
Hypothyroidism Recommendations

It is estimated that between 30 and 50 million Americans have hypothyroidism, and many don’t even know it. Women are more affected than men. The classic symptoms are weight gain, fatigue, thinning hair, cold hand and feet, dry skin, constipation, and brain fog. Less obvious symptoms include high cholesterol, infertility, heavy periods, puffy eyelids/fluid retention, and heart palpitations.

Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, regulates nearly all your metabolic processes. Thyroid hormones impact brain function/cognition, female hormone balance, fertility, GI function, body temperature, cardiovascular function, and lipid/cholesterol metabolism. Thyroid hormones regulate other hormones including insulin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Primary hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone to meet the body’s needs, and everything slows down, which is why you may initially notice weight gain, fatigue, and constipation. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism: over 90 percent of underfunctioning thyroid cases are due to Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid gland, causing inflammation and rendering it unable to produce enough thyroid hormone. Hashimoto’s is more complex than primary hypothyroid because it is autoimmune in nature, so the overactive immune system must be addressed.

"Nutritional deficiencies (for example, zinc, vitamin A, selenium and iron) and a toxic overload are thought to be the main factors involved in the onset of hypothyroidism." Primary hypothyroid can also be due to family history, iodine deficiency, or previous treatment with radioactive iodine.

The most common conventional treatment for hypothyroidism is synthetic thyroid hormone replacement such as synthroid, which provides T4, one of your 2 main thyroid hormones. Natural thyroid replacement such as Armour or Nature-throid provides both active thyroid hormones, T4 and T3.

Spiritual Implications

However, self-hatred, self-rejection and guilt, fear, anxiety and stress can be the some of the primary causes of Hypothyroidism as well. The beginning of all healing of spiritually rooted disease is:

1. reconciliation with Yah and His Love, receiving His Love, reconciliation with Him as your Father, and making your peace with Him.

2. reconciliation of you with yourself

3. and reconciliation of you and others.

This requires forgiveness above all things of yourself, others and Yahuah (when you feel he has not treated you right.- which, of course, is never true but sometimes we think it is.)

Col 3:12, “Therefore, as chosen ones of Elohim, set-apart and beloved, put on compassion, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, patience, 13 bearing with one another, and forgiving each other if anyone has a complaint against another, indeed, as Messiah forgave you so also should you. 14 But above all these put on love, which is a bond of the perfection.”

It is not always possible to be reconciled to others so do the best you can. Reconciliation means to be mutually changed. That means to be able to be reconciled requires 2 parties agreeing to change in order for peace to ensue. If one party refuses to change or accept you then all you can do is be reconciled to Yah and yourself and know you did the best you could to be reconciled to the other party.

9 R’s to Freedom

1. Recognize (what you have or have not done) Heb 10:32, “But remember the former days, when, after you were enlightened, you endured a great struggle with sufferings.”

2. Responsibility (take responsibility for what you recognize) Jas 4:17, “To him, then, who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is wrongdoing.”

3. Repent (turn around and go in the other direction with what you now recognize) Rom 2:4, “Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, and tolerance, and patience, not knowing that the kindness of Elohim leads you to change your mind and turn around?”

4. Renounce (make what you recognize your enemy and renounce it) Tit 2:12, “instructing us to renounce wickedness and worldly lusts, and to live sensibly, righteously, and reverently in the present age,” This is where you must start to renew your mind and not receive the lies of the enemy.

5. Remove it (continue to remove it from your mind by verbally speaking to it) 2Co 10:5, “overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to the Messiah,”

6. Resist (when it tries to come back, resist it after yielding to Yah) Jas 4:7, “So then subject yourselves to Elohim. Resist the adversary and he shall flee from you.”

7. Rejoice (give Yah thanks for setting you free) 2Co 13:11, “For the rest, brothers, rejoice. Be made perfect, b e encouraged, be of one mind, live in peace. And the Elohim of love and peace shall be with you”

8. Replace (Replace the negative words you have been cursing yourself and others, with positive words that proclaim the promises of Yah that apply to you.)

9. Restore (help someone else get free) 2Co 5:19, “that is, that Elohim was in Messiah restoring the world to favour unto Himself, not reckoning their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of restoration to favour.”

Doctors can diagnose a problem that you might have but they are not equipped to deal with incurable diseases because:

1. 80% of diseases are psychosomatic and spiritually rooted.

2. Doctors have not been trained concerning the roots of disease.

3. Doctors don’t understand the connection between sin and disease.

4. God did not set up doctors to bypass the penalty of the curse with disease management and drugs.

Keep up a positive attitude. Though being happy won't cure your thyroid naturally, having a good attitude will make your body open to good healing and expectant faith in Yah’s healing. It will also make you feel less upset about your situation.

After you have begun dealing with the spiritual/mental side of Hypothyroidism, the next thing to work on is food related problems. In a way this is also a spiritual problem called disobedience. The Scriptures clearly tell us what Yah gave us to eat in Genesis 1:29-31. Raw vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. That’s the simple answer. However, there is much research on what has helped Hypothyroidism and I will include that as well.

You can support your thyroid with healing foods that provide nutrients to boost thyroid function. Include as many of these foods as you can on a daily basis to boost thyroid function and to provide your body with the raw materials it needs to make thyroid hormones. Food is medicine

Foods to Heal Hypothyroid

1. The first item that I have found that has been known to cause a thyroid disease to go into remission is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. You can find this at any health foods store or natural foods market. Make sure you buy the un-hydrogenated kind. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil has been known to support and bring health to the thyroid gland, both for under and over active thyroid patients. As a medium chain fatty acid, it is burned quickly for energy and therefore boosts metabolism. Studies confirm it enhances weight loss. It’s also a plant based saturated fat that your body needs to build hormones. You can spread it on toast or a rice cake just like butter, and it has a wonderful coconutty flavor.

2. The next product I have found that has been known to heal thyroid is Fulvic Acid. (not to be confused with Folic Acid). Fulvic Acid can be found in tincture form and is the most immune boosting compound known. You can put it into tea or juice, and it is tasteless and easy to use. Fulvic Acid has been known to heal the thyroid gland and to shrink and even eliminate thyroid nodules.

3. Did you know that 20 percent of thyroid function depends on a sufficient supply of healthy gut bacteria? That’s why you need a daily supply of probiotic foods. The best bang from your buck comes from raw kraut, kimchi and cultured veggies. They are most often made with raw cabbage, which can suppress thyroid function if eaten raw, though I have read conflicting accounts as to whether the fermentation process deactivates the goitrogenic properties. You can make the kraut with liver cleansing raw beets and carrots or turnips or anything that appeals to you. Also include probiotic beverages like kvass and Kombucha Tea, especially for people that suffer from an autoimmune type of thyroid disease. Particularly good for Hashimoto's patients, Kombucha Tea has been known to increase health and wellness and balance the thyroid.

4. Just 5 Brazil nuts provide you with the daily recommended amount of selenium, an important antioxidant that’s essential for the conversion of T4 to T3 hormone (the active form of thyroid hormone your body needs). Selenium has also been shown to reduce the inflammation that’s present with Hashimoto’s.

5. Turmeric is a great source of antioxidants and inflammation decreaser. This super root has incredible medicinal properties: it quells inflammation, reduces tumor growth, and aids in liver detox. A happy liver is crucial for proper thyroid hormone conversion. How to use turmeric? Make a tea! It’s easy: Just combine 1/2 tsp ground turmeric with the juice of a lemon in a mug. Cover with hot water, stir, then add honey and cayenne to taste.

6. Wild salmon (and any deep sea wild fatty fish), sardines: salmon and sardines pack a double punch: they are good sources of the protein needed to transport thyroid hormone to all your cells, AND they are rich in the anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids that quell the inflammation that accompanies Hashimoto’s. Choose wild only though. You should avoid farmed fish at all costs. 

7. The next thyroid-boosting treasure from the ocean is sea vegetables. Wakame, nori, kombu and dulse are some of the best sources for the trace minerals that are so lacking from our diets today. These minerals are needed for ever enzymatic reaction in the body. Sea veggies are also the riches sources of iodine that can be a contributing factor to hypothyroidism. Irish moss and kelp boost the metabolism, improve blood flow and increase the productivity of the thyroid gland. My favorite ways to use sea veggies is in stews, sprinkled on salads or root vegetables, or as a quick snack, like Nori roll-ups. (Check out Debi’s Yahsom, Rawsom Uncookbook 2, free ebook on LivingWellWithLiving )

8. Fermented cod liver oil is another popular superfood that offers both beneficial fatty acids AND immune boosting vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is hugely implicated in autoimmune disorders. In addition, vitamin D must to be present at sufficient levels in the cell in order for the thyroid hormone to work on a cellular level.

9. Beets are also a must eat/drink to reverse Hypothyroidis. They are a great blood and liver detoxer. And we learned above the importance of a happy and well functioning liver for thyroid hormone conversion. Beets are a rich source of betaine, which strengthens and protects liver cells and bile ducts

10. Pumpkin Seeds are a good source of zinc also nuts and spinach. Without the presence of zinc, the thyroid gland cannot transform the inactive hormone T4 into the active hormone T3.

11. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A such as carrots and eggs are a must for sufferers of Hypothyroidism.

12. Black walnuts that contain iodine to stimulate the thyroid.

13. Blueberries and strawberries-Several authors specifically recommend blueberries and strawberries to enhance the thyroid. Eating them makes me feel better, but maybe that's just because I love them!

14. Radishes- "Encyclopedia of Healing Juices," by John Heinerman, swears that radishes are the most beneficial vegetable to regulate the thyroid. John Heimerman is a medical anthropologist who has researched the medicinal use of foods and herbs around the world. Try this alone and see if you feel better. If not, stop.

Things to Avoid

1. Avoid all processed vegetable oils (canola, soy/corn/cottonseed, grapeseed, safflower, sunflower, etc) and stick to butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and animal fats.

2. IODINE may worsen autoimmune conditions. Iodine rich foods can help hypothyroidism NOT caused by autoimmune illness

3. Avoid refined foods, saturated fats, sugar, white flour and white rice.

4. Avoid certain fruits and vegetables that can diminish the thyroid's production of thyroxin such as broccoli, cabbage, peaches and pears.


Dr. Norman Walker, M.D., in his book, Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, recommends the following juice combinations as being therapeutic for thyroid problems:

1. 2 pints daily - carrot, celery, parsley and spinach juice with 1/4 tsp of powered kelp or dulce;

2. 1 pint daily - carrot and spinach juice;

3. 1 pint daily - straight carrot juice;

4. 1 pint daily - carrot, beet and cucumber juice.

Dr. Walker recommends up to 5 pints of juice daily for optimum results, and states that a minimum of one pint of fresh, raw vegetable juice daily is required to make a noticeable difference in a person's health.

A "soothing nightcap" made of the juice of 1 lb. of carrots, 1 organic apple (with skin), and 2 stalks of celery. It is delicious and is a great sleep aid.

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Goji Grapefruit Parsley Smoothie

by Magdalena

This breakfast is packed with what your body and your thyroid need to have an energetic and blood-balancing start of the day.

What’s in goji berries (based on 50 grams):

• Iron. Wolfberries have 4.5 mg iron per 50 grams (50% DRI).

• Selenium. 50 grams of dried wolfberries contain 25 micrograms (50% DRI). Selenium is one of the key minerals most thyroid patients are deficient in and it’s much needed in the conversion of T4 to T3 hormone. Selenium should be a big part of your thyroid diet.

• Vitamin C. Vitamin C content in 50 grams of dried wolfberries has a wide range (from different sources) from 15 mg per 50 grams to as high as 75 mg per 50 grams (respectively, 16% and 82% DRI).

• Riboflavin (vitamin B2). At 1.3 mg, 50 grams of dried wolfberries provide 50% of DRI.

• They are also a good source of calcium, potassium and zinc.

I’m also using grapefruit to add some zest and parsley which will add to support your liver detoxification for optimal thyroid nutrition. Remember that a clean liver is key in your thyroid diet.

It’s best to soak the goji berries at least 2 hours or simply leave them overnight to soak so they are just ready for breakfast. Do not throw away the soaking water but rather use it in your smoothie.

Prep time: 7 min and 2-hour soaking of the dry goji berries

Making time: 1 min

Serves: 1


• Handful of dry goji berries that have been soaked

• 1/2 grapefruit

• Handful of fresh parsley

• Handful of hemp seeds

• 1.5 tbsps of ground flax seed (flax seed meal)

• 1 tbsp of milk thistle

• Handful of almonds, pecans or walnuts

• 1 cup of filtered water

1. Soak the goji berries for or least 2 hours or overnight.

2. Combine all ingredients in a blender.

3. Blend till either very smooth or somewhat smooth if you like chunks in your smoothie.

4. Touch your heart and tell it you love it.

Handy Chart for Juices, Herbs to drink for Hypothyroidism

Highlighted foods are especially good as juice or teas for Hypothyroidism.

|Hypothyroidism | |

|Essential nutrients are in bold | |

|Vegetable Juice | |

|Alfalfa |Green peppers | |

|All leafy greens |Parsley | |

|Beet tops |Seaweeds | |

|Carrots |Sprouts | |

|Celery |Watercress | |

|Fruit Juice | |

|Apples |Grapefruit | |

|Apricots |Grapes | |

|Cranberry |Pineapple | |

|Herbs | |

|Alfalfa |Kelp | |

|Bayberry |Licorice | |

|Black cohosh |Primrose oil | |

|Ginko biloba |Rose hips | |

|Golden seal |Rosemary | |

|Avoid | |

|All processed and refined foods |Faucet water (they recommend steam distilled water) | |

|Antihistamines |Fluoride | |

|Chlorine |Iodine | |

| |Sulfa drugs | |

|Considerations and Precautions | |

|Consume the following in moderation because they may suppress the thyroid function: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard | |

|greens, spinach, peaches and pears. | |

|Do not take golden seal for long periods, and avoid entirely if abdominal pain is present. | |

|A deficiency of essential fatty acids causes an imbalance in the thyroid function. | |


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