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|You are talking to some |Your little brother says he |

|friends on the phone and |can’t do his homework. |

|your mom just came home | |

|with a car load of groceries. | |

| | |

|You walk home from the |Kids are making fun of someone who is not popular |

|bus stop and you see your family’s empty garbage cans |at school. |

|at the curb. | |

|Today is Mother’s Day and | |

|you forgot to buy a present. |Your neighbors are going on vacation and need someone |

| |to take care of their dog while they are gone. |

|You are sitting on the city |The student sitting next to you forgot their book for class. |

|bus and an elderly lady | |

|cannot find a place to sit. | |

| | |

|A new family just moved in down the street from you. |You go for a walk in the park and you find trash along the sidewalk. |

| | |

|You find the family room with toys and stuff all over it. |A student in front of you at school drops their books |

| |down the stairway. |

| | |

|You're riding bikes with a |The person in front of you at |

|friend and they turf it bad. |a fast food restaurant doesn't have enough money for |

| |their meal. |

| | |

|Your sibling wants to watch a different movie than you do. |Someone walking down the hall at school has toilet paper on their shoe. |

| | |

|You want to play basketball with your friends, but your mother would like |Someone sends you a |

|you to help with a program at church. |birthday present in the mail and you really don’t like it. |

| | |

|You are invited to a party from someone who isn’t popular. |You are going to have a party and you invited everyone in |

| |the neighborhood except the new kid. |

| | |

|Your little brother comes |You catch your brother/sister |

|home crying. |in your room (or with |

| |your stuff). |

| | |

|Your younger sibling wants to watch a show that your friends think is just|You pick up all of your stuff, but see that your brother/sister left their|

|for babies. |stuff everywhere too. |

| | |

|You have a friend over and your brother/sister has no one to play with. |Someone that is walking in front of you drops |

| |some money. |

| | |

|You see someone cheating |Your friends are sneaking into an R-rated movie. |

|on a test. | |

| |You are playing with your friends and someone else wants to join your fun,|

|You ask your friend, Steve for |but |

|help with your homework, but he won’t help you. He would rather play |they don’t like him. |

|soccer with some friends. The next day, Steve asks you for help with his | |

|homework. | |

| | |

|A kid who isn’t popular at school is sitting alone |Your two best friends |

|at lunch. |are fighting. |

| | |

|You are playing your favorite video game and your little brother wants to |Tomorrow at church they are collecting Food for the Poor. |

|play too. | |

| | |

|You just finished rinsing off your dirty dishes to put them in the |You take some trash to the garbage can in the kitchen |

|dishwasher. You open the dishwasher and see that all |and find that it is full. |

|the dishes are clean. | |

| | |

|A man is trying to open a door with his arms full of packages. |You hear arguing and loud noises coming from your neighbor's house and you|

| |see your friend sitting on the front porch crying. |

| | |

| |All your friends are drinking and smoking. |

|You see a kid at school | |

|whose clothes are very | |

|old and torn. | |

| | |

| | |

|Your friends are trying a new drug that someone brought. | |

| |You accidently break |

| |a window in your |

| |neighbor’s car. |

| | |

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| | |

|A student in your class has a disability and other kids are avoiding |Your brother/sister/friend |

|him/her. |lies to you. |

| | |

| | |

|Your friends are going to a movie that you want to see, | |

|but you already promised to volunteer at the local shelter. |The collection plate is passed around at church and you |

| |have some allowance |

| |money in your pocket. |

| | |

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|Your brother/sister hits you. |You get ashes on Ash Wednesday and your friends say you should wipe it off|

| | |

| |your forehead right away because it looks stupid. |

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|One of the kids at school wears a yarmulke and other kids tease him and |The new kid in school is |

|try to |from another country and speaks with an accent.  Everyone teases her. |

|knock it off his head. | |

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|A person that you know spreads bad rumors about |Someone embarrasses you unnecessarily in front of others just to make you |

|you at school and you find |look bad. |

|out about it. | |

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|A friend is short on cash |You borrow something from |

|and wants to borrow |a friend and you accidently break it. |

|some from you. | |

| | |

|You forgot to study for a test and you can see the answers on your | |

|neighbor’s paper. |You hurt your brother’s |

| |feelings by calling |

| |him names. |

| | |

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|You find someone’s wallet |You find an open envelop |

|and it has money in it. |and there is a letter inside. |

| | |

| | |

| |You are standing in line to pay for your grocery cart full of food. A man|

|You walk out of a store |waits in line behind you and he only has two items. |

|and you forgot to pay for | |

|your items. | |

| | |

| | |

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|The person in front of you |You did your homework, but your friend forgot to do it and wants to copy |

|pays and walks away, but |your paper. |

|they forgot to take some of their items that they | |

|just bought. | |

| | |

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|Your parents are not home and your friends want to go for a joy ride in |You left a mess in the kitchen and your mom finds it. She doesn’t know |

|the car. You are not allowed to drive the car without permission from |who did it and wants it cleaned up. |

|your parents. | |

| | |

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| | |

|You go over to a Linda’s house and she is playing with | |

|another kid. Linda would not |Your grandma sent you lots of candy in the mail. A friend comes over and |

|play with you. The next day |wants some. |

|Linda comes over and wants | |

|you to play with her. | |

| | |

|You have a terrible fight with your friends and they tell you that they |A girl that always makes fun |

|do not want to be friends any more. A few days later they come over to |of you is crying in the |

|your house and say that they want to be friends again. |bathroom at school. |

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|Your mom asks you to do something and you do not |You come into the house and you hear your parents talking in the next room|

|want to do it. |about something that is private. |

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| |All your friends are going to play soccer, but you are supposed to do your|

| |chores |

|You find some money on |as soon as you get home |

|the kitchen counter and no |from school. |

|one is around. | |

| | |

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|They need volunteers at church to help with the Christmas Pageant. | |

| |Your friend is sick and has been home from school for a couple of days. |

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|Your elderly neighbor’s yard needs cutting and they cannot do it. |You have outgrown a lot of your clothes and you don’t know what to do with|

| |them. |

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| |You are walking down the street and see a homeless person begging for |

|Your dad comes home from work complaining that he had |money. |

|a really bad day. | |

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