In his sophomore year of high school, Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team at Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play at that level, so Jordan was cut from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. When he finally made the varsity squad, Jordan averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history. What is the theme of the story?_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ What happens in the story that leads you to believe this? ________________________________________________________________________ ................

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