Parent Handbook57150036652201424 River Run RoadLowell NC, 28098Phone: (704) 648-5395Email: creativeheartsdaycare@001424 River Run RoadLowell NC, 28098Phone: (704) 648-5395Email: creativeheartsdaycare@ Revised 07/19/2017Welcome to Creative Hearts Home DaycareI want to welcome your family into my Childcare Home. To help my Daycare operate smoothly, you will need to comply with my policies and contract. Please review them carefully as it is important that you are aware of all my policies. I want you to be able to make your decision about childcare based on the terms that I provide.Enrollment Checklist/FormsChildren may be enrolled from 0 to 12 years of age, regardless of race, creed, or religious beliefs. The following forms are required by the state of North Carolina and need to be read, completed and/or signed prior to enrollment:Parent Handbook (read)Parent-Provider Contract/ Enrollment Application (complete/sign/date)Ages AcceptedAt Creative Hearts Home Daycare, I specialize in childcare for children ages 0 to 12 years.I provide 1st shift, 2nd shift, before and after school care.Daycare HoursThe daycare is open Monday through Friday 7:00am to 11:00pm with the following holiday exceptions: please call or text if you will be late in arriving or absent for the day so that I will know how to prepare for the day.HolidaysNew Year’s Day Thanksgiving DayGood Friday Day after ThanksgivingMemorial Day Christmas EveIndependence Day (4th of July) Christmas DayLabor DayPlease note: If the above holiday falls on a Saturday I will take the Friday before off. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, I will take the Monday off.Sick/Personal DaysUnfortunately, I get sick from time to time. Due to this I allot myself five sick/personal days per year. I also use these days for classes and trainings (CPR, First Aid, etc.) to ensure my childcare home is in good standing. Of course, I will give you as much of a notice as possible.VacationsI allot myself two weeks of paid vacation a year. The dates of my vacation will be posted at least a month in advance. Regular payment rates will NOT apply for my vacation, however; they will apply for your vacations, weeks with holidays, and provider’s sick/personal days.Please note: Parents are responsible for finding back up care for their children during provider vacations, holidays, and sick/personal days resulting in the daycare closing.Enrollment FeeIn order to reserve your child’s spot, the first week’s tuition plus a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $30 must be made within one week of the child’s enrollment date. Holding fees may apply if you are requesting a holding period of more than a week. Please note: I accept personal checks, cash, money orders; please make payable to Tiffany CrockerPayment/Attendance PolicyPayments are due weekly on Friday, in advance for the upcoming week. A late fee of $10.00 will be added for each day that payment is late. It is not the provider’s responsibility to remind the parents when payment is due. If tuition and fees are not received when due, suspension of services will occur until full payment is made. If daycare is closed for a holiday on your pay date all payments must be received the day before by 6:00 pm. If your child is absent on your pay date, you are still required to make your payment. Late fees will include Saturday and Sunday. I will take all outstanding accounts to court and collections. Your specific rate and pay date will be outlined in the Childcare Contract. I reserve the right to change rates with a two weeks’ notice. I accept cash, as well as personal checks, money orders. Due to limited spaces available, weekly payments are based on using or holding your slot, not on the child’s attendance. No refunds are given for late arrivals, early departures, parental vacations, or exclusion due to illness.Non-Sufficient Checks (Returned Checks)Due to the inconvenience of NSF checks, a $30 fee will be charged for all checks returned, plus any other charges incurred to myself and/or the bank. Parents who have two NSF checks will be required to pay by cash or money order from that point on.Late Pick UpIf your child is picked up after 6:00pm (1st shift) or 11:00pm (2nd shift) there will be a late charge of $10.00 for every 15 minutes (unless prior arrangements have been made). This amount will be due at the time you pick up your children. Please be courteous and arrive on time. After hours is time with my family.Arrival and DeparturesChildren are to arrive clean and ready for the day (no pajamas). Your child will be offered a nutritious breakfast if you arrive by 8:30 a.m. If you cannot have your child to care by that time please provide your child a meal before arriving. Please make your drop-off brief. Never leave without telling your child goodbye. Please be in control of your child during drop-off and pick-up times. Pick-up and drop-off times are not a good time to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. Topics that concern day-to-day events or light-hearted discussions are fine. Please feel free to call during nap time (usually from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.) to discuss serious topics. I ask that you inform me in person or in writing in advance if someone else other than you are going to be picking up. The authorized person to pick up must show their I.D. and be 18 years or older before I release the child into their care. If there is a court order keeping one parent away from the child, I must have a written note from the custodial parent on file to that effect. Otherwise, I cannot prevent the non-custodial parent from picking up.Open Door PolicyYou can stop by during business hours unannounced. For safety purposes, my door will be locked. Parents are also free to call and check on their child at any time. Please leave a message if I don’t answer and I will return your call in a timely manner. Another way to get a hold of me is through text message. I find that communicating through text is convenient for some parents.Behavior Management and DisciplineDiscipline is a learning process and not a punishment. Misbehavior will be handled in firm, consistent and POSITIVE manner. Some of the methods include:Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when demonstrating acceptable behaviorRedirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.Providing children with reasons for limitationsHelping children to constructively express their feelings and frustrations to resolve conflictNo child will be handled roughly, shamed, or humiliated. No corporal punishment will be used, even at the request of parents. Age appropriate time-out procedures work well. My philosophy on discipline is to help children gain respect for each other and themselves, and to teach constructive and positive alternatives when conflict arise.*REVIEW DISCIPLINE POLICYTermination/Discontinuation of ServicesParent/Provider Decision: The first 2 weeks will be regarded as a trial period, in which either party may terminate the contract without notice. After the first 2 weeks of enrollment, 2 weeks written notice from parent or provider is required to terminate the contract.Delinquent Account: An account is considered delinquent if the payment for the week is not paid by Friday or the last day of attendance.Persistent late pick-ups: Children being picked up later than their scheduled time on a repeated basis may have services terminated.Inability to meet the needs of the child: I will strive to provide the needs of all children, however, in some instances, a child’s needs may not be able to be met by my childcare setting.Abusive behavior by a child: Children who are persistently abusive towards other children, myself or property will be terminated. This will only occur when all other available methods of intervention have been exhausted Health Matters (Illness Exclusion)For the health and safety of your child and all the children in our daycare, please do not send your child to daycare sick. I may also become sick making it difficult to care for the children at the high standards that I have set. I can only care for children with mild cold like symptoms that are otherwise feeling and acting well. Mild cold like symptoms are clear runny nose, slight cough, and a slight or no fever. If you are unsure if your child should be brought to daycare, then please call and check with me. If a child becomes ill during daycare hours the parents will be contacted to pick up their child. Parents need to pick up their child within one hour of being notified. If parents are not available, the emergency contact person will be notified.Note: Once the child is removed from daycare due to illness, they may not return to daycare until symptoms requiring removal are no longer present. The child must also be clear of any contagious disease, unless accompanied by a doctor’s note stating the illness in question is not contagious, and the child is otherwise feeling well enough to participate in our daily schedule.Guidelines for Children Requiring Exclusion from Daycare.FeverDiarrheaVomitingRunny Nose with colored dischargeRashPink EyeLice – child needs to treated before return (NO NITS AT ALL)Communicable diseases- Chick pox, measles, mumps, pink eye, influenza, etc. The child may return when the incubation and contagious period is passed and the child is well enough to resume normal daycare activities.I have the right to refuse to care for a sick child.MedicationAt Creative Hearts Home Daycare, I do not give medications to the children. If your child needs to be medicated in order to get through the day, and be able to comfortably participate in our classroom activities, then it is quite possible he or she may be too sick to attend daycare. I will however give certain doctor prescribed medications to the children, if they are no longer contagious, and only if the medication consent form has been signed. For example, I will administer for asthma or allergic reaction. If you’re unsure if I will administer a certain medication or not, please feel free to ask.Reporting Child AbuseI am required by law to report any suspected incidents of possible child abuse or neglect.AllergiesPlease let me know on your child’s emergency form if he or she has any allergies of any kind, and what medications are required (with your written consent) for treatment. If medication must be carried with your child at all times, it is your responsibility to provide an extra prescription for me to keep in my home.Medical and Dental Emergency ProcedureEmergency information is kept on file at the daycare. In case of illness or injury this information will be use to notify you or the person designated by you, of your child’s status. If your child is injured while at daycare, first aid will be administered. If treatment by a doctor is necessary, I will make every effort to contact you or the doctor you have chosen to treat your child. In all cases, an injury report is completed, and a copy is given to the parent. Authorization for emergency treatment must be signed at the time of enrollment to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we can make sure your child receives the necessary emergency treatment he or she needs. It is important that all emergency contact information is kept up to date and correct. Please inform me immediately of any changes to keep your information current. Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation if required.Note: In case of a serious accident or sudden illness requiring medical attention, the following procedures will be followed.A phone call to 911 is made.Child’s parents (or emergency contacts) are called.Child is separated from the other children and appropriately cared for.Parent, provider, or ambulance takes the child and health records to the doctor or hospitalEvacuation ProceduresCreative Hearts Home Daycare has written policies and procedures for dealing with emergencies and natural disasters. Evacuation plans are posted in the daycare. In the unlikely event, the children will be evacuated to an emergency location, and you will be notified as soon as possible. The emergency location of choice is the playground located at the corner of Edmund Dean Drive and River Run Road. A notice will be posted at the daycare with all information on the alternative sight. Directions to the playground are as follows: Turn left out of the driveway and the playground is about ? of mile at the first stop sign.Diaper PolicyIt is the parent’s responsibility to provide diapers wipes, and diaper cream for your child. It is also the parent’s responsibility to check periodically to see if or when your child needs more diapers, wipes, and cream, (not the providers). Each child has his or her own clearly labeled diaper bin. Diapers are checked frequently and changed every 2 hours or more often if required. Diapers containing #2 are changed immediately. The diaper changing table is cleaned and disinfected between each diaper change, and hand washing of childcare provider and child is performed after each diaper change (excluding infants).Toilet TrainingI am more than happy to encourage potty training as long as the child is ready (typically between 2 and 3 years old). The initial start needs to be done at home for at home for at least two weeks with success before it can be effectively started at daycare. Parents will be required to supply pull-ups and wipes. Children will be allowed to come to daycare in cotton training underwear after they have been accident free for at least two weeks in pull-ups. Communication between parents and the daycare provider is imperative for a successful transition from diapers to ViewingTelevision viewing may be used daily during meal preparation but no longer than 20 minutes and is limited to PBS, the Disney Channel, or Educational Videos. On occasion, usually on Fridays, I may pick an appropriate children’s video or movie to watch. Children are never required to sit and watch TV, and TV is not offered in place of free play or learning activities.ToysI have well organized, separate, age appropriate toys for the toddlers and infants. Infants will not be allowed to be around or play with small objects and toys. During the initial adjusting period, I encourage your child to bring a piece of home with them; a special blanket, or stuffed animal can be very comforting. Photos of family members and/or pets can be left at the daycare to help remind your child of familiar people if he or she feels lonely during the day. However, please do not bring your child’s toys to daycare except on designated days (sharing/show and tell). As much as I try to encourage sharing, this seldom works when it is the child’s own personal toy. It only causes problems between them and other children. Never send your child to daycare with toy weapons.Supplies Needed at DaycareParents are responsible for supplying the following items: diapers/pull-ups, wipes, diaper creams, weather appropriate clothes and a change of clothes, jacket, shoes that lace up or Velcro and/or stay on feet (no flip-flops please), pacifier (if needed). A blanket and a comfort object for rest time, and anything else your child may need. Your child’s blanket should be washed every Friday and returned to daycare the following Monday. There is a good possibility your child will get dirty throughout the day because of food, paint, markers, dirt, bubbles, etc. So please dress your child accordingly for play. I am not responsible for replacing (buying) stained or soiled clothing. Furthermore, I suggest that you write your child’s name on the tags of their clothing to prevent any clothes mix ups.Note: Please check your child’s cubby periodically to make sure they still have all of their necessary items needed at the daycare. This way I can care for your child in the best possible way.Meals/SnacksEach day I provide three nutritious and well-balanced meals. I provide morning breakfast at 8:30am, lunch at 12:00pm, and afternoon snack at 3:00pm. Milk and juice is served with all meals and snacks and water is offered throughout the day. I do not provide baby food for infants. The meals and snacks for each week constantly vary to ensure the children receive a well-balanced diet. The children are offered the food, but they will not be forced to eat.Special DietsIf your child has any particular dietary needs resulting from being a vegetarian, or having allergies, religious beliefs, or non-religion beliefs, etc, then I must be informed, and when applicable given a doctor’s note stating to the fact.Learning and FunFor ages 24 months and younger we work on and with the following: throughout each day we practice on large and small motor skills by reaching, grasping, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking, cooing and talking; whichever developmental stage your child happens to be in at the time. Infants and toddlers learn through play by utilizing flash cards, books, numbers, shapes, colors, the alphabet, stacking blocks, puppets, age appropriate toys, and much more. For ages two through 5, I offer the Creative Curriculum (a professionally planned preschool curriculum designed to be used in childcare homes and centers.) This on-going preschool program is offered Mon.-Fri. and is both entertaining and educational. Your child will enjoy activities ranging from art and craft projects to games, songs, finger plays, storytelling, creative dramatics, exercise, science, shapes, numbers, colors, alphabet, and much more through various monthly themes. The activities that the children participate in are developmentally appropriate, concrete, hands-on, and most of all fun, because I believe learning is an exciting experience. I encourage participation but the child will not be forced to participate. Most importantly, my goal is to make learning fun for all ages, and non-intimidating. It is my hope that both you and your child will be enthusiastic as I am about my program.Outdoor ActivitiesIf the weather permits and we do not have infants sleeping we will play outside daily. Outside activities include but are not limited to: running, jumping, balls, soccer, catch, painting, bubbles, safe water toys, exploring nature/weather, and yes falling. As you know, children play hard and will get some bumps and bruises from time to time. I do my best to limit the amount of times this occurs, with constant supervision and watchful eyes.Nap TimeInfants sleep in provider cribs and the toddlers and preschoolers sleep on mats/cots. My goal is to have two different age groups (2years and older and younger than 2 years) sleeping on the same afternoon schedule. Nap time for 18 months and older is during the time 1:00pm and 3:00pm each day. Typically, children 18 months and younger will take a morning nap as well, moving toward a one nap a day schedule between 12 and 18 months. Typically, children 6 months and younger may need a third nap during the day. The state of North Carolina requires that all children under the age of five have at least a two-hour rest period every day. No child will ever be forced to sleep; however, they are encouraged to remain quiet and on their mat/cot during this time.Review Back2Sleep Policy****Guidelines- What Is Asked of ChildrenAll food and drinks be kept near kitchen areaNo coloring on anything but paperName calling and foul language is not allowed No hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, biting, spitting or pulling hairNo picking up, pulling, poking or squeezing of babiesAll kitchen cupboards are off limits to childrenTake turns and shareHelp clean upLaugh, smile, play and be happyDaily Schedule*This schedule is meant to give you an idea of your child’s day. Actual times may vary depending on the time of the year, weather, age and temperament of the children.7:00-8:30 drop-offs/ welcome children/free-play/story-time8:30-9:00 breakfast/clean-up/restroom/wash hands9:00-9:30 circle-time/flash cards/(nap-time depending on age)9:30-10:00 arts and crafts/story-time/various learning games (nap time cont.)10:00-10:30 music/song and dance/exercises10:30-11:00 outside play time11:00-12:00 free-play and/or structure-play/interactive video12:00-12:30 lunch/clean-up/handwashing12:30-1:00 /restroom/wash hands/table toys1:00-3:00 rest time/quiet time3:00-4:00 clean-up mats/restroom/wash hands/snack4:00-4:30 outside play time4:30-5:00 free play5:00-6:00 departure/free play6:00-7:15 arrival/free play/games/activities7:15-7:30 clean-up/handwashing7:30-8:00 dinner/handwashing8:00-8:15 quiet play/bathroom/diapering8:15-10:45 nap time10:45-11:00 departure*Infants have a flexible schedule!!! Revised 6/28/2017CommunicationSo that I can provide the best possible care, please feel free to communicate any needs, wants and/or concerns regarding your child. It is only through good parent/provider interaction that good quality nurturing care can be achieved. Once again, Pick-up and drop-off times are not a good time to discuss serious problems. Please feel free to call during nap time (usually from 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.) to discuss serious topics.ReferralsFor past and present clients: a referral from a client is one of the biggest compliments I can receive. As a special thanks to you, I provide families a $25 gift card for each referred child that has successfully enrolled in my daycare. The $25 gift card will be given to you after the referred child has attended the daycare through the two-week trial period without gross conduct on part of the parent, or child. If at the time of the referral I do not have an available spot for the child, then the family will be giving the option to be put on a waiting list. If in the future when a spot becomes available the family in question takes the spot, then at that time you will be given the $25 gift card. If at that time your child no longer attends the daycare, the $25 gift card will be mailed to you (so stay in touch).Contract AdherenceThis is my home as well as my business, so please be respectful of my family and home by adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in the parent handbook. I realize this is a lot of information to absorb. Because of this, please keep your parent handbook accessible so you can periodically review my policies and procedures as necessary. I reserve the right to amend any portion of the Parent-Provider Contract/Enrollment Application, and Parent Handbook at any time. If and when I do make a change to any of the following you will be given a copy.A Final NoteIt is important that you feel comfortable with my policies and procedures. If you do not understand something, have a concern, or you feel uncomfortable with one or more of my policies and/or procedures it is important that you express that to me before enrolling your child in my daycare. I am always open to suggestions and feel communication is a very important part of quality daycare. If there are any problems or concerns in the future, I encourage you to talk to me about them. If a lengthy discussion is needed, a time that is convenient for both of us will be scheduled, as the other children still need my attention during business hours. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and care for your little one. I look forward to a future of keeping your child smiling and safe.Note: By signing the Parent-Provider Contract/Enrollment Application, it is understood that all of the policies and procedures of Creative Hearts Home Daycare handbook are understood and agreed upon ................

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