Class Participation Rubric - Open School

Class Participation Rubric

| |Exceeds |Meets Expectations |Approaches Expectations |Needs Work |

| |Expectations | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Contributes to class discussion |Regularly makes meaningful and clarifying |Contributes to class discussion when |Rarely makes meaningful contributions to |

|Contribution |offering insightful ideas and |contributions to class discussion; |prompted. Seldom offers ideas or ask |class discussion or offer ideas or ask |

| |asking clarifying and meaningful |sometimes offers ideas, asks questions and|questions. |questions. |

| |questions to extend understanding. |offers opinions. | | |

| |Takes risks by initiating | | | |

| |discussion and asserting opinions. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Listens actively to others both in |Listens to others both in groups and in |Listens to others at times, but may be |Rarely listens when others talk both in |

|Listening |groups and in class discussions. |class discussions. Respects other |sidetracked easily. |groups and in class. May inhibit others |

| |Respects others opinions. |opinions. | |speaking. |

| |Incorporates or builds off ideas of| | | |

| |others. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Consistently exhibits a positive, |Generally exhibits a positive, supportive |Sometimes exhibits a positive, supportive |Rarely exhibits a positive, supportive |

|Attitude |supportive attitude towards |attitude towards classmates and the |attitude towards classmates and the subject|attitude towards classmates and the subject |

| |classmates and the subject matter. |subject matter. Frequently takes an |matter. Sometimes takes an active role in |matter. Rarely takes an active role in own |

| |Takes an active role in own |active role in own learning. |own learning. |learning. |

| |learning. | | | |

Group Work Self-Assessment Rubric

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Needs Work |

| |Our group successfully worked together to |Our group successfully worked together to complete|Our group was not |

|Working Together |complete all the tasks. We collaborated [worked |all the tasks. We needed some help planning and |always able to work together successfully. Others had to |

| |together] to plan and any disagreements |had some |frequently |

| |were discussed and |disagreements that |help our group plan and solve disagreements. |

| |solved fairly. |others needed to help | |

| | |us to solve. | |

| |In my opinion, we did our best work on this |In my opinion, we did our best work most of the |In my opinion, this was not our best work. |

|Quality of work |project. |time, with a few exceptions. | |

| | | | |

| |Everyone in the group contributed equally on |Most of the people in the group contributed to |Only a few of the group members contributed to this |

|Contributions |this project. |this project. |project. |

| | | | |

| |Overall our group was very successful working |Overall our group was successful working together |Overall our group was successful working together some of |

|Group Success |together to complete the project. |most of the time. |the time. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Living Diorama Presentation Rubric

| |Exceeds |Meets Expectations |Approaches Expectations |Needs Work |

| |Expectations | | | |

| |The diorama demonstrates a thorough|The diorama demonstrates good |The diorama demonstrates a basic knowledge or|The diorama demonstrates very little of the |

|Knowledge |knowledge of the subject |knowledge of the subject |beginning understanding of the subject |knowledge of the subject investigated. |

| |investigated. |investigated. |investigated. | |

| |Display is interesting and |Display is interesting and |Some parts of the display are interesting and|Display is uninteresting, lacks interest and is |

|Style and Organization |attractive. Materials are complete |attractive. Materials are complete |some materials are complete and organized. |untidy. Materials are incomplete and |

| |and organized and exceptionally |and well organized. Presentation has|Presentation has some sequence and plan. |unorganized. Presentation has little or no |

| |well presented. |both sequence and plan. | |sequence and plan. |

| |All images, models, costumes, etc. |All images, models, costumes are |Some images, models, costumes are effective. |Too few images, models, costumes are used to be |

|Visual Design |are used to create a meaningful |effective, but there appear to be | |an effective presentation. |

| |presentation. |too few or two many. | | |

| |Project is creative, excellently |Good creative effort. Project is |Some creative attempt is made. Project is |Little creative effort. Project has a careless |

|Creativity and |displayed and reflects originality.|neat and shows evidence of time |neat. |appearance. |

|Appearance | |spent on it. | | |

| |Living diorama is presented in a |Living diorama is engaging. Most |Living diorama is somewhat engaging. Not all |Living diorama does not engage audience. Only a |

|Presentation |highly engaging manner where all |group members are enthusiastic and |group members appear enthusiastic or |few group members had an active in the |

| |group members are enthusiastic and |participate equally. |participated equally in the presentation. |presentation. |

| |participate equally. | | | |

| | | | | |

Pause and Ponder Journal Entry Rubric

| |Exceeds Expectations |Meets Expectations |Approaches Expectations |Needs Work |

|Critical Thinking |Demonstrates exceptional analysis, |Demonstrates very good critical thinking |Demonstrates some evidence of critical |Demonstrates very little evidence of critical |

| |originality and insights |skills with analysis, originality and |thinking but with little analysis and |thinking skills with little or no analysis and|

| | |insights |originality |originality |

|Development of Ideas |Well-developed thoughts, ideas, and |Expresses thoughts and ideas with |Expresses basic thoughts and ideas and |Lacks detail; shows little evidence of |

| |details, which shows evidence of |reasonable development. Reflects on new |shows some ability to reflect and |reflection. |

| |reflection, incorporation of new ideas, |ideas and shows a good grasp of new |understand new concepts | |

| |and an excellent grasp of concepts |concepts | | |

|Mechanics |Exceptionally well written, clear |Well-written and well-organized, contains|Shows some organization but the writing |Not written in an organized manner. The |

| |organization, uses correct grammar, |some grammatical and spelling errors that|contains many grammatical and spelling |grammatical and spelling errors make it |

| |contains minor, if any, spelling errors |do not interfere with understanding |errors |difficult to understand |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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